The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 45: Gabriel the Great Seraph Pt. 2

They return to the meeting with Gabriel, a decision made. As the girls all retake their places at the table, they’re all shooting him very different looks. Some are grins of anticipation, some are intense stares, and some are worried glances. Issei ignores them all however, instead choosing to focus on Gabriel and Gabriel alone.
Not actually retaking his seat, Issei stands behind the chair instead with his arms crossed over his chest. He’s tense in his own way… after all, he knows just how powerful Gabriel is. And yet, he is who he is, isn’t he? He might have agreed to rein himself in at Griselda’s request a little bit, but he couldn’t just stop being Issei Hyoudou, Red Dragon Emperor. And even now, his draconic instincts were demanding he at least make the attempt at bagging and tagging this angelic flower.
“I’ve decided that there is only one way in which I will hand over the Excaliburs. Only one thing I want. I want you. Give yourself to me, and in turn I will return the Excalibits to you.”
Everyone in the room tenses up… save for Gabriel herself. Instead, the absolutely gorgeous Great Seraph slowly blinks and then looks down at herself inquisitively.
“You want… me? Ah, is this to do with that hoarding thing I hear you dragon types engage in.”
Ah, so she does understand. Issei smiles and nods, causing Gabriel to hum and take on a considering expression.
“For how long would you require my presence, Issei Hyoudou? I cannot leave my post in Heaven forever, after all.”
… Yeah, that made sense. But… she was actually considering it? Well, Issei didn’t need her forever. He just wanted her beneath him, moaning and mewling away as he took her. That body of hers… it was sex personified, and a fucking sin and a half that it hadn’t been fucked before, in Issei’s probably sacrilegious opinion. But really, if God didn’t want his sexy fucking angels to get fucked, he shouldn’t have made them so sexy.
Still, a reasonable time frame? What was reasonable here? Issei considers asking the girls around him for their opinion, but he doesn’t want to show weakness, even if Gabriel really doesn’t seem like the type to take advantage of it. So, instead, he thinks fast on his feet.
“A week. You’ll stay with me for a week… and then, afterwards, you’ll come back on my orders to visit three times. One for each Excalibur I’m returning.”
He speaks with conviction, though has every intention of haggling, if necessary. However, Gabriel smiles… and to his surprise, nods.
“That seems acceptable. We are agreed. I, Gabriel the Great Seraph, will be in your care, Issei Hyoudou.”
The room is stunned into silence. The girls sitting around the table, both fallen and human, are staring at Gabriel with wide eyes. So is Issei, if he’s being honest. It was… really that easy?
Don’t be foolish. You’re not out of the woods yet. She doesn’t get it. She doesn’t understand what you want. She’s too innocent.
Ddraig’s amused voice in Issei’s head is like a bucket of ice water down his back. No… no, there was no way, right? He furrows his brow, trying to gauge the accuracy of Ddraig’s words. Gabriel just continues sitting there, smiling softly and watching him contently in the wake of her proclamation.
“… Everyone. Leave us.”
There are jolts around the table, and a few of them open their mouths as if to protest. But Issei sweeps his gaze back and forth and lets his draconic aura leak out. Gabriel is entirely unfazed of course, but everyone else quivers in their seats before hastily leaving the room. The Great Seraph watches them go for but a moment before turning her gaze back to him, seeming as serene as before.
She didn’t seem at all worried about being alone with him… or what he might do to her in private. Seriously? Was Ddraig right?
“Please stand up, Gabriel.”
Gracefully and elegantly, the only female Great Seraph rises to her feet. Her breasts jiggle a little as she does so, her impossibly lewd body drawing the eye and making Issei’s already hard cock throb in his pants.
“Please remove your clothing for me.”
There. No possible way to misconstrue such an order, right? She had to-
“Oh. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
Gabriel doesn’t get upset. She doesn’t get angry. She doesn’t try to blast his head off with overwhelming angelic might. She just furrows her brow for a moment before cutting into his thoughts with a swift refusal. Issei blinks and then raises an eyebrow.
“Did we not agree that I would have you for a week? I specifically said that you would give yourself to me, did I not? You can’t exactly join my hoard fully clothed.”
