Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 1 – Chapter 7 – A Seraph’s answer to love

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

Jin Skyward

"She's locked herself in her room and refusing to come out!"


The room falls silent when Michael finishes speaking.

"How's that my problem?"

Naturally, I had to ask the Angel.

"Gabriel said she wouldn't leave until you come. So please come over here and get her to leave her room…"

Michael sounded genuinely exhausted.

"Alright, I'll teleport there now."

I inform him, and he quickly thanks me and ends the call. I turn to everyone and let out an exhausted smile.

"It's one thing after the other, I'll try and get this done quickly and re-join you girls."

I tell them and they nod in understanding.

"What did you do to the Seraph?"

Grayfia asks, which I shrug off.

"I genuinely have no clue, she requested to visit the human world not too long ago, and I took her out to Hawaii and had fun. I didn't do anything special."

Akeno smiles awkwardly but didn't say anything, Ingvild also did the same and Grayfia gave me a dead look.


The Devil Maid massaged her forehead and turned away.


Cúntóir: Idiot


Okay, why is everyone calling me an idiot?

"Anyway, In, I have something to talk to you about when I get back."

I turn to Ingvild and inform her, she nods, and I leave for Heaven.


Sixth Heaven

I had teleported directly into Michael's office again, and the guy immediately starts shaking me.

"Jin! Thank goodness you're here, please come this way!"

Michael basically drags me out of his office and towards Gabriel's room.

"Michael, slow down and explain."

I free myself from the Seraph, and he stops and exhales.

"A day after your outing with Gabriel she was acting a lot more aloof than she already was, we tried asking her about it but got no answers. We decided to wait and see, and it only got worse."

He looks towards the direction he was dragging me to.

"This morning she refused to come out of her room and she said she would if you came."

He smiled wryly—

"Take this as a request."

Almost begging me.

"Sure, I'll do that, anyway, let's go."

I gesture for him to continue, and he starts to lead me to where said Seraph's room was. We eventually reach a certain door and a few angels were there, I could recognize a few, two of them were the remaining 2 Great Seraphs Uriel and Raphael, and the other 2 were Sandalphon and Metatron of the Ten Seraphs.

They notice Michael approaching with me and gave me questioning looks.

"Michael, who's that?"

Uriel asks him and points at me.

"He's the middleman that came to be recently, he's also responsible for taking Gabriel out a few days ago… Resulting in this, by the way, Jin, can you tell us what you two exactly did?"

Michael explains and then asks a question. The angels looked at me accusatorily.


I tell them in detail how the day unfolded. I tell them how I teleported us in an alleyway in Honolulu, Hawaii. I described to them how she was pushed around accidentally or not by humans, so I decided to hold her hand for the day, so we wouldn't get separated.

We ate lunch there, she received the necklace I gave her as a present, not including its effects, and when we teleported back to heaven.

Now the Angels look confused.

"Isn't that just a normal outing?"

Sandalphon was completely baffled as to why Gabriel began acting in this way. The others, however, came to a different conclusion and had complicated expressions.

They looked at me and I could tell what they were thinking about. 'She might have developed feelings for him', or something along those lines.

Suddenly, the door to Gabriel's room bursts open and a white blur attacks me to the ground before hugging me.


Gabriel happily exclaims.

"Hey there…"

I pat her on the back and got up while the Seraph of Chastity clung onto me like a Koala.

The other 3 Great Seraphs also had similar suspicions, and they looked at us with worried and complicated expressions. While the other two Seraphs looked at Gabriel in shock.

"I missed you."

She says, into my neck. I could feel her sniffing me, which was an odd feeling. Michael breaks the awkward atmosphere and coughs into his hand.

"Let's take this back to my office, shall we?"

He didn't wait for a response, and teleported the Great Seraphs and I to his office. Once there, Gabriel still clung onto me. Uriel tried to pry her off but was unsuccessful, so he gave up.

I doubt she even understands what she's feeling. She's truly like a maiden. I couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"Gabriel, please let go of Jin."

Michael asks her, to which she shakes her head.

"What you said earlier, was that all you really did?"

Uriel asks me.

"Yes, I swear I didn't do anything else; we did what I said and nothing else."

Why are they so pushy about this? Didn't they already come to that conclusion? Wait… Are they scared of her falling?

"Michael, don't tell you didn't ask about the necklace?"

I asked the angel.

"I did… Oh! Oh!"

He looks like he just remembered and started to turn red.

"I… I… I'm sorry Jin. I completely forgot about that."


Both Uriel and Raphael asked at the same time and could see the necklace wrapped around Gabriel's neck. They turned to him for answers.

"Apparently, from what Gabriel told me a few days ago, it can prevent her from falling from grace. Jin was the one who made it."

He informs the other two and they are shocked. How could a human construct something like that? They turned to me and Uriel spoke "

Are you…?"

"If you're wondering if I'm the Big Guy's reincarnation, no, and I also know about his death."

As soon as I inform them that I know, their eyes widen, and even Gabriel looks at me in shock, but her sadness is also palpable. I petted her head to comfort her.

"Who told you about that…?"

Raphael was the one this time to ask me. I could see the other two anxiously waiting for the answer.

"I just did, neither the Satan's nor Azazel or his Cadre's told me. Let's say, I have my ways of finding out."

I grin at them.

"I haven't told anyone about it, including my harem, if that's the new thing you're going to ask."

"How can we trust your word?"

Uriel breaks the silence with another question.

"I trust you, Jin."

Michael adds, shocking the other two.

"Brother! How can we believe him when we don't even know how or who he got that information from?!"

Uriel tried to reason with Michael, but ultimately, he had the last say in Heaven's decisions.

"Brother Uriel, please trust in my decision, I could feel no lies coming from Jin. Even earlier when I asked him in detail about his outing with Gabriel."

Which caused Uriel to shake his head in disbelief, but he had no choice but to accept the decision. Michael is going above and beyond for me, great dude. I'll give him some pie later.

"I appreciate it, Mike."

I give him a thumbs up.


The Seraph was a bit taken aback by the new nickname I gave him, but didn't try correcting me. Finally, Gabriel decided to speak up.

"I don't know why, but I like being around you Jin, it's a calming feeling, I first felt it during our trip out when we held hands."

She smiled at me. Her brothers were speechless. Never in their wildest dreams, if they were capable of dreaming, would they imagine Gabriel acting and feeling like this? But they could see how genuine and happy she was, and they felt complicated about the whole thing.

"I wonder if that's a sin? If it was, then you definitely would have fallen… But that necklace is definitely helping."

"Always wear it, alright? Since it's definitely doing its job and Heaven can't exactly lose one of the original Seraphs."

"I would like proof of that so-called necklace that can prevent an angel from falling from grace."

"Sure, I can make you a temporary one. It can keep you from falling from grace once, but after that, it will shatter. Call it a test run, is that fine with you?"

Raphael answers with a nod, and I proceed to create and summon another necklace that would do what I just stated. I hand the necklace to the angel, and he stares at it for a moment, probably trying to see if it has some kind of mind control or something.

"Just do something that can be considered sinful or something that can definitely get you to fall from grace."

The other two become uneasy, as well as Raphael, but he steels his resolve and puts the necklace on.

"Can Angels curse?"

I turn and ask Michael. Michael shakes his head and looked slightly mortified at the thought.

