The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 47: Gabriel the Fallen Seraph

Fear. Fear was not Issei Hyoudou’s natural state of being. As much as Ddraig was goading him on, she was right. Since when hadn’t he been an inch away from death? He WAS the kind of guy who thought with his dick, more than anything. And frankly, if he couldn’t continue to be that guy, simply because he was playing too much in the big leagues and had attracted forces stronger than him to his doorstep… Issei didn’t care. He’d die happily, with a smile on his face, as the man he’d always been.
Letting out a sudden roar, Issei’s hands come up from where they’d been clenched into fists at his sides. He grabs Gabriel by the hips and positively SLAMS her down onto his cock in the next beat. Asia yelps at this display, crying out in concern for him, but she’d already let go of Gabriel, she’d already lost control. It’s not Asia who Issei seizes control from, but the Great Seraph herself.
Gabriel’s eyes have gone wide, her entire body freezing up. He figures he’s got all of a moment before she smites him, so… Issei decides to make the most of it. With a vicious snarl, he spins them both over, putting Gabriel on her back. But not to fuck her in something as vanilla as missionary position, or anything like that. No, he takes her on her back so he can push her legs up high into the air and fold them back across her body.
He frames her gorgeous tits with her legs, even as he jackhammers down into her. And hey, if he’s about to die anyways… why not go for broke? Those damnable oppai of hers, gorgeous in the extreme and absolutely perfect by Issei’s experienced estimation, are staring him right in the eye. And so, meeting HER eyes, Issei leans down and latches onto one of Gabriel’s nipples and then the other, managing to tug them together so he can both of them captured between his teeth, suckling at her two teats at the same exact time as he fucks her hard and fast.
He keeps expecting her to kill him. He keeps expecting each breath that comes from his body, expelling out of his flaring nostrils, to be his last. Certainly, he’d been warned. Certainly, he’d broken all of those precious edicts, hadn’t he? And yet, Gabriel doesn’t strike. No… rather, she tenses up… and then breaks her silence with a loud, wanton, drawn out moan.
Her back arches upwards, her tits shoved further into his mouth. More than that, her hands come up and fist in his hair, dragging his head deeper into her chest. She cries out, and her pussy walls clench around his cock as the only woman among the four Great Seraphs, cums HARD upon his member.
The change is not immediate, but it might as well be. Gabriel Falls. There’s no beating around the bush here. She was already beginning to Fall before Issei took control. They’d used every loophole in the book to have some fun, but as naïve as Gabriel might have seemed, she wasn’t stupid by any stretch of the imagination. As innocent as her life might have been up to this point, even she couldn’t ignore or fail to understand the sensations Issei and Asia were causing her to feel through their little games.
Now though? Now that Issei is fucking her hard and fast directly, just like she wanted? The only choice was to try and shut her own emotions down and kill him for breaking the edicts set down by her father, or to give in… and Fall. And so, Fall Gabriel did. The Great Seraph’s wings turn black, and a long, drawn-out gasp leaves her lips as she shudders underneath him.
Her nipples harden in his mouth, and her pussy wall clenches rapidly around his cock as a series of mini orgasms follows the first massive climax. She shudders beneath him, trapped but also not truly trapped, but also… not truly fighting him. As Gabriel the Seraph becomes a Fallen Angel, Issei hesitates for a moment before pulling his mouth back off of her breasts. His hands leave her legs, to grab and squeeze her spectacular oppai instead.

Frankly, beyond the blackened wings of a Grigori, Gabriel doesn’t look any different. She’s still the objective definition of sinful beauty, at least in Issei’s humble opinion. She’s still the most gorgeous woman he’s ever laid eyes on, and that’s considering just how many beauties fill his harem. She’s just… finally free.
“I’m finally free…”
Issei startles, at hearing his own thoughts parroted back at him. Looking down into Gabriel’s eyes, he sees quite a lot more than was there before. Lust, for instance. Arousal. Desire. For an angel to Fall takes a certain amount of possessiveness, doesn’t it? As Issei sees that obsessive, possessive need for him crystallizing in Gabriel’s eyes in real time, he’s left wondering, briefly, if he’s made a mistake.
Quite suddenly, several things happen at once.
