Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 1 – Chapter 8 – A Place to call Home

Next day

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

Jin Skyward


It felt strange, both Kuroka and Akeno are sleeping normally for once, I did not expect this, but Kuroka is still drooling on me though, Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: 8:13 a.m. and 1 Message from Lavinia Reni.

A message? I summon my phone, and it's just one message: I miss you. It also had a sad emoji. I should invite her to live with me soon. I feel terrible for making her wait so long.

I decided to message her back, 'I miss you too, call me later, I want to ask you a question.' After that, I threw my phone back into my [Inventory] and woke the girls up.


Kuroka said as she licked her own drool from my neck.

"…Good morning…"

Akeno was clearly still tired, but slowly got up.

"No training for today, girls?"

They tiredly shook their heads. I guess Rias isn't quite ready to go full throttle yet. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I kissed both on the cheek and left. The two were still groggy and hugging each other as they slowly drifted back to sleep. At least they get along, rather than fight.

Once I stepped out of my room, I bumped into Ingvild who was humming a tune.

"Morning, you're up early today."

I decided to stretch a bit before continuing.

"Yep, I got a good night's sleep yesterday, and I managed to sleep earlier than everyone else last night. Though, I kind of regret not staying up since everyone seemed to enjoy the show you were watching…"

"Sorry, we got a bit loud watching some dumb funny fails compilation on Youtube."

Are we mean for laughing at people getting hurt? Maybe, did they deserve it? Perhaps. The vast majority of them did those deliberately, so they know what was coming their way.

I gesture for Ingvild to go ahead of me, and she happily accepts and continues to hum whatever melody she was humming. I follow suit, and we soon enter the kitchen with Grayfia still cooking some food.

"Morning Fia, sleep well?"

I greet the Devil Maid, Ingvild does the same, and she turns back to look at us.

"Good morning, I will be finished soon. Could you please put the plates on the table?"

I obliged and used magic to make them float to their spots at the table.

Ingvild sits down and turns on her phone. Deciding to tease Grayfia a bit, I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I lay my head on her right shoulder.

"What's for breakfast?"

Not missing a beat—

"That's not safe, Jin, and to answer your question I'm making the same breakfast you made not too long ago, the Irish breakfast."

She didn't even bat an eye at my teasing. Is she getting use to it? I look at Grayfia, and she was sporting a small blush but had a satisfied smile on her face… Or not, I guess my teasing from yesterday worked. I feel Grayfia let some of her weight onto me, relaxing as she continues to cook.

I could feel Ingvild's gaze at the back of my head, she's definitely watching us. We stayed silent as Grayfia continued to cook, a comfortable silence, nothing awkward. I eventually let go, and I see her slightly deflate.

I smile and walked back to Ingvild who was also smiling. Did she like that interaction? I sit beside her

"Any plans today In?"

"Just checking the internet for anything that catches my interest. A lot of things have happened while I was asleep. I also started checking out DeviTube, there's… A lot of fascinating things being uploaded by devils…"

She didn't seem to want to elaborate on that. I should take a look at that place soon, DeviTube, the Youtube for Devils. As I ponder this thought, Kuroka and Akeno walk into the dining room, sleep still apparent in their eyes.

"Morning sleepy heads."

I waved to them, and Kuroka just flopped down onto her seat. Akeno tried to be more elegant in her approach, but she ended up doing the same thing as Kuroka did.

"Good mornya…"

She replied with eyes still closed, leaning backwards. Akeno also greeted us while yawning.

Grayfia comes and put the food onto our plates, the smell wakes Kuroka up, making the Nekoshou sit up straight eager to eat. Grayfia sits down to join us, and we all dig in; we ate in silence for the majority of the time until near the end.

"Any plans today, girls?"

"Sirzechs-sama requires my help, so I will be returning back to the Underworld."

Grayfia was the first to answer, she had already finished her breakfast.

"No… Nya…"

While chewing her food, the cat girl yawned and answered.

"I'll be doing contracts, hopefully until the afternoon… If I don't have too many. Hopefully Rias won't ask to train us today, she did say yesterday was just a trail run…"

Akeno looked slightly annoyed by the sudden training Rias asked them to do.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mind training, but the way we were doing it yesterday was a bit…"


Kuroka finishes her sentence for her.

"Yes, that. It almost seemed like something an anime protagonist would do for training, I mean, it was slightly effective? I didn't feel much change, but Rias did, apparently."

Akeno let out a tired sigh and resumed eating.

"Browsing… Devi… And Youtube…"

Ingvild said as she ate her breakfast.

"Make sure you don't become a NEET now, alright?"


Ingvild took her smartphone out and looked the word up. She blushed a bit once she saw the definition.

"I— I won't become a NEET… I'm just… Looking up things about the modern world…"

The Hybrid mumbled, embarrassed.

"I'm only teasing you, In, lighten up."

I chuckled and patted her on the back.

"Oh, right, Kuroka, we're going on a date later in the afternoon so be ready, alright?"


This definitely woke her up as she bolted upwards, shaking the table, much to Grayfia's annoyance.


"But I thought I was first…"

Akeno pouted.

"Yes, we're heading to Hokkaido later, don't worry Akeno, we'll go out tomorrow, so clear your schedule."

Happy with the information she received, she nodded and finished the last bits of food from her plate, Kuroka had jumped up and put her plate in the sink

"I'm going shopping, nya!"

She quickly left for upstairs.

"She's quite eager about it."

Ingvild also got up as she finished breakfast. The rest of us followed and put the dishes in the sink. Grayfia proceeded to clean them and our morning continued on as normal.

Khaos Brigade

Third Person Point of View


Ophis sat on a chair as she swung her legs idly. She put her hand into the bag of sweets Jin had given her not too long ago. However, she found that there weren't any left. She looked down and frowned. The Dragon God showing emotions was not common, but this time she had a look of annoyance.

"Sweets… Candy… Jin…"

She mumbled to herself, she was out of sweets now, and she craved more. Ophis also wanted to leave the place for now as it would get too noisy every now and again. She didn't like constant noise. Therefore, she desperately wanted to go back to her home.

Ophis got up and started walking to the front entrance, passing by other beings there who avoided eye contact with her as they were scared to incur her wrath. This rarely happened as she was dulled down in emotions.

"Ophis? Where are you going?"

Cao Cao had just returned from a trip when he came across the Dragon God.


As blunt as usual, she gave a one-word answer and continued walking, ignoring the rest of the young man's questions.

Once outside, Ophis felt for Jin's energy throughout all realms and found it near the town of Kuoh, Japan. It was very faint, but it was there. Ophis noted how most beings wouldn't even be able to tell if they weren't as strong as her.

Nodding to herself, she teleported into the town like she did before and started to follow his signature and found herself in front of a house.

"Candy man…"

She reached out and knocked on the door.

Jin Skyward

It was around 10 a.m. and everyone had left to do what they needed to do for the day. I was just lazily hanging around with Ingvild in the living room. I was surfing the TV channels. She was on her phone, earphones in, and watching something on Youtube.

I had made a bag of chocolate for us, and we would occasionally take one or feed one to each other. I accidentally put it near Ingvild's nose a few minutes ago. This caused both of us to laugh, and she did the same to me on purpose a minute later.

Ding ~ Dong ~

The doorbell rang which was rare, we didn't get many normal visitors, so I wonder who it could be.

