YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 353: Pretty Little Princess (pt. II)


The night was deep and the winds were cold. The stars sparkled above the sleeping world, the whispers of owls and bats drifting along the frigid breeze, playing along the sweet and gentle melody of endless night.


A series footsteps echoed freely in the air, heavy and metallic tracks playing on the streets as carriages passed one after another, the merry laughter of the passengers echoing like the bell chimes and the shadows dancing along its tunes.

The party has finished and everyone has gone back to their warm and happy homes, carriages leaving the Royal Castle one after another. It was a merry night with a lot of laughter and festivities, everyone bringing back wonderful memories of the night.

"Ahh~! We could finally relax..." [Yuna]

Of course, the main characters had also retired for the day. A young lady jumping towards the sofa as soon as she found it and relishing on its warmth and comfort, an adorable little angel sitting with her as if trying to copy her.

The night was already deep, and despite the fact that Grey could simply use "Gate", it was decided that they would be staying over the Royal Castle, not because it was inconvenient for them, but because the Little Princess requested it.

"Nalia, sit on Big Sis' lap." [Natalia]

"Fufufu! If that's what the Little Princess wants, then so be it. Big Sis' lap will be your Royal Throne for the night!" [Yuna]

"Yaay~! Nalia has a shrone!" [Natalia]

It may already be late at night, but it was still the Little Princess' birthday, and so, Yuna decided to spoil the little one even more than usual. A bright and blinding smile blooming on the latter's face as soon as she heard Yuna's words.

Natalia didn't waste any more time, and with her little legs, she climbed up on Yuna's lap, trying to be careful as to not hurt Yuna as much as she could. Well, not that Yuna would get hurt anyway. Still, it was adorable seeing her try to do so.

"Oh, dear... I'm really sorry for this, Yuna. You have been dealing with Natalia all night. Are you sure it's okay?" [Natasha]

"That's right, Yuna. You don't have to force yourself just to please Natalia. Just tell us if you need someone to take over watching over her." [Talia]

"No, it's okay. I appreciate the concern, Your Majesty, Missus Natasha, but I really enjoy this so you don't have to worry that much. Right, Little Princess?" [Yuna]

"Um! Nalia enjoy with Big Sis!" [Natalia]

There was no need to worry. Yuna may be exhausted, but there was still more than enough energy to spare. She had fought endless battles in the Labyrinth already. A couple hours of playing with the Little Princess was not a big deal.

Of course, it was also to repay the Little Princess for their lack of visits over the past couple months. They have been quite busy, recently, after all. If they could make her happy with such a little thing, they have no right to take it away from her.

The only problem here is that there wasn't just the Little Princess in the room. While they would just usually lie on the ground in the Little Princess' bedroom, when in the drawing room, doing so would be inappropriate. Natlia was still a princess, so they would like to refrain from any impropriety.

"Grey, could we have a table please?" [Yuna]

"Hm? Sure..." [Grey]

The young man didn't ask any further and quickly took out a neat and nice table from his "Inventory". It was neither too high nor too low, just perfect for the Little Princess to reach. It was a table they usually use when playing games with her.

"You really have a good storage ring, huh, Grey? What grade is that? Superior-Gradeー No, maybe it's Legendary Grade?" [Galleus]

"Hahaha. Well, let's just leave it at that for now." [Grey]

"You say that, but that makes me even more curious..." [Galleus]

Of course, as they already took out the playing table, what came after next was the board and card games Grey made along with the toys they just bought as presents for the Little Princess, all sitting atop the table.

Before anyone could even notice it, a mountain already appeared before them, full of different colors, shapes, and sizes. The Little Princess' eyes sparkled at the glorious sight before her, having troubles deciding what she should play first.

There were ones she was already familiar with, but also new ones she was curious about. While most children would just pick on a whim, the Little Princess was putting a lot more thought into it. She looked so adorable, deeply pondering over a silly topic.

"Mama... What should Nalia play...?" [Natalia]

In the end, the Little Princess couldn't decide what to play and decided to ask for help from her lovely mother. Yet despite wearing such a troubled face, her eyes were still sparkling with excitement. She really was adorable.

"Fufufu! It can't be helped then. Mama will help out sweetie." [Natasha]

"Then Grandma would also be helping out~!" [Talia]

Before long, everyone started digging into the mountain of toys and searched for one which looked the most fun to play. They may be royalty, but under the closed doors, they were just a loving, doting, and a little too carefree of a family.

