The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 74 Interludes & Fort Vindolanda 1


Upon successfully escaping from Fort Vindomora, the Cloaked Man materialized on the familiar shores of Yinxiao Island.

His senses were immediately filled with the sounds of the ocean and the distant hum of his clan’s martial training grounds.

This was home, isolated yet teeming with the quiet strength of the Yin Feng Clan, also known as the Silver Phoenix Clan, a small yet powerful clan of martial artists. The island, positioned on the outer border of the Murim Archipelago, lay close to the Lorikan Republic’s territory- specifically the Undead Region, a fact that was both advantageous and risky.

As the Cloaked Man approached the entrance to the grand temple, the heart of the clan’s domain, he removed his hood, a sign of respect. His fellow clan members, scattered around the training grounds, looked at him curiously. His return was far too soon, and unspoken questions hung in the air.

"Brother Feng," one of the clan members called out, stepping forward, his brow furrowed. "You’re back earlier than expected. What happened? Was the mission successful?"

Another disciple, her voice softer but equally probing, added, "Did something go wrong? You were leading the task."

The Cloaked Man, Liang Feng, merely shook his head, his expression unreadable. "I’ll speak to Master Wuji."

With that, the questions fell silent, but the murmurs of doubt followed him as he walked deeper into the temple.

Inside, the air was different- still, reverent. The temple's grand hall, bathed in soft light, held an aura of age and power, much like the man who sat at its center. Master Zhen Wuji, the Clan Leader of the Silver Phoenix, an old man with flowing white hair and eyes that seemed to pierce through any pretense, awaited him. His aura radiated wisdom and unspoken strength.

Liang Feng approached and knelt before him, his head bowed low. "Master, I have failed you."

Master Wuji raised a hand, gesturing for Liang Feng to rise, but did not speak immediately. His gaze remained steady, waiting for his disciple to explain himself.

Liang Feng took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "My mission, to kidnap the nobles, was meant to divert the resources of the Lorikan Legion- to buy us time to acquire the Antikythera Device, but it ended in failure. A bounty hunter interfered. He killed the bandits I hired and rescued the nobles. I attempted to salvage the situation, but the Legionnaires found us much quicker than I anticipated. They had already mobilized, and I was left with no choice but to escape. I failed."

Master Wuji’s expression hardened, a frown deepening on his face. "You failed indeed. And your failure was avoidable."

Liang Feng felt the weight of those words, but he kept his gaze down, prepared for what would come.

"You made several mistakes, Young Feng," Master Wuji said, his voice sharp. "Mistakes I specifically warned you about. First, you should never have hired bandits. They are unreliable and treacherous. You should have done the job yourself or with a group of our elite warriors."

Liang Feng clenched his fists discreetly, bracing himself as his master continued.

"Second, you should have personally overseen the mission," Master Wuji said. "Had you been there from the beginning, you could have at least captured some of the nobles and moved some to a different location. Even if the Legionnaires arrived, their retrieval wouldn’t have been so clean."

Feng’s jaw tightened, but he remained silent. He could not deny the truth of his master’s words, no matter how painful they were to hear.

Master Wuji's gaze sharpened. "But perhaps your biggest mistake, Young Feng, was your arrogance. You chose to hire bandits and avoid asking your fellow disciples for aid so that you could claim all the glory for yourself. Was that not your true reason?" His tone was cold, cutting deep into the truth Feng had tried to ignore.

Liang Feng felt a pang of shame. His pride had indeed played a role, and Master Wuji’s words were undeniable. He wanted to prove himself, rise above his peers, and bring success to the Silver Phoenix Clan on his own. But instead, he had failed, and there was no one to blame but himself.

"You see now where that ambition has led you," Master Wuji continued. "To failure. And the fault lies with you alone."

Liang Feng swallowed hard, but he did not let his emotions show. "Master, I apologize for my failure. I am ready to accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate."

Master Wuji sighed, shaking his head. "It's not worth punishing you over. The damage is done. What matters now is how we move forward. It was my fault for letting you handle this mission in the first place. Instead, your focus should be on cultivation."

Liang Feng glanced up, meeting his master’s eyes briefly.

"You should be preparing to break through and reach the 5th Star Rank," Master Wuji continued, his tone softening ever so slightly. "If you had focused on that instead of volunteering for this mission, perhaps none of this would have happened. You are strong but not strong enough."

Liang Feng nodded obediently. "Yes, Master. I will resume my cultivation at once."

