Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 1 – Chapter 6 – A Bael, Leviathan and Gremory


Bael Territory

Third Person Point of View

"A middleman? And he can complete any request?"

A young man with a bulky build asks one of the maids.

"Yes, that is what he can supposedly achieve, Sairaorg-sama."

The maid replies with a bow.


The devil youth known as Sairaorg Bael thought of the new information he received not too long ago. He heard it through a passing Serafall Leviathan, as she seemed to be bragging about his accomplishments, almost like a proud girlfriend.

Upon approaching her, he was informed of the young person.

"Any request, huh?"

He turns to his maid

"Inform Sirzechs Lucifer that I would like to make a request for the middleman."

"Is it about…?"

The maid turns to her right.

"Yes. It's about that, if he truly can achieve anything, then I would be forever grateful to him."

Sairaorg says in a serious tone.

"Very well, I will inform Sirzechs-sama."

The maid quickly left.


He walks out of the room and stares at a certain door

"If this is true, then… You can finally wake up…"

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

Jin Skyward

It's been a day since Lavinia and I made it official, it's also been annoying. Vali immediately after finding out started to spam text me about sparring me to prove that I'm worthy enough for her surrogate sister. However, this was quickly stopped as the lady herself called him and gave Vali an earful in said call.

I laughed it off and said I wouldn't mind another sparring session with the young hybrid, and Vali quickly left to train more. Lavinia and I spoke for a short while about mundane things. I noticed that she started to act a bit differently, maybe it's due to us being together now? Perhaps she became more self-conscious about herself and the opposite gender?

I didn't know the full details of this and will check on her soon to confirm my own suspicions.


Jin Skyward

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Ding! Ding! Ding!


There were a bunch of text notifications from Vali on my phone. Dear god, did he find out about Reni and I? My eye twitched at the thought of the White Dragon Emperor's incessant requests to spar.

I picked up my phone and looked through the messages.

|Jin! Fight me right now! FIGHT ME!|

|I don't approve of this relationship!! You have to get permission from me beforehand!|

|Fight me and get my approval!!!|



It kept going with the same 'Fight me' text, and there are about 30 now and counting. Why do I need his permission and approval? What are you? Her dad? I shook my head at the crap I'm seeing this idiot spout.

As I complained to myself, another 20 new messages popped up. It finally stopped, and my phone began to ring, the caller ID was Lavinia Reni herself. I cock a brow, Is she calling to talk about something? Or maybe about the news? Not wanting to keep her waiting, I pressed answer on the screen.


Lavinia asked and was interrupted by a loud 'FIGHT ME!!!!!' in the background. Which was followed up by a loud thud and groaning.

"Uhh hey Reni, what's up? Wait, what was that thud?"

I couldn't help ask, even though I had my suspicions.

"Oh, don't worry about that, that was just Vaa-kun, actually I called about that…"

She trails off as I heard shuffling and the groaning get closer.

"Vaa-kun! Apologies."

She demands cutely. Vali stayed silent


She tells him again; the line stays silent for a full minute until he finally speaks up.

"I'm sorry, but seriously, fight me."



Vali yelped.

"I'm sorry about that, I'll try to get him to calm down about this whole thing."

She sounded defeated about the young dragon emperor's constant demands.

"It's fine, tell him I'll fight him again when I go to Grigori."

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yep, that should calm the guy down."

I wanted to help a bit, since Vali is quite stubborn about these things.

"Okay, thank you."

I hear her tell Vali about it and a 'Yahooo!!' could be heard in the background and slowly fade away.

"He seems happy about it, can't wait to beat him again."

Laughing, I tell her, and she also joins in.

"I… I should get going, Jin, I have a mission for today."

She sounded a bit sad about parting so soon.

"Alright. I'll see you soon. I love you."

"…Mmm see you soon…. I— I love y-you too…"

She squeaks out, sounds like she was still embarrassed saying those words, but I left it at that, and she ended the call.

I guess I'm kicking Vali's ass again.

Flashback end

Jin Skyward

Everyone with the exception of Grayfia had left earlier, and I was left at home just lazing around.


Grayfia's voice calls out to me.

"Hmm? What's up?"

I answer her.

"Sirzechs-sama sent in a request. A devil from the Bael clan wants your help."


Could it be about that?

"Yes. They say it's urgent and are willing on paying any price."

"Any price? Talk about dramatic, but sure I'll help, not like I got any plans right now."

I chuckle and change my clothes with magic.

"Do they want me there now or…?"

"Yes, right now."

I nod and walk over beside Grayfia. She quickly glances at me before teleporting to the Underworld.


Bael Territory

Jin Skyward

After we teleport, I breathe in the air.

"Ahh, sweet old Underworld air, can't get enough of it."

I say sarcastically which earned a glare from Grayfia who pinches me on the side.

"Ow! What's that for, Fia?"

She again pinched me because I called her by the nickname.

"Seems like you two are getting along well."

A familiar voice says. We both look over to find Sirzechs, Lucifer himself.

"Zechs? You're here too?"

Another pinch from the Devil Maid.

"Refer to Sirzechs-sama by Sirzechs-sama or his full name."

Grayfia flatly says as she stops pinching me. I stopped pretending to be hurt by it, so that's probably why she let go. Sirzechs gives me an amused look

"Yes, I am also here, I wanted to see if you could handle this request."

"Cool beans, let's get to it."

A young devil male walks towards us as if on cue.

"Sirzechs-sama, Grayfia-san, and… The middleman?"


I wave to him, and he gives me a curious look. Sirzechs coughs into his fist

"Yes, this is Jin, the middleman for the three factions, and he accepted your request. Oh, and before I forget to mention this Jin, Serafall also has a request for you, well it's from the Leviathan nobles about something, just go and meet up with her after this one."

"Sure, I got nothing better to do anyway."

I shrug, more requests, more money, more ways to meet with potential harem members, it's a win-win.

"Then please follow me."

Sairaorg gestures and we proceed to follow him. We follow the young devil through his small— Not really, but it's still quite a modest home. A long hallway with doors that probably operate the same way back in the Gremory home, or maybe they're servant quarters?

"I am Sairaorg Bael, but I should explain what the request is and a bit of backstory."

We were in a state of silence when Sairaorg broke the silence.

"I am Sairaorg Bael, however, I was exiled from my clan since I didn't attain our [Power of Destruction] upon birth. This caused my father, Lord Bael to exile the both of us to the countryside of the Bael territory."

"We were treated quite badly by our own family before we were sent out, however, I personally don't hold a grudge against them. A few years ago, she got infected by a sleeping disease that devils sometimes get. This puts the devil into a coma and eventually kills them."

"There hasn't been many affected by it, but no doctors throughout the years have found a cure yet."

"So, you want me to try to cure and wake her up?"

I interrupt his story.

"Yes, if it's possible."

He stops in front of a door and opens it.

"Please come in."

When the three of us stepped into the room, we were greeted by a sleeping woman. I look at her and then back at Sairaorg. I guess they have the same hair color, maybe eye color as well? I'll know when I wake her up.

All three devils look at me expectantly, this is probably the first time they'll see me in action. I make my way over to the sleeping devil. Let's check her first.

Name: Misla Bael

Age: 500+

Potential: Ultimate Class - SSS

Rank: High Class - A

Gender: Female

Race: Pure Devil

Titles: Lion Tamer

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 40 (0%)

Hp: 11,200(Hp Regen: 0 per minute)

Mp: 3,000 (Mp Regen: 0 per second)

Str: 12 (51)

Vit: 10 (49)

Dex: 11 (49)

Int: 15 (72)

Wis: 15 (74)

Char: 59

Luk: 9 (35)

No regen and both Hp and Mp are slowly decreasing, she's nearing death's door. This Devil sleeping disease is no joke, it even decreases their stats by a lot.

"Is something the matter?"

The tense silence was broken by Sairaorg again. He couldn't take it and had to ask me.

"It's looking pretty bad, the longer she's like this, the more her health and demonic pool drops. But don't worry, I'll wake her up."

I place my hand on her head. Cúntóir analyze this disease and remove it… Also remove any other impurities from her while you're at it.

