Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 21 – Part 2 – Choice and Consequences*

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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"I never thought you'd want to see this place, Rias," I commented as we entered Hephaestus' forge. Our date had begun in Ivoryillum, and Rias had quickly led us here. Raiko didn't object, so here we were.

"Welcome—ah, Aaron, Rias, and Raiko. How may I help you?" Hephaestus greeted us as she emerged to the front of the shop, holding a variety of armor and weapons.

Raiko and I moved closer, assisting Hephaestus in arranging the items on shelves and tables. Upon surveying the surroundings, the shop now exuded a lively and bustling atmosphere. It catered to a diverse clientele, with an array of weapons and armor displayed throughout the premises.

Two familiar faces emerged from the back—Sherry, the dwarf, and Kioko Ogawa, of mixed human and dwarf heritage. They had joined us, driven by a desire to contribute while Beren and Muvoth remained at the Draconic Deus.

"Rias had expressed a wish to visit this place," I told Hephaestus, continuing with, "Have you come across the gift I left for you three here?"

"Yes. I offer my sincerest gratitude for it. It greatly simplified our tasks, improving the efficiency of our weapon and armor production. Consequently, we can now manufacture a greater quantity at an accelerated pace for everyone while keeping the same quality. I have even commenced preparations to send some back to our universe," Hephaestus explained.

"That's reassuring," I replied, and we approached Rias, who was inspecting a set of blue armor. "What brought you here, Rias? I thought your [Power of Destruction] armor was more than enough for you."

She smiled in response, saying, "I wanted to acquire something for… well, you know who and Millicas. I received a message from Onii-sama expressing his interest in learning swordsmanship, which requires obtaining suitable armor."

'You know who?' I repeated. Then a certain person suddenly popped into my thoughts. Was she talking about Runeas, who's rather eccentric? Azazel had mentioned that Sirzechs had informed him about Runeas making quite the ruckus over wanting to visit this place, only to be denied, leading to a prolonged sulk—even refusing to communicate with most of the family. It was Mom's intervention that ultimately managed to console her and eventually brought her out of her funk.

"I see. Well, I imagine I could probably place a custom order and handle the payment, right?" I asked, turning to face Hephaestus, who nodded in agreement. "Does Millicas have any specific preferences, or, you know, her?" I directed my question to Rias.

Rias shook her head, replying, "No, but he did express a preference for it to be crimson to match our hair color. Aside from that, I suppose he would want something stylish, considering his age."

"I can make some assumptions about camels for 'her,' right?" I playfully inquired. Rias responded with an awkward smile and a nod.

Rias... still held a fear of camels. I had offered to help alleviate that trauma, but she declined, stating that she had made her own efforts. Indeed, she showed progress during the weeks leading up to our journey to the Phantasma. While she could now somewhat tolerate them, she still appeared uncomfortably constrained, an improvement from her previous intense aversion.

Contemplating for a moment, I considered the types of armor that would suit the preferences of the two. Eventually, I summoned two blueprints and presented them to Hephaestus who looked them over. Rias also looked at them and after a few seconds nodded her head, indicating her approval of the designs.

"I can work on these two armor designs. Could you provide me with specific materials for them?" Hephaestus inquired, and I readily agreed.

With a snap of my fingers, a small capsule materialized in my hand, and I handed it over to her. "That should contain the necessary materials for those two armors. You can retrieve them one by one like this," I explained, demonstrating the simple operation. It resembled an [Inventory] screen from games—she only needed to drag and drop the items from the screen to the real world.

"Thank you. These will take some time since they're custom designs, but I'll inform you once I'm done," she assured us, stowing both the blueprints and the capsule into her ring.

"That's acceptable, thank you," I responded before surprising everyone by planting a kiss on Hephaestus's lips, eliciting a blush from her.

"Boss scored a smooch!" Kioko cried out from behind the counter, with Sherry chuckling close by, as well as the entertained patrons in the store.

Feeling awkward and embarrassed under the sudden gazes of everyone, Hephaestus swatted me lightly on the shoulder and then let out a charming, indecipherable shriek before dashing towards the back.

A divine being with a lengthy existence, blushing over public displays of affection, scampering away like a high school girl. If and when humans catch sight of this aspect of the god, it's likely to provoke quite a commotion, perhaps even triggering cardiac arrests in some of them.

Looking around my surroundings, my gaze fell upon Raiko, who stood in quiet contemplation of a sword. Rias and I approached her, and I ventured to ask, "Is something troubling you, Raiko?"

She shook her head negatively, responding, "No, it's nothing. I... was contemplating the future, that's all."

"Would you like to talk about it?" I offered, and she expressed her desire to do so.

"Could we perhaps find a more private location?" she requested, and I concurred with her sentiment. I glanced at Sherry and Kioko, silently seeking their approval to utilize the back area, and they readily agreed. Consequently, we made our way towards a more sequestered spot.

In the solitude of the back area of Hephaestus' shop, Hephaestus joining us and a mug of coffee in hand, we settled into chairs around a table. Raiko brought up a heavy subject, saying, "I've been pondering the future—specifically, if we have children, will we force or conscript them to fight for us, for [DxD]?"

Caught off guard by the question, I gazed at her and then at everyone else present. After a brief silence, I contemplated her inquiry. In the end, I opted for honesty over sugarcoating.

"The omniverse is vast beyond measure. As I've mentioned before, my plan entails establishing numerous 'nodes' across as many universes as possible in the future. These sites would serve as accessible points for [DxD], [EXE], and any affiliated groups to provide aid. I suppose 'hubs' would be the closest term for them," I began.

"Conflict, violence, war, and all the shades in between will always be a part of our unfortunate reality. Upon completing our endeavors here, and in Evie Etoulde, Fadir Fedora, Mitsuya's timeline, the Rating Game World Tournament, and the Abyssal Constellations, it will usher in an era of peace. There may be residual small groups emerging from time to time but we'll mostly have peace, but inevitably, chaos will resurface in the future. It's an unavoidable cycle," I explained to her.

"So... our children will likely have to fight, right?" she asked with a somber tone.

"Unfortunately, that's a possibility. However, I'll do my best to address it before it becomes a reality. Unless I'm engrossed in something, I'll trust our children to handle it. I mean, they'll have the best teachers and parents in the world, right?" I added with a grin, attempting to lighten the heavy mood.

Raiko gave a soft smile and conceded, "I suppose you're correct. I apologize for dampening the mood on our date; it just... crossed my mind as I looked at all the weapons and armor in the store."

I shook my head, offering her reassurance. "There's no need to apologize. I understand where you're coming from. But let's not let this dominate our day, as I have two places I'd like to take both of you."

"What are those places?" Rias asked, her curiosity piqued by my sudden burst of excitement.

"Do you remember the toad king that Kanami's group encountered in Viriterra Remetura?" I asked, and they all nodded in affirmation. "Well, after sensing them leaving that planet before Esina fully merged with it, I decided to pay them a visit on a nearby planet. We had a conversation, and they eventually agreed to settle on this planet in a place called 'Hoptopia.'"

Rias couldn't help but suppress a snicker at the name "Hoptopia," quickly regaining her composure. I couldn't help but chuckle in response. After all, it wasn't my responsibility to name such a peculiar place. The credit went to Do-ta-toad, a king with unique tastes.

"The other location is Agravesta," I began to explain. "Kielzen and Lyudwik reside there, and the machine they chose to recreate has been temporarily placed in an underground section, protected by my barriers and accessible only to authorized personnel."

"Agravesta itself is the vast wheat field and agricultural land you observed when you returned from various missions," I continued.

"Oh! I've been wanting to visit there. I heard they have some exceptional honey that hasn't been sold here yet. I'm thrilled we're going there," Rias exclaimed excitedly.

"...And I'd like to pick up some things there too," Raiko added.

Turning to Hephaestus, who had been quietly observing, I asked, "Would you like something from Agravesta?"

"Perhaps some coffee from them would be delightful. I've heard rumors about their extraordinary flavors. Most of the coffee I have is from our own universe, so sampling something new could be quite enjoyable," she replied.

"I'll see what I can do about acquiring some. I'll try to get a full crate," I responded, evoking a playful slap on my shoulder from her, as if chiding my perceived extravagance. Standing up, I announced, "Shall we be off then? We'll catch up with you later, Phae." Before Hephaestus could respond, I kissed her once more, and she released a contented sigh.

We hastily departed the store, bidding our goodbyes to everyone, and set off toward Hoptopia, the land of the toads.

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Embarking upon the journey to Hoptopia was a brisk undertaking, facilitated by my firm grasp of the route. I chose the teleportation method, and soon, we found ourselves near the equator in the west, close to a large town under construction, nameless for its incomplete state.

The Land of Hoptopia was predominantly comprised of verdant forests, winding rivers, tranquil ponds, serene lakes, and an abundance of trees and mangroves. As we neared the entrance to the woodland, two imposing humanoid toad sentinels stood vigil. Despite their casual banter, they promptly took notice of our arrival.

"Ah, Lord Aaron, have you come to visit Lord Do-ta-toad?" one of the humanoid toads inquired.

"Yes, indeed we have. We also came for a romantic date. We hope you don't mind," I responded with a smile. They chuckled heartily and reassured us that our presence was more than welcomed.

