YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 389: The Final Exams (pt. II)


The vials moved and puffs of smoke and fumes rose in the air. The sound of bubbles and fizzles resounded in the air, one material melted and dissolved after another, a colorful array presented as sunlight graced the stadium.

Footsteps echoed as the proctors and wardens walked around the arena, their eyes swimming towards all directions and their heads turning left and right. They observed the situation carefully, pacing their steps to not disturb the focusing students.

It has been a few hours since the start of the Practical Brewing portion, and after the 1st Year's wonderful performance, it was now the 2nd Year students' time to perform, pouring it their all as they made changes and adjustments.

"200 mL of Kalkia grass extracts... Shake it a little... A little more..."

"Almost there... Almost there... And... Done...!"

"Ugh... What's happening... What did I do wrong...!"

Some were mumbling, some were grumbling, and some were shouting, but not one student was disturbed. They simply continued their own ways and brewed with victory in mind, unbothered by the others as if they couldn't hear anything.

And that is correct, they really can't. Imbued in the array Grey made was a special sound-isolating barrier which mellows out the sounds coming in and out of the little modules where the students are performing their brewing, allowing them to focus.

There was already a similar array installed in the stadium before, but after Grey made a few adjustments, its efficiency went up by leaps and bounds. The brewing students are practically in their own worlds, only concentrating on their work.

But such a change wasn't the only thing Grey made, he also installed a couple more arrays by the arena walls, making the scene more enjoyable for the spectators and much more pleasant to watch, a new experience offered to them.

"Ohh! Look! It's our sweet Dara! She's become so good at alchemy!"

"I've seen it so many times already, but this is really amazing!"

"Whoohoo!! That's my son! You can do it! We believe in you!"

Before the audience projected were large screens like the billboard screens one can see in highly-urbanized cities. They were playing the scenes live, all the little actions of the students made for the audience to see, cheers and applause resounding everywhere.

It was another one of Grey's inventions, creating a large array to show a number of screens simultaneously, the scenes changing from time to time. A very magnificent product made with barrier, light, wind, and illusion magic, held together by an array.

It wasn't just a video projection, there were also sounds as well, carried by the winds to make sure everyone could hear the scenes unfolding as they were. It was nothing short of a great feat, yet another revolution released to the world.

Before, the families and friends of the students only watched to support them, focusing only on them. But now, everyone could watch everyone's performance very clearly, everyone greatly entertained and delighted to experience such a sight.

"Hahaha. I knew that he was a great Enchanter, but to think he could also make something like this... Incredible... Just incredible..." [Nerester]

Even the King was in awe, unable to take his eyes off the screens and only able to immerse himself in the wonders working behind the scenes. There was a wry smile on his face, amusement and wonder brewing in his heart.

"Dear... Do you think we can have something like this be made in the Royal Castle as well? I think it's beautiful." [Queen]

"I think so too, Dear Father. It would compliment the Main Hall very well." [Prince]

"Hahaha... That might be difficult for now..." [Nerester]

Well, it wasn't only the King, the whole Royal Family was amused as well. They were all in awe, now even more curious about the young man and young lady they had met shortly before. They were truly an interesting pair.

Meanwhile, the creator himself was pondering over his latest invention, cupping his chin as he peered his eyes and scrutinized the projection screens. He was inspecting all the faults and trying to think of ways to make it even betterー Well, kind of...

'Hmm... This won't do... This is too large...' [Grey]

... He was thinking of how to better the projection, not for the betterment of the life of everyone, but merely for his own goals and desires. It just so happened that there was an opportunity so he grabbed it as soon as he could.

The young man only wants to add a video and projection function to the camera to capture even more beautiful moments and memories of Yuna, the current product of one of his prototypes. A prototype which had taken him several months.

It was a revolutionary invention, it really is. But the big fool that he is, Grey isn't even thinking too much about the impact it might bring to Merusia. All he wanted to do was to expand his album and collection of Yuna's adorable moments.

'No, this can't do. It won't be able to capture Yuna's full cuteness this way.' [Grey]

He is a fool indeed.

Besides the fool, the brewing portion continued to unfold and everyone continued to add ingredients, mix the mixtures, control the flames, distill the solutions, and many more, intricate processes were done everywhere.

Some students have studied so much, they perfectly performed the steps with pride and confidence, their movements vividly shown on the screens. Loud cheers echoed throughout the stadiums as the audiences applauded them for their success.

"Mmn... This is indeed a Middle-Grade potion. You passed, congratulations." [Yuna]

"R-Really?! Th-Thank you so much, Your Highness!!"

"Fufufu. I'm just a judge who evaluates your results. I didn't do anything special. This is all thanks to your hard work. Be more proud of yourself." [Yuna]

"Y... Yes... Thank you... Thank you very much... I did it... Hic... I really did it..."