Cúntóir: Answer: Analyzing Devil Sleeping Disease… Removing impurities…

As Cúntóir was doing her job, my hand started to glow a bright golden light. This, in turn, covered Misla's body too.

Cúntóir: Answer: Devil Sleeping Disease successfully removed, impurities successfully removed.

Thanks. The light dies down and I turn back to the devils who were watching.

"It's done, she should wake up in a few seconds."

I step away and let Sairaorg closer to his mother. The room fell silent as everyone watched the sleeping woman. She eventually twitches, and her eyes flutter open.


Sairaorg cries out and kneels down.

"S… Sairaorg?"

She turns to the side and sees her son crying. She also notices the rest of us.

"You better go slowly, ma'am, and take it easy; you did just wake up after a long time sleeping."

I inform her. It's better safe than sorry. Sairaorg nods and slowly helps her sit up. She puts her hand on his cheek

"You've grown up a lot, haven't you?"

Giving her son a smile. Still crying, Sairaorg nods.

"Yes, I have a mother. I also fulfilled our promise."

I feel someone grab the back of my collar and drag me out. Not wanting to argue, I let it happen and shut the door on the way out. Once I was outside, I saw that Sirzechs had a nostalgic look on him, as did Grayfia. Seems like they have a bit of history with her?

"Good call, wouldn't want to ruin the moment."

Grayfia lets go of me, and we stood there for a moment.

"That was unexpected, Jin, I honestly didn't think you would be able to cure her."

Sirzechs turns to me while slightly frowning. I shrug him off and turn away

"I'm a man of miracles."

"A man of miracles, huh?"

A few minutes later the door opens and Sairaorg comes out along with Misla. She was being supported by Sairaorg. I summon a wheelchair

"Need one?"

I offer it to them and they graciously accept. Sairaorg calls a servant over and whispers something to them. They take his mother and bring her somewhere. He finally turns to me and bows.

"Thank you, truly."

I wave him off since I'm not used to all this bowing

"No problem, man, don't worry about it."

He straightens himself

"Jin, I'd like to have a sparring match with you."

He looked at me with determined eyes.

I didn't expect that curveball. I let out a chuckle.

"Sure, I don't mind. But where'd this come from all of a sudden?"

"Back when I was younger, I was bullied by both Low and Middle-class devils, however, I never bore hatred from them. At the time, my mother told me to become stronger than anyone else so no one could bully or look down on me anymore."

Sairaorg explained with his eyes closed.

Not long after she fell ill and fell to sleep, I kept my promise and trained myself to the fullest extent possible. Through that, I gained respect from all types of Devils, whether they were commoners or nobles. I also gathered my own peerage during that time."

He stares back at me and continues.

"But after what you did, I want to test myself. I'm currently known as the Strongest Youth Devil, but I know there will always be someone above me. So that's why I'm asking you to spar with me, Jin, so I can see where I am currently in this world."

"Well said."

The red-haired Satan comments with a proud smile. A man with a will harder than steel. I smiled; this surely will be an entertaining match.

"Well, now I really can't turn down such an earnest request. Sure, thing Sairaorg Bael, let's have a quick sparring match."

Sairaorg led us to a colosseum-type arena and there are a few people there already. A couple of servants, his mother, Ajuka with Sirzechs, and a young lady and what seems to be his peerage.

Hmm? That woman is… Almond eyes, blond hair with blue tips, and wearing noble clothing. Latia Astaroth, but what's she doing here? Hell, what's Ajuka doing here?

Latia Astaroth was Ajuka's niece from a branch family of the Astaroth clan and would be the new heir after Diodora's fuckery in the future. I'm looking forward to beating the guy up.

Sairaorg, noticing my gaze at the stands, speaks up.

"I wanted to show my mother my progress. It seems others joined her, including some servants, two of the devil kings and my peerage."

"Looks like it."

I give Sirzechs and Ajuka weird looks, but they just shrug at me. This causes Latia to look at her uncle, and they briefly speak and Latia nods her head. We make eye contact, but I immediately break it and see Grayfia standing on one of the columns.

"Fia? What're you doing up there?"

She clearly was annoyed by my nickname, but didn't say anything.

"I will act as the arbitrator for this match."

Sairaorg and I nod. We don't see any problems with that. Also, why say arbitrator? You can call yourself the referee, sheesh. We make our way to the opposite sides of the arena and stand there. Grayfia turns to Sairaorg

"On the left, we have a Devil from the Bael clan and currently the Strongest Youth Devil of his generation, Sairaorg Bael."

She turns to me.

"On the right, we have the new middleman of the three factions, a human and…"

Grayfia looks at me asking for permission and I nod.

"This Generation's Red Dragon Emperor."

The few individuals in the stands burst into chatter as the Red Dragon Emperor was just revealed to them.

"He's reveling in the spotlight on him right now."

Ajuka comments.

"That he is."

Sirzechs lets out a chuckle.

"The Red Dragon Emperor… But why would he want to be a middleman for the three factions? It doesn't add up…"

Latia mutters to herself.

Sairaorg's peerage were also surprised. They didn't expect their master to call for them to watch him fight. Furthermore, since this match was against a human, they expected a totally one-sided fight, but after learning the truth, they began to change their expectations.

"This got a lot more interesting, the Red Dragon Emperor, huh?"

Coriana Andrealphus comments, she was one of Sairaorg's bishops. She tried to win against Issei in the finals rating game by stripping, unfortunately, that didn't go so well.

"Perhaps our King will also use…"

Kuisha Abaddon trails off as her fellow peerage members stare at her. She was Sairaorg's Queen and seemed to hold some romantic feelings for the man.

"We'll see when the match starts."

With that, Kuisha signaled that it was the end of the conversation and everyone went silent.

Misla stared at her son with a complicated expression. She was both worried and excited to see him perform. But she had a nagging feeling that it wouldn't end with her son's victory.

"I didn't expect you to be the Red Dragon Emperor of all things. I'm even more excited for this!"

Sairaorg goes into a stance.

I just smile at him and stand there casually. How should I go about this? End it quickly? Let it drag out a bit before one-shotting him? The latter sounds more amusing, so I'll go with that.

[Give 'em' a show partner.]

{I am also interested in this young devil; he oozes confidence and power.}

"Are both of you ready?"

Grayfia asks and we both nod.


Third Person Point of View

However, neither of them moves and just stares at each other. The exchange continues for nearly a minute until Sairaorg disappears from his spot and appears behind Jin. A punch is delivered to his back. To his complete surprise, Jin was already looking in his direction and moving slightly, making the punch miss.

In response, Sairaorg pounded Jin with a barrage of punches. Staying in the same position, he dodged them and then ended the attack with an uppercut, which he blocked with his right forearm. As Jin starts to grip his hand, Sairaorg quickly jumps back.

To everyone's surprise, they see that the Strongest Youth was sweating profusely after the small exchange. Why? Why was he sweating so much?

'If he fully grabbed my fist, I would have been dead…'

Sairaorg says as he wipes the sweat off his forehead.

'I underestimated this human, he's a lot more dangerous than I initially thought.'

"My apologies, Jin, I may have underestimated your power quite a bit. Allow me to formally apologize by using my full power!"

Sairaorg's power skyrocket as a burst of touki and demonic energy surrounds him and disperses.

"Here I come!"

He launches himself at Jin and sends out a more powerful punch. Jin dodged the punch, but the fist that was launched at him created strong wind pressure behind him and created cracks in the wall. Sairaorg continued his assaults by covering his hands— No his entire body with touki, but it was still futile as his attacks missed the human who still hadn't moved from his spot.

Sairaorg's back away with a small frown.

"Why haven't you fought back?"

He finally questions the human.

"Are you perhaps looking down on me?"

"Sorry, I'm not, I just wanted to see what your 'full power' is, let's not kid ourselves, that isn't your current full power, now is it?"

Jin grins at Sairaorg which caused the devil to frown.

'How does he know about that?'

Sairaorg closes his eyes and falls silent for a moment, weighing his options. He eventually opens his eyes.

"Very well, I shall truly use my full power against you, Jin."