Ordinarily, unexpected guests were not warmly greeted, for Do-ta-toad favored advance notice, enabling him to maintain meticulous order, thereby fostering a favorable impression upon visitors. Contemplating a more relaxed approach in the future, he mused, particularly when the neighboring town would finish its construction. During such a time, he would adopt a more welcoming demeanor to any passerby, as long as they were not involved in illegal activities.

"Many thanks," I expressed our appreciation as we walked past the guardian toads and ventured into the forest. Momentarily, we passed through a protective barrier. The truth of this place unfurled before us—an extensive barrier had enlarged the inner forest. Do-ta-toad aspired to create additional space to accommodate the diverse projects he envisaged.

The sight of a vast lake loomed before Rias and Raiko, their eyes widening at the ethereal glow radiating from the glimmering water. Gesturing ahead, beyond the lake, I declared, "At the 'edge' of this forest resides Do-ta-toad. We'll progressively make our way there, but first, let's go on some detours to locations I believe you two will find delightful."

Eager to go along with the proposal, they assented to the plan, and I commenced leading them towards the lake, causing some puzzlement. As I stepped onto the water's surface, I began strolling on it. Turning back to them with a smirk, I quipped, "Why walk around it or fly above it when we can leisurely saunter through it? There are some intriguing fish in here, so it'll be worthwhile."

"But... I can't walk on water?" Rias queried, her voice tinged with perplexity.

I let out a chuckle and with a snap of my fingers, a soft glow enveloped their bodies. Without a moment's hesitation, Raiko took a step forward and began to stride gracefully on the water's surface. Rias, observing this magical feat, quickly followed suit. And so, all three of us were now strolling effortlessly atop the lake's shimmering expanse, taking in the breathtaking sights around us.

I had already explored the majority of this place, so I decided to take a scenic route. As we meandered along, Raiko pointed to a particularly large fish swimming beneath us.

"Hmm? Haven't you brought us that before?" Raiko inquired, gesturing towards the fish.

"Yes, I've been breeding them in Cosmosilica Terraflora, along with several other species in this universe and ours. So, variety shouldn't be an issue in the future. While I am using my powers to accelerate their growth rate, it shouldn't pose too much of a problem," I elaborated.

Suddenly, a tiny crimson fish burst forth from the water, its sides adorned with blue, wing-like protrusions and sporting dog-like ears. With purpose, it leapt towards Rias, emitting a distinct bark that left her bewildered.

"W-what's this...?" she stammered, a peculiar unease etched across her face.

"A crimson fish? It's called a Crimson Florga. They're a peculiar breed of fish that was once on the brink of extinction, which is why I decided to breed and save them. There's a large aquarium filled with them in Cosmosilica Terraflora. We could visit them in the future if you'd like," I offered.

However, Rias swiftly tossed the fish back into the lake, a hint of disgust marring her face. "I-I wouldn't mind going there for other things, but that creature... it just looks a lot more bizarre than ordinary fish," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of shame.

"Noted. Anyway, there are even more peculiar creatures, such as... ah, this one," I said, seeing a bizarre fish with black scales, purple eyes, and a fin-like appendage that resembled a ponytail. It gracefully leaped from the water, hurtling directly at me. With a swift grasp, I captured the creature.

"This peculiar find is called the Akeno-fish. As the name suggests, it's a fishy homage to Akeno."

Rias and Raiko were left utterly perplexed, while the fish in my hands began to squirm and emit odd moaning sounds. This prompted me to toss it back into the water.

"Uh, just to clarify, how and why...?" Rias stammered, her eyes betraying her bewilderment.

"You can hold Akeno responsible for that," I told her, further deepening her confusion. "Let me explain, so—"

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My time in Hoptopia with Akeno was drawing to a close, so we resolved to return to the first lake to bring it to a close. She had proposed lakeside sex, and ordinarily, I would agree with her, but there were numerous creatures around, so I informed her that we should postpone it until we got back home.

"Hmm... then how about fishing?" she inquired.

"Fishing?" I responded, bewildered by her abrupt suggestion. "You never mentioned you liked fishing."

"Dad wanted to take us fishing in the future when we return to our universe. He was unsure about it, though, since he didn't know if you enjoyed fishing," Akeno replied as she strolled over to the edge and dipped her finger into the water.

I couldn't claim to have a solid opinion on fishing. My memories from my past life didn't reveal any inclination towards it, and apart from our previous vacation and with the small gathering I had with Genshirou and Vali, there were no fishing trips that stood out in my mind.

For a moment, the image of Azazel, who took pleasure in fishing, flashed through my mind. Shiva might have shared that interest, and Issei's enthusiasm for it was slightly familiar. As for me, I couldn't say for sure. So, with a shrug, I responded, "I'm up for trying new things."

"Then let's go fishing right now! We can, can't we?" Akeno asked excitedly, bouncing up and down, her fists clenched in anticipation.

I chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, we're allowed to. You see, I was the one who brought the fish and other creatures into that lake and some into this forest," I explained, summoning the fishing rods for us.

We ventured to the heart of the lake, our lines cast and patiently we waited. Yet, the calm was quickly shattered when Akeno, growing restless, started sniffing at my back.

"You do know what to do during fishing, right?" I inquired as she continued her sniffing journey on my back and then she embraced me from behind.

"I caught one, but... it looks weird," she admitted, prompting me to turn and face her. She now hugged me in the front, and on her line, propped up, was...

"What the hell is that?" I asked. The fish looked like a fishy replica of Akeno, somewhat unsettling.

"It looks like me, right? I think it's cute..." she said, turning around to face it.

The fish had commenced a plaintive moaning, interspersed with the utterance of our names, prompting us to exchange perplexed glances. Before Akeno could voice her question, I hastily interjected, "I neither made nor bred that. I am utterly bewildered as to how it came to be."

Akeno eyed me, then the fish, and finally mimicked the fish's mouth, performing a particular gesture with her hand and winking at me. I sighed at her antics and tried to stop her, which only elicited a fit of giggles from her.

"Well~? What say you we do with it? Do you possess the strength to kill Akeno-fish?" she asked, batting her eyes at me and attempting to appear adorably bashful —which, I must admit, she succeeded in doing. However, I found myself at a loss for words in this peculiar situation.

I turned to Akeno and beamed, showcasing a brilliant smile. "I'll kill it right now," I proclaimed, manifesting a glistening white sphere of flames that seethed with lethal intent.

"Wh-what?!" Akeno gasped in shock, clutching my hand and frantically shaking it, extinguishing the blazing inferno. "No! Don't destroy it!" She then pouted and added, "I can't believe my fiancé would want to kill an adorable fish version of me! Repent!" She began to gently strike my chest repeatedly in a playful manner.

Conceding to her pleas, I lifted my hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, I won't kill it. But what do we do with it? It's a peculiar... fish. Wait, hold on," I told her, using my ability [Observe] on the mysterious creature.

"What did you find out about it?" she inquired, tilting her head at me curiously.

The flames reignited in my hand once more, but Akeno swiftly intervened. "Explain!" she demanded, firmly gripping my hand.

"It's called a Cinafey. It's a small creature that can mimic two creatures simultaneously, but it can't replicate their powers or innate abilities. It spotted a fish in this lake and copied it, then it saw you and copied your appearance. It's smart enough to learn certain things, so it started imitating your personality to a certain extent," I elaborated.

"Huh?" Akeno responded, looking at me in disbelief. She then turned her attention back to the fish, which made a peculiar ahegao face and opened its mouth once more. Akeno remained silent for a moment before grabbing the fish off the hook and tossing it far away, causing a splash in the water at a considerable distance.

"L-let's get out of here," she said, clutching my hand and pulling me along.

"But the fishing..." I tried to argue.

"Fishing can wait! We can fish at a different spot later! Right now, let's go!" she exclaimed, and we abruptly departed from Hoptopia.

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Flashback End

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"And that's exactly what happened," I relayed to Rias and Raiko, recounting the history of the Akeno-fish.

"U-um…there aren't more of those, right? There won't be a Rias-fish, right?" Rias queried, visibly paler. "T-t-that Crimson fish wasn't me earlier, right!? It did look strangely like me!"

"Relax, Rias. It's not. Also, I already gave you the name of the fish," I reassured, placing a hand on her shoulder in an effort to soothe her nerves.

"Ah…right, you did," she replied, taking a deep breath to regain her composure. As the tale unfolded and I recounted the story to them, we arrived at the opposite side of the lake, leaving the peculiar lake behind.

We ventured into another section of the woodland, and instead of promptly pressing ahead, I veered left. We strolled in mostly quietude, with Rias and Raiko occasionally conversing and chuckling.

I found consolation in the serenity of our surroundings, believing that walking through places such as this in silence was a pleasant and calming experience. Perhaps having some music playing wouldn't be bad, although it would need to be of the relaxing kind, perhaps lo-fi or something of the sort.

"Where are we headed next?" Raiko asked as she and Rias caught up with me since I had walked ahead.

"It's a place constructed by Do-ta-toad. One of the first places he had built, actually," I elucidated.

"W-what is it?" Rias asked with a hint of trepidation.

"You'll know once we get there. It's not too distant from here now. Can you hear it?" I asked.

"Do you hear it?" I asked again, and then Rias caught it—the sound of a cascading waterfall. She eagerly dashed ahead of me, with Raiko close behind.