There were dolls and stuffed animals present, but knowing the Little Princess, she preferred one which would use her min. Board and puzzle games which are played with many people were something which they focused on finding.

"Oh, how about this one, Dear? I think Natalia would love this." [Galleus]

"Oho... Isn't that a tangram? It's been quite some time since I've seen one." [Grey]

"A tang... What...?" [Julius]

A tangram. It is a puzzle game composed of various shapes of different sizes which can be used to create different, more complex shapes. For example, one could be tasked with making a square with those shapes with all the puzzle pieces. It was a game which required logical thinking.

Of course, despite it sounding so complex, it was also a game which could be played even by toddlers. Creating the shapes of animals or various objects with the simple geometric shapes is also a way to pass time with family and friends.

But perhaps the best thing about tangrams is that, the more shapes there are present, the more complex and intricate shapes could be made. Grey could even remember people making dragons using tangrams back on the internet.

"Interesting... It looks so simple yet so intricate... If it's this, then couldn't we play with multiple teams and see who can make the shapes faster?" [Julius]

"Well, that's the point of it. You actually looked smart for once, Julius." [Grey]

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" [Julius]

Of course, with Grey and Julius present, things were bound to get rowdy. Thankfully, because the Little Princess was present, things didn't escalate any further. They don't want to serve as a bad influence to her, after all.

"Then, since we bought many sets of tangrams, should we have a little bit of fun? What do you think, Little Princess?" [Yuna]

"Um! Let's play! Let's play!" [Natalia]

There was no need to waste any more time. As soon as the game was decided, the other games were quickly cleared off the table and the teams separated places to make sure the others wouldn't eavesdrop on them.

There were four teams in total, each composed of two people. Team 1 was the King and Julius, team 2 was the Queen and Iris, team 3 was the married couple, Galleus and Natasha, and lastly, team 4 was composed of Yuna and the Little Princess. Grey served as the referee of the match.

Of course, since it would be no different than cheating if Yuna uses her wits, it was decided that the Little Princess' decisions would be prioritized, with Yuna only helping out from time to time. The goal was to have fun, after all.

"Then, the first shape would be a rabbit. Ready... Set... Start!" [Grey]

As soon as Grey gave the signal, everyone's hands quickly started moving and they all started making their shapes resemble rabbits. It seemed simple, but the one considered the best looking after the time is over would be the winner.

It was only a simple competition, but everyone seemed strangely fired up. They were all giving it their all, piecing the shapes together to make the best shape of a rabbit they could. Before long, all the sand had fallen off the hour glass.

"Alright, time's up! Anyone who moves their pieces will be disqualified." [Grey]

"Pretty~! Nalia and Big Sis made bunny!" [Natalia]

"Mmn... The ears look weird, don't they, Mother?" [Iris]

"Hahaha! Prepare to go down, Yuna! Today is the day I beat you!" [Julius]

Everyone was proud of their works, with a certain pair which were too overconfident. However, it wasn't for them to judge who would be the winner, but for Grey. He then started examining everything with his eyes to pass on judgement,

Yuna and the Little Princess' work looked abstract, but beautiful. Iris and the Queen's piece was elegant with only a couple minor issues. The Crown Prince and Princess' work was neat and elegant. As for the King and Julius, well...

"What... What the hell is this...?" [Grey]

"Can't you tell, Grey? It's a muscular rabbit! We made it a sword as well!" [Julius]

"That's right! Strength is beauty, after all! We really are geniuses! Hahaha!" [Ernes]

... They really were father and son, going above and beyond Grey's expectations. His expectations of stupidity and idiocy, that is. He was so dumbfounded, he didn't even know what to say. They were two peas in a pod.

"Haah... Whatever... The winner of the 1st round is Team 3. Mister Galleus and Missus Natasha get a point!" [Grey]

"Yaay~! We did it, Dear! The first point goes to us!" [Natasha]

"Grey! This is absurd! Don't you see the greatness of our warrior rabbit?!" [Julius]

Or so he says, but what was absurd was the King and Julius' interpretation of a rabbit which they butchered without mercy. But rather than get crestfallen their spirits only burnt brighter and fiercer like victory-hungry warriors.

Just like that, everyone continued to play the game, the shapes changing from a star, a tree, a dragon, and many more. The King and Julius' ridiculous interpretations also continued along their losing streak, not winning a single round.

In the end, the one who took grasp victory was team 2 composed of the Queen and Iris. The moment they got a feel of the game, they grasped wins left and right, until they dominated the game with their wonderful skills and cooperation.

