The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 76 Fort Vindolanda 3

As the meeting was about to conclude, Tyler Evergreen, Guild Master of the Maxima Guild and the #1 ranked player in the Pangean player base, raised his voice.

"Forgive me, Tribune Marcus, but if I may, I'd like to ask our friend here some questions. I am very curious about how he became a 1st Class Auxiliary. Would it be okay to ask him a few questions?"

Tyler’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. His words were polite, but Adam could sense the layers beneath, the subtle probing for weakness. Adam had encountered this kind of veiled antagonism before and knew exactly how to handle it.

Adam knew exactly what Maxima's Guild Master was doing. He wanted to pry, to learn whatever he could about Adam’s methods. But Adam wasn’t about to give him anything substantial.

'Let them guess,' he thought with a smirk. 'It was always more fun that way.'

Recognizing the value of Tyler’s request and his interest in the impressive feat of saving the nobles, Tribune Marcus nodded in agreement. He was keen to hear firsthand about the rescue, as this was a rare opportunity to learn details not covered in the official briefing.

"You may proceed, Tyler," Marcus said. "However, I expect you to keep the conversation professional and polite. This is still a formal setting."

Adam remained composed as Tyler’s attention shifted to him.

Tyler’s curiosity was evident as he addressed Adam politely yet probingly.

"Hello, Adam. Congratulations on succeeding in such a difficult quest. Can you tell us what happened? How did you manage to come across the kidnappers and the nobles?"

Adam grinned through his mask, already crafting his response.

"Thanks, Tyler. Well, you know, it was just one of those days when you wake up, go hunt a monster, and bam- a hundred kidnappers show up on horseback like they’re late to a party. Happens all the time, really.”

The room chuckled at the unexpected humorous response, but Adam continued, his tone more serious. “But honestly, I did stumble upon them while traveling. I noticed their route, and it wasn’t hard to figure out they were heading to Fort Vindomora."

Tyler blinked, unsure how to respond to the humor. He pressed on. “Fort Vindomora? Quite the coincidence. You found it pretty fast- how did you get there so quickly?”

Adam smirked, leaning back. “I’ve got a summonable steed. Comes with a saddle, hay dispenser, and occasional life advice. Really cuts down on travel time.”

A few of the adventurers chuckled again, but Tyler narrowed his eyes, trying to gauge if Adam was serious.

"Really?" Tyler asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

"Absolutely," Adam replied, still maintaining a poker face. "I’ve named him Steve. He’s quite the conversationalist."

Tyler's eyes narrowed further. Adam’s playful jabs were clearly starting to irk Tyler. His jaw clenched, the thin veneer of politeness wearing thin with each quip.

Adam could tell he wasn’t buying it. So, with a sigh and a small smile, Adam raised a hand, and a magical circle appeared on the ground beside him. Karva, his undead, powerful steed, materialized instantly- ready to obey Adam's will.

“Meet Karva,” Adam said with a grin. “He’s not much for small talk, but he gets the job done.”

The room fell silent. Eyes widened as the imposing undead steed stood there, snorting and pawing the ground. There was no mistaking it- Adam wasn’t joking. Tyler’s skeptical expression faltered momentarily, though he quickly regained his composure.

“Well… that’s certainly impressive,” Tyler muttered, clearly surprised but unwilling to let it show too much.

"Yeah, Karva's a real workhorse- literally," Adam quipped, patting his steed’s neck.

The tension in the room shifted. Some adventurers, who had been on the fence about Adam’s story, now exchanged murmurs of awe.

When Adam summoned Karva, the room fell into a stunned silence. Adventurers- many of whom were among the top rankers in the game- stared wide-eyed at the undead steed that materialized from a glowing, magical circle. The imposing black horse stood tall, its skeletal features unnerving yet commanding awe.

These adventurers, seasoned in their own right, were no strangers to mounts. Some had rented horses, while others had even purchased steeds directly from the Fortress. Yet, none of them had ever heard of a summonable mount, let alone one as fearsome and unique as Karva. The idea of a player casually conjuring a war-ready steed, seemingly at will, was unheard of.

Tyler was the first to break the silence, trying to mask his surprise with curiosity. "That’s… quite the steed. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to part with it, would you?"

Adam chuckled, sensing the growing interest. "Nope," he replied casually. "Karva’s bound to me."

Another player, unable to resist, spoke up. "What about sharing how you got it? I could make it worth your while."

Tyler, always one to spot a potential advantage, quickly joined in. "Indeed. Information like this could be invaluable. Name your price, and we can talk."

Adam, not missing a beat, smirked beneath his mask. "Oh, it’s simple. I got him from killing a lich."

The room buzzed with murmurs of disbelief. Tyler narrowed his eyes, as did many of the others. A lich? That was no ordinary foe- it typically took an entire guild of highly coordinated players to even stand a chance against one. The idea that Adam had defeated one alone, enough to earn such a powerful reward, seemed absurd.