I hastened my steps, catching up to them, and we reached a vast circular expanse. A grand waterfall stood at the rear, with smaller, less tempestuous ones to the sides, gushing out from the surrounding cliffs. At the heart of this place lay a small landmass, sculpted into a hill-like formation. It was encircled by water that flowed from the surrounding waterfalls.

Perched atop that diminutive hill was a sword, firmly lodged in the summit, evoking memories of a legendary sword from a certain mythology back in our universe.

"W-what is this? Is that a sword? Why is it on top of that thing?" Rias queried, gesturing towards the sword in the midst of the area.

Moving closer to her, I exhaled deeply and revealed, "If you're imagining some kind of grand or epic tale about that sword, then think again. Its story is ludicrous and somewhat tragic—and that's why it was placed up there by Do-ta-toad."

Observing their bewilderment, I continued, "Long ago, during the period when Viriterra Remetura was still governed by Abysnar and the Abstion Purgers, or whatever it was called in those days, Do-ta-toad had attempted to resist, though it proved futile since they were feeble [Spiritual Toads]."

"However, there was one toad who yearned to alter the status quo. Unlike his kin, he was humanoid in appearance, and thus, he assumed the responsibility of becoming the savior of his kind. He trained diligently with a sword, demonstrating remarkable prowess. Upon Do-ta-toad acknowledging his abilities and skills, he allowed the humanoid toad to depart and face the minions of Abysnar."

I paused, glancing between the others, and then carried on. "As you might have anticipated, the outcome was grim. He met a horrid end, as he was unequipped to win against such powerful foes. When Abysnar's subordinates confronted Do-ta-toad about the ill-fated humanoid toad, he quickly lied, sparing his own skin and his entire species from annihilation. He claimed that the young hero had acted of his own accord, and the toad kingdom had been wholly oblivious to his intentions."

"Whether they took his words to heart or not remained a mystery to him, for they chose to merely issue him a warning and inflict a grievous, lifelong affliction upon his beloved daughter. She was now confined to her bed, her once agile limbs robbed of their vitality, and ultimately, she chose to end her own suffering. Do-ta-toad was wracked with guilt and self-loathing, but his people stood by him, understanding his actions. Thus, he erected this monument, a solemn tribute to that ill-fated young one. Her ashes now resided within that hallowed structure as well," I recounted, my voice carrying an air of somber introspection.

"A truly tragic tale, indeed. Yet, hindsight is often a cruel and unforgiving mistress. Do-ta-toad could have prevented this heartrending outcome, as could anyone else who bore witness to the hopeless odds stacked against the young toad. But alas, such is the cold, harsh grip of regret—it is a luxury afforded only in the aftermath of tragedy," I added, my words followed by a heavy sigh.

"And the Queen? If Do-ta-toad is the King, does the kingdom have a ruling consort?" Raiko inquired, her curiosity piqued.

I gave a brief nod in her direction and replied, "She's alive, though she's quite irked by Do-ta-toad and keeps her distance. Still, this place has flourished, and they've begun to converse more, so there's a glimmer of hope."

Rias silently unfurled her wings, hovered toward the monument, and produced a solitary crimson flower, embedding it in the ground around it. She stood there, gazing at the monument before returning to us.

She then playfully jabbed my arm, saying, "I don't see how this would be a perfect spot for a date, really."

"Indeed, you're spot on," I said, gazing upward as the light around the tiny clearing seemed to intensify. Shadows of two amphibians materialized before my eyes, only to vanish just as swiftly. "This's a lot more serene than the rest, don't you think?"

Rias and Raiko stood there, utterly speechless, and Raiko asked, "Was that…!?"

"Did they reunite in the afterlife? Wait, no, were they—!?" Rias questioned, and I smirked, turning away from the scene.

"Who can say for certain?" I replied, my voice laced with a cryptic undertone, before letting out a soft chuckle and walking away.

The woeful saga of amphibian love—a gallant, humble warrior toad and a noble, regal princess—a tale as tired and overwrought as the seasons themselves, yet it transpired here with all the weight of destiny.

— ○ ● ○ —

Raiko and Rias trailed behind me, their spirits subdued. I'd anticipated that the story I was about to share would enliven their moods, but perhaps its somber nature had struck a chord within them. The tale of the two toads was indeed somewhat cliché, yet it resonated with a reality that seemed to echo through the ages.

As in the classic tales that most would know by heart—the prince or knight who comes to rescue the princess, only for a tragic twist to unfold—this narrative, though more complex, carried the same undertones.

We continued our journey through the forest, its trees, bushes, and massive boulders stretching out before us. Finally, we arrived at another destination. This time, we found ourselves in a lively little toad town, bustling with activity. As we entered, the locals took notice of our presence, and a few of them ventured over to us.

"Lord Aaron, what brings you here? Are you here to buy some of our items?" a toad inquired of me.

"Ah, I'm just here to escort these two on a date. Considering that, may I utilize 'that' and demonstrate it to them?" I requested, and the toad chuckled heartily.

"Certainly, not many have been utilizing it today since we have quite a bit of work. Please, feel free!" he replied before hopping away.

Standing beside me once more, Raiko asked, "What did you two discuss? What did he mean by 'that'?"

"A small invention I shared with them. Come along, and I'll show you," I informed them, and we promptly departed the area. As we passed by a fountain, we made our way to a particular section eastward and arrived at a narrow alleyway, traversing it.

We hastened to the location where the invention had been set. In this compact circular space, in the center, there stood a peculiar contraption resembling a wooden hourglass with a glittering emerald gem at its core.

Intrigued, both of them drew nearer, and I said, "If you place your hand on the gem, it will activate. Remember, you can only use this once per day per person. Go on and touch it."

Raiko and Rias exchanged a glance before Raiko placed her hand on the gem. The gem began to glow, and the particles within the wooden hourglass started to rapidly illuminate and quiver around inside it. Then, from a hole fashioned from wood beside it, an item emerged and landed on a small platform underneath it.

Raiko approached the strange object and gingerly began to inspect it. "A spatula?" she questioned, bewildered by the item that lay before her.

Before I could respond, Rias glanced in my direction, her expression a contradictory blend of amusement and confusion, as she queried, "Aaron…is this…?"

I smirked at her and explained, "Indeed! I've created a real-world gacha for these toads. It will give you anything from extremely useful items to utterly useless ones, or even just currency for this universe. So, what do you make of it?"

Rias facepalmed at the sight before her, but she quickly placed her hands on the gem, and her item manifested. She pranced over and presented a small pendant. I inspected it, impressed, and let out a low whistle.

"Raiko's item is SR (Super Rare), whereas yours is classified as UR (Ultra Rare). However, in the context of the gifts or items I give to you all, these are relatively common. Nevertheless, your pendant has the ability to clean an area twenty times a day using magical powers, regardless of what it is." I paused. "As for Raiko's item…well, it's a spatula with infinite durability and is non-stick, ensuring you'll never have to worry over its cleanliness."

Raiko gazed at her newfound item, brimming with genuine excitement, and declared, "I can make good use of this from now on when I cook; this is pretty handy for me…" She placed a hand on her cheek while repeatedly muttering, "ara ara" in a trance-like state.

"…Maybe…I can gift this to someone else? Our rooms automatically clean themselves already, and I also recall a spell that cleans most things too," Rias said, her tone tinged with a hint of disappointment. She looked at the wooden hourglass once more and sighed, "Only once per day…dammit…"

Rias, with her fondness for gacha games, had developed a certain… affinity for them. It was a fixation that persisted until we, her friends, staged an intervention to curb her spending on these games.

Rias was, in fact, the top player in at least five gacha games, her rank a testament to the extensive investments she made in these digital games. One might even argue that her attachment had crossed the line into addiction.

Yet, as I had noted, she had largely overcome this compulsion. I could attest to this change, having kept a watchful eye on her spending patterns alongside Grayfia and Venelana. While she still indulged in purchasing Japanese items, we found it more acceptable, given their practical applications in her daily life.

"Rias," I hummed her name, and she unconsciously recoiled, releasing an uneasy laugh.

"I... um... no, it's a misunderstanding!" she hastily reassured me, quickly putting her item within her ring. "I swear I haven't played any gacha games!"

Perceiving a semblance of truth, I extended my hand. Reluctantly, she handed over her phone, and upon closer examination, I discovered her involvement in a game that incorporated "gacha" mechanics. However, the game demanded the exclusive use of in-game currency, with no option for real-world currency exchange for in-game gold.

"At least you're not spending real money, so I don't really care," I remarked, returning the phone to her.

Her face brightened noticeably, and she embraced me. Perhaps we hadn't entirely extinguished her quasi-gambling habit? No, it might be more indicative of her wanting to be at the top for things? I wasn't sure, I pondered bringing it up later with Grayfia and Venelana.

"In any case, let's get going to Do-ta-toad and then to Agravesta," I directed, and we hastily departed the quaint town, leaving Rias somewhat crestfallen over her gacha result. It became apparent that I needed to keep a watchful eye on this predicament or concoct a strategy to curb her gacha addiction.

[Hey Partner, why don't we make a gacha tailored specifically for Rias, so if she decides to splurge, the funds cycle right back to her?] proposed Ddraig.

'I'm not quite sure how to react to that, but I'll mull it over, though it does seem a bit weird,' I retorted.