"That's rare, I hope it isn't salesmen or something."

"They're a thing in this era too?"

Ingvild looked a bit annoyed, I guess they were even in her era too. I got up and headed to the door and opened it. To my surprise, Ophis was there

"O-Ophis? What're you doing here?"

A bit surprised at the sudden visit. She says nothing and comes in, looks around and eventually walks into the living room where Ingvild was.


She let out a surprised shriek. I walk back to the living room and I see Ophis sitting on the coach eating the bag of chocolates on the table. Ingvild had got up and was standing a bit away from the Dragon God while giving me a weird look.

I sighed and rub the back of my head.

"Ingvild, don't say anything to anyone but—"

I gesture to Ophis

"Meet the Dragon God of Infinity, Ophis."

"A-Another Dragon God…"

In's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets.


Tilting her head, Ophis didn't understand the 'another' part.

"Don't worry about it, anyway, why are you here, Ophis?"

I walked over and sat beside her, as did Ingvild after coming out of her shock.

"Sweets… I, ran out."

She took another piece of chocolate and ate it while looking around the living room, eventually settling on the TV.


I was wondering when that would happen, I guess it finally did. How should I deal with this person? I reach over to the remote and turn the TV off as I notice her staring at it.


She turns her gaze at me as she silently stares at me.

"It's quiet here."

"Yeah, I have some sound insulation covering the house, the outside world can get loud from time to time. We also are part of the supernatural, so we can just sense whatever disturbance is out there without needing to hear the noise."

It makes sense why it's so quiet here... Also, it works both ways, the sound inside isn't heard from outside, and the other way around.

"My harem is also out for the day, well, two of them should be home soon."

As I say that, Ophis turns her head to Ingvild.

"She's a special case, a roommate."

Ingvild puffed out her cheeks and said nothing. Cute, she's a bit upset.


She shakes her head—

"Join Khaos Brigade?"

"I gave you my answer already, Ophis, and it's a no."

She nodded and didn't push for another answer.

"Khaos Brigade? What's that?"

"A terrorist organization, they started popping up recently, it's made up of powerful individuals and groups, no one knows their goal, but…"

I look at Ophis as she keeps eating silently.

"She's the leader and has only one goal, and that's to return to the Dimensional Gap, her home."

"A terrorist group…"

Ingvild frowned, she didn't like the sound of that but was intrigued by the reason for its creation.

"Why doesn't she just go back?"

"Great Red… She won't leave my home."

S-She? HOLD THE HELL UP! No... No, no, no, why now of all times do we need a gender bend? Cúntóir!! Scan this damn universe for any more gender bends!!! I practically screamed at her.

Cúntóir: Answer: Scanning Draconic Deus… 0 other beings found as gender-bend…. Maybe.

M-Maybe?! Why is Great Red the one to be gender-bent?! I look defeatedly at Ophis,

"Great Red is female? Are you sure?"

She nods.

"She, is female. I am genderless."

She proceeds to transform into an adult version of herself and then back to her loli form.


As I let out another sigh, I saw her raise her hands. Understanding the request, I create two more bags of sweets and hand them to her. She saunters back down and silently starts eating them.

Cúntóir: Answer: I suggest giving her a new Dimensional Gap.

Excuse me?

Cúntóir: Answer: Necklace, create a necklace that will house a newly created Dimensional Gap much like her old home, entice her with unlimited sweets and silence.

…This sounds so wrong on so many levels.

Cúntóir: Answer: Then take that opportunity to…

Okay, okay, I get it. Make the necklace then.

Cúntóir: Answer: Creating a necklace that will host three Dimensional Gaps…


Cúntóir: Answer: Completed

Once Cúntóir finished creating the item, it appeared in the air floating in front of me. The chain was gold in color, and the pendant had three dragon heads. On the left was red, the middle was blue, and the right was purple.

Why three heads with different colors?

Cúntóir: Answer: Three heads, three dragons.


Both Ophis and Ingvild stared at me and the brand-new necklace that just popped into existence. I put the necklace around my neck and looked into it, and it definitely looked like the Dimensional Gap Cúntóir anything special about this thing?

Cúntóir: Answer: You or the being inside of it can control what the landscape will look like, the Dimensional Gap stretches on forever, you could say, it's Infinite, like the Dragon God of Infinity that was born within, as well as the Dragon of Dreams.

I guess that's fine. It won't leak her presence or aura, right?

Cúntóir: Answer: It will hide any and all auras, mana, draconic energy, and other types of energies, from the outside it will act and look like a normal necklace.

"Jin, what is that?"

Ingvild was the one to ask the question as Ophis gazed at the necklace in fascination. I smiled. Might as well.

"Ophis, how about you abandon your goals and organization?"

To which she just tilts her head.


I point to the necklace.

"I just made three Dimensional Gaps within these necklaces. If you wish, you can go in there and attain the silence you always wanted."

Her eyes widened after I told her what the necklaces could offer, but she still looked hesitant

"And… I can always give you sweets directly through it…"

It feels so wrong to say that last part, sweet fuck. Ophis had stopped eating and seemed to have slipped into deep thought as she looked at the ground with her eyes closed. Ingvild got up and checked out the necklace.

"Three dragon heads with different eye colors… Do you plan on having three dragons in each of them?"

She looked at me accusatorily.

"A dragon-based harem too?"

"No comment."

She just laughed at me and sat back down. I look back at Ophis, who is still thinking.

"You can also join us here to eat food, there are more tasty things other than sweets, you'll be close to me and get pats anytime too."


I walked over after she asked the question and started petting her head. She was a bit surprised and tried to swat my hand away, but I dodged and kept going. Ophis just closed her eyes and ate her sweets.

I could see Ingvild looking at me patting Ophis, a look of curiosity. Maybe she's wondering how it would feel? I did give her a quick one before.

"This, feels pleasant, more."

Ophis insisted, her life was good at that moment. She had sweets, pets, and silence.

After a while, she stops my petting and looks up

"I, want to test it out first before making a final decision."

"Sure thing, yours is in the middle, the blue one. Just concentrate on entering it, and it'll transport you in, also do the same, so you can leave any time you want."

Ophis nods and looks at the blue-eyed dragon's head. She suddenly turns and disappears, and the blue eye briefly glows.


The blue eye glowed and Ophis's voice could be heard.

"I can hear you, just go explore the place. Oh, and also, you can change how it looks in there, just think of what you want it to look like."


In the necklace

Third Person Point of View

Once the Dragon God was transported into the necklace she looked around, much to her surprise it looked and felt like the Dimensional Gap, her home. Something in her sweltered up, but Ophis didn't understand the feeling.


She called out and the young human boy told her to explore the place and told her how to change how it looked.

Ophis nodded to herself, jumped up, and flew in a random direction. Ophis wanted to see if this brand-new Dimensional Gap could live up to her old home, to her surprise it did. It felt the same but had a strange warmth to it. It didn't feel horrible, it felt pleasant. She didn't hate the feeling.


She heard Jin call out her name.

"I'll send in a bag of sweets."

Another bag of sweets appeared directly in front of her, much to her surprise, she grabbed it and stored it somewhere else as she still had another bag to finish.

Happy with how the new dimension worked, she flew for a few more minutes. She finally landed and felt strange. She had been in the human world for so long that she started to get used to its different colors and structures.