"Fufufu! That was really fun, wasn't it?" [Talia]

"Ugh...! Damn you, Grey... You have a grudge against us, don't you?!" [Julius]

"Shut up. If you didn't add muscles and swords to your pieces then you might have scored some points. I'm not the one at fault here." [Grey]

"Tsk! Tsk! You just don't understand the beauty of strength." [Ernes]

And as one would expect, the King and Julius' team came in last place at 0 points. Team 3 with Galleus and Natsha came in 2nd, while Team 4 with Yuna and the little Princess came 3rd. Still, it was a lot of fun.

"Then, let's take a break, shall we? I've got some snacks prepared here, so everyone, go ahead and take one." [Grey]

What came after the game was a break of course, complete with light snacks which Grey had already prepared. It was already late in the night and they had eaten quite some meals before so it was not a good idea to upset their stomachs.

Everyone took a serving of some sweet and tasty pudding, their hands reaching out one after another. There were just enough servings for everyone, each of them getting a serving... Or so it would seem to be.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I'm afraid there aren't any more pudding left." [Grey]

"Hm? What are you talking about? There's still one right there." [Ernes]

"Ah, this... This one is also for the Little Princess. It's her birthday, after all, so she gets two of them. Isn't that right, Little Princess?" [Grey]

"Yaay~! Nalia gets two!" [Natalia]

But as it turned out, two of them were actually meant for the Little Princess. One for the night, and one for her to enjoy tomorrow, sort of a late birthday present from Grey to his favorite Little Princess, to the latter's delight.

The King wanted to argue and retaliate, but with his granddaughter wearing such a happy and adorable smile on her lovely face, how could he bear himself to take away such pure and innocent joy from her. It was just wrong to do so.

Though, it didn't take them too long before the King realized what was Grey's aim. After all, it hasn't been too long since Grey and Yuna confronted him about the topic. It might as well be their revenge for his own shortcomings.

"Grey, you... Don't tell me... Are you doing this just because I forgot to send you your party invitations? Is that it?" [Ernes]

"Oh, my... I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, Your Majesty. Is that perhaps something worth doing revenge on?" [Grey]

"Guh... So it's because of that, after all..." [Ernes]

The King was right, but there was no need for Grey to confirm nor deny it. It may be petty and childish, but Grey still holds some grudges over the King, not just for the recent incident, but the past ones as well. A silly, little payback.

The King wants to retort, but with Grey having the upper hand at the moment, there was only so much he could do. He may be a King, but so was Grey. All he could do was admit defeat and leave the rest of the matters for the days to come.

"Ugh... These petty brats..." [Ernes]

"Hm? Did you say something just now, Your Majesty?" [Grey]

"Tsk! It's nothing. I'm just happy for Natalia, is what I said." [Ernes]

The night went deeper with time and the games continued to unfold. Midnight was fast approaching, but strangely enough, everyone still had the energy to spare and have fun. Even the Little Princess' eyes were sparkling brighter than the stars.

It was already past the Little Princess' bedtime, but they decided to just let it go for the meantime. A birthday happens only once a year, after all. They might as well let her enjoy the whole day in fun and excitement until sleep takes her away,

They played othello, poker, chess, snake and ladder, memory, checkers, jigsaw puzzles, and a lot more games. Their latest game they played was old maid, only Julius and the Little Princess remaining in the playing field.

"Then, it's your turn now, my lovely niece. Take your pick." [Julius]

"Um! Nalia will pick!" [Natalia]

The tension was high in the air as Natalia decided which card to pick, her little arms trembling ever so slightly. Julius was the complete opposite of her, only confidence painted in his eyes, a sh*t-eating grin plastered on his face.

Soon enough, the Little Princess took her pick, but oh how unfortunate it was. The card she picked was the old maid, dread and gloom painted on her face as clear as day. The match was already decided, soon coming to an end.

"Haha... It's truly a pity, Natalia. But it seems that Iー" [Julius]

Julius was about to pick the obvious card and grasp victory, but he suddenly stopped in his tracks. Before him was the sulking and crestfallen expression of his adorable niece, looking as if the world was crumbling down before her.

Since she was young, Natalia's expressions were quite easy to read so she easily lost the game every time, and now was no different. However, she was already on her 4th losing streak, so losing another time would be really depressing, thus the gloominess.

Julius wants to win, but his heart couldn't beat to see the niece he is fond of to be sad. It was a battle against pride and conscience, his neurons firing off at lightning speeds as he thought of what was the right thing to do.

