Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 21 – Part 1 – Elanor and Zenoiria

Third Person Point of View

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In the presence of Unagor, the looming figure that feigned divinity, Aaron Toole, Natsume Minagawa, and Kuisha Abaddon stood firm. Yet, the truth of the situation soon unveiled itself—Unagor was not a deity but a towering, cryptic entity. Its sleek ebony form, elongated limbs and digits, peculiar alabaster head adorned with a dotted "mouth," and long, slender legs that resembled raised heels created an otherworldly spectacle.

Aaron broke the tension with a brief interruption. "It's not a god," he declared, causing Kuisha and Natsume to exchange puzzled glances. "I'll clarify later, but for now, can you two manage it? I'll handle the statues and 'glitches' now that I've deciphered the mystery behind them."

"Understood, we're on it," Natsume announced, her resolve unwavering. Together, the pair charged towards Unagor, prepared to confront the entity and uncover the secrets concealed beneath its deceptive guise.

Aaron neared the site where the statue stood, enveloped by the otherworldly silhouettes of children's ghosts, their eyes cast downward. With a reassuring expression, he extended his hand to stroke their heads, offering them a comforting smile as he vowed, "I'll help you move on, don't worry."

Puzzled yet hopeful, the children watched as Aaron conjured a tiny, silvery-white sphere in his left hand and a jet-black one in his right. The obsidian orb lunged toward the "glitches" scattered across the clearing, seemingly consuming them within its dark grasp.

While this transpired, the silvery-white sphere transformed into a minuscule ethereal being, playfully engaging with the children. It morphed into a small orb, initiating a game of catch to divert and entertain the young spirits, providing them with a brief respite from the sinister forces that loomed nearby.

"Now then, let's take care of you lot," Aaron murmured, his body stretching as he prepared for the next step. With a deliberate motion, he directed the jet-black ball into the sky, its size rapidly expanding to envelop the entire planet. The planet, slightly smaller than Earth, facilitated a quicker and more efficient process.

As the expansive black sphere encompassed the entire celestial body, it honed in on the scattered "glitches," swiftly targeting and consuming them. A few hundred of these glitches met their end in the insatiable darkness. The planet responded with seismic tremors, shaking in response to the eradication process. The ground quivered repeatedly until a distant, ominous roar echoed through the air.

Turning his attention towards the source, Aaron couldn't help but smile. "So now the true 'god' emerges, huh? Took you long enough," he whispered, his gaze fixed on the approaching entity as anticipation filled the air.

A titanic, white apparition, named "Renatus," hurtled towards Aaron with astonishing velocity, materializing before him in the blink of an eye. Its pristine white form stood in stark contrast against the dark crimson protrusions of flesh, a helmet-like head adorned with two glowing yellow "eyes," and a waist draped in black cloth. In its mighty hands, it brandished two enormous swords, upholding a rigid color palette.

Drawing upon his [Observe] skill, Aaron discerned the name "Renatus," a term harboring a peculiar significance—"Rebirth" in Latin. This irony was not lost on Aaron, who mulled aloud, "A deity of rebirth or reincarnation? Quite ironic, given these children are unable to escape the confines of the living... unless Elanor meddled with you, your powers, the planet, or perhaps all three."

As these contemplations occupied his thoughts, Renatus lunged forward, spurring Aaron to adopt his [Boosted Gear] [Queen] form and summon [Ascalon]. With cool-headed precision, he parried the ferocious strike of both blades, confronting the colossal entity's attack head-on.

"Three minutes, and I'll unravel your entire history, before restoring everything here," Aaron declared resolutely. With a rapid motion, he pushed Renatus aside, his eyes locked onto the entity's past in search of answers. His wings, spread wide and enhanced by his propulsion system, propelled him forward.

Retracting his weapon, [Ascalon], Aaron struck Renatus with a powerful blow with his fist, sending the colossal figure reeling and causing a trail of destruction in their wake. With skillful precision, Aaron mended the collateral damage, silently conveying his regret for the unintended devastation.

Renatus fought back with a barrage of wild sword swings, unleashing countless aura slashes that hurtled towards Aaron. Unfazed, Aaron extended his hand, calling forth a small ball of draconic energy.

With a forceful punch, the ball erupted into a web of draconic energy lines, each colliding with the incoming aura slashes. The resulting explosion painted the skies of the planet in shades of jet-black and white.

Plunging to the earth, Aaron sprinted toward Renatus, releasing a torrent of [Dragon Shots] at the immense being. Renatus, in a fruitless endeavor to sever the draconic energy attacks, found itself repeatedly driven back, bewildered by the lopsided conflict.

In a moment of apparent desperation, Renatus clapped its hands together, releasing a deafening scream. A colossal gate, reminiscent of torii gates, materialized behind the entity. These gates, predominantly white with streaks of dark red, mirrored Renatus's own distinct appearance.

Suddenly, an eruption of enormous, slender lines of energy shot forth from the torii gates, alternating between white and black shades. The energy lines hurtled towards Aaron, their formidable power unmistakable.

Responding swiftly, Aaron summoned his wyverns, transforming them into [Divide Dividing]'s wyverns, and commanded them to use [Reflect] to deflect the impending onslaught.

As the streams of energy bounced back at Renatus, the immense figure retaliated with a barrage of attacks of its own, causing explosions in the sky that rippled throughout the entire world. The chaotic spectacle didn't go unnoticed, as it drew the attention of the spirits of the children.

Unfazed by the pandemonium, Aaron pressed forward, inching closer to completing his investigation into the entity's past. With masterful agility, he switched from his [Boosted Gear] [Queen] form to his [Dual Balance Breaker], skillfully combining the powers of [Boosted Gear] and [Divide Dividing].

Closing in on Renatus, Aaron artfully avoided the retaliatory strikes deflected by his wyverns. Standing directly in front of the colossal entity, he unleashed a charged [Kamehameha], aimed straight at Renatus's face. The powerful blast not only sent the entity careening away but also pulverized the white torii gates that lingered in the distance, marking a defining moment in the confrontation.

Renatus lay defeated on the ground, unable to rise, and Aaron took prudent measures to prevent any possible retaliation. Shimmering golden chains arose from the earth, binding Renatus with unyielding force, holding the entity in place. As Aaron stood triumphantly atop Renatus's chest, he walked towards the entity's head and gazed down at it.

Renatus locked eyes with Aaron, and the intensity of the entity's gaze grew more profound with every passing moment. In a solemn voice, Aaron spoke, "You lost your mind over Elanor, didn't you? She played you while she was here and then abandoned you like a discarded tool."

Upon hearing these words, a furious shriek of anguish erupted from Renatus, yet it remained powerless to act. A heavy sigh escaped Aaron as he observed the deity before him, a blend of sorrow and pity evident on his face. Unveiling the truth uncovered a tale of manipulation and betrayal, leaving Renatus a victim of Elanor's calculated schemes like many others.

Elanor's arrival on the planet held a significant purpose—the land had once been under the dominion of Renatus, the God of Rebirth and Life. As the years passed, Renatus's once-potent powers began to wane, forcing the deity to make a momentous choice.

In an attempt to preserve its dwindling powers, Renatus entered into an agreement with Elanor, permitting her to conduct experiments on both the deity itself and the land.

This decision, driven by a desperate wish to hold onto its powers, had unforeseen consequences. The devout few who had remained steadfast in their loyalty to Renatus were driven away, leaving the once-revered deity bereft of both worshippers and the essence of its divine strength.

Renatus, who had once commanded respect throughout the cosmos, found itself diminished and weakened over time, the toll of its fading influence evident in the desolate landscape and the tragic fate it now faced.

Amidst the boundless cosmos of this universe, the gods' ascent to divine powers followed three distinct paths. Some gods chose the path of personal trials, forging their names through singular feats of strength and using their calculating minds.

Others sought to gather a devoted following, drawing upon the devotion and worship of their believers for powers, a phenomenon exemplified by the gods of the Draconic Deus. Yet, a select few pursued both routes, embarking on personal quests while cultivating a powerful assembly of devotees.

Esina and Elanor, however, diverged from this traditional model, developing divine powers through a different process altogether. Their creation was a product of synthesis, harnessing the powers of powerful beings and amplifying these abilities to forge their divine essence anew—hence they are called Artificial Gods.

Renatus, conversely, largely favored the second method. In the early eras, the God of Rebirth and Life cultivated a passionate following, amassing a cult-like community. Nevertheless, Renatus's descent into ruin unfolded as time wore on. His influence waned as his followers gradually diminished, the consequence of his own unchecked greed and selfish pursuits.

Elanor's arrival heralded the onset of Renatus's tragic downfall. She discovered the weakened deity, exploiting him and robbing the bulk of his once-potent powers for her own secretive purposes.

Upon completion of her agenda, and the remaining inhabitants who had briefly witnessed a resurgence of Renatus's powers were disposed of, Elanor callously discarded him, treating the once-revered god as nothing more than a tool she had outgrown.

In the aftermath of this betrayal, Renatus descended into madness, unable to reconcile with the harsh reality thrust upon him. Desperate to reclaim his lost power, he grasped at any opportunity, manipulating and exploiting whatever resources lay within his reach.

In his relentless pursuit, Renatus resorted to deceiving unsuspecting wanderers who stumbled upon his desolate domain, extracting their power to fuel his own resurgence, fueled by a bitterness born from abandonment and exploitation.

A profound change unfolded as a cult devoted to Elanor arose, introducing a "false" deity to the planet. Sensing an opportunity, Renatus skillfully exploited the situation, seducing the cult and their deity to his planet.

With a nefarious plan in motion, he began to accumulate souls and people within his barren planet. Using his dwindling abilities, he crafted a ghastly fusion, blending the spirits of departed children, the lives he had claimed, and those of the cult and Unagor.