He looks over to his peerage.


He shouts, and a boy jumps down.

A young boy had jumped down into the stadium. He had spiky dark orange hair, golden eyes, and facial markings.

"Sairaorg-sama… Are you sure about this?"

The boy asks his King.

"Yes, he is worthy of it."

The boy nods and gets down on all fours and starts to transform. The boy turned into a golden lion to everyone's surprise except for his peerage.

"Hmmm, so you're the wielder of the Longinus [Regulus Nemea]? Quite fitting for you."

Jin comments, which earned another surprised gasp from the crowd.

"A pure-blooded Devil wielding a Sacred Gear, how intriguing."

A curious glint could be seen in Latia Astaroth's eyes. Ajuka her uncle also nodded; it was almost impossible for such a thing to happen.

"My Sairaorg…"

Misla mutters as tears slowly fell from her cheeks. Her family was known for lion taming, and seeing her son with a Sacred Gear that also had an appearance of a lion brought a certain joy to her heart. That trait of her was passed down onto him.


Sairaorg roared

"Yes, my King!"

The golden lion responded and turned into light as it flew towards Sairaorg and enveloped him.

"Oh, my lion—"

"Oh, King of Nemea—"

"You who bears the name of the Lion King—"

"Heed my summons—"

"And lend me your being!"

"[Balance Break]!!"

The golden light around Sairaorg finally explodes, revealing the man.

"Regulus Rey Leather Rex!"

He announces covered in a golden armor, with a face of a lion for his chest plate and golden fur as a sort of a helmet.

"You even achieved a sub-species Balance Breaker; you just keep on getting better and better, Sairaorg Bael."

Jin couldn't help but smile at his opponent. Jin also used [Observe] on him, wanting to see what kind of stats someone would be in a Balance Breaker.

Name: Sairaorg Bael

Age: 19

Potential: Super Devil – Ex+++

Rank: Ultimate Class – SSS (Temporary) – Ultimate Class – S (Base)

Gender: Male

Race: Pure Devil

Titles: The Strongest Youth/The Lion King

Sacred Gear: Regulus Nemea

Level: 61 (67%)

Hp: 98,120(Hp Regen: 10,000 per minute)

Mp: 55,219 (Mp Regen:3,598 per second)

Str: 220 (330)

Vit: 250 (355)

Dex: 180 (243)

Int: 130 (150)

Wis: 110 (150)

Char: 200

Luk: 24

'His base stats are already above the regular Ultimate class, being in Balance Breaker really pushed him by a lot. He really trained a fuck ton to get where he is.'

"Here I come, Red Dragon Emperor!"

With even greater speed than before, Sairaorg blitzed toward Jin and launched a punch with all his power and body weight. But to everyone's shock, Jin just stood there and grinned.


When the dust settled after his punch, Sairaorg was in utter disbelief. The human, the Red Dragon Emperor stood there, with his fist caught and with no injuries.


Sairaorg was cut from his shock when Jin kicked him in the stomach, launching the young devil backwards and crashing into the stadium wall.


The Devil let out a pained cry and fell to his knees. Sairaorg clutched his stomach, a kind of pain he never felt before in his entire life, even his previous training didn't give him this kind of pain. The young devil thought he'd experience all kinds of pain, but this was totally something new to him.

As if his organs were crushed and healed back up, it was a totally foreign feeling. Seeing his confused expression, Jin decided to shed some light on what just happened.

"You seem confused, well to answer that question, yes, I did crush your organs the moment my kick connected with you, but I also healed them after I launched you. I'm here to spar, Sairaorg, not accidentally kill you."

"So, my theory was correct. Regardless, I shall continue!"

Sairaorg appeared in front of Jin again and resumed his assault. Blow after blow, strike after strike, the stadium slowly was covered in small to large craters created by the Lion King himself. But not once did those fists connect to his opponent.

Jin only had to make small movements to avoid those fatal strikes. The Red Dragon Emperor also didn't move from his spot the entire time, much to the surprise of Sairaorg and the audience. While the ground beneath him was destroyed, Jin floated in the air where the ground once stood.

This carried on for a few minutes until Sairaorg was left panting and wheezing. His peerage was beyond shocked as their King was almost made out to be a plaything.

"Haah… Haah… I can't hit him…"

Sairaorg knew that his time in his Balance Breaker was coming to an end, as this form used up a lot of his stamina. He had a lot of endurance, but keeping up this form for this long was beyond him.

'This Balance Breaker won't last any longer if this keeps up.'

The devil was brought out of his thoughts when Jin finally spoke up.

"I've enjoyed our spar, Sairaorg Bael, but I still have two requests to get done today, so we have to end it here."

Jin announces. Sairaorg let out a chuckle.

"Was this truly a sparring match?"

He asked a rhetorical question, to which Jin smiled back at him.

Jin cocked his arm back, seemingly ready to punch Sairaorg. Before anyone could register what happened, including the Sairaorg himself, everything behind the young devil completely disappeared, walls, the furnishing behind it, the entire section of that building was missing and as well as the area outside it.



A scream resounded around the arena. The voice came from Sairaorg Bael's mother. The woman in question jumped down from the stands and ran to her son. Even though she was supposed to be weak right now, adrenaline had taken over, and she had rushed over to her son.

His entire peerage also ran over to his side, also screaming his name. The two Satans also joined, as well as Latia.

Sairaorg's body was… Not in good shape, part of his shoulder was missing, the right side of his stomach and he also had a giant hole in his right thigh, blood was falling out of his mouth, the youth was still conscious which was the most surprising thing out of this whole ordeal.

"Sairaorg! Sairaorg!"

Misla wailed at her injured son.

"We need to get Phenex Tears as soon as possible."

Latia had crouched down and took a look at the male devil's injuries

"Or else he'll die."


Sirzechs called the Human's name.

Jin Skyward

"Calm down."

I said loudly, everyone turned to me in surprise and anger. I walked over to Sairaorg and summoned a ball of slime and threw it at him.

Everyone was shocked by the action, but immediately noticed that his injuries instantly healed.

"What?! How?!"

Latia who was one of the closest to the devil was surprised. She put her hand on his chest and checked his body.

"…Everything seems to have gone back to normal, his life-threatening injuries have completely disappeared."

She announced it to everyone. Misla just sighed in relief and hugged her son even tighter. Everyone also relaxed and let out held breaths.

"You knew you would be able to heal him, didn't you?"

Ajuka finally speaks to me.

"Of course, I wouldn't have done that if I didn't."

I just shrugged.

"Oh, can't forget about that."

I turned around and restored the rest of the surrounding that I destroyed.

"Now, it's all good."

Sairaorg who was knocked out during that little tense moment finally woke up, much to everyone's surprise he started to howl in laughter. During that time Regulus had canceled the Balance breaker and kneeled beside his wielder and master.

Sairaorg sat up with Misla helping him.

"That was completely one-sided. I lost, it's your win, Jin."

Sairaorg held his hand out and I shook it.

"Nice fight, Lion King."

Everyone watched the interaction between the two of us and let whatever burning hatred they had for me disperse. Seeing Sairaorg himself not hold a grudge, they couldn't do it themselves, as I had also healed him.

I let go of the handshake and turned around.

"I should get to the other request then."

I stretched my body and was ready to teleport with Grayfia to the Leviathan domain when Sirzechs stopped me.


The Crimson Satan called out, his usual laid back and calm tone gone.


I turn back to a serious-looking Lucifer.

"If you're asking what the thing, I threw at him is, it's healing slime, it's like the Phenex Tears, but like 100 times more effective."

"No, that wasn't what I was going to ask, but thank you for the explanation."

He paused and spoke again.

"What really is your full power?"

He asked, slowly letting his body get covered by the Power of Destruction.

This action caused everyone to get tense and back up. Ajuka stared at his long-time friend, not sure what he was planning. Sirzechs aura caused everything around him to slowly crack and crumble under his pressure.

Cúntóir: Answer: Power output: 1%, Covering Bael Territory with aura sealing barrier.

