YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 352: Pretty Little Princess (pt. I)

A hall, grand and expansive, dyed by the golden light of the chandeliers. The candle flames burn ablaze as the stars reigned over the night sky. The flames danced along the people, a sweet and peaceful serenade riding the cold nightly breeze.

It was yet another peaceful night, the merry sound of chatter and clatter echoing all throughout the hall as various dishes were served after one another, waiters and servants loitering around the place as they served the grand attendants.

""Haaaahhh..."" [Grey and Yuna]

Yet on such a joyous occasion, two figures couldn't help but heaved a very lengthy and exasperated sigh. The party had just started yet their faces were already riddled with exhaustion, seating themselves along the table as they rested.

"Grey... I want to go to bed already..." [Yuna]

"We can't do that, you know? The Little Princess will be really sad." [Grey]

"Uuu... I know... But I'm so tired, I just want to sleep..." [Yuna]

The reason for the two's exhaustion was none other than the trouble they had to face just this afternoon. It was only a couple hours, but it was the longest couple hours of their lives. They were rushing and panicking, picking out a gift without rest.

Even with the help of the people, it still took them quite some time to pick out gifts which were up to their standards. After all, who wouldn't want to give something more unique and special to their precious Little Princess.

Though, what was troublesome came after that. They were helpful at first, but the moment too many people got involved, things got a little too messy and rowdy with the crowd, things looking like a riot from afar. It was pure and utter chaos.

"Even the knights and soldiers got involved too... I wonder if that was the most trouble we created so far... It was pretty messy..." [Grey]

"Grey, why do you look like you're having fun? It was hell, you know?" [Yuna]

It wasn't just hell, it was extreme hell. The moment the soldiers and knights realized who they were, they also joined in on the fray and things became even more hectic. Thankfully, there were still upstanding knights who managed to resolve the problem.

Yuna also didn't want to just let the people off without repaying them, so she offered to pay them, but rather than money, what they asked for was her signature. There were so many of them, she had no other choice but to (forcefully) drag Grey into the mess she created.

The line wasn't just long, it was super long, Grey and Yuna signing the people's shirts and items one at a time at a snail's pace. Fortunately enough, the time for the party was drawing near so they had a legitimate reason to escape.

Even then, the struggles didn't stop. After getting back to the Filastra mansion, they needed to prepare for the ball. With only a few minutes left for them, they rushed like whirlwinds, wearing their suits and dresses in a matter of minutes.

"Hmm... I already wore perfume and cleaned myself with magic, but I wonder if it's okay... I was a little sweaty, after all." [Yuna]

"Don't worry. I'm sure it's alright. No matter what Yuna looks or smells like, you'll always be the most beautiful lady in my eyes." [Grey]

"Grey... I'm really happy that you think that, but it's not the time for that, you know? What I'm worrying about is how the Little Princess will react." [Yuna]

"Aww... And here I thought I'll get to make you blush again." [Grey]

"Hehe! Nice try, but I'm not the same woman I was before." [Yuna]

Well, no matter how exhausted the two were, they are still able to waste some energy to flirt and sing sweet words to one another. It was as if they were in their own world once again, their sweet and sappy smiles enough to make people feel sick.

Just like that, the night continued and so did the flirting. Grey and Yuna talked about all sorts of things, mainly cursing the King for all the troubles he caused them. They both swore to get revenge on him someday, boldly plotting in such an open space.

Though, speaking of the place, since it was a party and not a ball, there were tables and chairs present all over the place, more food served compared to before despite there being less people present. Only those who are close acquaintances of the Royal Family were invited over.

There were the high ranking military officers, high nobles, some merchants, and even relatives of the Royal Family. The Filastra couple was also present, leaving their little angel to the care of the servants and the familiars.

"Oh, it seems like you're still as close as ever, Your Highnesses." [Faust]

"Hahaha. Youth really is the best!" [Edward]

And speaking of some familiar figures, two of them approached Grey and Yuna as casually as can be. They were none other than the General or the Kingdom, and the Captain of the Royal Guards. The two strongest officials of the Kingdom.

"It's been quite some time, Sir Faust, General Edward. You two look wonderful in those suits if I say so myself." [Grey]

"Hahaha! I'm glad to hear that, Your Highness!" [Edward]

Though, now that they weren't wearing their uniforms, they looked quite a bit different than before. Especially Faust. There was something a little off about him that Grey and Yuna just couldn't point their finger at.

It has been quite some time since they've seen each other, but they could definitely tell that his aura is much more refined than before, his eyes looking sharper and his body looking more defined. It didn't take too long before they realized what it was.