"Guh... Dammit..." [Julius]

In the end, the happiness of his niece still weighed heavier and so, he picked the old maid. He also made sure not to shuffle his cards so that Natalia knows which card to pick in order to win. And the result...

"Waah~! Na-Nalia got it! Nalia wins!" [Natalia]

"Fufufu! Congratulations, Little Princess~! You got your 1st victory!" [Yuna]

"Um! Nalia got wictory!" [Natalia]

... It was the Little Princess' viceroy, a bright and elated smile spreading on her face as she raised her arms, hopping like a little bunny. She was giggling and clapping as if she just won the lottery. Such pure and innocent happiness.

It was a bummer that he lost, but seeing how happy his niece was, Julius didn't regret his actionsー Or at least, he didn't regret it at first. That is until he saw Grey's warm and proud smile which only sent shivers down his spine.

"Wow~! I didn't know you have such a soft side, Julius." [Grey]

"Shut up..." [Julius]

Of course, the latter didn't spare any effort to tease and make fun of the princes while he could. He teased him without giving any leeway, poking fun at him from all angles and directions, much to the latter's annoyance and embarrassment.

Just as Grey was making fun of his friend, he suddenly remembered something he has yet to give to the Little Princess. The presents before were just ones they gave were nothing before it. It was his and Yuna's true gift to the Little Princess.

Grey suddenly stopped messing around and took the present out of the "Inventory". It was a hand-sized crystal with threads of gold and silver running inside, a pure core of white in the middle. It gleamed beautifully before the moon outside the window.

"Little Princess, this might be a little late already. But here is mine and Yuna's true present for you. I hope you like it." [Grey]

"For Nalia? Present?" [Natalia]

"Un! We got that during our travels, and thought we'd give it to you. It looks really pretty, doesn't it? Just as pretty as our Little Princess!" [Yuna]

It wasn't just pretty, it was mesmerizing. The Royal Family has seen countless types of jewels and gemstones before, but it was their first time seeing one like it. It wasn't the prettiest of them all, but it was something mystical one could help but admire it.

Other than Grey, only one person in the room knew what it was. It may have looked a little different from the ones he's seen before and was much smaller than the ones in the Royal Treasury, but there was no mistaking it.

"Oi, oi, oi! Isn't that a beast crystal?!" [Ernes]

And the King was right. It was the very beast crystal which Grey and Yuna got back at the Labyrinth to Stars. It belongs to a D-rank Aethon, which is of the Light-attribute and is capable of light. A good enough guardian for the Little Princess.

"A beast crystal?! Isn't that really rare and precious?!" [Galleus]

"Hm? It's only D-rank, though. So it's no big deal." [Grey]

"Even if it's D-rank, that would still cost millions of kiels. If you auction it, I'm sure it will fetch at least 10 million, maybe even more." [Ernes]

"10 million... That's more than a town's annual revenue..." [Natasha]

That's right, beast crystals are just that precious. After all, unlike knights and soldiers which could be hired, familiars are completely loyal to their masters and would not hesitate to give their life in order to save them.

What's more, familiars have insanely long lifespans and also an astonishing level of intelligence and growth rate. It may be D-rank now, but it can grow stronger later with training, able to serve a house for several generations which improves its strength.

It was also the reason why Beast Crystals are considered treasures by all people all over the world. Even Royal and Imperial Families have trouble getting them. It was just absurd to give them to a child, especially a toddler at that.

But perhaps the most important fact was that it came from a Labyrinth which it had the same attribute of. It was a strengthened beast crystal which would already be at the pinnacle of D-dank during summoning, barely any difference from a C-ranks. It would cost a couple hundred million kiels at the very least.

"True, it is precious, but compared to the Little Princess' safety... I think we know which is more important, don't we?" [Grey]

Though, if Grey puts it in such a way, there was no way anyone else would rebut their decision. They may not be able to summon it now due to Natalia's young age, but it would surely be an asset in the future.

"Haah... Fine, suit yourselves. I'm not the one losing money here, anyway. You can do whatever you want, just don't go regretting it later." [Ernes]

"A beast crystal, huh... How envious..." [Julius]

"Fufufu! Isn't that good for you, Natalia? You're going to have a pet soon," [Talia]

Everyone was supportive of the idea and simply went along with the flow, and though the Little Princess didn't really understand what was happening, she knew from other people's reaction that it was a good thing.

"Big Bro! Big Sis! Thank yuu!" [Natalia]

"Fufufu! As long as the Little Princess is happy!" [Yuna]


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