Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 42 - Kaiju in Danger

The earth trembled as Ascalon landed with a thunderous crash, the force of his descent carving a circular crater in the ground around him. Both the humongous creature and the people battling it were caught by surprise by the sudden explosion, momentarily putting an end to their confrontation.

As the cloud of dust and debris slowly settled, Ascalon emerged, fully armored and wielding both Exemplaris and Aegis, his trusty lance and shield. The Gifted network’s inventory system was proving it’s worth once again! Ascalon looked up at the beast towering above him, appraising its hideous visage with his good eye.

Rows of giant jaws protruded from within its cavernous mouth, dripping with a viscous, corrosive substance, similar to what oozed from some parts of its body. Six crimson, glistening eyes fixed on him. It seemed that as he studied the creature, the kaiju studied him in return.

“What the fuck?” A few voices echoed through the ruined area, breaking the brief silence. Ascalon turned his gaze toward the commotion, witnessing a peculiar situation. There were a multitude of people among the ruins, many of them rough-looking ‘scavengers’ who belonged to the group that had attacked the train earlier.

It was easy to distinguish them, since they all wore raggedy, weathered clothes reinforced with makeshift armor for protection, like shoulderpads and breastplates. Some were still atop their vehicles, manning the mounted guns. Mixed with the bandits were individuals suited in what appeared to be military uniforms, similar to those Ascalon had seen back in New Lumingard.

“Hmmm.” Ascalon assessed the situation calmly, recognizing that there was a clear conflict among the two factions. It wasn’t that surprising honestly. One of the many scavengers pointed at him, while others resumed their struggle against both the kaiju and the military.

“What the fuck just happened? And where did this moron come from?” Asked a bulky man with a red bandana covering his head. He stood tall among the chaos, seemingly unperturbed by the surrounding fight.

On his right shoulder rested a massive cylinder, scorch marks visible around an orifice in one of its ends. Ascalon didn’t recognize him from the convoy that had shot at the train, but it was clear that he held some sort of authority among the scavengers.

Then, a husky voice came from the other side of the battlefield, agitation evident in his words. “Are you part of the reinforcements?!” Ascalon glanced toward the shouting, seeing a young-looking soldier peek from behind a crumbling wall.

The man’s helmet was dented from what appeared to be projectile impacts, and his face showed a nervous expression. The soldier took advantage of the bandit’s momentary distraction, aiming a thin, long barrel at him and firing a barrage of bullets from his weapon.

The scavenger scoffed, darting behind cover at incredible speed. Amidst the escalating conflict, the kaiju let out a deafening roar, causing the earth to quake as huge explosions erupted around its body—though they didn’t seem to do much other than enrage it further.

“Haha! Try again, soldier boy!” The bandit’s mocking voice echoed, provoking laughter from some of the other scavengers while they fought. It was truly a free-for-all battle, as some exchanged shots with the military, and others were brawling in vicious close combat.

The ones still on the vehicles focused on the kaiju, alongside some of the soldiers who launched huge projectiles toward the creature. While Ascalon understood the situation, he couldn’t grasp what the scavenger’s intentions were. Were they perhaps simply messing with the soldiers? It wasn’t quite the best moment to do it, though.

Instead of dwelling on his silly thoughts, he shifted his attention to the man that had shouted before. “I may not be the reinforcements you expected, but I offer you my aid.” He paused, sensing the man’s suspicious stare. “However, I need to understand what is happening here.” Ascalon added, his eye fixed on the kaiju once more.

He could simply join the fray, but he wanted to be sure in order to not interfere with the soldier’s actions. Still, It was fortunate that the massive being was distracted by the oncoming fire, but there was no way of knowing when that would change.

The soldier seemed reluctant to respond, suspicion still in his eyes. Surprisingly, the bandit was the first to reply to Ascalon’s question. “Are you touched in the head? Haha! What do you think is going on, dumbass?” He cackled with sarcasm from beyond his cover, amusement evident in his voice.

Irritated by the scavenger’s taunt, the soldier answered Ascalon’s query. “These scumbags just want to strip any kind of material they can from the kaiju! They’re interfering with our rerouting, and are going to get us all killed!” The young trooper shouted with frustration, shooting at the bandit’s cover as if to vent his stress.

Ascalon nodded in acknowledgment, finally grasping the full scope of the situation. These scavengers truly lived up to their names, though that was actually terrible.

“Very well. I advise you all to withdraw.” Ascalon’s authoritative tone resounded through the ruins, cutting through the booming explosions and the kaiju screeches.

For a moment, the battlefield seemed to take a pause, while everyone tried to comprehend his words. The scavenger peeked from behind cover, an incredulous expression taking over his face.

