YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 354: A Hasty Departure

Criss, cross, and passing through. The shoelaces were tied to a knot and fastened tight, securing the boots and making sure everything was alright. A couple tips and taps to check, a smile bloomed on a young man's face.

It was yet another morning, and the sky was a pretty blue color, patches of white in the skies and the occasional black and gray as the birds soared in the sky, starting the day with a musical chime as they chirped and danced.

Of course, Grey and Yuna are preparing for their day as well. They just had their breakfast together and a wonderful set of desserts as well, now tying their shoes as they prepared themselves to head out to the busy city.

"Grey, are you sure you aren't forgetting something?" [Yuna]

"Hey now, who do you think I am? I have one hell of a memory, you know?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! That's right, isn't it? Looks like I was worried for nothing." [Yuna]

It has been a couple days since the Little Princess' birthday party, and after staying in the Royal Castle for another day, Grey and Yuna are now back on their usual and casual daily livesー or so it was supposed to be.

However, with things turning out the way they did, they are now preparing to head out the country once again. They had barely been back for 2 weeks from the Kingdom of Graystone, and now, they have settled on heading to the Kingdom of Foltriesse next.

"Then, I'll be heading out nowー" [Grey]

Grey was about to stand up and leave, but he couldn't take a single step. A light yet tough tug clung on his coat, making him stop on his tracks. Of course, the one who stopped him was none other than Yuna, who was now pouting adorably.

"Dummy... Didn't you just say you have one hell of a memory? But... Aren't you forgetting something already...? You know... That..." [Yuna]

"Something... Ah... Hahaha. My fiancée really is a clingy one, isn't she?" [Grey]

"Mou... You meanie... Don't keep me waiting... It's embarrassing..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Then, I'll be partaking of your good will." [Grey]

Said the young man as she closed the distance between them. He placed his hands on her forehead and lifted her bangs. He leaned in closer and pressed his lips gently on her forehead, kissing her dearly to show his affection.

Of course, what Grey forgot was a goodbye kiss, a sweet and rosy atmosphere in the air. Now, one might ask... Why don't they just get married already?... The answer for that... Only God knows why... Such is the mystery of life.

"I'll only have the forehead right now, but... I'll make sure to have my fill later, so you better prepare yourself, my Dear." [Grey]

"G-Grey! Y-You dummy! Stop teasing me like that already! Geez~!" [Yuna]

Or so she says, but her very reaction was one which would elicit the opposite effect to the other party. Yuna was simply too cute, that even after dating for more than a year already, Grey couldn't help but tease her, his heart set aflutter all the same.

"Then, I'll be taking my leave now, Milady. I'll see in a bit," [Grey]

"Un... Take care, and... I love you..." [Yuna]

The young lady ended her words, her voice slowly fading away in the wind. After all, she wasn't just one to receive attacks, but one to deal critical blows as well, making Grey's heart dance in happiness as a smile bloomed on his face.

All the sweetness and sappiness aside, Grey and Yuna then quickly headed their separate ways towards the different districts of the city. Grey is heading towards the Blacksmiths' Guild whilst Yuna is going towards the Rabbit's Den's direction.

As for the reason why Grey is heading to the Blacksmiths' so early in the morning, it was to turn in all the quest he just finished. He decided to complete them all as fast as he could so that they could depart to the Kingdom of Foltriesse.

"Foltriesse, huh... I wonder what kind of country it is..." [Grey]

Foltriesse, one of the neighboring Kingdoms of Alfrione which borders the latter from the east up until the northeast. Like Alfrione, it is a subtropical country which is rich in resources, only with denser forests than peaceful meadows.

Grey and Yuna had decided to travel to such a country just yesterday night, and as for how the decision came to be... It was all when they were just about to head to bed, the young lady preparing to drift to sleep...

"Right, Yuna... I already consulted about this with Their Majesties, but, would you like to head to the Kingdom of Foltriesse next time?" [Grey]

"The Kingdom of Foltriesse... Isn't that the one in the east?" [Yuna]

"That's right. To be specific, we'll be heading towards the City of Xeros." [Grey]

The city of Xeros, like Farsa, is the Royal Capital of the Kingdom. It boasts a land area of just a little short than 100 square kilometers and a population which easily surpassed 3 million people, a couple hundred thousand more than the latter.

It is a city which is prided for their woodworking and crafts which comes from their lush and bountiful forests, with just about as many handicrafts shops as there were market stalls. But perhaps what it was most known for was....