"Well, go ahead and curse for once in your life."

I chuckle, and the Seraph gave me a strange look. He readies himself like he's about to go to the Great War and brings his wings out.


As soon as the words fell from his mouth, his wings start to flash but immediately stops and the necklace around his neck shatters and disappears.

"…It worked…"

Uriel who was watching intently was speechless, along with the rest of the Seraphs.

"Jin, can you make more of these?"

Michael asked after he got out of his shock.


I smile at him.

"You want me to make some for the angel race, right?"

When I ask the Seraph, he nods in agreement.

"I don't mind, but it would be better to do it once the peace treaty is signed between the three factions. They might think I'm playing favorites."

I explain my reasoning to them and I could see them agreeing with me.

"But I'll make a temporary one for the three of you and the 10 Seraphs."

I make three necklaces like Gabriel's and present them to each of them.

"These will stop you from falling one thousand times, after that it will shatter and break like the one from earlier. Remember that."

I create ten more and hand those to Michael.

"Oh, if you try researching the temporary ones they'll just break and shatter, can't have that leaking out yet."

I trust them, but I also need to make sure the corrupt ones that didn't fall do not try to take advantage of them.

"Actually, hold on."

I put my hand out and change some properties on them, all necklaces glow for a moment before dying down.

"What did you do?"

Uriel asked as he fiddled with the necklace in his hand.

"I added that if someone else takes or puts that necklace on, it will also shatter and break. Those necklaces are bound to you."

"Are you suggesting there might be traitors among Heaven?"

Raphael looked a bit annoyed by my suggestion. I shrug.

"You never know, some angels might have found a way to not fall and still do horrible things. The world's ever-changing, and beings that have been alive for a long time need to change with it or get left behind."

I turn back to look at Gabriel.

"But the reason I was asked to come here still hasn't been solved."

This caused Gabriel to look up at me and tilt her head. The other Seraphs also turn their attention back to said Seraph.

"So, you won't fall because of the necklace I gave you. I suggest this then, you can come visit me any time you want, provided Michael is okay with it. Just don't think about locking yourself up, okay?"

I make the suggestion to Michael; he probably will accept, since he doesn't want Gabriel to pull another stunt like this. Michael gave me a defeated smile and nodded.

"I see no problem with that, you can visit him any time you want Gabriel, but you have to get your own jobs done first before heading over and visiting Jin, alright?"

Michael had to set some rules for her, otherwise, he thinks she'll just spend the rest of her time down with me. Despite the obviousness of what she's thinking, it's still cute.


While hesitant at first, Gabriel agreed. I touched her forehead and sent the location to my home.

"With that you'll know where to teleport to, that should be fine, right?"

Gabriel is overjoyed and started to celebrate by jumping up and down like a child while still clinging to me.

"But I have to go back, for now, I'll see you soon, Gabriel."

The female Seraph lets go of my arm and cutely pouts, but I pat her head, and she smiles. I nod towards the three and teleport away.

Third Person Point of View

The three male Great Seraphs had huddled by Michael's desk and started whispering to one another.

"Brother, I can't deny it anymore, Gabriel definitely…"

Uriel trails off and looks back at the happy female Seraph fiddling away at her necklace.

"Yes, there's no doubt about it, she's…"

"Definitely has a crush on Jin. It's not certain if this is just a fleeting crush/love, or if it's the real thing. For now, we must observe our sister and take necessary precautions."

The three looked at her with a complicated gaze and Gabriel looked back at her brother confused.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

Jin Skyward

Cúntóir what time is it? When I teleported back to the living room, everyone's positions had changed.

Cúntóir: Answer: 3:04

One hour has passed... I look at the scene in front of me. Ingvild is on the couch hugging her knees watching TV while eating a bag of chocolates. Akeno is also on the same couch while on her phone sipping tea, and Grayfia is nowhere to be seen.

""Welcome back Jin.""

They turn to me and greet me back. I smile, walk over to Ingvild, and she offers me some, I take one and eat it

"I'm back, where's Grayfia?"

I wonder where she got this from, maybe they stepped out to buy some? Or Fia did. Before, I don't remember getting any.

"She's taking a shower right now."

Akeno informs me and scoots over as she starts patting the spot that just opened in-between them.

I take the spot in-between them and Akeno snuggled right back into me, Ingvild to my surprise also scoots closer and lays her head on my shoulder as well as her entire body weight.

I guess she trusts me a bit more now.

[If what you two were doing in the Underworld wasn't proof that she trusted you, partner, I don't know what kind you would want.]

{Indeed. You brought her out of her 100-year-long sleep, she, like Kuroka feels gratitude towards you, plus you gave her a place to stay and promised to help her make friends in the future.}

Alright alright, I get it. I didn't think they go off like that, sheesh.

"How was it? I mean, Heaven's request."

"It was, fine? I mean, nothing serious happened."

"What happened with Gabriel to make Michael panic that much?"

Ingvild asks as she puts a piece of chocolate near my mouth, and I happily accept it.

"Like what Michael said, she locked herself in her own room until I was the one to get her, I'm pretty sure she has a small crush on me."

I couldn't help but smirk at the thought, one of the original Seraphs of heaven, in love with me, of all people. Both girls beside me stare at me in surprise.

"What makes you think so?"

Feeling Akeno tighten her grip. Maybe she's getting anxious and jealous at the rate of women coming into my harem, since we haven't done anything yet? I did kiss Lavinia before her…

"Well, she refused to leave her room until I came, so there's that. Also, when she heard my voice behind the door, she immediately bear-hugged me and refused to stop, clinging onto me like an Angelic Koala."

"Even a Seraph isn't safe from you…"

Akeno buried her head against my chest while cutely pouting. Ingvild just let out a sympathetic chuckle to her while putting a piece of chocolate in her mouth, which Akeno quickly ate.

"Oh right, by the way, this is what I wanted to talk to you about."

I turn to said hybrid, and she had cutely tilted her head slightly.

"Do you want to attend the last year of High school with me and Akeno? If you do, we can also attend the college division the year after to blend in more to human society. You can also take this time to get acquainted with the modern era and as well as make new friends."

I could see Ingvild's eyes get excited as the thought hit her. I wonder if she just wants a normal life? However, she was born as a hybrid, along with the Sacred Gear I awakened for her... Thus, she will be drawn into the world of the supernatural.

Glad I was the one who woke her up and not her Sacred Gear naturally awakening. This is because she was kidnapped by Nyx not too long after being sent to Grigori.

Yeah, I need to prevent that from happening. I reach out to the necklace on Ingvild's neck and put a spell on it to prevent any type of mind control from happening to her. When I did this, Ingvild was a bit surprised but noticed her necklace glow and stared at it.

"What did you do?"

She asked while she held it.

"I added something that will protect you from any kind of mind-controlling magic or techniques. We don't want someone kidnapping you and using you like now, would we?"

"Thank you."

She nodded and smiled

"I also want to join you guys in school. I'm not sure if I graduated mine from a hundred years ago…"

"Great, Akeno you can help with that, right?"

While she is still on my chest, I ask her.

"Yeah, I can get Rias to help with that, she already saw Ingvild, so she might try recruiting her…"

Shit, I forgot to hide In's identity. I hide her demonic energy and Sacred gear, but not her face! Fuck! Damn everything, why didn't Cúntóir tell me?