Tyler leaned forward slightly. His voice edged with skepticism. "A lich, you say? That’s… quite the claim."

Adam shrugged, maintaining his casual demeanor. "Believe what you want. But Karva here doesn’t lie."

Though the adventurers exchanged doubtful glances, none pressed Adam further. They all understood the unwritten rule among top players: some information was simply too valuable to share. Revealing details about certain quests or achievements could give others an edge, something any competitive player would be reluctant to do. While inconvenient, they respected Adam’s choice to keep the specifics to himself.

None of them realized, of course, that Adam had been completely honest.

As the room buzzed with murmurs and disbelief, Tribune Marcus raised a hand, signaling for silence. His gaze fell upon Karva, the massive undead steed snorting and pawing the floor, its skeletal form a stark contrast to the living mounts many adventurers were accustomed to.

"Impressive, Adam," Marcus began, his voice calm yet authoritative. "However, I believe it would be best to unsummon your steed for now. We wouldn’t want to alarm anyone further." His tone was diplomatic, but there was a subtle edge that made it clear he wasn’t making a suggestion.

Adam nodded, understanding the Tribune’s concerns. With a simple gesture, the magical circle reappeared beneath Karva. In a blink, the towering creature vanished as swiftly as it had arrived, leaving only the faint traces of its ethereal presence behind.

"Much appreciated," Marcus said with a nod, shifting the room’s atmosphere back to a more controlled tone, though the awe of Karva’s brief appearance still lingered among the adventurers.

Unsure if Adam was being serious or messing with him, Tyler decided to move on. “Right. So, you arrive at Fort Vindomora. Then what?”

Adam leaned in a little, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. “I set up traps, lots of them. Poison flasks, rune traps, the works. You see, I figured if they weren’t fond of talking, they’d enjoy a nice explosion or two.”

A mage in the room interrupted, curiosity overtaking her. "So you're a Rune Tracer?"

Adam nodded. "Yup, Rune Tracer by day, professional trapper by night. I even made a 'Welcome' mat. You step on it, and… well, let’s just say it’s not a very warm welcome.”

More laughter spread through the room, though some adventurers exchanged confused glances. Was Adam joking about deadly traps?

Tribune Marcus raised an eyebrow. "And these traps didn't harm the nobles?"

With the Tribune’s question, Adam’s posture straightened, his playful tone gone. “No, Tribune, I was very careful. I assessed the situation thoroughly before setting up any traps. The nobles were secured in a separate area, away from any potential danger.”

His response was calm and precise, revealing his attention to detail. The room quieted as the other adventurers realized Adam’s shift in tone- this wasn’t a joke. Adam’s careful planning had ensured the nobles’ safety.

Tribune Marcus gave a slight nod, satisfied with the explanation. "I see. That level of caution is commendable."

Of course, this isn't true at all. Adam had set up the traps before anybody arrived. But the Tribune- or anyone in the room- did not need to know that.

Tyler, now growing more frustrated as it is clear that Adam is not taking him seriously, tried again. “And how did you manage the actual rescue? What method did you use to extract the nobles safely?”

Adam grinned again, this time with a sparkle in his eyes. "Teleportation scrolls. Gave all the hostages one. Told them it was like using a fast pass at the amusement park- just without the lines or, you know, potential death.”

The adventurers murmured at the mention of teleportation scrolls. Tyler's expression turned more incredulous. “Teleportation scrolls… for all of them? That’s quite an expense.”

"Well, sure," Adam replied, deadpan. "But you can’t put a price on a good exit strategy. Besides, who doesn’t love an easy way to complete a quest?”

Tyler stared at Adam, his patience wearing thin. Despite Adam wearing a mask, he can feel the playful grin on his concealed face. Was he serious, or was this just an elaborate act?

The room fell quiet as Adam paused, then he pulled out his gold tessera again and held it up. “Plus, the Imperatrix thought it was a solid enough plan to give me this shiny thing.”

Confirming that Adam was playing with him and unwilling to get any more vague or sarcastic answers, Tyler decided to halt his questioning. The room's atmosphere was charged, but any further probing would likely yield more jokes than clarity.

“Thank you, Adam,” Tyler said with a barely controlled tone. “That was most illuminating.”

Sensing the tension rising again, Tribune Marcus decided it was time to conclude the meeting.

“Thank you all for your participation,” Marcus said. “We will reconvene later to discuss the next steps. For now, you are all dismissed.”

As the adventurers began to leave, they wondered how much of Adam’s story was serious- and how much of it was just his sense of humor.

Adam approached Tribune Marcus, his joking tone gone, and said, “Thank you for having me. I will not be joining the further discussions. Instead, I’ll head into the field later and start my solo mission- after I complete my preparation. I appreciate the information provided and will return with good news.”