In Renatus's fanatical mind, this amalgamation was a path to reclaim his past powers. Nevertheless, the stark truth persisted in its unforgiving brutality. Even if the fusion were successful, the regained power would be but a minuscule fraction of his former might.

The gargantuan undertaking demanded at least a million times more souls and bodies to manifest his former powers. Despite this insurmountable reality, Renatus, driven by desperation, turned a deaf ear to reason, even the advice of his own former self, hurtling headlong into a pursuit that bordered on the irrational.

In the wake of his misguided choices, Renatus found himself in a desperate predicament, stripped of divinity and divine might. Aaron Toole, now towering over the fallen figure, regarded the "former" deity. The once-mighty Renatus now only held a small amount of power stolen through years of exploitation, a pitiful echo of his former divine greatness.

"You're not one of the gods who remained. You're nothing but an impostor, the powers you have now are ones that you stole from people. Even if gods are selfish beings, they at least care about their people. You clearly did not—well, not until you lost your powers and resorted to exploiting them," Aaron asserted, further provoking Renatus' rage.

Renatus, seething with fury at Aaron's words, yearned to reply, to shout words of defiance. Yet, in his current state, even the most basic human speech seemed impossible. Stripped of power, he found himself utterly incapable of expressing his thoughts, rebuking Aaron, or even hurling insults. The once-proud god now existed in a state of mute helplessness, the outcome of his own choices laid bare before him.

"Your descent has surpassed even Elanor's, or at least parallels her wickedness. You've lost your place in this world. The glitches will vanish once you're removed, but first, Natsume and Kuisha must handle that abomination," Aaron declared, averting his gaze from the sprawled Renatus to watch the ongoing battle involving his lovers from afar.

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"What's the deal with this thing?" Natsume questioned, artfully dodging the barrage of strikes aimed at her and Kuisha.

Kuisha answered, "From my examination utilizing my ring, I saw that this entity is connected to the creature Saji-san faced on a spacecraft close to Ferrothos Prime. The same one Roygun encountered during their last mission too."

Natsume, still evading attacks, pondered, "Oh, those guys! So, he's one of them? He looks really different from what those two described to us." She scratched her head, attempting to reconcile the visual disparity.

As the two continued their dance of dodging, countless black orbs appeared around them. These orbs unleashed various projectiles while black and white appendages swiped at them, attempting to ensnare the duo. Although Natsume and Kuisha skillfully evaded these attacks, the need for an alternate strategy became evident, as the relentless onslaught showed no signs of waning.

[Aaron! Do we need him alive!?] Natsume's urgent voice echoed through the ring's transceivers.

[Just cripple him, it should be easy enough for you two,] replied Aaron.

With a nod, Kuisha and Natsume prepared themselves. Kuisha began to harness her powers, creating several [Holes] scattered across the battlefield. Meanwhile, Natsume summoned Griffon, and together they launched a storm of wind blades towards the [Holes], creating a dizzying spectacle that left Unagor stunned.

Unagor remained undaunted, continuing his fierce assault. To his bewilderment, however, the strikes he launched suddenly shattered into countless fragments as they neared the two women. Natsume, the mastermind behind this ingenious defense, had conjured an invisible sphere behind her, continuously shooting wind blades to form an impenetrable shield.

Simultaneously, she directed the unseen wind blades into a series of [Holes] crafted by Kuisha in the distance, outside of Unagor's field of vision, maintaining their assault while keeping their defenses deceptively secure.

Natsume's eyes glinted with fierce determination as she lifted her arm, her voice firm and commanding. "Griffon, let's do that."

Griffon grunted in response, shifting into a shimmering emerald light that melded effortlessly with Natsume's outstretched arm. A gauntlet-like armor of emerald hue materialized, enveloping her arm. Atop this armor, a green sphere formed, surrounded by a whirling fusion of wind and emerald energy. The sphere rapidly accumulated power and velocity.

"Now, Kuisha!" Natsume yelled, and in response, several [Holes] appeared around Unagor. The stored wind blades were unleashed upon the entity, aimed at crippling him.

However, Unagor proved to be a powerful foe, skillfully evading and deflecting a substantial portion of the launched wind blades. Mistakingly assuming the threat had dissipated, he let his guard down, only to be caught off guard as sudden agony coursed through his body.

In a moment of realization, he watched in horror as one of his fingers was brutally severed, a consequence of underestimating the unyielding prowess of Natsume and Kuisha's combined onslaught.

Enraged by the unforeseen setback, Unagor steeled himself to retaliate, hurling a barrage of energy bolts towards Natsume. To his bewilderment, she diverted her attack towards the heavens, leaving him even more confounded. Disregarding this puzzling act, he continued to launch energy bolts, only for a [Hole] to manifest before Natsume, consuming the barrage and redirecting it elsewhere.

As Unagor pondered his next course of action, an abrupt sensation enveloped his legs. Casting his gaze downward, he beheld golden chains that had appeared out of thin air, ensnaring him and obstructing any chance of escape.

Driven by desperation, he directed his orbs towards the chains, endeavoring to annihilate them, yet his efforts proved fruitless. The frustration swelled as he struggled to physically break free, only to be met with searing pain, his body recoiling at the touch of the chains that now held him captive.

Natsume's attack soared ever higher into the heavens, growing brighter with each fleeting instant. Unagor, already bewildered, found himself further confounded when Natsume's attack suddenly vanished, leaving him in a state of uncertainty. To his dismay, a [Hole] appeared directly in front of him, unleashing Natsume's attack.

Realization struck Unagor like a sudden storm. '...She can turn these things invisible too...!? Shit, how long has this been in front of me?!' Panic surged within him as he attempted to create a defense. Creating a protective wall of his orbs and summoning large appendages to intercept the invisible attack, Unagor's efforts were ultimately in vain.

Natsume's unleashed attack coursed through the [Hole], colliding with Unagor's body in a relentless barrage. The onslaught annihilated everything in its path, ripping and shredding Unagor's flesh. Yet, in the destruction, a glimmer of assurance persisted within him, secure in his survival. However, as he attempted to initiate the healing process, he encountered an unexpected obstacle—his regenerative abilities appeared to not work.

'I stole…that item which could heal you from anything…why isn't it working?' Unagor puzzled, a feeling of frustration seeping in as he grappled with the inexplicable failure of the stolen restorative item. A sense of resignation settled upon him as he neared acceptance of his seemingly inevitable demise.

The apex of the attack arrived as Natsume's attack detonated, generating a colossal circular dome of verdant energy and wind. The surrounding area remained secured, safeguarded from the shockwave unleashed by the attack, owing to Aaron's expeditious deployment of a barrier that confined the devastating force within its circumscribed space.

In the aftermath of the catastrophic attack, Unagor lay defeated on the ground, his form marred by the marks of battle: a missing left arm, a shattered right leg, and a mangled pointed appendage that resembled an ear. The fallen creature gazed upward, defeat etched across his face. As memories of his parents flashed before him, a sense of resignation settled within him.

Natsume and Kuisha approached Unagor, who made no efforts to escape. The acceptance of his defeat permeated the air, leaving him drained of the tension and fatigue that had accumulated throughout his existence. Motionless, he lay on the ground, accepting what may soon happen to him.

Aaron joined the scene, striding towards the defeated entity. Addressing Unagor, he inquired, "Why did you take on that role?"

"...I could gain power through it. Why wouldn't I?" Unagor replied, snickering as if dismissing Aaron's question as trivial.

"Don't lie. That's only part of the reason. Why did you do it?" Aaron pressed, his tone stern, compelling Unagor into an uneasy silence.

"Earlier...that woman claimed she knew of my species, assuming you know of us...why wouldn't I do what I did? I fled that place with the sole purpose of gaining power. I didn't care about the method, as long as I grew stronger, I could return there and liberate my people. I just needed a few more years to accumulate enough strength, and I was confident I would've been able to defeat them all, including the Eradicators," Unagor explained in a tone tinged with resignation.

Kuisha, her curiosity piqued, interjected with a question of her own, "Lyaina and Zeaina, do you know of them?"

"Know of them? Of course I do. Though it's been years since I've laid eyes on them, their names remain etched in my memory. They were names that were rapidly gaining notoriety on our world, but I left before I knew their fates, why do you ask?" Unagor posed the query.

Kuisha delivered the somber news, "They're dead. They allied with Phumera, and we were compelled to execute them during specific operations we carried out. Lyaina when we ventured to Ferrothos Prime and Zeaina at Viriterra Remetura."

Unagor fell silent, digesting the revelation's gravity. "...It always ends like this. I hardly find myself surprised anymore. Phumera and her organization have turned this universe into a living nightmare. I can't fathom how people can endure such a reality..." His words reverberated with a mixture of resignation and incredulity at the grim reality.

Aaron heaved a sigh, the gravity of the decision he was about to put forth weighing heavily on his mind. "I offer you two choices: form a temporary alliance with the Resistance, or face your end here and now. If you align with us, I will assist you in liberating your world."

Unagor, taken aback by this sudden proposition, couldn't help but question, "Why? What's in it for you?"

Aaron's unwavering gaze remained locked onto Unagor's, his thoughts dwelling on the innocent faces of the children subjected to Elanor's cruel experiments and Vivi, the adopted daughter he was determined to protect. The memories etched deep furrows onto his brow. "There are reasons that compel me, but above all, we are the Resistance. Our sole purpose is to fight for freedom and we're asking for your help in this cause."

"Make your decision," Aaron stated firmly, his resolve unwavering. "Choose to accept and see your people liberated, or meet your demise right now."

"...Despite my people's stubbornness and pride, a free world is far better than being under Phumera's iron grip," replied Unagor, his voice steady. "I accept your offer."

Aaron gave a slight nod of acknowledgment and quickly healed Unagor. As a dragon insignia appeared on Unagor's shoulder, Aaron offered an explanation, eliciting a weary chuckle from the once hostile entity. "Well, I anticipated that, but... what now?"

