Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 41 - Something Blocks the Way

Hours had passed since they embarked on their journey, the rhythmic clattering of the wheels and the soothing sway of the carriage providing a relaxing background tune to their conversation. The scenery outside had slowly shifted from the rainy, darkened skies as they left the city behind, to green fields bathed in the warm orange light of the afternoon.

As they chatted and exchanged opinions on various topics, Lyra had been slowly getting accustomed to the group’s dynamic, feeling increasingly comfortable around them. At some point during their travel, the door to their cabin had suddenly opened, and a friendly steward peeked in, pushing a cart filled with food and beverages.

Selorien took the opportunity to get everyone some snacks that would suffice until dinnertime—perhaps a bit too many, as they were now piled high on the small table below the window.

The train attendant went on his way once they were satisfied, and Lilithra beamed with joy as she munched on a cheese sandwich. “Hmmm~ I was so hungry!” She exclaimed, delight clearly palpable in her voice.

Lyra giggled while taking a small nibble off a strawberry-filled pastry, while Ascalon appraised the pile of treats with curiosity, unsure of what to choose.

The warm atmosphere inside the room continued uninterrupted as they snacked, but outside, the world began to slowly change once again. This time, the vast, open fields had been replaced by the remnants of a ruined city, expanding to the horizon and taking Ascalon by surprise.

Noticing his concerned expression, Selorien followed his gaze and spoke up. “Yeah... contrary to New Lumingard, some cities aren’t as lucky with the kaiju and other disasters.” He explained, his eyes narrowed in disinterest, seemingly used to these kinds of news.

Ascalon, too, was no stranger to lands ravaged by war or rampaging creatures, so he simply nodded in acknowledgment at the elf’s words and continued to appraise the view.

The sun setting behind the desolate ruins made for a solemn, melancholic scene. Lilithra gazed through the window, her downcast expression reflecting a sense of sadness. She couldn’t help but imagine what the city could’ve been like, bustling with life just like New Lumingard.

Lilithra let out a deep sigh, and Lyra looked at her with a gentle gaze, wondering what she was thinking about. Around that time, the train’s velocity started to noticeably decrease, everyone perking up at the sudden feel of the brakes grinding against the rails.

Amidst their confusion, a manly voice coming from a gadget mounted on the wall echoed in the cabin.

“Dear passengers, remain calm. We are temporarily stopping due to an unforeseen situation up ahead. We’re incredibly sorry about the inconvenience, but we regard your security as the utmost priority.”

The announcement resounded through the train, the formality of the voice only adding to the uneasiness in the cabin. Ascalon heightened his senses, and noticed that far ahead, there seemed to be some kind of conflict. Selorien leaned closer to the window, and cast his gaze along the rails as the vehicle finally came to a complete stop.

With silence reigning around them, Lyra exchanged a concerned glance with Lilithra, and nervously peeked through the window, her ears twitching as she caught distant sounds. Lilithra rose from her seat to join her, not missing a beat. Everyone focused their hearing, catching faint, muffled sounds—roars, gunshots, and shouting.

Suddenly, the train shook; though they could feel the tremor coming from the earth, and not from a collision. Something huge was going on, and it was escalating ever closer.

It was then that Selorien gulped audibly, his expression darkening as he rushedly opened the window and stuck his head out. “Oh shit, it’s a goddamn kaiju guys! Did I fucking jinx us?” He exclaimed, his tone of voice a mix of agitation and excitement. After all, it wasn’t everyday that one could witness such a creature.

The two girls gasped and joined Selorien, squinting at the distance. Through the growing gloom of the setting sun, they glimpsed at a towering figure in the distance, its massive form illuminated briefly by bursts of firepower being directed at it.

The kaiju’s silhouette was imposing, a multitude of humongous, stick-like legs stretching over the desolate ruins. Each limb was segmented into multiple articulated sections, with thousands of spikes sticking out across them, and ended in razor-sharp talons that dug into the ground with ease. They moved with an eerie, methodical rhythm that showcased the beast’s unsettling agility.

Ascalon, who had been curious about kaiju for a while, also approached the window, studying the creature with a sharp gaze. It was a giant mass of black fur, covered in certain areas by a carapace that reflected the dim light. Its surface seemed to be coated in some sort of mucus-like substance, giving it a grotesque look.

The kaiju’s head was pointed in the other direction, so Ascalon could see a gross appendix protruding from its behind. A series of wriggling, thread-like tendrils emerged from inside the pulsating organ, expanding in all directions and adding to the critter’s nightmarish appearance.