Feng couldn't deny the truth of it. Had he achieved the 5th Star Rank, he would have been more than a match for the bounty hunter who had interfered with his plans. He had been outmaneuvered, but it was a setback, not a defeat.

Master Wuji’s eyes narrowed. "Your failure means the Lorikan Legion can now focus all their resources on retrieving the Antikythera Device. This is the consequence of your actions, putting us at risk. But what’s done is done. Your brother, Ling Wei, has already secured the device. His apprentices were successful, and they are on their way here."

Liang Feng straightened, hearing the news. "At least the Silver Phoenix Clan has not failed, even if I have."

Master Wuji nodded slightly. "Yes. But do not take comfort in others’ success when you have faltered. Focus on your cultivation. Ensure that next time, you do not fail."

Liang Feng bowed deeply. "Yes, Master. I will not fail you again."

Master Zhen Wuji’s gaze lingered on Liang Feng for a long moment before he spoke again, his tone sharp but resolute.

"In the interest of hastening your cultivation to becoming a 5th Star martial artist, you are permitted to retrieve a bottle of Cultivation Elixir from the clan’s treasure vault."

Liang Feng’s breath caught in his throat. His eyes widened slightly, disbelief flashing across his face. "Master, I- I do not deserve such a treasure," he stammered, lowering his head in humility.

Before he could say more, Master Wuji cut him off, his voice laced with irritation. "You most certainly do not deserve it, Young Feng. You’ve failed at every turn. But I am not giving it to you as a reward. You will repay this generosity by breaking through to the 5th Star Rank and becoming more useful to the clan."

The old man’s eyes bore into Feng’s, leaving no room for argument. "Consider it an investment. One you cannot afford to squander."

Liang Feng’s throat tightened. He felt the weight of his master’s words pressing down on him, a mixture of shame and urgency gripping his chest. This wasn’t just an opportunity- it was an ultimatum.

He bowed deeply, his forehead nearly touching the floor. "Thank you, Master. I will not fail you again. No matter what it takes, I will become a 5th Star martial artist."

Master Wuji gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "Go. Do not waste any more time. Focus on what matters."

Liang Feng rose to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest. He turned and exited the temple with deliberate steps, his mind already racing. The Cultivation Elixir- an item of immense value, reserved only for the most elite disciples- was now within his reach. But it came with the expectation of success, a weight he could not afford to misplace.

As he approached the treasure vault, Feng’s thoughts turned inward. His failures at Fort Vindomora still burned deeply, but now something more important was at stake- his future, his place in the Silver Phoenix Clan, and his strength.

He would take the elixir. He would achieve the 5th Star Rank.

His brother had succeeded where he had not, but this was not over. He would grow stronger enough that the next time, it would be his victory, not his brother’s. The Silver Phoenix Clan’s ambitions were just beginning to unfold, and he would ensure that he played his part.

He had no choice.



In the World of Pangea, the concept of stats and levels that Otherworlders use does not exist.

Instead, Pangeans rely on the Star Ranking System to measure an individual's power. Unlike the player's status window system, which provides detailed information about stats, the Star Ranking System is more of a hierarchical approximation of an individual's power.

This Star Ranking System measures the strength of individuals. It was first developed in the Murim Archipelago, specifically within the Xingna Empire- the homeland of martial arts. The system quickly became the standard metric for assessing warriors in that region. Eventually, other powers like the Lorikan Republic and New Camelot adopted it.

The ranking begins at 1-Star for the weakest individuals and theoretically extends to 9-Star, though the upper limit is rarely, if ever, reached. This system was crucial for the military, guilds, and martial arts sects and clans, serving as an accessible way to rank the ones Blessed by the Paradigm without the complexity of stats and leveling.

During Adam's first life, this system was foreign at first. Driven by curiosity, players studied how their own levels compared to the Star Rankings. Over the next few years, they devised a rough equivalency chart:

1-Star: Level 01-40

2-Star: Level 41-80

3-Star: Level 81-120

4-Star: Level 121-200

5-Star: Level 201-300

6-Star: Level 301-400

7-Star: Level 401?-500?

8-Star: Level 501?-600?

9-Star: Level 601?-???

This breakdown allowed players to understand Pangean power structures more clearly. Still, in Adam's previous life, the highest levels achieved by a handful of players were in the 400 range, meaning anything beyond 7-Star was pure speculation.

Yet, despite this apparent similarity, the Star Ranking System was not completely reliable when applied to players. One of the main reasons for this is that Pangeans, unlike players, are born with a fixed amount of Essence. They cannot absorb Essence from the world to grow stronger. Instead, their Essence must be cultivated over years through training and experience. In contrast, players must kill monsters to absorb Essence and grow more powerful.

