The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 268

Chapter 268
It was impossible for Sirius Black not to notice such a big movement. He wanted to turn his wand, but found that it was too late, and a bolt of lightning had already shot towards him. He watched helplessly as the bolt of lightning hit him, He only felt a numbness in his body, a puff of black smoke, and he fell straight down. He couldn't hold the wand in his hand, and the wand fell to the ground of the Forbidden Forest.

The next moment, two rattan whips stretched out, binding him tightly.

And it was that strange creature that instantly controlled Black.

The situation was suddenly reversed, and the three of Harry quickly retrieved their wands.

"What Allen said is true!" Hermione said excitedly, "The deformed beast directly knocked down an adult wizard. I really don't know how he did it. I don't even know the magic cast by this deformed beast." seen."

Harry ignored Hermione's exclamation, and without saying a word, he picked up his wand and pointed at Sirius Black who fell on the ground, pointing directly at his heart.

"Are you going to kill me, Harry?" he whispered.

"You killed my parents," said Harry, his voice trembling slightly, but his wand hand was steady.

Black stared at Harry with his sunken eyes.

"I don't deny that," he said quietly, "but if you knew the whole story—"

"The whole story?" Harry repeated, with a violent thud in his ears. "You betrayed them to Voldemort, and that's all I need to know!"

"You must listen to me," said Blake, now with an urgent note in his voice, "if you don't understand—don't understand—you'll regret it."

A ginger-colored thing sprinted past Harry, and Crookshanks jumped onto Black's chest, crouching there, right in the middle of his heart.

Hermione looked at Crookshanks and let out a sob. She wanted to call Crookshanks back, but she couldn't open her mouth. With her intelligence, she understood that what happened today had something to do with Crookshanks. Be with Blake.

Harry glared at Black and Crookshanks, gripped his wand even tighter, he wanted to kill Black, he wanted to kill Black.

"That mouse, that Weasley boy's mouse!" said Blake eagerly.

And Harry didn't want to hear any more from him.

"Total petrification!" Harry moved his wand away from Crookshanks and released the spell. He still couldn't deprive a person of his life, even if this person was his great enemy.

Black couldn't speak for a while, his eyes rolled rapidly in the sunken eye sockets, and there was a hint of despair in it.

"We'll give him to the school, to the Ministry of Magic." Harry said with some difficulty, but after making this decision he felt a burst of relief.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps around.

"Here we are!" cried Hermione suddenly. "We are here—Sirius Black—quick!"

And Hermione's deformed beast seemed to be aware of the surrounding movement, it thought for a while, retracted the vine whip, and then retreated into a shadow.

It was Professor Lupine who came running over, and the three of Harry immediately relaxed.

Professor Lupine's face was pale, his wand raised, ready for any moment.His eyes flicked across Ron, Hermione, Harry, who was still standing there pointing his wand at Black, and then his eyes flicked to Black.

"Expelliarmus!" Lupine yelled.

Harry's wand flew out of his grasp again, as did the two Hermione was holding.Lupine nimbly grasped the three wands, and walked into the room, glaring at Black, who was still crouched on his chest protecting him.

He walked quickly towards Black, and he spoke, in a strange voice, with some suppressed emotion: "Where is he, Sirius?"

Black rolled his eyes and looked at Ron.

Professor Lupine looked at Black intently, as if reading his mind, his eyes widened suddenly as if thinking of something.

He simply de-petrified Black, grabbed his hand, and pulled him up, so that Crookshanks fell to the floor, and Lupine hugged Black like two brothers.

The three of Harry looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Harry felt his stomach turn upside down.

"I don't believe it!" Hermione screamed.

At this time, Black seemed to think of something, and he said quickly: "Be careful!"

But it was too late, Hermione's shapeshifter appeared quietly, and Lupine was restrained before he could react.

Black, who had no wand, was once again bound tightly by the cane whip.

The three of Harry once again took the initiative.

"I trust you," Harry yelled at Lupine, his voice shaking uncontrollably, "and you've been his friend all along!"

Lupine, who was under control, was very calm.

He slowly told how he came here tonight because he saw people who shouldn't appear on the Marauder's Map.