The rest were at a loss for words as they watched the scene, mesmerized by the whole encounter, Lyra being the one to break the silence. “I-I hope it doesn’t notice us…” She commented, her voice quivering with nervousness.

Selorien looked at her with a perplexed expression, his mouth slightly opened in indignation. “Don’t jinx it further.” He complained, shaking his head as Lyra let out a soft whimper of regret.

Lilithra turned her head and frowned at the elf. “It’s a fair concern, ok?! If that creature gets the funny idea of eating the train we’re doomed!” Lilithra took a step back from the window, grumbling to herself. Ascalon let out a thoughtful ‘hmmm’, his attention shifting to a new sound reaching their ears.

The soft purr of motorized vehicles grew steadily closer, prompting the group to peek in the opposite direction of the kaiju.

They could see a convoy of vehicles approaching from behind the train, and Lilithra’s eyes sparkled with excitement. "Seems like reinforcements!” She exclaimed, although her joy was momentary.

Her expression changed into a more confused look as she narrowed one of her eyes. Ascalon appraised the upcoming group with a critical eye, noticing that their means of transport were rather… rough-looking, so to say.

There were around a dozen cars, from roadsters to trucks, accompanied by twice as many motorbikes. They all shared a common motif, as all the vehicles were damaged, rusted, and some even showcased modifications that weren’t commonly seen, like bumpers with spikes, and crudely mounted guns.

It was a huge contrast with the pristine designs that Ascalon had come to see in New Lumingard; even the very train they were on was more modern and sleek in comparison. As the unknown travelers approached, they suddenly opened fire toward the train, their mocking laughter and cheers mingling with the sound of gunfire.

Chaos erupted in an instant and screams began to echo across the vehicle, coming from the corridor and other cabins, as people scrambled in a panic. “Get down!” Ascalon’s commanding voice resounded throughout the cabin, his authoritative tone leaving no room for retort.

Selorien dove away from the window to take cover, while Ascalon quickly moved and materialized his shield, positioning it to cover the window. He felt the projectiles slam against his armament, with immediate, jarring force.

Meanwhile, Lyra screeched in fear, the suddenness of the situation catching her off guard. Lilithra had no time to think as her instinct took over, and quickly hugged the cat girl, pushing her down to take cover behind Ascalon.

The horrid sound of laughter and gunshots faded as Ascalon moved his shield for a clearer view of what was happening outside. “Savages.” He muttered with clear disgust in his voice, watching as the vehicles advanced toward the kaiju.

“For a moment, I thought they might board the train.” Ascalon explained, frowning at the mere thought, recalling ruffians who robbed traveling carts on the roads of Excadia.

Selorien rose up slowly, brushing some dust off himself as he sighed. “Worse, they probably shot us for their amusement… they’re scavengers—bandits that fuck around the road.” He concluded as he kneeled and offered a hand to Lyra, who was clinging tightly to Lilithra.

The girls lifted themselves off the floor, while Ascalon seethed with anger, the sound of the passengers' cries and desperate shouts filling his ears. The group tensed up, feeling Ascalon’s fury well up as the announcement system rang once again.

“Please stay in your cabins! Our stewards are trained in first aid and will check every cabin immediately!”

The sound of hurried footsteps could be heard from the corridor, and the door burst open. A woman peeked in, but Lilithra immediately thrust her palms toward her. “We’re fine, check on other cabins!” Lilithra urged, agitation clear in her voice. She forced a nervous smile, trying to reassure the stewardess.

The woman quickly assessed their condition, and after noticing no visible injuries, disappeared as swiftly as she had arrived.

Selorien clicked his tongue, approaching the door and glancing both ways down the corridor. “Shame we don’t have any healing skills.” He spoke with his usual, nonchalant tone, though he showed clear concern for the rest of the passengers. Lyra fidgeted in her seat, seemingly nervous.

Lilithra bit her lower lip, overwhelmed by a sense of powerlessness, and joined the elf, peeking outside the room with a bit of hesitation.

The once-relaxed trip had devolved into an awful situation, and the distant sound of fighting only added to the uneasiness in the air. “Those bastards!” Lilithra exclaimed, stomping on the ground with frustration.

Lyra, feeling a bit more composed, sheepishly placed a hand on Lilithra’s shoulder. “L-let’s calm down…” She said softly, her voice wavering as her ears twitched with every sound.