Cúntóir: Answer: You reap what you sow, heh.

…I'll get back at you, I promise you that.

"I forgot about that. My goal was to hide your demonic energy and your sacred gear, but I forgot her face. I'm sorry, In."

I couldn't help but facepalm. The girl in question just smiled.

"If she does approach me, I can always decline and mention you…"

She's way too kind, is she really a devil?! I started patting her head.

"You're so kind In, are you sure you're half devil?"

My eyes start to tear up.


She let out an awkward chuckle, but didn't stop me petting her.

"I can tell both Rias and Sona not to approach you, Ingvild, since you're protected by Jin and to an extent Grayfia."

Akeno chimes in, still moping on my chest.

"Nice idea Akeno…"

I was going to threaten them, but this is also another way of dealing with things and I decided to reward her by petting her, she was more than happy as she started to purr.

"I would appreciate it, Akeno-san. I rather not be harassed in joining a peerage…"

"In addition, I would keep an eye out for perverts around the academy, both male and female, as many of them are open about it. Especially the 'Perverted Duo' their title speaks for itself."

Akeno informs Ingvild.

"Well, just ignore and reject, that's all we can do."

They're just normal humans, just leave it at that, they can't really do much to supernatural beings… Unlike those weird doujins with zero logic in them…


Ingvild trails off and stares at me.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

Is she accusing me of being a pervert? I mean we're all perverts, some more open than others, but I'd like to think I'm not that open.

"I'm not an open pervert, you know."

"So, you're saying that you're a pervert?"

Akeno looks up at me and smirks.

"Everyone is, it just takes restraint and control to not be open to the public about it. From what you're saying, a lot of the students of the school are very open."

It is a school run by devils, beings made to sin, so it's not that surprising.

"I guess you're right."

The room falls silent as Ingvild seems to be lost in thought, I look at the TV and just watch it and wait for her answer, I also pet Akeno during this time as she kept on purring like a cat. If Kuroka was here, they would be competitively purring right now.

I look down at Akeno 'The purring Olympics?' I wonder who would win?



A tense silence falls between the two.



I cut the link, so I wouldn't get a headache from the two.

Cúntóir: Answer: The true answ—

Not you either.

Cúntóir: Answer: Hmph.


Ingvild calls out my name and I turn to her; Akeno also stops purring and turns to stare at her.

"I would like to attend Kuoh Academy with you."

"Alright, I look forward to it."

I move Akeno from my chest and sit her up, she looked surprised and pouts.

"I'll go get drinks, any requests?"

"Orange juice please."

Ingvild pops another piece of chocolate into her mouth.


Still pouting, but she still answers.

"Alright, I'll be back shortly."

I leave the room and go into the kitchen. I was surprised to see the Maid there in all her glory… Wrapped in just a towel.



We end up looking at each other in surprise. Grayfia was visibly shocked; I on the other hand took this opportunity to admire her body and curves. I slowly start nodding as I make my way towards the fridge.

Looks like we have some cartons for them. I take one for apple and two for orange. I close the fridge and Grayfia was still standing there frozen.

Cúntóir: Answer: You could have summoned them yourself.

Doing it this way can be therapeutic, but always summoning drinks and food can get weird. I glance at Grayfia. The chances are that I would have missed this, so it's a win in my book. I turn to Grayfia, smile and give her a thumbs up.

"Looking fantastic, Grayfia, can't wait for what the future holds."

I grin at her and turn to leave. As I turn the corner, I could see her in a blushing mess, I let out a sarcastic chuckle at her expense.

Grayfia Lucifuge

Jin had left for Heaven and the three of us were stuck in his house together. Although I am already familiar with Akeno, I am still getting used to Ingvild Leviathan. She's an original descendant and quite young.

"I shall go and clean."

Announcing what I was going to do, I leave the two hybrids as they wave me goodbye.

While I explore his house, there's always something new to find. However, I have not explored every nook and cranny of Jin's house. This is because it's quite spacious on the inside. Perhaps he's using spatial magic to make the inside of his home much wider than the outside?

The only ones who live here are Jin, Akeno, and Kuroka, Ingvild shall be joining them soon. However, the two females sleep together with Jin, so other rooms aren't used. Ingvild does not openly show any romantic interest in Jin so far, so I will assume she will be sleeping in another room.

I also stay here as I am tasked to monitor him for Sirzechs-sama and as well as myself, I sleep one door down from them, I will assume Ingvild will choose a room near to his Master bedroom.

I wasn't too sure how my stay here would turn out, but it's been rather easy. When I reach the master bedroom, I clean his room, but it's already near spotless, so all I need to do is re-arrange things that are slightly out of place, and I'm done.

Have they done it with him…? I mutter as I look at the bed. I shake my head, what in the hell am I thinking? I don't know why my mind thought of such a vulgar thing. I quickly finish up and leave the room, briefly glancing at the bed before closing the door.

I'll take a shower to clear my head…

I finished showering and wrapped a towel around my body and my hair. Feeling thirsty, I went into the kitchen to grab myself a drink. I could hear the two girls chatting and another voice, Is Jin back? I could only conclude as such. As I finished my drink, I hear footsteps come into the room, and I froze.



Jin and I both stare at each other in utter silence. Instead of being embarrassed like any boy his age, I could feel his gaze on every inch of my body. A hint of lust and desire oozed from him for a moment. But it quickly disappeared, he started nodding to himself? I watch as he walks past me toward the fridge.

He rummages around for a brief second before pulling out a carton of apple juice and two orange ones. He finally stands up, smiles and gives a thumbs up to me.

"Looking amazing there, Grayfia, can't wait for what the future holds."

He grins and leaves me there; I could feel my entire face heat up…

…No one has seen me like this before but him… If it were any normal being I would have already erased their memory, but I can't do anything to him, he's far too strong for me to deal with.

I could hear him chuckle at me as he left through the door. Jin… I swear to all Satans… I don't understand these feelings anymore, it's all because of him!

Jin Skyward

I make my way back to the living room with juice in hand, I give them theirs and sit back down on the couch.

"Looks like Grayfia was in the kitchen."

I smirk remembering her figure.

"Towel, naked, curves."

Akeno deadpans and I just let out a small laugh too.


I take a sip of orange juice.

"Grayfia is no longer safe from the leeching hands of the Dragon God."

"The Dragon God of Lust."

Ingvild adds.

"No, please don't, I don't want a weird title associated with me."

I could feel my lip twitch at the sound of that dumb title. Neither girl answers my plea and both remain silent. I could see from the corner of my eyes that they were both grinning.

Cúntóir: Answer: Grayfia Lucifuge's heartbeat increased.


Grayfia eventually joins us in the living room, and was not amused by me and was slightly passive-aggressive towards me, which earned giggles from the other two and also teasingly called me by the title.

The next day

Japan, Kuoh

I woke up from my slumber to find nothing but empty air beside me. I turned to each side and both girls were missing from their usual spots. I wonder where they are? It felt strange not having a sleeping face by my crotch or some drool on me.

I got up from bed, but before I left the floor, I checked on Ingvild's room, she was still sound asleep. The previous day's shenanigans probably tired her out more than she would be willing to admit. I guess sleeping for 100 years and then being bombarded with all of that can be exhausting.

I got downstairs only to find Grayfia, now this was even more confusing. Cúntóir what time is it?

Cúntóir: Answer: 7:28 a.m.


