YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 391: End of School Days

Dusk was upon the world, the sky now the color of amber, darkness slowly but surely encroaching by the second. The wind was silent and there was but a touch of chaos to be observed, clatters and chatters drifting in the air.

Students crowded towards the announcement boards, their hopeful eyes swimming downwards and running from left to right, reading the announcements posted just a couple minutes, their hearts beating wildly as they clasped their hands together.

The results of the Final Exams were now posted, every single name of the passers now written in the papers tucked by the board. The top rankers and those who ranked below them, all were printed neatly for everyone to see.

"I.. I did it! My name's on the board! I passed! I did it!"

"Ohh! I'm in the top 50s! This is the highest I've ever ranked!"

"We need to celebrate tonight! We're finally graduates of Darius!"

A festive atmosphere was adrift in the air as everyone found their names on the boards, small tears forming by the corner of their eyes as they jumped up and down, hugging their friends tightly as they showed how happy and joyous they were.

Though some didn't make it, most of the students are now able to take a step higher. Even those at the lower ranks are geniuses who managed to survive Darius' exams. It was a feat they should be proud of, no matter how low or high.

There weren't just the ranks and scores, there were also the special notices attached to some of the students' names. recommendations which will help them further in the future. Some made it by their own skills and ability, and some did with the help of others, their research rewarded heftily.

"O... Ohh!! Ranked 28th! I'm ranked 28th!" [Kale]

"Fufufu! Only 28th? I'm ranked 24th! I scored a lot higher than you!" [Alea]

"That's because of your insane stamina! If we're only basing it on written tests and brewing results, I have a higher score!" [Kale]

"Hmph! Excuse, excuses. Just admit that I'm ranked higher than you~!" [Alea]

And as one would expect, Kale and Alea also passed. Out of the over 150 students in their year, they ranked amongst the top 20% percentile and are amongst the best in the year. They only ought to be proud of themselves.

As for Edin, he was still standing silently before the announcements boards and was reading the posts again and again. Although. There was no need to worry too much. He didn't fail at all, in fact, he ranked higher than the other two.

"Haah... 21st place... I would have been in the top 20 if I scored just a few points higher... What a shame..." [Edin]

Or so he says, but there was no denying that he was happy. He has never been in the top 30s before, and thanks to all the new tips and methods he learnt from Yuna, such a dream was now reached. He was more than satisfied.

"If only I had Alea's gorilla-like strength and stamina... I would have scored higher in the physical exams. I could have probably made it..." [Edin]

"Huh...?! Did you say something just now, Edin?" [Alea]

"I said, if only I have your gorilla-like streー Guaak!!" [Edin]

"Don't repeat it, you dumbass!" [Alea]

Of course, there is no celebration without rowdiness amongst the three. Edin quickly hit a sore spot of Alea with his insensitive words and received a punch towards the solar plexus. He was sent flying once again, a tinkle sparkling in the sky.

It was quite the eye-catching scene, but everyone and the students were already used to it. Rather than be worried about the weak and bean sprout-looking Edin, they were more amazed with how far Alea managed to launch him. Truly a spectacle.

And while such rowdiness was happening, the figures from afar looked at them with smiles blooming on their faces. They were peeking by the window and watched all the ruckus and rowdiness unfold, giggles and chuckles in the air.

"My... They're quite the rowdy bunch, aren't they?" [Fran]

"Fufufu! They sure are!" [Yuna]

It was Grey and Yuna, and the two of them are now in the Headmaster's office yet again. With school now practically over, there were a few things they needed to discuss about their stay and the rewards soon after.

They have already agreed to meet with the trio by the Camellia's Inn once the sun is down and when night is upon them. They are proceeding with a large celebration as planned, and will be cooking all sorts of wonderful dishes.

Of course, as there will be other customers eating in the inn, they decided to do so when the final bell of the day has rung, it is going to be a late-night celebration where they will eat until they're wasted. There is no school tomorrow, after all.

"Hmm... I wonder how rowdy the Alchemists' Square today will be... There was quite a big ruckus last year caused by the students." [Fran]

"Eh? Is that alright...?" [Grey]

"Not really, but since this only happens once a year, isn't it fine to let them loose? They may be Darius students, but they're also just kids. There isn't something wrong with playing around once in a while." [Fran]

"That means the whole Square would be busy tonight, huh..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. That's right... Well, as long as they don't break any laws or any properties. It should be fine, right?" [Fran]

Asked the Headmaster, and the two could only nod in silence, wry smiles blooming on their faces. It seems like there have been precedents of properties being broken by rowdy students, and trouble brewing in the city.