Turning to face the others, Aaron outlined the following steps. "I will fulfill our original purpose here. Follow me. We'll save the 'former' god for last before we leave."

Though still perplexed, Unagor agreed, his fatigue evident. The newly formed group set off, making their way towards a distant mansion where not all the liberated children had been freed yet.

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With solemn steps, Aaron led the souls of the children collected from behind the colossal mansion toward the afterlife. Natsume, Kuisha, and Unagor kept their distance, observing silently. Unagor had followed after Aaron without clear expectations but, upon witnessing the release of the imprisoned souls, he found himself unexpectedly burdened with guilt.

Recalling his initial plan, which involved the annihilation and absorption of all things, including the planet itself, Unagor felt a twinge of remorse. His encounters with Aaron's group, particularly the dolls residing in the manor, had stirred up unanticipated feelings within him.

'...I never had siblings, so seeing those kids like that brought back memories of Lyaina and Zeaina. They were so young back then, but now...they're gone, and I don't hold any anger towards Aaron's group—we were all compelled to make choices, and those were the repercussions that came with it,' Unagor pondered, grappling with the intricate web of emotions provoked by the unfolding events.

Aaron spun around, having finished his task. "Alright, let's head over to Renatus; he's still under the restraints I placed on him a while back," he informed the group, and they promptly made their way towards the imprisoned deity.

Upon landing on Renatus' colossal chest, Natsume couldn't help but exclaim, "Whoa, he's massive. Hmm? Something feels off about him."

Kuisha chimed in, adding her thoughts to the conversation. "Yeah, it's like... a god without divinity, which sounds wrong. In some mythologies, they're sometimes called 'fallen' gods, like the Fallen Angels of Christianity."

Unagor looked perplexed, questioning their discussion. "What are you guys on about? Sure, this thing lost its divine powers, but we can still call it a god. Why bother coming up with a different name and complicating things?" His no-nonsense perspective contrasted with the more contemplative musings of his newfound companions.

Natsume remained nonchalant as Aaron pressed his foot onto Renatus' chest, provoking a pained shriek from the former deity. "He's the reason for those glitches cropping up around the place. He started subconsciously devouring the reality around him, trying to regain his power. If he hadn't been stopped while also continuing with his other scheme, this universe would've been in peril. Phumera might have put a stop to him, or they would have captured him and exploited him for their purposes," explained Aaron.

"With that said, he does have some intriguing abilities. I can give them to either of you if you're interested. I'll explain what they are, and you two can pick," said Aaron. He then looked at Unagor and added, "They aren't compatible with you."

"Just say you want to grant these two more powers; I won't take offense," Unagor said, brushing aside any potential subtlety.

Aaron disregarded Unagor's derisive remark and continued to elucidate Renatus's skills for Natsume and Kuisha. After a short deliberation and a hasty conversation, they each made their selections.

"I'll take his swords then. I don't need anything else since they're not geared towards light manipulation or wind," declared Natsume.

Kuisha followed suit, "I'll take the torii gates and everything else. Based on what you've told us, he's an all-rounder like us, and I could use more versatility in my attacks apart from relying on my demonic powers."

Upon their decisions, Aaron promptly transferred Renatus' abilities to Natsume and Kuisha, reconfiguring their powers. As Natsume summoned her X-Side Balance Breaker's scythes, they underwent a metamorphosis, shifting from a dark green to a blend of silvery-white, dark green, and crimson—a surprise even to Natsume herself.

Kuisha clapped her hands, summoning smaller torii gates into existence behind her. The gates emanated black and white energy lines, which Kuisha, with her unparalleled mastery of demonic powers, skillfully manipulated, transforming them into various forms such as swords, spears, and even a compact vehicle, utilizing enough energy to achieve these metamorphoses.

"Now that's done, let's wrap up our stay here," Aaron interjected, throwing a sidelong glance at Unagor.

"I understand. I'm eager to lend a hand. I mean, I have no idea when we'll return to my planet," Unagor replied in an offhand manner, demonstrating his commitment to aiding in their shared objectives.

Aaron nodded his head, a silent look set upon his face. Approaching Renatus' fallen form, he paused momentarily, gazing at the fallen deity. Then, with a firm gesture, he extended his palm, pointing it towards the prostrate figure.

A soft yet potent purple glow emanated from Aaron's hand, enveloping Renatus's entire being. The defeated god began to fade away, his spectral cries resonating through the disintegrating void.

As Renatus's demise reached its culmination, the group gradually descended to the ground. Aaron produced another necklace, skillfully using it to preserve the entire planet within its confines before storing it away into his [Inventory].

Turning towards his team, he declared, "Let's move on to a different planet," and with that, they swiftly departed for another destination, leaving behind the remnants of a once-troubled world.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Lady Elanor, a report has arrived stating that yet another of your former outposts, this time on another celestial body, has vanished. Do you desire any course of action?" inquired the android.

Elanor's lips curled into a sly smile as she replied, "No. Let it be. Carry on with our original strategy. Those planets hold no significance to me, so their disappearance is of no concern. Lady Phumera has expressed the same sentiment, and the resources on them have already been retrieved, rendering them expendable."

"Ah, but for the last planet, insert 'that' into it. I want to observe how the Outer God handles it," Elanor commanded.

"As you wish, Lady Elanor," responded the android, promptly scurrying away to execute her bidding.

With finesse, Elanor pushed back her chair and made her way towards a nearby bookshelf. In one abrupt motion, she pulled a specific book, causing a concealed mechanism to activate and unveil a hidden door. She stepped through it, entering a secret compartment she had meticulously crafted a year prior. This secluded space housed additional secrets, known only to her, albeit on a smaller, more personal scale.

Sitting on a chair situated at the center of the room, Elanor faced a series of holographic monitors and displays that sprawled out before her, revealing the intricate network of her secret operations.

Each screen was intricately linked to a separate Eradicator—Ueboros and Umbra—giving Elanor an encompassing view of their every move. Only those recently deceased, defected or having disabled it themselves displayed inactivity or static. The dormant displays belonged to Ecthrois, Infersos, Zyra, Raerea, Sekudia, Caeda, Radelia, Aerendyl, Abysnar, Echilys, Cyran, Sefer, and Zenosius.

Elanor casually disregarded the inactive screens, pondering that these Eradicators might have deduced her surveillance efforts and taken countermeasures to disable or impede the monitoring. Instead of being perturbed, Elanor savored the prospect of the others uncovering her secret observation, eagerly anticipating the amusement that would transpire when they confronted her about it.

"It's quite regrettable that certain security protocols hindered my observation of a few of my beloved playthings. Alas, such is life. Nonetheless, a handful managed to elude the imposed barriers, which I must admit, is rather captivating. I was genuinely taken aback when the recently installed Umbra Zyra promptly detected and neutralized my surveillance attempt. Even Infersos took nearly a month to catch on. Fufu," she mused to herself, gracefully transitioning to a different display showcasing Yve.

Being secretive lovers, Yve didn't harbor any qualms with Elanor keeping a watchful eye on her activities from time to time. However, there was an unspoken understanding between them—when engaged in crucial discussions with Phumera, the surveillance would be momentarily disabled.

Yve was discreet about her exchanges with Phumera, not wishing for Elanor to uncover the particulars. While this did occasionally lead to disagreements, it never reached a point where it threatened their relationship.

Elanor stared at the monitor, her gaze locked onto Yve, who was absorbed in her work within the room's boundaries. After a brief moment, Yve, sensing the scrutiny, met Elanor's gaze, only to be met with a sly smirk.

Through the screen's lens, Yve rolled her eyes nonchalantly and returned to her tasks. This peculiar dynamic was the closest thing to "love" Elanor permitted herself to experience. Though convoluted and toxic, she remained indifferent, finding solace in this unconventional connection, a sentiment that was previously unfamiliar to her.

In a curious twist, Yve inadvertently became an experiment for Elanor. Whether Yve was oblivious to this role or played along knowingly, their relationship proved mutually advantageous. It served as a protective veil, concealing their true selves and ambitions from prying eyes, adding layers of deception.

"Ah, now let's behold your reaction to my little surprise, Outer God~," Elanor playfully murmured to herself, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she shifted her focus to another monitor. This particular screen transcended the conventional planes, delving into the planet where Aaron Toole and his group were navigating. "Make this an entertaining spectacle for me, hmhm~"

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

Undertaking the last planetary excursion of the day, our group encountered a striking difference to the previous planet with Renatus. The subsequent world, while less stormy, presented its own spectacles, requiring our undivided attention.

A dreamlike scene unfolded before us: a terrain embellished with countless electric fan heads, sprouting not only from the cooling devices themselves but also mimicking the form of trees and boulders. The peculiarity of this landscape surpassed any anticipation I held for encountering the unusual in our interstellar travels.

In the heart of this bewildering vista, one of my lovers, Kuisha made a delightful discovery—a being resembling a puppy, yet possessing an unconventional electric fan head. Her infatuation with the singular creature overcame any apprehensions, and she swiftly resolved to adopt it into our diverse group. Perhaps charmed by the creature's odd appeal or the persuasive gleam in Kuisha's eyes, I conceded without protest.

Witnessing the varied interpretations of "cuteness" among each team member became an intriguing distraction.

Natsume, her brow furrowed, couldn't grasp the charm that Kuisha found so enchanting in the peculiar creature. Skepticism seeped into her voice as she inquired, "Mmm. I just don't see it. How can you find it cute?"

Unagor, with his distinct taste inclinations, shot back, "I personally find it appetizing-looking," causing Natsume to visibly recoil in disgust. The alien being, a tad offended by Natsume's reaction, urged her to expand her culinary horizons. "You've not consumed enough beings from this universe to react like that. I implore you to do so," Unagor insisted.

