YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 390: The Final Exams (pt. III)

The searing heat danced and played, several ingredients consumed by the flames and devoured by smoke. Fumes and soot rose, the extracts bubbling slowly but surely, sticky saps and soapy dews pouring out ever so slowly.

Ingredients were processed one after another, some over scorching flames and some over freezing cold. Some were so hard, even massive hammers could barely crack the shells surrounding it, gasping breaths ringing all over the place,

It was now the second day of the Final Exams, and the final segment of the practical brewing portion is now commencing, the graduating students making the best items they ever did and pouring it all into one final stride.

"Ho~! Everyone sure is fired up." [Fran]

"Huhuhu! This is their greatest obstacle, after all. Weren't you also the same back in the old days, Headmaster?" [Darwin]

"Hahaha. I guess that's true... Though, not that I can say much for myself. I did skip school quite a lot before. Their lessons were just... Well..." [Fran]

"Boring, wasn't it?" [Darwin]

"Unfortunately, yes... I find it much more enjoyable in the mountains and forests than in the classrooms. I wouldn't have become a Legendary Alchemist if I did." [Fran]

Meanwhile, the Judges were freely chatting about one another as they watched the students partake in the Final Exams. None has been able to finish yet, and so they were free to roam wherever, reminiscing about the past.

And while they did so, Yuna was observing all the students gleefully, happily seeing how different their methods and techniques were. She has Grey's eyes and illusion magic ro thank to be able to see everything happening all over the place.

If there was anything she was dejected about, it was the fact that there wasn't so much in the way of materials and ingredients. While there were magic plants, they weren't so rare that she would go crazy about. It was a tad bit disappointing.

"You seem dissatisfied, Yuna. Is there something wrong?" [Fran]

"Nothing much... I was just wondering if there are students with rare magic plants... Though it seems like there's none for now." [Yuna]

"Magic plants aren't easy to come by, after all. Actually, it's more surprising that you have a lot of magic plants in your collection. It truly is." [Fran]

"Mmn... I guess so..." [Yuna]

Well, the materials and ingredients may be lacking, but the processes the students did were more than enough for her to be satisfied. It was especially interesting how each student performs the same method ever so slightly differently, adding their own touch to personalize the methods.

Since they are graduating students, they also have the highest hurdle to pass. They must be able to make Middle-Grade, Peak-Tier items and make sure to provide why they made such an item later on once they're done brewing.

But perhaps the most difficult part of the process was that they only have one chance to prove themselvesー or rather, they would be out of time if they even fail once. The pressure was the highest it had ever been, everyone steeling their hearts.


"Hooh... I can do this.. I can do this... I can do this..."

"Galde Warts... Raddon Leaves... Heller Sprouts... Mamen Ivies..."

They each had their own ways to cheer themselves and maintain their focus. Most of them were silent as the dead, few were mumbling the names of the ingredients, and some were repeating phrases again and again to clear their minds.

The symphony of clinking glass, bubbling liquids, raging flames, and fizzling oozes. All were brewing throughout the arena, the sands of time trickling down the golden hourglass as the seconds flew freely like the winds.

Time passed just like that and before long, a whole hour had elapsed since the start of the brewing portion. Everyone's focus was heightened by the pressure, and lost in their own worlds. Such silence was soon broken when....

"Judges! I-I'm finished with my potion!"

.. The first graduating student finished his creation. He was almost out of breath and body was stiff like stone. Still, he mustered his remaining strength to raise his hands and call out to the judges, catching their attention quickly.

"Good work. Let me see your potion, please." [Yuna]

"Y-Y-Yes! Here you go, Your Highness!"

Yuna was the nearest one amongst the judges, and so, she decided to perform the evaluation. She quickly closed the gap between them with a few steps, surprising the student a little, shock and surprise painted over his face.

All it took was a little request, and he immediately snapped back to reality. He then handed over the potion towards Yuna and the latter scrutinized it quickly, her eyes peering towards the clear vial before her and the dark green liquid contained in it.

At first glance, it looked like a healing potion, but it was too dark for something done by a Tier-4 Alchemist. Yuna soon followed up with a smell test and efficacy test, then pouring a little bit of it towards the back of her hands.

"Mmn... This color and acidic smell... There's something off about it, but this is a Night Vision potion, right?" [Yuna]

"Y-Yes! I made a few improvements in the ingredients and made my own ratios!"

"Mmn... I see... If it's like this it would shorten the duration, but in exchange, it will take effect much quickly. That may be advantageous in certain situations." [Yuna]

Said Yuna, evaluating the product and testing it out with a couple chugs. And as one would expect, it made her vision seem different. There wasn't much change since it was still daytime, but she could definitely feel it.