For starters, a very loud voice from on high reverberates through the house, causing a localized earthquake and shaking the entire space. The promise to kill Issei is immediately followed up by an attempt on his life, as a literal beam of light energy slams down from the Heavens onto his position directly.
The only thing that saves him… is Gabriel herself, as the newly Fallen Seraph flares out her six sets of blackened wings and shields him from the blow, protecting him with a cry that has nothing to do with his dick still buried inside of her, and everything to do with the pain of the targeted smiting he just received.
Luckily, it only lasts a moment, and once it’s done, the damage to Gabriel’s wings isn’t too bad. Still, she’s lost a few feathers, and there’s very real smoke rising from her wings, even as they pull apart and get up off the bed, having to reorient from sexy times to getting ready for battle VERY quickly.
The next thing to happen is two portals opening up. One of the portals is in the ceiling, the other in the floor. On top of that, the window of the bedroom shatters, and a dark shape flings itself inside. It’s all a bit much, but even hurt, Gabriel continues to shield him, continues to protect him with her wings. It gives Issei the moment he needs to properly process what he’s seeing.
Out of the portal on the ceiling comes a male angel, and from his sex sets of pure white wings, he is probably another Great Seraph… specifically, Michael if Issei had to make an educated guess, the current defacto Ruler of the Heavens, God’s somewhat inadequate replacement. Michael’s expression is one of righteous wrath, a literal vein throbbing in his forehead, his entire face red with fury as he looks ready to throw down, right then and there.
Out of the portal on the ceiling, meanwhile, rises a red-haired devil… Rias’ brother, the Great Satan Sirzechs Lucifer. Issei is a little surprised by that. Given what he knew of the Devils’ government, wouldn’t it be Serafall Leviathan who would show up to something like this? She was the Satan in charge of Foreign Affairs after all, while Sirzechs was in charge of Domestic Affairs. At the same time… Issei had had prior interactions with Serafall that might have tainted things, so to speak. As well, Sirzechs was said to be the strongest Devil in the Underworld.
What his presence told Issei was that the Devils had had an eye on this whole situation for a while now, likely before Gabriel even made the decision to come here. And they’d made plans, based on whatever intelligence they’d been gleaming. But then… Issei probably could have intuited that they’d been being watched from the third individual to show up.
Not arriving by portal from either Heaven or the Underworld, the last man to enter the bedroom, through the more mundane entryway of the window of all things, is Azazel, the Grigori Governor General. His six sets of jet-black feathered wings match Gabriel’s new wings quite nicely, even as Azazel looks ready to stand off with Michael then and there. In fact… is Michael outnumbered here? Is this seriously happening?
“Michael, I’m going to have to ask you to desist. You’re throwing around far too much power in the vicinity of my little sister’s territory. Your initial strike can be forgotten, if you take a step back and let cooler heads prevail.”
Sirzechs’ voice is smooth and suave, and to his credit, he doesn’t even look at Issei or Gabriel. He only has eyes for his heavenly contemporary, who looks even more incensed at seeing who’s currently arrayed against him. Azazel, of course, doesn’t help. It would seem the Governor General is riding the high that is Gabriel going Fallen.
“Listen to the nice Satan, Michael. Run along back to Heaven. Let me welcome our sister to her new life. She made her choice, after all~”
The Leader of the Heavens is a total pretty boy, Issei absently notes. His soft boyish features and big blue eyes would normally be more at home with a smile, rather than the raging, hateful expression they’re currently sharing his face with. He snarls, as his eyes dart between Azazel and where Issei and Gabriel are on the bed.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you Azazel? You would love it if I just let this pass by. Trickery. Treachery. You would have me believe my sister simply CHOSE to fall for this… this whelpling! That she was not tricked into it! Pah! I know the truth!”
There’s a perpetual sadness to Michael’s eyes, behind all of his rage. This is a broken man, Issei realizes. It’s also a broken man who can nevertheless wipe Issei away with a flick of his finger, and so Issei stays silent for the time being, watching the confrontation play out before his eyes. He feels undesirably small in this moment. But if it does come down to a fight, he’ll be ready. He won’t just hide behind Gabriel’s skirts like a lost little boy who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. No, he’ll go down swinging, one way or another.
And it certainly seems like a fight is on the horizon, when Azazel develops a truly wicked grin.
