The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 77 Fort Vindolanda 4

As word quickly spread about the duel between Adam and Ryan Blake, groups of adventurers gathered in the courtyard, whispering and debating over the impending fight.

"Did you hear? The 1st Class Auxiliary will duel Ryan Blake!" one adventurer said excitedly.

"Ryan Blake? The PVP streamer? Man, this is gonna be good," another chimed in. "That guy's a veteran duelist. He’s beaten some of the best players in the game."

A third player, adjusting the strap on his gear, added, "Ryan’s been dominating the PVP scene in every game he participated in. How he moves in combat makes it seem like he can predict his opponent’s every move. I don’t see how this masked guy is gonna beat him."

"Exactly! Just because this guy rescued some nobles doesn’t mean he’s a PVP expert," someone else remarked skeptically. "He could've just gotten lucky and stumbled on the kidnappers, or maybe he’s more of a strategist than a fighter."

"Yeah, sure, he's a 1st Class Auxiliary, but that doesn’t automatically make him better in a duel," another agreed. "Ryan’s been doing this for years in nearly every VR-MMO. He knows how to handle pressure and has the skill to back it up."

A quieter voice chimed in from the back. "Maybe… but you don't get to be the first 1st Class Auxiliary by being lucky. There’s gotta be something more to him, right?"

"Maybe," the first adventurer shrugged. "But if I had to put money on this, my gold’s on Ryan. He’s got the experience, and this Adam guy’s just an unknown. No way he’s taking down someone that skilled."

Still, a few murmurs spread about Adam's potential. "True, but you’ve gotta wonder… someone who earned the 1st Class rank, that’s no small feat. It might be a closer fight than we think."

The crowd buzzed with anticipation as more and more adventurers gathered to watch what was sure to be an intense match.

Before the fight began, Amelia Banks, a top-ranked mage affiliated with the Flora Guild and one of the 2nd Class Auxiliaries who attended the meeting, stepped forward to oversee the duel. She addressed the assembled crowd and the two combatants with a commanding presence.

"Alright, listen up! This will be a duel between Adam and Ryan Blake. The rules are simple: PVP until one of your HP drops below 10%, or if one of you yields."

Amelia then gestured to a small table that had been set up in the courtyard. On it lay a pile of 500 Gold, already placed there by Ryan.

"As for the bet, Ryan has wagered 500 Gold. Adam, how much are you prepared to bet?"

The crowd was excited, eager to see if Adam would match Ryan's wager or add an even greater sum.

Adam let out a soft chuckle before responding, "Pardon my lack of knowledge, Amelia, but what are the rules set in place for the bet? What happens if I don't match the bet that Ryan gave?"

A murmur rippled through the crowd at Adam's question. 500 Gold was indeed a significant amount, and it was understandable if someone didn't have that much gold readily available.

Amelia nodded in understanding. "That's alright. If you choose not to match the bet, the dueling scroll's effect will still apply. However, if you lose, the enchantment will calculate the difference between the bet amount and what you contributed, and you'll lose an equivalent amount of Essence, which will be transferred to Ryan."

At this, Ryan sneered and interjected, "What's wrong, a 1st Class Auxiliary doesn't have that much gold? Maybe you need to rescue more nobles?"

The crowd reacted with amusement and anticipation, eager to see how Adam would handle the challenge.

Adam deliberately phrased his question in such a way as to provoke a reaction and was not disappointed.

He thanked Amelia for explaining and continued, "I asked because I intend to increase my bet. In your earlier example, if I lose, I would lose Essence, which would be transferred to Ryan. But I assume the reverse is also applicable?"

Amelia initially interpreted Adam's question, like the crowd, as a sign that he might not have enough gold. But his next statement indicated otherwise.

Adam clarified, "If I bet more than what Ryan did, and I win, he would lose Essence, and I would gain it, correct?"

Maintaining her composure despite the shifting crowd's expectations, Amelia responded confidently, "Yes, Adam, that's correct. If you bet more and win, Ryan would lose Essence. He might even lose a level depending on the amount you bet and the Soft Essence he has."

Soft Essence is what players refer to as the amount of Essence one has that they did not use for leveling up. Most players immediately use Essence to level up unless it's insufficient. But other players, typically mages, use Essence for casting, too.

Ryan scoffed, clearly unimpressed. "As if he has that much gold!"

“I see,” said Adam as he nodded. “Then, in that case…”

But Ryan’s scoff turned into a wide-eyed stare as Adam conjured bag after bag of gold from his Spatial Ring. The glittering piles of gold accumulated on the table, causing gasps of amazement from the crowd.

Amelia, her expression shifting from neutrality to surprise, watched as the enchantment of the dueling scroll took effect, calculating the total amount effortlessly.

Adam’s voice rang out clearly over the stunned silence. "That would be 10,500 gold, Amelia."

The crowd, momentarily stunned into silence, erupted into murmurs and exclamations. Ryan’s jaw dropped as he struggled to process the sheer amount of gold Adam had bet. His earlier confidence wavered under the weight of Adam's substantial wager.