"If I remember correctly, it's also called the 'City of Alchemy' here in the Oiros continent. It is said that there's an acadー" [Grey]

"Grey! Let's go! Let's go to Xeros!" [Yuna]

Grey hadn't even finished his words when the young lady suddenly pounced towards him with excited eyes. The very moment she heard the word "Alchemy", her eyes and ears immediately perked up, a very eager expression on her face.

With excitement and enthusiasm basically painted in her eyes like that, it was already decided that they would be heading towards Foltriesse. No, to be honest, the flare in Yuna's eyes was so bright, it was a little bit scary.

The different potions she might see, the various alchemists she could encounter, and also the different alchemy products she had never seen before. Just thinking about them, Yuna could barely contain her excitement. She really was an alchemy maniac.

"Hahaha. I already knew you'd say that, and did you know? There's a Legendary Alchemist there in Xeros, one of the only 3 in the world." [Grey]

"A Legendary Alchemist! That's a tier above me! Amazing!" [Yuna]

"You bet it is. From what I heard from His Majesty, Xeros is every alchemists' dream city. It is the place where advancement in alchemy is fastest." [Grey]

"Waah~! It must be an amazing city then! What about the herbs?! Do they have a lot of herbs there?! Then there must be magic plants tooー No! I'm sure there's tons of magic plants there! Isn't it, Grey?!" [Yuna]

"Y-Yuna, let's calm down a little bit, alright...?" [Grey]

It was a long night after that in which they barely slept, and not because of a hot and steamy reason. Yuna just bombarded Grey with all sorts of questions, the young man barely getting a wink of sleep from all her excitement.

It was then that he learned (in the hard way) that it was better to announce the happy news in the morning. No matter how amazing they are as Transcendents, sleep was still something they would yearn for. They barely had a couple hours last night.

"Haha... That girl... She's a little too energetic for her sake..." [Grey]

And just as Grey was mumbling such words, a grand and familiar building greeted his eyes. It was none other than the Blacksmiths' Guild building which was as busy as ever, the sound of hammers and flames clamoring all over the street.

Grey took a step inside and all sorts of muscular folks filled his view. There were blacksmiths everywhere, some even carrying heavy loads of ores and materials, and heading back to their smithies, the scent of steel and coal everywhere.

Of course, Grey didn't just dilly-dally any longer and headed towards the reception desk to turn in the request he made. Thankfully, there wasn't that long of a line so it didn't take Grey too long before it was his turn.

"Oh, Your Highness! Are you here to take a request?"

"No, it's the opposite, actually... I came to deliver the requested items of the requests I took a few days ago. Can I bring them out now?" [Grey]

"Please do, Your Highness. We will start the appraisal shortly later."

Her hands were fast as lightning, typing in the documents and processing Grey's as if her life depended on it. Her eyes were filled with focus and she stamped papers one after another, all the while appraising the items Grey brought out.

A Superior-Grade sword... High-Grade lance... And another High-Grade lance... Grey brought out a lot of items, and the receptionist took account of all of them, calculating the total and signing the forms one after another. It was a busy day.


"Your Highness, would you like to buy some pineapples? They're freshly harvested!"

"Oh! Lady Yuna! How about these pork belly? Just 20 kiels a kilo!"

"Fresh bread~! Fresh brー Ah! Your Highness, are you buying bread again today?"

A silver-haired elf walked down the streets and the merry voices of the crowd greeted her left and right. She greeted them back with a smile, occasionally stopping by the stalls to buy their products, a whole bunch at a time.

Yuna continued to walk down the streets with a carefree smile on her face. With the lack of ingredients the past few days, she hasn't taken a quest on the Alchemists' Guild unlike Grey. She was currently free, nothing more to do.

And due to that, she decided that the best thing to do was head towards town and tell people they'll be gone on a trip again. It was the shortest time they stayed in Galderia and was also quite an unfamiliar feeling to her. Still, she was excited.

"They should be finished with breakfast now, shouldn't they?" [Yuna]

Of course, the first people Yuna thought of telling the news were none other than the people at the Rabbit's Den. They had always told them first, and this time was no different, the young lady humming happily as she opened the doors.


The chimes resonated with her humming, and Yuna entered the inn. Since it was almost 8 o'clock already, there were barely any people present, only a couple of tenants and adventurers having a warm meal as they chatted and laughed.

As for Helen and family, they are simply savoring a break. Having just finished their breakfast, they are now resting themselves before the advent of lunch, and with them was Owen who was surprisingly free despite having not been around for days.

