Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 21 – Part 3 – To Be the Villain in Someone’s Story

Aoife Murphy's Soliloquy

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To be completely honest, I might be somewhat overly dramatic in my worries. Aaron most likely has a reason for indulging my current self-centeredness. Strolling alongside Ravel, we headed toward the colosseum, my destination for joining the tournament.

Suddenly, Ravel's demeanor changed. She glanced downward, tilting her head before swiftly grabbing my arm. "Aoife-sama, we must hurry, or the time for registration will pass," she urgently declared.

"Uh-oh, okay!" I stuttered, taken aback by the unexpected urgency. Hurrying our pace, we made our way to the venue.

In the midst of the commotion, I noticed several individuals of Unagor's species. Despite Unagor's description of them as overly arrogant and stubborn, I found it difficult to dismiss the inherent goodness within them. The desire to aid them persisted, even as I recognized the complex nature of the situation, realizing it was far more intricate than the simplistic dichotomy of good and evil often portrayed in the stories I had read.

It's plain to see that Aaron has most likely arrived at his own choices in these matters. The sight of those unfortunate children and wandering souls, left a striking impression on me. For the first time, I find myself thoroughly persuaded that Elanor is a person incapable of being swayed or altered.

Due to this, I am driven to meet her at a later time, seeking answers to a multitude of questions before finally bringing an end to her existence with my own hands. This decision arises from a deeply rooted conviction that permitting her to live would be morally unbearable, enabling her to persist in causing chaos not only within this universe but in others as well.

Ravel and I drew near the tremendous building, a sprawling arena already abuzz with a horde of keen onlookers. The venue revealed itself in two distinct queues—one catering to the crowds of spectators, while the other summoned participants to complete their registrations.

Venturing through the lively atmosphere, we opted for the queue on the right, designated for contestants seeking entry. Fortune favored us, as only four persons stood ahead in the line. After a brief interlude, we found ourselves at the forefront, completing the necessary payment and swiftly filling out a concise application form.

The application necessitated numerous specifics, one of which was the need for a "name," to which I covertly supplied a pseudonym—I opted for "Bethly." The accompanying nickname or self-imposed title I chose was a straightforward yet cryptic "Null," a moniker conceived on the spur of the moment, given the oddity of my existing options.

After completing the remaining details, I promptly submitted the document to the attendant. The individual in charge of this section promptly asserted, "Only participants are allowed entry through this gate; others must proceed to the alternative queue," directing the non-participating crowd to the adjacent line.

Ravel inclined her head in confirmation and communicated, "Aoi—Bethly-sama, I will watch from the audience, but you are aware of the plan, correct?" She subtly gestured towards her ring, eliciting a reciprocal nod from me.

It soon became clear that Ravel was discreetly orchestrating our actions through the transceivers embedded in our rings, a plan I readily embraced. Following the exchange of farewells, I made my way into the colosseum. The interior unveiled a solitary hallway, leading participants to their allocated rooms. Quickly discovering mine, I entered and settled in, preparing for the forthcoming events.

I withdrew [Fragarach] from my ring and studied it intently. To conceal its distinct form, I needed to merge it with the orbs designated for my attack tactics. Another option was to forge a sword using these orbs and choose that path, avoiding the potential dangers of deploying [Fragarach] too soon. The security systems and alarms, still active due to Unagor's team's incomplete deactivation, made using [Fragarach] a risky move.

With a heavy sigh, I put back the sword in my ring and reclined in my chair. "Soon," I whispered to myself. The extent of my advancement remained unclear, and the possibility of facing a resolute opponent, bent on surviving at all costs, loomed on the horizon. Nevertheless, I resolved to dedicate my utmost effort to the upcoming tournament.

What compelled me to apply for admission to this tournament? Was it a search for self-validation, a yearning to prove my resolve to myself? The objective remained mysterious, leaving me floundering in a torrent of unanswerable questions. Doubt began to seep in, casting a cloud over my initial determination. However, the speakers within the room crackled to life, dispelling the internal tempest as an announcement sounded forth, signaling the commencement of the proceedings.

Beside me, a monitor flickered to life, revealing relevant information. It displayed a considerable participant count of approximately 320 individuals. The impending commencement sought to swiftly cull through this initial amount, paving the way for what was deemed the "true" tournament phase.

"An elimination round, huh?" I murmured under my breath.

A deep voice resounded through the air, directing, [Contestant 320, please proceed to the stage.] It occurred to me that I was assigned the number 320, indicating I was the last entrant to sign up.

A brief shock coursed through me, but I decided not to dwell on the discovery. Stepping out of my room, I ventured down the solitary hallway. Upon crossing a predetermined boundary, I found myself instantly transported to the opposite end of the stage, a vast expanse of concrete encircled by circular walls.

In the growing crowd, Ravel's recognizable figure stood out as she waved in acknowledgment. The announcer's voice boomed, declaring, [Fighter 210, the Grizzler, and Fighter 320, Null, will initiate combat!]

The figure before me, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Unagor, propelled himself toward me with unwavering determination. With not a moment's hesitation, he summoned a multitude of orbs around him and released them in my direction. Simultaneously, gargantuan black and white hands materialized from orbs beside him, channeling energy beams in my direction.

Having become well-acquainted with the tournament's rules, where death was deemed an acceptable outcome, I accepted it as an inherent aspect of the competition. Unfazed, I conjured a distinct black and white orb into my grasp, manipulating it into the form of a sword.

Not to my surprise, this action elicited laughter from the onlooking crowd.

[What an idiot! Who uses our powers like this!? It's so old-fashioned and a stupid way of wielding them!]

[It's also inefficient as our powers are predominantly designed for long-range combat, while the appendages we manifest from the orbs serve as a primitive form of physical confrontation,] added another.

Unfazed by the snide remarks, I faced the enemy before me, the infamous "Grizzler," who sneered as he approached, his arrogance unwavering. A surge of urgency spurred me on, and with decisive speed, I swung my black and white sword at the incoming orbs, cleaving through them with unexpected ease, which echoed through the crowd of onlookers.

The energy beams were no different, as my sword met them with the same effortless resistance, slicing through them with unnerving precision. As the Grizzler momentarily gaped at my unforeseen prowess, I vanished in a blur, reappearing behind him in an instant. My sword moved with practiced precision, severing both of his arms, which dropped to the ground as the crowd gasped.

Swiftly turning around, I channeled a blend of black and white energy into my foot, delivering a powerful kick to his head. The force sent him hurtling out of the arena and crashed into the wall, proof to the effectiveness of my unorthodox methods.

[W-winner, fighter 320, Null!] The announcer's booming declaration resonated within the coliseum, though a conspicuous absence of cheers lingered in the air. Even Ravel, whom I'd assumed to be a sympathetic supporter, remained silent, opting not to reveal her true sentiments amidst the swarming masses.

The lack of applause didn't faze me; in fact, it was this very silence and the penetrating stares that I had been yearning for. I craved their undivided attention, determined to prove that conventional methods weren't the only avenue to emerge victorious. My unorthodox approach would demonstrate its efficacy.

Embracing the persona of the dark horse, I eagerly anticipated the opportunity to inject a fresh dynamic into the ensuing rounds of combat, promising a tournament brimming with unpredictability and spectacle.

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Third Person Point of View

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Unagor, a member of Artemis' group, had made his decision. Positioned at different spots—Artemis and Geharon on one front, while Raiko partnered with Unagor on another—they steeled themselves to destroy the worldwide security systems.

Artemis, her gaze fixed on a sizable, cylindrical structure, sought enlightenment. "I merely need to destroy this?" The article in question flaunted a primarily metallic framework, encompassing a small, radiant orange crystal at its core.

Geharon nodded, "Yes. That structure fuels the entire assemblage that upholds the security systems. There's a corresponding one at Unagor's location. Simultaneously disabling or damaging them won't incur any unforeseen difficulties. Ideally, deactivating them via conventional methods would be preferential, but I lack the necessary code. My professional domain is different, thus I am unaware of the code; however, my co-worker is knowledgeable but also unwilling to disclose it..."

Artemis nodded wordlessly, her bow held steady and aimed at the designated device. Through her transceiver, she heard Unagor initiate a countdown. As the countdown reached zero, Artemis, coordinating with Raiko, unleashed a barrage of attacks directed at the targeted structure.

Her arrow found its mark, striking the device just before a protective barrier, matching its size and material, materialized around it. The subsequent explosion, accompanied by the muffled, resonant vibrations confined within the barrier, ensured that the facility's other personnel remained unaware of the breach. Satisfied with the success of their covert operation, Artemis stowed her bow, exhaling in relief.

Through their transceivers, Artemis inquired, [How did it go on your end?]

Raiko's response came promptly, [All went according to plan. Let's proceed to eliminate the remaining personnel here to prevent any discovery. After that, we'll rendezvous with Aaron and the others to assess the situation.]

[Understood,] Artemis replied. She turned to Geharon, saying, "Let's press on. Keep a close eye on me, as we'll be apprehending the remaining staff in this facility."

"Understood. I can help you locate them, or you'd prefer to use your own methods?" Geharon inquired.

"I'll handle the detection myself, but I appreciate the offer. Now, let's move," Artemis affirmed as she exited the room, Geharon falling in step behind her.

In a prior communication, Unagor had consulted Aaron, and their decision took form in a continuation of the mission. The plan involved Aaron and Suzaku temporarily incapacitating the King and Queen in case they retaliated, ensuring that their presence remained undisclosed to the wider populace.

However, Unagor had overlooked the chance that Eyhylde and her underlings might have established a failsafe or backup plan in case of an intrusion. As both Raiko and Artemis' groups emerged from their respective rooms, a sudden symphony of alarms erupted, leaving them momentarily unprepared.