"Hm? Is there something on my face, Your Highnesses?" [Faust]

"No, nothing... Congratulations on reaching A-rank, Sir Faust." [Grey]

"Un! Congratulations! You must have worked hard." [Yuna]

It was all because Faust had reached A-rank, and is now on the same rank as the General. He still has a long and hard way to go before measuring up to the General, but considering his age, it was more than satisfactory. He'll surpass him one day.

Though, hearing Grey and Yuna's words, the latter couldn't help but be baffled. Other than the General beside him and the King, no one else knew that he had advanced to the next rank. Both him and the General were in for quite a bit of surprise.

"Fufufu! Don't be too shocked, Sir Faust. We just have a keen eye, is all." [Yuna]

"A keen eye, indeed. Even I took a while to figure it out. It seems like I'm really getting old. Hahaha! The young ones really are amazing!" [Edward]

"Don't say that, General. You're still in your prime. I'm pretty sure no one else in the Kingdom would be able to challenge you." [Grey]

"Hahaha! That makes me feel a little better... So? How about it, Your Highness? Would you like to be my successor and become the next General?" [Edward]

"No, I'll pass." [Grey] "No way." [Yuna]

Firm and direct, the answer of the two were. They didn't even bother to hear out the General before them, refusing the offer with all their might without second thoughts. Being affiliated to a power, especially a Kingdom, was too much trouble.

Faust was also about to make the same offer, wanting to find successors for his position, but he decided to halt before he could even say anything. If they already refused the General, the outcome with him wouldn't be any different.

"Haah... You're just as stubborn as I've heard, Your Highnesses. Wouldn't you give it at least a second thought? It's not a bad offer, you know?" [Edward]

"I'm sorry, General, but we really have no thoughts like that as of the moment. We don't like our freedom getting restricted, you see." [Grey]

"Haah... Then there's nothing we could do about that. I'll just have to train Ranzel until then. It's already been decided he'll take my place, after all. Hahaha!" [Edward]

It didn't take too long before the General gave up on the thought, and settled with the original plan instead. If they couldn't get someone as powerful as the two, they could just train someone until they reach an indomitable level.

"Hm? What's wrong, Dear?" [Vanessa]

"I don't know... I suddenly felt chills run down my spine..." [Ranzel]

Ranzel is going to be facing hell soon enough, one harder than he had ever faced before, one that could even compare to Grey and Yuna's spartan training. Only days of dread and desperation was what awaited him in the near future.

Well, Ranzel's problems had nothing to do with Grey and Yuna. Though they considered him a friend, there was no need to go out their way and get themselves in trouble as well. They could only wish and pray for him good luck.

"Well, enough about that... What's wrong with you, Your Highnesses? You look very exhausted... Did something terrible happen?" [Edward]

"Something terrible... Haha... I guess you could say that..." [Grey]

It was a lengthy story, but Grey and Yuna still told the two about it until the end. From the shortage of herbs in Galderia all the way to the commotion they caused just this afternoon. Or course, they spared no effort emphasizing the reason why they had to go through all such troubles.

Upon hearing their story, the General and Faust couldn't help but frown and make troubled expressions. After all, they were in contact with the King almost every single day. They were all too familiar with his mischievous antics.

"I see... His Majesty, huh... I'm really sorry about that, Your Highnesses. He isn't really a bad person, so I hope you understand..." [Faust]

Yeah, he's not a bad person, he's just an idiot... Is what Grey and Yuna wanted to say, but they decided to keep it to themselves. After all, Ernes was still a King, and that would still be considered Lèse-Majesté... Not that the latter can do something about them either way.

And just as they were cursing him dead inside their minds, Grey sensedー or rather, saw some familiar figures arrive by their side of the door, and with them was the main character of the day, yet another adorable angel.

"Speak of the Devil, looks like they're making their entrance." [Grey]

Said Grey as the Royal Announcer made his entrance along with some knights. He stood by the side of the main doors, the knights holding the handle of both doors. All eyes were on them, looking forward to the ones who will be entering.

"The Royal Family has arrived!"

The announcer said and everyone fell quiet. A clink and clank resounded in the air, followed by a lengthy and heavy creak as the knights opened the door. Light seeped outside and a number of reputable figures were put on the limelight.

There was the King who is looking uncharacteristically dignified, the gentle and prim

Queen, the beautiful couple of the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, the unusually proper and behaved Second Prince, and the ever so cute yet reliable Princess Royal.

Of course, the main character wouldn't be absent. The Little Princess was held in her father's arms and was wearing a cute and frilly dress tailored to match her style. And atop her head was a light and delicate golden tiara.