— ○ ● ○ —

The entryway to the home of Do-ta-toad and his consort, Mu-va-toad, loomed grandly, as seen from a toad's perspective. Gilded arches framed a gate embellished with hues of verdant green and earthy brown, adorned with leaves, flowers, and vines. The guards at the entrance granted us passage without making a fuss about it.

Venturing within, the atmosphere bore a resemblance to a quaint village rather than a majestic palace or a thriving metropolis. Most destinations lay within a brief stroll's reach of mere minutes. At the far end, a sizable wooden and stone building, topped with a lily pad, served as the shared residence for both Do-ta-toad and Mu-va-toad.

As we traversed this peculiar landscape, some notable features caught our attention. A conspicuous statue of Do-ta-toad in an eccentric posture stood out amidst the bustling environment. Eventually, our path led us to the entrance of their abode. Oddly, the lack of guards in this specific vicinity presented an unusual dissonance, casting an aura of peculiarity over the surroundings.

Unfazed, I knocked on the door, and soon Mu-va-toad swung it open. "Oh, Lord Aaron, come in! How might we be of service to you today?" she inquired eagerly.

Mu-va-toad, a [Spiritual Toad] like her husband, was somewhat smaller than her spouse, exhibiting a vivid array of pinks and reds. On the other hand, Do-ta-toad, with his striking blue and gold hues, exuded a commanding presence, likely justifying his regal stature.

"We've decided to pay a short visit and thought it appropriate to share a small part of my day with you two in your dwelling," I elucidated to Mu-va-toad, who graciously expressed her delight, addressing both Rias and Raiko.

Not long after, Do-ta-toad joined the gathering, promptly asking, "What can I do for you, Lord Aaron?"

I gave a quick nod, reaffirming my earlier words as I reached into my personal ring to extract an object—a dainty, artificial sunflower that I had prepared beforehand, a precautionary measure in anticipation of our encounter.

"This ought to mitigate the food scarcity your species faces," I remarked, my voice filled with concern. "Have you managed to make that house yet?" My question was met with an energetic nod from him.

The [Spiritual Toads] had the ability to feed on standard toad provisions, yet they also possessed the unique aptitude for consuming nourishment derived from humans or other species. However, their culinary preference was distinctly inclined towards "Larvanium," a peculiar type of small rock that, in times past, had been abundant in Viriterra Remetura. Regrettably, the incursion of Abysnar and the Abstion Purgers had led to the decimation of these valuable Larvanium deposits, driving their kind to adapt to alternative sustenance sources.

The sunflower I had crafted possessed the unique ability to generate Larvaniums at a sustainable rate over the course of a month, providing a steady supply to alleviate the species' food scarcity. Furthermore, it would produce a seed with time, allowing them to propagate more of this essential resource.

"I'm not particularly skilled at naming things, so I left it nameless. However, here," I offered, presenting the sunflower to Do-ta-toad.

"Thank you so much! With this, we can finally go beyond the mundane food we've been forced to eat!" he declared with genuine delight, an atypical departure from the customary comportment one might anticipate from a sovereign.

Mu-va-toad's eyes flashed with indignation as she interrupted her husband's rambling, her gaze filled with rage. "Are you implying that my cooking was rubbish?"

Do-ta-toad's face paled, his stuttering response a clear indication of his discomfort. "N-no, no, that's not what I meant, darling!"

Wanting to avoid the impending domestic dispute, I quickly interjected, "Well, we'll be on our way. That's the reason I came here. Best of luck to you both!" Gently steering Raiko and Rias towards the door, I made sure we were well out of earshot before the escalating voices reached our ears.

"They seem to get along..." Raiko mused, her hand resting on her cheek.

"Mmm. They can use some work, but they seem fine," added Rias.

Wait, what? It was impossible for me to consider their disagreement as anything even remotely resembling a healthy exchange! Mu-va-toad had initiated a conflict, sure, but my recollection of my date with Akeno in this very spot had Mu-va-toad's food being perfectly palatable. I couldn't make sense of why Do-ta-toad held such a different viewpoint.

Disregarding the issue, I merely shook my head, deciding to teleport us away to Agravesta without stepping in to meddle with Raiko and Rias' conversation about the recent altercation.

— ○ ● ○ —

The location to which I had transported us offered a quaint, picturesque scene. As a connoisseur of such views, I desired my companions to be able to this view's charm. Before us stretched the afternoon sky, adorned with billowing clouds, while beneath lay expansive emerald grass, bordered by earthy brown fences that led to a bustling town in the distance. Far off on the horizon, a couple of mountains stood sentinel, and with an astute eye, one could discern the vast wheat fields and windmills below them.

"It's an amazing view, wouldn't you agree? I had shown this to Asia before; she reveled in it and voiced her longing to find a place such as this to construct a house in our world in the future," I reminisced, laughing at the recollection of her genuine excitement.

"Such scenes are few and far between, particularly considering the nature of our lives. Most, if not all, are steeped in distress and conflict," Rias remarked, her words tinged with a touch of melancholy.

"Right, let's head out," I urged, instantly whisking us away to the outskirts of the town. As we appeared within the quaint settlement, it became apparent that it was a typical, unassuming community, save for a few peculiarities. The underground section and a singular contraption were among the most noticeable features, created by the duo.

The village was nestled amidst the picturesque landscape, featuring charming stone dwellings, each adorned with scarlet roofs. The pathways beneath our feet were paved with stone, and the only notable traffic consisted of a few horse-drawn carriages, adding to the town's unique charm.

Guided by curiosity, we ventured deeper into the heart of the town, passing by two fountains that seemed to be the centerpiece of the settlement. Each fountain was intricately designed to resemble Ddraig and Albion, an unexpected detail that piqued the interest of both Rias and Raiko, causing them to exchange surprised glances.

"Why have statues of those two been erected here?" Rias queried, a touch of surprise evident in her voice.

"Ddraig and Albion were integral to the town's establishment and played a pivotal role in safeguarding it against persistent beastly threats. As a result, the townsfolk regard them as heroes. Initially hesitant, their stance changed after they were offered complimentary nourishment and heartfelt hospitality," I explained.

[You're god damn right!] Ddraig boasted proudly.

Intrigued by the statues, we proceeded on our journey towards a particular house within the town. From the outside, it appeared indistinguishable from the rest, except for the perceptible spatial manipulation providing extra room within. A knock on the door was promptly answered by Kielzen.

"Ah, Aaron, we've been eager to get in touch with you. Please, do come in," he cordially invited, and we obliged, stepping through the threshold of their home.

Kielzen led us to a hidden compartment, and we followed him as he descended a wooden staircase, ultimately arriving in the underground section of their dwelling. The underground area was teeming with an assortment of gadgetry, equipment, and books, with Lyudwik engrossed in some task at a nearby table.

Lyudwik turned towards us, sharing a kiss with Kielzen, and offered a warm greeting. "Welcome, all—particularly Aaron. We essentially completed this about a week ago but wanted to conduct some test runs. I believe you'll be pleased with what we've achieved," he announced, drawing our attention to the far end of the room where their creation was stationed.

"We named it [World Aarender], opting for a more compact design. Thanks to Laeronia and you, we were able to accomplish this," Lyudwik elaborated.

On a table before us sat the object in question. Resembling a tree, its main structure gleamed in gold, while the encircling gems radiated a sapphire-blue hue. I had enlisted Laeronia's help to infuse it with his energy, and the resonance was unmistakable.

Walking towards it, I set my sights on the creation, brushing it with a gentle touch before creating an identical duplicate and imbuing it with my energy, then storing it securely within my [Inventory].

With a flick of my wrist, I produced a trinket and laid it before the original [World Aarender]. A triangular scanner manifested, seamlessly seizing the object and subjecting it to a painstakingly detailed scan.

The surroundings enveloped us in a radiant symphony of gold and sapphire, gradually fading away. Beside the original item I had presented, a flawless replica now stood in its stead. Utilizing my [Observe] ability, I scrutinized the replica, discovering that every detail was in fact perfectly copied, eliciting a resolute nod of approval from me.

Facing the duo, I flashed a grin and a thumbs-up. "Brilliant work, both of you. This will prove invaluable to us all," I commended, "but we must adopt stringent security measures to avert any potential misuse or theft."

"Yes, that was something we wanted to address. Will you assign it to be stored within your building?" Kielzen inquired, a trace of concern tainting his voice.

In response to his question, although adhering to the conventional approach would entail aligning with his suggestion, I harbored reservations. I envisioned a scenario in which recurrent requests for access or permission might become tedious. Deciding on an alternative, I deliberated constructing a dedicated structure equipped with heightened security measures to house [World Aarender].

"I have another suggestion, let me explain," I began, outlining my concept to them. The chosen structure would be positioned in close vicinity to my home and largely governed by my Shadow Soldiers. Moreover, a devoted [Electa] would be designated as a guard to the [World Aarender].

I acknowledged the possibility of boredom in this role and promised to visit frequently. Entry would be controlled via a particular card, and those seeking admittance would undergo a thorough examination to achieve "trusted" status. Additionally, any objects slated for replication would be subjected to stringent supervision.

Concluding my exposition, I solicited their perspectives. "What do you think of this? Any recommendations?" I queried.

"On the subject of [Electa], who would be assigned to this duty? I am aware that most of them have returned to our realm, with only a few being transported here as needed," Rias inquired.

