THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


Let go back to a few hours ago:



"*Groan* Please just five more minutes."

A young boy was receiving a double attack sonor. One from his cursed alarm clock and another from his beloved mother.



Those words immediately awoke his groggy mind. The time for holidays ended yesterday. Today was the first day of his third year.

He jumped up from his bed, in a hurry and nearly fell. After that, he rushed toward the bathroom to do his toilets.

"Hurry !!! Hurry!!..."

Finding his uniform and other necessities didn't take much time. After he finished putting them on, he let a last look wander his room. It was a pretty standard room. The only things that really attracted the attention was the different posters of All Might on his wall, and the figurines of All Might that were placed on a special shelf.

He finally left his room and began to descend the stairs and went toward the dining room. There, his mother was already waiting for him, Midoriya Inko. She was a little overweight, but in his mind, she will forever be the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Izuku!! you're finally ready. Hurry, I Already prepared breakfast for you."

He let out a bright smile.

"Thanks mom!!!"

It was only after a rather light breakfast, that Midoriya, took his school bag, left his house, and began to run towards his school.


Elsewhere, a scrawny man was walking on the road. He was wearing a white tee-shirt and green military style pants. His cheekbones were a little emaciated, and his eyes were a little sunken in. All in all, he looked like someone who could fall and die at any moment.

"Shit, I'm lost."

It was Toshinori Yagi, also known as All Might.

Toshinori was lost. Kuruho would come visit him later in the day since he decided to live in a new city. He wanted to go out and buy some groceries, but, since he was new in this city, he got lost. What's more, he was a little too embarrassed to ask for directions to the passerby.

How could the symbol of peace be unable to find a simple convenience store?


He began to laugh in order to boost his enthusiast,

"Another crazy fan of All Might."

"Look at him, he should act his age"

"Mama, look, a weird uncle is laughing by himself."

"Don't look dear, "

The murmurs of the crowd were like knives stabbing deep in his heart. He blushed in embarrassment before beginning a strategic retreat from this street. Was he fleeing? Don't joke around the symbol of peace flees from no one.

This was the only way he could console his wounded heart.

Few hours later,

"*phew* I finally found it."

Toshinori was standing in front of a rather large store. It hadn't easy. Who could have known that cats and dogs could be so ridiculous dangerous.

Once in the convini, he began to buy different things. But, one of the final choices stumped him. It was a very important decision. One who could decide whether Kuroha would be happy or sad. Which one should he choose?

"Chocolate ice cream, or strawberry ice cream."

What a dilemma, All MIght knew of the obsession Kuroha had with good sweet. If he didn't pay one that pleased him, the night wouldn't end pleasantly.

Finally, after a few agonizing minutes in indecision, he finally made the most optimal choice based on all the information he had.

"I simply have to buy the two!!!"

He wanted to laugh, but had to hold himself back. His skin wasn't thick enough to receive another embarrassment.

"Thanks for you patronage."

The clerk received his money with changing his expression. It was clear that the guy was so used to this that he was acting on auto-mode.

Finally, he was on the verge of leaving when


A loud scream sounded. He began to pay more attention to the situation

"Thief!! Someone!"

A man began to scream at a weird mass of gelatin

"Catch me if you can!" was the answer the thief gave them

"Huh? There's no hero around."

"Normally someone would come right away."

"This guy's taking advantage of the chaos from this morning."

"There's a ton of people who don't know what to do with their quirk."

"There's no end to them."

Toshinori seeing, couldn't help but be a little angry. His small body, suddenly began to grow an then, Toshinori, no, All Might, said in a deep voice.

"Fear not..."

The crowd was surprised when they heard this voice? They turned back to face a giant among them. All MIght continued speaking as he began to walk.


The villain also heard the commotion and briefly turned to see what was happening. What he saw stunned him.

A man with yellow hair and a bright smile bright enough to blind some people finished his sentence

"Because I am HERE!!!"

The villain, understanding how fucked up he was, didn't even try to fight back before fleeing and entering the sewer.


All Might really wanted to punch that bastard, but he couldn't use his mid-range attack with so many people around him. As such, he began to pursue the villain by also entering the sewer.