"Good morning, Yuna. You came later than usual today. Where's Grey?" [Helen]

"Grey's at the Blacksmiths' Guild, and no, I won't be having breakfast. We already had one at home, so I'm fine for the moment." [Yuna]

"Ehh~? Are you sure about that? We cooked really delicious dishes today, you know? You might regret it if you don't eat breakfast now." [Helen]

"Mou~! I'm not that much of a glutton, you know?!" [Yuna]

Only to be expected of Helen, the way she greeted Yuna was very lively, teasing the latter all the while. Even more than Grey, she also likes to tease her precious friends and poke fun at her. It was her way of showing affection.

Selia, Gerd, and Owen greeted the young lady soon after, bright and gentle smiles on their faces. They let Yuna beside them by the counter, Gerd also offering her some snacks too, one which Yuna accepted ever so gracefully. She is a glutton,

"So, since you aren't here for breakfast, are you here to chat? Should we continue out girl talk the other day, Hm?" [Helen]

"Mmn... Sorry, Helen. That might be a little difficult right now..." [Yuna]

"Hm? What do you mean?" [Helen]

"Well... Umm... You see..." [Yuna]

Hesitant as she was, Yuna still told everyone about their trip to the Foltriesse, and that they would be leaving today as soon as they were done with their tasks and saying their farewells to their acquaintances.

It hasn't been long since they returned so saying goodbye all of a sudden feels a little bit off. In fact, throughout the whole year, they have been out to other places more than their own home. Their house was basically still brand new.

After all, no matter what they do, Grey and Yuna were still adventurers. It was in their blood to go around the world and explore at every opportunity they have. It doesn't matter how far it is, they would run with all their might to chase the faraway horizon.

Yeah... It's completely because they're adventurers and not because of the rare and precious herbs found in Xeros... No, no, not at all...

"Geez... You barely just came back 2 weeks ago, and you're already leafing...? Do you really hate Galderia that much, Yuna?" [Helen]

"E-Eh?! Not at all! I really love it here! The place and the people are amazing! How could I complain about it?! It's perfect!" [Yuna]

"Ehh... Then why are you leaving...? Just stay here..." [Helen]

"Now, now, Helen, don't tease Yuna too much." [Owen]

While it's true that Helen wanted Yuna to stay a little longer, with the reason for their departure involving alchemy, she didn't want to involve herself any further. Like she is with her romance novels, she knew how crazy Yuna was with her alchemy.

No, actually, not even Helen's addiction to sweet and sometimes erotic love stories could compare to Yuna's love for alchemy. If she hears a rumor about it, she would probably jump down a cliff without a moment's hesitation. That's who Yuna is.

"But Helen's right... It really is too soon to leave... How long will you be staying there? Would it be for another 3 months again?" [Gerd]

"We still don't know, but if nothing goes wrong... About a month, I guess?" [Yuna]

"If nothing goes wrong, you say... Yuna, you do know your and Grey's tendency to get in trouble is not that good, you know?" [Helen]

"Geez! It's not like we wish for it! They just keep coming our way!" [Yuna]

"Sure, sure, let's just leave it at that." [Helen]

They don't just get into trouble often, they's practically magnets which attract them. And not just any trouble, but ones which also involve national affairs. It was as if there was some divine and absolute power forcing troubles to head their way.

Well, with their strength right now, there really is much which could do much to the two of them. At the very least, their enemies would need to be at Disaster-Class or higher before it gets troublesome. They're simply too broken of a team.

And right now, they are heading towards a city of Alchemy which has been at peace for several decades already. There was no possible way they could get themselves in big trouble. It would be amazing if they did, though.

"Mou... You sure are acting so proud... I still remember you crying when we set off to Moterno... You were really bawling your eyes out back then..." [Yuna]

"Wha-What?! I-I don't remember that happening!" [Helen]

"It did! You were crying like a little child! Right, Missus Selia?!" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! That's right, that did happen, didn't it?" [Selia]

Helen may be more experienced in teasing people, but with Yuna constantly under Grey's attack everyday, she was not one to go down easily. Moreover, she now has Selia on her side, attacking Helen from both fronts.

To make matters worse, Owen was also present. The man already knew how much of a gremlin his girlfriend was, but he didn't know she was that much of a crybaby that she would cry at the thought of a friend going away. A new discovery.

"O-Owen! Th-This is not what it sounds like!" [Helen]

"It's alright. Even if you're a crybaby, I still think that you're the cutest," [Owen]

"Nooo~!!! It's not like that! Why won't you listen...?!" [Helen]

One young lady was doing her best to deny all the allegations thrown at her, whilst the other was teasing her back. The mother was smiling, and so was the boyfriend. The father is only able to heave a lengthy and exasperated sight. It was pure chaos.

