YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 392: Before Departure


Heavy objects and slight ruffles filled the air with life. Bags were taken out and soon opened, several objects placed inside, arranged ever so neatly. The clothes flapped and folded, placed inside on yet another bag.

Brooms swept throughout the floor and feather brushes cleaned the windowsills and the top of cabinets. Wet rugs and mops followed suit, cleaning the place even more as the students bussed about the dormitories.

Another beautiful day has arrived, and with the Final Exams behind them, the school days have finally ended. The students are now cleaning their rooms and dormitories in order to prepare themselves to leave, everyone earnest as can be.

"Whoa! That's a lot of dust! When did you last clean the room?"

"Hey, help me up. I can't reach the corners."

"By the way, how long will you be staying in the dorms? I'll be going home tomorrow."

As per tradition, after the end of the school year, there would always be a long school break which would be about 2 and a half months long. It is a time where students can visit their homes which they normally can't because of school.

Everyone is also given a week to clean the dormitories and prepare themselves for their long leave. They needed to clean the dorms so that the next year's students could use them properly. Inspection will be done later down the line.

Of course, as there are some who won't be able to head home with how far it is, they are also allowed to stay in the dormitories as long as they get permission from Darius Academy. A process which won't take too long.

As for what they'll be eating over the next couple months, they will either have to do some odd jobs for the Academy and be provided meals, or take jobs in the city to earn some money. As Alchemists, it shouldn't be too hard of a job.

"Hey, Edin, I'm taking out the trash, is there more left here?" [Kale]

"Ah, there's some in the cabinet. Take those away as well." [Edin]

"Alright. Roger that." [Kale]

And as one would expect, Kale and Edin are also cleaning up their shared rooms with the other students. Neither of them had drunk alcohol yesterday so cleaning up didn't take too long. It only took them a few hours and several minutes.

Their home village isn't too far away so the three of them, along with Alea, decided to go home for the duration of the break. It is going to be a one-week trip from Xeros to their home village, and it will surely be a tiring one.

Luckily enough, they have already prepared themselves for the trip. They already have enough travel expenses to last them back and forth, and also have spare money to give their families once they get home. It was perfect.

"By the way, did you buy something for Sally?" [Kale]

"Sally... She's your sister. Why should I be the one giving her a present? Just what kind of friend are you to extort your friend like this?" [Edin]

"You punk.... It's exactly because I'm a good friend that I'm telling you this. Sally's just too fond of you. Don't you remember what happened last year when you didn't bring her a present?" [Kale]

"Ah, right..." [Edin]

A weak response came out of Edin's mouth. He doesn't just remember, he can vividly recall it. The feeling of his right arm getting bitten by a wild beast, and her sharp teeth digging at his skin. It was so painful, not even potions could help him.

He has been stung by many thorny plants before and even got bitten by rodents as he harvested materials in the forest, but the young girl's bite was something else. It has already been so long, but Edin's arm was still throbbing and itching in pain.

"Kale... What present should I get Sally? I don't want to get bitten again." [Edin]

"You've been beaten a lot by Alea and still haven't learnt your lesson. But now that a kid's involved, you're shaking? Get a grip of yourself already." [Kale]

"Easy for you to say..." [Edin]

Nonsensical talks ensued and the clean up continued. After cleaning the room of all dust, Kale, Edin, and their roommates then arranged the furniture neatly, making sure that they were the same when they just arrived, looking all cozy.

Time passed by just like that, and before long, the sun was already rising high up in the sky. Lunch had yet to arrive, but with how tired they were, everybody decided to have a quick snack break and ate some bread and meat they got from the cafeteria.

The school days have already ended, but they could still get food until the weekends. After that, they are obliged to sustain and take care of themselves. Many students were already talking about their break plans, discussing things as they enjoyed snacks.

"I see... So you'll be working under a Pharmacy this time around, huh." [Kale]

"Not like I have a choice anyway. Besides, some of the people there know me. It's better than working with strangers."

"Must be nice... I still haven't found a place yet... Or more like, many people already applied for all sorts of places, and no vacancy yet... School breaks are such a pain..."

"What about you, Kale, Edin? I know you're already planning to go back home, but since you can't leave right away anyway, why don't you work with us for a while? I know a place which pays good wages."

"Ohh, thanks a lot. We'll take you up on that offer then. Nothing wrong with earning a little more before heading back home, after all." [Kale]

"That's the spirit! We're just in need of some Tier-4 Alchemists!"

They are now all done with the cleaning of the room and only a couple final touches are left. It was unexpected, but thanks to such a conversation, Kale and Edin secured a way to earn some money for themselves.

They already got a lot of things after the Final Exams, and some sponsors as well. But they quickly declined those who are aiming for quick profits. They'd rather have someone support and invest into them for a long run. It was very troubling.