"A relevant question, and to clarify, I will create a new [Electa] tailored for this purpose. Any further questions?" I asked, to which they shook their heads in response. I anticipated refining the details of this plan in the future but for now, this was fine.

Pivoting toward [World Aarender], I inquired, "What other elements have you test it with?"

Lyudwik answered, "We have subjected it to an extensive array of tests. Lifeless objects of diverse dimensions, as well as living organisms. We captured a small creature and replicated it. Up until now, everything seems to be functioning as expected."

Conceding to their explanations, I proceeded to evoke a sphere of flames in my hand, hovering it above [World Aarender]. The contraption swiftly scanned it, and in a momentary burst of radiance, it flawlessly duplicated the inferno.

The spectators couldn't help but express their amazement, which was entirely justified given the previous assumption that it would replicate everything. A question began to form: just how far did its abilities reach?

In the subsequent demonstration, I conjured a universe within the confines of my palm, presenting it before the machine. Dismissing the fireballs, I eagerly awaited the outcome. Raiko and Rias, well-acquainted with this creation from earlier instances, watched on with unwavering attention. The room was once again enveloped in a dazzling glow, but it soon dissipated.

A grin graced my face as [World Aarender] flawlessly recreated the universe before us. It surpassed our initial expectations, leaving both Lyudwik and Kielzen in an utter state of bewilderment. Kielzen sought an explanation, inquiring, "What did you just replicate?"

Rias replied with nonchalant certainty, "A universe. Your machine is capable of that as well, huh? That's... quite remarkable, wouldn't you say?" The revelation left both Lyudwik and Kielzen speechless, their expressions mirroring shock as they exchanged incredulous glances.

Upon the demonstration's conclusion, I dismissed the replicated universes with a thought-borne command of destruction, watching as billions dissipated in an instant. A fleeting frown crossed my face, but the reality of [World Aarender]'s colossal potential was clear. The only visible limitations were its inability to duplicate outer gods or myself, arousing concerns about the possible replication of my [Electa] and Shadow Soldiers too.

Turning to my group, I posed a question, "You mentioned before that its functions demanded an extraordinary expenditure of power, correct? Even the less-potent avatar, Laeronia, was capable of replicating entire universes. But let's not dwell on that for now; what you have accomplished here is nothing short of extraordinary. Let's delve deeper into the specifics and explore further," I urged. They concurred, and together, we ascended to the main floor of their residence, eager for a more thorough discussion.

— ○ ● ○ —

Following an hour of deliberations, we reached various conclusions, with Rias and Raiko graciously readying lunch for us. Though I endeavored to help, they insisted I concentrate on conversing with Lyudwik and Kielzen.

"Now that everything is settled, where might we procure honey and coffee around here?" I posed, thereby soliciting the duo's guidance. Rias and Raiko joined us at the table as we delved into the topic.

"The most dependable sources would be directly from the local farmers. We can escort you to them, as we need to restock our provisions as well. Conventional commerce establishments would typically supply such items, but given your unique status, exceptions will likely be made," Lyudwik recommended.

"As for the items Lady Raiko necessitates, nearby shops should have them. I suggest these two in particular," Kielzen added, jotting down the specifics on a scrap of paper and passing it to Raiko, who expressed her gratitude.

"Great, let's go there when we're finished having lunch here," I replied, and we continued our conversation in a more leisurely fashion as we savored the lunch prepared by Rias and Raiko.

— ○ ● ○ —

Treading along the designated path, meandering through the vast expanse of golden wheat fields, we chanced upon a few farmers diligently attending to their crops, engrossed in their daily chores. The sheer enormity of the area left no doubt that more than one farmer would be necessary to efficiently manage the fields.

To our surprise, despite being offered sophisticated machinery and magical assistance, the farmers chose to adhere to their traditional methods. Their rationale was that, apart from the apparatus given to them to accelerating growth, the wheat required genuine care and affection to be harvested properly.

With my knowledge limited in the realm of agricultural complexities, I held my tongue and chose to place my faith in their experience and dedication to the task at hand.

Amidst our serene walk, Rias broached a somewhat delicate query towards Lyudwik, disrupting the calm. "Lyudwik, I know this may sound a bit insensitive, but... do you two envision having children in the future?"

Lyudwik and Kielzen shared a fleeting glance before their lips curved into shared amusement. Kielzen replied, "We do have plans to adopt in the future. Inaie mentioned she's in a similar position, being an adopted child of a same-sex couple."

"She is. Did you two discuss this with her?" I asked, observing the visible tension dissipating from Rias. It seemed she harbored a question but hesitated to ask earlier.

"Indeed," Lyudwik said, "she divulged her knowledge of the complex interplay between her parents, and how, despite initial obstacles due to her own situation, they've succeeded in building a harmonious relationship. Moreover, she shared her personal inclinations regarding their relationships and dynamics."

Our conversation continued as we approached a sprawling yet unpretentious home. Several barns were scattered across the property, and my senses detected the presence of four individuals within the premises. Lyudwik and Kielzen took the lead, and we entered the house together.

Upon entering the residence, we were greeted by a reception area occupied by a woman and her spouse. Two young males, presumably their offspring, were also present, appearing to be around seventeen to eighteen years old.

Lyudwik and Kielzen exchanged pleasantries with the couple, and the woman's gaze turned towards us. "My, if it isn't Sir Aaron. How may we be of assistance?" she inquired.

Approaching them, Lyudwik responded, "We've come to replenish our supplies and, if possible, aid Aaron in acquiring some needed items."

The woman let out a lighthearted chuckle. "Fufu, and what might you require of us then? I suppose you'll want the standard fare?" Both Lyudwik and Kielzen nodded in agreement. Initially, they retrieved their items while we waited, but an unexpected turn of events soon occurred.

One of the strapping young men drew near Rias, standing by her side and gazing down at her with his large eyes. Towering at 6'5", he boasted a muscular build. Without warning, he grasped Rias's hands and blurted out, "Will you marry me?" The impromptu proposal left us momentarily speechless.

Before any of us could react, the other young man quickly intervened, executing a dropkick that sent the overzealous suitor sprawling. He casually apologized, stating, "Sorry about him; he's stupid."

Disregarding the interruption, the woman turned her attention to me, asking, "Sir Aaron, shall I fetch you a box of honey and coffee? Will that suffice?"

"Yes, that'll do. Thank you; I'll make sure to compensate you generously," I replied before she departed.

Intrigued by the commotion, I turned to the other young man and inquired, "What was that all about?" He let out a weary sigh before answering.

"His persistence knows no bounds when he's after something. Whether he can't obtain it, he'll either persist or concede. I'm at a loss to determine which one he's currently pursuing. I noticed both these women have rings on their fingers, so I presume they're with you?" he queried, and I confirmed with a nod. He sighed once more and added, "Just brace yourself for a challenge, albeit an absurd one. My apologies; I'm the younger brother of that fool."

Before I could respond, the older brother burst back, delivering a powerful elbow strike to the younger one, sending him careening into the wall near the entrance. He commenced to speak, but Rias promptly intervened, asserting, "I'm sorry, I'm already engaged." She then positioned herself behind me, peeking out and sticking her tongue out, saying, "Please handle this~"

A fleeting twitch flickered across my lips as I watched Rias's playful antics. I prayed the hot-headed suitor wouldn't exacerbate the situation, for I had no inclination to fight with people I had only just met. Furthermore, I wished to cultivate an amicable relationship with the farming couple we just met.

Unwavering, he gestured towards me and audaciously proclaimed, "I, Roland, challenge you for this beautiful woman's hand in marriage! If you decline, I win!"

My focus shifted to Roland's father, who stood nearby, engrossed in conversation with Lyudwik and Kielzen. He caught my gaze, smiled, and silently agreed, permitting me to handle the predicament.

Redirecting my attention to Roland, I consented, "Very well, let's put an end to this right here and now. Whoever ends up on the ground loses and must concede."

"Deal!" Roland's booming voice echoed through the air as he swung his colossal fist toward me. I responded in kind, our fists clashing in the midst of a peculiar yet undeniably humorous moment. For a fleeting instant, it seemed as if nothing would happen; Roland's confusion grew as his powerful strike met the immovable force of my own fist.

A heartbeat later, the impact finally took hold. Rias and Raiko clung to me as an explosive shockwave tore through the air, sending Roland hurtling backward and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. With swift precision, I hurried to repair the damage before turning to face the bewildered woman who still clutched our crates.

"He'll be fine; any damage he causes will be fixed. Is that the honey and coffee I requested?" I asked the woman hurriedly.

"Yes, it is. Um, our son will be alright, right?" she asked with concern. I reassured her once more that he would indeed be fine, and after a moment of hesitation, she sighed and believed my words.

"I'll go get him," declared the younger brother before leaving the area.

"Hahaha! What a lively day. It's not every day that Roland gets his ass kicked!" chuckled the father as he rejoined us with Lyudwik and Kielzen.

Turning my attention to the gay couple with us, I said, "You knew that would happen, didn't you?" while narrowing my eyes at them.

"Hahaha…yes, we did. We were curious about the outcome. Apologies for putting that on you," Lyudwik admitted uneasily.

I let out a sigh and shook my head. "I'm accustomed to it; I suppose it's part of the package deal with having an extraordinarily large harem. Men or both sexes will inevitably express interest, whether I approve or not, and some can be quite persistent."