And whilst such chaos ensued, the chimes rang once more, and another character entered the scene. It was none other than Grey, who just finished all his business in the guilds, now greeted by a confusing yet familiar scene.

"Grey! Help me! Yuna's bullying me!" [Helen]

"Ehh?! I'm not! I was just paying you back for all your teasing!" [Yuna]

It didn't take too long before Grey himself got dragged into the chaos, still unsure about what was happening before him. He felt like a father who suddenly got two energetic children, only that one was his friend, and the other, his fiancée.

Of course, the same logic on Earth doesn't apply in Merusia. While they might just look like high school girls teasing one another, in Merusia where 15 year olds are treated as adults, they were more like coworkers annoying each other.

Grey looked at Owen dead in the eye and asked for an explanation, but the man just answered with a warm and vague smile. He also asked for Gerd and Selia's words, but it was all for naught. They all smile just the same.

'Seriously... What the hell is going on here...' [Grey]

Such a thought revolving around his mind, Yuna and Helen continued to tease one another. Grey didn't think too much about it anymore and simply sat down with the other, letting the big children play. It was a surreal yet strangely calming sight.

Time passed like that and Grey and Yuna soon left the Rabbit's Den. They then gave a visit to their other acquaintances and gave notice of their absence, especially the Merchants' guild. There are still a lot of products in development, after all.

And though they would be spending a lot of time on Xeros, it was decided that they would be celebrating Yuna's upcoming 18th birthday in Galderia. They have "Gate", after all. Jumping from one town to another was not a problem.

Even if problems did arise, they also have phones to tell each other of the issues. A complete opposite to their first parting, now was much more casual, with everyone not feeling either too awkward nor too stiff. It was just right.

Grey and Yuna soon headed back to their home and prepared some things before they set off their journey. Most of the things were already in the "Inventory" so it didn't take them too long before they got ready,

"Oh, right. Yuna, I just remembered... I happened to meet Guildmaster Rina along the way, and well... I got a note from her." [Grey]

"A note...? What does it say?" [Yuna]

"Well, it's not actually a note, per say..." [Grey]

It wasn't just a note, it was a list of alchemy ingredients and materials, a long one at that. It contained everything from herbs like silverpine needles all the way to magic plants such as the pitch black deathcap, and even white flame dandelions.

"It's a list, huh... And it's a long one too..." [Yuna]

I mean, how could one ever forget about her terror? After all, the Guildmaster was as much of an alchemy maniac as Yuna. One which would even go as far as to sell her soul to the devil simply because it could help with her research in Alchemy.

But perhaps the most disturbing thing was that Rina didn't give him any items, nor any payment whatsoever. The ingredients were all so precious, yet she didn't even lend a single penny. She was simply being too much.

"Just a single look at it and I'm sure all of these would fetch a few hundred thousand kiels. Can the Guild really afford this much?" [Grey]

"Mmn... I doubt Mister Aldean even knows about this, actually..." [Yuna]

"Right... We're talking about Guildmaster Rina, after all..." [Grey]

And they were right, the Vice Guildmaster really didn't have any idea about it. In fact, during the time Grey coincidentally met the Guildmaster, she was supposed to work in her office, but as usual, she skipped it once again. Truly a troublemaker.

Still, there was no need to decline her request. While it really might cost a fortune to buy the listed ingredients, as a Guildmaster, Rina's personal savings is not meager by any means. It was also a good chance to make her owe them so there was any reason to refuse the request.

Just like that, Grey and Yuna continued to prepare, and before long, they had finally gathered all the essentials and packed the ingredients they needed for their daily lives. All that was left was to settle their hearts and prepare themselves.

"Are you ready now, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! What kind of question is that? I'm always ready!" [Yuna]

Said the young lady with a confident smile on her face, her heart racing in excitement and her eyes sparkling brightly. It has been a long time since she felt such enthusiasm, looking forward to the new adventure set before them.

"Hahaha. You're right... Then, shall we head out now, Milady?" [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

Grey extended his hands out like he usually does, the faint traces of blue and white gathering in the air and swirling into a mass of light. Yet another gate was formed before them, a land of opportunities waiting on the other side.

There was no need to hesitate. The two youths took the first steps and entered the gate with smiles plastered on their faces. Light swallowed their sight once more, their figures vanishing in the air until they were no more.

A new adventure begins!


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