Thankfully, their research has gained the support of the judges. It may take a while, but sooner or later, they will have a lot of sponsors pouring funds on them to improve their research. It was only a matter of time.

"Oh, right. While we're at it, could you invite Alea as well?"

"Why don't you just invite her yourself? She doesn't bite, you know?" [Kale]

"Yeah, she just punches. That gorilla packs quite a lot ofー Urrkk!!" [Edin]

"Who are you calling a gorilla?!" [Alea]

Edin couldn't finish his careless words, when a young lady appeared out of nowhere and cut his words. She sent quite a heavy punch towards his stomach, sending him flying once again. He was beaten up once more.

Though normally, girls aren't allowed inside the boys' dormitories, since school is already over, such a rule is basically nonexistent. Everyone was rather tasked to cooperate and clean the dormitories as quickly as possible.

Of course, it was a given that the Academy didn't expect that someone would beat up another in their own dormitories. Alea is a beautiful and proper ladyー that is, if she closes her mouth and behaves herself. It was an interesting show nonetheless.

It didn't take too long before Alea was done beating up Edin, a number of punches carved into his body and engraved to his mind. She really doesn't bite, but she was one hell of a fighter. It's no wonder some of the boys are scared of her.

"I heard you mentioned my name. What's this about?" [Alea]

"Nothing much. We were just talking about doing some work over the week. I thought you'd also like to join us for a while." [Kale]

"Oh, that's great! It would be nice to earn some coins." [Alea]

There wasn't a lot of talk needed to convince Alea, and she was in a jiffy. She was also just thinking of ways to earn a couple more coins before heading back to their home village and buying presents for her dear parents.

With their skills as Tier-4 Alchemists, it wouldn't be hard for them to earn several hundred kiels over the course of a week, maybe even a couple thousand. Such money would be more than enough to buy a lot of good presents.

"Right, Alea, why are you here?" [Kale]

"Isn't it obvious? We're cleaning the greenhouse. We got our previous one destroyed, but the Headmaster provided a new one for us." [Alea]

"Oh? It's already here? That's fast." [Kale]

"Yeah, but the thing is... It's full of weeds and very overgrown. We still need to clean the place up and spread herbicide to stop them from growing. We can transfer the new plants later on when we're finished." [Alea]

As it seems, the matter with the greenhouse has already been settled. There have been several unused greenhouses in the Academy which have been left unused, and amongst them, the Headmaster selected one to hand over Alea and the others.

Not just one greenhouse, but two of them. One was to replace the ruined greenhouse they had before and the other for the sole purpose of growing Frostburn Calendulas. The latter was a much bigger and much advanced version.

Of course, they were also provided with several herbs to start their greenhouse. They were compensated for the herbs they lost and also received some magic plants as a reward for their accomplishment. They were also given new greenhouse equipment,

"Alright, Kale, let's get going now. Carry Edin as well." [Alea]

"Huh...? Where are we going?" [Edin]

"Don't worry about it, you punk. Just follow along." [Kale]

It didn't take them long before heading out of the dormitories after bidding everyone their goodbyes. They quickly headed towards their new greenhouse, Edin dragged around by Kale as he was still black and blue from Alea's beating.

They weren't quiet at all as they headed towards the greenhouse, arguing about who will take charge of the new greenhouse and what they'll be doing to it. They were as rowdy as ever, Edin almost beaten again to a pulp.

And just as they headed towards the greenhouse, a couple figures popped up inside her mind, her steps slowing down a little. They just had a rowdy celebration the day before, yet now, the air was much quieter than before.

'I wonder how they're doing...' [Alea]

Those figures were none other than Grey and Yuna. With the school days now over, there is only so much time they have left to spend with one another, their parting only drawing closer and closer with the quick passing of time.

Though, rather than worrying or missing them, it was more like she was curious how things would turn out later after they're gone. Things have been so interesting with the two of them around, it might become too full once they part ways.

After all, they were Grey and Yuna. If something important were to happen to them, they would hear a rumor or two, maybe even more. There's really no telling with the two of them, and things would never be boring.

"Alea, hurry up. We'll get lost if you don't lead the way." [Kale]

"Ehh...?! You guys just walk too fast!" [Alea]

"It's not our fault you have short legs, Alea. Just walk faster." [Edin]

"Huh?! What did you just say, you dumbass?!" [Alea]

Well, even with all things that have changed, Edin still remained the same. No matter what time or place it was, he was still an idiot who doesn't know when to not say his thoughts. He struck another sore spot and got beaten up again.

Such a scene continued to unfold and the Academy was still abuzz. The students continued to clean, and the graduates attended their ceremonies, happily receiving their certificates. It was another busy day unlike any other.