So, using what Jin said, she started to think of changing the landscape. To her surprise, it did. The place slowly morphed into, funnily enough, Jin's house, more specifically his living room, but the TV wasn't there as she didn't have enough knowledge about it.

She sat down on the sofa and ate her sweets in silence. Ophis thought about her life so far, the endless time in Dimensional Gap. She left it to explore the human world, when she came back another being like her had taken residence in it.

Great Red, she called herself, but also had a name. Ophis ignored her wishes, as she only wished to kick the dragon out of her home. But much to her surprise, she easily matched her in power, even when using quite a bit of it.

Great Red even offered to share the Dimensional Gap, but Ophis didn't want it, calling her noisy and a nuisance. They would fight every now and again, only ending in a stalemate, forcing Ophis to leave to another part to think of a way to get the dragon to leave.

She eventually left the Dimensional Gap and started the organization Khaos Brigade in order to get strong individuals to join in her crusade of ridding her home of said dragon.

Many groups joined over the years. Ophis was aware that most if not all of them only had their own goals in mind. They accepted the small amount of power she bestowed upon them, and played along with her schemes. She planned to rid of them once her home was secured, but she didn't think it would take a long time.

So, she was stuck in the human realm for a few years. To her, it wasn't much time. This is because she had spent even longer in the Dimensional Gap, it was her birthplace after all. She only noted a few people who joined,

Cao Cao, a descendant of the original Cao Cao, Albion, also known as the White Dragon of Supremacy, who now resides in a thing called a Sacred Gear. This gear was wielded by a descendant of the original Lucifer devil family.

Ophis was intrigued by him, as the youth had a troubled past, and could freely use Juggernaut Drive without losing his sanity.

Ophis had seen many humans and hybrids wield Sacred Gear over her lifetime. Most, if not all, died because they owned Sacred Gears. She thought the God of the Bible was a fool for creating such powerful tools. However, they did serve to protect the wielder and give humans a way to fight against the supernatural. Most of the time it was their own downfall. Either by their own greed and selfishness, or being killed for being a threat.

The supernatural feared Sacred Gears, especially the original 13 Longinus, they had the capabilities and potential to kill Gods after all. So, if any were found to exist, they would be plucked out before they could bloom. Cut the source of the problem before it becomes a significant threat. That was a common tactic after all and not just for humans.

She has watched the wielders of Ddraig and Albion fight many times in the past, it usually resulted in one or both wielders dying, once they achieved the Balance Breaker state, as it was a bug in Heaven's system as they were never meant to exist. Even worse, when they summoned the power of the [Juggernaut Drive], any wielder in its history had died once it consumed their life force.

That's why she thought Vali Lucifer was intriguing, a half-human devil hybrid, the wielder of Albion and capable of using the [Juggernaut Drive] without losing sanity. She was also curious as to where Ddraig was, the wielder of the [Boosted Gear] hasn't shown themselves yet.

The two would usually awaken near the same time and their destined fight would not happen too long after.

Ophis also noted any and all beings were foolish, starting wars just for the sake of starting wars, or even races or species. Humans, Devils, and whatever species that had sparked a war. It seemed so stupid to her.

Unnecessary life lost for what? So that your opinion could be right? To restart an even bigger and stupider war? She didn't understand, nor will she ever. This is why she was interested in the new devil leaders. She also noted two of them were even more powerful than the originals.

More and more Sacred Gear wielders started appearing, Cao Cao with the True Longinus, others that the Fallen Angel Azazel had been gathering for research, she noted that the Governor-General of the Fallen Angels had been researching them and trying to create Sacred Gears himself, quite ambitious of him.

All of these things were noisy and generated annoyances for her. She never found them 'comforting' in her own way. Once she came across a certain strong human being, it was rare for her to call them anything else but weak. She tried to recruit him and thought it would have been easy, but to her surprise the young male declined, gave her sweets and she left.

This was the first time someone refused her. She thought at the time the boy didn't know who she was or was too weak to notice her powerful aura leaking within their vicinity. But even today, when she asked him again, he had the same nonchalant attitude and dismissed her.

Even more surprising was that she was offered this new home, just like her old one. It was warm, comforting, and… 'Nostalgic'. It felt just right to her.

The Dragon God of Infinity had made a decision.


Jin's voice resounded through the brand-new Dimensional Gap. This caused Ophis to be brought out of her thoughts.

"You okay in there?"

"I, am fine, I am leaving now."

Deciding that she spent enough time there to get a good enough evaluation, Ophis left the pendant.

Jin Skyward

Ophis materialized back into my house after I called out to her. She had gone silent for a few minutes. During that time Ingvild and I just sat around and talked about the Dragon God.




I turn to see Ingvild looking intently at me.

"What's up?"

"Can you beat Ophis in a fight?"

{In a fight, see, Ddraig? That's how you ask a question.}

[Screw you, sissy.]

"Of course, I'm confident in my abilities. While Ophis is called the Dragon God of Infinity, she doesn't have infinite strength or power. She's just so strong to the point that not many beings in our world could compete with her."

That's the reality of it all. When I checked Ophis's stats back then I wasn't expecting any of her stats to be infinite, but rather it being a big number. Someone or something had to have created her, this universe and all. Of course, I got my answer, as it was Azathoth the Outer God.

"While she has the title 'Dragon God of Infinity' her powers aren't infinite, they're just absurdly beyond our typical measurement."

Two others also measure up to her, Great Red and Trihexa. Below them is the God of Destruction Shiva. The powers of these 4 beings are far beyond what other beings of DxD are capable of. This is because one of Great Red's titles is literally named after the series.

'Dragon of Dragons' or DxD for short. As well as the universe being named after the strongest beings, two of them being Dragons, the Draconic Deus, a nod to Ophis and Great Red.

"How are you sure?"

Still not convinced. Ingvild knows that I'm strong, but how strong? She doesn't know. She's Ultimate Class in power and can probably deal with the Gremory peerage with a bit more trouble with Akeno since she started to use her Fallen Angel powers.

"Hmm… How about a demonstration, then?"

Holding out my hand, I began forming my own universe. I wasn't too sure if I could pull this off, thanks Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: It is my job to support you.

Once I started to create the new universe, I started to wonder if I could create a multiverse of my own. Maybe I could make it infinite, like the current one we exist in. I looked to the side, and Ingvild's eyes were the widest I've ever seen them.

"I-Is that…?"

She couldn't even finish her sentence due to the shock.

"Yeah, a brand-new universe. I can create life, Ingvild. I could probably even create a multiverse, hell, a brand new Omniverse? But I'm not too sure on that yet though…"

Cúntóir: Answer: It is possible, a new evolution is required.

A new evolution? Like what?

Cúntóir: Answer: Unknown.

…If Cúntóir doesn't know, I certainly wouldn't know fuck all about it. As I put my finger in front of my lip, I cancel the creation of a new universe.

"Keep this a secret, alright?"

I wink at her, and she nods, still shocked at what she saw.

"Jin… Are you some kind of God?"

"Huh? I mean, I'm a human Dragon God hybrid, duh."

She gave me a 'Are you serious?' look and shook her head.

"That's not what I meant, Grayfia-san said before that you didn't tell us everything yet, is this related to that?"

"Yeah, it is, but as I said before, I'll tell you guys first and foremost when the time comes. So, just wait for that to happen."

I personally don't think it's the right time yet. I guess I want it to happen when a few of them are already in a relationship with me. I don't plan on blabbering about it to just anyone.