Cocking her head to the side in a way Issei has to secretly admit is rather cute, Gabriel pouts ever so slightly.
“Whyever not? Ah, as for why I can’t… it’s because God told me not to. He was very clear. I am never to expose myself in the presence of a man. I’m sorry, Issei, but the edicts of the divine are to be followed at all times, no matter what.”
That’s… Issei doesn’t immediately respond. Instead, he fights down his instinctive urge to get angry and indignant, and actually considers what she’s saying and the way she’s saying it.
Yes… now you’re getting it.
Ddraig’s amusement only grows as Issei blinks stupidly. Holy shit… was this seriously happening? He was face to face with one of the most powerful creatures in the world, and she was… this hopelessly naïve about sex?
He doesn’t even consider trying to force the issue. Instead, he questions Gabriel further.
“And what if I were to try to remove your clothing?”
Gabriel blinks at that, before shaking her head.
“I am not to allow that either. Please do not try.”
She sounds almost robotic, repeating edicts given to her back at the dawn of her creation, by a God who is long dead. Funny, to think that God had made Gabriel and so many other female angels so damn beautiful, and even understood Gabriel was beautiful enough to give her this order… but then didn’t bother explaining why? It seemed crazy to Issei, but he was happy to take advantage of Gabriel’s naivety. After all, they’d made a deal and he fully intended for her to honor it.
He just… had to find the loophole. And in the end, it wasn’t even that hard.
“So, you aren’t allowed to remove your clothing in my presence, nor allow me to remove your clothing for you. I assume you also can’t willingly enter my presence or let me enter your presence while you’re unclothed either, right?”
“That’s right.”
Nodding, Issei smiles thinly.
“And what if… another woman was to help you out of your clothes while in my presence? Did God leave an edict against that?”
Gabriel blinks, tilts her head to the side… and then gives the exact response Issei wants to hear.
“No. He did not.”
Seriously though? Wasn’t God supposed to be all-powerful and all-knowing? Did this mean he wasn’t as perfect as he thought, or did it mean God foresaw even this happening… and didn’t bother commanding Gabriel enough so it couldn’t. If one were to follow that rabbit hole, it was possible God knew he would eventually die, and had decided to leave this path open for Gabriel to eventually experience sex, or something. But then, couldn’t he have made different, safer plans for the only female Great Seraph? He-
… No, Issei really needed to stop thinking about this. It was making his head hurt. Instead, he had a path forward, didn’t he? It’s the work of moments to call Asia back in. The excommunicated nun blinks, as he explains the situation to her.
“… So, you want me to strip the Great Seraph for you, Issei?”
“Yes, Asia. Thank you.”
The wide grin that splits the blonde’s face is lewd enough that Issei half expects Gabriel to finally realize what’s going on right then and there. But instead, the gorgeous angel just stands there as Asia approaches… and begins to strip her naked. Inch by inch, her beautiful body is revealed to Issei. He drinks in every detail, half-expecting every moment to be his last, or for Gabriel to at least realize they’re tricking her father’s edicts to her right now and using a loophole.
But no, she remains absolutely clueless, innocent, and naïve, even as Asia frees her breasts from their confines, even as she helps Gabriel out of everything from her underwear to her sandals. When the goddess made manifest that is the only female Great Seraph has been fully revealed to him, she just stands there, looking rather blank and confused.
“Ah… what now, Issei?”
What now indeed. There were a million things Issei wanted to do. But first? Well, he better cover his bases.
“Did God give any edicts about a man exposing himself in front of you, Gabriel?”
“Yes. Please don’t, it isn’t allowed.”
“And what if a woman exposes a man in front of you?”
“… That is not against God’s commands.”
Yeah, more and more, Issei was beginning to suspect that either God was NOT perfect… or the divine being was a homeboy who had specifically left loopholes in advance to give Issei this opportunity to bed his daughter. Either way, Issei wasn’t going to stop now.
“Asia, please undress me as well.”
“It would be my pleasure~”
He really had ruined Asia, but he can’t help but enjoy the sultry purring voice as she walks over and begins to strip him naked also. Soon enough, he and Gabriel are standing there, both in nothing but their birthday suits, his cock out and pointed unerringly at Gabriel’s crotch.