Grayfia noticed me and greets me

"Good morning, Jin. They are with the Gremory peerage if you're wondering where Akeno and Kuroka are. To all three of our surprise, Rias had called her in for training. She also told her to Invite Kuroka."

Now that was surprising, maybe my little stunt yesterday kick-started a fire in her?

"I didn't expect that. So, they were probably up early then."

"It wasn't all that noble of a reason, though…"

Grayfia lets out a tired sigh.



Third Person Point of View

Kitchen – Dining Room

6:30 a.m.

Grayfia, Kuroka, and Akeno had woken up earlier today for no particular reason and had been idly chatting for around 10 minutes before a magic circle suddenly appeared with the crest of Gremory on it.


Akeno called out for her King.

"Akeno? Come to the clubroom now, we're going to start training."

She said through the circle.

The room was stunned into silence, you could almost hear a pin drop.

"B-But I thought it wouldn't start until this coming week or next week…"

"I know, but I want to start now and get a head start… Also, that was a humiliating defeat. I can't let that slide. I want to show that person what the Gremory can do."

Akeno and the other two couldn't help but give awkward smiles and chuckles at her real reasoning.

Rias Gremory just wanted a bit of revenge for the 'humiliating' defeat by the hands of Jin from the previous day.

"I've asked Koneko to bring Kuroka as well, seeing as how she can help train her easier. Try to get here as soon as possible."

Rias cuts the circle and another one appears beside Kuroka.


The younger Nekoshou was clearly still tired and sleepy.

"I heard from your King just now, Shirone nya. I'll be there, nya."

Kuroka didn't mind assisting her sister, even with the absurd reasoning from the heiress.

"Thank you… Nee-sama…"

Shirone says with a yawn and cuts the circle.

"I guess we have a busy day today, Kuroka."

Akeno sighed; she wasn't sure if they would have time to complete their contracts.

"Yeah, we do nya, Grayfia can you tell Jin about this and why we're gone nya?"

"Of course, just leave it to me."

Grayfia got up and decided to make a quick breakfast for the two.

Flashback end

"And that's what happened."

Grayfia finished telling me what had happened an hour earlier.

"So, she wants to get back at me? I mean, that's fine as long as she's actively training and getting stronger."

While childish, it's still a way for her to progress, and it's a welcomed change.


I let out a long sigh.

"But that means I'm alone again today, well, I guess Ingvild is here."

"I am also here."

Grayfia tells me a bit irritated that I forgot about her.

"Yes, yes, you're here to Fia, my lovely maid."

She just let out a tired sigh and said nothing.

"Actually, I'll go visit Grigori later on. Wanna come?"

"Yes, I am free."

She replies, I look at her, and she was blushing.

Did what I say earlier have some effect on her? Time to tease her a bit then, I walk towards Grayfia with a grin, the Devil Maid freezes and stared back blankly at me, unsure of what to do.

I reach said woman and tilt her chin up, I'm quite taller than most of my harem, so doing this was easy.


I whisper to her. I could feel her shiver when I called her name out. She stared at me unblinkingly. As I brought our lips closer together, I could feel her breathing quicken.


Grayfia's teasing was interrupted by a familiar voice. When I turned around, I saw the female Seraph, herself.

"I'm here to visit!"

She announces happily. She looks at Grayfia and I, confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just checking if Grayfia had a bug on her head."

I back away from Grayfia who was visibly annoyed by the sudden interruption. That annoyance would have been directed at me when I told her I was just teasing her.

Sorry, Gabriel, you're taking an L for Team Jin.

"I wanted to spend some time with you! What are we going to do? Are we going somewhere?!"

Almost like an energetic child, she asks me questions one after another while looking around the room.

"I was planning on taking you to Grgori, where you'll have a chance to meet with your old brothers and sisters who fell from Heaven."

She visibly lights up.

"Sounds good!"

I walk over to her and point into another room

"How about waiting in the living room, I want to talk to Grayfia about something before we do other stuff."

The Seraphs happily agrees and practically skips to the living room and plops down on the couch. I turn back to the Devil Maid, and she looked like she wanted to say something.

I need to be a bit forceful with her if I am to make any kind of progress… Grayfia watched me, confused about what I wanted to talk to her about.

I flash stepped in front of her and picked her up, much to the maid's surprise. I pin her up against the wall, she instinctively wrapped her legs and arms around me for support.

Once up against the wall, she looked up at me, mortified and blushing furiously.


I leaned up close to her and whispered into her ear

"You will be mine, Grayfia, I promise you that."

Using a bit of force, I kissed her neck, which made her moan softly. I finally let her down, and she unwraps herself, I leave for the living room to re-join Gabriel. Leaving the Devil Maid, a blushing mess.

Cúntóir: That was aggressive of you.

It was necessary, just to show her that I was serious about her. Grayfia herself was unsure of herself, so I decided to give her a small push. I also left a hickey on her. I grinned at her finding out soon enough.

Cúntóir: Answer: Grayfia Lucifuge's affection increased considerably.

I chuckled at that; progress is progress.

Grayfia Lucifuge

My morning had started off quite early, I woke up earlier than usual. I would be up more quickly if I were still by Sirzech's side, and to a certain extent the Gremory household. This is because I was the head maid and had to get this done.

But when I'm living here, Jin usually has things ready and doesn't need much help with anything. I feel quite useless from time to time because of him.

While I got some things for breakfast ready, both Akeno and Kuroka had also come down early and started among themselves. They also started to talk about vulgar topics that involved themselves and Jin.

Young devils and their vulgarity... I could not remember a time that I was like that. Perhaps times have really changed since they can afford to think of such things.

I join them at the dinner table and listen attentively to their discussion. However, not too soon after, a communication circle with the Gremory clan symbol appears beside Akeno, much to the surprise of us all.

Rias informed her that they were going to start training today and wanted her there as quickly as possible. Initially impressed by her activity, my impression soon faded as she explained her true motives - Rias Gremory, the soon-to-be heir of the Gremory Clan, just wanted to beat Jin back in a future sparring match.

That is impossible, due to his strength… I couldn't help but sigh disappointedly. At least she's taking the initiative, right? Jin should be thinking along those lines.

After Rias ended her call, another one came in from Kuroka's sister Koneko— Or as she refers to her as Shirone. She also asked her sister for help. Kuroka was more than happy to assist, and she'd join them.

"I shall make you two breakfasts then; you have a long day ahead of you."

I get up and go back to the kitchen, I could hear them thanking me.

Jin appeared suddenly after the two of them left around ten minutes ago. He asked where the two girls were, and I told him.

He was impressed, but also complained of being alone for the day.

Ingvild is still here… So am I. I got slightly irritated that he dismissed my existence.

"I am still here, you know."

"Yes, yes, you're here to Fia, my lovely maid."

He said and waved me off, but I couldn't help but blush.


Third Person Point of View

"Aren't you his maid now, Grayfia-chan?"

A playful Satan asks.


"Of course, if you're not comfortable with it, then I'll have to turn it down. But he doesn't seem the type to take no for an answer."

A red-haired sis-con Satan says.


"Well, you've met Akeno and Kuroka. Lastly, there's a human female mage known as Lavinia Reni. Those are the ones who are officially in it… For now."

Jin glances at Grayfia and they make eye contact. She sports a small blush and looks away.