I let out my own aura out as well, this made everyone excluding Grayfia, but including Sirzechs Lucifer himself, buckle under the pressure and be forced onto his knees. Everyone looked mortified at me.

"I wouldn't know myself, Zechs, I never really had a chance to use it all before. Even 1% is already making all of you like this."

I let out a chuckle. After a few seconds, after I let my aura leak, I also cancel and repress it back. Going back to my usual carefree attitude.

Everyone was relieved that the crushing aura was gone, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. The two devil kings' eyes were completely wide during the short and tense interaction. Sirzechs composes himself and looks at me again.

"Are you interested in world domination? You are also considered the Red Dragon of Domination now you know."

I let out a chuckle.

"Nah, I already said it before, all I'm interested in is getting a harem, falling in love, and having a little bit of adventure. If I have to fight every now and again, then I don't mind. World domination sounds way too much work."

I started to wave him off, yeah, no. I have no interest in that. Working with my small harem is already quite an ordeal. I can't even imagine myself trying to run the entire fucking world. Too much stress, no, thank you!

Sirzechs was staring at me the whole time, but finally relaxed and smiles

"Very well, Jin, I believe those words of yours."

Cúntóir: Answer: Aura sealing barrier being deactivated.

"Cool, anyway, let's get going, Fia."

I waved behind me.

"See ya around, guys!"

Grayfia had robotically made her way beside me and teleported us out of there.

Third Person Point of View

Bael Arena Stadium


Ajuka called out to his friend.

"Haha, yeah, he's powerful, if I have to be honest, I would put him at the very top of the 'Top 10 Strongest beings' of our world. It's nothing like I felt before."

Sirzechs had a slightly grim expression on him.

"Yes, it's almost sickening, but we have to be thankful all he wants is to get a harem and live peacefully. Otherwise, it would be difficult for us to deal with him."

Ajuka concluded and stared at his niece.


She asked, but didn't get an answer, but instead an amused smile and shake of the head. Ajuka had a feeling that Latia, her niece, was not safe from that boy.

"So, I never stood a chance, huh?"

Sairaorg let out a sad chuckle.

"You fought well Sairaorg, but…"

Sirzechs trailed off and looked at the spot where Jin and Grayfia once stood.

"Jin is just an exception among exceptions."


Leviathan Territory

Jin Skyward

"I wonder if we'll see a magical girl here."

I wondered out loud and let out a chuckle. I look to my side and see Grayfia, still a bit shook out by the power I exuded. I put a hand on her head and pat her lightly. This action brought her out of her fear and stupor.

"Are you scared of me now, Fia? C'mon now, we're partners in crime. You and I are like two peas in a pod! Two bullets in a mag! Two cannibal midgets in a fat guy's rib cage!"

After my attempt at cheering her up, she lets out a small chuckle.

"You and your way of speaking."

She smiles at me.

"I was not nor will I ever be scared of you, Jin"

She dusts herself off.

"Now follow me, we're going to be meeting up with someone you're already acquainted with."

The Leviathan Territory was as big as the other ones I've been in so far, I was on guard as I might come across Sona, but remembered she's in Kuoh now.

"Hey, hey!"

I hear an all too familiar voice calls out to as in the distance. Serafall was there in her usual business attire. She looks at me and gives me a peace sign and I in turn give her one as well, Grayfia beside me just shook her head.

"Hey Jin!"

She skipped towards me and gave me a high five.

"Ready for a new harem member?"

She asks with a knowing grin. I stared at her dumbfounded


I had my suspicions, but I didn't think they'd call me for that, of all things. I guess my actions have been causing a lot of ripple effects in the world now. Maybe some plots that would happen down the line will happen sooner? Or maybe even not at all. Time will only tell.

She wrapped herself around my arm and dragged me away. I turned my head to Grayfia, and she looked slightly irritated, but followed along slightly. Serafall lead us through a few hallways, flights of stairs, and finally in front of a door.

"The Sleeping Beauty is just behind this door, now go! Shoo! Shoo!"

She opens the door and practically throws me in. Grayfia and Serafall stay behind.

"Why's she being so pushy? God damn."

"OW! Don't say his name so close to us!"

Serafall complained behind the door.

"Pfft, my bad."

I turn my attention to the sleeping devil, Ingvild Leviathan. Half-human, half-devil hybrid much like Vali, she caught the sleeping disease around 80 to 100 years ago. It's more surprising she hasn't died during that time. Let's use [Observe] on her for now and then go from there.

Name: Ingvild Leviathan

Age: 117

Potential: Super Devil – Ex+++

Rank: Ultimate Class - S

Gender: Female

Race: Half Human/ Half Devil

Titles: Descendant of the True Leviathan

Sacred Gear: Nereid Kyrie (Dormant)

Level: 57 (36%)

Hp: 21,444 (Hp Regen: 0 per minute)

Mp: 22,866 (Mp Regen: 0 per second)

Str: 36 (102)

Vit: 75 (201)

Dex: 46 (198)

Int: 59 (302)

Wis: 52 (299)

Char: 266

Luk: 101

She's definitely a fighter, she's probably been sleeping longer than Misla, but she has a lot more Hp and Mp. She woke up from her slumber because of her Sacred Gear awakening, might as well do that.

While I stood over her, both Serafall and Grayfia had entered the room. I finally put my hand on her forehead.

Cúntóir do what you did before.

Cúntóir: Answer: Analyzing Devil Sleeping Disease… Removing impurities… Awakening Sacred Gear…

The same golden light covered Ingvild and then dies down.

Cúntóir: Answer: Devil Sleeping Disease successfully removed, impurities successfully removed, Scared Gear successfully awakened.

Name: Ingvild Leviathan

Age: 117

Potential: Super Devil – Ex+++

Rank: Ultimate Class - S

Gender: Female

Race: Half Human/ Half Devil

Titles: Descendant of the True Leviathan

Sacred Gear: Nereid Kyrie

Level: 57 (36%)

Hp: 35,000 (Hp Regen:  2,790 per minute)

Mp: 42,600 (Mp Regen: 4,510 per second)

Str: 112

Vit: 212

Dex: 202

Int: 307

Wis: 301

Char: 266

Luk: 101

Her stats also increased; I wonder if Misla's also did? I didn't exactly check hers after…

"It's done, she'll wake up soon. I also took the liberty of awakening her Sacred Gear."

I inform the two devils behind me.

"She had a Sacred Gear?! Wait, you can awaken them!?"

Serafall was shocked again for who knows how many times, she can't wrap her head around this person.

"Yeah, also stop shouting."

After I lightly scold her, the sleeping devil slowly starts to shift around her bed. Her eyes flutter open, and she stares at the ceiling. She turns her head to the side and looks at the three of us.


She mutters softly. Serafall walks over to the bed and crouches down.

"I'm Serafall Leviathan, but I'm not a true Leviathan, I only received the title and not a Leviathan through blood."

She starts and then points at me.

"You've been asleep for around 100 years, and that man just helped wake you up."

Ingvild stared at Serafall and then back at me, she does this a few times over, and finally her eyes land back at me.

"Thank you very much."

She tries to get up and Serafall helps her.

"I… What am I supposed to do now?"

She asks all of us.

"My father…"

"I invited him to this but declined, he's busy…"

Serafall explained a bit annoyed. Ingvild dawns a sad expression.

"My mother has passed away then… The same with my friends I made a long time ago in the human world… What— Where do I go from here?"

Serafall closes her eyes for a few moments before getting up and looking at me and grins. Ingvild looks at her confused.

"I don't like that look, Serafall."

Grayfia looked at the Satan, unamused.

"Don't worry about it, Grayfia-chan! The other 3 Satans and I have talked about this!"

She turns to me.

"Jin! If you did successfully awaken this sleeping beauty right here, we would hand her over to you!"

She announces happily and with a bit of pride for some reason.

I just blankly stare at this woman, the pure audacity she had, where does it even come from?! I look back at Ingvild who had a slight expectant look on her.

"I mean, you guys already made the decision, so there's no backing out of it, I'll also feel bad for just waking her up and just leaving her here."

I smile.

"She could also use some help getting used to this new era of the world."

