The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 46: Gabriel the Great Seraph Pt. 3

Fuck it, Issei decides. If Asia wants to throw caution to the wind, he’ll do so right alongside her. They’re ONLY dealing with one of the four Great Seraphs after all. Nothing too major, no sir.
In the end, he doesn’t even warn them. After all, admitting that he knew he was about to cum… that might go against one of Gabriel’s edicts, right? Might violate some unknown edict that God had left upon the beautiful blonde Seraph. And they wouldn’t want that. As such, his climax is as much a surprise to Asia as it is to Gabriel.
The excommunicated holy woman is currently in the process of bouncing Gabriel’s head down his cock length when he begins to blow his load. As such, Gabriel chokes on his seed, gagging as a little bit of it ends up actually coming out of her nostrils. Her cheeks bulge outwards, but because she has no concept of trying to keep it in, because she’s innocent in all of this, most of his cum ends up just flowing out of her mouth, dribbling down her chin and onto her perfectly sculpted naked breasts as they bounce and jiggle a bit more before finally coming to a stop with the rest of her body.
Asia freezes, eyes darting to Gabriel as Issei cums and cums. Gabriel also freezes up, hands gripping down on her legs a little. Issei stands perfectly still too, very aware that his cock is currently in the mouth of one of the most dangerous female creatures in the whole of existence. As his seed cascades down Gabriel’s chin and onto her tits, Asia finally slowly begins to move her head back.
His cock pops free of Gabriel’s lips, bouncing lightly for a moment as Issei remains where he is. But the damage, if there is any damage, is already done. And indeed, Gabriel… twitches, for lack of a better word. Perhaps, to use a more modern word… she glitches?
It’s only for a second, Issei is pretty sure. He’s not even confident that Asia sees it, not like he sees it. Only his enhanced senses and draconic power allow him to pick up the details of Gabriel’s momentary shiver. Her eyes flicker and flutter, and her wings… her beautiful white wings… he’s pretty sure they turn black, for just a second.
But maybe he’s just seeing things. After all, that’s not how this works, right? You couldn’t temporarily Fall from God’s grace. You couldn’t have a flicker of a Fall, right? Except… had one of the Great Seraphs ever fallen before? And if not, who could say how exactly it worked for them, compared to the other angels?
If nothing else, Gabriel’s edicts meant that she was far more restricted than your average angel foot soldier, right? So many of Heaven’s angels had been allowed to engage in impure acts and think impure thoughts and Fall and become Grigori… but not Gabriel. Never Gabriel.
As the flicker ends just as soon as it’s begun, as Gabriel returns to normal, her eyes fluttering and her tongue pulling back into her messy mouth, the gorgeous blonde Seraph seems to ponder something for a moment. Finally, she speaks.
“… An odd taste, to be sure.”
Issei doesn’t fail to notice the way Asia’s shoulders slump, seeming in a mixture of relief AND disappointment. Heh, from the look of things, the blonde nun wasn’t entirely sure she even wanted Gabriel to Fall in the first place. Well, she best get her head on straight, because they were don’t yet.
“Let’s move onto something else. We’ll need to move to the bedroom for this next part.”
Asia’s wide eyes dart to him. What, did she think he would stop now? Hmph, he was just getting started. Gabriel, meanwhile, manages to look as guileless and naïve as ever, even with his cum coating her chin and tits.
“Oh? I must warn you once more against potentially engaging me in activities that go against God’s edicts, Issei Hyoudou.”
Cocking his head to the side, Issei folds his arms over his bared chest.
“Any specific commands against being with a man in bed?”
“Yes. I cannot be alone with a man in bed.”
Good to know. Luckily, that was never Issei’s intention in the first place.
“Ah, but Asia will be with us. So you won’t be alone with me in bed, will you?”
“No, I will not.”
“Great, then let’s go. So long as we move together, I won’t have accidentally exposed myself to you, and you won’t have accidentally exposed yourself to me, since Asia is the one who exposed both of us and we’re staying by each other’s sides, right?”
“Yes, that is right.”