"Looking fantastic, Grayfia, can't wait for what the future holds."

Jin grins and leaves the maid there; she was slowly turning red due to what just happened.

Flashback end


Grayfia Lucifuge

Jin had started to tease me again and had me up against the wall, I was unable to do anything again and froze, but we were interrupted by an angel suddenly teleporting in.

Much to my surprise, it was Gabriel, one of the Four Great Seraphs of Heaven. She announced that she was here to visit Jin and spend time with him. I felt annoyed by the sudden intrusion.

Why? Why did it annoy me so much? Did I really want to spend time with this man I've only spent a few days with?


Jin tells Gabriel to wait in the living room after telling her he was going to bring her to Grigori. Before I could say anything, he had me pinned up against the wall, I had by reflex wrapped both my legs and arms around the man who had pinned me.


I was in such an embarrassing position and could only helplessly call out the boy's name. He looked down at me, almost like a predator towards its prey. I gulp in anticipation, he— He wouldn't do anything rash… Right?

"You will be mine, Grayfia, I promise you that."

He growled out and kissed my neck aggressively.


I couldn't help but moan out as he kissed my neck quite forcefully. He also pushed his lower half, hard, against me. I also felt something hard pressing against my own nether region.


T-This boy is…

But to my dismay and joy, he let go of me and reverted back to his carefree attitude. He left the room and left me a blushing, flustered, and bothered mess. The audacity of that boy… No— That man…

Jin Skyward

"Yo! Sorry for the wait."

I joined Gabriel on the couch. The Seraph had turned the TV on and had been watching a random show where it was left at last night.

"Welcome back Jin! So, what do we do before we go to Grigori?"

She asks as she swings her legs.


Cúntóir: Answer: 8:13 a.m.

A bit too early to go to Grigori… What to do…

"Hmm, how about this?"

I pat my lap and Gabriel happily sits on it. I bring out my smartphone.

"Do you have a smartphone, Gabriel?"

"No… I have seen Michael use it, but he has never let me use it as he was afraid of me finding something and falling…"

She grumbled a bit, but holds up her necklace and smiles.

"But I won't need to worry about that anymore."

"Haha, I guess so."

I show Gabriel the wonders of the smartphone and the internet. However, I also try to avoid anything too extreme since I didn't want to overload her with that kind of information. We pass the time this way. Strangely, Grayfia doesn't appear at all.

11:38 a.m.

That should be fine for now, I let Gabriel mess around with my phone after showing her what it could do. She immediately looked up cute animal videos on Youtube as well as pictures. She was also interested in what the common human populace thought of the supernatural.

To her dismay, there were a lot of non-believers, and she got a bit upset at some people mocking and making fun of God and the angels. I had to pet her to calm her down, she wanted to appear to them, but I had to tell her that Michael probably wouldn't be too in with that idea, for now.

I have no idea if humans should know about the supernatural in the future. I can definitely prevent the invasion of ExE, but if I let it happen, then humans will definitely suffer the biggest setback as they probably won't have the weapons and firepower to fight back.

You would think that a nuke could do some damage, well, apart from also fucking humanity over if they start using that. However, the supernatural can do that in many cases. In particular, those who are at the top of the Ultimate-class and higher. I would wager low Ultimate-class can level an entire city with relative ease.

I can just imagine Satan Class and up being able to wipe out human cities easily, even with resistance. 'I'll leave that future headache for future me.'

Speaking of power levels… Cúntóir, how much was that 1% output from earlier?

Cúntóir: Answer: 1% output of a slightly above average Dragon God.

What? But isn't that a bit too strong? Originally, I thought you would inject the output into my Outer God powers.

Cúntóir: Answer: Your Outer God power output would be too much, as it will erase this entire universe. That is why I also took the liberty of putting an aura seal around the Bael Territory. If left unchecked, you would have alerted the entire Supernatural and destroyed half the galaxy.

Duly noted. Just curious, what would happen if I used… Like all my power? I've been curious about this since I became an Outer God.

Cúntóir: Answer: With the help of Cúntóir and as well as the Outer God Azathoth helping you become one yourself, you would destroy a large chunk of the Infinite Multiverse.

Cúntóir: Answer: Since Azathoth designed the Omniverse to repair itself over time, that missing part will create a new multiverse and the cycle begins again.

How strong are Outer Gods? Jesus' fuck.

Cúntóir: Answer: Not all Outer Gods are created as equals; however, your power is on par with Azathoth as you were turned by Azathoth himself after all, with my help your power is limitless. As mentioned in the skill description, your limit is your own imagination.

So, I'm like another Azathoth?

Cúntóir: Answer: Precisely, however, I personally think you will surpass him and become an entirely different being.

A different being? I waited for Cúntóir to respond, but she remained silent. I get more questions than answers… I wonder if I'll meet other Outer Gods in the future? Will they be friendly? Enemies? Neutral? That's probably the only time I'll have to engage in a serious fight.

"Jin… Jin! Jin!"

Gabriel called out to me, I finally come back to reality and see the Seraph worriedly looking at me.

"Huh? Oh, sorry about that Gabriel, I was just thinking of something, is something wrong?"

"Didn't you say we were heading to Grigori soon?"

She shakes her head and she holds up my phone and taps the time in the corner.

"Ah, yeah…"

I grab the phone from her and get up, Gabriel happily jumps up and stands beside me.

"We should go there now."

On cue, Grayfia shows up.

"Hey Grayfia, we're heading to Grigori now, are you ready?"

She doesn't make eye contact, but still speaks to me.

"Yes, I am ready, but what about Ingvild?"

I look up and see that she's still sleeping, her breathing is steady, and doesn't look like the sleeping disease randomly came back. She's just exhausted.

"We still have food, right? Just leave that for her and some instructions on how to use the microwave. I'd love to bring her with me, but she's still sleeping."

Grayfia nods and heads back to the kitchen and comes back soon after.

"Alright gather around."

Gabriel does so but Grayfia is a bit too far, I give her a look, and she turns away, so I grab her waist and pull her closer to me, and teleported us to Grigori.



I had teleported directly into Azazel's office again, but the Governor had even more stacks of paper around him.

"Huh? Oh, Jin, do you need something?"

He greets me without looking up.

"Just here for a little visit with Gabriel."

Upon mentioning the Seraphs name, Azazel's head snaps up and stares at us.

"Well color me surprised, I never thought I'd see you again, Gabriel, how long has it been?"

Azazel leaves his desk and tries to hug the angel, only for her to dodge.


"Michael explained why you fell; I also remember your lecherous gaze at me a few hundred years ago."

She puffs her cheek and tries to glare at Azazel, causing the Fallen to laugh.

"Did he now? I guess that won't work anymore. I guess I can jus—"

Azazel was interrupted when he felt a sudden pressure. A type of pressure he had never felt before, and he had a feeling that if he continues on what he was about to say he'd die, right there and then.

The Governor looked at me and gulped.

"Just going to go back to my own paperwork, you guys go have fun and explore!"

"That was the plan from the start, Ash Crow, thanks and see ya."

I wave to him and we leave the room.

Third Person Point of View

With Azazel

Azazel slumped down onto his chair, as he had felt the cold sweat on his back.

"What the hell was that?"

Azazel didn't know how to feel, as the type of pressure Jin had directed at him was beyond what a human with the [Boosted Gear] should be capable of.