Pangeans can improve their vitality, strength, mental clarity, and awareness through disciplined training, often enhancing their Essence. Some also seek out magical elixirs or artifacts, but such opportunities are typically reserved for the elite, those born into powerful or wealthy factions.

Another key difference is that players have the luxury of choosing their Paradigm when they arrive in Pangea. The Four Paradigms, the core mystical forces tied to Pangea's magical nature, shape a player's abilities. For Pangeans, however, determining their Paradigm is not a matter of choice. Hence, they are called Blessed by the Paradigm. But before that, they must first cultivate their Essence to a certain maturity before they even discover which Paradigm they belong to. Some Pangeans are born with higher innate Essence and can reach this stage sooner, while others may never realize their Paradigm.

Because of these fundamental differences, the arrival of players, or Otherworlders, with their ability to grow rapidly in strength, will drastically shift the balance of power on Pangea. What might take Pangean decades or a lifetime to achieve, a player could accomplish in a few months or years. This dynamic is causing ripples across the continent, and the Pangeans are aware that the very nature of their world is changing because of it.



Adam arrived at Fort Vindolanda to find it alive and active despite the early hours. It was 4 a.m., yet the fort buzzed with the same energy as midday.

Legionnaires and Adventurers moved through the fort with a sense of urgency. The reason was apparent: the Troll Hunting Quest had drawn a massive crowd of participants.

Because of this, the atmosphere was tense yet organized, with Adventurers and Legionnaires preparing for the Troll Hunting Quest. Initially, reports indicated that only 40 trolls remained in the horde, but something had changed. Recent intelligence suggested that additional trolls from the surrounding area had joined the group, swelling their numbers back to over a hundred.

This wasn’t a typical quest. The scale of the operation required careful coordination. The fort had become a temporary staging ground for those preparing to embark on the hunt.

Even so, a few independent teams had already rushed ahead, eager to be the first to reach the horde of trolls. But nearly every one of them had met an untimely death, claimed by the dangers lurking in the path of the troll horde. None had even seen a single troll; they had all fallen to other monsters in the wild, creatures that made the dense forest their home.

The last reported sighting of the trolls placed them deep within a thick forest on the outskirts of the Undead Regions. The path further led toward a towering cliff at the very edge of the region.

Adam, however, knew more than the others. From his previous life, he was aware that the hunt for the trolls would take up to 2 weeks. Adventurers and Legionnaires would battle countless enemies, many overwhelmed by the monstrous threats that filled the forest. Yet, Adam understood the true goal: they weren't just hunting trolls, but the Antikythera Device and the unknown faction that coveted it.

In hindsight, Adam thought, it had always seemed obvious that someone was controlling the trolls' movements. Their path was too organized, too deliberate for a simple horde of beasts. The trolls had been led through a series of nearly impossible obstacles for human pursuers to navigate. The dense forest was filled with creatures that wouldn’t dare attack a hundred trolls but wouldn’t hesitate to prey on smaller groups of humans.

‘It’s a perfect setup,’ thought Adam. ‘Whoever’s pulling the strings knew exactly what they were doing.’

Adam’s objective was clear. He needed to retrieve the Antikythera Device, and the compass given to him by Lucius would lead him to it. But getting to the trolls was only part of the challenge. The real test would be surviving the treacherous path ahead.

As Adam surveyed the Fort, he couldn't help but muse that this was the first time in a while that he found himself around other players. Most of his conquests had been done in solitude; aside from his initial journey at the Forgotten Temple, Adam had spent little time interacting with others.

To his relief, his primary concern turned out to be a non-issue. Adam had worried that his appearance might stand out too much- he was, after all, wearing the full Pyromancer's Black Leather Armor set, Novhekaar's Cloak, and Novhekaar's Ritual Mask, a stark and intimidating look. In a world where players often valued the aesthetic of their armor, he thought his dark, mysterious ensemble might draw unwanted attention.

Pyromancer's Black Leather Armor (Unique)

Type: Armor

Armor: 40 Physical, 25 Fire, 30 Frost

Weight: 8

Durability: 90/90

Requirements: Fire-Relevant Classes

Description: This black leather armor feels like cloth but is strong enough to provide physical and elemental damage. Exclusively available in Bloodstain. The armor set is activated when worn together with the Pyromancer’s Black Leather Armor's Bracer and Gauntlet.