Will I reveal my reincarnation to them? It would be a bit overwhelming to discover that their reality once was a work of fiction, I don't know. I had two dragons who had existential crises, and that was a headache and a half to deal with.

{[You're God damn right.]}

"Alright, I'll— We'll wait till then, Jin."

She said nothing more and we fell into silence.

Flashback end

"Welcome back, how was it?"

I was surprised as Ophis had a rare smile plastered on her face.

"I, like it. I will move into it once I disband my organization."

Hmm, that won't end well, that might even fast forward their betrayal to her and I want to prevent that, while Ophis at a Heavenly Dragon's level of strength is nothing to scoff at, it doesn't bode well with me.

"Ophis, I'd advise against that. Just move in now, you noticed it yourself, right?"

I pause to look at her, and she stares back at me blankly.

"You noticed that some of the beings that joined you, if not all of them, are just using you and the powers you granted them, right?"

She nods, frowning a little bit. Okay, she's aware of it.

"The Devils…"

Ophis turned and looked at Ingvild,

"A descendant of Leviathan is among their ranks."

This caused Ingvild's eyes to widen, again.


Ingvild knew that there were still some Leviathans around, her father for one. However, that's all she could think of, and it seemed like he didn't want anything to do with her anymore.

"I guessed as much, while I don't doubt your power and strength Ophis, don't you think they have something up their sleeves like maybe a thing or being that can win or even kill you? Dragon slayer tools and items are still a thing, after all, and they affect you regardless if you call yourself a Dragon God or not."

"Also, let me guess Katerea Leviathan is the Leviathan you're talking about?"


Ophis nodded but was silent as she took in what I said to her.

"Katerea Leviathan? I haven't heard of that name…"

Ingvild muttered the name to herself and tried to remember anything about it.

"Okay… I, will move into the necklace, it shall be my new home."

She declared, much to my surprise. Ophis never really cared and took into consideration of the other group's motivations and goals, as she only wanted to obtain her own silence back.

I expected her to at least go back to Khaos Brigade and see for herself whatever scheme they were plotting against her. Ophis, being Ophis, just rolled along with it. No wonder she was tricked into leading them and then betrayed. She's just too naïve for a person her age.

[And you're better?]

At least I'm not trying to take advantage of her, Ddraig. What's he trying to accomplish here? Geez.

"Oh, right, Ophis. Tell me beforehand when you plan on leaving the necklace, alright?"


She was confused as to why, she didn't see it as necessary.

"To prevent any awkward situations in the future, I will give you four extra bags of sweets."


Upon hearing more bags of sweets were on the line, the Dragon God all but accepted them.

Leaving both Ingvild and I speechless, is she this easily swayed by sweets? I need to keep an eye on her if she does go back out, so she doesn't get taken advantage of by strangers.

"Jin, I want to go to the Dimensional Gap."

"What? Why?"

"To tell Baka-Red that she can have it, and tell her I have a new home."

She begins to turn around and teleport there, but I stop her.

"Wait, let me come with you—"

I turn to Ingvild.

"Wanna come?"

She hurriedly nods her head and jumps to my side. Ophis stares at us and nods her head. She then teleported us to the Dimensional Gap. But before we did, I covered Ingvild in a high density of energy to prevent her from dying.


Dimensional Gap

Jin Skyward

One moment we were in my house and the next, here, in an endless void. Now that I think about it… Isn't there a magical domain in here called 'Land of Oz' it's almost the size of a country filled with magicians?

I need to ask Lavinia more about this, but from my vague understanding. Within that part of the realm, there are four castles, North, South, East, and West. Their boss is centered in Emerald city, apparently.

I'll leave that headache for another day. I turn back and look at Ophis and Ingvild, the latter fascinated by the place.

"Found her, follow me."

We followed Ophis as she flew through the dimension, it's a strange place, it's like looking through a Kaleidoscope, with so many colors around us changing and morphing.

After a few minutes of floating through the void, we come across a giant, and I mean giant ass red dragon.


The dragon turned to look at her.

"Ophis? You're back, trying to get rid of me again?"

The red dragon notices us.

"Hmm? Who are they?"

"Jin and Ingvild."

She pauses to look at us and then back at Great Red.

"I am leaving this place; it is yours now."

Great Red was shocked by the sudden announcement.

"W-What? Why? I thought you wanted to kick me out."

Ophis shook her head.

"I, found a new home. You, can keep this.

"She points at my necklace.

"Jin, made a new dimensional gap in that pendant. It is my new home."

The Red Dragon looked at me surprised.

"How can a human… No, whatever you are, you aren't human. Regardless, how can you create a Dimensional Gap?"

I shrugged when she asked.

"Who knows, I just can."

Explaining now would be a hassle, so I just didn't. Using this time, I finally get to check out another strong being's stats.

Name: Irene Belserion

Age: 4610+

Potential: Dragon God – Ex+++

Rank: Dragon God – Ex+++

Gender: Female

Race: True Dragon

Titles: Great Red/Dragon of Dragons/Dragon of Dreams/The Glorious Red God of Dreams

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 1000 (28%)

Hp: 199,999,999(Hp Regen: 9,999,999 per minute)

Mp: 99,999,999 (Mp Regen: 999,999 per second)

Str: 120,000

Vit: 110,100

Dex: 100,000

Int: 1500

Wis: 1000

Char: 6666

Luk: 4269

She's quite powerful, and that name… Fairy tail? The fuck? I guess Azathoth wasn't lying about his— Well, her strength. Makes me wonder how strong the ExE Gods are, if Regalzeva could effortlessly kill Great Red…

"We all have our secrets; I will not push you to tell me yours."

And unlike her canon counterpart, who is a delinquent, I would describe this dragon as... Elegant? Level-headed?

"I appreciate it."

I notice that Ingvild had clung onto me now, maybe this whole meeting three of the four strongest beings of this universe was a bit too much.

I pet her head and start producing a calming effect. If she panicked now, that wouldn't do anyone well.

"It's alright, Ingvild, you're safe with me."

Great Red— Or Irene turns to Ophis.

"So, this is farewell then, while we didn't exactly get along whenever we saw each other, I will miss our interactions Ophis."

Ophis looked back at me and then back to Great Red.

"I, will visit, occasionally."

Again, surprising the God of Dreams. Irene lets out a chuckle.

"Is that so? I look forward to it then."

She turns to me.

"Jin, was it? I don't know what you did, but I appreciate it, I would rather not be randomly attacked as I just wish to roam the Dimensional Gap in peace."

She pauses and we stare at each other.

"Allow me to formally introduce myself, I am Great Red, or if you want to know my real name, Irene Belserion, it's a pleasure making your acquaintance."

"Jin Skyward."

I look at Ophis and summon the [Boosted Gear].

"Also, the Red Dragon Emperor. Nice to meet you."

This time, Ophis is the one shocked.

"You're the wielder of Ddraig? I, did not feel his presence."

Seems like she's even more curious about me, seeing as I could hide that from her.

"You, are interesting, Jin."


I de-summon it, cutting Ddraig's shouting, earning a chuckle out of Ingvild.

"I'll join Ophis when she visits you, you seem interesting after all."

Irene nods.

"I am also interested in a being like you, you're welcome to come here any time."


I beckon the Dragon God towards me.

"We should go home for now."


Ophis stared at me for a moment before nodding and joining me.

"See you later then, Irene."

