The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 269 Snape's Rampage

Chapter 269 Snape's Rampage
Snape was hung upside down in the air, with no strength on his body, he couldn't break free for a while.

He was hung upside down in the air, his body dangling.
This scene is so familiar!When was the last time you were hung upside down in the air?Snape thought silently in his heart, his dusty memory was suddenly opened.
He remembered the scene in fifth grade.
His eyes looked at the surrounding situation through the gap in the robe. Hanging upside down made his brain a little congested, and the congested brain made his vision a little blurred. The scene in front of him gradually overlapped with the scene in the fifth grade
Those two were Sirius Black, Remus Lupine, although they are much older now
That tall, thin boy is James Potter.
The red-haired boy next to him is Pettigrew Peter, although that boy is much taller than Pettigrew Peter
But there seems to be one missing
Snape's brain was working very slowly
At this time, Harry and Ron saw that the shapeshifting beast had controlled Snape, so they quickly used "Spell Stop" to lift Hermione's stun spell.

As soon as Hermione woke up, she saw Snape hanging upside down in the air, and immediately exclaimed: "Why do you put him down quickly!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other helplessly, that deformed beast was controlled by Hermione.
And Hermione's voice made Snape feel that the scene in front of him completely overlapped with the fifth grade.
yes!And her - Lily Evans
That's what she said back then.
He wanted to turn around and look at those emerald green eyes again, but he couldn't turn around anyway, and he couldn't see the direction from which the voice came from from this angle.

Snape stopped struggling, he suddenly felt something wet in his eyes, and these things were about to break through the defense line of his eyes, he subconsciously wanted to control these things from flowing out, but it was too late, two tears Welling out of the corner of his eye, flowing into his hair
How long has it been since you shed tears?Snape thought silently in his heart
like 12 years ago
When those emerald green eyes were tightly closed and could no longer be opened.
Snape was in a state of grief, but the shaking of his body in the air made him sober.
How will things develop next?
James Potter would say haughtily and contemptuously, "Who wants to see me take snotty's panties off?"

Snape still remembered the powerlessness, unwillingness and anger in his heart at that time.
The scene in the fifth grade has been tormenting him forever, and it is the most painful memory in his heart. It was at that time that he lost Lily forever and watched her and Potter come together.
Snape's heart was suddenly filled with anger, and his whole body was burning with anger. He was usually calm and restrained, but he couldn't control this anger at all.
He was powerless to resist that time in the fifth grade and was humiliated over and over again, but now he does not allow this scene to repeat itself!
He made up his mind in an instant, reached out to touch his waist, and smoothly touched a cold bottle. He took the bottle in his hand, opened the cork, and poured the beige liquid inside into his mouth .
At this time, only a short period of time had passed since Snape was hung upside down, Black and Lupine were still bound by Snape's magic, and the three of Harry were about to start discussing how to deal with Snape, after all Snape was a professor at the school.

They found Snape drinking the potion, but no one reacted immediately
The first thing to realize the danger was Hermione's shapeshifter. It immediately released a bolt of lightning at Professor Snape. The lightning hit Snape smoothly, but Snape didn't react at all when he was hit.
He covered his head in pain, and a white arc began to appear on his body
The arc on Professor Snape's body hit the deformed beast directly along the vine whip on the ankle, and the deformed beast retracted the vine whip with a hiss.

Snape didn't fall from the sky, he was suspended in mid-air, with electric arcs constantly flowing around his body, his hair stood on end because of the electric arcs, but these electric arcs did not harm him.
All the people present looked at Snape in this state in bewilderment, not knowing what to do. After all, no one knew whether Professor Snape's change was good or bad.
However, Snape, who was shrouded in lightning, had a new change:

The ears covered by his hands changed. His ears suddenly grew very long and became like rabbit ears, but the tips of the ears were pointy. Most of the ears were beige, and only the pointed ears One piece is brown.
Two bright red marks suddenly appeared on both sides of his cheeks. The shape of the marks was a circle the size of an orange, which seemed a bit out of place.
A lightning-shaped yellow tail suddenly appeared from behind his buttocks, exposed straight to the air.
But Professor Snape, who produced this series of changes, closed his eyes tightly.
All the people present were stunned by this scene. Although Professor Lupine was very knowledgeable and Black's family had a long history, they couldn't imagine that there was a corresponding record in the history of magic when faced with this bizarre scene.

"Professor. He. Transformed?" Ron said with difficulty, "Like Allen?"

"But why did Allen's power appear on Professor Snape?" Hermione said with a look of shock.

Hermione's shapeshifter stared at Snape warily, flapping its wings uneasily
In fact, the three of Harry are very familiar with the three parts that Snape suddenly grew out of, because after Allen became an Animagus, these parts were deformed by random deformation every day.

Especially the bright red circular marks on both sides of the cheeks, and now there are the same marks on the cheeks of Hermione's shapeshifter.

They don't know whether it's good or bad for a while, but they don't have to think about it anymore.

At this time, Professor Snape's transformation was also completed, the electric arc on his body disappeared all of a sudden, he opened his eyes suddenly, his eyeballs turned blood red, filled with endless anger and madness
An extremely dangerous breath came from his body.
He stared at Black, Lupine, and Harry with a stare that seemed to be devouring.
Being stared at, Harry felt numb all over his body, goose bumps appeared on his body, and a lot of cold sweat broke out on his back, Harry felt as if he was being stared at by a dangerous beast.
He clenched his wand and pointed directly at the transformed Snape, but this action did not give him a sense of security
Black and Lupine behind him were trying to break free from the magic ribbon.

At this moment, the two bright red circular marks on both sides of Professor Snape's cheeks began to show some tiny electric arcs, and the next moment his whole body was shrouded in bright electric light
 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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