"Hmph... I should have been more suspicious," Artemis muttered, her gaze sweeping over their surroundings as orbs materialized around them.

Geharon, genuinely caught off guard, asked, "What? I didn't... huh? They had a backup system? But... we weren't informed of this."

With her bow once again summoned, Artemis replied, "It is Eyhylde or her subordinates who may be responsible for this. They might have devised it without informing any of you. Their motivations could stem from the Resistance's ongoing successes. It's reasonable for them to be on guard and prepared for unforeseen circumstances."

"Damn it!" Geharon exclaimed, his frustration evident as he slammed his fist against the wall.

Ignoring Geharon's brief outburst, Artemis concentrated on the urgent matter at hand. She asked, "Can you fight?" as she began infusing her bow with divine energy.

"Without a doubt. Battle is integral to our kind, and we've been trained from a young age," Geharon confirmed, black and white orbs appearing around him.

"Good, because we're fighting our way out of this. If Aaron's estimation is accurate, your species might join forces with Eyhylde's group. I apologize ahead of time for any harm that may befall your allies; it's unavoidable," Artemis declared.

"Understood. I know many will align with Eyhylde for safety. Even though the odds are stacked against us due to sheer numbers," Geharon replied, as more of his kin appeared at opposite ends of the hallway, foreshadowing an impending confrontation.

"There they are! Get them! Geharon is a traitor!" A furious cry reverberated through the corridor as spheres of energy were launched in their direction.

Geharon readied himself, anticipating a countermove from his former comrades. Yet, in a blaze of light, arrows shimmering with divine energy streaked past him like comets, intercepting the incoming orbs. The arrows not only annihilated the projectiles but also struck Geharon's former allies, causing small explosions on their arms, legs, and chests.

Artemis had taken a calculated risk, trusting in the resilience of the underground facility. It was a departure from her usual tactics, but the previous praises from Unagor and Geharon about the robustness of their colleagues' materials and architectural expertise had persuaded her. The consequential detonations defeated their enemies, leaving Geharon surprised and noticing the minimal damage inflicted by Artemis' explosive arrows.

"As you stated prior, your race possesses remarkable resilience, and I relied on your word," Artemis asserted. "I shall persist in that belief. I will also induce a deeper sleep to mitigate any possible harm. Let's continue," he commanded.

"Agreed, let's get started," Geharon responded with unwavering determination in his voice. The pair pushed on, prepared to confront whatever challenges awaited them.

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In Raiko's group, a savage conflict ensued against Unagor's race and the formidable automatons they had conjured. To Unagor's own astonishment, his species channeled their powers to augment the robotic creations—an unexpected turn of events.

Raiko, equipped with her blade, expertly executed strikes on various parts of her foes' anatomy. Notably, she abstained from causing grievous wounds, opting instead for a tactical approach. After each skillful slash, she struck their heads with punches or kicks, rendering them unconscious. Raiko then promptly administered a sleeping spell and applied minor healing to prevent fatalities.

Observing this unusual demeanor, Raiko questioned, "Is something wrong, Unagor?"

"...I can't shake this we just crossed a boundary we shouldn't have," Unagor murmured, his voice heavy with disquiet. He stepped toward one of the defeated robots and, with a burst of vexation, tore open its abdomen.

Raiko moved alongside him, and the gruesome spectacle before them caused their stomachs to churn. Within the robot's stomach area, they discovered a tiny child, barely three years old. Unagor rushed to another one, uncovering a child barely a year old. The revelation only intensified his wrath. Turning to the last robot, it revealed what seemed to be a still-developing fetus.

"How could they?" Unagor cried out, a profound incredulity reverberating within his words. Raiko, her mind reeling with visions of a future with Aaron and their children, remained silent. An unparalleled fury surged within her as she gazed upon the fetus, struggling to come to terms with the horrifying truth of their species' actions.

Despite the turmoil within her, Raiko steeled herself to regain her composure. "Young children... could it be that Elanor may have been responsible for this? What about Eyhylde or any of her subordinates?" she queried, seeking answers in the distressing revelation.

Contemplating Raiko's words, Unagor pondered, "Eyhylde doesn't strike me as someone who would engage in such actions. She carries a certain... chivalrous air, I suppose. However, one of her followers, with whom she shares a strained relationship, might be involved. Rumor has it that this follower of Eyhylde's was once allied with Elanor. According to the gossip, this follower began seeking out Elanor about targeting even younger children, creating a rift between them. Elanor, it seems, didn't believe children of this age were developed enough to be of use."

"...And this person believed they had developed enough, and... created these?" Raiko probed for clarity, and Unagor confirmed with a grave nod.

"I suppose... her own hypothesis proved somewhat correct. Our kind undergoes intensive training from a young age, as I mentioned. We develop at a faster rate than most. By the time a human child is three years old, we, at one year old, can exhibit similar mobility and perform certain actions. I never foresaw..." Unagor said with a somber tone, trailing off. "...her going to such lengths, especially with a fetus."

Raiko grappled with the gravity of the revelation, her disdain for the mysterious woman deepening. Nevertheless, their transceivers suddenly sprang to life, and Geharon's frantic voice pierced through the air.

[Unagor, I didn't know anything about this! I swear, Lady Morwenna said she had abandoned such practices, especially after Lady Eyhylde instructed her to do so!]

[Considering the caliber of individuals who are drawn to Phumera, it's difficult to dismiss the notion that they could be devious, amoral souls, willing to do anything to achieve their aims. This is a lesson I've learned from my own encounters. I presumed you'd arrived at the same conclusion, Geharon,] Unagor replied. But received no answer from Geharon.

[Raiko, I must admit, I find this utterly repulsive. Let's go track down this Morwenna after this,] Artemis transmitted, her voice carrying an icy, lifeless quality.

[Yes, I concur. First, let's see to the tidying up of this place,] Raiko responded, and Artemis concurred. "Unagor, Let's move, shall we?" Raiko instructed, and Unagor complied. They decided to neutralize the remaining robots with a more tempered approach, choosing a more moderate method after the distressing revelations.

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"This is..." Suzaku murmured, her brows knitting together as she turned towards Aaron.

He closed his eyes momentarily before exhaling a deep sigh. "We must press forward. There's no going back now," he informed Suzaku, and they hastened their pace, moving towards their destination with urgency. They moved with such speed and agility that even Unagor's species failed to detect them.

As they progressed through the halfway mark, the blaring alarms became even more relentless, yet Aaron and Suzaku remained undeterred. They had come to terms with the fact that the entire city was already aware of their presence. With a stoic resolve, they continued to run through the incessant clamor of the alarms.

Upon reaching three-quarters of the way to the summit, they entered a room occupied by several guards. "Halt! Intruders—" the entity began, but Aaron quickly snapped his fingers, inducing a deep, almost tranquil slumber upon them. The duo then proceeded to pass through without encountering any resistance whatsoever.

Suzaku briefly glanced back before asking, "What's our plan if we meet one of Eyhylde's underlings?"

"…All but one are redeemable; the rest must be eliminated," Aaron responded, his voice steady, which caused Suzaku to shudder. He looked at her with a faint smile of apology. "Sorry, but that's the reality. I've seen into various potential futures, and most of them won't change due to their moral degeneration."

"I understand. I apologize for doubting you," replied Suzaku as she shook her head. 'Aaron hasn't turned into a monster or anything like that. That day must have affected him deeply, and he's probably already investigated everyone on this planet.' Suzaku then inquired, "Who is it?"

"Eyhylde herself. The rest are monsters that need to be dealt with," said Aaron. He paused and added, "But it won't be easy. Right now…she just appeared with the King and Queen, so—"

"Let me face her; I need to hear her own words and logic," said Suzaku.

"…Alright, though that'll be a challenge for me too, trying to reason with them," Aaron conceded with a weary chuckle.

They both vanished from their spot, propelled by a burst of speed, and reappeared at the entrance to the throne room. Aaron kicked the door open, and it flew off its hinges. All three occupants in the room, along with several guards, turned to the source, their weapons and orbs at the ready. However, a "click" of someone's fingers rendered the guards unconscious.

"…I see, it's the outer god's group. From the reports given to me, it seems like there are only seven of them; we outnumber them with my group and your species. Hand them over to me," ordered Eyhylde.

Eyhylde, standing at an imposing 5'8", was a woman with long, wavy white hair that cascaded into blonde ends, her red eyes piercing as she bore a stern expression. She was clad in a white shirt, layered beneath a large, gray coat. Her skirt, also gray, covered most of her thighs, and she wore matching gray tights and black heels. Her hands donned gray gloves, and a distinctive sword was firmly gripped in her left hand.

The King remained silent, prompting Eyhylde to deliver a forceful punch to his stomach, sending him crashing to all fours as he gasped for air. Shifting her focus to the Queen, she demanded, "Give them to me."

"…Alright! Just leave us alone!" the Queen cried out, her voice trembling with fury. Before Eyhylde could react, both Suzaku Himejima and Eyhylde vanished in a blaze of flames, leaving the Queen and King utterly bewildered.

The room's remaining occupants were the unconscious guards, Aaron, and the two rulers of their realm. A heavy silence enveloped the space as the King rose, his eyes fixated on Aaron with a lethal glare. Inquiringly, he asked, "Did your group kill our daughters Zeaina and Lyaina?"

"Indeed, we did. They were allied with Phumera and hindered our progress. Even after our efforts to reason with them, they staunchly refused. I've been informed by someone within your race that you are all tenacious and competitive, so I'm led to believe they wouldn't have listened to our words even if we argued for an entire week," Aaron replied in a matter-of-fact manner.

A shadow fell across Valagor's face as he spoke, "I am Valagor, their father, and I am well aware of the stubbornness within my race. Being the King, I cannot overlook such an act, even with the knowledge of the reasons behind it. After all, they are still my daughters."