Celebrations were abuzz everywhere. students screaming their hearts out and some crying tears of joy. Everyone who passed showed great happiness, smiling ever so brightly, they looked even happier than those who just won the lottery,

The Headmaster, Yuna, and Darwin all went around the whole arena, evaluating the students' works and taking note of the ones who were doing the best. Each one of them jotted down the strengths and weaknesses of the students.

They can't give scores immediately, but they can still declare whether the students can pass or not. All a 2nd has to do is brew a Middle-Grade Potion or any Tier and they can pass. The results and rankings will be shown tomorrow evening.


Of course, it wasn't sunshines and rainbows. There were also some students who got just a single step wrong and ended up releasing harmful gasses, and even at tims, loud explosions. Such blunders were still shown in the projected screens.

Thankfully, because of Grey's wonderful array, there is someone yet to be hurt. The gasses were easily dispelled, the explosions were mitigated, and even the equipment is protected by a barrier. Everything was relatively safe.

"Ugh... W-What do I do?! A-At this rate, I... I... I'm going toー"

"Don't panic. While it's unfortunate that you failed, there is still time left on the clock. Calm and compose yourself and try again." [Fran]

"... Y-Yes! Thank you very much, Headmaster!"

They were all scared and panicky, but after a little bit of encouragement from the Headmaster and the proctors, the students who failed quickly got back on their feet and started trying to brew new potions again.

Some students had their ingredients all messed up, but with quick thinking and a little bit of improvisation, they were able to think through and around the problem, making use of bold decisions and risking everything to whatever they got left.

'Yes... That's what an alchemist should be like...' [Fran]

A smile bloomed on the Headmaster's face as he looked at how hardworking all his students were. The students' weren't the only ones who were nervous, he was too... But seeing them try their hardest... He couldn't help but be relieved.

Though it's true that the results mattered, they were also graded in their attitude and performance. They only amount to a small portion, but they would still be able to help them a little bit. A little push which might as well change their future.

Just like that, the 2nd Year students' practical brewing portion continued to unfold and before long, it soon came to an end. Many students have been judged, the proctors and wardens turning in their observations to the Headmaster.

"I already said this before, but don't worry yourselves too much about the results. It can still change in the way you least expected." [Fran]

"But, Headmaster... How can you be so sure about that?"

"Well... That's because you're the proud students of our Darius Academy. Keep your heads high and move forward. Shine brilliantly, my Dear Students." [Fran]


They were all but a few words, but everyone's mood was quickly elevated. Even those who were down in the dumps felt their hearts become lighter, heaving a short sight of relief. They finally moved forward and headed away smiling.

"You sure know how to talk, Your Highness." [Darwin]

"How long do you think I've been a Headmaster for? I've already seen countless things, so this much is nothing. This is all a stepping stone for them." [Fran]

"Huhuhu! How thoughtful you are." [Darwin]

After the 2nd year students left, the clean-up was soon initiated, many of the staff wiping off the spilled solutions and sterilizing the equipment. A process sped-up very quickly with the help of Grey and Yuna, letting a tad bit of magic do its work.

Soon enough, the whole place was ready and the audience had had their breaks. It was already past lunch and everyone had little snacks on them. They were all looking at the projection screens, anticipating the show of the next performers.

"3rd Year students, please enter the arena. We'll start momentarily." [Fran]

At the Headmaster's signal, the students poured in one by one into the arena and took their designated place. They were all organized randomly, not a single way for anyone to communicate and cheat their way out of the problem.

All the while, the Headmaster headed towards the stage and grabbed the hourglass. It has exactly 90 minutes worth of time, the sands deciding the future of everyone in the arena. There was tension in the air, everyone's hearts pumping quite lively.

"Do your best!" [Yuna]

Three words... That was all the young lady said whilst passing through her friends in the arena. She may be a judge, but that doesn't mean she would have a bias towards them. All she could do was hope and wish them good luck.

Though, there really wasn't much need to. Yuna already knew how much everyone prepared and worked hard for this very day. The procedures were now practically ingrained in their bodies, everyone knowing the steps like the back of their hands.

"Then... Let the Brewing Exams... Begin!" [Fran]

Announced the Headmaster, then flipping the hourglass. A single, resonant thud rang through the air and a cacophony of clinks and clacks echoed in the air, bright eyes shining fervently as the students moved their hands.

The exam had already started and everything was now in motion. There was no time to dilly-dally, each second more precious than golf. Even a single moment can define the future, their fates written slowly and surely as the clouds continue to drift.

Be it left or right, no matter where one looked, there were all sorts of actions being made, the students making their own potions using their own recipes and using the materials and ingredients they procured by themselves.