Turning my head back briefly, I added, "He's fine since he's a resilient young man. He was primarily impacted by the shockwave, not a direct hit from my fist."

His fist had struck my [Infinity], and I used the shockwave of my punch to launch him away, diminishing the risk of severe injury. Additionally, I doubted the fall would cause significant harm, given his muscular physique and the heightened resilience prevalent to this universe.

"And so we're off," I relayed to them, adeptly stowing the honey and coffee crates in my ring. "I'll be in touch with all of you later, until then."

They waved their goodbyes as left the building and we crossed the fields once more. Amid the journey, we stumbled upon the two brothers, with the younger one hauling the unconscious Roland. Aside from his unconscious state, there were no noticeable injuries on him, and I confirmed there were no internal ones either, easing any fears regarding potentially fatal issues.

"Shall we go to store to get the items you want, Raiko?" I proposed, and she distractedly nodded her approval. Casting a glance at Rias, she merely grinned at me—the underlying reasons for their conduct eluding me, at least partially. While I had a vague understanding of Raiko's actions, Rias remained an enigma.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon arriving at the entrance of my building, Rias hastily pecked me on the cheek. "I'll be having a small gathering with Sona and Akeno, so don't worry about me," she promised with a wink before departing, leaving Raiko and me standing there.

As I tried to form words, Raiko interlaced our fingers, her eyes cast downward towards the ground, avoiding contact with mine, her face red.

"Shall we get going then?" I suggested, and Raiko readily consented. It was finally time for "that."

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon Start

— ○ ● ○ —

We didn't squander any moments, for as much as Raiko was anticipating this, I was equally eager. Thus, once we entered my room, I snapped my fingers and the garments on her body vanished, reappearing atop the table beside my bed.

Raiko hastily covered her breasts, her cheeks reddened as she spun around, locking eyes with me. Tiny droplets of unshed tears glistened in her gaze as I had executed my magic a mite too hastily.

"H-haha, I should have warned you about that, I'm sorry," I apologized, also stripping my own clothes off in a flash before swiftly scooping up Raiko and carrying her to the bed.

"U-um, p-please, be gentle," she stammered in a state of panic, her words causing me to chuckle softly. She pouted at me in response, her eyes conveying her vulnerability.

Delaying no further, I inclined my head towards her breast as Raiko gazed upon me with eager anticipation. My lips found her left nipple, and with fervor, I began to suckle upon it while also gently nibbling. This action drew forth a muffled moan from Raiko as she covered her mouth with her hand.

Yet, my teasing did not cease. My free hand ventured towards her quivering womanhood, where I commenced to stimulate her clitoris with a feather-light pinch and caress. I also teased her entrance, tracing my fingers around it, causing Raiko's body to shudder in response.

I ceased my attentions to her nipples and playfully teased, "Your breasts are truly something else, larger than Suzaku's and Akeno's. I wonder how you managed to achieve such an impressive feat~?"

"D-don't tease me so much…" Raiko pouted playfully.

With a smirk, I leaned in to kiss her, and she eagerly met me halfway. I trailed my fingers from her delicate thighs, up to her round, inviting breasts, occasionally pinching her nipples between my fingers, a sensation she seemed to relish.

Raiko's tongue tangled with mine, frantic and a little unsteady, as if she was trying to catch up. It was odd to see, considering the number of times Raiko and I had shared such intimate moments. Nevertheless, her nerves seemed to have her regressing to an earlier version of herself, one who was less experienced.

Breaking away from our kiss, I whispered reassuringly, "There's no need to be nervous, Raiko. Everything will be alright." Then, I gently wrapped her hand around my aching member.

"Ah…it's…hard…" she murmured softly, her fingers gripping me tightly, stroking my length with a tentative touch.

As Raiko and I became more entwined, her fingers tightened around my member, her rhythmic strokes quickening. I, in turn, continued to fondle and caress her breasts until I paused, causing her to furrow her brows in confusion. Casting my eyes downward, I observed her dampened arousal, a sight that made her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She acknowledged my gaze with a subtle nod.

With a shift of my position, I maneuvered myself between Raiko's legs, rubbing the head of my member against her moistened entrance. This elicited a muffled moan and a shiver from her. "Enough teasing, Aaron…I'm ready," she pleaded, her voice trembling with desire. I nodded in agreement, unable to resist the urge any longer.

Gently aligning my member with the entrance to her awaiting warmth, I teased the delicate threshold with a few tender strokes, before guiding it steadily within. Raiko's gasp echoed in the stillness of the room as her inner sanctum yielded to my advance, enveloping me in her heated embrace.

Her body seemed to unfurl beneath me, the tender folds of her femininity stretching to accommodate my size. Each pulsating wave of her velvety depths sent a shiver of pleasure coursing through my veins.

Raiko's mouth hung open, her breaths coming in short, panting gasps as her tongue flicked out, betraying the intensity of her arousal. I paused momentarily and with a hushed concern, asked softly, "A-are you... okay?"

"I'm fine…!" Raiko panted out. "Y-you can move…"

"Are you sure?" I asked with concern etched on my face.

"I've…endured worse pain than this, I can manage it…!" she gasped out, but I didn't budge. I leaned forward, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. I waited a full minute until her ragged breaths settled and she appeared calmer.

Raiko suddenly hugged me again while also locking her legs around me, immobilizing me. "I'm really okay now, you can move," she urged with reassurance, and after one last glance at her, I complied. Pulling back, I dragged my member against her insides once more, and she slightly flinched in pain but it didn't seem as excruciating as before.

I immediately thrust my hips back, hitting the entrance to her womb, evoking an unusual reaction from Raiko.

Her head fell back, and she gasped out a startled, "Ooooh!?" before her body quivered beneath me. The unexpected response caught me off guard.

"Raiko…d-did you just…?" I inquired in a manner that hinted she had climaxed after I hit the entrance to her womb.

Raiko panted, her entire face flushed crimson as she nodded her head in embarrassment. "I-I didn't think—"

With a slightly wicked grin on my face, I interrupted her. "I guess I now know where to tease you to get a specific reaction from you."

"A-Aaron…?" she asked worriedly, but I pulled my hips back again, beginning a steady, rhythmic thrusting motion into her vagina.

"Haaa…haa….is this…what I've been…missing out on…?" she asked as I continued to swing my hips inside of her.

Raiko's insides were abnormally warm, unlike any other woman I had been with. Her tight vaginal walls around my manhood felt almost divine, surpassing even my other lovers. For a moment, I was reminded of Danu, one of my goddess lovers. Was this the difference between mortals and those with divinity? A literal divine pussy?

I shook my head internally, dismissing the peculiar thoughts. I brought my focus back to the present and reached for Raiko's breasts, right in front of me. I squeezed them gently, eliciting a melodious moan from her.

Leaning down, I took her left nipple between my lips, swirling my tongue around it, occasionally nibbling softly. With my free hand, I continued to fondle and caress her right breast, all the while maintaining the rhythm of my thrusts into her.

I carried on for a few moments before my mind wandered to another thought. Her earlier reaction intrigued me, so I ceased, adding to Raiko's puzzlement. Slipping my arms around her, I hoisted her up with my hands cupping her ass cheeks, allowing gravity to draw her down onto my entire length.

"Wait, Aaro—ooooh!?" Raiko attempted to object, but as soon as the tip of my member grazed her womb's entrance, she emitted that same noise from earlier, her body quivering slightly, and her vaginal walls tightening around my member.

I grinned at her, pinning her against the wall just above the bed's frame, and began to rock my hips. Our position and the pull of gravity ensured that each thrust delivered the full extent of my length, hitting the entrance of her womb with every thrust, meaning she was experiencing an orgasm with each penetration.

"Aaahnn…aghhhnn…ugh…nnngh…haaa…haaa…!" Raiko moaned, her tongue flopping as she seemingly surrendered to her current predicament. Seeking a more visceral response, I withdrew slightly before driving my hips forward with a force that threatened to split her open.

"Ooooooohhhhh?! Cumming, cumming, cumming, cumming, cumming!!!" Raiko shrieked as the walls of her vagina clamped down on my shaft, attempting to throttle my intruder, and she squirted all over me. Nonetheless, I continued my relentless, rhythmic assault, feeling my own climax approaching.

"W-w-wait, Aaron!! L-let me rest!! I'm going to die…!" Raiko begged between gasps and whimpers.

"Then die in pleasure, Raiko!" I growled, delivering another powerful thrust that made her bite her lip, cross her eyes, and drool as she succumbed to yet another intense orgasm. A smirk graced my lips as I witnessed her ecstasy, but I too could feel the end drawing near, so I informed her, "I'm cumming soon…"

Ultimately, I switched our positions yet again, settling us into a piledriver position. Raiko lay beneath me, her legs raised high as I thrust into her from above. I maintained my rhythm, gradually increasing my pace with each thrust into her. A look of pure ecstasy graced Raiko's face, her eyes half-closed, and a steady stream of drool cascading from her lips.

"Raiko, I'm about to cum," I warned her, driving myself into her one final time, burying myself to the hilt within her, my manhood crushing against the entrance of her womb. With a final, powerful surge, I released my seed into her.

"Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!" Raiko wailed in unbridled pleasure as I filled her to bursting, her vaginal walls spasming and clenching around me in a series of aftershocks. The sensation seemed to go on and on, amplified by Raiko's expression and the warm, slick confines of her body. I continued to ejaculate, my semen overflowing her vagina and spilling out, some of it dripping down her thighs and onto her stomach.

Upon Raiko's climax, she fainted beneath me. "Perhaps I shouldn't have done that," I whispered to myself, gazing at her sleeping form. "Let's just tidy up and leave it at that..."

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon End

— ○ ● ○ —

A few hours later, still in my room and bed, Raiko stirred from her slumber and abruptly sat up. Both of us were still unclothed, and she quickly surveyed the room before locking eyes with me. I greeted her with a smile, saying, "Good evening. It looks like you had a restful sleep."

Raiko's face immediately turned red as she put her head down and apologized, "I'm sorry for passing out!"

Chuckling, I reassured her, "There's no need to apologize. Some of the ladies have fallen asleep on me before, so you don't need to worry. But I didn't expect you to be like that, Raiko." I grinned at her, recalling every moment of our time together.

"I suppose even a woman with a soothing presence and dependable nature could be like that, huh?" I teased, deepening the crimson hue on Raiko's cheeks. "But don't worry, Grayfia's the same," I added, chuckling softly to myself.

Fed up with my teasing, Raiko playfully and gently struck my shoulders with her hands, resembling a mischievous child. This only caused me to laugh even more. Eventually, she ceased her playful assault, but the embarrassment remained as she rested her head against my shoulder.

"Thank you," she whispered adorably, prompting me to set my book aside and turn to her. I lifted her chin gently and captured her lips. "Mmm..."

After a dreamy minute of our tender kiss, I apologized, "I'm sorry for making you wait, Raiko. I really enjoyed our time together, and I promise that we'll have more moments like this in the future, alright?"

A delicate blush still painted her cheeks as she shyly nodded, her voice barely a whisper, "Mmm... I would love to do that. Thank you, Aaron, and I love you."

"I love you too, Raiko. Now then—step inside, you impatient wombats," I teased, and the door swung open to reveal Akeno and Lavinia, much to Raiko's surprise.

"Let us join in on the fun as well!" they exclaimed in unison before hastily discarding their clothes and leaping towards me.

Turning to Raiko, I suggested, "How about a foursome experience for your second time?"

"P-p-p-perverts!" Raiko stammered, but with a resigned sigh, she conceded. For the remainder of the night, we indulged in each other's company, allowing the passionate energy of the moment to envelope us.

— ○ ● ○ —

The day of my expedition to Zenoiria dawned, and only a choice handful of companions followed me—Unagor himself, Artemis, Ravel, Suzaku, Aoife, and Raiko. All were present save for Aoife, who had been evasive for most of the day. As others reported, I should anticipate a remarkable transformation, which stirred my curiosity.

"Ah, Aoife-sama, welcome," greeted Ravel, diverting my attention. I was struck by the sight before me.

Aoife, who had previously concealed her eyes with a blindfold, had now discarded it entirely. Though she had occasionally removed it before, this time it was gone without a trace. Her former attire, a blend of blue and black, had been replaced by a striking crimson and black garb. Her once-veiled red eyes now radiated a tranquil glow as she gazed at me with a serene smile.

Did she plunge headlong into emo territory, or was this her singular method of expressing her feelings and emotions? I must admit that during my own bout of depression, my actions were odd, but Aoife's transformation encompassed her entire wardrobe! I can't help but ponder if her personality underwent a significant change... or if I'm simply misconstruing the situation.

"H-hey," I stammered as I approached her.

"Why are you reacting like that, silly?" she asked, tilting her head.

It seemed that I might have been overreacting; her response hinted that her personality hadn't undergone a complete overhaul. Nevertheless, doubts still lingered, and only the forthcoming mission would unveil the truth.

"Reacting like what? I just found your wardrobe transformation unexpected," I confessed, and Aoife spun around in a flourish. "I have to say, though, it suits you, particularly because I can see your eyes again." I softly caressed her cheek, and she murmured a contented sound.

"Can we stop the flirting and go already?" Unagor huffed in annoyance, causing a burst of laughter from me.

"Of course, my bad, man. Shall we set off then?" I said, turning to face my team and began our journey to Zenoiria.

— ○ ● ○ —

The destination to which we were transported proved to be a captivating planet, thanks to Unagor's guidance. We teleported to a secluded location, untouched by the frequent visitors elsewhere on the world. The landscape before us resembled a windswept mountainside, a less frequented area that I found rather appealing.

Perched atop the craggy peaks, we gazed down upon the sprawling metropolis below. A cloak of darkness enveloped the surroundings, as the planet appeared to be locked in a perpetual night cycle, only illuminated by the constant presence of the moon.

In the distance, a colossal structure, reminiscent of a medieval fortress, caught our attention. The entire city below was bathed in shades of warm orange, a sign of a thriving populace. Above, dragon or wyvern-like beasts soared through the darkened sky, their echoing roars reverberating across the landscape.

"Firstly," I started, gaining everyone's focus, "we'll adhere to our original plan. Unagor will resultantly be escorted by Raiko and Artemis, while Suzaku, Ravel, Aoife, and I will journey to where the King and Queen reside."

Ravel interjected, "We should also bear in mind that Ueboros' underlings will be stationed on this planet. From my intuition, I sense a very powerful aura, most likely the Ueboros member itself, Eyhylde, a rank 12 'Valkyrie' in this reality."

Unagor provided essential details, "We'll proceed to visit my parents while also making stops at two locations I believe will prove advantageous to us. A building responsible for this planet's alarm systems and a few security measures installed by Phumera's faction. Wait for us to neutralize them before crossing a certain boundary, understood?"

"Piece of cake. Alright, let's get going, and don't forget," I announced, fiddling with a small bracelet on my wrist, transforming my entire body to mirror those of Unagor's race. "This operation will be approached as an infiltration mission until I give the all-clear, understood?"

Their heads bobbed in accord, triggering their devices to adopt the likeness of Unagor's species. Following a swift series of nods, Unagor's party set off, leaving my team lingering behind. I pivoted to face my own group, observing them as they readied themselves for the upcoming task.

"We mustn't venture beyond the midpoint of that tower; should we do so, certain alarms will sound, alerting them to our presence. As you previously mentioned, Aaron-sama, even if we employ various methods to circumvent them or if you personally disable them, they are still connected to both the location where Unagor-sama is headed and to Eyhylde herself," Ravel elaborated.

"Yeah, that's correct. I can deactivate and bypass those alarms, but doing so will trigger them immediately. The only way to bypass them would be to alter reality itself, which seems a bit excessive. We will rely on Unagor and his knowledge of his world, even if it may be outdated," I replied, gently patting Ravel's head.

"So, without further ado, let's set off," I declared, releasing a resigned breath.

Our goal was straightforward: upon reaching the throne room where I could detect the presence of the King and Queen, our objective would be to persuade them to join our cause as we liberated them from their captors. The difficulty, however, was rooted in the fact that their species was renowned for their unyielding stubbornness and immense pride, making the task of convincing them an arduous one.

Regardless of their denial, our main objective persists in eradicating the Ueboros' sway and existence on this world, liberating them from its clutches. Unagor has pledged to personally join the Resistance to persist in supporting the cause, yet the stance of the rest of his species remains ambiguous.

He alluded that there might be a few individuals from his species inclined to collaborate with us, but this information harks back to a distant past. Unagor isn't assured if they still adhere to the same convictions, but he hopes they do, as the prospect of enduring this tribulation alone is something he yearns to evade.

As our journey towards the city progressed, we found ourselves confronted with massive gates composed of metal and concrete. Unusually, there were no guards in sight, but a colossal assemblage of individuals jammed the entrance—tens of thousands at a cursory glance. The sheer magnitude and density of the throng enabled us to merge effortlessly within it, slipping through without confronting any complications.

Swiftly navigating our way, we reached the "out" facade of the walls. In the distance, loomed even more extensive stone barriers, vigilantly patrolled by sentinels and security cameras. These walls segregated the boundary between the low and middle classes and the prosperous upper class of this realm.

Beyond those walls lay extravagant buildings and individuals partaking in a life of opulence. It would be a stark contrast to dwell here, but our mission necessitated us to delve into that affluent portion of the city.

As Unagor had stated, this societal construct had persisted since time immemorial. There were a handful of pathways to ascend into the upper echelons of society: being born into it, possessing an innate power that granted opportunities, or participating in the tournaments held at relatively regular intervals.

Suzaku, flanked by the rest of the group, approached me, asking, "Unagor mentioned that if they hadn't changed dates, the tournament should be happening now or soon, right?"

"Yeah, that's right," I replied, "The tournaments are rather significant events. Perhaps that's why there are so many people gathered here. They might be celebrating, waiting for it to begin, or simply making their way towards it. From our left, I can see a grand colosseum in the distance."

Aoife suddenly seized my arm, her eyes ablaze as she proclaimed, "Let me compete," leaving us all bewildered and taken aback.

"Aoife-sama, I have no doubt about your strength and prowess to triumph in this tournament," Ravel began, her voice steady and calm amidst the commotion. "However, to uphold our guise as one of Unagor's kind, you must adopt a fighting style you're not familiar with. I would advise against participating otherwise."