The Little Princess was already adorable before, but now, she was even more so, capturing the hearts of many even without doing anything. Especially with such an innocent look to her face, a bright smile which could melt even the coldest hearts.

"It's a wonderful night to behold, Your Majesties, Your Highnesses. It truly is the greatest honor to be in the youngest princess's birthday party."

"You've grown even more beautiful, Princess Natalia. You really do take after Her Highness and Her Majesty."

"Fufufu! It's a pleasure to finally meet Your Highness, Princess Natalia. It seems like His Majesty wasn't exaggerating. You truly are lovely and adorable."

While most words would sound like flattery, that's only because they were being formal. Since the only ones invited were those who had close ties with the Royal Family, they were actually all filled with sincerity.

Of course, hearing such words, the Little Princess couldn't help but feel happy. She may not be able to understand the complex words that much because she was young, but she knew that they were complimenting her. A smile blooming on her face.

"Thank you! Thank you! Nalia, very happy!" [Natalia]

And when you receive praise, it is only natural to thank them. The Little Princess did so whilst beaming with the brightest smile there is, striking the hearts of everyone with arrows of affection, an angel appearing before them.

But perhaps the one with the biggest smile was her grandfather, the King. It was as if he was the one being complimented, his smile reaching from ear to ear, even puffing his chest with a triumphant expression plastered on his face.

"Dear, please maintain your dignity. We are still in public." [Talia]

"Hm? What's wrong with being proud of our granddaughter? Isn't she adorable because she inherited our looks?" [Ernes]

"Dear... Haah... Suit yourself..." [Talia]

Even the Queen is already too exhausted to deal with the King's antics. She's been married to him for about 3 decades already, but she still couldn't fix his troublesome aspects. It was better to just leave him alone.

And so, the line which was congratulating the princess gradually got longer, people lining up to greet her and give her their wishes. At the same time, they also gave her their presents, gifts piling up one after another.

There were trinkets, accessories, dresses, wands, mirrors, flowers, and many more. All were grand and luxurious in their own rights. The Little Princess may be young, but that doesn't mean they should skimp out on their presents for her.

『Waah~! Those are some pretty good items, aren't they? I wonder if there are any alchemy materials amongst them... What do you think, Grey?』 [Yuna]

『Yuna... My love, you're probably the only one who'll do that.』 [Grey]

『Mou... I was just wondering, you know?』 [Yuna]

Grey and Yuna also stood in line, but rather than lining up immediately, they waited until there was no one else standing in line, greeting the princess after all the others. It wasn't too long before it was their turn.

"Fufufu! Happy birthday, Little Princess~! With this, you're now 3 years old, aren't you? Isn't that amazing?" [Yuna]

"Nalia, amazing...?" [Natalia]

"Un! You're amazing! Super-duper amazing! That's why, you need to be healthy to be amazing next year too! Big Sis and Big Bro will wish for that." [Yuna]

"Um! Nalia will be healthy! Nalia, amazing again!" [Natalia]

She wasn't a hard child to please. Just a few words from Yuna and she was over the moon, raising her hands high in the air as she promised to be healthy. She didn't really understand what it meant, but she was still happy. That's what matters.

It was Grey's turn next and he also wished for about the same thing as Yuna and the others. He wished that the Little Princess would grow up happy and healthy, all the while casting a holy magic spell just for assurance, their little good luck charm.

Of course, Grey and Yuna didn't forget to hand over the presents they bought. They took them out one after another, and before long, a pile of presents appeared before everyone, ranging from toys to dresses. It was a spectacle to behold.

"Art materials... Puzzle games... Pajamas... Picture books... There's even some charm in here... You sure brought a lot, huh..." [Galleus]

"Haah... I expected nothing less from you two. You sure know how to make a show. Things are interesting this time again." [Ernes]

"Well... We maybe got a little carried away..." [Grey]

A little... There was no way it was a little... While it was true that they only selected the best presents the people found, there were still dozens upon dozens of them. It was in no way something "a little" could describe.

But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is the Little Princess' reaction. Just seeing her look at the presents with excitement, her eyes gleaming all sparkly was enough for them to feel at ease. It was worth all the trouble.

"Waah~! Is this all Nalia's?" [Natalia]

"Un! Everything here is for the Little Princess. Do you love it?" [Yuna]

"Um! Thank You, Big Bro, Big Sis! Nalia loves it!" [Natalia]

Yep, it was worth all the effort. Just seeing her smile so happily was enough to melt away the fatigue and exhaustion they felt throughout the whole day. It may have not been in their plans for the day, but they were glad to be present.

