Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 43 - Moving On!

Thanks to Ascalon’s intervention, the military had swiftly apprehended the scavengers, who now thrashed and complained inside the soldier’s transport vehicles—except for those staring mesmerized at the spectacle from the windows.

In the distance, the kaiju roared with deafening force, the wind pressure from its wings causing the earth to tremble once more. Ascalon defended with his shield against an unrelenting stream of acidic fluid, his visage an impassive one. While his armament absorbed the brunt of the attack, the viscous substance still found its way into the ground, eating away at it.

The combination of the corrosion and the immense pressure caused the surface beneath Ascalon’s feet to crack, his boots sinking deeper as he pondered his next course of action. “Hmmm…” Ascalon murmured, his eye peeking around the edge of the shield to assess the creature.

The beast was struggling to maintain a steady balance mid-air, clearly not accustomed to being hurt—though that made sense. The spider-like kaiju had probably never faced a stronger one of its kind, nor against the knight of the realms.

Ascalon chuckled, relishing the thrill of battle. “It has been enjoyable, but alas, I cannot linger here.” He declared in a low yet firm voice.

Under the jet-like stream of acid, Ascalon’s form began to glow with a soft, golden brilliance, growing steadily by the second, as if the very sun was rising. His figure was bathed in divine radiance, the light gently tracing the contour of his armor with a majestic touch.

Soon, the golden luminance expanded into an ever-growing sphere, an aura imbued with the power of Ascalon’s celestial blessings. It encompassed the whole area with a soothing warmth, cutting through the darkening landscape. It pulsated rhythmically as it extended, as if echoing the resolute, unwavering resolve of the knight’s heart of hearts.

Blessed be the knight.

He carries the weightiest burden, a celestial might to vanquish evil!

—Skill info—

Ascalon Rendland’s unique passive skill.

Rank: Not applicable - Not applicable.

Potential: Not applicable.

Attribute: Celestial.


Ascalon Rendland calls forth divine aid to bolster his stats immensely and add the celestial attribute to all of his skills.

Caught off guard by the sudden brightness, the creature hesitated, relenting on its attack and backing away as it gained altitude, cautiousness guiding its actions. Its set of eyes fixed on Ascalon, who looked as if the very light of the heavens had descended upon him. The massive being screeched in a mix of confusion and bewilderment, its intelligent brain piecing together one thing: it had nowhere to flee.

As the world was illuminated by Ascalon’s divine blessings, he readied his lance and prepared to attack, his good eye meeting the kaiju’s stare. Shivers traveled through the beast’s humongous body, its instincts kicking-in as it leaned back and began gathering energy.

Both combatants sized each other up, and the first one to act was the kaiju. Its body swelled with newfound power as it unleashed a stream of corrosive acid through its tail protuberance, cutting through the air with enormous force once more.

At the same time, a devastating energy beam emerged from its cavernous mouth, raising the temperature in the area dramatically. It showed that, up to that point, the kaiju wasn’t taking the fight seriously, or that it was forced into using its ultimate move.

Either way, the combined force of the attacks was such that it propelled the beast’s body even higher, rendering its wings nearly useless for the moment.

The spectators in the distance felt a mix of awe and terror creeping up as they witnessed the kaiju’s devastating offensive, feeling like death was coming for them all. The sheer scale of its attack was nothing short of apocalyptic, a display of concentrated firepower that would put any man-made weapon to shame.

The very earth shook violently as the cataclysmic event unfolded, the combined might of the corrosive stream and the energy beam straining the world itself.

Ascalon faced the onslaught with a calm, resolute expression, his unwavering form one of courage and honor! With a skillful motion, he raised his lance, and Exemplaris brimmed with divine light as if to answer its master’s call.

The intensity of its brilliance grew as Ascalon thrusted forward in a single, precise movement. The motion was methodical, and honed by unending training and countless battles—a strike the beast could not follow despite its many eyes.

-Celestial- Realm Piercer.

Evil shall be split asunder, for this knight of knights wills it so!

—Skill info—

Ascalon Rendland’s unique skill.

Rank: SSS - Level 100.

Potential: SSS.

Attribute: Holy Celestial.


Ascalon Rendland pierces forward in a powerful strike.

A thunderous sound boomed as the lance parted the crackling air. The tip of the armament pierced through the attacks, splitting them asunder, the searing light cutting through like a knife through paper.

In the aftermath, a shockwave of celestial radiance burst forth, engulfing the remnants of the attack as if ravenously devouring them. The light spread beyond—a beam of pure goodness that met the befuddled creature in a blinding flash, disintegrating its existence under the sheer power of the heavens.

