The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 75 Fort Vindolanda 2

After Adam made his intentions known, the Tribune summoned the rest back and resumed the meeting.

As the meeting resumed, an air of tension thickened in the room. Maps of jagged mountains and dense forests were unfurled, marking the treacherous territory where the trolls had been sighted. Every Adventurer leaned in, eager for the Tribune's next word.

Maps were spread out, and detailed discussions began about known monsters, potential paths, and strategies for approaching the trolls. Despite the critical nature of the meeting, Adam's presence was a constant source of intrigue and whispered speculation among the Adventurers.

As a result, the room felt colder, the flickering light of torches casting long shadows over the maps spread on the table. The Adventurers' faces were unreadable, but their eyes kept darting toward Adam, curiosity and wariness barely hidden beneath their stoic expressions.

Ryan Blake, an independent Shadow Assassin in the Top 100 Rankers, could not contain his curiosity. Standing apart from any guild, he finally spoke up, his voice cutting through the murmur of conversations.

"'Tribune, who is this masked man?' Ryan’s voice cut through the murmurs. 'And why does he deserve a seat at this table? We’ve all put in significant effort and dedication to the Fortress, and it’s unusual to see someone with such special treatment. What makes him so significant that he is allowed into this meeting?”

Clearly anticipating such inquiries, Tribune Marcus fixed his gaze on Adam before addressing the group. “This man is an Adventurer, much like yourselves, but he operates under a special directive. That is all you are entitled to know at this moment. As a Tribune, I am not obligated to provide further explanations. Remember to show respect for my rank. Is that understood?”

Clearly dissatisfied with the vague explanation, Ryan decided to press further, though he softened his tone to be less confrontational. “I apologize if my previous question seemed demanding. However, every Adventurer here has made significant contributions to the Fortress. Could you clarify why this masked man, who appears to be an ordinary Adventurer, is receiving such special treatment? We are all 2nd and 3rd Class Auxiliaries, yet he seems to be afforded privileges that we are not.”

Ryan raised his silver tessera as he spoke, underscoring his rank and the dedication he and other high-ranking Adventurers had demonstrated to the Fortress. With fewer than a hundred Adventurers holding a silver tessera- an elite status known as 2nd Class Auxiliaries- Ryan made his point clear. “Whatever this man’s capabilities may be, I am confident that my fellow Adventurers and I can match them. Why, then, is he granted such special honors?”

Tribune Marcus hesitated momentarily, searching for the best way to address Ryan's concern. However, before he could respond, Adam motioned forward, commanding attention. And just as Ryan made a gesture to show off his silver tessera, Adam slowly and deliberately wore his golden tessera- signifying him as a 1st Class Auxiliary.

A visible gasp of shock and understanding rippled through the room as the rest of the Adventurers grasped the implication of the golden tessera.

Ryan's eyes widened in recognition. “So you are the Adam who rescued the nobles?” His surprise was palpable.

The system notification about the recent rescue was still fresh in everyone's minds, particularly the announcement of the 1st Class Auxiliary. Although the rescue details were a topic of curiosity and speculation, the immediate focus was on the Troll Hunting Quest.

Or at least, that was the original temperament of the room before Adam's arrival. Now, the curiosity they were suppressing resurfaced, and everyone's attention- even the other Legionnaires- is focused on Adam.

The other Adventurers, listening intently on their exchange, began to murmur among themselves. Their curiosity about Adam turned into a mix of respect and wariness. They were eager to discuss the preparation for the Troll Hunting Quest. Still, the presence of such an accomplished individual had undoubtedly impacted their perception of the mission.

The Adventurers cast furtive glances at Adam, whispering among themselves about the implications of his status. Questions about his role, the nature of his mission, and the scope of his influence lingered in the air.

Achieving the effect he intended, Adam spoke deliberately. “I am 1st Class Auxiliary Adam- the first, and so far, the only one.”

Adam said calmly, “'The Imperatrix herself,' he said, letting the name hang in the air, "and Dominus Lucius Scipio granted me special authority for this mission."

At the mention of "special authority," many of the Adventurers became apprehensive. They had all worked hard to be part of this meeting, and the idea of another Adventurer being granted "special authority" was unsettling.

The Imperatrix herself, ruler of the Sanctus Lux Fortress, had chosen Adam as the rank of 1st Class Auxillary. Few had ever even spoken to her, let alone earned her favor. This speaks volumes as to the gravity of Adam's achievement.

Sensing their concern, Adam directly addressed the elephant in the room.

“That special authority means that should I choose to, I can either pick you or remove you as part of the team who will participate in this quest.”

In reality, that statement was only partially true- while Adam can choose to command a squad of his choosing, his authority does not explicitly grant him the power to expel other Adventurers.

However, the Adventurers present had no means to verify the exact scope of his power. Their reactions ranged from shock to unease, their confidence shaken by the implied threat.

Tribune Marcus, silently observing this exchange, maintained a neutral demeanor. Adam strongly suspected that Marcus would let the ambiguity of his statement slide. By allowing the Adventurers to believe in the broader extent of Adam’s authority, Marcus could ensure that order was maintained and that the Adventurers would fall in line.

Adam deliberately paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle over the room. The Adventurers exchanged uneasy glances, clearly grappling with the implications of his statement. However, the one who looked the most offended by this was Ryan Blake.