Valagor turned to his Queen, addressing her, "The Queen and my wife also agree, isn't that right, Jelania?"

"Indeed. The pain in our hearts is unbearable, but we will seek to avenge the ones responsible for their deaths. I hope you understand," said Jelania.

"I do. I would take the same course of action if it were my own daughter, upon discovering who was responsible," replied Aaron, thoughts of Vivi flashing through his mind. "Even though I'm a new father, I comprehend the depth of your feelings."

"One final point," Valagor began, "did they meet their end peacefully?"

"...From my team's accounts, only Zeaina passed with some semblance of calm. Lyaina, however, faced a more brutal end due to the teammate she confronted and her own stubbornness. My friend was compelled to end her life in a more brutal manner," Aaron detailed.

"...I see. Is there anything you wish to say in light of our response?" demanded Jelania, her ire mounting.

"We came here to attempt to persuade you to join the Resistance. Even if you decline, we will still liberate your world. What you do afterwards... is solely your decision. I won't try to interfere," clarified Aaron.

Valagor and Jelania exchanged looks before Valagor declared, "Even if we are freed, we will immediately engage in war with Phumera. We will not be swayed in any way. Is that acceptable to you, Outer God of Justice?"

Perplexed by his newfound title, Aaron nodded solemnly. "Indeed, freedom... true freedom is the right of every being to make their own choice—so I'll let you do as you wish, once we drive Phumera's group from this planet. Even if your choice leads to your own destruction and the extinction of your own species."

Valagor's lips curled into a smile as he responded to Aaron's words. "Then that is precisely what we seek." With that, Valagor and Jelania vanished from their spot, leaving Aaron to release a weary sigh.

Hundreds of thousands of black and white spheres materialized all around him, raining down a barrage of attacks. Aaron stood unflinching as his power of [Infinity] effortlessly halted the onslaught. Valagor and Jelania hammered their fists against his invisible barrier, undaunted as they persistently pressed on with their ceaseless onslaught.

"Your son, what of him? How does he fare with all this?" Aaron inquired, his eyes never leaving the two rulers.

"He is heartbroken. He held a deep love for his sisters, even though he was their younger sibling. He yearned for their praise and admired them. He is profoundly wounded by their passing," Valagor explained, sorrow lacing his words as he continued to launch energy beams from the orbs.

Jelania vanished and reappeared beside the throne, a black and white arrow manifesting from her orbs. The arrow slowly took shape as she drew back the "string." Following a brief charging time, she released the attack towards Aaron, who remained unwavering.

"I understand... then... may you both find solace in your choice. I shall see you by the end of today," Aaron told them, swiftly raising his arms. With a graceful swirling motion, he moved his right arm.

Above him, a colossal blue sphere of energy manifested, emitting a powerful gravitational force that enveloped everything in its vicinity. Valagor tried to flee, but the relentless pull towards the sphere consumed him, dragging him inexorably towards its gaping jaws.

Aaron, his eyes fixed on both Valagor and Jelania, threw the blue sphere of energy towards them. The entire upper section of the castle was instantly drawn towards the sphere, crushing and obliterating everything in its path. Before Aaron, the castle seemed to crumble and disintegrate as the blue sphere detonated, causing further devastation to the remaining structure and leaving an enormous crater in the ground.

For those who had been observing the castle, a solitary figure with silver hair appeared, gazing up at the sky with an expression of profound sorrow. When Aaron Toole turned his attention back to the onlookers, he bore the visage of a monstrous titan, and he embraced that role with a chilling abandon.

Yet moments later, he disappeared, only to find the wounded bodies of Valagor and Jelania, hovering between life and death. With haste, he put them into a deep sleep, healing their injuries and, in an instant, spirited them away to an undisclosed sanctuary hidden within the heart of the planet.

Aaron reemerged above the shattered citadel, landing on the ground before striding towards the colossal walls that segregated the low and middle-class precincts from the high-class enclaves. Casting off his guise, he startled the denizens around him, yet none dared to strike him, even as the sentries in the vicinity bellowed orders to engage.

When he arrived at the fortified entrance, which was sealed shut, he turned to confront the wall itself and began walking towards it. The walls crumbled to dust as he strolled through them, his indifference seemingly unfazed by the astonished gazes warily trained upon him.

His next destination was the colosseum, cognizant of the fact that the tournament would continue unabated notwithstanding the escalating events on the planet. Nonetheless, Aaron's leisurely saunter came to an abrupt halt when a cacophony of creatures encircling him let out a deafening roar and lunged towards him.

With the tension thus shattered, the rest of the creatures followed suit, and millions of black and white orbs materialized all around that section of the city, soaring above and around him. Yet, Aaron remained nonchalant, persisting in his leisurely stroll as if nothing was happening.

Aaron's [Infinity] shield effortlessly deflected the barrage of attacks assailing him. He surmised that Valagor's people were merely acting out of fear, uncertain about what might transpire if they failed to adhere to orders, compelling them to attack him.

A mere few seconds after their fruitless attempts to strike him down, a sudden realization washed over them—their efforts were in vain. As a result, most of them ceased their attacks. However, a new challenger emerged from the crowd.

Whistling playfully, the individual announced, "Well, well, so that's the outer god, huh? He doesn't look like much. But whatever, I'll have to kill him for Lady Eyhylde."

The man standing before Aaron sported short pink hair, wearing a skintight black bodysuit that showcased his well-defined muscles. His striking gray eyes and matching pink lipstick adorned his lips. "I'm Ustan," he said, blowing a kiss at Aaron, who remained unflinching.

"Not much of a talker? Pity, but in the name of Lady Eyhylde, I must halt you at this very moment, no ill will, alright, darling?" Ustan questioned as he vanished, propelling himself forward with a flash of pink magic circles.

He darted around Aaron, utilizing a series of pink magic circles that materialized beneath his feet at each step, whether on the ground or in the air. This not only enabled him to navigate various surfaces but also augmented his speed. To Ustan's astonishment, Aaron managed to keep pace with him.

Ustan licked his lips upon realizing this, and after stepping on one more pink magic circle, he vanished, leaving behind a forceful shockwave that annihilated everything in its path, scattering the crowd that had been observing the exchange.

Ustan appeared beside Aaron, and the silver-haired man extended his right hand toward Ustan, catching him off guard. An unseen force momentarily halted Ustan's advancement, sparking further astonishment. Only moments later, he was flung backward, smashing through multiple buildings. Nevertheless, his pink magic circles persistently enveloped his form, dampening the harm.

"Kehaha, this guy is fun!" Ustan exclaimed, his body trembling as he gazed upward, spotting Aaron manifest above him. Aaron's fist hovered mere inches from Ustan's face before colliding with him, hurling him to the ground, and creating a crater, robbing him of his breath.

Despite the crushing impact, it was not sufficient to incapacitate Ustan, who swiftly sprang back up and evaded another attack from Aaron. Aaron's foot struck the location Ustan had just abandoned, further destroying it. Ustan whistled in admiration yet again before vanishing from sight.

Pink flames and lightning enveloped Ustan's form before he suddenly appeared beside Aaron, intertwining both elements in his clenched fist, and then hurtling them towards his enemy. However, Aaron managed to halt the attack by raising his index finger, causing the elements to dissipate around his fist and shocking Ustan.

"…Why are you siding Morwenna?" Aaron's voice was flat, sending a chill down Ustan's spine.

Aaron was well aware that he couldn't sway Ustan's allegiance, but he still wanted to hear from the man himself about the reasons behind joining forces with Morwenna, who had once been with Elanor.

Ustan smirked at Aaron, his grin disconcertingly wide, stretching from ear to ear. "Because it's entertaining to toy with them. You understand, don't you~? You are familiar with Lady Elanor and Morwenna's preferences, right~? I enjoy them that way," he said, licking his lips.

An unbearable repugnance surged through Aaron's veins as he gazed blankly at Ustan, who let out a sinister cackle before leaping away and once again cloaking his body in a swirling maelstrom of pink flames and lightning.

"They can't fight back or even retort—it's not the act itself that I find gratifying—it's the power it conveys," Ustan began to explain, his voice dripping with a malevolent delight. "Everyone should grovel before me, regardless of their status or identity, for I tower above them in every aspect. I am superior, in every sense."

Memories of the children Aaron had aided in reaching the afterlife, the fans of Oppai Dragon, and Vivi flashed through his mind, and the thought of Ustan being near them—alive in this reality—made his skin crawl.

A pure, unadulterated loathing welled up within Aaron, directed towards the man before him. Never in a million years did he think he would encounter one of these monstrous beings face to face; he had only heard about them in documentaries during his previous life, and they had repulsed him to no end. But now… he was standing mere feet away from the epitome of such abhorrent creatures.

"…And I have to confess, I found enjoyment in eating a few of them, particularly as they started to plead, sob, and wail. However, I didn't stop my actions. The taste of their tiny hearts, beating all the while, was beyond compare," Ustan continued. He looked up at the sky, arms spread wide. "It's thrilling! It feels as though they've become a part of me—"

Aaron's fist abruptly collided with Ustan's face, causing the man to burst apart like a burst balloon. Aaron then instantly revived him by stomping his foot against the ground.

"H-huh? I thought I just died? W-what?" asked Ustan, bewildered. He gazed up at Aaron, seeking an explanation, but a swift kick sent him spiraling into darkness once more. Yet, Aaron refused to let Ustan rest easy, reviving him yet again.

A chilling grin spread across Aaron's face as he suggested, "Why don't I give you a taste of your own medicine?" With a swift motion, Aaron seized Ustan's collar and tossed a peculiar, glowing red ball into his open mouth. The ball slipped down his throat, disappearing into his stomach.

