Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Extra 3 - Selorien Info

Name: Selorien L'adariel

Age: 221

Height: 6’0 (1,83m aprox)


Selorien is of average height among elves, but could be considered tall in comparison to other races. His hair is black, usually kept short, and his eyes are of a deep green color. He keeps in shape but is quite thin, his muscles barely pronounced. He bears no scars of any kind, and doesn't sport piercings or any other such accessory. His face is what many would describe as handsome, mostly due to his elven heritage. His sharp, pointy ears and his neatly pale skin give him an air of timeless beauty. Since he usually keeps his eyes narrowed in perpetual tiredness and boredom, he appears mysterious without really meaning to. He doesn't quite understand what's so charming about his appareance, either way.

His choice of clothing is quite similar to Lilithra's, as he really enjoys wearing hoodies, though usually of darker hues of blue. He has a liking for baggy pants, like cargo or khakis, as he doesn't like the feel of tighter clothes. As for shoes, he wears comfy sneakers or slip-ons, since he relies on them making the least noise possible when skulking about in the shadows. He doesn't really put much care into his appareance other than picking the clothes he likes, so he doesn't wear earrings or any other jewelry. At most, he could sport a fanny-pack or small satchel, though he doesn't usually need to thanks to the Gifted network. He also sometimes wears beanies when its cold.


Selorien is a laid-back elf, and has no interest in things that don't catch his attention or curiosity. Although he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he cares not for his noble origins, and hates the 'norm'. He's somewhat dettached and composed, and may seem cold and distant deliberately, but that's just how he is. He doesn't really care about what others think, though. If left alone, he would probably laze around a sofa until the end times, so Lilithra serves as his motivator. Whenever she wants to do something, he follows along, pulled by his friend's enthusiasm.

Selorien is usually calm and quiet, prefering to let others talk and explain things while he just hovers around. He enjoys company, and is sometimes mischievous and cheerful, though he doesn't know how to hold his tongue in most cases. Like most people, he has a limit to his patience, and can be real energetic, angry, or proactive when the situation requires it.

He used to be more withdrawn and uncaring, completely uninterested in the world around him; to the point that even the death of his own parents barely fazed him. Thankfully, Selorien has been slowly changing since meeting Lilithra.

Relationships so far

Theoldorien: His grandfather and only close relative. Selorien cherishes the memories of the old elf doting on him, though he's been questioning his decisions lately.

Lil: His best friend! They first met when Lilithra was really little, so she doesn't remember. Their second meeting and the one that sparked their friendship was around the time Lilithra joined the Flaming Fists. He acts like her big brother, teasing her and following along with her plans, being the person he's the most fond of.

Raphael: Lil's uncle and a man he has the utmost respect for. He can't live without the beverages the steward can prepare, and thinks of him as his own uncle too.

Ascalon: They met recently, but he admires his prowess and attitude. Ascalon has a lot of virtues that Selorien would love to have, like his unwavering courage. He's grown quite attached of the knight.

Rosco: A man he despises, as he once tricked Lilithra into joining the Flaming Fists.

Lyra: A Felinae that seemed to know him from somewhere. He hates that she's always late to things.

Escarlata: The L'adariels 'monster maid', a member of the highest ranking maids that serve the family, the Caretakers. He would never admit it, but she's his role model, and the sole reason he's a rogue. He hates that she doesn't take him seriously and always calls him 'young master'.

Casanova Guild members: He doesn't know much about any of them, and really doesn't care. He's only there because of Lil.

Zarya: A weird girl he fought in the colosseum, and whom he lost to. He has a date set with her, though he really regrets it.

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