As an independent player, Ryan had faced numerous challenges navigating the competitive landscape of Adventurers on his own. He had fought tirelessly to secure grinding spots, hunt monsters, and complete quests without the backing of a guild. The notion that another player, especially one who had just arrived and wielded a golden tessera, could hold authority over him was something he found hard to accept. Ryan's pride and determination made it difficult for him to tolerate the idea of someone else having the power to dictate his role or status in the quest.

Before Ryan could retort, Adam cut him off, his tone steady but firm. “However, I can assure you that I have no intention of interfering with your mission. My purpose here is merely to listen. I have no intention of inserting myself in the operation you plan to participate in."

Adam emphasized the last part, "I am here only to listen, and then I will be on my way to carry out my mission alone.”

The tension in the room eased as Adam's words clarified. However, a certain individual- Ryan Blake- clearly had more to say. While Adam's reassurance of non-interference was seen as a good thing by most of the adventurers, Ryan had a different interpretation.

With barely concealed displeasure, Ryan said, "You think rescuing the nobles gives you the right to walk over us?"

He raised his voice a little louder to make his point. Ryan scoffed. "Listen and leave? You really think we’ll just accept that?"

Then, dropping his voice to a whisper, but by this point, everyone was listening intently, he added, "Don't you think you're looking down on us too much?"

As Ryan pointed this out, some of the adventurers couldn't help but agree that he had a point.

Adam, however, did not seem perturbed by it. "No, I'm just here to listen, as I said. You have your task, and I have mine."

It's as simple as that," Adam continued with an even tone. "And no, your acceptance- or anybody else's acceptance- is irrelevant to me."

Adam had expected some resistance, but not from Ryan Blake. The independent assassin was known for his pride- but Adam wasn’t here for squabbles. He had a mission, and he wouldn’t let anyone’s ego get in his way.

As expected, Ryan, who clearly did not like having Adam in the room, had even more to say. "Just because you were lucky to save the nobles doesn't mean you're better than the rest of us. Some might say you just got lucky, and now you think you're above us."

'Alright, that's how you want it?' Adam thought. 'Then so be it.'

He had expected opposition to his presence, but he did not anticipate that another independent player would be the one to challenge him. He didn't recall much about Ryan Blake from his past, but he knew Ryan had been consistently in the top 100 before the apocalypse began.

Adam had no intention of backing down. He had tried to be polite and casual, but he would oblige since the other party was determined to pick a fight.

First, he decided to address Ryan's question, clearly meant to provoke him. Adam said coolly, "I don't really care what these 'some people' might say. After all, I have a gold tessera, while 'some people' don't."

At this, the entire room fell silent. Adam's implied insult had not gone unnoticed.

Before Ryan could retort, Adam decided to take the initiative. He looked at Ryan through his mask and said, "Don't waste other people's time, Ryan. And most certainly, don't waste my time. All this drama, and what you really want is to kick me out of this room. But you can't have that. I am here to stay, and you must deal with it."

At this, some of the adventurers sensed that the room was becoming too hostile.

Clearly sensing the escalating tension, Tribune Marcus decided it was time to intervene. He had remained silent during the entire exchange. His curiosity was piqued by the kind of man who could gain the favor of both the Imperatrix and a respected noble like Lucius Scipio. But the escalating exchange was something he could not allow in his meeting room.

"Both of you, that's enough!" he barked, his voice cutting through the heated atmosphere.

The legionnaires standing guard immediately sprang into action, their presence a clear signal that any further disruption would not be tolerated. They approached both parties, ready to remove anyone disturbing the meeting.

Adam observed that while the guard approaching him maintained a respectful distance, the other guard stood much closer to Ryan. It was clear to everyone who the aggressor was in this exchange, and Adam was afforded some leeway as a result.

Adam, prepared for a confrontation if necessary, kept his focus on the primary objective of the meeting: to refresh his knowledge of the area. Although he remembered how the quest concluded in his previous life, he lacked detailed knowledge of the area’s layout. This meeting was crucial for filling in those gaps so he could formulate an effective strategy.

Not willing to test Tribune Marcus's patience, Adam offered an apology. “I apologize for disturbing the meeting, Tribune Marcus. Rest assured that I will only listen in silence, provided that other parties do not bother me in return.”

Recognizing the risk of being removed from the meeting, Ryan quickly apologized. “I’m willing to drop this argument for now and focus on the important matters at hand,” he said, though his glance at Adam made it clear that the issue wasn’t resolved and would be revisited.

Satisfied with the apologies, Tribune Marcus nodded in acceptance and allowed the meeting to continue without further interruptions.

The meeting progressed for about two hours. During this time, Adam absorbed valuable information. He received a copy of the map detailing the area where the trolls were last spotted, along with handwritten notes from both Legionnaires and Adventurers. These notes included detailed observations of the types of monsters detected in the area.

The intelligence Adam gathered was substantial, making the time spent in the meeting worthwhile. The information gave him a strategic advantage and significantly benefited his mission.

Combining the new information from the meeting with what Adam remembered from his previous life, particularly the paths that the trolls would take, he felt well-prepared for his next solo mission. The detailed map and notes, coupled with his past experience, provided him with a comprehensive understanding of the area and the trolls' movements. This strategic advantage positioned him to execute his mission effectively and with greater precision.

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