Aaron casually tossed Ustan aside, his gaze cold and detached as he watched the effects unfold. He raised his hand, and a clock materialized beside him. "Ten minutes," he announced, his voice devoid of emotion. "In ten minutes, I'll show you the true depths of hell."

Ustan stood there, dumbfounded by Aaron's words, but he had little time left to process their meaning. He felt an unsettling sensation within his stomach, which quickly escalated to an overwhelming urge to cough. As blood gushed from his mouth, he looked down to see a rabbit with a small, sharp horn protruding from its head and sinister red eyes clawing its way out of his stomach.

"Huh?" Ustan was befuddled by the sudden appearance of the rabbit. Then, he began to feel more and more parts of his body being gnawed through, and rabbit heads started popping out of nowhere. What baffled him the most was—

"Why am I not dying!? Why can't I move away from here!?" he shouted in horror and panic. He was unable to move from the spot he was on but was able to squirm and writhe in place.

Aaron had flicked a certain substance into Ustan's body. Similar to what he had done to Azrael last year, he had the "bunnies" consume him from the inside and out, repeatedly. However, everything within Ustan's body would regenerate and heal at an accelerated pace, forcing the rabbits to continuously devour him from the inside for the next ten minutes.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Ustan wailed as he suffered through unimaginable torment coursing through every inch of his body. His eyes felt as if they were being devoured, only to be miraculously restored seconds later, as the bunnies repeated the gruesome process. His stomach was torn apart, yet it mended itself instantly, only to be torn apart once more in an endless cycle of agony.

Ustan felt the rabbits assault his penis, and the pain there was excruciating—a deliberate and targeted intensification, orchestrated by Aaron. The rabbits gnawed at him from within, their heads popping out from his asshole before diving back in, relentlessly feeding on the tormented flesh, fueled by the rapid healing that only served to perpetuate the unending cycle of suffering.

Aaron yearned for Ustan to taste the agony he had inflicted upon the tormented children, even if it were but a mere sliver of what they had endured. He desired Ustan to experience it all, and so, Aaron imposed upon him a cruel twist: the amplification of this pain by one thousand times in the final minute. The clock beside Aaron displayed a mere three minutes remaining, meaning Ustan had just two minutes left of this so-called "normal" pain.

With a casual flick of his wrist, Aaron glanced at his nonexistent watch and remarked, "Oops, it seems we've jumped ahead to the future. I suppose we're starting the 'best' part now." Aaron then proceeded to amplify the pain and sensitivity to at least ten thousand times what Ustan was feeling.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Another piercing scream echoed through the air, but Ustan then collapsed unconscious, and Aaron didn't like that.

Aaron raised his hand and commanded, <<Wake up. You're forbidden from falling asleep.>>

This promptly woke Ustan up, and he resumed his screams and sobs, tears of blood dripping from his eyes and mouth. All the while, Aaron remained indifferent to the man and the scene unfolding before him.

As the seconds slipped by, the growing pool of blood gathered beneath Ustan, forming a small puddle beneath him. The crimson liquid threatened to drown him as he struggled to lift his head, the strength ebbing from his body. Yet, faint bubbles emerged in the viscous pool, indicating that Ustan had managed to muster the last of his strength to flail about before succumbing to unconsciousness once more but was quickly woken up as he was not allowed to fall asleep.

The final minute arrived, and the unrelenting agony intensified by a thousandfold. Ustan had ceased his screams, lying motionless in the pool of blood, as if resigned to his impending demise.

Aaron found no amusement in this spectacle; he did not find it enjoyable at all. He observed with a stoic expression until the final minute elapsed, and Ustan finally died, Aaron ensuring that he would be reborn into the most wretched existence for his next million incarnations. This, in turn, would ultimately culminate in the annihilation of his very soul in his final death.

He reached forward with his hand and obliterated Ustan's lifeless body, leaving no trace behind. With a heavy step, he turned away and began to walk off. Aaron could sense the weight of Valagor's people's gazes upon him as he moved, no it was before that, during the act of ending Ustan's life. Their eyes bore into him, yet they did not interfere or offer aid to Ustan.

[Partner,] Ddraig called out to Aaron.

'If you're going to lecture me or something, save it,' Aaron replied, his voice laden with a mix of weariness and defiance. 'I don't regret what I did, but I didn't enjoy it at all. I thought I might take some satisfaction from it, but I felt nothing, not even anger or relief.'

'For the vast majority of instances—99 percent of the time—it's simply beyond our understanding as to how and why the strings intertwine in such an intricate fashion, and that's perfectly acceptable. Act with benevolence and chaos may ensue. Perform an act of malice and goodness may transpire. Choose to do nothing, and all may be lost. However, on exceedingly rare occasions—through the miraculous confluence of fortuitous happenstance, butterflies fluttering their wings in perfect alignment, and threads clinging together for a fleeting moment—we are granted the opportunity to undertake the right course of action,' Rudra informed me.

'…I'll bear that in mind, Rudra,' Aaron responded, noticing a slight release of tension within himself. He couldn't shake the unease he felt about Ustan and his unsettling deeds. He also knew that the other subordinates under Eyhylde would likely share similar characteristics, given their allegiance to Elanor and Morwenna over Eyhylde herself.

Aaron made his way away from the scene, his footsteps guiding him towards the colosseum, where he could hear the echoing cheers of the crowd growing louder with each passing moment.

— ○ ● ○ —

Raiko and Artemis' group blended effortlessly with the crowds, making their way towards the city's northwestern edge, as directed by the gathered intelligence. The journey proceeded relatively unimpeded, though a subtle sense of unease lingered around Raiko and Artemis, particularly regarding Aaron. Despite their apprehensions, the duo pressed forward, resolute in their mission.

Unagor, the still-new member of their party, shared insights with caution, warning of the trials that lay ahead. "Morwenna commands a total of six powerful subordinates. Confronting them won't be that easy, but sticking together should ensure a smoother encounter," he advised.

Raiko's curiosity piqued, prompting him to inquire, "Why does Morwenna seem to hold more authority than the Ueboros member herself?"

As they navigated yet another narrow alleyway, the city quaked with chaos, a direct repercussion of Aaron's influential actions—destroying the castle and causing mayhem during the standoff with Ustan.

"According to the gathered intelligence and the rumors that have been circulating for years, Morwenna was once a subordinate of Elanor. However, their disagreements prompted Morwenna to embark on her own research independently, aligning herself with a different faction. The chaotic aftermath we witnessed earlier bears witness to the consequences of her unorthodox studies. Morwenna's unconventional methods have attracted a specific kind of followers, who are fiercely loyal due to her tolerance for their morally ambiguous actions," Geharon elucidated, shedding light on Morwenna's past.

Despite their group's best efforts to extract information, the interrogations yielded little about their desired subjects. The lack of substantial details posed a considerable challenge. Their best recourse now lay in capturing a member of Morwenna's group, hoping to glean crucial information directly from the source.

Upon venturing to a particular area in the city, Geharon gestured towards a structure, declaring, "There it is. The building where I've seen them gather. It's probably their command center. Armed with the intel we possess, let's brace ourselves for anything that we may see in there."

Unified in their determination, the unit acknowledged Geharon's observations. However, as they neared the designated perimeter of the building, a deafening alarm echoed through the air. A cohort of roughly fifteen individuals from Valagor's kind rapidly advanced towards Artemis' team.

Geharon hesitated, on the brink of proposing a course of action, but Artemis decisively interrupted, "Keep advancing. We've got this well in hand."

Raiko lunged forward, her drawn sword gleaming in the moonlight, as Artemis engulfed the group with a maelstrom of intricate magic circles. Raiko's precise strikes incapacitated five guards in an instant, her skillful blows favoring non-lethal methods. Simultaneously, Artemis released a torrent of magic attacks, targeting the remaining assailants with calculated precision.

Magic-infused attacks struck their marks, leaving most of the guards unconscious. For those who resisted, a potent sleep spell swiftly guided them into the realm of slumber. Artemis, with calculated efficiency, returned to the subdued guards held by Raiko, further reinforcing their unconscious state with the same powerful sleeping spell.

Geharon, witnessing the flawless coordination, remarked, "They are remarkably efficient."

Unagor, recognizing their prowess, added, "Efficiency is second nature to them. It's just the way they operate." Despite Unagor's relatively short time with the Resistance and [DxD], he could discern the formidable capabilities within the group, each member displaying the capacity to single-handedly overcome significant challenges.

Swiftly piercing through the building, Raiko forcefully hacked apart the locked door, setting off the blaring alarms once more. Upon entering, they were met with an unsettlingly empty first room—devoid of doors, stairs, and furniture.

Artemis pondered aloud, "This seems intentional. Maybe an automated system triggered by the alarms to hide everything?"

"How do we proceed in this matter?" Geharon asked with a hint of anxiety, acutely aware of the time constraint they were under.

Raiko, her face alight with confidence, enveloped her blade in crackling lightning and proposed, "Why not try a more direct approach? As Aaron would say, simplicity has its own advantages."

Artemis tried to voice her concern, but her words were abruptly cut off as Raiko plunged her lightning-imbued sword into the ground. In a dazzling burst of energy, the floor beneath them shattered, and within moments, the entire group descended to a new level. "I knew it!" Artemis exclaimed, her realization echoing as they descended into the unknown.

Artemis dashed towards Raiko, shaking her and imploring, "Please, don't act like him! He's already as crazy as they come!"

Raiko let out a light chuckle, replying, "I don't copy everything Aaron does, Artemis. But in this case, it worked, and I don't see any issue."

Artemis, realizing the futility of trying to sway Raiko's mind, let go of her grip. She knew that once Raiko had decided on a course of action that echoed her boyfriend's antics, there was no stopping her. Despite acknowledging that she might be exaggerating a little, Artemis couldn't shake her discomfort with the unpredictability of such sudden situations.