Then revealed a secret to the three of Harry - Scabbers is an Animagus, that is, Pettigrew Peter.

The three of Harry didn't believe it at first, but as Lupin told them, they gradually began to waver, and all of them turned their attention to the lump in Ron's chest that was constantly struggling.
At this time, another unexpected person suddenly appeared.

Professor Snape suddenly dropped his invisibility cloak and appeared.

"I picked up this invisibility cloak on the side of the road, but it seems that you have done a good job and caught Black and his accomplices. Two people are going to Azkaban tonight." Professor Snape pointed at the Lupine and Black, who were under control, had a provocative smile on his face, and his eyes kept glancing at the deformed beast aside.

The positions of the three of Harry have changed now. They tried their best to explain to Professor Snape, but Professor Snape only wanted to believe what he saw, and he obviously didn't hear all the conversation.

"Shut up, you fools!" snapped Snape, suddenly frantic. "Don't talk about things you don't understand!"

"What I have to do now is to call those dementors. They must be very happy to see you. They will be very happy to give you a little kiss."

What color remained in Blake's face was now gone. "You—you must hear me out," he said hoarsely. "The mouse—look at the mouse."

But there was a crazy light in Snape's eyes that Harry had never seen before, and Snape seemed to have lost his mind.

Hermione quietly directed the shapeshifter to let Sirius and Lupine go, but the next moment Professor Snape waved his wand and summoned some ribbons to bind them.

Harry was still trying to defend himself, but Professor Snape didn't listen at all.

Finally Harry lost his patience, "Poor you!" Harry exclaimed, "it's just because they joked with you when you were a student and you couldn't even listen to them"

"Shut up! Don't talk to me like that!" Snape screamed, looking even crazier. "Now, get out of the way, or I'll force you out of the way! Get out of the way, Potter!"

Harry made up his mind, he raised his wand, and Hermione and Ron beside him also raised their wands tacitly.

Snape looked at them with some surprise.

The next moment, the battle began.

The four of them started chanting spells at the same time, but Snape's wand shot a red light and knocked Hermione down first, because he had just figured out from the conversation that the powerful shapeshifter was transformed by Hermione, so He decided to stun Hermione first, so that the shapeshifter would lose command.

At this time, the spells of the three of Harry were only halfway through.

Snape easily dodged Harry and Ron's Disarming Charm, and then quickly returned two, and then Harry and Ron watched their wands fly into the sky for the first time tonight
That's how powerful an adult wizard is.

Professor Snape was about to reach out to catch the wand in the air, but the next moment he heard a sound of breaking the air, and immediately an apparition left the place.

It turned out to be the vine whip cast by Hermione's shapeshifter.
Snape looked at the strange magical creature in amazement, and he saw a sense of familiarity in it. He didn't expect this thing to be able to fight independently. Eyes, gradually increased vigilance to this deformed beast.

He quickly cast an Iron Armor Curse, "Shenfeng Wuying!" He quickly launched an attack.

The shapeshifter dodged the spell with a "blink of lightning".

"Blazing flames!" Professor Snape summoned a flame that burned the incoming vine whip.

At this time, the deformed beast suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed a water gun. The water gun hit the barrier of the Iron Armor Curse and made a toothache sound, but it did not break through the barrier of the Iron Armor Curse.

Professor Snape continued to attack, but the doppelganger was too fast for them to do anything to each other.

The shapeshifter released a bolt of lightning again, Snape didn't take it seriously, he had figured out the power of the shapeshifter's magic, and the Iron Armor Curse he had just cast could block the lightning.

As a result, he felt a numbness in his body. It turned out that the water gun just now had wet the ground nearby.
At this moment of stagnation, a cane whip wrapped around Snape's ankle, and then it was lifted suddenly, Snape lost his balance and was hung upside down.
The drooping robes obscured his eyes and also brought back the last memory in his heart
 What I have been struggling with recently is what the new shapeshifter should look like and what kind of abilities it should have, because I have only watched some Pokémon animations and never played games, so I have been watching Pokémon for the past two days Looking for inspiration from the animation, but found that the setting of Pokémon is too complicated, especially the game, I can’t understand it in a short time, so I can only write according to the animation and feel.
(End of this chapter)

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