"I spoke with Unagor before, and he informed me that although it's not the norm, their species wielding their orbs to forge swords and fight with them isn't entirely unheard of. It's just not a popular method, as they generally engage in battle using a distinct approach. So, with that in mind, I beg you to allow me to partake in the tournament," she entreated once more, this time with an even greater intensity.

Pausing, I closed my eyes and pondered her request. I had already glimpsed the future during that meeting, and now I saw it again.

The outcome remains the same, so unless I intervene before certain stages of the tournament, Aoife will still face the same ordeal, and truth be told, I'm torn about it. Part of me believes that growth can't be achieved without some pain, but on the other hand... I didn't like seeing her go through that suffering.

[Growth can only come from pain and failure, in my opinion,] Ddraig chimed in.

Rudra interjected, saying, 'The path to personal growth and maturity isn't solely dependent on pain and failure. Adversity can indeed be a potent catalyst for self-reflection and development, but people can also experience significant growth through positive experiences, self-discovery, and learning from their victories. It's not just about overcoming challenges but also about seizing opportunities for self-improvement, gleaning insights, and broadening one's perspective. Human capacity for growth extends far beyond hardship, encompassing a wide array of life experiences that contribute to a well-rounded and mature individual.'

[...Well, he was an emperor before, so go with his advice. I'm just a dragon that saw your own growth, partner, so I'm limited in that knowledge,] said Ddraig, aligning with Rudra's viewpoint.

After inhaling deeply, I gazed at Aoife and conceded to her request. "Alright, go, but... Ravel, can you accompany her?" I asked. Ravel observed me for a few moments before nodding in agreement.

"As you wish, Aaron-sama. I will aid Aoife-sama. Please exercise caution during your journey there with Suzaku-sama," said Ravel, bowing as she departed with Aoife in tow.

"...You agreed because you saw something in the future, didn't you?" Suzaku asked, looking at me intently. Rather than speaking my reply, I gave her hand a gentle squeeze, silently confirming her suspicions.

Taking the initiative, I began, "We'll face fewer of Eyhylde's minions, as they're probably more interested in participating in the tournament. That's all I'm willing to share. Perhaps even Eyhylde herself, but who knows? Certain changes for the future need to happen for that to occur."

As I finished my explanation, Suzaku responded in kind, returning my hand squeeze. With that, we disappeared from our present location, appearing in the high-class district of the planet, continuing our trek toward the castle-like structure looming in the distance.

— ○ ● ○ —

Artemis' Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

At present, we found ourselves in the eastern reaches of this vast metropolis. As per Unagor's observations, the rest of this planet seemed devoid of life. This urban sprawl, dubbed "Zenoiria," stood as the epicenter, bordered by sparse and scattered hamlets, villages, and enclaves. These settlements housed individuals who favored living outside the constraints of a class-based society, a concept that Unagor himself disapproved of.

Pondering the transition to this alternate universe required considerable contemplation on my part. My inclination was to maintain my archery enterprise, which stretched from Kuoh and extended well beyond.

During the period leading up to their departure and in the weeks that followed, Aaron facilitated introductions with various individuals through his well-established network. Future undertakings, including the establishment of new clubs in Japan, were already in the works.

In addition to this, my journey to this universe received the blessing of Zeus, allowing my presence alongside Hephaestus. Their assurance of ample manpower, as conveyed by Zeus, was a significant factor in this decision.

"It's over there," Unagor gestured, discreetly guiding their gaze with a slight tilt of his head toward an unassuming building. "The bulk of the structure lies below ground. They chose a nondescript exterior—a conventional restaurant conceals the upper half. We'll have to find a way around it."

"Dealing with that is relatively uncomplicated; I can make us invisible," I shared with Unagor, who silently signaled his agreement with a nod. Venturing into an alleyway, I used my spell, wrapping us in an unseen veil of concealment. Soon after, we quickly departed the vicinity and made our way towards the specified building.

Upon crossing the threshold of the establishment, it appeared to be an average restaurant, bustling with Unagor's kind partaking in alien delicacies, likely their sustenance in their world. With a sudden, precise move, Unagor snatched an object and launched it at a nearby window, shattering the glass and momentarily captivating the attention of everyone present. Seizing this opportunity, we stealthily made our way to the back and discreetly accessed a door designated for the authentic proprietors and staff.

Descending a dimly lit staircase upon entry, Raiko questioned, "How did you discover this place and its hidden entrances?"

"One of my friends once worked within these walls. His current standing in employment escapes me, yet I suspect he still stills here. He is among the chosen select who might align themselves with our cause, although I cannot confirm it at this time. Be that as it may, follow me; I am acquainted with hidden paths to reach him without drawing undue attention," Unagor confided in us as we rushed down the stairs.

As we traversed the dimly lit area, we came across an abundance of barrels seeping with an odd liquid. Unagor warned us against making contact, elucidating that the substance was toxic to all species save for his own. Intriguingly, the substance provoked a euphoric state in his kind, a revelation that piqued my interest.

Escorting us through a dimly lit corridor, Unagor guided us through an intricate maze of chambers and entrances until we sensed the presence of three individuals within a certain room. With an upraised hand, I whispered, "There are three people in there. Raiko, can you share your sight with Unagor and help him identify his friend? We'll then take out the other two."

Raiko agreed, and her eyes began to radiate a glow that was reflected in Unagor's "ears." Within moments, Unagor discerned, "The one on the left is him; he hasn't changed. As for the other two, I know them, and to be blunt, they're not the most amicable people."

Raiko and I signaled our assent with curt nods. "I'll phase through the wall with Raiko to confront the other two, while you enter through the door and engage your acquaintance in conversation," I instructed Unagor.

Upon executing a synchronized countdown, Raiko and I phased through the wall, catching the trio within off-guard. Rapidly shedding our disguises, Raiko struck the central figure with a lightning-imbued karate chop, incapacitating him, while I used magic to gag the person on the right, binding them in enchanted rope before casting a spell to induce slumber.

With our mission accomplished, Unagor entered through the door, leaving his friend in a state of stunned disbelief. "U-Unagor? You're alive? We were informed that you died!" he stammered, rushing over to embrace his seemingly miraculously revived friend.

"A lot has happened, and I want to tell you about it. Can I have your ear for a bit, it's quite a tale?" questioned Unagor, and his friend consented to the request.

— ○ ● ○ —

Unagor abridged his tale, condensing his encounters into a concise retelling, while Raiko and I stood guard at the door, surveying the comings and goings in the corridors. Luckily, we encountered no further altercations after the initial trio.

With Unagor's recounting complete, Geharon, now privy to the circumstances at hand, pondered over the question and the accompanying petition. Unagor had extended an invitation for Geharon to join the Resistance, becoming a part of our evolving scheme. He appended the condition that if Geharon declined, we would be obliged to temporarily incapacitate him, detaining him until the entire operation reached its completion.

"I'm willing to join the cause. To be honest, tensions have been mounting on our world. I've personally met with the King, and we've fostered a solid bond. He's expressed interest in going to war with Phumera, should a chance arise for us to break free from their control," detailed Geharon.

"The Queen shares his stance, making the job of convincing them to back the Resistance a considerable hurdle. This smoldering undercurrent of discontent has been brewing for years due to numerous factors, such as the mistreatment of our people and the manipulation of the beloved tournament we all hold dear," Geharon added, his frustration evident.

Geharon lifted his eyes and counseled Unagor, "Relinquish hope for our remaining comrades. Their indignation and vexations exceed even my own. Though I have endeavored to suppress my emotions, they are wholly invested in the tournament and wield great influence over our populace. In alignment with the King's aspirations, they are prone to advocate for war should the Resistance assist in our emancipation."

The ominous mood conveyed that a favorable outcome appeared improbable. It appeared that once liberated, the King of Geharon's species might plunge into war with Phumera, potentially leading to extremely dire consequences. The potential scenario hinted at by Aaron's precognitive abilities likely encompassed this impending conflict.

Geharon somberly continued, "Worsening the situation, both their daughters have passed away, and their newly found son has just discovered the tragic news. They've essentially given in to madness. The outer god, the one who journeyed here to persuade them, is destined to encounter denial and, quite possibly, aggression the instant they discover that he or his comrades contributed to the demise of their daughters."

As Raiko and I exchanged meaningful glances, the gravity of the information began to sink in. The more we learned about the intricate complexities of this predicament, the clearer it became that aiding in the liberation of this species might lead to disastrous consequences, potentially driving them to the abyss of extinction. Pondering whether to inform Aaron about this conundrum, I questioned whether he was already cognizant of the dilemma, yet still resolute on engaging with them.

Unagor's unease lingered in the room as he wrestled with the gravity of the impending decision. "What should we do?" he asked, searching for guidance. "Should we proceed? If we do, it seems like my species... will face extinction."

Raiko and I glanced at each other once again. I replied, "The answer resides in our conversation with Aaron. The decision ultimately rests with you and Geharon. We are simply onlookers on the periphery."

Raiko added, "But we mustn't overlook the fact that, regardless of their response, we might find ourselves in conflict with them. If the King and Queen choose to attack Aaron and Suzaku, our presence will likely become known amidst the chaos."

The weighty decision loomed large, with Aaron's choice holding the fate of Unagor's species in his hands. The decision to continue with the mission or abandon it entirely bore immense consequences, with the specter of potential extinction casting a long, dark shadow over the resolution to come.

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