Actually, just last year, there was a student reported for breaking a table because he was dancing drunk atop of it, falling down as he slipped, breaking not only the table but his back as well. He had to compensate the inn and get some light punishment.

"But what about the graduating students, Headmaster? If I remember correctly, their graduation is set for tomorrow, isn't it? Wouldn't it be bad if they went up the stage dead drunk? I figure it might be troublesome." [Grey]

"Don't worry about that. We have hangover pills made specifically for that." [Fran]

"As expected of Darius... You really are prepared..." [Grey]

"Hahaha. His Majesty will be attending the graduation ceremony, after all. We can't be having dizzy students walk the stage now, can we?" [Fran]

"Mmn.. I guess you're right..." [Yuna]

It was a little off, but it made sense at the same time. Grey had been going along so well with the standards of Merusia that he sometimes forgets that he was in another world. Such strange things like hangover pills during graduation really were something.

And of course, after the graduation ceremony, would be a graduation party where the students would be sent off formally by the Academy. It was their last opportunity to socialize, and chat with their friends before parting ways.

It is also an important event where sponsors and company heads would extend their invitations towards prospective Alchemists and give them offers. It will be a day where Students will finally be working and responsible adults.

"Well, I just hope there will be Graduates willing to teach at Darius. It would be nice to watch them grow as new Professors." [Fran]

"Isn't the requirements of the Academy to become a Professor, at least Tier-6? Wouldn't that be hard for the Graduates?" [Yuna]

"Well, we could always train them... And there are already many of them who have reached Tier-5. They could be apprentices and assistants for a while." [Fran]

"I see... That does sound promising..." [Yuna]

Of course, Darius would be inviting some of the graduates to become Professors in Darius as well. Not only is the wage pretty good, being a Professor in Darius in itself is considered a great honor for Alchemist,

Most importantly, all Professors in Darius are given their own laboratories and also a supply of ingredients and materials depending on their Tiers. It was the best place for those who want to continue researching. Edin in particular is aiming to be one.

"How about it, Yuna? Wouldn't you like to be a Professor as well?" [Fran]

"Headmaster... No matter how many times you ask, my answer would still be the same. I'm afraid I'll have to decline." [Yuna]

"How about you, Grey? Even if you're not a Professor, it would be wonderful to have your help around here. I promise to pay you handsomely." [Fran]

"Thank you for the offer, but I'll have to decline as well." [Grey]

The Headmaster also extended the same offer towards Grey and Yuna, promising to give them appropriate pay for their incredible skills. It wasn't the first time he asked them. In fact, he had just asked less than an hour ago.

And as one would expect, the Headmaster was rejected by the two every single time, without fail. He already knows they won't change his mind, and is just playing around with the two of them, teasing them ever so subtly and silly.

"After all, if I take that job, I would have less time to spend with Yuna. We can't be having that now, can we?" [Grey]

"G-Grey! What are you talking about?! You dummy!" [Yuna]

"My, how passionate. You really remind me of my younger days quire a lot, Grey. You two lovebirds sure know how to show affection." [Fran]

Grey didn't miss the chance to land a critical blow towards Yuna, making the latter very red. He already knew the Headmaster was just teasing them, and is just going along with him. They were all sweet and sappy like usual.

And with school now over, there is practically nothing stopping the two from being all sweet and lovey-dovey. With how sappy the two already are, the Headmaster could only imagine how much sweeter they'll be later on. Just thinking about it was enough for him to get diabetes.

"By the way, Headmaster, now that school is done, what will happen to the facilities and the greenhouses in Darius?" [Grey]

"They will be maintained as usual. Though school is already closing, the gates will still be open and the students could still go inside. I assume you're asking about this because of your friends, right?" [Fran]

"That's right. I'm sure they'll be leaving during the break, so I was wondering what would happen to their greenhouse." [Grey]

"Then why don't you install an array there later? There shouldn't be any harm if it's you. You created a masterpiece in the stadium, after all." [Yuna]

Said the Headmaster, carefreely allowing Grey to do whatever he wants with the greenhouses. He has already helped a lot, after all. There should be no problems with letting him fiddle and tinker aroundー or so it would seem.

"Headmaster, I'm not falling for that again." [Grey]

"Oh dear, I have no idea what you're talking about," [Fran]

"Haah... Headmaster, even if you say that, I know you're just asking me to make a free array to preserve plant life. It isn't that easy, you know?" [Grey]

"Is the answer still the same even if I pay you? I still have a few rare magic plants to spare. That should be more than enough as payment, shouldn't it?" [Fran]

"Headmaster... Haah..." [Grey]

But in reality, the Headmaster was actually just trying to trick Grey into making an array which could preserve plants, fungi, and living things without that many people caring for them. He was teasing Grey yet again.