She gains a thankful look on her

"Thank you… Jin-san."

I walk over to her and offer my hand out to her, she takes it and gets up from the bed, but still lacking some strength loses her balance, and she falls onto me. I caught her and held her there; I chuckled a bit

"Slowly now, you've just been sleeping for 100 years. It'll take you a while to re-adjust."

She was embarrassed and responded with a small nod.

"Already flirting with her? Damn playboy."

Serafall lets out a snort and I just deadpan at her.

"Anyway, I'll bring her outside for now."

With my support, Ingvild and I left the room and made our way outside.

"It hasn't changed much…"

She says as she looked around expectantly.

"Well, the Underworld probably hasn't but the human world and technology has definitely made a lot of advancements."

I glance at her.

"We'll get there once you start getting the hang of walking again.

I let go of her, and she starts to wobble a bit. I walk away from her and stand just in front of her

"Okay, try and walk to me, it's not too far, I think."

She does so and it looked quite funny seeing a woman her age, though she still looks like a teenager, slowly wobble her way towards me. As soon as she reaches me, she collapses back onto my chest.

Now that I look at her closely, her long purple hair, orange eyes, and the noble-like dress she has really suited her, another beauty in my arms, heh.

Cúntóir: Answer: Heh


Ignoring the three idiots—

"Well, let's try that again, shall we?"

She looks up and nods at me, determination all but present on her.

Third Person Point of View

With Serafall and Grayfia

"His harem grows bigger, haah, I won't know where and when it'll end."

Serafall comments and looks at Grayfia, the devil made also stares back at the Satan.


She asks the maid


Grayfia cocked a brow, confused by the question.

"Don't play dumb with me, Grayfia-chan! You're his maid, how many are in his harem now? Are you interested in him?"

Serafall asked Grayfia multiple questions, which stunned the maid briefly. Grayfia let out a tired sigh.

"I am not Jin's maid, I am still Sirzechs-sama's maid, so far there are 3 confirmed to be in his current harem, and as for that last question. I cannot answer."

Grayfia gave the current Leviathan an accusatory look.

"Are you perhaps interested in him?"

Serafall was a bit stunned to have the same question fired back at her

"I am! It's fun being around him, and more interesting things happen when he's involved. But my work and papers keep piling up so, I haven't gotten time yet…"

Serafall ended her small speech with a tired sigh.

"You could always ask Jin to make something to speed up that process."

Grayfia knows that Jin has been able to produce things with some sort of creation magic, much to her surprise. He's done it to ingredients, her own phone she got from him in passing, a replica of her Maid clothing, and today a wheelchair and healing slime. He surely could just conjure up a machine that could do the same thing for Satan in front of her.

"Oh! Nice thinking Grayfia-chan!"

Serafall gropes her own chest.

"Time to seduce and get myself some help!"

She grinned to herself and skipped away to find the young man.

Grayfia let out another sigh and looked at the body of the Satan slowly getting smaller and disappears. She puts her hand on her head

"Romance, huh?"

She wasn't sure on how she felt, as only a few days have passed, but her opinion on the boy was a good one.

Even more so when that power he showed them, it scared her, it truly scared her, more than, dare she say, the 4 Satans, especially Sirzechs. It was a type of power and pressure she could only think of in her wildest dreams.

She was even surprised by the jump in power with both Kuroka and Akeno. She felt that the Nekoshou had reached her in terms of raw power, she also felt Akeno had jumped from Low class to the peak of Middle Class in Power. If Jin's harem kept jumping in power, then the balance of the supernatural world would be in an uproar once they find out.

But, knowing Jin, he would only show her if she gained his trust, even more so if they— She was part of his harem. But she also knew that Jin would find her out if she lied, so she had to wait and see where these feelings of her would go to. Because if she did join, there's a lot of competition.

She shook these thoughts away and followed after the hyper Satan.

With Jin and Ingvild

Jin Skyward

"There you go, you're getting the hang of it again."

I had started to increase the distance between the two of us as she slowly regained her strength and had less trouble walking around. But we had gotten into a little bit of a joke, and she'd still flop her entire body onto me, and we'd laugh it off.

Ingvild had walked towards me like any normal person would, as soon as she reached me, she basically threw herself at me, and we started laughing.

"Are we interrupting something here?"

Serafall looked at us amused while… Holding her own chest? We looked at the Satan and gave her a weird look

"Why are you holding your own tits?"

Ingvild looked at me, mortified at my vulgarity. But she didn't get a chance to answer as Serafall continued

"I wanted help from you and thought of seduction."

"I considered us as friends, so what do you need help with? If it's something unreasonable, I'll turn it into a request instead."

Grayfia had also joined us as she stared at the back of Serafall disappointed. She looked over at me and gave me a slightly amused look.

I noticed Ingvild was still in my arms, as she was still looking at Serafall.

"I want help with my paperwork, there's too much! I wanna spend time with So-tan! And with you!"

She complains like a child. Me? That was unexpected.

"Me? I understand your sister Sona, hmm, sure why not."

I put out my right hand and summoned a mechanical droid in a shape of a fairy. Ingvild still being held by me stared at the thing in curiosity.

"This, well, it will help you with your paperwork. Call it Fairy-Paper-Droid. As it sounds, it'll do your paperwork as effectively as possible. Just give it instructions on what goes where, and whatever other mumbo jumbo you need it to do."

The droid flew towards Serafall and landed on her shoulder and waited for instructions. The Satan looked at the fairy droid before jumping around in joy. She ran up to me and gave me a peck on the cheek.


She then teleported out of there.

Grayfia walked over to us and had a smirk.

"That was the first time I've seen her excited to do paperwork."

Losing a bit of her professionalism, she comments on the Satan's childish antics. I didn't expect to get a kiss, though, it's all but welcomed.

"Alright, time to head back to Kuoh, I have plans for the ORC today."

Grayfia stands beside me and I teleport us back to my home.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

1:17 p.m.

I had teleported us inside my home, in the living room, when we got there Kuroka was lazing around eating something while Akeno was sipping from a cup having tea.


I greet them, and they freeze when they see Grayfia and I, with another woman.

"Really, another one this quickly?"

Kuroka deadpan, Akeno joining in as well.

"Another one?"

Ingvild replies back confused. I was still holding her, which prompted the other two to answer like that.

"C'mon girls, it's not like that, let me explain."

"Go on."

They cross their arms as they sat back down. Grayfia bows and says that she'll go get some snacks ready. I went to the couch and sat down, and so did Ingvild. She was still confused by how the two other girls reacted.

"Alright, so she's Ingvild Leviathan, an original descendant of the Leviathan clan, I recently woke her up from her sleeping diseases that can affect devils, I also did the same to Sairaorg Bael's mother, Misla. Anyway, Ingvild here doesn't really have anywhere nor a place to go, so I offered to take her in."

I explained.

"But, didn't the 4 Satan's force me onto you?"

She corrects me. My lips twitched.

"I mean, yes, but I don't really mind. Also, you can experience this era alongside people your age and not be stuck down there with uptight nobles constantly monitoring you."

Ingvild smiles

"Thank you."

Grayfia comes in with the snacks and tea, everyone proceeds to dig me without saying much after that. The girls wanted to ask Ingvild questions, but we can save that for later. Once we finished having a bit of a snack, I get up.

"We can get the pleasantries done later, I want to go to the ORC and give them a little test for today. Then I can start training them next week."

I look at Grayfia

"Are you free?"


"Good, let's get going then."

I take out a mask, but before I put it on, I turn to Ingvild and create a necklace much like Gabriel's and give it to her. I notice the other girls with their mouths agape.

"This necklace should hide your demonic energy and signature, as well as your Sacred Gear. We're going to an area with two devil heiresses, and I don't want them making a fuss."

Ingvild takes it from me and puts it around her neck and smiles. I turn to the girls and they're slightly huffing

"I'll give you guys your own presents soon, so just wait a little bit longer."

I smile wryly at them. Women's feelings are hard to understand.

"Akeno, teleport us there, if you don't mind."

I put on my mask before we leave.

"Sure thing ~"

We gather around her and are teleported to the ORC in Kuoh academy.

