Triple Strength

49. Family: Wiremu

49. Family: Wiremu

We set out not long after dawn. As we were packing up, Najprej stopped by and pointed at my stone shield and asked, “Can I look?”

“Sure,’ I replied.

She picked it up and examined it. She saw where the stone was shaped for my arm to go, but there was nothing to grip or hold it in place.

“How does it stay on your arm?” she asked.

“There are usually some straps, but they got ripped off,” I lied. I normally encase my arm in stone.

“Hummph,” she mumbled. Then she put it back and said, “Thanks.”

That brings up a good point. How am I going to carry it to Kulle? I created a couple of stone bars I could grip, or if I found some rope I could carry it on my back. Ört had some rope I could borrow and I rigged it onto my back. I think Tabitha was laughing at me.

I never asked her what she and Skavt talked about, but it all seems to be fine. Borc is very nervous. I don’t think he slept much last night.

Ört took one of the first stints pulling a travois and the other Dwarf took the other one. We rotated after two hours and everybody got a turn. The trip to Kulle was uneventful. We got there after dark and had to coax the guard to let us in the gate. Kulle was on the road to Hrothgar so it had traffic, which meant it had an inn. The Canine Queen’s had left their horses at the inn and that came with two rooms. They kindly let us bunk on the floor with them. We asked about the Sergeant and Gunner and apparently they had arrived in the night, two nights back and commandeered two horses and left the following dawn for Jern. That would be the day we had off after the fight. It is good to know the information got through.

Skavt was planning a late start in the morning, after a leisurely breakfast at the inn. The Dwarven Devil’s weren't interested in that and hitched their cart and left at dawn with their injured, despite Ört recommending they visit the local healer first.

There weren’t any horses available at the village so Skavt offered to let us double up with them. They weren't going to rush it.

“You don’t think the Dwarven Devils will try ambushing us do you?” I asked.

“I don’t think so,” Skavt said, “but keep an eye out.”

“I could just let Nyx out to play,” said Tabitha. Everybody just looked at her.

We camped early. I went out to see if I could get some fresh meat for dinner. I came back with three rabbits that I then skinned and Ört put in the pot, with his magic herbs and spices.

The next morning we passed the Dwarven Devils wagon, and nodded at them on the way past. They must have been camped not far from us.

The next night we spent at a lone inn on the side of the road, conveniently a day's ride from Jern.

That night over dinner I broached the subject of joining them.

“I am looking to join a team,” I said, “would you be open to another member?” I asked.

This was not an unexpected question, they had also been thinking about it. It was obvious we got on well and had similar standards.

Skavt replied, “We might be open to exploring it Warren, but I think you do come with a lot of extra baggage. Should I be calling you Wiremu Hunter?”

“Preferably not in public,” I replied, getting a few chuckles.

Skavt looked at Tabitha, “So what is your deal and why is he masquerading as your brother, or is he your brother?”

“Let’s say adopted brother. Kinsfolk as the Dwarves would put it. My actual brother died over six months ago as we were escaping the Empire. Wiremu and I have saved each other's asses a few times now and we consider ourselves Kin and he needed ID.” Tabitha shrugged. Tabitha was using the dwarven example of Kin, but didn’t realise this was a much bigger deal for the Orc Clans.

“To be clear,” Tabitha continued, “I am not looking for a full time team at this time. I have a job for six months or so. I am interested in joining in some contracts, but my time is limited, so don’t make me a big part of the picture here.”

“Clan is always a very important part of any decision.” Skavt stated, getting nods from Najprej and Drugič. “To be clear we all also have other skills to earn our way when not on contract, and we support each other in that. You know Ört is a Herbalist and Healer, I am a Journeyman Animal Trainer. I prefer horses and other mounted creatures, but have trained dogs, cats, rats, and you name it and I have probably trained it. Ört is helping me find a Bond.”

She nodded to the others.

“I am an Apprentice Jeweller,” said Najprej.

“I am an Apprentice Tailor,” said Drugič. When she saw my surprise she continued, “Do you have a problem with that? We like to look nice!” she said in a challenging way.

“I definitely don’t have a problem with any of that,” I said quickly, “In fact I still have some rough gems that could do with refining, at maybe a split profit?”

“Hold up,” Tabitha interjected. “Any deal with Wiremu goes through me first. He is far too nice and gets ripped off.” I didn’t think I was that bad.

“Why would we need to go through you?” Skavt questioned.

“It is my Class. Apprentice Merchant, and my job as a Merchant with the Sølv Emporium.”

