YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 355: A Quick Pitstop

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Birds hopped and perched upon the branches, pecking on the leaves and observing the tiniest of worms wiggle in the trees. They were mischievous and curious, dancing like the free wind in the deep and verdant forest.

In that forest, the deers pranced around grass and bushes, the snakes slithered on the ground and around the trees, the ladybugs flying from leaf to leaf as they painted the place red and black, twirling and crawling around the place.

Lights of blue and white suddenly appeared out of nowhere, reflecting in the eyes of the curious critters. Two figures then popped out of the blue from the thin mass of light, their silhouettes slowly showing as the disc of light faded into mist.

"Waah~! The forest here looks amazing too! I wonder where we are!" [Yuna]

"We're in the Foltriesse Kingdom already. And don't go around collecting herbs now. We don't want to get late now, do we?" [Grey]

"Okay! I'll try my best!... I guess!" [Yuna]

"That doesn't sound convincing, you know..." [Grey]

The said figures were none other than Grey and Yuna who are still heading towards the city of Xeros. They are now in a forest Grey had visited before, using "Gate" to shorten the distance as much as possible.

It has only been a couple seconds yet they already covered more than a few hundred kilometers. If they were to ride Sirius then they should cover the whole distance in a couple more hours. Traveling has never been any faster.

Footsteps echoed in the air, the sound of broken twigs and rustling leaves echoing all throughout the forest. Grey and Yuna headed north, the little critters fleeing as they walked and the sound of chimes echoing as the spirits danced around them.

"Still... I didn't think you've traveled all the way to the Foltriesse Kingdom already... Are you adventuring without me again?" [Yuna]

"Come on, you know that's not true... This is just one of the places I visited when I searched for the colors. I've been to many places, you know?" [Grey]

"Ehh~? How much have you traveled then?" [Yuna]

"Hmm... A couple hundred locations? I don't really know, but I've been around the whole continent. I'll tell you that much." [Grey]

"The whole continent... I'm a little envious..." [Yuna]

Grey may not have covered the whole continent, but he had seen many interesting things when he traveled to search for the nine colors. Unfortunately, he was hurrying at the time and didn't have the time to enjoy them to the fullest.

Still, he could take a look back at his memories and admire their incredible beauty once more. The wonderful sights and the awe-inspiring marvels of the natural world were truly an experience many others would surely be envious of.

Of course, Yuna was also one who was envious of such experiences. But even more than envious, she was extremely happy, a bright and mischievous smile blooming on her face as she looked at Grey in the eyes, giggling to herself.

"Why are you giggling? Is there something on my face?" [Grey]

"Nothing~! I just realized how much you love me once again." [Yuna]

"Huh? What's with that? Of course I do." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I know, I know. I mean... There's no way you don't love me after searching the whole continent. Right, Grey~?" [Yuna]

"No comment..." [Grey]

"Ehh~? Are you embarrassed now, Grey~?! You're embarrassed, right~?! You absolutely are~! I know you are~! Fufufu!" [Yuna]

Obnoxious... She was truly obnoxious. And with her obnoxious but adorable attempts to make Grey embarrassed. No one knows what she ate this morning, but it was most probably due to her excitement. She was all high and happy.

Flirting and Shenanigans aside, the two continued their walk and headed towards the nearest city from the forest, the high walls and massive gates greeting them as they exited the woods, accompanied by a slithering line of people and carriages.

Grey and Yuna lined up, handed their cards, and headed inside the village, as easy as one, two, three. And like usual, a grand and novel scenery greeted them, houses and shops lodged left and right along the busy streets.

The houses were more rustic, stripped woods and dark-toned stones making up the houses, each one looking heavy and sturdy. They looked simple but also beautiful, a touch of modernness filled by the street lights popping up here and there.

"Waah~! It's the first time I'm seeing these kinds of houses!" [Yuna]

"Me too... Should we also make a house in this style in the Sanctuary? I think it would look nice as a contrast." [Grey]

"Un! I think so too! Should we make it when we get back?" [Yuna]

"Well, we need to gather the materials first, but that sounds good. Should we also create towers and more buildings while we're at it?" [Grey]

It was a delightful scenery, Grey and Yuna's hearts captured by their wonderful style of architecture, admiring the scenery like any other normal touristー like hell they are! Rather than tourists, they sounded and looked more like a pair of weird builders.