And though the cut in duration was extremely disadvantageous, the fact that it takes effect almost instantaneously makes it useful for emergency situations. Even if one has a hard time adapting, if one is used to the effects, it was very practical.

"Hmm... This is barely a Middle-Grade, Peak-Tier potion... but in terms of practicality, there's nothing more I could wish from it. You did well. You passed." [Yuna]

"Y... Yesss!! Thank you! Thank you very much, Your Highness!"

"Fufufu! Congratulations. You are now a graduate of Darius Academy!" [Yuna]

"Yes! It is my greatest honor!"

After the first student, more and more students finished their concoctions and raised their hands as if they were racing. The Judges were now busy, dashing left and right to evaluate the students' performance and give them judgement.

It may be because they have prepared for it their whole lives, but so far, not a single one of the students failed, many of them even surpassing the needed requirements and going a couple steps further, crossing a new Tier.

The best amongst the students managed to make a High-Grade, High-Tier potion, qualifying her for a Tier-6 Alchemist examination. She was already on par with the Professors, her future shining bright like the sun above.

"Good work. This is a High-Grade potion. You pass!" [Fran]

"Yes! I did it! I'm now a Tier-5 Alchemist! Thank you, Headmaster!"

"Hahaha. It's all because of your efforts. Make sure to eat well tonight." [Fran]

"Yes! I'll keep that in mind!"

Before long, each and every student was finally done with the Brewing Exams, not a single one of them failing. They were all happy and merry, shouting their hearts out as they filled the whole stadium with life and joy, applause echoing all over the place.

The Brewing exams finally finished and the people soon came pouring out, smiles and laughter floating in the air. It was a monumental moment for many. A bright and wonderful future is now waiting for them. It was a wonderful day.

"Such a big smile you have, Headmaster." [Darwin]

It was so wonderful, the Headmaster couldn't help but smile at the thought of all his students graduating. It is going to be a bit sad to see them leave the Academy, but it's just the way life works. A life full of meetings and departures.

"I'm just happy for everyone. I'm sure every single one of them will become wonderful alchemists in the future. It's just moving to see them grow." [Fran]

"Huhuhu! I know what you feel. It feels like you're sending your grandchildren off. It really pains me every single year." [Darwin]

"That's right... I wonder how many of them will become Professors in Darius in the future. No... Would I still be around by then?" [Fran]

"What are you talking about? Your bones are still strong. I'm sure you can still last a decade or two. You're a High-Ranker, after all." [Darwin]

It wasn't just the Headmaster, but Darwin also felt a sense of melancholy as they watched the students' backs as they left, their eyes wandering off to the distance as the students' figures shrank by the second, disappearing into the horizon.

They have experienced it again and again, but they just couldn't get used to it. There were only a couple thoughts in their minds, wondering what the future holds for old men like them. It was a future full of wonders and mysteries.

"What do you think, Yuna? Would you like to become a Professor of Darius? I'll make sure to pay you well and give you a lot of benefits." [Fran]

"Fufufu! I'm thankful for the offer, but I'm afraid I have to decline, Headmaster. Such a responsibility is still too heavy for me." [Yuna]

"Hm? Even if I promise to pay you with magic plants as well?" [Fran]

"That does sound very tempting, but I'll still have to decline the offers. Alchemy is not the only thing I love, you see. Some things are far more important." [Yuna]

Answered the young lady with a bright smile on her face. Though she does love and hold alchemy in high regard, there are also a couple more things she was fond of, just like cooking, eating, adventuring, and playing with friends and the like.

Most importantly, she loves a certain young man even more than those other things. It was him who taught her everything she knew about fighting and alchemy. If it's him, she was ready to give up alchemy, because she knows he'll do the same for her.

"I see... There's nothing I can do about that then." [Fran]

"Huhuhu! It seems like I have to give up as well." [Darwin]

"Fufufu! Thank you for understanding~!" [Yuna]

With Yuna putting it like that, there was nothing more the two old men could do about it. While it was a shame that they couldn't get a talent such as her to join them, there was more to lose if they tried to force it more. It was much better to just give up.

Just like that, the three of them finally took their exit. But things didn't just end there. The practical brewing portion may be finished now, but there was still one more thing left to do. The three of them soon headed to the gymnasium.

Of course, that thing was none other than the Research Presentation of the students. Not all were required to join, but those who present their research can get a chance to get sponsored and have their projects be developed further.

They would be judged by several criteria, and those whose research deemed to be useful enough would be marked by the Judges. It was a chance for the students to show that they aren't just capable alchemists but researchers as well.