"Is he really human…? Maybe he's a hybrid like Vali…"

He looked back at the door.

"Didn't think the little asshole could be that possessive."

He shakes his head.

"I ain't dying today, no sir."

Jin Skyward

As we left Azazel's office, I could see Grayfia staring at me with a weird expression.

"I'm not usually like that, I swear."

Grayfia removed my hand from her waist and step away slightly.

"I have not said anything, Jin."

Gabriel had walked in front of us, checking everything out within her reach. A few fallen recognized her and said hello to her. She was like Serafall… But angelic. An angelic ball of energy… Heh.


Both dragons groan at my dumb joke. Fuck both of you. I mentally give them the middle finger.

"Have you been here before, Grayfia?"

I ask the Devil Maid as I noticed her slightly shrink the distance between us as we both silently followed after Gabriel.

"Briefly in the past, while Sirzechs-sama and Azazel have made talks about peace, they have mainly done it through a magic communication circle, only once or twice in person. But one of those times was here, the other was in the human world."

She looks around, taking in the surroundings.

"So I haven't seen Grigori in detail, until today."

"I see, I've been numbed to it since I've been here a few times already."

The two of us fall silent again and watch the Seraph interact with the fallen she was once friends with back in Heaven. They were a bit shocked to see her, but once seeing me behind her, they understood and went along with it.


In a surprised tone, a feminine voice almost shouts. The Seraph turns around and sees another Fallen. The purple-haired big-breasted Fallen Penemue.

"Penemue! Long-time no see!"

She greets her and trots up to her.

"H-How did you get here? Wait, don't tell me you fell?!"

Penemue almost shouted, mortified at the thought of Gabriel falling. This caused the Seraph to giggle

"No, I'm here with Jin today."

She looked back at me and waved, Penemue also turned to see me with a devil.

"Ah— The harem king finally lands his clutches on an Angel… I knew it was bound to happen."

She says and squints her eyes at me.

"Harem King?"

Gabriel tilts her head, not understanding what Penemue said. We make it over to them and I karate chop Penemue on the head

"Do not corrupt this ball of wholesomeness."

She looked at me annoyed.

"Says the one who corrupts women into joining his harem!"

"I teased you once, are you still not over that?"

She crossed her arms and glared at me… This woman still not over that? Then how about actual grudges? Rest in peace to anyone that genuinely pissed her off.

"A maiden at heart is still a maiden."

Ah yes, people die when they are killed. What type of quote is that Penemue?



An all too familiar voice came from behind me. He banshee screams at me from behind. I turn around and grin at him.

"Hello, Vali."

Once I said that, Grayfia's eyes widen and look at the person I was talking to.

"You're here, fight me!!!"

"Sure, I did promise you when I next visited Grigori."

I shrug and turn to Penemue and Gabriel.

"You guys can finish talking and join us."

Penemue nods and tells Gabriel she'll bring her to them when they're done talking, a bit reluctant to part with me, but nods in the end.

"Good, follow me, we have to get this done before Lavinia gets back."

He turns around and starts walking away.

"Let's get going then, Fia."

I felt a pinch.

"Yeah, I'm getting used to that, thanks, Fia."

We arrived at the same sparring room we had our last match.

"You want to get beaten again in the same place?"

I had to ask, curious about his response.

"I was just caught off guard last time, this time I'll have the win."

He announces confidently.

"Sure thing."

We make our way to the same spot as last time.

"Same rules apply?"

"Yeah, same rules."

Grayfia doesn't act as a referee this time around and just stands at the sidelines, I could see more people show up but am interrupted by Vali's fist missing me.

"Don't get distracted!"

"You didn't even say start."

"There are no signals when a real fight starts!"

Third Person Point of View

Jin had dodged Vali's punch with ease and Vali continued with his assault, knowing that his Divine Dividing's abilities won't work Vali decided to use his own powers for now.

He had trained quite a bit after his loss to Jin and was confident he got even more powerful than before, so he had a bit of arrogance going into this fight.

'His base stats are still nowhere near Sairaorg.'

Jin concluded as he dodges a flurry of kicks from the young Lucifer. This goes on for the next minute, Vali throwing punch after punch, kick after kick, and none of them landing a hit on Jin.

"Let me hit you!"

Vali shouts. Which earned a chuckle from the sidelines.

"Hell no!"

Jin fires back.

Vali sends another punch to which Jin slightly moves his head to dodge, finally retaliating Jin pokes the young hybrid and smashes against the other side.


Vali yells out in pain and slumps to the ground. His Sacred Gear Divine Dividing appears.

{Vali, I suggest you stop being stubborn and use me.}

Albion informs his wielder.

"Fuck, yeah, whatever."

He stands up with a struggle.

"Balance Break!"

{Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!}

Vali was enveloped in a white light and was covered from head to toe in white armor with a giant blue gem in the middle of his chest.

Jin checked his stats, and they're still far below Sairaorg, the only way to make up with this was using Divine and that didn't exactly work on him.

"Let's do this, Jin!"

Vali's speed increased significantly and appeared to teleport behind Jin. However, he couldn't rely on his abilities. Therefore, he had to make do with the physical strength that he had and as well as the boost from his Balance Breaker. Vali sent another punch towards Jin, but to his surprise, Jin dodged it easily.

"Tch, I knew it wouldn't be that easy."


"Gotta try harder than that, Vali."

Jin dodged another punch from the young Lucifer.

{Vali, try that.}


Vali responded to Albion and jumped back. Jin could feel Vali gathering demonic energy and as well as energy from Divine dividing into his right fist. Jin let him do this for a few seconds until his whole fist was covered in a black and blue energy.

With the spectators

"Divine dividing."

Grayfia mumbles to herself.

Azazel, Penemue, Gabriel, Shuri, Baraqiel, and the Slash/Dog team had entered the room earlier and had been watching the match between the two.

"Yep… Been gathering some special people, Grayfia-chan ~"

"Save yourself Azazel, Jin already informed me of what you're doing here. I won't be reporting this back to Sirzechs-sama."

"Hooh? I guess Jin also has you in his clutches."

Azazel snickers at Grayfia as he sees her blush, it hasn't been that long since the incident of theirs.

"It's my first-time seeing Jin fight, I didn't think he would be this strong."

Commented Shuri.

"He brought you back to life, Auntie, we can only speculate how strong he is."

Tobio smiled wryly at his aunt. He was also interested in Jin's strength, but could never assess it.

"Vali's come a long way, so he should have a bit more leeway this time around."

Kouki adds.


Lavinia stops their commentary.

Everyone turns to her, a little stunned at what she said, as she's close to Vali, as if they're siblings, and is aware of his power and potential. They also know she recently started dating Jin, so how could she be so sure?

"What do you mean Lavinia?"

Azazel asks the blonde magician.

"Jin's powers are more than what meets the eye, if I had to describe it in words… Think of fiction, think of powers that are written on paper, powers you can only think of in your wildest dreams… He can probably make all that into reality."

She smiles as she looked back at the fight, specifically at Jin.

"The power to make anything come to reality? Is such a thing even possible?"

Tobio asked the group, but no one responded.

Even though Lavinia was not one hundred percent sure of her theory, she was sure of the things Jin, Kuroka, and Akeno showed her. She thinks she's on the right track.

"Vaa-kun is strong, we watched him grow, but… Jin is just… Something completely different. I can't imagine anyone winning against him."