Occult Research Club

Jin Skyward

Once we teleported in, the three devils that were there hanging out were shocked to see Akeno appear with a few other individuals, myself included.

"Akeno? What's the meaning of this?"

Rias Gremory scans the beings that just teleported in and spots Grayfia.

"G-Grayfia?! What's going on?"


Shirone was shocked to see her there too. The Gremory peerage didn't recognize the other two, Ingvild and I. Grayfia decided to explain the situation.

"This man right here."

She gestures to me and continues.

"Has been hired by Sirzechs Lucifer to train you and your peerage."

She glares at them.

"There is no room for negotiation nor complaining. These are the orders of Lucifer himself, not your older brother."

Grayfia decided to let out a bit of her demonic energy and the room become tense. The young devil peerage flinches at the pressure they were being put under. Deciding it was enough, I pat Grayfia on the shoulder, and she relents.

"You heard the woman; I'll be training your sorry asses for the foreseeable future."

I speak up this time, and they look over at me.

"But why? Why train us all of a sudden?"

Kiba speaks up, he wasn't against the idea, since it'll help him with his revenge.

"It's got to do with your King. She knows about a certain individual she's engaged to, yet she hasn't done anything to get ready for the inevitable. Knowing that the young Phenex might push for an earlier marriage, he asked me for some help, so I accepted."

I explain to the blonde boy. He nods and the rest of his peerage looks back at her. She was gritting her teeth but nodded along.

"Very well, I won't start training you yet, but I wanted to get a general idea of where your powers are at right now. So, let's go outside."

I walk out, followed by my group and the Gremory peerage.

We get to the field and I stand at one end, and they stand at the other end, including Akeno. Grayfia acts as the referee again, while Ingvild and Kuroka stand at the side watching this happen. Kuroka looks at me begging me not to be too hard on her sister and I gave her a nod.

Ingvild looks excited to see how this match will go as she looked between me and the young group of devils.

I create a barrier to stop the damage and our auras from leaking. It's only in the confines of the field, so even Sona and her peerage aren't aware of what's going on.

"Without further delay, let the trial match begin!"

Grayfia announces.

Third Person Point of View

Once the match started, Kiba summoned a demonic sword using his Sacred Gear Sword Birth. He rushes towards Jin and slashes down on the masked wielding man, Jin effortlessly dodges his strike and looks at the Knight of Gremory in amusement.

Jin puts his hand out and flicks his finger, causing Kiba to be launched backwards and crashing to the ground.


Rias yells worriedly, but the Knight gets up, a bit bruised up but nonetheless okay.

Kiba grits his teeth at how easily he was hit back and charges back towards Jin. Jin was a bit surprised that Kiba had gotten up and wasn't knocked out.

'Did I use too little strength? Let's add a bit more, then.'

When Kiba had reached him again, he began to wildly hack and slash at Jin. Jin just easily and half-heartedly dodged them all.

'He's not bad, but he's letting his emotions take over himself. Did me launching him that easily wound a bit of his pride?'

After one certain slash the same scene repeated and Jin flicked Kiba with more force this time, causing the young Knight of Gremory to fly through the air and land on the other side of the field knocked out.

Koneko had appeared beside Jin and threw a punch at him, Jin dodged and the young Nekoshou's punch landed on the ground, and it made a small crater on the ground. Jin notices that while Koneko had the power, she lacked speed, as her punches were a lot slower than Kiba's sword slashes.

Jin did the same thing and flicked Koneko with his finger, but she was ready and blocked it, but the force was still strong and sent her backwards.


She comments as she shakes her arm.

"You can do it, Shirone!"

Kuroka cheered on the sidelines, which caused her to blush.

"Nee-sama not the time!"

She quips back, embarrassed.

Jin couldn't help but smile underneath his mask at their little interaction. Koneko shaking the embarrassment away resumed her assault on Jin. Seeing as this was going nowhere, she decided to use her Nekoshou heritage.

She backed away and brought out her cat ears and tail. It wasn't a flashy transformation but a quick one, she started to look more like Kuroka now with her cat-like features out.

'She's finally using it, huh? Didn't she dub this [Nekomata Mode Level 2]?'

Jin pauses—

'I guess she got to this a lot earlier thanks to Kuroka's training.'

Koneko now transformed, with two tails and covered herself with, touki charged at Jin with even more speed. Her blows were even more powerful, creating even bigger craters on the ground. Jin couldn't help but smile at her progress.

However, Jin couldn't help but sneak glances at Rias, the King of her peerage was just standing there doing nothing. Well, Jin wasn't so sure of that, maybe she was thinking up a plan? Or she was underestimating him? Even though he had manhandled Kiba earlier.

Koneko was a bit annoyed as she noticed the man looking at Rias instead of focusing on their fight.

"Sorry, Shirone."

Were the words she heard before she blacked out. Jin had flash stepped behind her and karate chopped her neck, knocking her out.

"You did well."

Jin flash stepped to Kuroka and handed the knocked-out Nekoshou to her sister.

Kuroka sat down and laid the sleeping Shirone on her lap and started stroking her hair.

"You've gotten stronger, Shirone nya…"

Kuroka was proud of her little sister. Ingvild and Grayfia couldn't help but smile at the two sisters.


A loud and large explosion covered the field and Jin stood to the side, not hurt. Akeno had finally joined in and wanted to show Jin how far she had come. She also wanted to be praised, that was her main reason.

"A-Akeno wasn't that…"

Rias' eyes widen when she sees her friend and Queen with both types of wings out.

…Holy Lightning, Akeno didn't have her hang-ups anymore and was freely using all her powers and advantages that she had. She was also flying proudly, showing both her devil and fallen angel wings.

"Fufufufu, I'd like a deep evaluation if you wouldn't mind Mask-san."

Akeno licked her fingertips. Jin smiled wryly under his mask.

'There it is, the Sadistic Queen in all of her glory.'

Akeno started throwing out Holy and Demonic Lightning towards Jin, she also started to shape them after Dragons as a homage to Jin, as he was responsible for all of her growth recently.

'She hasn't fully replicated the Holy Lightning Dragon…But she should be able too soon… I just need to help her with that.'

Jin dodged another attack from Akeno, said girl started to mix in other elements as well as getting in close combat and throwing in punches and kicks.

Jin reached out and flicked Akeno, she reacted by creating a defensive barrier to minimize the attack, but still launched her to the ground. Once the dust settled, Akeno could be seen slowly getting up.

'That was the same strength I used against Kiba… You've really grown a lot, huh, Akeno.'

Jin couldn't help but feel proud and happy towards his lover.

Akeno flew up again and continues her assault, now combining elements, Holy flaming lightning, flame and wind, demonic lightning and fire, water and lightning as well as other combos. She was relentless, her tenacity was nothing to scoff at.

"Well done, Akeno, go to sleep for now."

Jin proceeded to use an attack he always found cool. Conqueror Haki from One Piece. Jin exerts his willpower at a concentrated point towards Akeno, causing the young hybrid to black out, said hybrid begins to fall only to be caught by Jin and placed by Grayfia.

He didn't want it to go wild and hit everyone in the field and knock them out, that would have been counterproductive.

Rias Gremory was the only one left, she watched her peerage fight with the masked man, she expected him to be defeated easily, but it was the other way around. First, her Knight fell, then her Rook, and finally her Queen.

Rias was dumbfounded by the turn of events, since she was still a teenager her emotions are what control her, so Jin expected this reaction out of her.

"How could you hurt my peerage like that?"

She asks toward no one.

'I didn't though? I actually dealt with them with not much force… Well, Kiba had it the worst, probably.'

Jin looked over to her peerage members, Kiba, Koneko, and to his surprise, Akeno was already awake and watching the soon-to-be Mask man vs King.

"I didn't even hurt them that badly, they're even awake already."

Jin informs the female King; this catches her off guard, and she turns to look at her peerage, and they just awkwardly smile at her.

Rias being embarrassed doubled down.

"Regardless! I'll deal with you myself."

She starts to gather the Power of Destruction behind her, the signature move of the Bael clan and now Gremory since she inherited it from her mother.