Adam repeated his declaration louder this time. "I bet 10,500 gold for this sparring match."

The realization of Adam’s bet reverberated through the courtyard. Now visibly rattled, Ryan tried to regain his composure while the crowd buzzed with excitement and disbelief at the extraordinary sum on the line.

As the crowd continued to buzz about the staggering bet, a few players began to discuss the more curious aspect of the situation.

"How is he carrying that much gold?" one player asked, eyes wide in disbelief. "The amount is insane! How big is his spatial crest?"

Another player, with a thoughtful expression, replied, "Maybe he has two spatial crests. That would explain how he could carry so much."

A third player, shaking their head, responded skeptically, "Even if he did have two spatial crests, it wouldn't be enough to hold all that gold. Besides, I don't know if the Fortress allows someone to have two spatial crests."

The crowd's murmurs reflected a mix of awe and speculation as they tried to piece together the mystery of Adam's impressive wealth and the limitations of spatial crests.

Ryan, trying to recover from the shock of witnessing Adam's financial prowess, smirked and attempted to shift the stakes. "How about we make this more interesting? Put your undead steed on the line. You lose, and he’s mine."

Adam’s eyes glinted with amusement, but his voice remained calm. "Karva is bound to me; he can’t be placed in a bet. Besides, I just tendered 10,500 gold. You’ve only put up 500. You have no right to demand more from me when you haven’t matched my wager."

The crowd murmured in agreement, nodding as Ryan’s attempt to demand more was clearly out of line. Many exchanged glances, recognizing the audacity of the request.

Amelia, frowning, stepped forward. "Adam is right. The dueling scroll only works with fair stakes, and you’ve wagered significantly less. Asking for anything more is not only unreasonable but also against the rules, Ryan. Keep your request aligned with what you’ve put on the table."

Ryan’s smirk faltered as he was reprimanded, and the crowd quietly buzzed with approval of Amelia’s judgment.

Amelia’s authoritative voice cut through the murmurs, “Everyone, please be quiet.”

The crowd hushed as Amelia continued.

“The dueling scroll’s effect is now active. The rules are as follows: PVP until one yields or their HP drops to 10%. Betting amounts are as follows: Ryan's 500 Gold versus Adam’s 10,500 Gold.”

She turned to the two combatants.

“Adam, Ryan, please head to the center of the courtyard. I will activate the Dueling Scroll to create the designated space for your match.”

Adam and Ryan moved to the courtyard’s center as the crowd watched with bated breath. Amelia prepared the dueling scroll, and the atmosphere crackled with anticipation.

As Amelia conjured the dueling area, the crowd buzzed with conversation.

“Even with that amount of gold, it doesn’t necessarily mean Adam has the upper hand. Skill still plays a big role.”

“Exactly. Ryan’s known for his PvP skills. That gold might be impressive, but it’s not a measure of fighting prowess.”

“I agree. Having that much gold doesn’t automatically make you a great fighter. I’m still betting on Ryan.”

Ryan, recovering from his initial shock, seized the moment. He grinned widely, addressing Adam.

“That’s right, Adam! That gold is now mine! Do you think you can intimidate me? Huh? No. You just donated it to me, yourself.”

The crowd’s chatter grew louder, their anticipation mounting as the dueling area took shape. The stage was set, and the duel was about to begin.

As the crowd gathered in the courtyard, their whispers filled the air with anticipation. The sight of Adam's staggering bet of 10,500 gold coins had ignited a buzz among the spectators.

"With that much gold, Adam could theoretically buy top-tier equipment," one bystander remarked, excitement evident in his voice. "Imagine what kind of weapons and armor he could acquire! That could really turn the tide in his favor."

"True, but don’t forget about Ryan," another voice said. "He’s won many fights and has the gold to buy high-quality gear himself. His equipment is no joke."

Amidst the murmurs, some adventurers exchanged glances, contemplating each fighter's gear. While Adam's wealth was undeniable, Ryan’s reputation as a seasoned duelist also played a significant role in the crowd’s judgment.

In actuality, Adam’s gear certainly qualified as top-tier. His recently acquired armor would cause a huge buzz should he announce its existence. His weapon, Vetius' Longsword, was crafted by his teacher and is a very good weapon across the board.

Vetius' Longsword (Uncommon)

Type: Longsword

Damage: 120

Weight: 6

Durability: 80/80

Requirements: STR 10/DEX 15

Crafted by a grandmaster blacksmith, this unenchanted longsword delivers formidable damage that sets it apart from others in its class. A perfect blend of craftsmanship and might.

As the dueling space materialized, Ryan and Adam took their positions. Equipped with a crossbow and a shortsword, Ryan stood poised and ready. Adam, wielding his longsword with a calm, focused demeanor, prepared for the confrontation.

As Amelia readied to signal the start of the duel, even she found herself curious about how this match would unfold. She had seen many top-tier players fight before, but there was something different about Adam- something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

Amelia, now firmly in her role as the presiding officer, raised her hand and said, "Adam, Ryan, duel... start!"

The crowd held their breath as the two combatants readied themselves, the tension palpable.

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