"Keep your eyes to yourselves. Don't pay attention to others."

"If you don't want to restart and waste ingredients, focus better."

"Student Johnson! Stop panicking and compose yourself!"

And while they were doing their best to brew the best potion they can, the proctors and wardens were also trying their best to make sure nothing was wrong during the whole exam progress, their eyes even sharper than daggers,

There were quite a bit of 1st Year students who were bold enough to try and cheat by sneaking in cheat notes, but they were easily caught by Proctors and Wardens. All of them were immediately disqualified, not a single one able to complain.

Of course, as they can't be the ones for the students to lose focus, they kept their strides and paces quiet, only whispering their words enough for one to hear and not be spooked out. With how quiet they were, they might as well be assassins.

Fumes rose once again, smokes and fires breaking out all over the place, and all sorts of horrendous results and phenomena produced by the students who were mistaken. It was a sight to see, the audience giving their all the attention.


Of course, since higher grade potions require more skills and intricacy, it was also easier to make mistakes, a symphony of roaring explosions and howling winds raging throughout the whole stadium as if it was nobody's business.

And it was indeed nobody's business. Despite how harsh the winds and shockwaves were, they all managed to remain relatively calm and collected. They were all trained to the utmost to make sure they maintained their focus.

"I... I did it! I have made my item!"

Before long, one student finally managed to finish their potion. It was a white ointment product which was helpful in repelling insects while also slowing down the recovery of wounds. It was ot a potion, but still a product of alchemy no less.

Darwin, being the nearest of the 3, quickly and immediately approached the student and quickly inspected the said ointment. The smell, the sensation, the look, and all the little details. He made sure to list them all down and appraise properly.

"Hmm,.. So it's like that, huh... Hmm... You said this was a Middle-Grade, Mid-Tier Healing Ointment? Am I correct?" [Darwin]

"Y-Yes! Th-That's right, Your Excellency."

"... You did a wonderful job. You pass." [Darwin]

"Y... Yes!! I did it! I managed to do it without making a mistake!"

At Darwin's judgement, the students celebrated and yelled on the top of their lungs. They were all fidgety and nervous from before, but the moment they realized how wonderful things turned out, they were suddenly on cloud nine.

Well, such a celebration didn't last for too long. Darwin spared no time and quickly reminded the young one that there were still others who were taking the exam and hushed him quietly. The student soon covered their mouth as quickly as they could.

After that student, the others also finished one after another, everyone raising up their hands to show that they were finished. The Judges soon headed their way and gave them they evaluation, many celebrating soon after.

"Ohh!! It seems like someone made a High-Grade potion! How amazing!"

"Doesn't that mean that they're now Tier-5?! That's a great talent!"

But perhaps the best highlight of the current event was the fact that someone made an item only Tier-5 alchemists could make. They were already on the level of the top graduating students, their talent seemingly rare and golden.

Some tried to compare them to Yuna, but realizing how much of a monster the young lady was, they didn't continue any further. After all, just what kind of person is able to reach Tier-9 at the age of 18? She was clearly not bound to common sense.

Whilst everyone was celebrating the genius' feats, the other students continued with their work. They have neither the time nor leeway to pay them any attention. They may not be as excellent, but they still want to prove their worth.

'Almost there... Almost there... Just a little more... Come on... Come on...' [Kale]

'No! No! This won't do! Water! I need more water!" [Alea]

Amongst those students, Kale and Alea were also doing their best. They both had different recipes and so, they did things differently. Complex mix of emotions were painted on their faces, trying to rein them in and make sure everything was perfect.

Alea was making a Blood Thickening for those who had lost a lot of blood, mixing all sorts of herbs rich in minerals and mana. She made sure to be gentle, pouring in the mana slowly but surely in order to not make the concoction explode.

She soon poured in dried Rivela Mushroom powder, only putting in little at a time and then adding water to dilute it soon afterwards. She repeated the process again and again until the solution turned into a brilliant red color.

When the solution was all done, she then lit the flames ablaze and started to distill the liquid. Bubbles soon formed and the solution slowly started evaporating, only leaving some sediments behind, a clear vial slowly being filled.

"Phew... All that's left is to wait." [Alea]

Meanwhile, Kale was also in his final steps. His eyes were on the level of the liquid, making sure to pour in the mixtures drop by drop. A little slip and he'll have to redo the ratios again, time wasted in just a single mistake.

The moment all the needed drops were in, Kale didn't waste a single second and quickly grabbed the vial. He soon whisked it around and mixed it thoroughly, letting the debris settle in soon after, bubbles forming up the top,

He then whipped out a thin fabric and put it over a funnel and another cleat vial, then filtering the said liquid. The drops poured and the new vial was slowly being filled to the brim. It is a pale blue color, looking clear and crystal-like.