Natsume, faithful in her culinary boundaries, replied with firm resolve, "…Look, I enjoy eating food, and I've savored a diverse range since I lived with Aaron. But eating a puppy with an electric fan head isn't a thing I want to try."

Unfazed by the differing opinions within the group, we continued our journey through the jungle-like terrain, our destination being the mansion where the dolls and children were purportedly hidden.

To our surprise, the ecosystem of this peculiar planet mirrored its eccentric landscape, with animals, insects, and other creatures possessing electric fan heads or retaining a more conventional appearance.

In an astonishing display, nearly all the fauna thriving in this peculiar domain possessed electric fan heads, an astounding 90% of the creatures flaunting this distinctive trait, while the remaining 10% maintained a more conventional appearance.

The environment around us portrayed a similar eccentricity, with approximately 60% of the elements adorned with electric fan features and the remaining 40% adhering to a more traditional aesthetic.

As we ventured through this otherworldly terrain, we arrived at a significant juncture in our adventure: a small wooden bridge spanning an abyss that plummeted into a violent river far below.

Our every action was closely monitored by electric fan birds and monkeys nestled within the surrounding foliage. Fortunately, their curiosity didn't escalate into aggression, probably influenced by witnessing my capabilities demonstrated earlier.

A not-so daunting challenge presented itself when a sizable monkey attempted an attack, only to find itself subdued rather than killed. The creature, upon regaining consciousness, promptly retreated, establishing a precedent that deterred the various animals we encountered thereafter from crossing our path.

The cryptic world revealed itself as Unagor divulged crucial information concerning the possible dangers lurking within its waters. "I have only heard of this place before and have not entered it, but based on what the cult members told me, the waters here possess the power to transform anything they touch into an 'electric head,' whatever that may imply," he explained.

In an attempt to decipher the strange warning, Natsume hypothesized, "They likely meant that if you got splashed by the water here, your head would turn into one of those," gesturing towards the puppy nestled in Kuisha's arms.

Unagor, displaying a newfound comprehension, nodded sagely and commented, "I see, so that's what they meant. Well, we better take care not to get splashed by water here then."

Aware of the potential peril, I promptly raised my arm, granting us immunity against the transformative effects of the peculiar waters. The notion of my head morphing into an electric fan seemed not only inconvenient but deeply bothersome. As I conveyed my protective gesture to the group, Natsume breathed a sigh of relief, thankful for the foresight in averting an undesired transformation.

"Anyway, let's—" My words trailed off as my gaze instinctively lifted skyward. The others, attuned to my sudden shift in attention, followed suit, and together we beheld two mysterious figures suspended in the air.

The first figure seemed a surreal confluence of machinery and shadows. Its head resembled a black hole, hiding a face within its depths. The rest of its body took on a robotic form, adorned with menacing green spikes. Four arms encircled it, with the upper right appendage standing out, larger than the others, featuring a large cannon.

The second figure presented itself with a slender frame, clad in a crimson top and metallic legs. Its jet-black wings unfurled behind it, reminiscent of a fallen angel or tengu. A touch of whimsy was added by the creature's comically long black hat, perched atop its head, accompanied by a red visor obscuring its face.

"These belong to Elanor," I announced to the group, a tense silence hanging heavy in the air. As we began to devise our approach, I took charge in assigning duties, "I'll go with the one with wings. I'll leave—"

"I'm coming with you," Natsume cut in, her unyielding expression leaving no room for argument. Confronted with her resolve, I conceded, acknowledging her choice. "Alright, Natsume and I will confront the one with black wings. Unagor and Kuisha, you two tackle the automaton, destroy it—but don't bother with conversation," I commanded.

With our roles set, Natsume and I vanished in an instant, converging with the ebony-winged beast, prepared to face the mysterious foes linked to Elanor.

— ○ ● ○ —

Third Person Point of View

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"I am unsure of my emotions towards the robot above us, but my intuition is screaming that it's dangerous, Lady Kuisha. I suggest we proceed with caution," Unagor advised, his astute mind leading their strategy.

"I concur, but let's observe its reaction after we initiate an attack," Kuisha agreed, tenderly setting the puppy-like creature beside her. "Let's give this a go."

Kuisha, with an excited demeanor, clasped her hands together, summoning a larger white torii gate behind her. Fixing her gaze upon the robotic entity above, she unleashed a barrage of innumerable black and white energy lines from the torii gate.

Yet, to their surprise, the mechanical enemy quickly erected shields using its three smaller arms. A surreal sight came to pass as a mouth manifested within the very last shield, devouring the incoming onslaught that Kuisha had unleashed upon it.

"It harnessed that energy, converting it into more power for itself. This thing appears to be a fusion of various creatures that Elanor might have forcibly merged into this bizarre robotic form," Unagor astutely observed. "Perhaps physical attacks could be effective?" he speculated aloud.

"I'll try it, just support me," Kuisha swiftly responded, unfurling her devil wings as she soared towards the enemy. Simultaneously, Unagor released several black and white orbs, forming an ethereal entourage to accompany her.

As Kuisha positioned herself in front of the robotic entity, she focused on the orbs, coaxing them to morph into several large appendages, prepared to execute a synchronized physical assault.

In a swift and calculated maneuver, Kuisha lunged toward the mechanical enemy, unleashing a forceful punch. As Unagor had foreseen, the creature reflexively raised its shields; however, the durability of its defense proved fleeting. Kuisha's strike pierced through the protective barriers, leaving the mechanical entity exposed to their attacks.

Nevertheless, the subsequent blows from the black and white limbs seemed less impactful, prompting a palpable sense of disappointment from Unagor. "Perhaps they require genuine body parts to deal significant damage. I must observe this further," he mused, intently watching the aerial duel unfolding overhead.

Capitalizing on the shattered shields, Kuisha swiftly executed a follow-up maneuver, launching a powerful kick with her left leg towards the robot's head. The relentless adversary responded by extending and sharpening the spikes on its body, attempting to block the incoming attack.

Unfazed, Kuisha enveloped her body in a demonic aura, obliterating the spikes and allowing her leg to land a decisive blow on the robot's body. The impact sent the mechanical entity hurtling towards the ground.

As the creature crashed, a substantial portion of the ground gave way, plummeting into the raging river below. Observing this development, Unagor seized the opportunity. With a determined shout, he exclaimed, "Into the water! Hit him into the water!!"

In a harmonious dance, Unagor aided Kuisha by conjuring up extra orbs, which then affixed themselves to her sides, mimicking her arms. Unagor's somewhat tentative encouragement reverberated, "Pour some power into them, and they'll be as strong as you—probably!"

'Probably!? What do you mean 'probably'?!' Kuisha mentally gasped, grappling with the uncertainty of the outcome. Notwithstanding, she imbued the appendages with substantial power, causing them to spring to life. Positioned in front of the revitalized robot, Kuisha faced its larger arm, which was primed for a devastating energy shot with its cannon.

The unrestrained energy beam collided with Kuisha's defensive magic circle, successfully deflecting the powerful blast. However, the raw force of the impact caused the energy attack to split into two halves, unleashing destruction upon the forest behind her.

Scowling at the wreckage left in the chaos, Kuisha launched a barrage of demonic attacks, each effortlessly absorbed by the unyielding robot. Unfazed, she charged towards it with astonishing speed, delivering a mighty strike to its abdomen.

The force of the impact generated a small shockwave, obliterating the remaining ground beneath the robot and sending it hurtling into the churning river below. Triumphant, Kuisha stood, her chest heaving with exertion, savoring the fleeting moment of victory.

Yet, their brief celebration was swiftly interrupted as the mechanical foe resurfaced from the water, now sporting a strange electric fan for a head, while the rest of its body remained unchanged. Observing the peculiar metamorphosis, Kuisha couldn't suppress her incredulity, "What difference does it make?! It's just got a weirder head now!"

Seizing the opening for mockery, Unagor retorted, "So you do think the heads are weird!" Kuisha, her face buried in her palm, found herself unexpectedly engaged in a lighthearted banter amidst the seriousness of their ongoing conflict.

The mechanical antagonist unleashed an unanticipated volley of peculiar sounds before morphing into a sphere with a prominent, cannon-like protrusion. In a dazzling display, it commenced a whirling motion, accompanied by a powerful laser-like attack aimed at Kuisha.

'Sonic!?' Kuisha's mind raced as the robot emulated the renowned move of a beloved character from Aaron's previous universe.

As with many of Aaron's acquaintances, Kuisha had been exposed to numerous entertainments and franchises from his original universe. However, Aaron had carefully refrained from divulging any adaptations based on them, fearing potential breakdowns akin to what Ddraig and Albion had upon their first encounter with him.

Nonetheless, the familiarity with Sonic and the characters from that series was still evident, enabling Kuisha to establish a connection as she quickly evaded the robot's high-speed attack.

"Do something!" Unagor's strained voice echoed with frustration, causing Kuisha's own irritation to rise. She couldn't help but wonder why Unagor seemed so ineffective in this battle, considering his demonstrated competence in their previous encounters.

Unbeknownst to Kuisha, Unagor's peculiar behavior was fueled by an intense fascination with Elanor's creation. He longed to observe the mechanical entity from a safe distance, captivated by the intricate design it displayed.

Kuisha, heaving a sigh at the perceived delay, was determined not to waste any more time. Her primary objective remained the liberation of the trapped children on this planet before returning home. The weight of the day's events pressed heavily upon her shoulders, and she could sense a collective weariness among her comrades.

Natsume's cryptic remark about Aaron's emotional state added yet another layer of complexity to their mission, a concern that Kuisha chose to address at a later time. For now, the immediate focus remained on overcoming the challenges before them and ensuring the safety of those who needed their help.

Before the robot could react, Kuisha, fueled by purpose, silently extended an apology to the souls of the children and to Aaron. She closed the distance between herself and the mechanical enemy, coiling her arm back, and unleashed a devastating punch that reverberated through the robot, returning it to its usual form.

