The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 267 Appearance

Chapter 267 Appearance
"Crookshanks, why are you here? Where have you been lately?" Hermione asked, hugging Crookshanks tightly. Crookshanks was snuggled into Hermione's arms, and the fur on his body was caused by the recent It has become messy due to neglect.

And Harry, who was behind Hermione, seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, staring stiffly at that familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

Although he had thought about what it would be like to meet him, Harry still felt powerless when he actually met.

With clumps of dirty, tangled hair down to the elbows, he might have been a corpse if the eyes hadn't shone in their deep, dark sockets; Skull-like, grinning with yellow teeth, it was Sirius Black.

"Expelliarmus!" he said in a hoarse voice, pointing Hermione's wand in Harry's direction. Although Harry was still wearing the Invisibility Cloak, Hermione and Ron had revealed his location just now, and Harry hadn't responded yet. When the wand came over, it dropped from his hand, flew high in the air, was caught by Black, and the invisibility cloak on Harry's body also slipped to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Ron's voice came suddenly, "Who put two Muggle flashlights in the Forbidden Forest." Ron's voice trembled.

As soon as his figure appeared, Sirius Black released a disarming spell again, and Ron's wand also flew high, and was lightly caught by Black.

The three of them lost their fighting power in just an instant.

Sirius Black pointed at the three with his wand and showed a terrifying smile.

"What a beautiful friendship! It's just like your father and I were." He said hoarsely.His voice sounded like he hadn't spoken in a long time.

His taunts to his father echoed in Harry's ears, as if Black had just shouted them out loud.Hatred boiled in Harry's chest, so there was no place for fear to stay.For the first time in his life, he wanted the wand back so badly, not to defend himself, but to attack and kill.He rushed forward, not knowing what he was going to do, but sudden movements on either side of him grabbed him and dragged him back.

"No, Harry, calm down, scroll!" Hermione whispered to him.

Harry calmed down all of a sudden, he could feel the long thing in his arms, it was the self-defense thing Allen made for him before he left, and it was the only thing they could rely on now.

But it took time to take out the scroll from his arms and cast that scroll. Now they were being pointed at by Black with his wand. He was not sure if his movement of holding the scroll would arouse Black's vigilance.

He turned his head and gave Ron a look. Ron obviously also thought of the scroll that Allen gave him. Harry knew that Black's main target was him, and he needed to buy time for Ron and Hermione.

He took a step forward, "Your target is me, don't hurt my friends, let them go!" Harry said calmly.

"Although you may have heard it many times, I also want to say that you are very much like your father." Sirius Black's smile became wider.

It may be that there is still a glimmer of hope for victory, but after hearing this sentence, Harry was not as stimulated as he was just now.

"Is all this a trap for you?" Hermione said suddenly.

"Yes, but you'd better let me see your hands and don't try to make any small moves." Sirius Black said suddenly.

Hermione had to take out her hand from her pocket.

"You forged Hagrid's letter, right?" Hermione continued.

"Yes, I'm familiar with Hagrid's font." Sirius Black said calmly, his current appearance was completely different from the madness in the photo on the wanted notice.

"Cut the crap, there's only going to be one murder tonight," Sirius Black said with a smile.

He pointed his wand at Ron, who was quietly looking around for things suitable for transformation.

"Take out that mouse in your breast pocket!" Sirius Black suddenly said something that surprised the three of them.

Ron's chest suddenly moved. It was the mouse Banban struggling violently inside. It didn't move when there was such a big movement just now, but now it struggled instead.

"What?" said Ron. "What does Scabbers have to do with this?"

"Whatever it is," roared Blake, "get that mouse out!"

Ron reached into his robes, and Scabbers struggled even harder.

Sirius Black's eyes sparkled with excitement as he stared at Ron's hand.

Hermione immediately realized that this was a good opportunity, and she gently took out the blue scroll that Allen gave from her clothes, destroyed the ring that bound the scroll, and aimed the scroll at a stone that she had already hoped for.
Sirius Black didn't even notice during the whole process, he was still staring at Ron's hand inserted into his robe.

Hermione knew that Alan's scroll was their last hope.

She pulled the entire scroll without hesitation. When the scroll was pulled open, countless streams of light flowed on the densely packed text on the scroll, and then the stone changed rapidly, and then a white streak shot out from the scroll. the shadows of the ever-changing stone
The white shadow is the patron saint cultivated by Allen. In the end, Allen decided to suppress the patron saint in the scroll, and shoot at the deformed beast the moment the transformation spell took effect.

Hermione found some strange things fixed on the surface of the scroll, some were hair, some were leaves, some were scales
Then the whole scroll was on fire, and Hermione threw the scroll away quickly, and the scroll was quickly reduced to ashes.

And that stone has also completed its transformation. It is a creature that does not exist in this world. It looks nondescript. It is only the size of a sheep. It has a pair of miniature dragon wings on its back and a huge scorpion growing on its head. Green leaves, the body looks like a fox, but the forelimbs are not claws, but a pair of fin-like limbs, the most peculiar thing is that there are two strange red dots on both sides of this fox's cheeks.
Hermione immediately found that something had established a link with herself, and that feeling was the same as the usual feeling of using Transfiguration to transform an animal to establish a link.

"Defeat Sirius Black." Hermione looked at Black and silently ordered in her heart.

That strange creature spread its wings violently, and opened a pair of big watery eyes. Hermione felt that those big eyes were not at all dull like the deformed animals.
 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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