THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


(AN 1: In anime, yandere aren't generally as dangerous as they look. The problem generally comes from the pushy mc who don't know how to handle them?. ) 

It was a little while after school, Kuroha didn't plan to go home directly today since he had other plans. 

"I don't want to!!!"

"Sigh I already told you we have no other choice. It's impossible for us to enter the same school."

Himiko pouted. She knew that. She was just throwing a little tantrum. A girl gotta keep playing hard.

Kuroha, on the other hand, was as calm as always. He knew how she was feeling. That why he was so patient with her.

Not long ago, Himiko was accepted in a hero school. Only, it wasn't UA, but the direct rival of UA, SHIKETSU HIGH SCHOOL.

This school was in no way inferior to UA. It was the best school in the west. While UA was the best in the east. 

Last year, Kuroha was finally seen by a third party. Even though he becomes somewhat close to those three, he couldn't say with assurance that they would never betray his secret. They didn't know what he looked like, but his quirk was pretty flashy.

That's why he asked Himiko to enter another high school. It will be less dangerous for the two of them. More so for her. He didn't want to implicate her if he was ever caught. 

Still, he couldn't help but be a little sad. It would have really been interesting if the three of them were in the same school even if in different years. 

As he was thinking so, Kuroha began to look around.

Right now, they were in her room. He didn't use his quirk to appear here. But officially come through the door.

Her room was weird as always. He entered a few girls' rooms in his life, and he understood that everyone's senses of fashion were different. 

But he was pretty sure that few girls would have ten large posters, a mannequin, and some plush doll and old clothes of their crush.

He was even sure that he glimpsed a few strands of his hair neatly put in a box.

He still remembered that day. Even madness who was usually so chatty in his head didn't speak after a long while. He even swore that this girl was crazier than him.

Strangely, he found her room rather cute. After all, he knew that she would never ever betray him. What could make a man more happy than knowing that a girl loved him so much?

When he said that in the past, madness looked at him with strange eyes before murmuring something about how his little brother had been led astray.

He put his hand on her head and ruffled her hair a little.

"Don't worry, I have my mark on you. Whenever you want to see you just have to give me a call and I will be here."

Distance didn't matter to Kuroha. He could reach her in an instant at any moment no matter how far away she was from him. 

Himiko closed her eyes and squinted a little like a cat before roughly pushing him down on her bed.

She gave a predatory smile before trying to bite him but a hand-blocked her mouth. 

"Not today. I must go to visit Rei. The clothes I'm wearing are presents from her." 

He didn't want to dirty those clothes with bloodstains. Himiko reluctantly nodded. She understood what place this woman had in his heart. 

Kuroha, seeing her expression smiled before giving her a kiss on the cheek. 

"I'm sorry. Next time I will give you as much as you can drink." 

She smiled and nodded happily. Kuroha was sure that if she was a dog, her tail would waging happily right now. 

That's one of the reasons why he found her so cute. Her happiness was really contagious. At the same time, he feels like a scumbag because until now he still didn't give her an answer.

Frankly, Kuroha didn't know how he would have turned out if he didn't meet her. She had played a great role in grounding him. 

Since it was time for him to leave, they got up from the bed. But just as they reached the door, Kuroha suddenly took her and his arms.

Himiko stiffened a little. She wasn't used to such a display coming from him. 

Kuroha eyes turned tender as he looked at this short girl who was always around him. He bent down, and gave her gave a peck at the top of her head.

"I know that I don't always show how much I care for you, but I can say with no doubt that meeting you was one of the best things that happened in my life. Thank you for always being there for me."

Himiko flushed before shyly nodding. She was extremely active most of the time. But she was extremely weak when he counter attacked.

As he went through the living room, he saw on TV, the scene of a group of heroes fighting against a giant villain. In the end, the villain was taken down by Mount Lady just as kamui wood was about to launch his finishing move. 

He didn't pay much attention to this and went towards the door. For him, most heroes nowadays weren't worthy of this title. They should simply change their title and call themselves special police or something like that.


Himiko accompanied Kuroha until the door and waved him goodbye as he left. 

While she was looking at his departing back, she began to daydream. She didn't know exactly what happened one year ago, but since then he began to change. 

He was still a little cold, but now he smiled more and was less distant. If in the past she felt like they were separated by a mountain, now she just feels like they were separated by a hill. 

From the little information he gave her, he had met some bounty hunter and did some little jobs with them. But he absolutely refused to let her meet them. 

She began to bites her teeth in frustration. Now she was even once again in another school. While Momo will be in the same high school. 

At this rate, she might lose him to her.

Perhaps it was time to go all out and sexually assault him? He had a high sense of responsibility and she was sure that he wouldn't refuse her once the deed was done.


The visit to Rei room was pretty standard. It's just that lately, he met two of her children. Natsuo and Fuyumi.

Natsuo was an 18 year old boy. He was of above average height, about 180 cm and sported white spiky hair, with two short strands hanging down either side of his forehead. 

He also had a rather muscular build. Kuroha quite liked him. Even though their first meeting was a little tense, right now they could be called something close to friends. It was clear that Natsuo cared deeply for his family.

Fuyumi was 22 years old. She was a sweet woman who always acted with him as if he was her little brother. She had the knack to invade his personal space, but he could see that she was a fragile woman. 

She was of average height, about 160cm. Like her mother and brother, she had white hair, but those hair were flecked with a few noticeable traces of a crimson-like color. 

He guessed that there must be someone with red hair in their family. Most likely, their abusive father.

Kuroha still didn't know the identity of her Rei husband. He didn't want to ask her because he feared that it would awaken her trauma. He didn't want to pry either. But, the day he got the identity of that bastard, he would make him pay. In his mind, there was no difference between that man and the researcher who detained him in the past. 

He hated pain, and he hated anyone who brought unnecessary pain to others. Even when he meets the most heinous criminal, he would kill them as swiftly as possible.


Later in the afternoon, Kuroha left the hospital alone while humming a song. Family members could stay longer so the two siblings decided to stay with their mother. Now, he had to meet All Might in a few hours.

"Today was a good day. I'm sure that absolutely nothing could go wrong today."

As if Murphy heard him boast, Kuroha suddenly received a phone call from All Might himself...

(AN 2: A sweet chapter to begin a new volume.

Next week, I will change the cover picture for another possible hero costume of the mc. In the end, I will ask you guys whcih of the two costume you liked the most.

This volume will have longer arcs than the two previous one. MHA is a Manga extremely focused on character dev. I don't know on how many characters I will focus. But I will see.

The next chapter will be from All Might and MIDORIYA pov.) 

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