There are already such arrays in the Academy, but they aren't nearly as efficient as the ones Grey makes. He was more than sure that he could make something better at preservation which would serve Darius Academy well.

Unfortunately for him, Grey wouldn't be fooled by such tricks so easily. Even without using his eyes, the playful smile on the Headmaster's face was more than enough to tell on him. It was no use trying to convince him,

"And, Yuna, no. I won't be doing it no matter how much you plea." [Grey]

"But the magic plants... They're rare magic plants, you know?" [Yuna]

"No means no. I'll find you even rarer magic plants later." [Grey]

The Headmaster tried to lure Yuna with the use of magic plants, but even that was useless. Grey wouldn't budge no matter what, as he knows it will be more troublesome if he ever agrees to the request. It will be one request after another.

The young lady moped around, but Grey didn't do any more. He simply ignored the young lady's hopeful and anticipant stares, not wanting to he affected by her. He soon changed the topic before things got out of hand.

"Oh, right, Headmaster. It's a little early, but here you go." [Grey]

"Hm? These are?" [Fran]

"It's our uniform and ID cards. Since school is already ending, I figured we might as well hand it back while we still can." [Grey]

Explained Grey as he returned two briefcases towards the Headmaster. One of them contained his uniform, and the other contained Yuna's. All the belongings provided by the Academy were also there, tucked and arranged neatly.

It has only been about a month since the two of them joined Darius Academy as exchange students, but it has been a blissful time. There were some unpleasant situations, but they were sure they had a lot of fun memories in here.

"No... I can't accept these. I've already given them to you, so the two of you ought to keep them. These are already your belongings, not the academy's." [Fran]

"Is that fine, Headmaster? Can we really keep them?" [Yuna]

"Of course. In fact, I would be more than delighted if you will. Just think of it as your souvenirs or collectibles from Darius. It would be wonderful if you can remember the Academy while you see it." [Fran]

However, there was no need to return the belongings. They were already given to them when they first arrived, and it will be remaining with them for as long as they wish. It may not have been long, but they are already a part of Darius.

"And... We won't have any uses for that. Even if you return that, we couldn't possibly hand over used uniforms to our students now, can we?" [Fran]

"Hahaha... I guess that's true..." [Grey]

"Well, since you're the ones who wore it, I'm sure many people would be more than happy to receive them. You're quite the famous celebrities, after all. Hahaha. I can only wonder how much it will cost in an auction." [Fran]

"H-Headmaster, please don't..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. It was just a joke. A joke~." [Fran]

Or so the Headmaster says, but with how crazy the world is, one could only wonder about the possibilities. Back on Earth, people would even auction for used bathwater, and some unspeakable things better left unsaid.

Grey and Yuna are already famous enough that they have storybooks written about them already. If there happens to be a rich hardcore fan of them, such a possibility wasn't too far from happening. The best decision was to keep the clothes.

"Then... We'll take you up on that offer, Headmaster." [Grey]

"Un! Thank you very much, Headmaster!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. You're very much more than welcome." [Fran]

The Headmaster's previous words were quite unsettling, but Grey and Yuna couldn't be any happier to receive their uniforms. They may seem like normal clothes to other people, but they hold important memories for them.

All jokes and the cheesy talks aside, Grey and Yuna continued their chat with the Headmaster, and talked about all sorts of topics. From trivial ones like how they liked the snacks, to important matters regarding their rewards.

Time passed by in the blink of an eye, and the stars were already twinkling in the night, black sky. The final school bells had finally rung and the students were already out of Darius Academy, celebrating merrily in any ways they could.

"Then, I guess it's time to go. See you next time, Headmaster." [Grey]

"Goodbye, Headmaster~! I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day." [Yuna]

"Right. I hope you have a wonderful night as well." [Fran]

Of course, that also meant that it was now time for Grey and Yuna to go. They still have a celebration to prepare for and a lot of dishes to cook. They have a busy night ahead of them, opening the doors as they were about to leave,

"Oh, right... I almost forgot. But Yuna, about your cosmetics. My wife and daughters greatly loved them. Thank you." [Fran]

"... Un! Anytime, Headmaster!" [Yuna]

Smiles on their faces, Grey and Yuna soon headed out of the Headmaster's office and into the hallways, a scene of silence and darkness greeting them, and not a single sound to be heard, not even a single footstep.