Both the robot and Unagor were taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. However, the surprise was short-lived for the mechanical entity, as Kuisha, undeterred, shrouded her body with touki. Focusing an additional surge of touki into her right fist, she delivered a powerful blow to the robot's chest once again.

This time, the impact inflicted substantial damage, causing the robot to explode into hundreds of parts, seemingly rendering it inoperative. However, to Kuisha's astonishment, the various fragments exhibited unexpected resilience.

As the scattered parts darted around her, employing the spikes as makeshift limbs, Kuisha faced the next stage in the "fight," a testament to the annoying challenges posed by Elanor's unique construct. Unfazed, she unleashed a storm of touki bullets, swiftly pinpointing and annihilating the erratic components.

As Kuisha efficiently neutralized the majority of the parts, a handful of stragglers displayed even more erratic movements, suggesting a sense of panic within the robotic fragments. Despite the apparent distress, Kuisha pressed on, methodically destroying each remaining piece until only the "heart" and head of the robot remained, standing as the final remnants of Elanor's once-mighty creation.

With the remnants of the robotic creation reduced to a motionless heart beneath her foot, and the head lingering as the last vestige, Kuisha prepared to deliver a decisive blow. However, just as she was about to act, Unagor unexpectedly arrived, intending to speak.

In an instant, Kuisha spun around, her fist connecting with Unagor's chin in a powerful uppercut. The force of her blow left him stunned and sent him falling to the ground, confusion etched on his face.

Without a moment's hesitation, Kuisha redirected her focus to the head of the robot, a larger touki ball forming in front of her palm. She unleashed the touki attack, obliterating the head of the robot and, with a final, crushing blow, annihilating the motionless heart beneath her foot.

"W-what was that for!?" Unagor exclaimed, bewildered by Kuisha's unprovoked assault.

Kuisha stared at him with icy resolve and declared, "Aaron warned us not to interact with it directly. He has his reasons, and I wasn't about to endanger our mission because you wanted to show off or ask it questions."

She underscored the significance of their alliance, warning Unagor, "Don't forget that insignia would kill you if you so much as contemplated attacking us. We're in this together, and we've only just met. Don't act like we're old friends."

Feeling the weight of her words and the power she commanded, Unagor conceded, stepping back and admitting the legitimacy of Kuisha's concerns. He gulped and replied, "My apologies, I'll keep that in mind," before straightening up and stroking his chin, pondering the potential consequences of his actions.

'Lead the way to the manor; we'll catch up shortly,' Aaron communicated telepathically to Kuisha.

Receiving the message, Kuisha nodded internally, then declared aloud, "Let's go. Aaron instructed us to wait by the manor." With silent consensus, both Kuisha and Unagor departed the area, steadily traversing the path towards the manor that loomed in the distance.

— ○ ● ○ —

Natsume, Griffon, and Sylph's wind clashed against the tengu-like creature in front of them. Aaron observed the unfolding battle, analyzing the creature as Natsume engaged in combat to keep its attention.

"What is it?" Natsume asked, slowly floating back towards Aaron.

Aaron, providing insights into the creature's origins, explained, "Its name is Etnug. A divine being mated with a tengu-like creature in this world, creating a hybrid—a demi-god, if you will. It has, however, been enchanted by Elanor's experiments, and it originally hails from Hanazora Eien."

The revelation of Elanor's involvement caused Natsume to frown. "The more I hear about Elanor's deeds, the more I detest her," she muttered, channeling her frustration into another round of attacks directed at Etnug.

"You're not wrong. From the stories and facts gathered, Elanor certainly fits the sociopath mold. It's quite baffling, really, how she and Esina are polar opposites. It's like a complete yin and yang, even after all the hardships Esina faced, she remains compassionate and empathetic, albeit with a bit of snark and violent touch," Aaron mused.

Natsume, adopting a devil's advocate stance, countered, "...Well, we don't know her whole story. Maybe she suffered through even more trauma?" Despite her attempt at impartiality, a hint of doubt resonated in her voice about Elanor's actions.

Aaron shifted his attention to Etnug, gesturing towards the tengu-like creature. "It doesn't have vocal cords, so it can't communicate verbally. Let's try and figure out why it's aligned with Elanor," he declared. Moments later, Etnug's throat began to emit a faint glow, and the information that was disclosed left both Aaron and Natsume astounded.

"Run!!! I'm going to explode!! She put a bomb in me that will destroy at least a planet twenty times larger than this one!!!!" shrieked Etnug.

Aaron and Natsume's eyes widened in disbelief, and before they could fully process the gravity of the situation, Aaron felt a surge of urgency. Without hesitation, he lunged towards Etnug, attempting to dislodge the deadly device from within the creature. But, to his dismay, his efforts proved fruitless.

Their faces now etched with a grim expression, Aaron locked eyes with Etnug. In a heartbeat, he used his teleportation powers to whisk the tengu-like creature away into a separate dimension. There, in that unfamiliar realm, Etnug met his explosive demise, causing the very fabric of that alternate reality to quake violently.

As the reality of the situation sank in, Natsume, emerging from her stunned silence, stammered, "W-what happened?"

Aaron, his jaw clenched tightly, stared ahead, his expression conveying a mix of barely contained fury and a fierce resolve to confront the escalating threats orchestrated by Elanor's sinister scheming. "Heh," he uttered, a quiet acknowledgment of the treacherous game that had just been set in motion.

"A-Aaron…?" Natsume's voice wavered with concern. Aaron's head jerked in a precise direction, and the camera Elanor had been using to observe them shattered in an explosion. Natsume's confusion deepened in the wake of this sudden turn of events.

Aaron provided an explanation for the violent reaction. "She had implanted some kind of device onto that person, feeding my ability false information. It seems there are others in this universe with an ability similar to mine," he said, his tone laced with bitterness. "So she took measures to counter it."

"It was a robot, preprogrammed with a message, and it was all a setup," he added, his anger palpable. "Elanor most likely has an ability similar to your [Appraisal] if she could manipulate my ability while blocking or changing others." The revelation painted a chilling picture of Elanor's cunning and sadistic nature, leaving both Aaron and Natsume grappling with the implications of her deceptive machinations.

"Etnug, the person I spoke of, had long since passed away, and what we encountered was nothing more than the shell of a robot with fabricated data. I should evolve my own [Observe] to provide a more comprehensive understanding of things. Upon further contemplation, this ability has been with me since I first arrived in our universe," Aaron muttered, his eyes fixed on the forest below.

"So... Etnug was a real person?" Natsume questioned, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"Yes. Everything I previously stated was the truth, but what we encountered was a sham, or a decoy, I suppose. Regardless, let's proceed with our initial objective for being here... I'll think of a means to retaliate against Elanor later," Aaron reassured her. Natsume, offering minimal feedback, chose to agree with Aaron's assessment, readying herself to refocus on their mission amidst the lingering doubt instilled by Elanor's deceptive tactics.

— ○ ● ○ —

Elanor's laughter reverberated through the chamber, her body convulsing with glee as she clutched her stomach. Her triumphant deception of Aaron had produced a delightful reaction, and she relished in it. Once the laughter subsided, she straightened herself in her chair, her lips curling into a sly smile.

"So that's the ability he has, eh? Perhaps I can exploit it for my own gain. It won't be the first time I've encountered someone with an information-giving eye ability," she chuckled to herself, thoroughly entertained by her own prank.

Her fingertips gently grazed her cheek, playfully mimicking Aaron's own peculiar ability. Elanor pondered the various ways she could continue to manipulate Aaron, considering the remaining planets that awaited his liberation.

"Hmm, let's see... what should I choose~?" she sang in a light, sing-song voice, her eyes dancing with the prospect of more mischief to come. Elanor, thoroughly pleased with her cunning strategies, continued to plot and scheme, finding joy in the intricate games she played with those who dared to challenge her.

"L-lady Elanor!" The android's urgent voice pierced the air as it hastened into her main chamber, its voice echoing in the room. Elanor, intrigued by the interruption, stepped out to find the android looking panicked.

"What is it?" Elanor asked, her tone laced with a hint of annoyance.

"T-this!" the android exclaimed, presenting her with a large tablet-like contraption. Elanor, upon examining the device, was initially shocked and angered by what she saw, but a wide smile soon crept across her face.

On the screen of the tablet were the various planets where Elanor had stored her items, parts, and essential tools, all utterly obliterated, leaving nothing behind. Each planet bore floating letters, spelling out, [Bring it on, bitch. -A.T.]

Aaron Toole had retaliated by nuking those planets after discovering what Elanor had done to him. In his mind, it was an eye for an eye. Dissatisfied with the treatment he had received, Aaron decided to strike back, implementing his own form of retaliation to tell Elanor that he knew where all of them were at. The unexpected turn of events left Elanor both infuriated and amused, appreciating the unfolding rivalry between her and the audacious god.

"Fufufu… kukukuku," Elanor murmured eerily, her eyes glinting with delight as she gazed back at the screen. Amid the wreckage, she found herself oddly stimulated by Aaron's audacious counterattack. 'Fufufu, you're making me feel the same way I feel about Yve towards you, Outer God. I like it, entertain me more…!' Elanor mused, delighting in the unforeseen exhilaration of their rivalry.

"U-um… what should we do, Lady Elanor?" the android inquired, clearly perplexed by Elanor's response.

"Don't bother, those are permanently gone. We still have other facilities that he hasn't struck. Leave me, I need to think," Elanor commanded, and the android promptly exited the room. Elanor, left to her own devices, strolled toward the window of her main chamber and struck the glass pane.

"Perfect... I knew you would be worth toying with... fufu, I'm sorry Yve, but someone has gained my 'affection' too, I never would have thought," she murmured to herself, acknowledging the unexpected shift in her sentiments as the unfolding spectacle between her and Aaron continued to captivate her interest.