She grunts and sends the relatively fast attack at Jin, who easily dodged it.

Jin felt that this final showdown was a bit lacking, but still had to go through with it. Rias Gremory started to recklessly throw her POD attacks at Jin, and he easily avoided them.

'She's going to run out of steam if she keeps this up.'

He looked at the heiress with concern, but that wasn't present in her as she continued to attack Jin. Not too long after, Rias had to land as she was panting because she nearly used up her entire Demonic energy pool.

"Rias Gremory, that wasn't exactly the best course of action. You should have been more refined and exerted more control with the use of your [Power of Destruction]."

Jin reprimands Rias which caused the heiress to grit her teeth.

Rias didn't want to admit it, but the masked man was right, but she was still a bit too proud to admit that in the open, so she kept quiet.

Jin, noticing her stubbornness, just sighed to himself.

'She'll take a lot of work, but it's doable.'

"Well? Hurry up and send your last attack. You watch a lot of anime, right? Get on with your final stand."

Rias looked flabbergasted at the masked man but still went through with it, using the last bit of her demonic energy she created a large ball of POD and launched it at Jin. It was slow, but the size made up for it. Rias herself was proud of it, since she fell on her ass when she threw it towards the man.

Jin wanted to end this all, slaps the attack out of existence, and casually landed back on the ground. This obviously shocked Rias and her peerage, with the exception of Akeno.

"Wha— How did— Huh?!"

Rias was still sitting on the ground, not wanting to believe what she had just seen.

"Alright, gathered around."

Everyone, including the spectators, stood In front of Jin. The young man looked at Kiba and threw a healing slime at him, the blonde was surprised but noticed his injuries healing fast and thanked the masked man.

"Thank you."


He looks at everyone around him.

"Alright, onto what you guys need to start working on. Blonde dude, you're fast and have good reaction time, but your attack power is lacking, and you really can't take too many hits before you're down and out. So, work on that, get tougher, stamina and work on your attack power."

'Blonde dude?'

Kiba couldn't help but smile wryly at the nickname, but he nodded in the end.

Jin turns to Koneko.

"Shirone, you're already training with Kuroka, so I don't have much to say other than work on your speed and reflexes more. They're already good in your Nekoshou form, but work to set that as your base power, alright?"

Koneko was a bit surprised that the man knew her name but nodded, not wanting to argue, she became heavily aware of this fact during her short fight with him. She looked at her sister wanting some answers, but Kuroka just shook her head. She had to leave it at that.

"Akeno, you know what you have to do, and you're already working on it, keep it up."

"Sure thing ~"

The hybrid answered casually, surprising her peerage members, they all had the same question in mind.

'Do they know each other?'.

"Finally, Rias Gremory."

Jin sighed—

"Where do I start? Alright, I know you're the King, but you need to be a bit more involved in the fights, command and create a plan of attack for your peerage before charging in, okay?"

Jin pauses to see her reaction, but not much of a reaction yet.

"Also work on increasing your own demonic energy pool, since it's piss small right now. Don't forget to also work on the control of your [Power of Destruction]. The way you're using it is wasteful."

"H-How is it wasteful?"

The girl finally speaks up, to Jin's surprise she wasn't as upset as he thought she would be.

"You're using it inefficiently, you like games, right?"

He asks her and she nods.

"Well, think of it like that. Right now, your Power of Destruction is level 1, the more you level it up the less Mp it'll consume and the less of a burden it'll put on you. You will also gain better control and make it stronger as you use it more."

"You're treating it as some ace in the hole instead of it being an extension of yourself. This is the difference between your control and power of POD and your older brother Zechs."

Grayfia pinches Jin's sides when he added the last part. Grayfia said nothing, and Jin just let out an awkward chuckle. The Gremory peerage looked at the interaction between the two oddly.

"…I'll think about it."

Rias said and walked away grumbling.

Koneko and Kiba looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"I guess we're dismissed?"

Kiba asked and Grayfia told him that they were done for the day. He nodded, thanked Jin, and teleported away.

Jin Skyward


Kuroka runs to her sister and hugs her. The little Nekoshou awkwardly stood there, embarrassed by her sister's actions.

"Shirone meet, uh, the masked person. Anyway! He was the one who help me get free, the middleman person."

Kuroka gestured towards me and I waved to her. This caused Shirone's eyes to widen, and she bows to me

"Thank you."

Jin walked over and gave her a quick head pat and summoned a bag of sweets and gave it to her.

"I heard Kuroka you had a sweet tooth."

Shirone happily accepted the bag and thanked me again, she started to eat the sweets from the bag.

"Already trying to get my sister to join your harem? You really have no shame."

Kuroka snorts, which caused Shirone to blush and chuckle.

I see Grayfia looking in Rias's direction

"Leave her Grayfia."

She turns to me with a confused look.

"She needs time to process what I told her and come to her own conclusions, we can't baby and spoiler her forever. It's a good opportunity for her to get a bit of maturing done."

Grayfia nods and stands there like her usual Maid self. I feel someone latched themselves onto me.

"Anyway, spoil me, I did great today, right?"

Akeno asks as she clung to me and buried her face into my shoulder. I couldn't help but chuckle, How many times have I chuckled today?

"Sure sure, when we get home. You deserve it, after all."

She lets out a happy muffled squeal as she still had her face in my shoulder.

"J— I mean masked-man-san I'll spend the rest of the day with Shirone if you don't mind."

"I don't own you Kuroka, you're free to do what you want."

She thanks me and lifts the mask up briefly to give me a kiss on the cheek, and drags Shirone away. The little sister was surprised by the action of her older sister, but didn't say anything.

"Kuroka-nee-sama what was that about?"

"I'm in his harem."

She flatly answers her, and they disappear into the distance.

"You're amazing, Jin, you didn't have any problems dealing with so many opponents."

Ingvild who had stayed silent the whole time had finally spoken up. She looked at me with a lot of excitement.

"Thanks, I try my best."

Ingvild was clearly intrigued by me and from the looks of it wanted to know more about me, I more than welcomed that, more women for me.

"Alright, time to go home."

I glance up at the sky and cancel the barrier. Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: The time is 2:03 p.m.

"Around an hour passed, let's go home."

Everyone gathered closer around me and I teleported us home.

Skyward household

"Home sweet home, I'm hungry. I'll go and—"

Grayfia stops me.

"I'll go make lunch."

She didn't let me answer and left.

"Ah, whatever."

I sat down on the couch; Akeno joins me as she proceeds to hug my right arm. I use the same right arm to pet her cheek and stroke her chin from time to time. Ingvild also joins me on the couch and sits on my left side.

I take out my smartphone with my left hand and start browsing random shit with it, but I notice Ingvild looking at it intently.

"Oh, yeah, this is one of the newer advances by humans, though I believe Ajuka made something like it before them. It's called a smartphone."

I start telling Ingvild what it can do and its other features, she also became more interested in it the more I explained

"Do you want one?"

A bit surprised by my question, she hesitantly nods. She probably wants to earn money and buy one herself and not be a total burden to me.

I put my phone down on my lap and create an exact duplicate of it and give it to her, I already modified my phone earlier, with infinite battery, unlimited Wi-Fi signal range, other nicks, and knacks that would be beneficial to me.

I also tell her what had happened during her time asleep, she slowly started to inch herself closer to me as I told her what had happened in both the human world and the supernatural. I could feel that Akeno wanted to ask how I knew, but decided not to. Perhaps it's the trust she has in me, like she mentioned a few days ago?

"The world has changed so much… I almost feel like an outsider, a relic of the past not meant to exist."

She says, a bit saddened. I pat her head.

"Don't be, you're here now, you'll make new friends in the future, maybe even find someone you like. Things take time, you're free to mourn your loved ones who passed, but instead of doing that forever, celebrate their life instead."

"It's better to end on a happy note, no?"

I stop petting her and hand her the smartphone I made for her. She stares at me for a bit and then to her smartphone, a content smile on her face.

I've been petting a lot of people lately, is this becoming an Ultimate skill of mine?