Unagor, observing the seemingly ordinary surroundings, proposed, "Let's move forward. I sense something unusual down here..."

Artemis sighed, commenting, "It seems like [DxD] often finds itself underground in this universe."

Raiko, finding amusement in the remark, giggled, "Now that you mention it, we do tend to go underground frequently on our missions. Perhaps it was the same in our universe."

Before they could act, the encircling walls disintegrated, revealing two towering figures.

The man to the right boasted a close-cropped hairstyle with a striking golden sheen, dressed in a sleek black and gold jumpsuit. His most characteristic trait was his right arm, predominantly swathed in black and green, distinctly larger than his left.

On the left, an unnerving atmosphere permeated from the second figure. His short, slicked-up black hair framed piercing red pupils, while the rest of his features were shrouded in a deep black. A peculiar crimson-red diamond-shaped symbol adorned his forehead. He donned a thick black coat, accessorized with black earrings and painted nails, each finger adorned with a ring. The ensemble was completed with a black shirt, pants, shoes, and black lipstick, culminating in an overall unsettling appearance.

"Einhelim and Luchidow. Damn it, I didn't think they'd be the first to come here," Geharon muttered under his breath.

"Go. We've got this; we'll catch up with you two," proclaimed Artemis, her voice resolute and unwavering.

"You think—"

"Yes," Artemis interjected, unleashing an invisible force that sent the eerie-looking man crashing to through the walls. She quickly gave chase. Raiko, observing the scene, mirrored her actions, knocking the other man to the side and pursuing them.

"Let's move. They're no joke. Let's hope we don't run into anyone more dangerous before they catch up with us," Unagor urged, steering the group toward a nearby door. With a powerful blow, they sent the door flying off its hinges, hastily descending down a flight of stairs.

— ○ ● ○ —

Artemis and the cryptic figure descended into a more spacious area of the structure. As she surveyed the surroundings, she detected the unmistakable touch of Spatial manipulation, which had artfully expanded the internal space far beyond the confines of its exterior dimensions. Through her ring, she identified the mysterious man as Luchidow, a master manipulator of Shadow and Darkness.

Without hesitation, Artemis called upon her divine power, conjuring spheres of radiant energy, which she launched toward Luchidow. The man, exuding an aura of unshakable confidence, made no move to evade the attacks, seemingly anticipating that the projectiles would pass through him, as they had so often in the past. His overconfidence, however, was to be his undoing.

The divine orbs collided forcefully with Luchidow's form, causing him to gasp in shock as he coughed up blood. The impact sent him reeling backward, and the orbs followed him before exploding decimating that section of the room.

"Fool," Artemis sneered, her eyes aflame with scorn as she addressed the now-dazed Luchidow. "Do you truly believe yourself to be stronger than a god?"

Luchidow, despite the grievous wounds that riddled him, maintained his fierce gaze upon Artemis. A vast portion of his chest had been torn away, and his right arm lay in ruins. A weary exhalation escaped him as inky shadows enveloped his form, initiating a self-repair process.

Without a word, Luchidow raised his reconstituted arm, releasing billowing waves of obsidian and garnet flames that roared towards Artemis. Unwavering, Artemis casually swatted her arm aside, producing a powerful shockwave that erected an impregnable barrier, deflecting the fiery onslaught. The unexpected power left Luchidow visibly staggered.

In retaliation, Artemis called forth her divine bow and a pack of ethereal wolves at her side, prepared to confront the man in front of them.

Lifting her bow, Artemis glared at Luchidow and declared, "You, underling of Morwenna, divulge all your sins before I terminate your life, bestowing upon you a semblance of tranquility in your last moments."

A ghastly laughter emanated from Luchidow, reverberating through the room as he shielded his face with his hand. Unfazed, Artemis fired an arrow in his direction. Yet, Luchidow did not flinch, permitting the missile to pierce his shoulder.

His laughter persisted until it ceased abruptly, and he locked eyes with Artemis, a solemn expression now etched upon his face. Grasping the arrow, he made a startling discovery—his shadows were incapable of healing the inflicted wounds.

Unmoved by the disclosure, Luchidow plucked the divine arrow, only for it to evanesce from his grip. "Why should I feel contrition for my actions? I live life on my terms—my reality follows its own principles. I pay no heed to the decrees of external authorities and their so-called laws; that's a path for the intellectually weak," he declared, his face one of defiance.

Obscurity, darkness, and an unnerving crimson energy converged around Luchidow, and he continued, "I take pleasure from the cries of the weak. Among all creations, children are the most vulnerable, so why not prey upon them? Ustan, recently killed, shared a similar proclivity, if you know what I mean." An insidious grin graced his visage as he uttered those words, his gaze fixating upon Artemis with a nearly predatory relish.

The revelation shook Artemis to her core, connecting Aaron's recent actions to this abhorrent reality. She maintained her stoic facade, however, casting a frigid glare at Luchidow. Choosing not to engage further in dialogue, she unleashed a volley of divine arrows, resolute in her determination to extinguish the evil entity before her.

Shadowy claws of darkness, crimson energy, and looming shadows surged towards Artemis' divine arrows, only to be annihilated by their divine power, much like before. A click of frustration echoed from Luchidow as he leaped away from the arrows, only to be struck from behind by the unexpected alteration of their course.

In a low, ominous tone, the vengeful goddess Artemis expressed her gratitude, sending a shiver down Luchidow's spine as he faced her. "I shall ensure you experience suffering before I end your life," she coldly declared.

Before Luchidow could retort, Artemis' knee collided with his face, crushing it. An unusual sensation enveloped him as he was forcefully propelled backward by her divine strength. Artemis followed up without hesitation, unleashing a barrage of smaller arrows, each mercilessly finding its mark and riddling Luchidow's body with unwavering precision.

Artemis's wolves targeted Luchidow, their teeth ripping through the sides of his stomach, drawing out a pained grunt. But to his astonishment, the wounds mended at an alarming rate. "What—"

Before his bewilderment could be verbalized, the goddess's fist crashed into his face, caving it in. Yet, even this severe blow healed instantaneously. Flabbergasted, Luchidow found himself sprawled on the ground, unable to make sense of the unfathomable resilience of his opponent.

His powers, once mighty, were rendered useless against Artemis's divine capabilities. Despite the ineffectiveness of his own healing, Luchidow continued to heal. The mystery deepened as larger arrows punctured his thighs, arms, shoulders, and hands, pinning him to the earth. His cries echoed with both agony and wrath, ensnared in a state of impotence against the fury of the goddess.

"Perhaps it was the experiences that molded my existence, causing me to hold little regard for others, particularly children. Nevertheless, as circumstances started to shift, my outlook on life began to alter, thanks to him," Artemis mused, addressing her inner contemplations, leaving Luchidow in bewilderment.

With her foot firmly planted on Luchidow's head, he activated his abilities, anticipating a moment of advantage. Yet, thousands of crimson and black spheres materialized around Artemis, accompanied by sharp claws and appendages. However, much to Luchidow's frustration, her wolves swiftly dispatched these manifestations.

"But..." Artemis intensified the pressure on Luchidow's head, gradually crushing it. Desperate to retaliate, he attempted to use his abilities again, only to find his attacks systematically dismantled by the relentless wolves. Acknowledging his impending doom, it crept into Luchidow's mind, and the realization of facing death today was something he vehemently resisted.

"Spending time with Aaron, Vivi, and the myriad of children he encountered through Dulio's work and the fans of his Oppai Dragon persona made me reevaluate my stance on certain matters. It was through these children that I came to realize they were the future, destined to take the reins of the world once we stepped aside. Thus, the fact that you subject them to such horrors..." Artemis's voice held a steely resolve.

An immense wave of divine energy enveloped Artemis, its pressure growing exponentially against Luchidow. His body convulsed violently beneath her foot as the sheer magnitude of the divine power overwhelmed him, far surpassing his current power level.

'I don't want to die! I haven't done everything I wanted to yet!' Luchidow's desperate screams echoed within his own mind, a futile outcry against the inexorable force that sought to bring an end to his malevolence.

'Why does this woman care about children she hasn't even met?' His thoughts raced. 'So what if they're the future? If they're not strong enough, they should die! Everyone in this damn universe knows that!'

"No matter the circumstances one faces in life, the key is to strive for betterment. It's a lesson I learned from observing Aaron, who, despite his rough beginnings, chose a different path. Even across the universes, he continues to navigate that same challenging route, though now it's strewn with thorns and rocks," Artemis declared.


Her words were cut short by Luchidow's impotent curse, but it was quickly silenced by Artemis' decisive act. With final force, she crushed his head, ending his life. The scene fell into a deep, profound silence as she stared at the lifeless body of her defeated enemy. Sighing, Artemis summoned divine flames, reducing the remains to ashes before distancing herself.

"I'll head to join Unagor and Geharon since Raiko can manage on her own," she muttered under her breath, her figure vanishing from the spot, leaving behind only the lingering echoes of the one-sided battle she had with Luchidow.

— ○ ● ○ —

'What in the world is happening?' Einhelim's internal protests reverberated within him as he found himself engaged in a fierce struggle with Raiko. The last few minutes had turned into a bitter contest, one that had unexpectedly left a warrior of his caliber at a disadvantage, battling against a woman. The sheer absurdity of the situation only served to ignite his frustration, as he struggled to make sense of it all.

Suddenly, Einhelim's speed increased exponentially, as he vanished from his current location, skillfully maneuvering through the large storage room. He cleverly utilized the available boxes, shelves, and other objects to mask his movements, with the aim of throwing off his enemy.

Propelling himself off the wall, he launched a powerful strike with his right arm towards Raiko, who swiftly raised her sword, successfully blocking the attack with its flat surface. Einhelim's irritation only intensified, driving him to redouble his efforts in an attempt to turn the tide of the battle in his favor.