"Oh, Grey. You're already here?... Kale, Edin, and Alea too!" [Yuna]

"Ah... Good morning, Yuna..." [Alea]

"Morning..." [Kale]

"Good morning..." [Edin]

As soon as Yuna arrived, she was greeted by a number of familiar faces. Darwin and the Headmaster proceeded before her and headed towards the gymnasium, but she stayed there for quite some time, wanting to chat before break was over.

It wasn't just her beloved fiancée, but their friends as well. But rather than greeting her back with a smile like they usually do, their responses were not as lively as the young lady's voice. They were like corpses, pale as can be,

"Did something happen, Grey?" [Yuna]

"Well... I guess you could say that?" [Grey]

As for the reason why, it was all because of the upcoming research presentation they have. They have already prepared everything yesterday and recited their lines many times already, feeling proud and confident before they headed to sleep,

But now that they were before the gymnasium, they were finally hit by the harsh slap of reality, nervousness and anxiety flooding their hearts without rest. It has already been several hours since they have arrived, but they have still yet to calm down.

"I see... So that's how it is..." [Yuna]

Though, it's not like Grey and Yuna couldn't relate to it. It reminded the latter of the science fares he's been into before, and Yuna of the social anxiety she once felt when she was just a meek little elf. They were not so fond memories.

"Fufufu! I know it's nervewracking, but there's no need to be so nervous, you know? We all know how hard you've worked for this. You all got this in the bag!" [Yuna]

"Yuna's right. And tell you what. If you make it out without any problems, I'll cook any dish you want. If you get the top spot, then even better. I'll make you all a fest you'll never forget. How does that sound?" [Grey]

"... Seriously... Is food the best you can come up with to cheer us up?" [Kale]

"Do you not want it?" [Grey]

"Who said I don't? Count me in! We'll make sure to wipe the floor in this presentation. You should already think of what to cook later." [Kale]

"That's right! I want something sweet and creamy for dessert! Ah! I would also love some chocolate! Extra sweet, please~!" [Alea]

"I'm fine with anything. I'm sure it would be delicious anyway." [Edin]

Though, all it took was a little encouragement and a promise for rewards from Grey and Yuna, and everyone was quickly on board, hearts lit up with raging and burning determination. The nervousness was swept away in a single moment.

Grey and Yuna didn' know whether they should laugh and cry at how similar the three of them were. They may fight most of the time, but their thoughts really match from time to time. They couldn't wish for a rowdier group of friends.

"Your Highness, the 1st group is about to present. If you would please."

"Looks like they're already calling me. I'll see you later, everyone. Good luck and make sure you nail it, okay?!" [Yuna]

"Yeah! You can count on us! We'll make sure to surprise you." [Kale]

Before long, the research presentation has finally started. Yuna has been called by one of the staff and she promptly headed inside after she said her final words, leaving the trio in the care of Grey, silence looking over the place.

"Then, since we still have time left, why don't we have a mock presentation? I'll be the acting judge and you'll be the presenters. Sounds good?" [Grey]

"Yeah! If you would, please. That would definitely be helpful!" [Alea]

"Great! It's settled then!" [Grey]

Of course, they didn't just waste their time away chatting. With Grey volunteering for them, they quickly started a mock presentation with Grey acting as a judge. He nodded his head along and took down some notes, acting like the real deal.

Grey also corrected a couple mistakes of the team and gave them tips based on his experiences in the past. The last thing he did was ask questions, making sure to prepare everyone the best he could with as many questions as possible.

To switch things up a notch, he also selected from time to time who will answer what questions, and also gave answers to it himself. Such a process was repeated over and over again, the three of them getting better and better every single time.

The students entered and exited, groups moving along the line and group numbers called one after another. Some headed in solo, while some groups headed in with numbers far exceeding 3 or 4. They drew closer and closer every minute.

"Group C-24! I repeat, Group C-24! Are you here?"

"Yes, ma'am! That would be us." [Edin]

"Good. Please head inside now. The judges are waiting."

Soon enough, it was finally the trio's turn and they were called inside by one of the staff. Grey bid them a final good luck before sending them off, the three of them soon entering the gymnasium and greeting the three judges.

They first bowed their heads and paid their respects to the three great and honorable alchemists before them, then handing in their research papers to each of them. They were a couple pages long, containing a whole lot of letters and numbers.