I wave to her, and we leave the Dimensional Gap.

"Until we meet again."

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

Third Person Point of View

"Home sweet home."

Jin says as he flops down the couch, Ingvild joins in and lets out a sigh of relief.


"Yes, I was around three very powerful beings, and in a different dimension that could kill me… Did you not expect me to be?"

She said sarcastically. Ophis had joined them on the couch as she pulled out her previous bag of sweets and silently ate beside Jin.

The Dragon God pulled Jin's hand and put it on her head, obliging with the request, Jin started to pet her, putting the Dragon in a state of bliss.

'Sweets, silence, and Jin… Home.'

Ophis, for the second time in her life, found a new place to call home.

Later in the afternoon

Jin Skyward

Ophis had gone back into the necklace I made, as she wanted to sleep and be in silence. Ingvild and I have just been chilling, watching shows on TV, her sometimes checking things on DeviTube.

"Jin? Can I ask for a favor?"

The Leviathan pipes up.

"Sure, what's up?"

"C-Can I get a laptop? I've been trying to write my original song on my phone but… It's a lot more challenging than I had thought…"

So that's what she was humming to herself the past few minutes. I didn't expect her to start making a song this quickly, but I'm happy to help her.

"Sure, hold on a second."

Cúntóir: Answer: Scanning the world for the most advanced Laptop on the market… Analyzing… Adding essentials… Creating…

Cúntóir: Answer: Laptop creation complete.

A laptop materialized in front of me, with all the bells and whistles that the phone I made for her had. Unlimited battery, infinite Wi-Fi range, and the other essential crap. Also added that it never overheats, you'd hate it when that happens, especially in the summer heat.

"Here you go, one powerful laptop to Miss Ingvild Leviathan."

I hand the laptop to her as she puts her phone in her pocket and giggles.

"Thank you, Jin… I'll repay you back."

She says as she excitedly opens it.

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

Ingvild shakes her head vehemently.

"No… I will pay you back, just… Wait, it'll be ready in the future."

"Okay, okay, alright."

Relenting, I put my hands up in surrender. Can't argue with a stubborn woman, better to let these things go.


I pull out my phone and check the screen, it's a call from Lavinia.

"I'll take this call out there."

I excuse myself and leave for the hallway. I answer the call.



The voice answers back, confused.

"I mean it as a hello, Reni, here to call about what I texted this morning?"

"Mmmm, so what's it about?"

She sounded a bit nervous.


I feel like an asshole making this so dramatic.


"Do you want to move in and live with me?"

I asked the question as the line continues on being silent.

"…Yes… I-I wanted to ask you that for a while now…but never got a chance."

"I'm sorry for taking so long to ask you that, just say when you want to, and I'll help you move your stuff."

"Yes! I-I need to talk to Azazel about this and my team… I'll go do that now!"

"Sure, sure, see you soon then."

"I love you."

She cuts the call before I could respond.


Third Person Point of View

Lavinia Reni had just gotten off the phone with Jin and had started to pack her clothes, even though she just had said she was going to talk to Azazel and her team. She was beyond excited that she had temporarily forgotten.

"Ah! That's right…"

She stopped packing and quickly made her way out of her room. She quickly located her team leader and founder of the team, Tobio Ikuse.


She called out to the young man.


Said young man was on his way to meet his long-time crush and childhood friend Sae Toujou.

"I want to talk to you about something, also Azazel…"

"Is it about Jin?"

Much to Lavinia's surprise, he had guessed right. The girl nodded and Tobio smiled.

"Alright, let's go to Azazel then. Better to kill two birds with one stone, then."

The two of them walked towards Azazel's office.

When they arrived to see the Governor-General, they were surprised to see him not covered head to toe in documents and other papers.

"Hmm? Tobio and Lavinia, what can I do for you today?"

"Actually, it's Lavinia who wanted to talk to us about something."

Tobio gestured to his teammate and she nods.

"Is it about Jin? If you're getting married, I didn't expect it to be this soon."

He joked, but caused the blonde beauty to blush.

"N-No… At least not yet…"

Lavinia shook her head.

"I'm here to talk about living arrangements."

"Ah, so he finally invited you to live with him? I mean, I'm not against it, just make sure you get here on time for when your team is assigned for missions and other stuff."

Azazel waved her off.

"Oh, so that's what this is about, I have no problems with it. But you better tell the rest of the guys about this."

"Thank you…"

Lavinia bowed and left the room to tell the two girls in the team, as well as Kouki.

"Young love."

Azazel whistles and looks at Tobio.


"So? Are you going to confess to Sae soon?"

"…Okay, and I'm out."

"Chu chu chu ~ get married to her soon!! ~"

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

Jin Skyward

12:12 p.m.

"I'm home nya."

Kuroka had just come back from her shopping, and she looked satisfied.

"Welcome back, enjoy your shopping spree?"

She came over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Yes, thank you for adding some money to my card, nya."

"No problem."

Getting money is pretty easy. After that 8-hour marathon you guys did, I got plenty of gold out of it… I glance at my expenses and I have quite a lot.

Gold: 167,881,981

Money: 99,629,316

Yeah, I'll be fine.

"Where's Akeno by the way?"

Seeing as she didn't come home with her, I could only speculate.

"Being held back by Rias I would assume; I did go with her before going shopping since I wanted to see Shirone for the day."

"I see."

I wonder what they could be talking about? Should I spy on them…? Nah… Too much hassle.

"I'll go get ready, nya."

Kuroka leaves to freshen herself up, she looks at Ingvild and smirks, causing the other to give her an awkward smile.

What was that all about?

Cúntóir: Answer: Sigh…


"Do you even have clothes for your date?"

Ingvild asks, finally looking up from her laptop. She gave a look of concern.

"It's fine, I can just change into appropriate clothing once I see what Kuroka is wearing, I did wear a damn Tuxedo when I first met Akeno's parents after their outing."

"That's a bit…"

She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah, overkill, like Shuri said."

I chuckled. I'll base my clothing style on whatever my partners wear from now on, I was never good at that kind of thing… I think…

"That's also an option, good luck with your date today… It's in Hokkaido, right?"

"Yeah, the weather should hold up, if not I can always just change it."

"Other gods might be upset about that…"

"Fuck 'em."

Ingvild just shook her head in disbelief, she knew that I could take care of myself as well as Kuroka.

Kuoh Academy

Occult Research Club

Third Person Point of View

"Akeno, please tell us anything you know about that masked man."

Rias Gremory had held her peerage back after they completed their contracts and wanted to interrogate Akeno about the man's identity.

"Rias… Didn't Sirzechs-sama tell you not to dig into his personal history?"

Akeno looked at her childhood best friend and King with complicated feelings, she knows she's stubborn, to a fault and once she set her mind on something, will usually follow through with it.

"I know, but I'm just asking you if you know anything about him, since you teleported here with him."

Akeno sighed.

"No, I came across Grayfia speaking with him and was dragged along with them."

Akeno gave Koneko a side glance, and she stiffed back a laugh.

"Please, Akeno, anything. His powers and abilities, I don't even need his identity, anything to help us win against him."

"W-What? Rias, he's helping us train and get stronger, why does beating him even matter?"

"Regardless of why he's here, I still want to beat him after that humiliating defeat."

"President, it wasn't that bad. We weren't even hurt that badly, just a few bumps and bruises, he even healed me after it…"

Kiba tried to defend the mask-man, since he believed they weren't exactly made fun of.