Einhelim nurtured a profound loathing for women, a sentiment whose origins lay in the bitter memories of his own family. His mother and three sisters, dubbed the "golden children," bathed in favor, leaving Einhelim as the neglected, disregarded, and perpetually abused black sheep of the family.

Yet, the root of Einhelim's resentment reached far beyond just familial dynamics. He couldn't fully harness the family's transformative powers, able only to morph his right arm. This limitation led to his continued neglect and isolation, but it did not quench his determination to excel. Despite his efforts, the family dynamics remained unaltered.

One fateful day, falsely accused by his sisters once more, Einhelim found himself exiled to a rehabilitative camp for troubled youths. In the harsh reality of his planet, these camps served as little more than concentration camps, where troubled youth were coerced into working until their deaths. In essence, his parents had forsaken any hope in him, opting for a fate akin to execution.

The torment Einhelim endured at the camp forged a seething hatred for women within him. Channeling this animosity into an unyielding thirst for power, he exploited the lazy and negligent atmosphere of the camp to hone his skills, steadily accumulating power until he experienced a transformative epiphany.

With his newfound strength, Einhelim enacted a merciless escape, leaving nothing behind as he slaughtered everyone there. He sought out his family, methodically tracking them down and coercing them into a ghastly death match. As the gruesome spectacle unfolded, only his most despised sister and his mother remained.

In a cruel twist, Einhelim forced them to engage in a brutal duel, watching as his sister emerged triumphant before callously snuffing out her life. This gruesome event solidified Einhelim's twisted beliefs. From that day forth, he became fixated on preying upon powerful, independent, and prideful women, believing that "true" women should confine themselves to domestic roles, dutifully expressing devotion toward their husbands and lovers.

"You're what's wrong with this world!" Einhelim's voice boomed as he hurtled towards Raiko, each blow dealt with his right arm creating tremors that shattered the room around them. Yet, Raiko evaded and countered his relentless attacks with an unshakable serenity.

"I'm not sure what you're referring to, but your words suggest an intense disdain for women, don't they?" Raiko inquired, her face remaining as impassive as ever.

"Women like you are nothing but conniving harpies set on ruining the lives of decent, hard-working men! Women like you deserve to be killed!" Einhelim roared, his figure enveloped in a chilling darkness, including his right arm, before unleashing another devastating barrage.

Raiko let out a resigned sigh, recognizing the futility of reasoning with someone like Einhelim. In a flash, she drew her blade and reappeared behind him, momentarily disorienting him. However, confusion quickly turned to terror as his once-proud right arm was methodically sliced into countless fragments, blood spraying in every direction.

"Huh? Huh!? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhh!!" Einhelim's agonized screams echoed through the air as he clutched the remains of his shattered limb. Before he could fully grasp the situation, Raiko pivoted and delivered a resounding kick to the back of his head, sending it crashing into the ground, leaving him unconscious.

Taking advantage of the situation, Raiko raised her sword and impaled it through Einhelim's chest. He awakened to unbearable pain, his screams of anguish continuing unabashed.

During his cries, Raiko posed a puzzled question, "How did you even become a subordinate to Elanor and then to Morwenna if you despise women so much?" The contradiction in Einhelim's allegiance left Raiko utterly perplexed.

"Go to hell! I could've wiped them both out once they'd made me even stronger…! Women like them don't deserve anything in this world! They're the lowest scum! And that includes the damn so-called 'allies' I've got to put up with," Einhelim roared with unwavering contempt.

"So you didn't do anything to the kids? What about those robots and fetuses?" Raiko questioned, her gaze unyielding. In response, Einhelim remained silent as a tomb. Unwilling to tolerate his evasion, Raiko twisted her blade deeper into his chest, eliciting another scream of pain.

"I didn't do anything to them! It wasn't me! But they're also powerful, so I couldn't do anything about them! If I tried, Elanor or Morwenna would have taken me out before I could carry out my own plan!" he bellowed, frustration evident as he furiously scratched at his cheeks, drawing blood and tearing away at his own skin.

Raiko scrutinized Einhelim, attempting to discern the reality behind his chaotic beliefs. His vehement hatred for women cast doubt upon her, causing her to wonder if it extended to children. Despite her reservations, she pressed on.

"Where's Morwenna?" she queried.

"Beneath us, she's with four more, assuming your group eliminated Luchidow as well," Einhelim answered solemnly, catching Raiko off guard. "Kill me. To hell with this world, and screw you too. I'd rather be dead than live in a world filled with women like you," he declared, raising his left arm defiantly to present Raiko with his middle finger.

Closing her eyes, Raiko twisted her blade once more and swung it upward, cleaving Einhelim apart and ending his life. She sheathed her sword after cleaning off the blood, opened her eyes, and whispered, "Rest in peace, Einhelim-san. May you find peace in a new life." She then vanished, leaving behind the echoes of a troubled soul in the wake of her actions.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Kuku, it seems the two of you have indeed forsaken your species. Quite the surprise, I must say," observed another member of the same species as Unagor and Geharon.

"Y-you... Zehma!? Could it be true that you've sided with Morwenna's faction!?" Unagor stammered, astonishment ringing in his voice. Casting a glance at his companion Geharon, he noted the same expression of shock mirrored on the other's face. "You didn't know?"

"N-no... we lost contact, as I mentioned. But the thought of him joining them never occurred to me," answered Geharon, just as stunned by the revelation.

Zehma, with a smirk, addressed the pair, "As you can see, I've gone through some transformations myself. However, let's stop with the pleasantries. It's nice to see you again, Unagor. Regrettably, we must part ways today. Allowing the Resistance to remain active is not an option; we must act to further Lady Eyhylde's cause."

Unagor and Geharon shared a mutual understanding, knowing that engaging in further conversation with their former friend, Zehma, would be pointless. As they encircled themselves with their orbs, the duo provoked a derisive laughter from Zehma.

"You two are so pitiful. After all this time, that's the extent of the power you've accumulated? Pathetic, Unagor," Zehma mocked, disappearing and reappearing behind them. "But it'll make my job easier...!"

Zehma extended his hand toward them, but before he could execute his attack, an unexpected blow struck him on the head. He was sent hurtling through multiple walls, a turn of events that was clearly surprising to him. Unagor and Geharon, equally taken aback, turned to identify their unexpected saviors—Raiko and Artemis.

"Are you allowing sentiment to cloud your abilities and judgment? If so, we shouldn't have embarked on this mission with you, Unagor. If encountering a friend weakens your resolve to this extent, how can we navigate this mission without becoming a hindrance?" Artemis questioned sternly.

"…I was merely taken aback. It won't recur," Unagor responded, frustration evident in his voice. Despite being aware of the potential impact of various factors on this mission, he chose to return to his planet with them. The fact that Aaron allowed him to join despite anticipating moments of faltering perplexed him.

"Kahaha! Genuine opponents this time, count me in!" Zehma cheered as massive black and white arms emerged from the damaged walls, pulling him out. Unagor and Geharon, observing the unexpected development, were surprised by the arms emerging from Zehma's sides.

"I'll confront him, please proceed," Raiko informed the group.

"Do you believe we'll let you depart without resistance!? Think again—" Zehma's words were abruptly cut off as Raiko's foot slammed into his face, propelling him backward. Simultaneously, her sword sliced through his arms.

"Let's go," commanded Artemis, and they exited the room, leaving Raiko to confront Zehma.

Zehma quickly regained his composure, a wide grin on his face as he faced Raiko. Aware that this battle demanded the full extent of his power, he slammed his hands to the ground, along with the additional ones on his sides, bellowing, "Amplifica!"

Gigantic hands, a fusion of black and white, began emerging all around them, gradually enclosing both Zehma and Raiko in a confined space. The newfound "dimension" they found themselves in was teeming with millions upon millions of these appendages, and Zehma stood atop a floating hand, peering down at Raiko.

"In this realm, I am a god. My word is law!" declared Zehma as he brought his hands together, forming a butterfly shape. A black and white butterfly, composed of his appendages, materialized around Raiko, enveloping her in its intricate patterns.

Zehma chuckled and remarked, "That thing can put you into a trance, no one and I mean no one can escape its—"

His words abruptly ceased as the butterfly was suddenly torn to shreds, scattering into countless fragments. Raiko gazed up at Zehma with unwavering determination, seemingly immune to his powers. This puzzled him.

"Wha—how are you unaffected!?" he stammered in shock.

Raiko didn't respond to his question, instead springing forward directly at him. Zehma reacted swiftly, pointing his finger towards her and vanishing. Raiko promptly adjusted her body to avoid his attack, leaving Zehma thoroughly confounded that she managed to twist her body in mid-air to evade his strike.

"You possess an ability that I recognize. It won't work on me," Raiko declared, her voice filled with confidence as she swung her sheathed blade at Zehma's midsection. The force of the blow sent him hurtling to the ground with a brutal impact.

Raiko released a radiant aura slash, aiming straight for Zehma. However, an impenetrable barrier made of countless, intertwined appendages materialized in the dimensional space, just barely managing to halt the attack.

Bewildered by this unforeseen defense, Zehma, fueled by frustration, slammed his hands down, summoning another titanic entity that stretched almost 500 meters into the sky. With Zehma perched atop its massive head, millions of arms coalesced into existence beside the monstrous creature as he grinned, almost mockingly, at Raiko, who remained unfazed by the display.

With a sweeping, authoritative gesture, Zehma commanded the additional appendages in the dimension to surge towards Raiko. At the same time, the towering beast in front of her fused its hands together, initiating the creation of a colossal, shimmering black and white sphere. The sphere grew in size and intensity, steadily building up an uncountable amount of power.

