Triple Strength

50. Pay: Tabitha

50. Pay: Tabitha

We got into Jern in the late afternoon. We went straight to the Mercenary Guild to hand in the goblin ears and cores. The ears were getting quite ripe. Skavt declared that as we had done this prior to becoming members then they were ours and not split with the team. The Water core was considered much more valuable than the Tree Core. It was larger and in more demand. Apparently the city used it to power the enchantments to pump and clean the water under the city. The tree one would be sold. The Trading Houses unusually bid on them but as there was a big auction happening in a few months it would be kept for that. We got 8 Gold for the Core and with 83 goblin ears that was 8 silver and 3 copper. Don’t ask about the odd number of ears. The Canine Queens got 5 Gold for the core and 9 Silver and 8 Copper for their ears. If it was just the goblins they would barely break even for their trouble. The core made it worth it.

The Team usually takes some time off after a contract, particularly a difficult contract, which she would class this as. They would meet in two days in the Mercenary Guild’s Training Yard and restart the regular training sessions. We would have a contract to review at that time as well.

We left the Canine Queens and stopped at the Sølv Emporium where Tabitha let them know we were back. She would debrief with them in two days. Then we went home to rest. As the Sergeant and Gunner had made it back we felt there was no hurry to report to the guard. It could wait for tomorrow.

I decided to go with Wiremu to report to the Guard. I had been technically subcontracted to them from the Sølv Emporium, but my witness was valuable and I could help divert any pressure that may be applied to Wiremu. Wiremu made me a waist holster for my War knife. Let’s be honest it was Nyx’s knife really. The knife lay horizontally across my lower back and I could draw it with my main arm through a slit in my shirt. I would have to get used to it, leaning back against something was uncomfortable. But I will adjust. It was mostly hidden and didn’t generally get in my way.

When we reported to the main Desk at the Guard Headquarters we were directed to a meeting room, which was essentially an interrogation room. Apparently the Captain would be along shortly. I didn’t hear the lock click when they closed the door so I guess we weren’t technically prisoners. I had a couple of lockpicks masquerading as hairpins so we could leave at any time.

There were two chairs and a table so we moved the chairs to the same side of the table where we could see the door and sat down. The Captain would have to bring his own.

“How long do you think they will make us wait?” I asked Wiremu.

“Depends why we are here.” he replied. “If it is to debrief and be paid I would think less than an hour. If it is for another purpose and to try and soften us up, at least two, probably three hours.”

“You know that guy behind the wall there is listening to us?” I pointed to a side wall.

“Yes,” he relied. “Is he low level?”

“A two stripe Corporal.” I replied

Wiremu leaned back on his chair and put his feet on the table. “I am going to have a snooze. I am sure I will wake up when they arrive. Let's see how much trouble they want to bring.”

“I bought some books on commodities to help my merchant class, and this one on negotiation techniques. I might start with that as negotiation and interrogation have a lot of crossover.” I set up my book on the other end of the table and we spent three hours quite productively. Wiremu actually fell asleep at one point.

The door suddenly banged open. Neither Wiremu nor I were surprised. I sensed him coming and Wiremu had been awake for a half hour or so, although he hadn’t moved. He would have heard the Sergeant coming.

The Sergeant basically yelled, “Wiremu Hunter, Come with me please!”

Neither of us moved.

“Wiremu, Now please!”

I waited a moment then I said, “I think you have the wrong room Sergeant. We are Warren and Tabitha Carter waiting for the Captain.” I kept my voice polite although I did speak clearly and slowly as if to a simpleton.

He tried again, “You,” he pointed at Wiremu, “Will come with me now!”

Neither of us moved, again.

Eventually I said, “As I explained, Sergeant, we are waiting for the Captain. Please let him know we are in Interrogation Room 3, or if he is too busy we can come back tomorrow. I am sure the corporal in the next room has told you how patient we have been. We are happy to make an appointment that suits everybody.”

“Now! With me! I will take you to the Captain!”

I sighed. I looked at Wiremu and he shrugged. I put away my book and he got up. The Sergeant tried again.

“Just you!” he said pointing at Wiremu.