Grey and Yuna really didn't have a hobby of building large and grand structures, but after prettying up and renovating the Sanctuary, they found a new hobby, designing and new structures whenever they had the chance to.

In fact, they have been so invested into a building, they have created a small village inside the Sanctuary, with all sorts of buildings and infrastructure present, playing as if it was a sandbox. The two just don't know how to hold back. No, they really don't.

"Then we can also make a castleー Ah, no! Why are we talking about this?! We're getting distracted again! Geez~!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Isn't it alright? We still have a lot of time." [Grey]

"No! We can't do that! As alchemists, how could we stand still when there's so many herbs around?! We must buy them all!" [Yuna]

Thankfully, Yuna's love for alchemy was greater than her love for building things. The moment she saw a medicinal herb by the corner of her eye, she then snapped back to reality, eyes focusing on the prize again.

No, actually... She may be a little too motivated, fervently looking at the herbs like how a starving predator would look at its prey. She was serious when she said that she wanted to buy all of them. She's Yuna, after all.

"Yuna, don't go too overboard. We stillー" [Grey]

"Grey, let's hurry! The herbs are going to run out if we dawdle any longer!" [Yuna]

Grey couldn't even finish his words, the young lady rushing off to the market stalls as soon as she had the chance, inspecting the herbs with eyes brighter than the sun reigning above them and smiling more blooming than flowers.

Rather than the herbs running out because of the competition of customers, they were rather in more danger of running out from the young lady prancing around the place. She was just too energetic for her own good...

"Haah... That girl... Does it really hurt to wait?" [Grey]

Said the young man as he heaved a lengthy sigh, but he quickly followed after the young lady. There was no stopping her when she's in such a mood. It was better to leave her be and just make sure she doesn't go overboard.

"Jalabra! Liocorne Orchids! Fantail lilies! Mikumiku! Koleras' fern! And even some Gartail too! There's so many!" [Yuna]

Stall after stall, the young lady went, pointing her fingers left and right as she went around the place, purchasing box after box of herbs and letting them pile up in her storage ring with a simple swipe of the hand.

At first, the merchants were taken aback by such a young girl wanting to buy so many herbs, but after seeing her buy loads upon loads of ingredients, they easily opened up to her... Or to put it more bluntly...

"Young Miss! Why don't you buy from here too?! We have a lot of Lonolas in stock!"

"How about here, Young Lady? We have some freshly pecked Siller's Pine!"

"Lass, if you're looking for Squirrel berries and Flowering ardens, here's the right place! We have everything you need!"

... They tried luring Yuna to their stalls, offering her great offers with their glib tongues. She was basically a walking pouch of gold and silver, so there was no way they were letting go of her. They were merchants, after all.

"Then please let me buy 3 packs of those, then 7 bundles of these, and... Ah! Include these too, Mister! 10 of them, please!" [Yuna]

Of course, Yuna took their bait without hesitation. It wasn't that she was mindless. She simply knows how valuable they are, so there was no need to think any further. No price was too high in the name of alchemy!

Meanwhile, Grey checked whether the merchants were giving them at a fair price with his eyes, ready to teach the thieving ones a lesson. Yet surprisingly, they were all honest in their work, simply grabbing the opportunity before them.

"Young Miss, what do you think of these Heller Sprouts? The Highest Quality!"

"Oh! Some Heller Sprouts would be nice too!" [Yuna]

"Good! Good! They were just freshly picked yesterday! I was originally planning to sell them at 200 kiels a bundle... But since the Young Miss is so pretty... How about 180 kiels instead? That's a good price, isn't it?"

Well, all except one who was pretty daring, looking down on Yuna because she was still pretty young. It wasn't that he increased the usual market price, but rather... He has been lying with such an obvious farce.

The leaves were a little wilted at the tips, the color was slightly off, the smell was also rather musty, and there were also tiny insect bites here and there. The Heller Sprouts were neither fresh nor high quality. No, in fact, they weren't even Heller Sprouts!

"What do you think, Young Miss? How much would you like to buy?"

Many wouldn't be able to tell at a glance, but it was pretty obvious for Grey. His eyes could easily discern the differences and wanted to teach the man a lesson. However, there was no need to act out just yet.

"Mister... Are you messing with me?" [Yuna]


After all, Yuna was a Tier-8 Alchemist. She may not have the same eyes as Grey, but when it comes to alchemy, there are only a few people who could be her equal. She could easily tell the differences even if her eyes were closed.