The advancing limbs relentlessly pursued Raiko, who skillfully dodged their trajectory, drawing her sword once more. A cloak of purple lightning enshrouded her silhouette as she abruptly reappeared, nimbly severing the appendages with expert finesse. Her actions were a deadly ballet as she systematically dismantled the encroaching threats.

Leaping onto another limb, Raiko sprinted along its length, releasing calculated bursts of her lightning. With a theatrical swirl, she hurled her sword high into the air, summoning a purple bow composed of her lightning manipulation. An electrifying shower of arrows was unleashed upon the encroaching limbs, further annihilating their ranks.

Meanwhile, Zehma and the titanic beast beneath him amplified the power of the shimmering orb in their possession, preparing to unleash it upon Raiko. Zehma's sinister cackle reverberated through the bizarre realm, devoid of any trace of insanity, but rather a peculiar manifestation of his enjoyment for the chaotic ballet of combat unfolding before him.

"I seriously love fighting strong people! And you're the best I've faced in a long time!!" Zehma exclaimed with unrestrained zeal, gesturing towards Raiko. With a manic grin, he barked, "Fireeee!!"

The immense being beneath him released the charged sphere it held between its massive hands, propelling a monstrous, shimmering black and white torrent of energy barreling towards Raiko, who was still entangled with the appendages.

Sensing the impending threat, Raiko exhaled before swiftly decimating the surrounding limbs in a single, fluid motion. She then shifted her focus to the incoming energy beam. With a simple apology, she swung her blade upwards from the ground.

A deafening silence permeated the entire realm. In an awe-inspiring demonstration of exactitude, Raiko's strike bisected the approaching beam, preventing it from reaching her. Instead, the divided energy continued its trajectory on either side of her. Yet, her onslaught did not end there; the beam was not the sole target of her blade—it sliced through the colossal monstrosity that Zehma had conjured, splitting it in two with a single, masterful strike.

"Ha—" Zehma's words faltered as Raiko's blade pierced his body, severing him in two. In that instant, he was unable to grasp the rapidly unfolding events; he could only—

"H-huh?!" Zehma's voice rang out, snapping back to consciousness. As he surveyed the scene before him, Raiko stood motionless, her eyes cold and unyielding, penetrating his very being. A chill crept down his spine as he found himself face to face with a vision—a fleeting glimpse of a future where he met his untimely end.

The vision had not come to pass; it was a warning. Zehma understood that the woman beneath him, the one he had been moments away from unleashing his devastating attack upon, had shown him this premonition. It served as a clear message—a cautionary tale that pressing forward with the attack would undoubtedly result in the end of his life.

Zehma, harboring a love for combat yet not ready to face his demise, came to a sudden stop. His gaze locked with Raiko's, who remained unyielding as she sliced through the limbs he sent hurtling towards her. In this decisive instant, Zehma found himself at a crossroads—pursue the treacherous path or come to a standstill.

Considering the gravity of his decisions, Zehma recalled the vow he had made to Morwenna. The repercussions of breaking that pledge would stretch far beyond his own destiny, affecting his family in ways he desperately wished to avert.

A resigned, almost indignant sigh escaped his lips as he muttered, "Damn everything. Fireeeee!!!" With determination tempered by reluctance, he chose to advance with his attack.

Zehma, steadfast in his resolve, directed a finger at Raiko. The abhorrent creature beneath him unleashed a powerful attack. In a mirrored reflection of the premonition he had witnessed, the tendrils surrounding Raiko were obliterated, the energy beam was cleaved in half, and both the gargantuan monster and Zehma himself were divided in twain.

In his last moments, as the borders of life and death blurred, Zehma's thoughts turned to his family. 'Not a terrible way to die. I'm sorry, Mom, Dad, and lil' bro. I guess I wasn't strong enough,' he mused before succumbing to the inevitable.

The surreal realm dissipated, returning both him and Raiko to the ordinary world. Zehma's death marked the end of the battle, leaving behind a poignant reminder of the choices made in the chaotic dance of combat.

Raiko approached the lifeless form of Zehma, her gaze unwavering as she summoned flames through magic, reducing the remnants of his body to ashes. A somber aura enveloped the air as she performed this final act.

Turning away from the scene, Raiko released a heavy sigh, her internal thoughts audible only to herself. "I don't like tasks like this," she mumbled, the weight of the mission and its aftermath weighing on her shoulders.

— ○ ● ○ —

As Artemis' group pressed forward, nearing the central chamber on the lower levels, the room they occupied was suddenly thrown into chaos by the collapsing ceiling. Out of the rubble emerged a figure, predominantly white, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Valagor's species. Unlike the usual black and white pattern, this figure was primarily white, donning a floating crown, a white coat with red accents, and clutching two white swords. The crimson stains scattered across her body were unmistakably blood, lending an eerie air to her presence.

"Who—" Artemis started, but Geharon's outburst cut her off.

"Aila!?" Geharon exclaimed, visibly shocked by the unexpected appearance of someone they recognized.

"…Ailaozev…? W-what? How is she—" Unagor attempted to inquire, but his query was abruptly silenced by a potent, blinding white aura emanating from Ailaozev's form. The sheer intensity of the aura suggested that something momentous and potentially hazardous was about to transpire.

"Under the orders of Lady Morwenna, it falls to me to prevent anyone from reaching the core of this structure," Ailaozev stated with a cold detachment, her words filled with unyielding resolve.

Without hesitation, Ailaozev disappeared, only to reappear with a swift, dual sword attack aimed at Unagor. Attempting to dodge, Unagor found his path blocked by Artemis, who skillfully kicked Ailaozev away. "Go with Raiko. I will handle her," Artemis commanded.

"No. I'm staying. I need to understand how she became like this!" Unagor insisted, his resolve unwavering. Artemis nodded in acknowledgment.

In that moment, Raiko appeared beside them, her demeanor solemn as she was informed of the unfolding situation. She quickly seized Geharon and vanished from the scene.

"Aila, how did you turn into that!?" Unagor demanded, seeking answers from his altered former comrade.

Ailaozev stood before them, silent for a moment before responding, "Do you recall our conversations about the potential evolution of our kind?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Unagor asked, seeking clarity.

Ailaozev disappeared once again, trying to execute a quick attack aimed at cutting Unagor's head. To her surprise, Unagor gracefully arched his body backward, avoiding the deadly strike. Without hesitation, he countered with an energy blast from his white orb, sending Ailaozev flying. Despite crashing into a wall, she quickly recovered, impressed by Unagor's skillful defense.

"I found a new path of evolution with Lady Morwenna's guidance. I could have gone to the Yinith or Valony—I chose the Valony path, and this is the result. Everything I do is for justice, for the betterment of our people, and to combat evil," Ailaozev explained, shedding light on the transformative journey she had undertaken with Lady Morwenna's help. Her dedication to justice and the welfare of their kind was evident, although in a manner that surprised those who had known her in a different context.

The Yinith and Valony Paths embodied the fundamental Yin and Yang concepts for Valagor's species. Yinith represented qualities such as darkness, receptivity, passivity, femininity, cold, and stillness, often symbolized by the black portion of the symbol. On the other hand, Valony was associated with qualities like light, activity, assertiveness, masculinity, warmth, and movement, typically represented by the white portion of the symbol.

These paths were not in opposition; instead, they were interdependent and interconnected. Each contained an element of the other, existing in a dynamic balance. The symbol of Yinith and Valony suggested a perpetual flow between the two forces, with neither being entirely static or dominant.

The underlying philosophy of Yinith and Valony emphasized the importance of balance and harmony in all aspects of life. It conveyed the idea that opposing forces were not in conflict but rather integral parts of a harmonious whole. Each force contributed to the equilibrium of the universe, highlighting the interconnected nature of all elements in existence.

Ailaozev made a bold departure from the Yinith side, fully embracing the evolutionary path of the Valony side, a move unprecedented in their species. While most individuals typically maintained a balance, staying within the middle ground for the well-being of the entire species, Morwenna's arrival marked a turning point, guiding and assisting Ailaozev in achieving this remarkable transformation. Always an advocate for the advancement in technology and evolution, Morwenna played a crucial role in navigating Ailaozev down this uncharted path.

"This is my evolutionary path, Unagor—and I will overcome any obstacle in my pursuit of justice," declared Ailaozev, her voice cold as ice.

"Are you out of your mind?! How does this benefit anyone? You're essentially taking the side of genocidal maniacs! How does this benefit our species in any way!?" Unagor exclaimed, his anger evident at Ailaozev's chosen path.

As Ailaozev closed the distance once more, Artemis intervened, using her divine bow to deflect Ailaozev's swords. "I cannot blame her. She believes in her own justice and convictions—in her mind, what she's doing is right. In your mind, you believe what you're doing is right. So…who is truly wrong here?" Artemis posed the question, highlighting the complexity of conflicting beliefs and perspectives in their struggle for justice.

Ailaozev released a whirlwind of untamed sword strikes at Artemis, anticipating that her weapons, crafted to "surpass evil" and "triumph with light," would be unbeatable. However, much to her astonishment, Artemis effortlessly blocked and redirected each attack with her divine bow, displaying a level of expertise that left Ailaozev bewildered.

"You appear confused. Express your thoughts, Seeker of Justice," commanded Artemis, prompting Ailaozev to address the source of her confusion.

Instead of replying, Ailaozev grunted in frustration, then quickly leaped away. She summoned hundreds of white orbs and unleashed a barrage of energy beams at Artemis. Unfazed, the goddess drew back her bow and released an equal number of divine arrows, countering and obliterating Ailaozev's onslaught with grace and precision.

Unagor loitered in the background, pondering Artemis's words. Suddenly, he burst out, "Do you hold the same beliefs as Aaron!?"