“Who do you think you are, punk?” He sneered, his earlier amusement long gone. He pointed his massive cylinder toward him, a malicious grin spreading on his face as he pulled the trigger. The weapon roared with thunderous force, launching a huge rocket toward Ascalon, similar to the ones that were being used against the kaiju.

Ascalon appraised the projectile with curiosity, lifting his left arm to put Aegis in its trajectory. The moment the huge bullet collided with the shield, Ascalon deftly parried it, redirecting the attack toward the creature’s head. The kaiju roared after the explosion, clearly infuriated.

Normally, the projectile would have exploded in contact with Aegis, but ascalon’s skillful motion, combined with his speed, had made short work of the attack.

The bandit looked in awe, unsure of what he had just witnessed. He felt there was something wrong, that he had to deal with that blonde right away. He frowned, raising his weapon over his shoulder and aiming it at Ascalon once again. “Fellas, shoot this motherfucker!” He commanded, his voice booming as he fiddled with his weapon, a red light now shining ominously on Ascalon.

The knight realized it was some sort of targeting signal, since the rest of the scavengers raised their weapons towards him in response, aimed with trained precision. The motion seemed surprisingly rehearsed, a slight level of discipline that Ascalon wouldn’t have expected from a rag-tag pack of bandits.

In the next moment, a relentless barrage of different calibers rained upon him; steel, lead, explosives, and shrapnel hammering against his armored figure. The soldiers watched the brutal spectacle in bewilderment, while the one that had spoken to Ascalon seized the opportunity.

“Regroup!!!” He shouted with a mix of desperation and regret, watching the scene in horror. He felt sick, knowing a man had just been brutally executed, yet the first thought that had crossed his mind was to turn the tables to his favor. At least, his soldiers had listened, dragging their wounded to cover as they regrouped with him.

Meanwhile, the kaiju, now free from the pesky attacks, slowly studied the scene with interest behind its grotesque eyes. Its monstrous gaze shifted between the different beings, intelligently piecing together the new center of the conflict.

Ascalon chuckled amidst the barrage that relentlessly hit against his armor and shield, some projectiles gracing his face. “These ‘bullets’ sure sting!” He exclaimed slightly amused, though his voice was overwhelmed by the surrounding chaos.

As ammunition ran low, the clouds of gunpowder and dust began to dissipate, revealing the confident knight still standing amidst the wreckage. The doubt and fear in the scavenger’s faces was clear, while the soldiers felt like hope had been rekindled.

They prepared to assist Ascalon, when the kaiju suddenly roared deafeningly, its massive form looming in the sky above. Ascalon looked up, and felt the creature’s intent. “It is coming.” He declared, casting a sharp glance toward the soldiers.

The young-looking trooper nodded in acknowledgment, though with hesitation, and tried to lead his men toward a safer distance. At the sight, the bandit ‘leader’ tried to regroup his own troops.

“Hmmm. No, you cannot leave just like that.” Ascalon stated, his sharp gaze freezing the ruffians in place. Ascalon felt a little playful saying it, realizing that some of Selorien’s mischievousness had rubbed off on him.

Those among the scavengers that were integrated into the Gifted network saw a blue screen appear in front of them, an unseen weight assailing their bodies as they crumbled helplessly to the ground.

[The personal skill - Unfathomable Presence - Has been activated in the surrounding zone.

Those of vile hearts crumble to their knees, bowing down to absolute righteousness!

—Skill info—

Ascalon Rendland’s unique skill.

Rank: SSS - Level 100.

Potential: SSS.

Attribute: Holy.


Those considered as enemies by Ascalon Rendland are burdened by his immense willpower, and are rendered unable to move momentarily.

Additional effects:

* Strong willed individuals may resist the effect depending on their combined stats levels.

* Has a 10% chance to bypass all resistances.

* Effect duration is determined by the user’s focus and the target’s level.]

The scavenger’s leader gasped for air as he watched Ascalon with wary, nervous eyes. He seemed to have a slightly higher resistance to Ascalon’s overwhelming presence than the rest, and recognized that this unknown third party had just single-handedly stopped all of his henchmen with ease.

“F-fucking Lum-gard G-guilds!” The bandit stammered, trying his best to speak under the pressure. It seemed that he was under the impression that Ascalon belonged to one of New Lumingard’s Guilds. It wasn’t true—not yet at least—but it mattered not.

Ascalon’s attention had already shifted to a humongous talon sweeping down from above. The air around the massive limb warped as if in a vacuum, the pointed, gleaming edge intent on stomping the entire area into oblivion.

The knight seized the moment, crouching slightly before launching himself toward the kaiju’s leg, his own force sending ripples through the ruined landscape. As he gained height, he raised his shield above his head, and, with all his strength, bashed against the incoming attack.