She could tolerate increasing the price a little or when people look down on her due to her age. But when it comes to being lied to about the materials, because that's the sake of insulting her as an Alchemist. She was angry.

"A light, yellowish color, wilted tips, a musty scent, insect bites, a prickly texture, and uneven leaf patterns. These are just common weeds." [Yuna]

Yuna didn't just match Grey's description, but she even made more distinctions on the two. Her eyes were lit with rage, trying to keep her calm as much as she could, not wanting to draw more attention than necessary.

"C-Common weeds?! Are you accusing me of lying, Miss?!"

"I'm not accusing you. That's a fact." [Yuna]

"You...! How dare you talk back like that?! Do you have no respect for the elderly?!"

Though, as it seems, it looks like the old and thieving stall owner had a different idea in mind. He was so loud and irritable, he was practically begging for attention from the surrounding shops and the passing customers.

It was so loud, the others couldn't help but take a peek out of curiosity. There was an old man who was shouting at a young lady. It would seem that the old man had the advantage, but Yuna's eyes were telling a different tale.

"You disrespectful brat! Can you take responsibility for your words?"

"I can and I will, but... I ask you the same thing... Can you take responsibility for your own words, Mister?" [Yuna]

Yuna said with a resolute look on her eyes, unbending to the old man before her and cold like ice. Just looking at those eyes, he felt a shiver run down his spine as if there was a deadly predator before him, ready to devour him whole.

"What's happening here?" [???]

And just as he felt such fear, another figure appeared out of nowhere, his calm yet resonant voice echoing all over the place. The crowd made way as he walked towards the cause of commotion, bowing their heads to pay their respects to him.

He was a bespectacled elderly man, even older than the thieving vendor, his beard white as his hair, reaching all the way to his chest. Yet despite his age, he was still lively and healthy, posture straight and proper as he took his steps.

"A-Ah, Lord Darwin, g-good morning."

"Yes. It's indeed a wonderful and delightful morning, but... Can you tell me what's happening here?" [Darwin]

"Well, o-of course..."

Darwin asked one of the spectators and the latter answered with honesty. After him, he asked some more, glancing at the two who were arguing before he came. They were complete opposites, one who was panicking, and one who was calm.

As soon as he confirmed what he had heard about, he then headed towards the stall and inspected the "Heller Sprouts" the old man was talking about, turning it left and right as he inspected it, the latter's heart pumping nervously.

It didn't take too long before Darwin realized who was telling the truth and who was lying, his eyes looking faraway as he heaved a lengthy and disappointed sigh, then dropping the bundle of "Heller Grass" towards the ground before stepping off it, much to everyone's shock.

"M-My Lord! What are you doing?! This is the destruction of private property!"

"Oh, really? For all I know, I was just stepping on some weeds... Did you really think you could fool these eyes of mine?" [Darwin]

"M-My Lord, I-I-I can explain!"

It was all over. With Darwin passing on his judgement, it was now clear who was in the wrong and who was in the right, the thieving and deceptive merchant now on the ground and begging towards the wise man before him.

Normally, Darwin is a compassionate and benevolent figure in the city, but when it comes to punishing those who were in the wrong, he was just as strict. He was one who wouldn't tolerate injustice, especially those which are aimed at the weak.

Though, Yuna really isn't weak though... She's quite the opposite...

"Guards, take this man and make sure he receives the punishment he deserves. And while we're at it, make sure he can never step foot in the market again." [Darwin]

"M-My Lord! Please forgive me! I won't do it again!"

The man screamed and begged to the top of his lungs as he was dragged away by the guards, but Darwin paid him no heed. After all, he's only getting what was coming for him. There was no leeway nor mercy.

Well, since all he did was sell fake goods, he won't be sentenced to something too heavy, like life-sentence or the sort. He'll probably just pay a fine and be imprisoned for some time so that he reflects on his actions.

But perhaps the biggest blow is that his permit to operate a business would be taken away. With it, he would never be able to sell something in the market and his license as a merchant would be at risk. A large price to pay for dishonesty,

"Hmm... That ended quite differently than I thought... I honestly thought you'd be the one to knock him out." [Grey]

"Mou... Grey, I'm not that barbaric, you know..." [Yuna]

"Well, he probably won't get out of this unscathed..." [Grey]

"Hmph! He deserves it! This ought to teach him a lesson!" [Yuna]

And while Darwin was dealing with the man, Grey and Yuna were chatting freely by the side. She was a little scary before, but Yuna was now back to her usual, cheerful self, puffing her cheeks adorably as she pouted.