“No Sergeant,” I said as if explaining to a child, “It is both or none.”

He looked like he was going to yell again. So I said more firmly. “Sergeant, if the Captain is not ready then we can come back tomorrow. I have a meeting with my Employers in the morning and we can come back with the chief Negotiator if there is a problem.” Start building the pressure from our side.

“Follow me.” He said. I figured they didn’t want me to bring Selma. She wasn’t available anyway, but they don’t need to know that.

The Captain's office didn’t have any chairs for his visitors. He didn’t look up from what he was reading when we entered. I turned to the Sergeant and said loudly. “Seriously, Sergeant you told us he was free. He is busy, don't interrupt him, we will come back,” and we turned to leave.

The Sergeant was blocking the door, but the Captain spoke. “It is OK, Sergeant, I will deal with this. Please come in, Warren and Tabitha.”

“Yes, sir.” the Sergeant said and stepped out and shut the door. We turned to the Captain. He spoke again, “I am sorry about the treatment. Most criminals we catch are not very bright.”

I spoke, “That is the definition of criminals who get caught, however we are not criminals, nor did you catch us.”

He nodded. “I have here a report by Sergeant Royd, but there are some anomalies that need an explanation and apparently you left them at the end.”

“On the contrary, Captain, when we emerged from the caves we stayed behind to perform a rear guard action so the Sergeant and Private Gunner could get away with, to be quite frank, the very hard fought information.” I explained. “The information was more than adequate?”

He nodded, “Of the three teams that have returned, only your team has a report on the main body.”

“Then the contract is complete. We will collect Warren’s pay and not waste any more of your time.” I said.

“I have questions from the report to clarify first. The Sergeant said you had a bonded snake Warren.”

Warren nodded.

“Why was this not declared at the start? Keeping information to yourself endangers the bond and the party.”

“Thank you for letting me know sir. I will make sure it does not happen again.” Warren said, totally ignoring the question.

“Are you aware I have a Skill that can see through your status, both of you?” He said.

“We were not, Captain.” I replied. “How is that relevant to the contract?”

“It explains some anomalies in the report. You Warren, match very closely to a Bounty Hunter Contract that is currently active.”

“I wasn’t aware you were a Guild Member Captain? Isn’t that a conflict of interest?” I said. Wiremu seemed very content to keep letting me take the lead.

“Indeed, but I keep apprised of major contracts. I am willing to let that go. But the Sergeant is of the impression you have a rock affinity, Warren.” The Captain said.

“I am not responsible for what impressions the Sergeant did or didn’t get in the very extended and stressful time we had.” Wiremu said.

“The Kingdom would reward a person very handsomely if they came and offered such an ability.” He said.

“I am aware,” Wiremu said, “I also know of a number of Trading Houses that would do the same or better. If I ever meet such a person I will let them know.”

The Captain frowned, obviously not liking that we deflected everything.

“Is there anything else Captain, or can we collect the pay and leave?” I pushed.

“There is another concerning aspect in the report. It says that you, Tabitha, were possessed by some shadowy creature. Now I see a Class called Shadow Predator in your Status. Care to explain?”

“No, Captain, I don’t care to explain. I think you will find that the contract you signed with Sølv Emporium included very specific confidentiality clauses, with specific penalties if they were breached. I believe those clauses are even stronger than the ones in the Mercenary Guild contract Warren signed. I would suggest that if you breach either contract you will end up antagonising the Guild, where there is already low trust, and a major Trading House at a time when you will soon be desperate for the support of both.” I am sure the Captain knew of the consequences here with a major Goblin Horde nearby.

“The safety of the citizens in this city is my priority. I can’t let an unknown predator loose.” He countered.

“Captain, with what we saw in those tunnels, you need all the dangerous predators you can find on your side. Now where can we collect Warren's pay?”

The Captain didn’t really have much choice. He argued a bit for form's sake but the contracts were clear and he couldn’t afford to alienate anyone with a Goblin Horde on his doorstep. We ended up getting the pay. What a rigmarole just to get a few gold. Stealing is certainly easier. I did leave the Sergeant's badge at the desk, saying I had found it lying on the ground. What a bunch of idiots.

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