“Oh? Know the truth, do you? Watching from on high, were you? Did you get off on it all, hm? Did you enjoy watching?”
This only incenses Michael further, prompting Sirzechs to speak up in an attempt to defuse the situation once more.
“I must admit to some surprise that you were so close by, Governor General… I do hope none of this was your doing.”
Whoa, was Sirzechs trying to turn Michael’s anger from Issei to Azazel? Or more, was he simply trying to make sure the Devils were pulled out of the crossfire? That seemed most likely.
The Grigori Governor General sniffs haughtily and straightens his coat.
“I was in the area. I’ve been in the area for a little while now… I must admit, my curiosity was piqued. But this? No, in a million years, I could never have planned something like this. I could not have even fathomed something like THIS.”
To Issei’s surprise, Sirzechs tilts his head in acknowledgment of that point, his gaze finally flicking over to Issei and Gabriel on the bed for a moment before he shakes his head in something akin to awe. Michael though, looks no less ready to attack, as if he’s about to declare war any second. He opens his mouth, perhaps to do just that, but before he can speak, someone else cuts him off… perhaps the only person who could get away with cutting him off, at this point.
Gabriel’s voice, strong and clear despite her Fall and despite tanking the attack from on high to protect Issei, causes Michael to jolt, some of his rage immediately replaced with the sorrow Issei had detected before. Those big blue eyes of his stare at Gabriel in something like despair and desperation.
“Sister. I swear, you will be avenged. I will not-!”
“There is nothing to be avenged, Michael. I made my choice.”
“You were tricked!”
“I was not. The edicts were tricked… but I am more than our father’s edicts, aren’t I?”
Gabriel’s sharp tone makes Michael flinch back. No… not just her tone. There was something else, something Issei couldn’t quite pick up on. When Gabriel said ‘our father’s edicts’… why did Michael look so unimaginably guilty for a split second? Before Issei can properly process that, Gabriel continues on, though her tone softens considerably as she speaks.
“But then, perhaps this was the point of them.”
Michael looks confused, and to be fair to the Ruler of Heaven, both Azazel and Sirzechs also look a little baffled. Gabriel just forges onwards though.
“Our Father was many things. Including Omnipotent and Omniscient. And yet, these edicts of his… are so simplistic. Filled with loopholes.”
Michael opens his mouth, perhaps to defend them, but Gabriel runs right over him, continuing on without hesitation.
“But then… God and his plans are also ineffable. Incomprehensible. We are not meant to understand his intentions until much, much later. Perhaps this is what he always intended, with such flimsy edicts. Perhaps our father’s ineffability means we shall never know.”
Now, Michael just stands there, silent and stricken. Gabriel’s tone turns sharp again, in the silence that follows her pronouncement.
“What’s done is done. I am Fallen. And I am happy. Return to the Heavens, brother. You will have much to do in my absence. And besides, you cannot afford to ruin what the three of you have been working on behind mine and our brother’s backs. Not if you want our… sorry, your species to survive.”
That get startled looks from all three men. Apparently, Gabriel had just dropped some bombshell that they didn’t think she knew about? Some secret project that Michael, Azazel, and Sirzechs were all working on? Issei just blinks, as to his amazement… it works. Gabriel’s words send Michael back to Heaven with his tail tucked between his legs. Sirzechs watches him go, before gladly stepping back down to the Underworld a moment later.
And then it’s just them and Asia… and Azazel. The Governor General of the Grigori looks like the cat who caught the canary, but before he can say a word, Gabriel cuts him off with a look.
“I would have further words with my consort before we speak, Azazel. Alone.”
“… Of course, dear sister. Of course~”
And so, Azazel leaves… and after a moment, Asia slips out as well. Before Issei can blink, between one moment in the next, he’s back on his back on the bed, with a Fallen Great Seraph impaled upon his cock once more.
As she begins to ride him, his hands instinctively go to her hips… but he finds he’s not entirely sure why. To stop her and demand an explanation? Or to help her fuck herself upon his painfully throbbing member?
With a low sigh, Gabriel stops and looks down at him, eyes glittering and a small, soft smile gracing her lips.
“I can explain, if you like. Or we can fuck. The third option would be both, I suppose. I know how much you appreciate your third options, Issei Hyoudou. So… what is it going to be, hm?”

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