"I'm done over here!" [Alea] "Headmaster, I'm done!" [Kale]

They finished as quickly as the other, raising their hands at the same time. They soon caught the attention of two judges, heading their way as soon as they were finished with the evaluation of other students before them,

Darwin appraised Alea's Blood Thickening Agent, while the Headmaster evaluated Kale's Landonmary Antidote. Both their eyes were sharp, a brilliant gleam shining inside as they scrutinized it carefully. Kale and Alea's hearts were racing.

"This is indeed a Middle-Grade, High-Tier Blood Thickening Agent. Congratulations, Student Alea. You pass with flying colors!" [Darwin]

"A Ladnonmary Antidote, huh... Hahaha. This reminds me of my youth... Student Kale, congratulations! This is indeed a wonderful potion!" [Fran]

The judgment was passed and both of them passed with wonderful remarks, both the Headmaster and Darwin praising them warmly. Both of their potions were of Middle-Grade, High-Tier. They are now qualified to be Tier-4 Alchemists.

The two of them celebrated, smiles blooming on their faces as they met up with one another. While they may be cats and dogs during their usual days, they are still one another's precious childhood friend. They were both happy for one another.

Now, there was only one more thing left to do, their eyes swimming towards the same direction. There stood a young man, big spectacles sitting on his nose, and bullets of sweat falling down his forehead and streaking down his face.

"Edin... What's taking that bastard so long..." [Kale]

"Well, he actually messed up the first time... He's an idiot, after all," [Alea]

"Quit shaking before you say that. You don't sound very convincing." [Kale]

That young man was none other than Edin, slowly but surely progressing through his creation and making sure every ratio and proportion was perfect. He tried his best to stay calm, stopping his hands from shaking even though he was nervous.

He had already tried his best before, but sadly, he messed up in one of the steps. Now, he was using an alternative, using what else he had left on the table, and doing all he could to make something doable with the time and resources he had left.

Edin soon poured in the final ingredient, a drop of troll blood, into the mix, the colors changing ever so subtly as he mixed the solution. A couple more drops and the whole thing turned violet, bubbles forming violently and heat increasing exponentially.

It was hotー no, it was very hot. But Edin didn't just stand there and do nothing. Without any hesitation, he put a cork atop the vial and locked it immediately after. The glass continued to heat up, more and more bubbles forming rapidly.

'Now!' [Edin]

But before the solution could run rampant from the heat, burst, and explode, Edin quickly plunged into a tub of icy water, white smoke rising as the solution quickly cooled down, also cooling down the burn he received.

It took a bit of time, but the solution slowly calmed down, all the various materials and ingredients now mixing in harmony. All that was needed to do was pull his hands out and treat his injuries soon afterー or so he was supposed to.

But before he could even do so, runes suddenly appeared below him and started to glow. Warm and gentle light melded into his body, healing all the burns and wounds he had. It was the healing function of Grey's array, leaving Edin amazed.

"Fufufu! Quite amazing, isn't it?" [Yuna]

"Ah, Elー N-No, I-I mean, Yuna. Sorry, I haven't gotten used to it yet." [Edin]

"Fufufu! It's fine~! But ah! Can you hand over your item first? I still have a lot to evaluate, so I'm in a bit of a pickle." [Yuna]

Politely requested the young lady, and Edin soon handed over the now-cooled item. She soon started evaluating it, using her hands and her expertise to determine what it was. There was no need to open and test it out.

"Hmm... This is an explosive, isn't it? Isn't this dangerous?" [Yuna]

"Umm... I guess...? I ran out of ingredients before, actually, so I didn't put much thought into it. I just did what I could." [Edin]

"I... I see..." [Yuna]

After all, the moment it comes into contact even with the slightest lick of air, it would then start a violent reaction and explode afterwards. It was a consumable weapon which can be used in place of magic, powerful enough to cause considerable damage.

They've already known each other for about a month, but Yuna still couldn't grasp what's going on inside Edin's mind, useless and useful thoughts intertwining with one another. Though what she does know is....

"Well, enough about that... Congratulations, Student Edin! You passed the Brewing Exams! Though, I suppose you already know that right?" [Yuna]

"Of course! I'm a genius, after all!" [Edin]

... And that was the fact that Edin had achieved wonderful and spectacular results. He has now broken through the walls and reached Tier-4 like Kale and Edin before him, only a bright future waiting ahead of them.

Edin soon reunited with Kale and Alea, and Yuna resumed her duties, evaluating the other students and giving them their results. Such continued and the sky soon started to change colors, a merry and joyous night awaiting everyone.


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