"FUCK!! FUCK!!! FUCK!! How could I be so unlucky? "

It was supposed to be something easy. Profit from the distraction, steal the money and flee. But why the fuck was he unlucky enough to meet that monster?

He ran and ran and ran at maximum speed. He didn't have the slightest intention to fight. Bigger and meaner villain than him tried, but they all ended in prison.

Finally, after running for a few minutes and being sure that he wasn't followed, he chose an exit and began to slowly get out of the sewer.


He heard a laugh. THE laugh. He shuddered for an instant before understanding that this laugh was coming from a middle school students.

(How dare he make me feel fear with his stupid laugh?)

The green haired kid, seeing him began to shiver in fright. This excited him so much. He pounced on the boy and began to surround him.

"Don't worry. I am just going to take over your body. Calm down, It will only hurt for about 45 seconds. You'll feel better soon."

Even as he said that, he began to feel some ambiguities in his words. Why did he sound like a pedophile rapist with tentacles? Naaah it must have been his imagination.

The kid was struggling and trying to escape, but it was all in vain. How could a simple kid escape from him?

"You can't grab me, I am made out of liquid. Thanks for your help. You're my 'hero'. I didn't think that that monster had come to this city."

He could feel the boy slowly stop his struggle. Soon, soon. But just as he was about to succeed,


He heard a sound,followed by this accursed voice,

"It's alright now, young man. I am here!!!"


He launched his tentacles to attack him, but that monster avoided them with ease, he then heard words that made him freeze in fear.


(How could this be possible? Wind pressure?)

Those were his last thoughts before falling unconscious.


All Might looked at the unconscious kid in front of him. He couldn't go and let him like that.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! He--Oh , good."

The kid finally woke up. But the way he reacted was rather funny.

"I'm glad You're okay. Sorry about getting you caught in my villain fighting. I don't usually make mistakes like this, but I was in high spirits since I have to meet someone dear to me tonight. AH AH AH AH AH."

He laughed, but deep down he was really embarrassed and bitter. Such a low level mistake would have never happened in his heyday. But he couldn't show anything but a smile to someone who obviously is fan. That's why he showed him the villain he captured and put him in two bottles.

"Oh right! An a-autograph! Where should I...?"

The kid was without a doubt an awkward nerd.But All Might was used to this. That's why he took preventive step and already signed the autograph that the kid would undoubtedly ask. Seeing him bow again and again as a thanks was really funny. This kid really made him thinks of Nighteye. even more so when he asserted that his autograph would serve as an heirloom. Still, he had other things to do

"Well, I need to take this guy to the police. See you again on the other side of the screen!"

It wasn't that he wanted to be arrogant, but fan? he had too many of them to count. He didn't care about vain glory.

He jumped away with all his strength. But then, he felt like an additional weight on his leg. It was so light that he didn't even feel it at the beginning. Turns out that the child really took hold of him and followed him.

This fanaticism was really too much. Sadly, the kid couldn't get off or he would die.

Cough!!! Cough!!

(Shit. Now isn't the time. I need to land somewhere and throw this kid before getting out fast.)

All Might was a little angry as he landed with the kid. He didn't have anymore time to waste and refused to listen to his pleas.

 Still, just as he was about to go away, he heard a rather shocking question from this kid.

"Can someone without a quirk be like you?"

How should he answer?

(AN: I am obligated to use some elements of the canon, but I don't want to be the kind of author who simply copy past the event from the manga. That's why while not changing what happened in episode/chapter 1, I added my own spin in it by using creating All Might and Slug POV. I hope you liked it. Now, when I have to use canon, I will do it from a POV that weren't used in the it
. Still I had to watch the season one of MHA many time to remember all the details. I think I will see it in my dreams tonight. )

(AN 2: Also, what do you think of the new cover?)

(AN 3:My holiday end today. I don't know if I will be able to keep up with my previous release rate. So I will not make empty promise.
For the release time, I generelly released at 4 p.m UTC O. Now if I don't release at 4 then I will do it at 8 or 9.) 

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