"My, my, pardon my sudden intrusion, but... If I'm not wrong, you were the young lady arguing with that man, am I correct?" [Darwin]

"Un. That was me. My name is Elena." [Yuna]

"And I'm Shin, Elena's partner. It's a pleasure to meet you." [Grey]

"Oh my, how rude of me... I am called Darwin ro Herulea, an alchemist of this town. The pleasure is mine, young ones." [Darwin]

It was a bit sudden, but the three were now introducing themselves to one another, with Grey and Yuna using their alternate identities. Thankfully, the old man has still yet to know who they were despite them not wearing their disguises. It was safe.

"Is there anything you need from us, Lord Darwin?... Ah! Am I going to be punished as well?! Was I wrong to argue with that Mister?!" [Yuna]

"Oh my. No, no, not at all. If anything, I'm thankful that you did." [Darwin]

"Oh... Oh, I see... That's a relief then... We just arrived in the city so we don't know how the rules work here yet..." [Yuna]

"Huhuhu. I'm just here to apologize for what just happened, so there's no need to be so nervous, Young Lady. You can just be yourself." [Darwin]

It was hard to believe that he was the same old man as the one who argued against the rude merchant from before, now sounding so gentle, his voice quite soothing to the ears. Just as what one might have a first impression of him.

And after their introductions, the old man then gave his apology to the two about the recent incident. He may not be the Lord of the territory, but he was still a significant figure in the city, possessing influence equal to the Lord.

Of course, he wasn't just apologizing to save face. All his words were sincere and coming from the heart. To make things even more sincere, he even took out a blue objectー or rather, a plant, from his storage ring.

"Th-This is?! A-A Bluestone Bellflower?!" [Yuna]

It wasn't just a plant, it was a magic plant. It was one used in concoctions at Tier-7 and above, able to cure diseases and complications which plagues the mind. It may nor be as rare as other magic plants, but it was still valuable.

"Huhuhu! I already knew you had good eyes when you recognized those fake items from before. You must also be an amazing alchemist." [Darwin]

"Fufufu! I'm still training, Lord Darwin. I'm still far from my goal." [Yuna]

"That may be so, but I can already see your potential. I'm sure you'll be able to reach your goals one day. I can feel it." [Darwin]

They were smiling and seemed to understand one another, but that couldn't be any further from the truth. Darwin was assuming that Yuna's goal was to become a Tier-9, Legendary Alchemist, when the young lady actually meant to be a Divine Alchemist.

After all, normal people would only dream of reaching Tier-7, with geniuses aiming for Tier-8, and prodigies at Tier-9. No one in their right mind would think, she was actually aiming for something 2 whole tiers higher. She just isn't "normal".

"Then, as my apology for what happened and also a good luck charm to your future. Please accept these Bluestone Bellflower." [Darwin]

"R-Really?! I can have it?! Isn't this pretty valuable?!" [Yuna]

"Huhuhu! Of course! In fact, I would be delighted if you do." [Darwin]

"Th-Thank you very much! I will gracefully accept it!" [Yuna]

A smile on her face, Yuna then received the Bluestone Bellflower from Darwin and stored it inside her storage ring. She was just hoping to buy a couple herbs, but to think she scored such a good magic plant. Who wouldn't be happy.

After that, Grey, Yuna, and Darwin then chatted for a couple minutes, talking about some trivial stiff and answering some questions from the old man. It is all normal stuff, simply wasting a little of their time away.

"Then, it seems like we'll have to get going now. We had a good time, Lord Darwin. Thank you for everything." [Grey]

"Un! Thank you so much! I'll make sure to make full use of the Bluestone Bellflower!" [Yuna]

"Huhuhu! That would make me happy. Until next time, young ones." [Darwin]

Before long, Grey and Yuna finally said their farewells and headed even further north. Their figures soon faded away in the horizon, only a number of passersby to be seen along the streets, carriages passing through from time to time.

'North, huh... They must be heading for Xeros...' [Darwin]

Thought the old man as he watched the scene play, soon heaving a short sigh, his steps once again echoing in the air. There was a subtle yet bright smile on his face, his eyes looking forward to tomorrow.

'Huhuhu. Looks like it won't be long before we meet again...' [Darwin]


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