Elanor found herself ensnared in a labyrinth of emotions that she could barely decipher, a bewildering sentiment akin to Nyarlathotep's captivation and fixation upon Aaron. Nonetheless, Aaron, upon discerning this intricate arras of feelings, sought no part in it.

"Fufufu, until my last breath, I wish for you to entertain me. Please make it extraordinary..." she murmured, tears of blood trickling down her visage. "Outer God—no, Aaron Toole...!" Elanor's announcement resounded with a disconcerting fusion of longing and disturbing fascination, a sentiment that left her riskily suspended upon the abyss of obsession, eager for the looming theatrics that awaited in the inevitable confrontation between them.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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"Did you do something?" Natsume asked, her eyes locked on me as we wrapped up our mission to liberate the lost souls of the children on this perplexing world. The children, rather oddly, also had electric fan heads, a phenomenon I intentionally chose not to ponder over.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" I responded, putting on a pretense of naivety, though Natsume saw through my ruse.

"I know we've said it before, but you're a terrible liar at times and a master at others. Right now, it's the former, so out with it," demanded Natsume, prompting the gazes of both Kuisha and Unagor to shift towards us.

We were currently situated outside the mansion after successfully freeing the children. Instead of hastily departing, we lingered, exploring the area before I sealed it away. I figured the native wildlife wouldn't notice the children's absence once they were encased within the confines of a necklace. As far as I could tell, they rarely ventured beyond this planet.

With a resigned sigh, I admitted, "Alright, so after what Elanor did, I retaliated. I demolished several planets where she kept her belongings. I've got a few more ideas up my sleeve once we return home, which I'll put into action, so I'm not done yet. This should keep her occupied for a while, and she'll meddle less. When the moment is right, we'll go there to end her."

Their reactions to my confession were a blend of astonishment and confusion. Unagor was the first to break the silence, revealing his worry, "You targeted her personal storage planets? That's like repeatedly assaulting Ferrothos Prime. That place was quite useful for Phumera's organization, so wiping it out was a smart move. However, carrying out this... is a whole different level of provocation. Generally, if you strike at the Eradicators' personal belongings, they'll hunt you down with the wrath of a thousand suns."

"Have you forgotten who or what I was? Regardless of who they are, it won't matter to me. I try not to misuse my powers, utilizing them only when necessary or when I have a strategy in mind. Nonetheless, I mostly prefer to remain within my own personal sphere. If they try to pierce it with the intention of destroying it, I will retaliate, and it won't end as they envision it," I expounded, accentuating my seriousness.

"Anyway, let's go back. I'll introduce you to everyone on the planet," I continued, manifesting a new necklace before enveloping the liberated planet within it. With a swift translocation, we returned to the Resistance's planet, ready to end the day on a calmer and more relaxing note.

— ○ ● ○ —

The planetary birthplace of Unagor is revealed as Zenoiria, a planet disclosed during our post-mission debriefing. In attendance were Natsume and Kuisha, both visibly fatigued from the day's emotional events. Despite their weariness, Natsume pledged to join me in the quest to liberate the remaining planets, a commitment she made even amidst the emotional turmoil.

As we deliberated over the potential rescue mission at Etoce Rhirlara, Savina inquired about my intentions concerning Zenoiria. "Do you plan to visit Zenoiria before going on the mission to Etoce Rhirlara?" she asked.

"I don't plan on partaking in the Etoce Rhirlara operation due to prior commitments. However, if my involvement is required, I'll be there. I trust the team's capabilities, and it's likely that my participation won't be necessary," I reassured her. Savina nodded, acknowledging my stance.

"Rest assured, I will guarantee a seamless operation," Lysanvar assured. "Right now, we have the roster for the first team designated for the upcoming mission. With any luck, we can solidify the remaining members in the coming days and proceed to brief them on what's in store," Lysanvar conveyed.

"That works perfectly fine; there's no need to rush the procedure," I responded. Our discourse then transitioned smoothly into discourses about the intricacies and expectations encompassing the imminent excursion to Zenoiria.

As Unagor elucidates, the planet of Zenoiria falls under the jurisdiction of Phumera's organization. Governance is delegated to a Ueboros representative, with the more mundane aspects being supervised by one of their subordinates. Yet, in the forthcoming visit, it is anticipated that the genuine Ueboros member, Eyhylde, ranked 12th, shall be present. Unagor's suggestive description compared Eyhylde to valkyries, a comparison that immediately piqued the interest of our valkyrie companions, especially Rossweisse and Göndul who were present.

I plan on sharing this interesting information with the rest of the Valkyrie Squad. Yanuyo's listed data indicates the existence of two additional individuals with valkyrie-like qualities within the Ueboros' ranks.

This disclosure adds an aura of intrigue to our impending rendezvous as I wondered how they would interact once they meet Rossweisse and the other valkyries of the Draconic Deus, assuming they come with me and are not picked for the mission to Etoce Rhirlara.

"Regrettably, my knowledge might be a tad outdated, given the dynamic nature of territories governed by the Eradicators, Ueboros, or Umbra," Unagor admitted.

With a nod, acknowledging the ever-changing landscape of these dominions, Zyra asked for more insights into Unagor's species and any vulnerabilities they might possess. "Are there any unique weaknesses inherent to your kind?"

"Beyond the inherent vulnerabilities to light and holy energy, we share weaknesses to fire and what you call as 'demonic power,'" Unagor disclosed.

Zyra, intrigued by the seemingly conflicting susceptibilities, pressed further. "It's strange to be vulnerable to both light and demonic properties, considering they are essentially opposites. Any explanation for this?"

Unagor, with a nonchalant shrug, admitted, "I'm not entirely sure. We exist as both shadowy and light beings, perhaps that's the rationale. Our utilization of black and white orbs might offer some insight." As he spoke, he summoned one of each, showcasing the duality inherent in his species.

As their collective gaze shifted toward me for an explanation, I responded with a nonchalant shrug. "In the night-infinity of the omniverse, some species simply emerge bearing these weaknesses. Whether a deliberate creation by the gods of a particular universe or an acquired trait during their lifespan or creation, it's mostly random, I believe."

Azathoth, accompanying our group, affirmed my explanation with a nod. In moments of leisure, I had delved into this information, with Cúntóir's assistance providing invaluable insights.

Latia, intrigued by the revelation, joined the discussion. "So, are you suggesting that these weaknesses are either an intentional aspect bestowed upon us by our creators or a result of sheer randomness, perhaps as a means to provide us with a natural enemy?"

"Yeah, basically," I affirmed. "It could be either by design or a quirk of chance. Occasionally, there might be other influencing factors, but generally, that's how the weaknesses of certain species manifest." My response prompted a nod of comprehension from Latia.

"What can we anticipate there?" Natsume's abrupt inquiry drew the attention of those nearby.

"What do you mean?" Unagor asked, puzzled by her query.

"As Roygun-san pointed out, Zeaina and Lyaina's parents were, or still are, the rulers of that planet, right? What can we expect of them? What about the Ueboros' subordinates? Will they seek vengeance by attacking your people once they find out that we've infiltrated their world? And the people themselves? You did say they were stubborn, so they might not readily accept our help," Natsume posed.

Pondering the query, Unagor fell into a brief silence before shifting his gaze towards Natsume. "As I stated earlier, my people are unyielding, and the prospect of voluntarily accepting aid may not align with their nature. However, if you choose their liberation, regardless of their personal opinions, they will begrudgingly acknowledge it. Regarding the revelation of such assistance to the Ueboros, it's highly improbable. I can assure you that my kind harbors a deeply ingrained hatred towards Phumera and her minions. Nevertheless, the sentiment towards Radelia, Caeda, and Sekudia, who serve as double agents, remains uncertain," Unagor elucidated.

"So, we're offering a helping hand to a species that might not shower us with gratitude?" Eliovan sighed. "I mean, yes, we're the Resistance, but a small 'thanks' wouldn't hurt, right? But whatever, maybe that's just me."

"Eliovan-chan, if you're aiming for altruism, you can't expect everyone to express their gratitude. Helping others should stem from a genuine desire to make a positive impact, not for the accolades and appreciation," Gabriel gently corrected him.

"I understand that, but it's just my perspective. I won't voice it when the time comes, and I won't deter Aaron if he decides to help Unagor. However, I have to ask—will your species be open to forming an alliance with us if we free them? Or is there a risk they might adopt an indifferent stance and launch a retaliatory assault against Phumera's organization once freed?" Eliovan inquired.

I possessed the awareness of what the answer might be, yet opted for silence. All gazes were upon Unagor, who now found himself at a loss for words to address the question posed. Their race harbored an inherent sense of pride, a deep-seated aversion to defeat, a trait further amplified within their familial bonds, as my study of their history had revealed. The culture of their people was permeated with the philosophy of victory, where the pursuit of victory was a cherished virtue, and the bitterness of defeat was vehemently shunned.

In my estimation, this particular trait bore both positive and negative implications. On one hand, the inclination to strike back in the face of defeat was typically channeled in a reasonable manner; losers would redouble their efforts, be it in training or in duels, to reclaim victory from those they perceived as their "rivals." However, when applied to a conflict of planetary or even universal scale, the dynamics shifted dramatically.

Recognizing the might of Unagor's species, their power paled in comparison to the powerful groups they would face—the Eradicators, Ueboros, and Umbra. Attempting a direct attack against Phumera upon their liberation held the potential for catastrophic consequences. It seemed a hazardous undertaking where the notion of victory might be overshadowed by the stark reality of utter annihilation.

"Indeed, I am unsure. Still, I find myself inclined to concur with your sentiments, Sir Eliovan. Our natural inclination to retaliate against those who have bested us is deeply ingrained within my own kind, and the notion of defeat is utterly abhorrent to us. It is feasible that once liberated, they might opt for a declaration of war against Phumera, only to face utter devastation as a consequence," Unagor confessed, a bitter undertone present in his admission.