The following sight left everyone watching completely dumbfounded, as a thunderous impact echoed across the battlefield and the kaiju’s limb was sent flying backwards, repelled by Ascalon’s shield strike.

Even his friends, observing from a distance, were overwhelmed with awe as they witnessed the humongous creature momentarily lift off the ground, the force of Ascalon’s impact having sent its whole body flying backward.

The massive kaiju’s back hit the ground, and the ear trembled furiously as an ear-splitting wail emanated from within its jaws. Ascalon, descending from his jump, appraised the distance he managed to put between the creature and the soldiers.

“Hmmm. Seems I held back too much.” He remarked calmly, landing next to one of the creature’s colossal limbs. With just those few words, Ascalon drew his right arm back, aligning his lance’s tip with one of the joints on the massive leg.

In the next moment, he thrust forward, a booming explosion reverberating as Exemplaris pierced through the air. The sheer force of the impact decimated not only one of the kaiju’s legs, but sent forward a shockwave that severed two other limbs in its path.

[Realm Piercer.

Evil shall be split asunder, for this knight of knights wills it so!

—Skill info—

Ascalon Rendland’s unique skill.

Rank: SSS - Level 100.

Potential: SSS.

Attribute: Holy.


Ascalon Rendland pierces forward in a powerful strike.]

Ascalon peered at the window before him, finding it amusing that a simple thrust had been converted into a skill by the Gifted network, chuckling at the notion.

In contrast, the beast screamed, its guttural sounds resembling a mix of pain and confusion that echoed with a horrifying tune through the landscape.

Back at the train, Selorien gasped, his sharp eyes capturing every detail of the fight with uncanny precision. His elven sight was a gift he would always be thankful for, especially in moments like this one.

Lyra, on the other hand, had taken out a handy gadget from her inventory beforehand—a small telescope that projected an image of the distant scene. This had allowed her and Lilithra to witness the battle as if they were watching a movie, and both were completely enraptured by the sight.

“I-I now understand why you let him go” Spoke Lyra with a mix of fascination and surprise in her voice.

Lilithra nodded, smiling boldly. “Yeah… but he’s always blowing my expectations away…” She replied, realizing that whenever she thought Ascalon was strong ‘enough’, he would go above and beyond to prove that she was underestimating him—though not on purpose!

It was truly a marvel to see him fight, especially in such an epic, large-scale battle. Even some of the train’s passengers were cheering at the sight, at least those that had the means to clearly appraise the battle.

Around the battlefield, some of the soldiers had taken action, amidst the ones that were still mesmerized by Ascalon’s prowess. The young-looking militar seemed to have a knack for strategizing, as he had instructed everyone to quickly apprehend the scavengers while they were immobilized.

He wasn’t sure if that was the blonde man’s intention or not, but he took full advantage of the opportunity.

Meanwhile, the humongous kaiju roared once again, causing some of the dilapidated buildings in the ruins to crumble under the sheer force of its bellow. Its massive body began oozing more viscous fluid as it struggled to regain its balance, managing to stand on its remaining, numerous legs.

The beast fixed its gaze on Ascalon, fury burning behind its scarlet, egg-like eyes. All of its legs bent simultaneously, and in the next moment, it launched itself into the sky, the sheer power of its ascent generating a swirling shockwave that whipped through the battlefield.

It was fortunate that Ascalon had moved the creature away; otherwise, the entire military squad, along with the train tracks, would have been wiped clean from the face of the earth by the kaiju’s overwhelming force.

As the soldiers scampered away to their vehicles with apprehended scavengers, Ascalon eyed the creature with curiosity, trying to decipher its next move. It was clear that it was some kind of spider-like creature, so he was taken aback by its sudden take off. He assumed such a beast would rely more on ground-based combat rather than aerial attacks.

The next moment, the creature answered his thoughts, as its carapace shifted and a set of giant, translucent wings emerged from its back. “Oooh~ you are a resourceful one, hmmm?” Exclaimed Ascalon, smiling boldly at the sight, his cloak and hair whipping furiously under the wind pressure.

The scene of the massive beast flapping its grotesque wings—with some of its limbs missing, and corrosive liquid oozing out—was nothing short of terrifying. The kaiju bellowed once more, its weird tail protrusion unleashing a powerful, thread-like jet of substance toward Ascalon.

He quickly raised his shield, meeting the attack head-on. The pressure of the stream made Ascalon’s knees buckle, and his face was overcome with surprise. “A fighter to the end!” He exclaimed, smiling boldly at the kaiju’s fighting spirit.

Ascalon then adjusted his posture, curling up slightly in order to better brace the impact by anchoring to the ground. The battle was not over yet, and it filled him with a sense of joy—it had been a while since he went all out.

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