“Gabriel, please get down on your knees and open your mouth. You don’t have to do anything else.”
“… Alright, but I should warn you. I am not allowed to let you engage me any further.”
“That’s fine. That’s what Asia is for, after all.”
The blonde nun’s eyes widen in understanding, and then she grins wickedly. As the Great Seraph kneels down, her beautiful sets of wings folded behind her, Asia takes ahold of Issei’s cock and drags him forward. Gabriel opens her mouth, and Issei makes sure to keep his body entirely relaxed, doing nothing of his own volition. As such, when his cock touches those perfectly sculpted lips of hers, it’s not ISSEI who is engaging Gabriel whatsoever.
Rather, it’s Asia, bringing them together like two hot and ready to trot dolls. Staring down into Gabriel’s eyes, Issei keeps expecting her to react, keeps anticipating her sudden realization of what’s happening as she attacks him and Asia and… possibly kills them both. But hey, no pain, no gain, right?
And… it never happens. Even as Asia feels his cock into Gabriel’s slack mouth, the underside trailing across and pressing down her tongue, even as Issei groans in enjoyment of a very literally heavenly maw, Gabriel just remains kneeling there, naked and watching him with curiously innocent eyes.
How could someone as powerful as her possibly go this long without learning anything about sex? Someone had definitely dropped the ball. Not God, because how long had he been dead? No, this couldn’t be laid at the feet of her father, not solely anyways. Her brothers though… Issei would tear off his left arm if the other Great Seraphs didn’t know the true nature of men and women, of devils and fallen angels!
In fact… what did Gabriel possibly think all of the Fallen that she definitely knew about, had fallen for?! Issei groans and shakes his head, as he has to concentrate on using ALL of his willpower not to actively participate. Asia, perhaps sensing that Issei is struggling, graduates from just pushing and pulling Issei’s cock in and out of Gabriel’s warm, wet, inviting mouth, to reaching up and lacing her fingers through the back of the Great Seraph’s hair.
The excommunicated nun shows a shocking amount of hutzpah, as she grins up at Issei and proceeds to push and pull Gabriel’s head up and down his cock as well. Now that she’s no longer tugging him back and forth, it’s easier to resist the urge to thrust forward, as he’s now able to stand perfectly still… but at the same time, Issei is quick to check Gabriel’s reaction to this.
And yet, the extremely beautiful, absolutely gorgeous blonde Seraph does nothing but continue to kneel there, her hands atop her knees and her wings still folded behind her. Her tongue continues to ride along the underside of his member, her lips continue to gently glide along his shaft, but through no work of her own. She simply follows his last… request of her and kneels there with her mouth open as Asia does all the work.
It is a ludicrous experience, but also an incredibly arousing one. Indeed, even if neither he nor Gabriel are willfully participating, even if Asia is doing all the work… that’s almost MORE of a turn on, not less of one. As such, it’s not long before Issei can tell he’s getting close to cumming. At which point, he faces an entirely new dilemma. Where exactly is he supposed to cum?
Will it violate some edict, if he cums in Gabriel’s mouth or on her face? Should he instead make use of Asia’s mouth, considering the blonde girl is kneeling between them and her face is inches away? What exactly is considered ‘enough’ to make an angel fall? Would just swallowing Issei’s cum do the trick? Or does it have to be full-blown penetrative intercourse? He’s going to fuck Gabriel either way if he can get away with it… so does it really matter, in the end?
Holding back his impending release with all his might, Issei tries to give himself more time to give the matter the proper consideration it deserves. However, Asia, detecting something, furrows her brow as she glances up at him. Whatever she sees, the blonde proves once more that his… neglect of her will have long lasting consequences. He can’t say for sure that she even intends to try and get back at him for ignoring her for so long, but certainly, the way she suddenly tightens her grip on Gabriel’s hair and begins bouncing the female Great Seraph’s head up and down Issei’s cock harder and faster feels like it.
Suddenly, what should have been minutes more of contemplation turns into seconds. Staring down into Gabriel’s guileless eyes, Issei has to decide what to do and fast.

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