The moonlight seeped through the windows and the shadows moved as the leaves of the trees swayed by the wind. Silence was soon broken as they took their steps, both of them heading out of the Academy with paces slow as can be.

There were still some students left behind, and many of them greeted them as they passed by. Thankfully, there was still a festive atmosphere in the air and everyone didn't bother them much, only focusing on their own celebration,

It wasn't long before the two were out of the Academy gates, nodding their heads to the guards a final time and soon heading out to the Alchemists' Square, a cacophony of noises ringing in their ears soon after,

"Madam! Please give us another 10 servings or pork skewers!"

"Whooo!! This is good! I feel very alive again!"

"Drink up, everyone! We're going to drink until we're all wasted!"

It was just as rowdy as the Headmaster told them, Darius students celebrating left and as if they were rough adventurers. Some were dancing, some were singing, and some were eating like starving wolves. Everything was a sight to see.

Of course, it wasn't just the students, there were also their friends and family making noise with them. Heck, there were even Darius Professors, letting themselves loose after such a tiring and lengthy week, drinking their hearts out.

With how rowdy they were, it was no wonder some of them got punished last year. It was a good thing most of them were practically bean sprouts. Even if some of them pick a fight or get too rowdy, it would be easy to take care of them.

"Oh! Your Highnesses! It's good to see this lovely night!"

"Your Highnesses! Why don't you join us?! We still have room to spare!"

"That's right, Your Highnesses! Please share a drink with us!"

And it may be because many of them were already drunk, but they were now bolder than ever, confidently inviting Grey and Yuna to their merry celebration and asking them to celebrate with them. They were really, really drunk.

"Oohh~! Hic! Student Shin! Student Elena! Please join us! It would be my treat, so please drink as much as you can!" [Dorothy]

But perhaps the one who stood out the most was Professor Dorothy. She was so drunk, she was addressing Grey and Yuna of their alternate identity names, walking ever so groggily and dizzily as the street lamps danced in their eyes.

"I truly apologize about this, Your Highnesses. Dot really can hold her liquor, so I hope you're not too offended by her words." [James]

"No, it's fine, Professor. Though... It's a little worrying seeing her like that." [Grey]

"Hahaha... That's just how it is..." [Grey]

"Jameshh... Hic... Whad a yu thayin...? Hic... I'm shill faan... Hic,.. (James, what are you saying? I'm still fine!)" [Dorothy]

Thankfully, James was there to the rescue. As it turns out, the two of them were a happily married couple, barely interacting at school, but sweet as can be once they're out and about. They were ones who knew how to keep work and private life separate.

In fact, they were so discreet about their personal life, Grey and Yuna only learnt about it a couple days ago. They were both shocked, their eyeballs popping off from their eye sockets. Even now, they were still unbelievable.

"Then, I hope you have a pleasant night, Your Highnesses." [James]

"Yeah. You two, as well." [Grey]

"Jameshh... Mow... Hic... I wansh mow... (James, More... I want more!)" [Dorothy]

Saying their goodbyes to the happy couple and the merry students. They continued their way towards the Camellia Valley and witnessed even more rowdiness of the students, the whole street filled with life and festivities.

It didn't take them too long before they arrived at the Camellia Valley, the moon and the stars glowing brightly in the middle of the night. The winds were cold and there was only warmth in the air. It was a wonderful night.

"Hey, Edin! That's mine! What do you think you're doing?!" [Kale]

"It's your fault for being slow. Be a little faster next time." [Edin]

"Hehehe! Then I'll be taking this one~!" [Alea]

And before they could even head inside the inn, they were already greeted by a loud and lively orchestra, the voices of three familiar faces rocking throughout the whole streets. The celebration hasn't even started yet.


Wry smiles and giggles drifting afloat in the air, Grey and Yuna soon entered the inn and all eyes were on the door as soon as they entered. The trio were already waiting for some snacks and playing along with the children to pass time.

"Oh! Grey! Yuna! What took you two so long?" [Alea]

"Hahaha. We had a couple things to deal with, so we got a little bit off track. Though... It seems like you're already celebrating without us?" [Grey]

"What are you talking about? These are just appetizers!" [Kale]

"Yeah! After all, you promised us a feast, didn't you?" [Alea]

It didn't take too long before everyone crowded over Grey and Yuna, the children also following after the three. They weren't even drunk yet, yet they were already cheerful and merry, letting their hearts out as if there was no tomorrow.

Grey and Yuna could only smile and sigh with how silly they were. But a promise is a promise, no less. They soon folded their sleeves, and prepared themselves for a long battle ahead of them, excited smiles blooming on their faces.

"Alright! One grand feast, coming up!" [Grey]


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