Marcus nodded, acknowledging Adam’s departure. “Very well. Safe travels, and good luck with your mission. We look forward to hearing from you.”

With that, Adam took his leave, leaving the meeting room and heading towards his next objective.

As Adam exited the room, the atmosphere outside the meeting hall was still buzzing with the intensity of what had just transpired. But before he could fully step into the open air, a loud and unmistakable voice called out after him.

It was Ryan Blake.

"Hey, Adam! I challenge you to a sparing match!"

The reaction among the gathered adventurers was immediate. A ripple of excitement and surprise washed over the crowd as they exchanged glances murmuring. Ryan Blake was well-known, not just for his skill but for his boldness in challenging other players in high-stakes PvP battles. His live streams often featured duels where he offered gold as a reward for beating him. The catch? If Ryan won, the opponent had to pay him the same amount.

In other words, Ryan was a player who thrived on proving his superiority in PvP combat- and now, he had set his sights on Adam.

“Of course, Ryan would do this,” one adventurer whispered with a grin.

“He’s always looking for a fight, especially with high-profile players,” another said.

“I can’t believe he’s challenging Adam right before the quest begins,” someone else muttered.

A wave of excitement rippled through the room. Whispers filled the air as adventurers jostled for a better view. This was no ordinary challenge- this was a rare chance to see a well-known PVP fighter and the mysterious 1st Class Auxillary face-off, and no one wanted to miss it.

The tension and excitement thickened as the crowd gathered closer, eagerly waiting to see if Adam would accept Ryan’s challenge.

Adam remained silent, sizing Ryan up. He could feel the eyes of the adventurers on them, watching the tension rise between the two.

Ryan, sensing the hesitation, seized the moment to taunt him. "What's wrong? Scared?" he sneered. "Don't worry, it's just a friendly spar. We stop when one of us hits less than 10% of our HP. We’ll use this Duelling Scroll to set the rules. This way, nobody loses a level."

Ryan held up the Duelling Scroll, a popular item among players that allowed them to set specific rules for PvP matches. In this case, the duel would end when one player's HP dropped below 10%. It was a straightforward challenge, often used by adventurers to test each other's strength without risking dying and losing hard-earned levels.

But Ryan wasn’t done yet. He smirked and continued, “Let’s also make the fight interesting. How about we bet some gold? Whatever amount you can afford. I bet 500 Gold. You have that much, I hope? After all, you had the gold to buy dozens of Teleportation Scrolls."

A murmur went through the crowd. 500 Gold was no small amount, especially considering the value of the Teleportation Scrolls Adam had used to rescue the nobles. Those scrolls, which could transport someone to a secure location like the Sanctus Lux Fortress, were worth far more than typical teleportation scrolls that lead to less desirable places. Ryan's taunt was apparent: if Adam could afford that, surely he could afford a high-stakes duel.

The adventurers whispered among themselves, eager to see if Adam would rise to the challenge.

Adam, realizing that the only way to quell these types of incidents was to display his strength, answered back calmly, “Alright, I have a few seconds to spare. Let’s head to the courtyard. I accept your challenge.”

Catching the implication in Adam’s comment, Ryan raised an eyebrow and smirked. "A few seconds? You sure are confident, aren’t you? I hope that cockiness doesn’t backfire on you. This won’t end the way you think it will."

Ryan’s smirk widened as he took a step closer to Adam. "You talk a big game, but let’s see if you can back it up. I don’t care if you’ve got a gold tessera or a summonable steed. On the battlefield, we’re all equals."

His voice carried a sharp edge, but Adam remained unfazed. He simply gestured for Ryan to lead the way to the courtyard.

The adventurers around them exchanged glances, the tension thickening as they followed the two outside, eager to see how this confrontation would play out.

From the sidelines, Tyler watched with quiet satisfaction. Ryan had done exactly what he hoped- challenging Adam head-on, forcing him to reveal his hand. Now, all Tyler had to do was sit back and observe, learning everything he could without ever dirtying his own hands.

When Tribune Marcus had asked everyone to leave the room earlier, Tyler, already suspecting who Adam was, had pulled Ryan aside. He whispered his plan, urging Ryan to provoke Adam and challenge him to a sparring match. In exchange for this performance, Tyler promised Ryan a sum of gold, a payment that Ryan couldn’t refuse.

Being a competitive and aggressive player, Ryan accepted the offer without hesitation. A duel with Adam could increase his fame and give Tyler the insight he needed into this mysterious 1st Class Auxiliary. It was a win-win for both of them.

Tyler's eyes followed the two as they made their way to the courtyard, satisfied that the stage was now set.

Ryan played his part, taunting Adam with a challenge, all while Tyler observed from a distance, satisfied with how things played out.

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