Together, both of them naked, with the Great Seraph’s front still covered in his cum, they leave the room and head down the hallway. No one disrupts them, though Issei is almost certain that both the fallen angels and the exorcists he has in the house with him are close by, almost certainly spying in some way, shape or form.
Regardless, they arrive at the bedroom soon enough. There, Issei nods to Asia.
“Asia, get Gabriel a towel and clean her up please.”
Seemingly having recovered her nerve on the walk over, Asia is all smiles now, as she does as she’s told. Gabriel glances to the blonde only once, when Asia spends an… inordinate amount of time on Gabriel’s spectacular tits. But there’s not another flicker there. Which is interesting to Issei. Is Yuri… not a sin? Could Asia make Gabriel cum and the Great Seraph still wouldn’t fall?
He’s tempted to try it out, to have Asia go to town on Gabriel for his pleasure right then and there. If it’s possible for them to avoid Gabriel falling, then he should aim for that, right? But then he would still never be able to have sex with the beautiful angel… ah, and Issei was a selfish dragon. He couldn’t abide by that.
“I will lay down on the bed now. Asia, you will help Gabriel into position, understood? Gabriel, you don’t have to do anything. I won’t be doing anything either. Asia is going to do all of the work. Alright?”
As Issei speaks, he lays down on the bed. As he gives Asia her orders, her eyes light up with excitement, and she comes up behind Gabriel, taking hold of her by the arms and walking her forward. For a brief moment, Gabriel looks unsure… but in the end, she doesn’t resist as Asia helps her up onto the bed, and gently but firmly drags her into position.
If someone had told Issei that he would have the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on hovering inches over his throbbing erection, her pussy lips bared and ready for penetration… but he wouldn’t be able to so much as touch her or thrust his hips upward for fear of being smote by the Heavens themselves, Issei would have first laughed… and then maybe beat that person up, if he realized they were dead serious.
Indeed, there’s a certain torture to this, as Asia reaches down and grabs ahold of Issei’s cock with one hand, while guiding Gabriel down onto it with the other on the Seraph’s hip. She lines them up and prods Issei’s bulbous tip into Gabriel’s lips, causing a sharp intake of breath from the Great Seraph as her eyes dart down part her massive breasts to where they’re now connected.
“Something the matter, Gabriel?”
“… No. No edicts have been broken.”
He’s a little surprised by that. It didn’t seem like it made much sense for God, who was said to be All-Knowing, to leave a loophole THIS large in his darling daughter’s protections. Seriously, she couldn’t be alone in bed with a man, she couldn’t expose herself to a man, she couldn’t let a man expose himself in her presence, she couldn’t let a man touch her, or touch a man in kind…
But having Asia do all of the work for them was fine?! Issei was beginning to question whether the God who had made Gabriel, and who had in turn granted Issei his Boosted Gear in a long, roundabout way, might have been a nutcase or something.
He doesn’t have a chance to think about it much longer however, because with the tip of his rock hard cock prodding into the entrance of Gabriel’s quim, Asia has released her hold on both Issei’s shaft and Gabriel’s hip… and moved her hands up to the Great Seraph’s shoulders.
The blonde nun glances around the side of Gabriel’s head down at Issei, as if asking for permission. He just smiles and nods, causing her to smile back. Yep, they’re really going to do this. They’re really-
Without a second more of hesitation, Asia slams Gabriel down onto Issei’s cock. The reaction is instant. For one, Issei definitely feels a hymen tear as he takes the Great Seraph Gabriel’s virginity, right there on the spot. The most beautiful woman in all of the Heavens and possibly all of Earth and the Underworld besides, is impaled upon his throbbing meaty pillar, and spasms as her purity is torn from her.
For two, her eyes widen and her jaw drops open, and it’s like she’s been punched in the gut, like she’s silently screaming. The temptation to reach out and touch her is so unbelievably real that it’s not even funny. Fuck, Issei wants nothing more than to grab onto her and just start fucking her from below like a mad man. But he can’t risk it. He doesn’t dare.
Slowly, but also probably faster than is appropriate, Asia begins to ride Gabriel up and down his length. Moving her hands from her shoulders to her hips, the ex-nun grabs Gabriel around the waist and begins to slide her up and down. Despite the Great Seraph’s reaction to losing her virginity, she still doesn’t resist. She’s altogether completely unresponsive at first, as Asia slides her pussy up and down his length.