The sky was illuminated, clouds parting to make way for the divine power's ascent. After a brief moment, the light slowly dissipated, leaving no trace of the kaiju in its wake. Ascalon peered at the distant firmament, the cape on his cloak fluttering in the wind, his face a picture of disbelief.

“That was much stronger than I remember…” He pondered to himself, his eye now fixed on Exemplaris. Something was off about his strength, a notion that lingered since the day he had awoken in New Lumingard.

On that day, he felt his holy might surging uncontrollably; now, though more manageable, he had demonstrated a power that could rival the very demon that had once defeated him.

⌠ “Y~s!” ⌡

Ascalon sensed a strange, tingling feeling coming from beneath his chestplate, but was more concerned about this sudden growth in power. Could it have been due to the world itself? Perhaps this place elevated his abilities somehow, though he didn’t feel much different in other regards.

He decided to put the matter to rest, knowing he would end up standing there, in the middle of decimated ruins for who knows how long. Ascalon took a moment to assess his surroundings, preparing to return, when a convoy of military vehicles approached from a distance.

They stopped nearby, and the young-looking soldier hurriedly emerged from one of the cars, making no effort to hide his excitement.

“Sir, that was out of this world!!!” The man exclaimed, his voice brimming with admiration. A resounding cheer erupted across the vehicles, their occupants agreeing with the soldier’s words.

“I know I shouldn’t be doing this while on duty, but please give us your autograph!” He pleaded, bowing profusely as a cacophony of voices joined in, seconding on the request.

Ascalon was taken aback, his sole eye opening wide in confusion. He sent his lance and shield to his inventory, the weapons slowly dissipating into the air, before responding to their request.

“I am honored you would like my ‘autograph’, but I must make haste toward my friends.” Ascalon replied in a calm and gentle voice.

He appreciated the thought of being admired, and knew, somewhat, that autographs were a big deal; after all, people often asked Selorien for them. But Ascalon’s priority was to return to the train and check on how his companions were faring.

Amidst a chorus of disappointed cries, the young-looking soldier stood tall and brought a hand to his temple in a swift military salute. “We’ll take you anywhere, sir! A-also, my name is Ryan, sir, I would be honored if you remembered it!” He declared, waving to the convoy as if inviting Ascalon to join them.

“Hmmm. I, Ascalon Rendland, am in your debt, Ryan!” Ascalon stated, feeling deeply grateful. This was far more convenient than having to calculate where to safely jump back so he wouldn’t damage the rails! The soldier trembled with excitement, his eyes still sparkling, clearly overjoyed about the exchange.

Afterward, Ascalon accompanied the group, and they all set out toward the stopped train. Along the way, he was bombarded by questions, like whose Guild he belonged to, what kind of skills he had, and even if he had a betrothed—the latter leaving him particularly puzzled.

“So this is how they felt…” Ascalon murmured, putting himself in Selorien and Lilithra’s shoes for a change, reminiscing about all the relentless questions he had asked of them. He smiled at the thought, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

It didn’t take long until they reached their destination, where Ascalon was dropped off amidst a new wave of cheers, coming from the train passengers who had been able to witness his prowess.

“It’s been an honor, sir! We’ll inspect the rails ahead and radio the train conductor if we find any issues! Hopefully we’ll also meet with our reinforcements along the way!” The young-looking soldier exclaimed from the seat of his vehicle, while the rest of the military men bid their goodbyes as the convoy roared into the distance.

Ascalon sighed and inspected the train, relieved to find it in one piece, as an object flew toward him. He caught it mid-air—a bottle of water glistening under the train’s lights. He looked up, and saw his friends climbing down the vehicle’s roof.

“Heeeeey~” Selorien called out in his usual laid-back tone, approaching him with an amused grin. Ascalon nodded at him with a smile, and took the chance to unscrew the bottle to drink some water while walking toward them.

“Ascalon!” Lilithra’s excited voice rang from behind Selorien, her figure suddenly skipping joyfully toward Ascalon. “Thank goodness you’re okay!” She stated as she inspected the knight all over, as if making sure he was in one piece.

Ascalon chuckled, a mix of tenderness and amusement in his smile. “I am sorry to have worried you.” He declared, rejoining the group once again. Lyra peeked at him from behind Lilithra, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

As the passengers continued to cheer, Lilithra gently tugged on Ascalon’s cloak to get his attention. “We should go back to our cabin…” She suggested with an uneasy smile, probably thinking it would be wiser to retreat to their private room.

Seeing that the spectators’ excitement showed no sign of diminishing, Ascalon agreed, and everyone boarded the vehicle. Once in their cabin, they all sat down and let out a collective sigh, though the seating order seemed to have changed.