"So, effectively, our endeavors could be in vain? We go on a mission to liberate them, only for them to turn around, launch a direct assault on Phumera, and subsequently face total annihilation. How does that serve anyone's interests, let alone their own or ours?" Eliovan queried, his tone tinged with irritation.

"I'm as perplexed as you are. This reason was, indeed, one of the driving forces behind my departure. I stand out as an anomaly amongst my kind. Though I despise defeat, I refrain from retaliating with the same zeal. Acceptance and moving forward are more my way. Occasionally, I might intensify my training, but more often than not, I lack the innate drive characteristic of my species. Yet, I cannot bear the endless reign of tyranny imposed by Phumera over them. I have family there, and that compels me to act," Unagor explained, shedding light on his reasoning.

Zyra shot me a smirk and asked, "Given all of that, Aaron, what's your call?"

"My stance remains the same. Aware as I am of these complexities, I'll continue in lending my aid," I declared resolutely, eliciting a whistle from Zyra.

"Thank you, Aaron," Unagor expressed with sincere gratitude, lowering his head in appreciation.

The discussion continued for another hour, delving into various aspects before finally coming to a close. Although Eliovan tried to sway my decision, my determination stood firm. Despite showing some irritation towards the end, he eventually conceded, choosing to leave the final call in my hands as he shifted his attention towards the upcoming mission to Etoce Rhirlara.

— ○ ● ○ —

An hour had passed since the meeting's conclusion, and the dinner hour was swiftly approaching. As I found myself in my room, Kuisha nestled in my arms, her body emanated an evident aura of emotional and mental fatigue, not dissimilar to the day before. The door to my room creaked open, revealing Natsume, her eyes reflecting the same weariness as Kuisha's.

"Heh, seems I wasn't the only one wrestling with this exhaustion," she said, discarding her shoes before snuggling up next to me. After a couple of minutes, she asked, "Is this what you experienced yesterday?"

I nodded, "More or less. Although I didn't engage in any physical combat, my task was to pacify the children. They had a lot of wants, right?" I responded, mirroring her weariness.

"Mmm... we were roped into playing tag, hide and seek, and other eccentric games they'd concocted. They were really eager to play," Natsume reminisced, trying to burrow her head even deeper into my chest, a futile endeavor.

Kuisha interjected, "Unagor seemed quite awkward about it, though. Watching someone of his imposing appearance engage in such activities and act silly was, well, odd. If a human child were to witness him in that state, they might end up crying out of fear."

The notion evoked snorts from Natsume and me, recognizing the humor in the image conjured. Unagor's uncanny resemblance to Slenderman, albeit weirder and more flamboyant, combined with his apparent effort to exude friendliness, created a comical yet unnerving sight.

He created a cult as a way to amplify his power and orchestrate the downfall of Phumera. Diving into the details of his deeds lies beyond my jurisdiction, as I'm reluctant to venture into the dark corners of his past.

Regardless, the path he took to reach his current status likely involved actions of questionable morality. This aspect of him, marked by ruthless ambition, mirrors the competitive nature intrinsic to his species.

Despite his claims, I hold doubts about the authenticity of his story. While he might indeed possess that primal drive, a reevaluation of his perspective seems necessary. Channeling that zeal towards the preservation of his species aligns him more closely with the collective attitude of his kind. In effect, he becomes akin to them, and such alignment is not inherently bad. At the very least, he's now spared the solitary burden of confronting Phumera alone.

"...We're down to just a few more planets, aren't we?" Natsume interrupted, shattering the silence that had enveloped us.

"Yep, just a few more left. Kuisha, you're unable to join us, correct?" I asked, feeling her affirmative response. "Don't worry, you don't have to tag along if it's too much. I understand the—"

"I said I'm coming, so I'm going with you," Natsume declared, locking eyes with me in unwavering determination.

"Alright, alright, no need to get riled up," I replied, then looked up at the ceiling, issuing orders to specific subordinates.

"Why are you looking at the ceiling?" Natsume inquired, shooting me a bewildered glance that also piqued Kuisha's interest, both of them now intently focused on me.

In an effort to steer the conversation away from the tense topic and dissipate the tension, I resorted to feigning innocence and out of nowhere, I uttered, "I was just thinking, would you mind if I you let me suck on your titties?"

"Wh-what?!" Natsume's face turned a bright shade of red, and Kuisha reacted similarly. While Natsume and I had shared more lewd and intimate moments with me, making her response somewhat predictable, Kuisha, on the contrary, had not experienced such explicit encounters with me yet. In her embarrassment, she quietly buried her head back into my chest.

"Why would you just say that!? We had such a good, light-hearted vibe going! Also, K-Kuisha is here, I can't just—aaaahhhnnn~ ah, wait!!" Natsume moaned, then shot me a stern glare as I playfully and gently nibbled on her left breast, adding to the teasing atmosphere.

Engaging in playful banter, I persisted in teasing Natsume and even managed to include Kuisha in the light-hearted discourse, effectively dispelling the somewhat solemn and serious atmosphere.

It seemed that both of them discerned the underlying motive behind my actions, resulting in a more relaxed and enjoyable ambiance within my room. After Kuisha took her leave, Natsume and I transitioned into more intimate acts, shifting from the playful banter to having sex, since I did get a bit aroused as we played around.

— ○ ● ○ —

Third Person Point of View

— ○ ● ○ —

In a remote quadrant of the Phantasma universe, two emerald-hued insectoids materialized, instantly teleported to their predetermined coordinates. With a silent exchange of acknowledgment, they simultaneously raised their arms, conjuring up substantial orbs of verdant energy before releasing them upon specific celestial bodies.

Their powerful attacks struck their intended targets, sparking immediate and catastrophic detonations that reverberated throughout the infinite expanse of the cosmos. The colossal impact set off alarms within certain planets intricately connected to Phumera's organization.

Upon completing their assigned task, the two insectoids, Celrion and Qunela, hung suspended in the void, readying themselves for the imminent arrival of their enemies.

Their unambiguous objective in this endeavor was unmistakable—to engage and preoccupy a particular Eradicator, ensuring her focus remained occupied until they were recalled by their newly acquired overlord, Aaron Toole.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Lady Elanor!!" An android burst into Elanor's office, eliciting a brief glare of irritation from her. Nevertheless, the android promptly projected a live feed of a particular region of the cosmos.

Her eyes widened as shock, disbelief, and anger surged through her. "What... the rest of my storage planets were destroyed? Who did this?" she demanded, her voice tinged with a restrained fury.

"T-them!" stammered the android, adjusting the viewing perspective. Amidst the chaos in space, two green insectoid creatures, arms folded, emerged into view. Once they became aware of the camera aimed at them, the male, Celrion, gestured with a single finger, silently challenging Elanor to confront them.

"Insects...? Why would they suddenly attack me? Unless they're being manipulated by the outer god," Elanor mumbled to herself, a peculiar blend of amusement and lingering rage shaping her demeanor.

Following a moment of reflection, Elanor issued a directive, "Send the standard defects to engage them. If they face resistance, deploy the elite forces. Gradually escalate the ranks until they are subdued. I shall intervene personally if needed."

"As you wish!" the android responded with promptness, then swiftly departed to carry out the orders.

Elanor rerouted the visuals to her personal display, settling into her seat and observing the events as they unfolded. "Now, how will this play out, I wonder?" she murmured to herself, a blend of anticipation and curiosity etched upon her face as she eagerly awaited the forthcoming developments.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Do you recall the plan, Qunela?" Celrion inquired.

"Of course, I received the briefing as well, you know?" Qunela replied, her laughter accompanying the retort.

Celrion released a sigh as he and his sister awaited their enemies. It didn't take long for around fifteen medium-sized spaceships to appear around them, followed by a multitude of androids ranging from High to Ultimate class in strength, charging towards them.

"They're underestimating us. Dispatch them quickly to force that witch to send more powerful foes our way," Celrion declared, cocking his right arm back and enlarging it before launching a devastating punch in front of him.

The resultant shockwave obliterated at least three-quarters of the enemies, while Qunela swiftly dispatched the remaining foes with blinding speed, slicing them in half and culminating in the instant defeat of both the enemies and their accompanying spaceships.

— ○ ● ○ —

Elanor, perched at her office space, was taken aback yet thoroughly amused by the spectacle unfolding before her. "Hmm, that outer god has intervened, has it? If so, I'd much prefer capturing them for study rather than just killing them," she murmured to herself, meticulously scribbling notes.

Her astonishment only intensified as she observed Celrion and Qunela disappear and reappear in an entirely different part of the cosmos. There, they resumed their relentless rampage, annihilating even more planets now under their despotic rule.

Elanor astutely noted that the planets targeted were primarily inhabited by slaves, laboring away without questioning their plight. Many had grown resigned to their existence, with some even succumbing to the pervasive influence and transforming into so-called "evil" beings after enduring such conditions for untold years.

"Hmmph, you're not as benevolent as you'd have us believe, Aaron Toole. Perhaps you were just as much a monster as Master Magnum Tenebrosum," mused Elanor. "Although, I must stop them; otherwise, all my life's hard work will be in vain," she added, her voice tinged with a hint of irritation.

Elanor quickly sent out messages to her contacts, requesting assistance with the promise of generous rewards. She offered various enticements, ranging from equipment to future favors, and even conceded to more personal requests, such as those who desired intimate encounters with her body—all of which she accepted.

"Now then, what's your move, insects?" Elanor asked herself, a sinister smile gracing her lips. The individuals she had rallied held the potential to rival the Eradicators, with some even matching their might, while others wielded powers capable of combating the green insectoids.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

The following day dawned, signaling the final leg of my mission with only one planet remaining to be incorporated into the pendants and release the captive souls. Natsume trailed closely by my side, along with Genshirou, his harem, and Artemis. After we set foot on the first planet of the day, Genshirou's emotional response was rather striking—he wept like a child as the gravity of our assignment fully sank in.