Cúntóir: Answer: Ultimate skill created: Head patting champion

[Head pat them to make them fall for you, partner.]

Ddraig started to chuckle.

Cúntóir making a joke? Things are definitely changing. I watch Ingvild fiddle with the smartphone for a while until she visibly gives up and looks back at me pleadingly.

"I'll help you."

I scoot over and bring Akeno with me, who had just been peacefully laying against me. I started to teach her the basics and how things worked.

"Now that I think about it, this reminds me of when I had to teach Shuri too."

I chuckled at how she did the same things Ingvild.

Akeno had finally joined in the conversation

"You taught my mom?"

"Yep, the same day… Wait no, maybe the day after? Well, whatever, I bought her one and taught her how to use it, she's a quick learner, you definitely got it from her."


Ingvild was confused.

"Ah, yeah. She's Akeno's mom who was… Dead, well she's alive now. I kinda revived her and all that, ahaha…"

Grayfia had returned to the living room with some sandwiches made and had sat down and watched out interactions while having a bite herself.

"You… Can revive the dead?"

She asks in disbelief, the same with Grayfia as she's shocked by this revelation.

I look over at Akeno, and she gives me a nod.

"Yeah, I revived Shuri Himejima a few days ago, I can do that with anyone. Save for a few rules I have set."

I explain the rules as I did to the Slash/Dog girls.

"Those are the only limits."

I could see Ingvild deflate, she thought I could help revive her friends and probably came to the same answer, that they probably already reincarnated and can't be. Most likely the same with her mother.

"To be able to revive the dead, that's a very powerful ability…"

Grayfia murmurs to herself. I continue and tell Ingvild how Akeno and I met, how fast our whirlwind romance came to be, the same thing with how Kuroka ended up in my harem.

I left Lavinia's story because she wasn't here, and I didn't know if she was as okay with it. I know Kuroka would be, well I omitted some details, so it should be fine.

At the end of it, Ingvild was teary-eyed and moved over to hug Akeno. While she also hugged her back, appreciating the kindness she was being shown. 'What a kind-hearted girl.'

"Your short history is almost like a fairy tale, a princess waiting for her prince charming."

Ingvild says as she sat back down beside me.

"I guess it is, well I do see Jin as my hero, the one for me. Fate was definitely in the works when we first met."

Akeno snuggles back into me.

"Who else is in your harem, Jin?"

Curiosity finally got the better of her, and asks the question she's been curious about.

"Well, you've met Akeno and Kuroka. There's one more, she's a human female mage that goes by Lavinia Reni. Those are the ones who are officially in it… For now."

As I glance at Grayfia, and we make eye contact. She sports a small blush and looks away.

Ingvild notices this, but decides not to comment. I summon the [Boosted Gear].

"I'm also the Red Dragon Emperor of this generation. I also helped awaken your Sacred Gear while I got rid of the sleeping disease you had."

"Sacred Gear… I have one of them?"

Looks like she knows about them, but not what she has.

"Yes, your Sacred Gear is called [Nereid Kyrie], it's an unknown Sacred Gear for the time being, but I know what it is."

They look at me, expecting me to continue.

"Your Sacred Gear has the power to compete with the original 13 Longinus, it can influence and control dragons and as well as the sea through singing. Your clan already has that power, no? You should have a basis on how to try to control that Sacred Gear. If not, then feel free to come to me for help."

After my explanation, everyone in the room was shocked, the power to compete with the original 13? That was unheard of so far.

"The power to compete with the original 13? Surely you jest, Jin."

Grayfia asks me, as she had a hard time believing such a statement.

"It's up to you if you believe me or not. But I don't lie about these types of things, times are changing Grayfia, who knows what other Sacred Gears might pop up in the future that will change the balance?"

"I can influence dragons through singing?"

"Yeah, if you're a good singer, then all that much easier."

"Mmm, I like singing, actually."

"The stronger you get, the more powerful dragons you can control and influence, the second ability is also quite powerful since you'll have control of the oceans of the world, if you reach a sub-species balance breaker then perhaps you can control lakes or even any body of water from anywhere. Your clan's Sea Serpent of the End already works like that, no?"


Ingvild was speechless at the power she could eventually have. But also felt uneasy as it sounded very dangerous. If this Sacred Gear was found, what kind of dangers could it bring? Evil people will definitely try and take advantage of it.

"It sounds like a very dangerous power…if I don't get control of it, then if I was captured, then it can fall into the wrong hands and cause untold damage… I don't want that."

She looks back at me with a face of determination.

"Jin, please help me learn how to control this new power of mine."

She bows.

"Hey, I was already planning on it, you're stuck with me, aren't you?"

I grin at her and she giggles.

"I guess I am, thank you again."

"Now, about that singing part, care to share more about yourself?"

"…I like singing, I sang a lot of things to myself or to friends and family many years ago. They were either original songs I made or popular songs of the time."

She falls silent for a moment—

"I guess I like cooking and dancing?"

She half tilts her head.

"Since, I would dance and sing at the same time from time to time. I'm also a hybrid, a half-human devil hybrid. But that's a bit obvious since I have a Sacred gear."

She chuckles to herself.

"You're like Vali, you two hold a lot of similarities."


I look at Grayfia for a full minute, everyone is confused by this, but Grayfia and I stare at each other until I break it off.

"Yeah, Vali Lucifer from Grigori, he's this generation's White Dragon Emperor, he doesn't know that I'm the Red Dragon Emperor though. I already kicked his ass, so he doesn't know his rival beat him up."

Grayfia's eyes widen at the sudden revelation. I continue.

"He's a human devil hybrid too, and an original descendant of the Lucifer clan. But for reasons, I won't say, he hates his grandfather and wants to kill him."

"Both of you have Sacred Gears, neither discriminate on species nor whether you're a commoner or noble, you're both original descendants of the Four Great Satans, both are neither pure-blooded devil and as far as I can tell from you, you don't want to rule the Underworld and neither does Vali."

"A descendant from the original Lucifer clan with Grigori…"

Grayfia kept on getting more shocking news thrown at her from Jin, and she didn't know how to feel about it.

"That's true… I don't really want to rule the Underworld, I just want to live life a little after waking up."

She looked almost uncomfortable with the idea.

"Well, Grigori is in possession of a lot of Longinus wielders, and other Sacred Gears. [Divine Dividing], [Absolute Demise], [Canis Lykaon], all four of the Four Fiends Sacred Gears, and a number of others. Since Azazel likes researching them."

More and more revelations and Grayfia was barely keeping up, she looked stressed and didn't know what to think.

"Hey, you guys aren't the only hybrids."

I nudge Akeno and she giggles. This also catches Grayfia's attention, though she was already overloaded.

I get up and walk to the middle of the room.

"I am also a hybrid."

I glance at Grayfia and smirk.

"I'm a half Human Dragon God hybrid."

I finish by letting out my dragon wings.

Cúntóir: Answer: Again, you are an Outer God—

Cúntóir! I know! We talked about this already, I'm keeping the act up on being a hybrid for now! They'll know the truth at a later date.

Cúntóir: Answer: Hmph!

"A Dragon God?!"

Grayfia looked mortified and slumped on the couch, very unlike her usual self.

"This is too much…"


Akeno couldn't help but go over to the Devil Maid and rub her back.

"Team hybrid!"

I announce and high-five Akeno who was more than happy to do so, giggling in the process. I make my way to Ingvild and hold my hands out for a high five.

She was still in shock, but eventually comes out of it and high fives me while giggling.

"Yes, team hybrids."

Grayfia looks at me and lets out a defeated chuckle… Grayfia let out another sigh and started to sip her tea to calm down.

"You haven't told us the full truth, have you, Jin?"

Grayfia interrupting our little fun time asks me. I stare at her as everyone stares at me, I smile.

"That's true, it's not time yet, none of you are ready for that truth yet. But in the future, I will definitely tell you all, so just wait until then, alright?"

I try reassuring them, Akeno agrees as well as Ingvild, Grayfia while reluctant also does the same.

Ring! Ring!


I feel my phone ring in my pocket, I turn it on to speaker and a panicked voice speaks out.



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