Still, no matter how lovely the Little Princess' smile was, there was still one problem that needed to be addressed. Now that they were in front of him, Grey and Yuna couldn't help but feel a little irritated, the atmosphere in the room changing suddenly,

"Oh, right, Your Majesty... Don't you have something to tell us?" [Grey]

"Hm? Something... Hmm... I don't remember anything of the sort..." [Ernes]

"Is that so? Nothing like... Hm, I don't know.... Like the Little Princess' party invitation perhaps? It's quite the important topic, isn't it? The. Party. Invitations?" [Yuna]

"Yeah. If we haven't come to the capital today, we might have completely missed the party. If Big Sis Vanessa hadn't informed us, we wouldn't be here today. And we had to panic buying presents this afternoon too. Isn't that really funny?" [Grey]

They were laughing. Yes, they were definitely laughing, but their eyes couldn't be any more scary as they looked at the King. They wore gazes painted with contempt and rage over their recent misfortune, expressions dark as can be,

The Royal Family's members' reaction was just as expected. It seemed like they also thought the King had given them the invitations, only for their expectations to be shot down. Even the Queen could only shake her head in disappointment.

The King, on the other hand...

"Oh, right! Your party invitations! I totally forgot! I completely slipped my mind! Hahaha! Sorry, sorry!" [Ernes]

... Was a complete and utter moron with no traces of guilt in his eyes. Rather, he just looked at the incident like a simple mistake he overlooked, nothing too serious. He laughed hysterically as if there was no tomorrow.

"But hey, what's important is that you're both here, isn't it? Let bygones be bygones, and let's just enjoy the party! Hahaha!" [Ernes]

He was totally hopeless, already at the point of no return. He was so idiotic, Grey and Yuna aren't angry anymore, just heaving a lengthy sigh and letting the matter go. They have neither the energy or motivation to deal with such a moron.

Just like that, the party continued to pass and the night went deeper. The people were loud and merry, celebration adrift in the air. The Little Princess continued to show off her cuteness, capturing more and more fans.

"Mmn~! These are so good! As expected of Mister Carlton!" [Yuna]

"Yuna, slow down. No one's chasing you." [Grey]

Soon, dinner started and everyone enjoyed the food, chatting and laughing over a wonderful meal. Yuna was especially ecstatic, indulging in the taste of heaven whilst she dined with Grey. It was a wonderful time.

"Waah~! That was amazing... The Royal Chefs really are amazing at cooking... Well, Grey's cooking is still the best in the world~..." [Yuna]

"You won't get anything with flattery, you lady." [Grey]

"Fufufu! Still, I wonder what kind of ingredients they used... Ingredients... Ingredients, huh... We didn't get to buy that many ingredients... Grey.. What to do..." [Yuna]

The mood which was once happy and radiant was brought down to the depth of the abyss as soon as Yuna remembered their failed trip in buying alchemy ingredients, the young lady moping around as she laid her head down on the table.

Grey doesn't know whether he should laugh or cry at the situation, not knowing what to do with his depressed and gloomy fiancée. If they weren't around people right now, she might have already burst into tears and threw a tantrum like a spoiled child.

"Lorenzo, I heard you were just over the Kingdom of Foltriesse. How was your trip?"

"Hahaha! It's been well, my friend. It went very well!"

Just as Grey was pondering over what to do with Yuna, he overheard two men talking about their recent trip to foreign countries. One of them was especially proud of his trip to the Kingdom of Foltriesse located northeast of Alfrione.

"It was especially fun in the City of Xeros. There were all sorts of herbs there and rare materials! It truly was a sight to see!"

"Ohh~! They don't call it the City of Alchemy for nothing!"

"That's right, that's right, and there's also..."

The men were quite loud and boisterous, so even if Grey doesn't have a hobby of eavesdropping on people, he still heard them loud and clear. Especially when they were talking about such an interesting topic.

Unfortunately for Yuna, she was still too depressed to notice their conversation, still moping around as she despaired over her lack of alchemy ingredients. Grey was thankful for that though, otherwise, Yuna would have caused a fuss.

'Xeros, huh...' [Grey]

Thanks to the knowledge God has given him, he wasn't completely unaware of what that city is known for. It was one which many alchemists aspire to be at and where advancement on alchemy is faster than any other. A land of fortune.

Of course, this is all possible because there is a Tier-9, Legendary Alchemist present in the city, and a number of Tier-8 Grandmaster Alchemists as well. They are ones who wouldn't lose to Yuna when it comes to skill.

'Alright, I'll remember that... But before that...' [Grey]

Such a thought drifting in his mind, Grey then took out a large serving of strawberry parfait from his "Inventory" and gave it to his beloved to cheer her up. It worked like a charm, Yuna's lips then breaking into a bright smile.

The night continued to fall.


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