"Kiba, be quiet, I need Akeno to answer these questions… Actually, Koneko?"

'Oh no…'

Koneko couldn't help but think of the questions that were going to be thrown her way.

"Yes, President?"

"Your sister, is in that man's harem, no? Do you know anything?"

She eyed the young Nekoshou.

"Yes, she's in his harem, but I don't know anything about him. Nee-sama doesn't talk much about him when we're together, we mostly focus on training and our lost time together…"

Koneko was telling the truth, well, almost the truth. While what she said was true, her sister would nearly constantly talk about the man. But never got his name, but what she understood was that he was a kind person.

Rias's eyes rolled when she heard the word harem, yes, she acknowledges that it's common in the supernatural world and even more so in devil society, but she couldn't help but feel disgusted towards the word as it's associated with the man she loathes, Riser Phenex.

Rias's gaze lingered a bit on Koneko before sighing.

"Very well, now then, Akeno care to tell us?"

"Rias, how are any of these questions relevant to our training?"

Rias slams her hands against her desk, shocking her peerage.

"You suddenly had a boost up in power, if my eyes don't deceive me, you're at the peak of Middle Class in terms of power right now. You also started using your Fallen Angel powers, to which might I add you refused to use for the entire time I've known you! Akeno! This is way too strange…"

The two others nodded at their King's reasoning, they have known Akeno Himejima for quite some time, she has expressed hate towards fallen angels and her own fallen powers, but just recently started using them without any shame or hesitancy.

Akeno sighed.

'I guess I'll tell them a small truth…'

"Okay, Rias, I admit it, I know him."

"Aha! I knew it! Go on, spill the beans!"

Rias Gremory felt triumphant at that moment, her teenage side taking over. All of them couldn't help but smile awkwardly at her childish antics.

"I admit that mask-san was responsible for me being able to use my Fallen Angel powers, he had hand in that, I also love him."

This makes the jaws of Kiba and Rias to drop open, Koneko already knew since she stayed behind and saw her interaction with the mask-man.

"Y-You love him? Akeno those are pretty strong words…"

Rias was a bit shocked by her Queen, saying that she loved a man.

"Don't you hate men? I mean, the thing that happened with Chase wasn't that too long ago…"

"Yes, our romance has been quite fast, I even found myself questioning it, but I can say for certain I love him, I have no doubt about it."

Akeno was firm in her answer.

"Do you even know him that well?"

Rias was still incredulous about her answer, and keeps going.

"I also admit that I don't know much about him, but I know enough to know he's the one for me… In a short time frame, he helped me in so many ways that I don't think I can ever repay him."

"Rias, I'm thankful for your family for taking me in during a tough time in my life and I will always forever be thankful for you, Sirzechs, Asteri, Venelana, Grayfia, and Zeoticus-sama for everything that you did."

"But… There was always an underlying issue that you couldn't help me solve. You tried but, you yourself have your own problems… So when he came in and did that for me, I quickly fell in love with him…"

"He even helped me repair my relationship with my father… We've seen each other regularly since then…"


Rias was shocked that Akeno had started to see her father again, the man she constantly and repeatedly said that she hated, hated more than anything in the world.


Rias couldn't help but dumbly stare at her [Queen]. A smile on her face she had never seen before. Not the sadistic smiles she gave, or the mocking ones she gave for her enemies... But that of a girl her age who was in love.

"Again, Rias, I'm thankful for what your family did. I have never regretted becoming a devil, if I did, I would be dead right now. I'll be grateful to you forever, but… J— Mask-man-san did more to me than I could ever imagine"

"…I want to marry him in the future, have his children, and settle down. Even if he has a harem, a more than likely humongous harem… Even still, I'll stay by his side. That's how much he means to me."

Akeno had steeled her resolve and had imagined this scenario in her head more than once. She would have to admit this to her eventually, this was a good time since she was asking her questions.

"Kuroka and I live with him, I will keep on doing so… Even if you declare me a Stray."

Akeno stared her King down with unwavering conviction. The room was stunned into silence. They couldn't believe it, she, Akeno Himejima, was willing to be branded a Stray for the sake of staying by that person's side?

'Nee-sama… Do you also feel the same way?'

Koneko couldn't help but help think that, her sister did act like how Akeno was acting just now.

'Akeno-san has really changed in a short amount of time, I would like to meet him again and ask him how he managed to do so.'

Kiba also wanted to get some training from him, as he was easily defeated.

'Akeno… Are you serious? You're willing to go to those lengths for that man?'

Rias was feeling complicated. She could see her best friend was serious, dead serious. She wasn't joking or pulling her leg. Rias eventually rubbed her forehead and sighed heavily.

"Fine, as long as it doesn't get in our way, and helps us get stronger, I'm fine with it…"

She reluctantly agreed. While she wanted to find out his identity, she also wanted her peerage— Her servants— Her family to be happy, first and foremost. If she had to turn a blind eye every now and then, so be it.

"Akeno, please just humor me, does he have any weaknesses?"

"…No, he's the strongest being in our world, and I believe that as a fact. Even if you could infinitely resurrect yourself, you will keep on dying forever. That's how strong I think he is…"

"He's also the middleman as you are aware, so please don't try to antagonize him, President, since it'll ruin the peace treaty that will surely come to be, very soon."

"I know that! I'm not that dumb…"

Little did Akeno know, that Jin's one weakness was his harem. Because if they were injured, worse— Killed, would their world— Universe— No multiverse be safe from his wrath? Only time will tell.

"Alright… I get it, you're all dismissed…"

'If Onii-sama was the one to hire him, then he should be a bigger deal than I initially thought…'

Rias sighed to herself; things are starting to get more complicated.

Jin Skyward

I pat Ingvild on the head.

"We'll be home soon enough, be safe, alright?"

Laughing, she slaps my hand away.

"I'm not a child, also I'm older than you!"

She giggles at the end. Kuroka and I stand in the hallway, I lock the door behind me.

"Alright, off we go."

I wrap my arm around her waist.

"Have a safe trip— Date."

Ingvild waves us off.

Japan, Hokkaido

"I haven't been here before."

Kuroka commented, not adding her usual nya to it, as we had to blend in with humans. She also didn't have her cat ears and tail, it felt quite strange seeing her like this.

She was wearing a white short sleeve t-shirt, a visible black sports bra and a blue skirt, her usual colorful headband ever-present, and blue t-strapped shoes.

I had basically copied her, blue with white stripes shirt, blue jeans, and blue sneakers. My new necklace that housed Ophis hanging around my neck.

"Hmm? Is something the matter?"

She looks confused at all my staring.

"No, you just look beautiful."

I offer her my arm.

"Shall we get going?"

She happily latches onto my arm.

"Let's go! ~"

The weather definitely held up for us, maybe my threat to change it earlier helped, who knows?

Kuroka and I made our way to grab a quick meal. First we go to a shop called 'Bikkuri Sushi'. I thought it might be a bit stereotypical since Kuroka is a cat girl. I took her to a restaurant that served seafood dishes. But she was more than happy to be there.

When we get into the place and get seated, someone comes to greet us.

"Hello! What can I get for you today?"

Kuroka starts picking a bunch of food off the menu and I just went with what was recommended. They wrote down what we want and left.

"You seem pretty hungry and eager."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm.