Gabriel wanted to speak, but remembered that Jin had promised the Four Great Seraphs secrecy for now with what she had seen Jin do in heaven the day before. So, the Seraph had to keep her lips sealed for the time being.

Everyone who listened to Lavinia's short theory on Jin was stunned, they didn't want to believe it, maybe it was just a girl bragging about her boyfriend? But the sincerity in her voice was made them question it.

After a long silence, Grayfia breaks it.

"Jin's powers are sickening. I felt just 1% of it, and it brought at least two Super Devils down to their knees and made everyone else in the vicinity temporarily pass out, with I being the exception."

She shivered slightly.

"I don't want to be on the receiving end of that, ever again."

Again, everyone was shocked, the devil beside them known as the 'Strongest Queen' of the Underworld was that terrified? Also, they are aware of only two super devils of the Underworld thus far, and those two were part of the Top ten strongest in the world.

So, they looked worriedly at the match that was happening with this new information.

With Vali and Jin

"Are you ready, Jin?"

Vali asked seriously as he had finished charging up his attack.

"Any day, Vali."

Jin could see that the attack felt similar to Holy Nova from Fairy tail, a move by Sting Eucliffe.

Vali launches himself at Jin and throws his fist towards him, upon contact the energy explodes into a column of black and blue energy seemingly covering the entire room.

"Heh. I guess it was too much."

Vali had a grin on him, a very satisfied one.

"Why do you sound so satisfied with yourself?"

Jin asks, as the light and column of energy disappeared, Jin stood there with Vali's fist in his palm and unscathed.


Before Vali could speak any longer, Jin slapped him, making the hybrid crash into the ground, destroying it completely and knocking him out. Not a single piece of the floor remained, and the 'floor' was now just a giant crater, littered with the debris scattered around them.

The spectators had to fly or jump away from their spot or else they would have been caught up in it.

Vali's armor disappeared once he was unconscious and laid there with blood gushing out of his head. Jin brought out a healing slime and threw it at him, healing the hybrid instantly, but seemingly still stayed unconscious.

Jin repaired the destroyed ground before Azazel could start complaining to him. Jin proceeds to walk towards the group of spectators once they landed on the repaired floor. He also brought Vali by making him float beside him.

Jin Skyward

"Sup, sorry for the wait, was interested in the attack he made, so I wanted to let it play out."

I point towards the sleeping hybrid.

"Well, at least you fixed the damn floor."

Azazel looked like he was ready to start complaining once I was near enough to him.

"Right, anyway, at least he didn't say some chuunibyou one-liner for his attack. I would have cringed too hard if he did."

Which caused the group to snort.

"What was that stuff you threw at Vali?"

Azazel was curious as it seemingly healed the guy instantly.

"Healing slime, no, I won't be sharing."

I left no room for negotiation, and he just shrugged.

"I tried. Anyway, this is going to be a reoccurring thing for the foreseeable future."

He gestures to Vali to which I just shrug at him.

"Alright, show's over."

Azazel left, followed by Penemue, but the purple-haired fallen gave me a weird glance and then left. What was that about? I glance at Vali.

"This is too weird; I'll teleport him into his bed."

I snapped my fingers and Vali vanished, much like his title The Vanishing Dragon… Vanished badump tss.


"It's been some time, Jin."

Baraqiel puts his hand out for a handshake and I oblige.

"Yeah, it has been, how are things? Settling in fine?"

I looked at Shuri and she nods.

"Yep, everything's like it was before, all fine and dandy."

Which caused Baraqiel to blush.

"Right… We don't need details then… Anyway, I'll visit with Akeno soon."

"Speaking of our daughter, how has she been?"

Shuri asks like a typical parent.

"She's fine, she got stronger and today is training with her King and peerage. I gave them a bit of motivation to train."

Grinning at Rias's childish reasoning for training.

"Is that so? Alright, we'll get going then. I'll message Akeno tonight."

Shuri dragged Baraqiel away, they're probably going to resume their S&M play.

"I'll see you soon too, Tobio!"

"Bye Auntie."

Tobio looked at Baraqiel with an apologetic look. I went over to Tobio and put my hands on his shoulders

"So, Tobi, did you confess yet?"


Tobio stared at me blankly before removing my hands from him and walking away.

"Okay, I'm done here."

"Hey! Tobi! What was this about confessing to someone?! IS IT SAE?!"

Kouki followed after his leader wanting to know more answers and the group of girls started giggling.

"Coward! You said you'd confess!"

I screamed at him and he quickened his pace.

I feel something latch onto me and see that Lavinia did, as she did, so I pulled her closer to me. I could see Gabriel puff her cheeks and Grayfia roll her eyes. They're jealous. I couldn't help but grin at Grayfia, and she looked away.

Gabriel probably didn't understand why she was acting like that, I'll need to confront her about it later.

"So, you guys were on a mission today?"

Turning to Shigune and Natsume, both replied with a nod.

"Yeah, but it was just a quick retrieval and seeing if a Sacred Gear user was present in the same area, they weren't."

Shigune told a summarized version of the events.

"A day wasted, basically. I mean, we can't teleport around the place like you, we have to take planes and stuff. Reni's teleportation takes a while to do, depending on the distance."

Natsume sighed; she didn't like wasting a day like that.

"So, this is your current harem plus Kuroka and Akeno."

Grayfia deadpans, causing all the girls except Lavinia to blush. She just happily hugged me more, this however irritated Grayfia.

The group proceeds to tell me about what had happened to them in the last few days, mainly Natsume and Shigune, Lavinia just enjoyed herself beside me, Gabriel kept silent, looks like she was thinking about something and Grayfia stood beside me while looking at Lavinia with contempt from time to time.

'Fia, don't look at her like that.'

I reprimand the maid, and she looked shocked at me. But nodded silently and closed her eyes.


"What's a harem?"

Gabriel finally speaks up. Everyone in the room stares at the Seraph for a moment.

"This is Gabriel, one of the original Four Great Seraphs, she accompanied me today."

I explain to the three girls of Slash/Dog.

"A S-Seraph?! Wow!"

Shigune exclaimed and looked at her with fascination, Natsume joined along, which caused Gabriel to giggle.

"A harem is a group of women in a relationship with one man, or vice versa, although that's called a reverse harem, as a harem is typically associated with men."

Grayfia explains to the Angel.

"Harems are natural in the supernatural world, more so with devils, as our birth rates are low. However, other pantheons and supernatural races also acknowledge that harems are a natural thing to them."


Gabriel stares at me for a moment before falling silent, assumingly thinking of the implications of what a harem can do.


Lavinia calls out to me as well as tagging on my arm.

"Hmm? What's up?"

I turn to her and pat her head.

"C-Can we go on a date soon…?"

She asks shyly, her two teammates freeze on the spot, the same with Grayfia as she looked at the girl in surprise.

"Sure, though, I did promise Akeno and Kuroka to go on one with them first… You'll have to wait a bit before I can take you out."

"Mmm! That's fine!"

She happily accepts my proposal. I talk to them for a little bit more before saying that I have to go home soon as the day was ending. Lavinia pouted a bit but relented after I give her a kiss on the cheek, making the girl go into a blushing mess.

"Alright, see you guys soon!"

I wave to them and so do they.

Japan, Kuoh.