All their eyes lit up at that. Seriously, why is it that Tabitha is always the one with the desired skills. I feel like I am always hanger on, they will take me but only because Tabitha is part of it. I know that is not actually the case, but it does feel like it sometimes.

“So you could broker deals for the team, sell our goods, and get us discounted supplies?” Skavt asked, a bit too eagerly, I thought. Maybe I am being a bit too sensitive here.

Tabitha’s eyes narrowed, “Possibly,” she said. “As I said, I have a job and am doing other part time training.” Is that what she calls her gambling with Trevor?

“What about you, Wiremu? What do you do to earn coins when not on contract?” Skavt focussed back on me.

“Obviously I am a Hunter. So I can hunt. I can also repair weapons, as you saw, but what you don’t know is I have the Skill in it at Apprentice level, so I can get paid doing it. I am also a Journeyman level Hide Armourer, and I have the Skill, Repair Leather Armour at Apprentice level.” Now it was my turn to have them sit up and look at me with desire. Desire for my Skills that is.

“Sign them up now, Skavt!” said Drugič, “Don’t let them get away!”

“Hold on, we have barely started here.” She waved for Drugič to settle down. “We have seen you both fight with Small Blades. What other fighting Skills do you have?”

Tabitha said, “That’s it for me. I am not much of a fighter. I’m more into stealth.” She got a lot of disbelieving looks at that.

“Didn’t you use that Skill that made them all run away? That was you wasn’t it?” asked Ört. When she nodded he continued, “That is not a small thing.” He obviously had some sensing ability that identified her as the source. He might appear as a big silent axeman, but he was probably the smartest person here.

“What about you, Wiremu?” Skavt asked.

“Journeyman level I have Small Blades, Trapping, Throwing Weapons and Bow. Apprentice level Spear.” I replied. They were looking at me with desire again. Well, my Skills anyway. It was a good feeling.

“A ranged fighter, Skavt sign them now!” Drugič demanded.

Skavt waved her down again. “Those small stone darts we found? The stone knives and unusual stone Shield?” She left the statement as a question.

I guess if I wanted in then I needed to lay it out there. “Granite Affinity.” I put my hand discreetly on the table, but where they could see and created a dart.

“So why would you want to join us?” Ört asked, cooling down the excitement. “With your skills, hell even with just your Affinity, you can get rich with any of the big trading houses. The Kingdom will take you in a heartbeat, in fact I think you will have pressure put on you when that Sergeant reports back. Why us?”

“I am a hunter. Around crowds and lots of people I will go stir crazy. The Empire already tried to pressure me, and still is. I don’t like the cages that come with big organisations, even though they may be luxurious cages.” I said bluntly.

“Do you have any one we could verify this with?” Skavt asked.

“Ulfhildr at the Sølv Emporium and Thyrrni at….” I looked at Tabitha. I didn’t know where to find Thyrrni.

“She is an independent Prospector. You will probably find her through the Mercenary Guild.” Tabitha supplied.

“You could also ask Koza if you can find him,” I added. Suddenly all eyes focused on me again.

“Why Koza?” It was Najprej asking this time, surprisingly.

“Koza and Velikan gave me three weeks of intensive training.” I replied.

“Skavt, stop dicking around and sign them up. Uncle Koza doesn’t train just anybody, He wouldn’t even train me” Drugič half demanded and half complained.

“That’s because of your continual nagging,” Najprej said, “and your obvious hero worship.”

“That’s not true,” Drugič was about to start in on her sister when Skavt interrupted.

“Wiremu, If you want in, you may consider yourself a provisional member. I will check with these people before we sign anything. Tabitha, we would be pleased to have you on board as well. We are fine with you being a full member and only participating occasionally for now. I don’t think an auxiliary position will work. Family should be together,” she said, nodding to the twins who were still nudging each other. “I anticipate you will become our supplies specialist.”

“I will think about it,” Tabitha said, “and review your contract.”

Skavt nodded. “We, and I mean, you, Ört and myself will need to talk in more depth about your skills, especially Nyx.” She added.

“Wiremu, what about you?” Skavt asked.

“I think this will be a good fit for Tāoke and I.” I said. “I do come with a lot of baggage and I am signed up as Warren Carter, and you will need to remember to call me that. Both Tabitha and I are Stealth specialists with Stealth at the Master level. We might make a larger variety of contracts possible. I certainly accept the provisional membership and look forward to hearing Tabitha’s review of the contract.” I grinned.

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