Lilithra turned around, her expression showing a hint of regret. “You’re right…” She sighed, understanding that panicking or getting angry wouldn’t help. Her eyes wandered toward Ascalon, who stood in silence as he glanced outside.

Approaching him, with Lyra following with curiosity, she asked. “Are you alright, Ascalon? And thank you for shielding us…” Lilithra expressed, smiling gently at the blonde knight.

Ascalon turned around, his firm visage softening as he beamed back at her. “I am fine, thank you for your concern, Lilithra. And you don’t need to thank me; it is only natural for me to protect all of you.” He replied with confidence, and Lyra felt a spark of admiration welling up inside of her.

Ascalon had been a truly mysterious person to her up to that point, but she could say with confidence that he was a chivalrous man.

Lilithra blushed slightly, feeling happy about their exchange, though his face was soon clouded once again. He cast a side-eye glance to the outside, and spoke with clear conviction. “I shall put an end to this.” He declared, his voice quiet yet impactful. He felt it was about time he put some scoundrels in their places, and they couldn’t waste time on such matters when their main objective lay ahead.

His words took everyone by surprise, especially Lyra, and prompted Selorien to snap his head toward him. “Oh shit! It’s finally happening!” Selorien spoke with clear anticipation in his voice, his usual uncaring expression brightening with excitement as he boldly smiled.

Lilithra gasped and looked at Ascalon with a concerned frown. “A-are you sure…?” She asked, her anxious tone reflecting her inner thoughts.

Ascalon placed a hand on her head, and gently caressed from side to side. She blushed, meeting his steady gaze. “Do not fear; I shall be back shortly.” Ascalon stated, turning around and putting a hand on the windowsill to swiftly jump over it.

Lyra stood in stunned silence, her confusion clearly visible on her face, and pointed toward the window with an uneasy look on her face. “W-w-where is he going?!” She stammered, and Selorien giggled mischievously in response.

The elf quickly rushed to the window, glancing back as he spoke. “Come on, we gotta see this!” He urged with a grin, extending a hand to the girls and gesturing for them to follow.

Without hesitation, he jumped out and used the windowsills to climb atop the train. Lilithra and Lyra exchanged confused looks, but promptly followed after him. Lilithra climbed up first, then reached down to lend a hand to the struggling Felinae.

As they stood atop the vehicle, they saw Ascalon walking with unwavering determination into the distance. The sight of the knight marching on, with the giant kaiju battling in the background, created an epic and awe-inspiring atmosphere.

Selorien took a seat, treating the whole situation as an entertaining event, as if he were settling down at home to watch a movie. Lilithra sighed at his laid-back attitude, and shrugged it off.

The cat girl, on the other hand, kept glancing repeatedly between them and Ascalon, panic evident on her visage. “Guys?!” She questioned them, probably wondering why they were allowing him to take such a reckless decision.

Selorien’s face changed into an expression of realization, recalling that Lyra didn’t know much about Ascalon. “Oh right, don’t worry about that guy.” He said with a bold smirk. “Actually, worry about the kaiju.” He added, snickering to himself.

This only added to Lyra’s bewilderment, though she eased up a bit when Lilithra patted her on the shoulder. “I know it’s hard not to worry, but… Ascalon is really strong…” Lilithra reassured her with a shy smile, her yellow eyes fixed on the knight.

Lyra wasn’t sure whether to feel amazed by their trust in Ascalon, or terrified about their nonchalant take on the situation. Still, it wasn’t like she could do anything about it, so she resigned herself as her ears dropped cutely.

Lilithra glanced at Lyra, and felt a strong urge to pet her head, but held herself back, for obvious reasons. For one, Lyra wasn’t a pet! She looked at the distance once more, the figure of the knight slowly shrinking.

Ascalon walked alongside the train, noticing curious stares and murmuring from within, but paid no heed to the onlookers. As he passed the conductor’s cabin, a voice called out from behind. “Wha—d-dear passenger, get back into the train, it’s dangerous!” It was the same voice from the announcement system, likely belonging to the driver.

Without looking back, Ascalon raised a hand and waved, a gesture meant to reassure the man, though it did little to ease the conductor’s uneasiness. “Well then, I should make haste.” Ascalon muttered once he felt was at a safe distance from the train.

He crouched slightly, the ground beneath him cracking as his muscles coiled, and with a powerful leap, he shot forward. The sound that followed was like an explosion, and his figure soared through the air. Amazed gasps and shouts resounded through the train, while his friends watched in awe as he made his way toward the kaiju.

It was time for Ascalon to exert himself a bit.

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