Triple Strength

51. Baggage: Wiremu

51. Baggage: Wiremu

I had a quiet day while Tabitha reported back to the Sølv Emporium. The following morning we met with the Canine Queens and sparred the first time. The Twins were stronger and faster than I was. Skavt was stronger, but not faster. It was like being with the Mother Tusks again, however, the difference was not so great. I was stronger and faster than Ört.

Ört and Kryddor were going looking for herbs later that day and invited me along. I really wanted to take Rocky out for a ride as it had been over two weeks. So we headed out. I also wanted to practice with my Bow again, not having used it for a while. It was a pleasant way to spend the day. He had a high Tracking Skill as well and we traded tips. I got a couple of rabbits and then a Llama, which will let me finish my cloak.

Ört was looking out for a potential bond for Skavt. He was visiting the eagle nests up on the cliffs every couple of weeks watching for eggs and new hatchlings. I asked why a bird and he thought as she had just gained the scout class It would enhance her sight and scouting.

“Isn’t she into training mounted animals? Horses etc? Wouldn’t something she could ride be better?” I asked.

“She has tried bonding with a foal and it didn’t work. Three times. Personally, I think she is too aggressive in her personality to bond with a non aggressive animal, there are certainly some compatibility issues.” he said.

“There were these large aggressive flightless birds on the plains of the empire which were large enough to ride. You wouldn’t find them around here though.” I mused. “Also the Bison from the plains would be good, but again not around here.

“The giant Elks could be ridden. And are aggressive in mating season. They could do some damage in a fight too. Antlers and hooves.” I was just thinking aloud at this point. “Tabitha said she considered riding a goat once. They are normally too small, but there is a larger sub species that might do. It would be versatile as well, going placed a horse couldn’t”

“Elks and Goats have possibilities.” Ört mused.

“What about a Dire Wolf?” I asked. “I could probably ride Velikan.”

Ört looked at me amused. “There are no native Dire Wolves.” He said. “Velikan was a normal mountain wolf up until he absorbed a Monster core and it didn’t kill him or send him mad. Dire Wolf is a Monster species.”

Koza did not teach me that when he taught me monster lore. That made a lot of sense. I really wanted to find Koza and quiz him on that. I certainly would when I saw him next.

“I have a question about the Empire’s Slavery Class,” I asked Ört, after all he was the smartest person I knew. “Do you know much about it?”

“Not a great deal,” he said, “I know it is supposed to be voluntary.” I snorted. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said.

“Do you know if there is a way to remove it?” I asked.

“I think there must be,” he said, “but I don’t know anyone who has delved into it. It is a Class that alters your Attributes isn’t it?”

“Yes. You get an increase in Physical and Spiritual Attributes, in exchange for a huge decrease in Mental attributes.”

He winced. “Advanced Classes are like that,'' he said. “You get some good bonuses, but there is always a counter. I know a few people who took an Advanced Class and were quite happy. It is usually someone who wants to focus mainly on one area and is not too concerned about other areas. One girl was a Blacksmith and she can now produce some amazing legendary work, but her classes outside of that are severely limited. I know one person who regretted their choice and has had to live with it.”

“Surely there's a way to remove a class?” I wondered aloud.

“I figure there probably is, but I have no idea how, or how costly it might be.” Ört said. “Is this something you want to do?”

“Yes.” I said. “I spent three years watching them make “voluntary’ slaves, and I could easily have ended up as one.”

“I figure if anyone knows, it will be the Empire, but I bet it is hidden deep.”

“Do you know of any ex-slaves or escaped slaves?” I queried.

“No,'' he said, “but we are pretty isolated here. There might be some in Hrothgar or one of the other larger cities.”

“What about countering the Class with another one that reversed the changes?” I continued.

“Can’t say I have thought about that,” He said. “You will need to go to one of the Learning Centres to find out more, probably in Kirghiz, the Capital.”

I nodded.

“You are pretty strong on this?” he observed.