"No! 280 kiels is unreasonable! It was just 190 the other day!" [Yuna]

"Miss, do you know how the market works? There's been a shortage of Kapulka ever since yesterday, so the supply's been low."

"Shortage? What shortage?! I know that the government released several batches of Kapulka to mellow out the shortage! Even if the price rose, it wouldn't be more than 250 kiels! You're the one demanding an unreasonable price!" [Yuna]

"Urk! T-That's not true! 280 kiels is reasonable!"

The sky was bright, the wind was cool, the market was bustling, and Yuna was once again bargaining with another market stall owner. She was raising her voice all the while lowering down her price, not giving in to the vendor.

It wasn't the first time she bargained fiercely, and now, she is up against a greedy vendor who is aiming for a quick profit. Even if he could only sell a few, he would still be able to earn a hefty sum and fill up his large belly with tasty food.

Of course, Yuna didn't just back down at such injustice. Grey doesn't know if it was because of her economics class, but she now gets fired up every time she arrives in the market, bargaining at every chance she gets as long as pricing is reasonable.

"Then 270! I won't go any lower than that!"

"That's still too high! Just forget it already! I'll just go to another stall!" [Yuna]

"Hah! Suit yourself. Let's see if you can buy anything with how cheap you are!"

Though, even if she learned quite a lot in her class, there are still times where her strategies don't work. This is especially true to stubborn and greedy merchants who won't cut down to a reasonable price no matter what.

"Th-Then, how about you buy from me, Miss? I'm willing to sell Kapulka for 240 kiels as long as you buy at least a dozen of them."

"Hah?! What's the point of making a deal like that?! This woman can't even buy a single one! Just forget about making a profit!"

Thankfully enough, there are still some reasonable merchants around. He may not be earning as much with a single sale, but by selling them by the dozen, he could still earn a huge sum of money and get profit in return.

To make things even better, the quality of Kapulka herbs were not any inferior to the former. In fact, there were even some bigger than the rest and looked a much healthier color. It would have been perfect if only the mean merchant could shut up.

"Deal! I'll buy all of them then!" [Yuna]

"R-Really, Miss?!"

"Of course! Oh, and if you have any other Kapulkas left, I'll gladly buy them all as well. Just tell me how much you have, and I'll pay immediately." [Yuna]


Though, it didn't take long before Karma struck the greedy vendor in the back, his eyes almost popping out of its sockets, and his mouth already hanging towards the ground. After all, it was going to be a lot of money.

The greedy vendor thought it was all a joke, but after seeing the young lady take out a few cold coins as if it was nothing, he was immediately convinced that Yuna really was planning to buy all the Kapulkas in the stall, displayed or not.

"U... Umm... Miss, about the Kapulka/... I'm also willing to see for 240 kielsー"

"Oh! Looks like you have a lot of Silbaria fruits as well. I'd like to buy them all too. Please put them inside a different bag from the Kapulkas." [Yuna]

"M... Misss...? I also sell Sibaria Fruー"

"What else did I need again.... Ah, right! Do you have any Black-White River Daisies or Blood Green ferns? I would also like to buy in bulk and this time," [Yuna]

The greedy merchant quickly changed his attitude towards the young lady and tried to appease Yuna, but it was hopeless. He was ignored all the time, her words not even reaching Yuna's pointy ears. All he could do was lament in regret.

Meanwhile, Grey could only smile and laugh wryly at the sight of his adorable and lovely fiancée, completely crushing the greedy merchant's pride as she spoke. She is now a responsible and fantastic woman who can carry herself in the market.

Actually, seeing how well she is doing, she was already better than Grey, had he not possessed his overpowered eye abilities. Yuna had grown so much in just a little over a month, but Grey still doesn't know whether he should be happy or worried.

"Excuse me, Dear Customer. Which one will you be buying?"

"Ahh, sorry about that... I would like this blue one, please. On, and I'd like some of the red and yellow ones as well. A dozen each of them." [Grey]

"Understood. Please wait a moment."

Their departure is now set to tomorrow morning, and with time passing by quickly, Grey and Yuna decided to take a last stroll in the city and do some shopping while they're at it, buying all sorts of things they'll be needing,

They have already bought souvenirs for everyone, and are now in the Alchemists' Square's Herb Market to buy some herbs before finally heading back. They already gave a lot, but with Yuna being Yuna, a lot is never enough.

It has been a couple hours already since they've wandered around the city, and they were still far from over. Yuna was still fired up, bargaining with the vendors, and Grey was buying a few things here and there for more souvenirs.

"Thank you for the purchase. Please come again."

"Yeah, thanks as well." [Grey]

Now, Grey had just purchased some seeds, shells, beads, strings, and yarns for the children to play with. They were parts and pieces which they could use to make their own custom necklaces to play with. It was especially good for the Little Princess.