"So you're Students Alea, Edin, and Kale... This says your research subject is the Frostburn Calendula... Isn't this a dual-attribute magic plant?" [Fran]

"That is correct, Headmaster. It is a magic plant which only grows in areas with both extreme fire and ice attribute mana. Otherwise, it would wither." [Alea]

"No wonder it sounds familiar... And it says here that you've found a method to grow such a plant in greenhouses. How interesting..." [Fran]

"Oho? That is fascinating indeed. If I recall correctly, Frostburn Calendulas are magic plants vital to the making of cures for common sickness. If what they say is true then this would be revolutionary. What do you think, Lady Yuna?" [Darwin]

"I have actually seen this plant bloom myself, so I won't be making much comments on this research. I'll only say what I can." [Yuna]

Said Yuna with a calm voice, informing the other judges of herself witnessing the fruits of the research itself. Now, there was no doubt that it was true. The only problem here is whether they can present it clearly and successfully.

"I see... That only makes it all the more interesting... Then, Group C-24, the floor is now yours for the taking." [Fran]


Following the Headmaster's signal, the group quickly briefed the three judges of the research, the hypotheses, the process involved, the materials used, the background of the study, the data, and so much more.

They made sure to make their explanations concise, cutting straight to the point all the while making sure all significant details were mentioned. They spoke turn after turn, each one of them assigned to a particular portion of the research.

What would have taken over an hour to read was briefed in less than 5 minutes, the judges nodding their heads as they listened carefully. They also took down notes and erased some when their questions had been answered.

They were nervous at first, but after getting Grey's help before and organizing their thoughts, they were as fluent as can be, words and information flowing smoothly like the cool creeks in the verdant forest. All the judges were stunned.

"Huhuhu! It seems like you practiced a lot for this. That was very easy to understand. I'm sure even 1st Years would understand that." [Darwin]

"I know that your greenhouse from before... Yet it seems like your research papers have no problems. Did you get help from someone?" [Fran]

"Ah, yes... We had help from Grey and Yuna. Is that... not allowed...?" [Kale]

"No, no, not at all. Gathering help is also a part of research. As long as you made this with honesty and integrity then that much is fine." [Fran]

The presentation was soon over, and the judges had now finished jotting down notes. However, the process was still far from over. They were still halfway through and the difficult part was just about to start.

"Then... Now that that's all over. Let's start with the questions, shall we?" [Fran]

What prompted them to do the research, how long it took then to find results, what are things you need to be wary of when performing the research, how they dealt with extraneous variables, how much everything cost, and many more.

The judges took turns and asked the students one after another, and asked a couple questions regarding things which weren't specified during their presentation. The trio didn't back down, and answered them with confidence in exchange.

"For Student Alea, what do you think is the importance of this research? How would it affect alchemy as we know it?" [Yuna]

"As we know, the Frostburn Calendula is a magic plant..." [Alea]

And as they had practiced, the judges also picked a specific student to answer some specific questions, throwing them around in confusion. However, they all answered the questions without flaw, remaining calm and collected.

Albeit differently, some of them were already asked by Grey before, and they have already prepared some questions to answer. They simply answered truthfully, and made sure to convey their intentions as clearly as they could.

"Then, for the final question... Why did you become an alchemist?" [Fran]

The final question soon came, and unlike the ones before it, it wasn't related to their research and was simply a general question the Headmaster asked every single one of the groups which headed inside. A question to learn about the presenters.

"... We have different reasons for it, Judges. For me, I simply want to help people in any way I can and create a world free of sickness." [Alea]

"I also think about that, Headmaster. But to tell you the truth, I am more inclined into making profits than helping others. I want to create the biggest company in the world which specializes in alchemy and the sort." [Kale]

"As for me, I just want to learn more about the world. I think the world is a fantastic and amazing place, and alchemy is the way to learn more about it." [Edin]

There was no hesitation in their eyes as they spoke, everyone only speaking what was inside their hearts. They were desires which pushed them to strive higher, and something one shouldn't be ashamed of. Smiles bloomed ever so subtly.

"What wonderful aspirations... Congratulations on your presentation, Group C-24! Please look forward to the results later on." [Fran]


Like before, there were no real results nor were there any confirmation or rejection from the judges. They simply congratulated the three of them and shook their hands, then sending them away for the next group to enter.

Kale, Edin, and Alea were finally out of the gymnasium, smiles blooming on their lovely faces. The nervousness they once felt was now gone, only delight and a touch of excitement remaining in their hearts.

"So? How did it go?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! I'm looking forward to dinner, Grey!" [Alea]

There was no direct answer, only relief and enthusiasm in the air. Grey didn't need to ask any further, a soft yet bright smile blooming on his face. Now, he was the one who needed to prepare himself, a silly little challenge now appearing before him.

"Looks like I'll have to do my best, huh..." [Grey]


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