She’s also not what Issei would call wet… to start with anyways. She’s not dry either, per say. She’s moist enough that it doesn’t hurt to fuck her, but also tight enough that the movement is slow going, even with all Asia’s effort. Neither Issei nor Gabriel can actively participate though, so it falls entirely to the excommunicated nun to do all the work.
And to her credit, she does a good job. The more she rides Gabriel along his mast, the easier the passage get. Not only does Gabriel’s virgin cunt begin to mold to Issei’s cock, the gorgeous angel slowly but surely becoming accustomed to his size… but her body also starts to react. Her pussy gets wetter and wetter, and the passage gets slicker and slicker, and not just because of her virgin’s blood.
On the one hand it’s torture, because Issei cannot participate. He is a bystander during a sex act that he’s a part of for the first time in his life, and he’s really not sure he enjoys it all that much. At the same time, it IS an incredibly unique experience, and one that he likely would have never tried out if not for the circumstances he found himself in.
He’s fucking an angel. Not just any non-fallen angel either, but the only female Great Seraph at that. Fuck Serafall, she was fine and all but she was a Great Satan. Devils were expected to be slutty. The REAL forbidden fruit was this absolutely gorgeous blonde bombshell of an angel, who he currently had wrapped around his dick and-
Gabriel twitches again. And then trembles. And then… shudders. Her eyes flicker like they did before, and her wings… her wings begin to change. Asia, perhaps heedless of this, or perhaps eager to egg it on, keeps moving Gabriel up and down his cock. But suddenly, as she tries to keep the rhythm going, it becomes obvious that she’s lost control.
Rather than bouncing on his cock, Gabriel begins to gyrate her hips, of her own accord. The moment the blonde nun notices this, she tears her hands away, as if burned. Gabriel’s own hands suddenly slam down on either side of Issei’s head. Her wings unfold from her back, flaring out on either side of her and practically taking up the entire bedroom with their span. Her eyes are… interesting to say the least. She’s as beautiful as ever, but there’s suddenly a deadly quality to her that really wasn’t there before.
As she leans over him, her breasts dangling in front of his eyes, her wings flickering between white and black so fast they seem to become an almost grey blur, Gabriel’s lips move wordlessly. But funnily enough, Issei can read lips. Heh, and so can Ddraig.
Holy shit…
The commentary from the dragon in his soul isn’t necessary, but Issei has to admit… Ddraig isn’t wrong. Because while Gabriel isn’t able to say the words out loud, there’s no denying exactly what she’s mouthing to him right this moment.
Fuck me. Fuck me, Issei Hyoudou. Take me like a man and fuck me.
She can’t speak. Yet still she’s asking for it. She can’t outright beg, and still she’s found a way. But at the same time… the danger is very real, even now. Even with Gabriel mouthing the words, even with her egging him on silently, Issei feels like he’s an inch away from death.
Oh please, when have you not been an inch away from death? You’re a foolhardy, reckless idiot who thinks with your dick more than anything. You’re a pervert who gets away with it because you’re immensely powerful. Off MY power, mind you. I swear, awakening inside of you at that young age… tch, you’ve changed me as much as I’ve changed you.
Issei twitches, as Ddraig’s voice resounds in his head. Apparently, the Great Welsh has decided to give him a bit of a pep talk. And she isn’t done either.
And I don’t mean the new body you stuck me in so you could fuck me. Though I do also mean that. Hmph, the Issei Hyoudou I know, the one who has claimed the title of Red Dragon Emperor… would already have his hands on that superb pair of oppai staring him in the face. He would already be thrusting upwards, instead of waffling around like this.
Tch, she…
What are you, a coward?
Damn it, first Asia and now Ddraig. The Great Welsh was clearly goading him on. Trying to get him killed, even? Was this her big revenge move, to convince him to commit suicide by Archangel? And yet… she was right, wasn’t she? Could he really afford to back down here and still look himself in the mirror? Or was this foolhardy in the extreme, and he should back off while he still had this one last chance to do it?
Do or die now. His next decision… was for all the marbles.

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