Much like Yuna, Grey also continued shopping and bought a couple things. It was a shame that the Herb Market didn't offer much in the way of snacks, only herbs and even more herbs to be seen, shops lined up one after another.

"Hm? A flower shop?" [Grey]

And just as he explored, he came across a gorgeous flower shop. It wasn't too big nor too small, but it was definitely fancy, the display flowers neatly arranged and the store interiors exuding an atmosphere of peace and cleanliness.

Before Grey could even notice, he was already drawn into the shop and his hand had held the door handle. He opened the doors and the soft chimes rang as the bells danced. The store receptionist greeted him with a big smile.

"Good day, Dear Customer. How may I serve you?"

"Ah, that... Do you sell bouquets here?" [Grey]

"Yes, we do. We can also do flower arrangement services if you want. Over here is our general choice of patterns and flowers you could ask for."

Grey just asked randomly, but the receptionist gave him a full explanation of what things and services he can buy in the shop. She earnestly told Grey of what flowers were popular and what bouquets were wonderful to have in the season.

Whilst she was explaining so and Grey was nodding his head along, the young man's eyes swam around the shop and looked around for the sample flowers and bouquet designs, soon stopping as one flower caught his eyes.

"Asters...?" [Grey]

It was none other than the flower which their party name was inspired by. There were all sorts of colors, from big blue ones, to tiny yellow ones, and even pure white ones. All were very beautiful, all of them blooming ever so majestically.

Well, it wasn't just the asters, all the other flowers in the shop were also wonderful and mystical, seemingly dancing in the gentle tune of the wind. Grey had seen flowers like such before, but he never thought they'd be so beautiful in a bouquet.

"Would you like to have a bouquet made with Asters, Dear Customer?"

"Ah, yeah... And I would love a lot of blue ones. Oh, and please incorporate other flowers as well. Design it as you see fit." [Grey]

"Fufufu! It seems like our Dear Customer trusts me a lot. I'll have to do my best then!"

Without further ado, the receptionist then moved her hands and selected a few kinds of flowers to be incorporated in the bouquet. She picked the asters, columbines, lilies, daisies, clematis, cornflowers, orchids, and many more.

Since they were going for a less noisy design, the receptionist only picked colors which would make the blue asters pop. There were various shades of blue, pure white flowers, and flowers in the very light shades of pink and violet.

It didn't take too long before the bouquet was done, a wonderful arrangement done which gave off an aura of gentleness and majesty. It was wrapped around pure white magic paper, a ribbon of deep blue bringing everything together.

"What do you think, Dear Customer."

"It's beautiful. I'm sure she'll love it." [Grey]

"Fufufu! That makes me happy theー"

"Grey! Here you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" [Yuna]

And just when the bouquet was all done and finished, our dear heroine showed up ever so conveniently, her face filled with a little bit of panic. She has been looking around for Grey, thinking that she had lost him in her eagerness for herbs.

"You should have told me you were going somewhere! Do you know how worried I was?! You were trying to bully me again, weren't you?" [Yuna]

"Hey, I'm not that mean... And I wasn't just wandering around aimlessly. I was buying something important, you know?" [Grey]

"Hm? You bought something?" [Yuna]

Asked Yuna as she tilted her head ever so slightly, 3 question marks popping out of her head. It wasn't long before she noticed the bouquet behind Grey, her eyes quickly captured by how beautiful it was, mouth opening in agape.

It was earlier than plannedー no, actually, it wasn't planned at all. But with Yuna now seeing the bouquet, there was no need to hide it any longer. He gently rested it on his arms, closed the gap between him and the young lady, soon extending his arms out.

"For you, Milady. I hope you like it." [Grey]

It sprung up all of the sudden, Yuna still lost about what's happening. She had already accepted the beautiful bouquet, but her mind still can't process why Grey was giving her flowers. There was an adorably confused expression painted on her face.

"Flowers... Are we celebrating something...?" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. You silly girl... Do I need to have a reason to show my beloved fiancée how much I love her?" [Grey]

Said Grey, still chuckling at how confused and adorable Yuna was. She soon picked a blue aster and a columbine from the bouquet, and parted Yuna's hair upwards. He placed them behind her right ear, the flowers blue as her eyes.

"I knew it. It really does suit you... You look gorgeous, My Love." [Grey]

It took a little while, but when Yuna's mind finally processed what was happening, her face quickly turned red and her heart raced like never before. She has already been dating Grey for more than a year, but surprise attacks like such always gets her,

The young lady tried to hide her flustered face behind the bouquet, blue and white flowers covering for her. But no matter how hard she tried, her pointy ears would always betray her. They were redder than red, flapping happily up and down.

"Dummy..." [Yuna]

What a shy elf she was.


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