Artemis adeptly parried another attack from Ailaozev, who had resumed her swordplay. "Yes," Artemis replied. "The principles of peace and justice that Aaron advocates are distinctly his own, yet he possesses the charisma to persuade the entirety of our world to embrace them. Objectively speaking, many of his aspirations offer great benefits for a wide range of beings and species, and I, too, find myself in accord. However, there are rebellious voices that yearn for the preservation of the current order."

The goddess gracefully evaded yet another attack, spinning elegantly before delivering a powerful kick to Ailaozev's face, sending her staggering. Ailaozev crashed through several walls, momentarily disoriented. Despite the daze, she quickly regained her composure and soared back towards Artemis.

"In their eyes, Aaron is destroying something that was considered perfectly functional and in good order. Similar sentiments echo throughout this universe—what the Resistance is undertaking is seen as ominous by many. Change, for them, brings fear as the uncertainty of the future looms, despite the assurances offered by Aaron and the Resistance. It's a genuine apprehension, rooted in the unknown," clarified Artemis, once again using her foot to deflect Ailaozev's swords and create distance.

Artemis skillfully drew her bowstring back, releasing a relentless barrage of divine arrows directed at Ailaozev. Despite Ailaozev's futile attempt to deflect them, she was forcibly pushed back by the unyielding force of the arrows, with some piercing her body and eliciting agonizing screams.

"In Phumera's perspective, Aaron's actions and the Resistance's efforts are seen as troublesome and vexing. Phumera steadfastly adheres to her own beliefs of 'justice' and 'peace,' firmly convinced of the righteousness of her pursuits, even if it means establishing herself as a tyrannical ruler over the entire omniverse. Objectively, many of the restrictions she imposes on various groups and species are unquestionably reprehensible. However, her overwhelming strength renders resistance futile for those under her dominion and her followers alike," articulated Artemis.

"Nevertheless, many view their current positions as advantageous due to the 'benefits' provided to them. This encompasses a level of protection, sustenance, and vital provisions. Some of these groups or species were teetering on the edge of extinction, and Phumera has offered them a lifeline. With such concrete advantages, it raises the question—why would they align with us, the Resistance, when they already enjoy these privileges? What could the Resistance offer that would surpass the status quo?" Artemis asked Unagor.

For a moment, Unagor was speechless as he processed the weight of Artemis's revelations. Until now, he had seen Aaron's actions as driven purely by selfish motives. However, he had not considered the nuanced perspective that both Aaron and Phumera might perceive their roles in a similar light, alongside the various groups and species in their universe.

Ailaozev relentlessly charged at Artemis, unleashing a storm of hundreds of white energy beams while wildly swinging her swords at Artemis. It was clear that Ailaozev's attacks were driven more by rage than her usual, somewhat dependable swordsmanship.

In retaliation, Artemis swiftly executed a wrist flick, summoning divine magic circles behind her. These circles released a continuous barrage of divine arrows, intercepting and countering Ailaozev's energy beams. Seizing the opportunity, Artemis took a deep breath and swiftly closed the distance, delivering a series of strikes—a sharp elbow to the stomach, a palm strike to the chin, and a powerful roundhouse kick to the face. Ailaozev staggered backward.

With grace, Artemis leaped towards Ailaozev, bringing down her left foot forcefully onto Ailaozev's face, creating a substantial crater upon impact. Stepping away, she then straddled Ailaozev's chest, delivering an unrelenting barrage of punches, each strike infused with divine energy.

"Aaron may seem carefree, but many of us have seen him working hard in his office in our universe, burdened with important decisions," Artemis disclosed, leaving Unagor completely bewildered. "Did you know that Aaron is only nineteen years old?"

"Nineteen!? I thought he was much older!?" Unagor exclaimed in shock. The revelation caught him off guard, as he had never asked about Aaron's age, and Aaron himself had never offered the information. Unagor had assumed that the leader of such a formidable group and an outer god would be significantly older.

Artemis, however, chose not to share the additional details of the times they spent in Aaron's [Pocket Dimension], Aaron's prolonged isolation of 10,000 years, or the fact that his soul was quintillions of years old. She considered such information irrelevant, recognizing that Aaron presently only considered his physical age, as he had no desire to be labeled an old man.

Artemis continued to pummel her fists on Ailaozev's face with an air of nonchalance, as if the battle with the latter was merely an afterthought. While delivering the unyielding blows, she spoke to Unagor, "Yes, Aaron will persist in what he deems right, a sentiment shared by us as we align with his objectives. As for the fate of your species, their decisions post this encounter will be left to their discretion. Whether they choose to join the Resistance and live or engage in a suicidal confrontation with Phumera remains uncertain—for us at least, though Aaron may possess that knowledge."

With a final, decisive punch, Ailaozev's face became a battered, bruised mess, blood pooling around her head until it was just centimeters from the ground. Unagor couldn't help but marvel at Ailaozev's resilience, pondering how she managed to endure such a divine beating and remain alive.

Artemis produced anti-power restraints and carefully fastened them around Ailaozev's hands. With a stern gaze, she turned to Unagor and said, "There's no point in denying it. I know about your feelings for her, which is why I've chosen not to end her life. We will take her into custody first, and then we will make decisions. I will inform Aaron about the situation. We will consider the possibility of reversing the 'evolution,' if it's possible and if she wants it. Do you understand?"

Slightly surprised, Unagor nodded in response. "Thank you... Let's move forward; otherwise, we may—"

A powerful tremor swept through the surroundings, causing Artemis to narrow her eyes. Unagor, taken aback by the seismic disturbance, stuttered, "W-what was that!? It didn't happen here, did it?"

"No, it originated from the direction of a significant structure—and just from the sensation alone, it appears to be coming from Aoife. Aaron is close to her, so we can leave that matter to him. For now, let's continue on. We're almost done, and I have a few questions for Morwenna," Artemis explained, turning away and causing Ailaozev to float beside her as they continued on their path.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the colosseum stands, Aaron Toole occupied a solitary seat. Upon his arrival, numerous attempts were made to hinder him from entering, but the futile resistance ceased quickly as defeated challengers abandoned their efforts. Seated within the colosseum, an empty expanse appeared around him, with a noticeable void as people chose to vacate the vicinity, unwilling to share space with him.

From his vantage point, Aaron observed the ongoing matches below. An initial pause ensued as organizers, uncertain of his intentions, hesitated. However, seeing that he made no move to disrupt proceedings, they opted to resume the matches, albeit with an air of vigilance. Despite the discomfort echoing through the spectators, they chose to overlook the peculiar situation and immersed themselves back into the competitive atmosphere, tinged with a palpable tension.

In the middle of the unfolding matches, Aoife once again captured Aaron's intense focus. However, a sudden interruption occurred as Ravel approached him, shedding her disguise. The revelation left even more of Valagor's species astounded, yet none dared to voice their thoughts.

Witnessing this, Aoife took the bold step of revealing her own identity, sending shockwaves through the entire arena. The onlookers, unsure of how to react, found themselves in a state of bewilderment. Despite the unexpected turn of events, the matches eventually resumed.

[Are warrior Null and warrior Betty Brown prepared?!] the announcer declared, addressing the two participants who affirmed their readiness with nods. [Begin!!!!] The proclamation marked the commencement of the ensuing battle, unfolding against the backdrop of the stunned and uncertain atmosphere in the arena.

Betty Brown charged at Aoife, determined to mimic her previous method of attack. She summoned a powerful black and white greatsword, swinging it with force towards Aoife, who maintained a stern and almost emotionless gaze.

Aoife effortlessly blocked the strike with her own sword. Undeterred, Betty Brown escalated her assault, unleashing a flurry of swirling energy attacks from her black and white orbs. Predictably, Aoife skillfully sliced through the incoming barrage, all while locked in a fierce duel with Betty Brown.

"This is simply unjust, you know!? How can you simultaneously destroy my other attacks!? What kind of speed is this!?" Betty Brown expressed her frustration, but Aoife remained stoically silent.

In an instant, Aoife disappeared and reappeared behind Betty Brown, delivering a forceful kick to her backside, sending her tumbling. Moving quickly, Aoife smoothly swung her blade, severing both of Betty Brown's hands in a single, precise motion.

Betty Brown's anguished cry reverberated through the arena, shocking the crowd. Before anyone could react to the horrifying scene, Aoife raised her arm, unleashing a powerful surge of energy from her sword. Her deadened gaze fixed on Betty Brown, she declared, "The victors dictate the rules and outcomes. If you wish to last longer, train harder next time."

With a decisive motion, Aoife brought her sword down, triggering a catastrophic explosion that decimated the entire stage. Swiftly, Aaron erected a protective barrier, preventing the destruction of the entire planet. However, the released power reverberated intensely, shaking the very foundations of the world in its aftermath. The aftermath left the arena in stunned silence, grappling with the sheer magnitude of the spectacle.

[W-w-winner, warrior Null!!!] the announcer exclaimed, a mixture of excitement and horror in his voice. Aoife briefly cast a loving smile back at Aaron, a stark contrast to her previously dead and expressionless demeanor. However, as soon as her gaze shifted away from him, her face reverted to its prior state, and she silently departed from the stage, leaving the crowd in stunned silence.

With concern etched on her face, Ravel mumbled, "Aaron-sama..."

"Yeah, I need to address a few things with Aoife after today. It's my fault; I didn't push hard enough after that day," Aaron responded, narrowing his eyes at the exit through which Aoife had left. With a snap of his fingers, he effortlessly repaired the stage, garnering uneasy stares from the onlookers.

<<What are you looking at? Continue with your tournament, I fixed the stage,>> Aaron asserted with a hint of threat, compelling the crowd to refocus on the ongoing tournament. However, his mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of Aoife Murphy.

'What can I do to help you, Aoife…? I don't want you to be like this…' Aaron pondered, furrowing his brows in contemplation. The weight of concern for Aoife lingered heavily on his mind.

— ○ ● ○ —

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