Skyward household

7:46 p.m.

"That took longer than I thought it would…"

I slumped down onto the couch. But when I did, I noticed Ingvild sitting there staring at me.

"Oh crap! In! Sorry, I didn't hit you on the way down, did I?"

I ask and look at her.

"I'm fine."

She smiled and took a sip of her orange juice.

"How was Grigori?"

I let out a sigh.

"It was fine, Gabriel"

I gestured to the Seraph, who was still thinking.

"She had a lot of people to meet and catch up with, oh she's one of the Four Great Seraphs of Heaven, by the way."

Ingvild's eyes widen and stared at the Angel in awe.

"She's a bit busy now, though."

I chuckled and In smiled.

"How was your day? I wanted to bring you with us, but you were still asleep."

"It was fine, I woke up around noon and had breakfast— No lunch, wait no— I looked up a word for this…"

Ingvild takes out her phone and fiddles with it

"Ahh— I had brunch!"

She seemed proud of the new word she learned today.

"Ah yeah, brunch…"

"I did have a bit of trouble with the microwave, though, even with the instructions left by Grayfia-san… I had to look up a tutorial on Youtube."

She looked embarrassed.

"I felt so stupid when I saw how easy it was when the person did it…"

She let out a long and heavy sigh.

"I should have taught you that yesterday, that's on me."

"No, no, it's my own fault."

We bicker back and forth, and I could see Gabriel intently staring at us.

"Gabriel, would you like me to teleport you back to Heaven?"

"Oh, yes please, but before that…"

She trails off, we all stare at the Seraph, waiting for her to continue.

"Am I in your harem, Jin?"

She asks innocently.


And another curveball today! Grayfia stood there shocked as well, Ingvild who was sipping away at her juice accidentally spit some out.

How the hell do I approach this? ...Okay, let's start with that.

"Gabriel, do you know what love is? Or understand the feeling?"

"Yes! I love everyone in Heaven, humanity, and as well as my fallen brothers and sister in Grigori."

She answers my question honestly. I mean, she's not wrong, but that's not the type of love I was thinking of.

"Gabriel, while that is a type of love, that isn't what I was referring to."

"The type of love I'm thinking about is, a much deeper, and intense kind of love. Perhaps the love I was thinking of has both pure and sinful definitions. Take Lavinia from earlier, she's part of my harem, I love her."

"I want to spend a lot of time with her, be intimate, like kissing, hugging, cuddling, and eventually being more physical with her, through sex."

"I would be saddened if she suddenly left me, got killed or something happens to either of us that prevents us from seeing each other on a regular basis, I want her all to myself. Whenever I'm with her, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling deep in my core, even more so when I'm with them. I wanted to spoil her earlier, but that would be unfair to the people around us, so I held back."

"The end goal with this kind of love is to stay with each other for as long as they can, or forever, till death do us a part, right?"

I look back at Gabriel.

"Marriage and children will also come about at some point in the future."

I look at Grayfia and grin.

"Some, are a bit hesitant and, need a bit of coaxing."

Said Devil Maid blushes and turns away.

I glance at Ingvild.

"While others need more time to find those feelings out for themselves."

I turn back to Gabriel as she had a small frown on her.

"Is that the kind of love you feel for everyone at Heaven, humanity, and your fallen brothers and sisters in Grigori?"

Gabriel falls silent after my speech.

"…Jin, please send me back to Heaven."

"Sure thing, see you soon, Gabriel."

I didn't want to push an answer from her and obliged.

"Mmmm, bye-bye."

She waves at us and disappeared.

I didn't just make that statement to you, Gabriel, the other two in this room are just as guilty as you. Hopefully, Grayfia will come to a conclusion soon. I'm too used to her presence here for her to say no in the end.

I could feel both women's gaze at me, probably in deep thought after the speech of love to the Seraph, and about their own feelings.


Sixth Heaven

Third Person Point of View



Michael called out to her, but she didn't respond, worried, Michael went by her side and rubbed her back.

"Is something the matter, Gabriel? Did the visit not go well? Michael became worried, but Gabriel shook her head.

"No, it went really well actually… But I don't understand what Jin said to me just before I came back…"

"What did he say?"

Curious now, Michael pushed forward with his questions.

"I asked him if I was in his harem, but instead he asked me if I knew what love is…"

Gabriel looked at Michael, who had a look of surprise

"I told him the type of love I had, but he said that it wasn't the type of love he was asking about."

'I guessed as much…'

Michael smiled sadly at his sister. Gabriel told Michael word for word what Jin had said about his type of love, and the Seraph nodded along.

"There are many types of love, Gabriel, what Jin described is just one of them. While your love is not wrong, it's not the same as his."

'Perhaps it's time to let the chick leave the nest? I hope you're fine with my decision, father.'

Michael smiles at his sister.

"Tell me, Gabriel, how would you feel if Jin suddenly died or was killed suddenly?


Gabriel looked back at Michael in shock.

"I don't want that to happen, it makes my heart hurt to think about something like that. But I would also feel the same if you, Uriel, Raphael, or anyone in heaven were to suddenly die…"

'You truly are kind and caring…'

Michael couldn't help but smile at Gabriel, Father truly created her with such kindness and care within her heart.

"Then, how would you feel if Jin suddenly started ignoring you? What if he starts to not treat you like he does? He pushes you away from him anytime you try hugging him, what if he doesn't pet you anymore."

"…If he never shows that kindness to you ever again, if he was taken away from you and never allowed to be your friend and be that close to you again. What kind of feelings would you have, Gabriel?"

Gabriel stood there, trying to imagine those things happening to her. She didn't like it, and she starts to get teary-eyed.

"I don't want that to happen, I don't want Jin to hate me, I don't like thinking of Jin being like that…"

Michael smiled at her.

"Then think of the opposite of that, how would you feel if he treated you like, the female magician from earlier? How would you feel? Just think about that for now, Gabriel."

The female Seraph nodded and left for her room.

With Michael

"Haaah… Did I just help jump-start my sister's love for Jin?"

Michael sighed again and gave a complicated smile at the door that his sister just left out of.

"If it does come to it, I'll leave her in your care, Jin. Father, I hope I'm making the right decisions…"

With Gabriel

Gabriel walked through Sixth Heaven in a daze. She wasn't sure what to think or how to feel. She took her brother's advice and started thinking of scenarios with her and Jin. But she had some trouble, she didn't know what kind of scenes should play out in her head.

However, before long it came to her, the short interactions she saw Jin have with the female magician Lavinia... Gabriel decided to replace the girl with herself, and as soon as she did she turned into a blushing mess.

"That's too embarrassing…"

Every time she did, she would bury her face into her hands. She eventually reached her own room and jumped onto her bed, she usually would have a routine and change into more comfortable clothes, but she was too preoccupied with her thoughts.

"Jin… Jin… Jin…"

Every time that name left her mouth, her heart ached.

"Father… I don't know how to approach this…"

[Follow your own heart]


Gabriel heard a voice, but didn't know where it came from. It startled her because it sounded just like her Father, the God of the Bible.

"Follow my heart…"

Gabriel put her hands on her chest.


Gabriel imagined herself again in those scenarios, the joy, happiness, and other indescribable feelings that invaded her heart and felt sinful, but she liked it…

But the necklace didn't glow, her thoughts, for the time being, were pure.


"I love him."


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