"It's a date, I want to indulge a bit during these, even if it comes back to bite my back and my figure…"

She starts to squeeze the side of her waist. Lucky we were the only ones in the store, Hokkaido right now is strangely empty, it's summer, so I expected people to be here.

I guess they come here during winter for the onsens? I mean, they're known for that after all…

"By the way, why Hokkaido?"

Kuroka had stopped poking herself and had her arms on the table, darting her head left and right, checking to see if more people would come around.

"Honestly? I randomly picked it. I thought it would be nice to see a place we've never been to before… Well, a place I haven't been to and lucky you haven't been here before too."

Kuroka laughed at my reasoning, and we just spoke about random stuff while we were waiting for our food.

"Enjoy your meal!"

The food eventually comes, and the person left again, seemingly back into the kitchen. I wonder if they're gossiping about us.

Well, whatever. I turn to our meal and get our chopsticks ready.

"Thanks for the food."

We both say at the same time, Kuroka unexpectedly knew some Japanese etiquette, mine came from anime, so I kind of guess some were true, just don't overdramatize it.


I couldn't help but blurt that out. Kuroka stopped herself and burst into a fit of giggles.

"Umai? Why'd you say it so enthusiastically?"

She finally stopped and starts to eat her meal.

"I read that samurai relished the food they ate like it was their last, so I said umai like that."

I also remember Rengoku doing the same thing… But I won't say that to her.

"We're on a date, Jin, not going to some life-or-death battle."

She chuckles at me, and I smile in return. We finished our meal with idle chatter, pay, and leave. Once out, we go to a corner and teleport to a different part of Hokkaido, Sapporo.

We were not too far from Nishino Shrine, so we made our way there, taking in the surroundings as we slowly walked there arm in arm.

"Hmm? These look like fox statues."

Kuroka lets go of my arm and trots over to the stone-shaped statues.

I join her and look over them.

"They really do."

"Nishino Shrine… Apparently houses the goddess in Japanese Mythology Toyotama-hime or Luxuriant-Jewel-Princess, and the daughter of the Sea deity Watatsumi as well as Ugayafukiaezu and Emperor Ojin."

I look at the Shrine, not sensing any energy coming from it.

"Has this Goddess passed on already?"

I ask no one in particular, the spot was devoid of people.

"I haven't heard anything about her… So I don't know. Do you know anything else?" Kuroka had come back and latched herself onto my arm as we walk through the area.

"According to human myth, Toyotama-hime married the prince, Luck of Mountains Yamasachi, also known as Hoori. He came looking for a fish hook he lost at sea that he borrowed from his elder brother, Luck of the Sea, Umisachi."

"To make a long story short, they fell in love and had a child together, but the wife made her husband promise one thing, to not spy on her when she gave birth to their child."

"He agreed at first, but in the end spied on the childbirth out of sheer curiosity, to his surprise his wife had shape-shifted back into a crocodile and gave birth to their child. She was ashamed of it all and abandoned her husband and child, ultimately going back into the sea, she couldn't forgive him, but sent Tamayori to help raise their child in her absence."

"It's both their faults, they just needed to be honest with each other. She should have told her husband the truth when they first got together… They could have prevented all that. It's also the husband's fault for not spying on the wife… But to abandon both of them just because of that is a bit extreme…"

Kuroka explained her feelings on the matter.

"Well, it's just a myth, the real supernatural is a lot stranger than what's written in the mythologies."

"That's true…"

We left the Shrine and made our way to Maruyama Park. We walked around it as the trees on the leaves swayed in the breeze, it was a 'big' enough of a park, and we slowly walked through it, we bowed to the Shrine there as a sign of respect, as there were a few locals also walking through the park.

"Do you know anything about that Shrine?"

"No, all I know are three deities are supposedly residing in there, Ōkunitama, Ōkuninushi, and Sukunahikona. They're supposed to be Shinto deities, but apart from that, not much else."

I look back at the shrine.

"I also feel no energy or mana coming from the shrine. Either they're long gone or they're just human myths."

"Humans and their imaginations, but they're at least entertaining."

Kuroka chuckled, and we made our way out of the park.

I glance at the time, 3:30 p.m.

"Kuroka, let's go to Maruyama Zoo, we'll still have an hour before they close."

I suggest a destination, we had just been walking wherever adventure took us, sampling and tasting food every now and again, getting a small souvenir, date-like things.

"Sure, I can see cute animals, I feel bad for them though. Some are there because their species are endangered, so it isn't all that bad…"

We got to the park and paid to get in, once in there Kuroka started to drag me from the animal enclosure from one to the next. She was a Youkai herself, so maybe she felt a sense of brother-sisterly companionship to animals? Who knows?

"I didn't know they had polar bears here, Jin! Look!"

She points at the giant white bear, there were two of them.

They were happily eating food that was given to them by the zoo. A younger one was swimming in the water.

"They must be a couple and the young one their child."

I look at the little guy swimming in the pool below. He eventually got out and went back to its parents.


Kuroka was watching the interaction intently. She must miss what having a family feels like, she got her sister back which is a plus, she never asked me to revive her mother, I'm certain that she and Akeno have spoken about it before. It would be weirder if they didn't. The two of them became close very quickly.


I felt her squeeze my arm and I stopped myself. I want Kuroka to associate me with something else other than getting kittens, that's why I've made our relationship come to a standstill, while I love her and don't plan on throwing her to the side.

I want her to realize on her own that life is more than having kittens, her species can be brought back due in time, we have long lifespans. I'm immortal by default, I have no idea how long Nekomata devil hybrids can live for, but I can guess ten thousand plus since Devils live for ten thousand years.

Be they reincarnated or pure devils, the default is 10,000, add a Nekoshou's and I wonder what it would be, maybe ten thousand five hundred? Who knows... Maybe even fifteen thousand, if I base my speculations on foxes, as each tail represents how many years they have lived... However, this is DxD, tails also represent power, so it's not too reliable.

I am brought out of my thoughts and Kuroka starts pulling me away again. Every time we go to a new enclosure, there's either a couple or family of animals, happily doing what they do like they're still in the wild.

I could see that Kuroka had almost a jealous and longing look as she watched them. I take the initiative and intertwine our fingers and give her hand a squeeze. She doesn't break her contact with them and gives me a squeeze back.

Lions, tigers, meerkats, hippos, turtles, wolves, hyenas, flamingos, and other animals were present in the zoo, they all looked healthy and happy. But some would have preferred to live out in the wild, in their natural habitat, but circumstances have led to them being here, so it can't be helped.

An hour passed and the zoo closed, Kuroka and I also left. The sun is slowly setting, and we decided to go to another park and walk through it.


Tonden Nishi Park

A more modernized park as it has a playground for kids, soccer fields (football) even a slide towards a swimming pool, as well as the regular walkways for anyone that just wants to have a leisurely stroll through it.

"This, this place is a lot more alive, huh?"

Kuroka looks around the park.

"Yeah, the playgrounds and fields for the youth to play can attract them here, there are some small little huts to stand under if the weather turns bad too."

"Oh, look, a kangaroo statue!"

She waddles her way towards it.

"Nya nya ~"

She couldn't help it anymore and started saying nya again. I chuckled to myself, and she turned around, pouting a bit.

"No more nyas for you! Nya!"

She covered her mouth after saying the exact word she says I wouldn't get. I burst into laughter, making a few people look at us. This embarrassed Kuroka, and she dragged me away to a more secluded spot.