Selorien sat on the left side, doing his best to hold back his laughter, his face the picture of playful mischief. Ascalon sat on the right side, with Lilithra and Lyra flanking him—the latter leaning a bit too closely to him, a stark difference to how she behaved earlier.

Ascalon could feel a certain girl seething at his left, while the other gazed up at him with moist, shimmering eyes. “Lyra, why did you sit there?” Lilithra spoke with a smile, though Ascalon sensed a demonic anger boiling beneath.

Lyra peeked at her from behind Ascalon’s shoulder, her ears twitching as she shyly replied. “I-I feel more at ease here.” She declared, nestling back into the sofa. But that answer didn’t seem to satisfy Lilithra.

“What about Selly, then?! You were like, his fan!” Lilithra argued, pointing toward the elf. Selorien snorted, clearly entertained by the whole situation. Lyra gasped, her cheeks reddening as she stammered a retort.

“T-this and that are different. Selorien is cool like an i-idol to root for, but…” She trailed off, her eyes locking onto Ascalon’s gaze. “I feel more at ease here…” Lyra repeated herself, her voice softer, almost in a daze. As she shifted slightly, her voluptuous chest pressed against Ascalon.

At that moment, Ascalon felt a tingle beneath his chest plate once more.

⌠ “He~! St~p tha~!” ⌡

Ascalon could swear he heard something, but there were more pressing matters at hand—literally. Ascalon cleared his throat and stood up, swiftly shifting to Selorien’s side, taking a seat beside him. Now in a safer place, he switched his armor for his regular attire.

Everyone except Ascalon displayed different expressions of disappointment, each for their own varying reasons. Sensing the awkward atmosphere, Ascalon decided to ask something that had been gnawing at him for a bit.

“How are the passengers faring after the attack?” He asked with a concerned tone, bringing everyone back to reality. Lilithra smiled reassuringly, raising a thumbs up in his direction.

“I asked a stewardess, and she said they’re all okay! Most of the passengers were barely grazed by the shots, it seems!” She exclaimed happily, Lyra’s face lighting up at her words.

Ascalon let out a relieved sigh while Selorien chimed in. “Heh, they seemed to have terrible aim.” He said in a mocking tone, giggling to himself as he crossed both arms behind his head. Lilithra and Lyra joined in, the tension slowly lifting from the carriage.

As they chatted a bit more, the train began to finally move, the driver’s voice resounding through the vehicle.

“Dear passengers, we’re sincerely grateful for your patience and deeply sorry for the inconvenience! We’re resuming our journey now, and to make up for the terrible experience, we’ll fully refund your ticket’s cost.”

The group could hear cheering and clapping from other cabins, some voices even reassuring the train conductor; after all, it wasn’t his fault. Ascalon smiled, knowing the passengers were a reasonable bunch, and his friends beamed at him. After a few moments passed, Lilithra spoke up with curiosity.

“So, how was it? Fighting a whole kaiju by yourself—and winning!” She exploded in enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with excitement. It was as if an invisible dam had burst open, releasing all her pent-up energy in one go. She had clearly been dying to talk about it!

Lyra nodded frantically as she shared the sentiment, while Selorien perked up with clear interest. There was no way around it, and it was to be expected that they would be curious about the battle. Ascalon smiled in resignation before replying.

“It was a challenging foe. The creature relied on a corrosive substance—it melted the very soil, but it could not penetrate my shield…” He recounted some of the fight, his friends amazed by every detail. “...though I feel way stronger, somehow.” Ascalon’s retelling slowly shifted, toward a topic they simply couldn’t help him with.

“Well, the stronger the better, right?” Selorien wondered, gazing at the cabin’s ceiling. Ascalon pondered for a moment. He was mostly worrying about not being able to handle his newfound power, but maybe he was overthinking it… as usual.

Ascalon shook his head, doubting there would be many situations where he would be forced to use his full power. Perhaps it was best to keep things simple, and worry about more pressing matters, like his emblem’s origins and Levi’s whereabouts.

With that thought in mind, Ascalon gazed through the window, appreciating the sparkling night sky. It had been a long day, and the soft rocking of the train was a gentle reminder that, sometimes, it was better to rest and think about things with a fresher perspective.

Everyone seemed to share the sentiment, as yawns began to echo throughout the cabin. “Let’s get some sleep.” Lilithra suggested, her tone of voice sounding tired.

She took the chance to retrieve some blankets from a compartment below the seats, sharing them with everyone while smiling sheepishly.

Soon, they found themselves cozily nestled in their blankets, the methodical rhythm of the train easing them into the dream world. It was time to say goodnight.

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