In spite of this day being designated for leisure and training for Sona's team, Genshirou, Ruruko, and Asbeel displayed an enthusiastic desire to join Natsume, Artemis, and me on our mission. Fully aware of the potential hazards, they remained relentless in their pursuit. The consequences of their decision left them visibly saddened, although they had mostly regained their composure by now.

Nevertheless, as we approached the culmination of our endeavors on the final planet, a sudden tremor shattered the serenity, heralding an unforeseen turn of events.

Mulling over the geographical proximity to Celrion and Qunela, who were entirely engrossed in the mission I had tasked them with, a sense of uncertainty hung over us. Asbeel couldn't conceal her unease, casting a nervous glance at Genshirou, whose eyes mirrored the befuddlement shared by the rest of the group.

An almost tangible tension filled the air, compelling Asbeel to vocalize her apprehension, "W-what was that?" Her gaze fixed on Genshirou, who, in turn, redirected his questioning eyes toward me, echoing the collective curiosity of our party.

Seeking to alleviate their concerns, I asserted, "Do not worry; it's a matter beyond our immediate concern. It's just some of my subordinates diligently executing a task I assigned. They might have encountered enemies in the course of their mission."

Ruruko, eager and proactive, couldn't resist questioning, "Shouldn't we offer our help?"

Reassuringly, I responded, "As I mentioned earlier, they'll manage just fine. Trust in the capabilities of Qunela and Celrion; I have recently bestowed upon them my [Blessings]. Their proficiency is unquestionable. Let's divert our focus to our own responsibilities for now, Ruruko, and place our trust in their competence." She reluctantly complied, redirecting her attention to the ongoing mission at hand.

— ○ ● ○ —

Quickly finishing our assigned task, we found ourselves outdoors, encircled by chairs and a conjured table, partaking in a leisurely lunch. Natsume, Genshirou, and his harem engaged in a conversation that reverberated with a blend of somberness and liveliness. Meanwhile, Artemis stood beside me, my gaze fixed on the sky, observing the ongoing clash between Qunela and Celrion and their formidable adversaries.

In the midst of my sandwich bite, I felt a gentle tug on my arm, and Artemis inquired, "Who are they fighting against?" Her eyes also directed towards the unfolding spectacle in the distance.

Before joining our team here in the Phantasma, Artemis had delegated responsibilities at her archery sports center, entrusting capable new instructors to oversee operations during her temporary absence. Lianne and the Stahlritter had been tasked with supporting the center, with Ennea assuming a temporary leadership role due to her comparable skill in archery, ensuring the continuity of the establishment in Artemis's absence.

"Oh, just some fodder from Elanor's entourage. Well, calling them fodder might not be entirely accurate; they're individuals she's acquainted with, wielding considerable power. However, since I facilitated Qunela and Celrion's ascent to the pinnacle of my ranking system—the newfound [Outer God] rank—they've been effortlessly handling these enemies," I explained.

Artemis, sandwich in hand, sought clarification, "Powerful, like Shiva and Dragon Gods? So the enemies are that strong?"

I nodded in agreement, replying, "You're bang on. I set them on this mission just yesterday, and they've been gradually making their mark on Phumera's organization. From what I've gathered, Elanor is facing a mounting sense of unease. Out of the initial eight contenders, two have met their end, leaving some questioning the wisdom of continuing this confrontation." My revelation was met with a mischievous grin, promptly earning me a playful pinch on the cheek from Artemis.

"Can you not lend them your aid?" she questioned, her worry apparent in her voice.

"For the present time, the answer is no. As I mentioned earlier, they lack the necessary strength, apart from themselves and the other [Electa] and Shadow Soldiers under my command. Nevertheless, in two days, I am setting sail on my mission to Zenoiria to quickly finish this favor," I conveyed.

Artemis fell into a momentary silence, her gaze fixed on her meal as she scrutinized me intently. Eventually, she inquired, "You mentioned having knowledge of the outcome in Zenoiria. What exactly did you mean by that?"


— ○ ● ○ —

A single day was left before going to my personal mission to Zenoiria. Now, I found myself within my quarters, pondering the eighteen necklaces adorning my wall, each encapsulating the essence of a distinct planets I had put in them. Unsure of their eventual fate, I hesitated to unite them, resisting the creation of a singular planet laden with the fragmented memories of those children—an undertaking that felt morally dubious.

Initially, my purpose was to immortalize them in this peculiar manner. I had already granted them favorable prospects in their reincarnated lives, sparing them from further torment. This, I believed, was the extent of my beneficence toward them, as I doubted any of them harbored a desire for resurrection.

While engrossed in contemplation of these necklaces, the door to my chamber swung open, revealing the unexpected presence of Qunela, Celrion, and Rias.

Inquiring about their advancement, I posed my query to the two arthropodal beings. "How did the mission go?" I probed.

Celrion regaled me with a thorough narrative, asserting, "We have deployed duplicates to partake in combat, inevitably progressing towards Helicre Doiux. Our reconnaissance confirms that Elanor has refrained from undertaking any measures to vacate the planet. Whatever her reason for staying must stem from something within the planet."

Qunela supplemented the report with her own insights, disclosing, "Out of the eight enemies she unleashed upon us, seven have perished. The sole survivor managed to flee from us, albeit with grievous injuries. While his death appears imminent, the prospect of healing himself remains. I anticipated this so I tactically put a [Bug Bomb] on his abdomen, programmed to detonate should he manage to heal himself."

"Excellent job. Keep me updated of your progress, and inform me prior to your arrival at Helicre Doiux. I plan to join you in person, accompanied by a select few," I instructed them. Both insectoids acknowledged the directive before taking their leave.

Given their status as the originals, a day of respite awaited them here. They left behind two identical clones each, armed with equivalent strength and abilities, to continue combating the incessant onslaught of enemies deployed by Elanor. This strategic deployment ensured the ongoing defense against the enemy forces.

Adjusting my gaze to Rias, I asked, "How can I be of help?"

With a fatigued expression, she responded, "Considering our limited schedule today, I figured I'd spend some time with you. We've been quite distant lately." As she moved closer, we shared a consoling embrace.

Recognizing the formality of my initial inquiry, I confessed, "I'm sorry for the formal tone. It sounded like I was way too rigid there." Rias chuckled in response. Her observation was accurate; in the middle of our commitments, be it with lovers or friends, finding time for meaningful connections had grown increasingly difficult.

I had proposed to the team that, if necessary, they could delegate their tasks to my [Electa] or Shadow Soldiers for a brief break. However, their unwavering determination or stubbornness persisted. At some point, I would have to enforce a mandatory rest, as their reluctance could lead to exhaustion and compromise our ability to protect the universe.

"Well then, what sort of amusement would the esteemed Gremory-sama like?" I asked merrily, eliciting a light laugh from Rias.

"I would like—"

Her reply was cut short by Raiko, who appeared at the doorway, stating, "To go on a date as well."

Her sudden entrance caught us off guard, and I remembered my pledge to Raiko for a date. Offering a suggestion, I proposed, "How about I treat both of you to a date today? Given that I'm set to depart tomorrow, it would seem that now is the ideal time to do so rather than later." Rias and Raiko exchanged glances before nodding in unison.

And so, the rest of the day would be devoted to indulging in the company of Rias and Raiko. Recalling Raiko's anticipations, I was aware that this day would culminate in a manner that fulfilled the promise I made to her.

— ○ ● ○ —

As I lingered in anticipation of Rias and Raiko's arrival, I seized the opportunity to take in my surroundings. The ominous presence of Phumera's organization did little to dampen the serene atmosphere that enveloped the area.

The impact of our endeavors to enact change was palpable, with a newly calmed environment revealing itself to us. The residents, once hesitant and unsure, began exhibiting gratitude and fostering a more harmonious community.

Both Cao Cao and Laeronia offered insight into the populace's long-standing sense of alienation, driven by uncertainty about the future. The fear of impending change, be it for better or worse, had left an air of tension pervading the community. Heracles testified that the transformations we initiated had a particularly positive effect on the children, amplifying their joy.

Witnessing a small cluster of children playing in a nearby park, their laughter echoing through the air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. The changes we had set in motion not only altered the physical landscape but also invigorated the community's spirit, offering a glimmer of hope in their lives.

As I stood there, observing the park, a sudden glimpse of the future flashed through my thoughts—a vision of Vivi, now older, playing joyfully with even more of my cherished children. This enticing image brought a sincere smile to my face, filling me with eager anticipation for the days to come.

"Sorry for the wait."

Breaking my reverie, Rias offered an apologetic tone for the delay. Turning towards them, I caught sight of their carefully selected attire, perfectly suited for the occasion—neither excessively opulent nor overly casual, allowing us to comfortably assimilate into the local environment.

Basking in the golden glow of the sunlit day, Rias and Raiko were a vision in their carefully chosen sun dresses. Rias' attire was a harmonious blend of crimson and blue, while Raiko's leaned towards shades of lilac. Raiko completed her ensemble with a charming straw hat, and Rias gracefully adorned her hair with a delicate flower.

In awe of their radiant appearance, I said, "You both look absolutely stunning. Shall we set off on our date then?" At once, they took their positions on either side of me, their arms entwined with mine. Interpreting their actions as enthusiastic agreement, I declared, "I'll take that as a yes! Let's get this bread!"

They laughed at my silly comment before we set off. With the challenges awaiting me in the days to come, I vowed to cherish every moment of this date, relishing the precious respite it afforded from the impending stress and emotional chaos that was coming.

— ○ ● ○ —

There will be some delays in the next few chapters as I will be attending my grandfather's funeral, my energy to write has slowed down because of it too. But I'll try to get them out as fast as possible. I'm sorry, and thank you for understanding.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.