"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help myself."

We spent a few hours wandering the park, and the nighttime had fallen upon us. I had located a mountain range with a good spot of the city view thanks to Cúntóir's help, so we were slowly making our way there.


Third Person Point of View

Kuroka had recently become a runaway Stray. She had to leave her sister to the hands of one of the current Satans Sirzechs Lucifer, also formerly known as Sirzechs Gremory, his clan had a reputation for being kind of their servants, so she took a chance in letting her sister be taken in by them.

"After her!"

She heard voices behind her. She didn't want to be caught, so she sent both magic and Senjutsu aura bullets towards her pursuers, luckily for her, it hit some of them, temporarily stopping them from catching her.

"Haah… Haah…"

Kuroka had found a place to hide, tears welled up in her eyes, as the thought hit her.

'Am I going to be a wanted criminal for the rest of my life? Can I see Shirone again?'

Hatred for her father welled up in her heart. She didn't get long to sleep, as she was on the run again. This happened to her every day until she was found and confronted by the White Dragon Emperor himself and as well as his Team.

"Are you here to capture me?" Kuroka asked with hostility.

"Capture you? Why?"

Bikou asked confused.

"She's the recently wanted Stray of the devil faction. But to answer your question, No. I want you to join my team."

'Join his team? He's not here to capture me?'

"Why should I do that?"

"Because we're with a terrorist organization and that should keep you away from your pursuers, right?"


"If you beat me, then I'll join."

She was confident in herself; she's avoided capture for a long time now and wasn't going to let a bunch of nobodies get her.


Vali not wanting to let go of a potential team member summoned [Divine Dividing].

"The White Dragon Emperor?!?"

Kuroka was mortified, her chances of winning plummeted. But she knew she had no way out of this. Kill or be killed, that has been her normal for quite a long time now.

"Vali nya~ have my kittens for me ~"

Kuroka has been in Vali's team for a while now and had been trying to seduce the White Dragon Emperor with zero success.

The guy almost seemed fixated on something and never batted an eye on her. She had questioned him once if he were gay, which earned a few laughs out of Bikou and Le Fay.

The White Dragon Emperor denied it and just told her that he was interested in other things as of now and romance was not on his radar.

Kuroka didn't stop, however, only doubled down… For a time, until she ultimately stopped, as Vali didn't give any leeway.

She wanted his genes, to produce strong kittens to ensure her species' survival, while there were still some out there, they were few and far between. If she could get a strong gene from a strong individual, then it's a guarantee they'll survive, and maybe one day, she can be reunited with her precious little sister Shirone…

Kuroka was furious, a supposed pursuer had found her, he was quite young too, but what got her even more upset was when he spoke her dead mother's name, and asked why didn't she do this or that. She deservedly lost her temper at the guy, who was strangely calm about the whole situation.

After her outburst, he threw a book at her, and she read it. The more she read, her hope started to shine again.

"Can this really work?"

She said in almost a whisper.

The young man grinned and told her that the final evidence was with her sister, he disappeared from the spot and came back almost instantaneously waving around a piece of paper. She was given it and read through it.

For the first time in a long time, Kuroka had found a light at the end of the tunnel. Everything after that was a blur, being brought in front of the Four Devil Kings, having the evidence given to them, and they looked through it, having them almost agree to set her free.

They apparently trusted this newly assigned middleman for the three factions and allowed her to stay at his home.

Even once there, he treated her kindly, not wanting anything in return. They were called back and Kuroka was freed of her Stray status, the Nekoshou jumped in joy, cried, and thanked Jin.

That same night, she declared her love for him and tried to seduce him.

"That won't be happening, sorry, Kuroka."

He bluntly replied. Kuroka was shocked, she was just rejected by the man she proclaimed that she was in love with.

"The feelings you have right now are of gratitude, not love. I can't take advantage of that, I'm sorry."

The night ended like that, she had to sleep in another room. But she didn't give up.

She found out not too long after that he was making a harem for himself, which wasn't shocking as they were involved in the supernatural.

Kuroka had quickly made friends with a half-devil fallen angel hybrid, they spoke about things related to Jin.

"So, who's taking his firsts, then?"

Kuroka asked Akeno.

"I am."

The hybrid bluntly replied, causing a spark of rivalry between them, it was a friendly one, not one full of malice. They soon laughed it off and went back to chatting and getting to know each other.

'A Dragon God! He's a hybrid too! The Red Dragon Emperor and a Dragon God Hybrid'

… Those genes are a sealed deal for her species, so she had to get him to fall for her at any cost!

But the exact opposite happened, the former stray Kuroka had slowly fallen in love with the man called Jin, and her fixation on having kittens with him slowly faded, she only kept it up as a joke at that point in time.

She also suspected Jin to have found out her motives changed as she was being treated like Akeno more and more, with kisses, hugs, cuddles, pets, and more and more couple-like things.

It all accumulated when she was asked out on a date…

Flashback end

Jin Skyward

Hokkaido, Undisclosed Mountain range.

Night time

"Phew, we finally made it! I know we could have teleported, but it's fine doing this every now and again, right?"

I turned to Kuroka who was silent during our walk-up. She still didn't answer me.

We both looked in front of us, the nighttime view of the city below us, buildings being illuminated everywhere, it almost seemed… Magical. The sky above us was darkened by clouds threatening to rain.

I felt Kuroka shiver beside me, I summoned a warm furry coat and wrapped it around her.

"Thank you, Jin…"

She said softly, as she kept staring at the view in front of us.

The moon's light shone over us every now and again through the break of the clouds.


Kuroka softly called out my name, I turned and looked at the Nekoshou beside me. She kept her gaze steady in front of her, her previous doubts and worries all but gone.

"…In the beginning, I only thought of you as a substitute for Vali. A random strong human. When I'm together with you, my heart beats in a joyful rhythm, and it's fun just to hang out with you."

"I only wanted children in the past, a Heavenly Dragon's children— A Dragon god's… I just wanted strong genes. If Vali couldn't, then I'd choose you. But things are different now. … You're incorrigibly stupid, and hopelessly honest. Even though you have a strange way of speaking sometimes, and can be an idiot from time to time…"

Kuroka chuckles at the last remark.

"You could have just refused the request back then… Or even killed me and be done with it, but you went the extra mile to find the real reason for the incident. You helped me, and even after I started proclaiming my love for you, you saw right through it, didn't you?"

Kuroka finally turns back to stare at me, I nod confirming her statement, and she turns back to looking at the scenery again.

"You gave a stray like me a home, even treated my sister with kindness even when you're not obligated to do so… I have no doubts she will come to love you in the future as I have. You gave me a peaceful life to live and Shirone in the near future too. If I'm together with you… Then I feel at ease. When I see your smile, my heart becomes filled with love…"

Tears had slowly started to fall from her eyes down her cheeks, tears of joy and not of sadness. She finally turns back to me.

"Jin, I really love you…"

She says with absolute sincerity.

I smile, wrap my arms around her and pull her into a hug. I break it and pull her into a kiss, our first official kiss after she finally confessed her genuine feelings to me.

We break the kiss

"I love you too, Kuroka."

Kuroka buries herself onto my chest.

"I guess… We can take our time now, as I'm officially your girlfriend… Officially part of your harem…"

"Yeah, we can take it at our own pace, Kuroka."

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