“Yeah. I figured one of the reasons we are out here is to get to know each other before we sign anything. This is something you should know.” I replied.

He nodded. “The Orcs have a blood feud against the Empire, so Skavt and the twins won't have a problem in general with this. You taking off to the Capital might be more of an issue.”

“Neither Tabitha nor I think staying in one place for an extended period is a good idea until the heat dies down on my contract. She has other reasons to keep moving as well. That might mean a short term contract is the only option.” I said.

“Some of that baggage, huh?” he said.

I nodded. The conversation then drifted to other topics.

We got back late in the afternoon. It was a very pleasant day and Ört was good company. As I was riding Rocky I bought the whole Llama back, skinned it and sold most of the meat to the local butcher. That night I updated Tabitha on my conversation with Ört. She just nodded.

The next day was spent curing the Llama hide. I also spent some time examining the knives I had purchased from the Sølv Emporium. I had been frequently using the steel alloy knives. They were the knives I mainly used in the tunnels, swapping with the stone knives as I felt the need. I had been getting more and more comfortable with them. The Granite components were Silicon and the unusual one was the ground Topaz. The silicon helped with hardness and strength and the Topaz also increased the hardness, but there was more to it. The Topaz was a gem found in Granite and I think it was that which was triggering my affinity. I didn’t manage to discover anything that day despite several hours spent trying everything I could think of. Maybe there was a skill I needed? Maybe I needed to talk to Najprej. She is an Apprentice jeweller.

The next morning after training Skavt said she was in talks about an escort contract for a group of miners. It would be a three week contract. We would be escorting about fifteen miners and ten wagons to an established mine which would take about a week. We would then have a three day rest at the mine facilities before escorting back the miners going off shift and the ore loaded wagons. They have five of their own guards, but want extra guards on the road with the increased goblin activity.

“This will be a good contract to see how we work together over a longer period, Wiremu.” Skavt said to me.

“I won’t be available,” said Tabitha. She was joining us for the morning sparring before going to work, or to sleep, depending on which part of her job she was working.

“I figured that,” Svat said. “We do have a list of supplies we will need.” she said, handing it to Tabitha. “I have noted the normal price we would pay beside the items, If you could match that or do better that would be fantastic.”

Tabitha scanned down the list, “Shouldn’t be a problem, where do you want them delivered?”

“The stable where I work would be good. I rent a storage room from them where we store Canine Queen supplies. We call it our Throne Room.”

“I should finalise the contract today and we should be leaving at the start of next week, so plan on that. Wiremu and Tabitha, after this contract we can discuss membership options. Everybody take a few days off, I will be in touch.” She wound up the meeting and people started leaving.

Before I left she pulled me aside. She was also getting a bit of strife from the Dwarven Devils disputing the contract between them with the Mercenary Guild. The Mercenary Guild will mediate contract disputes if both parties agree, or if it is specified in the contract. They charge a fee for this of course. In this case the contract did not force any party to mediation and Skavt was not inclined to agree to it.

However, Skavt did warn me that Borc will probably have made the connection between me and the bounty for Wiremu Hunter and I should watch my back. The Dwarven Devils were on roughly the same level as the Canine Queens in fighting terms, so they are probably stronger and faster than I am. He has also seen Tāoke in action and is smart enough to work a counter to that. The obvious counter is to kill Tāoke first, and do it hard and fast, which will also cripple me. Borc might be a loudmouth, but he was several levels higher than the original Loudmouth that tried to take me. He might also want a bit of revenge on Tabitha.

The beginning of the week was four days away. Borc would almost certainly strike before we left Jern if he was going to. Maybe I should just leave town and go hunting for a few days. Come to think about it, my Fishing Skill needs levelling. I will finish my Cloak today because we are basically in autumn now. I will warn Tabitha and then Tāoke and I will go fishing for a few days starting tomorrow morning. With an actual fishing rod. Tabitha was working as a merchant today, so I stopped by the Emporium and had a word with her, bought a nice fishing rod and went home to finish my cloak.

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