Pyromancer's Black Leather Bracers (Unique)

Type: Armor

Armor: 25 Physical, 15 Fire, 20 Frost

Weight: 2

Durability: 50/50

Pyromancer's Black Leather Boots (Unique)

Type: Armor

Armor: 35 Physical, 15 Fire, 20 Frost

Weight: 3

Durability: 50/50

Pyromancer's Black Leather Armor Set Bonus:

20% casting cost reduction for Pyromancy Skills/Spells

20% damage increase in Pyromancy Skills/Spells

Novhekaar's Cloak (Legendary)

Type: Cloak

Armor: 3

Weight: 2

Durability: 50/50

Requirements: n/a

Description: Novhekaar himself created this powerful cloak to possess enchantments he deems useful.

Assassin's Woe: +10 Perception, Negates a critical hit once every 24 hours.

Necrotic Allure: The undead are drawn to the wearer of this cloak.

Divine Resistance: Grants 20% defense against Holy-based magic

Magic Repair: Can be repaired using essence.

Novhekaar's Ritual Mask (Unique)

Description: A simple white mask that Novhekaar wore when he started the ritual to transform into a lich. It was a representation of leaving his identity as Novhekaar and embracing the new existence that he will become.

Details: +5 Perception, +500 MP

Live streaming was a popular source of revenue for many players, and they invested heavily in their appearance for the audience. Some donned intricately designed heavy armors that radiated power, while others opted for fashionable leather sets showcasing style and functionality. Then, some female players wore barely-there outfits that could hardly be considered armor or clothing, hoping to secure donations from their sizeable male followers.

With his all-black attire and prominent white mask, Adam initially thought he might stick out like a sore thumb. But to his amusement, his appearance seemed almost normal compared to other players' flashy, outlandish, and often impractical choices.

Shrugging to himself, Adam started going to a nearby Lorikan Legionnaire to formally announce his arrival at Fort Vindolanda. He felt more comfortable blending into this strange crowd than he had expected.

Adam approached the nearest officer's tent and began to walk forward. Two guards stationed outside immediately moved to intercept him.

“Halt! State your business,” one of the guards ordered, eyeing Adam’s unfamiliar appearance.

“This is no place for outsiders. Move along,” the other guard added, crossing his spear over his chest in a gesture of dismissal.

Adam remained calm and presented the Gold Tessera and the special authorization scroll. As soon as the guards saw the items, their demeanor shifted dramatically.

“Apologies, 1st Class Auxillary Adam,” the first guard said, his tone now respectful. “We didn’t recognize you. We’ll notify our superior immediately.”

“Yes, please forgive us,” the second guard added. “We’ll escort you to the Tribune right away.”

Adam nodded and reassured them, “It’s fine. I understand that my appearance might be misleading. Just take me to the person in charge.”

The guards, visibly relieved, responded, “Of course. Tribune Marcus has been expecting you. Follow us.”

As Adam was escorted through the fort, the two Legionnaires barked orders at random Adventurers.

“Make way! Priority passage!” the burly guard commanded.

“Step aside, Adventurers!” the leaner guard added. “We have important business here!”

The commotion drew curious glances from the other players. Seeing a mysterious figure being escorted with such formality was unusual and quickly became a topic of speculation.

One high-ranking player whispered to his companion, “Who is that? I've never seen anyone treated like this before.”

His friend, equally intrigued, replied, “No clue. Even top players don’t get this kind of treatment. This must be someone really important.”

Another Adventurer, observing the scene, asked aloud, “Is that person a VIP or something? What’s with all the fuss?”

The prestige and attention surrounding Adam were palpable. The escort, a rarity in the game, emphasized the exceptional status of the cloaked figure, leaving many players to wonder about his identity and significance.

Adam felt a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation as he followed the guards. From his previous experiences, he knew the special treatment afforded to 1st Class Auxiliaries, but it was something else entirely to experience it firsthand.

The two Legionnaires guided Adam to the main building where Tribune Marcus was stationed. As they approached, Adam could hear the murmur of voices and the faint sounds of discussion coming from within.

The guards announced his arrival at the door. “Tribune Marcus, we have a visitor.”

The door swung open, revealing a room bustling with activity. Inside, Tribune Marcus was engaged in a meeting with several Legionnaires and about a dozen Adventurers. The atmosphere was intense, with maps and documents spread out on a large table and animated discussions filling the air.

Adam observed the notable figures present: high-rankers and famous live streamers from the Maxima, Flora , Hao Wei, and Dark Sun, among others. There were also various independent high-ranking Adventurers. Their presence underscored the significance of the ongoing discussions.

Adam’s eyes were drawn to the Tesserae worn by the gathered Adventurers. Most of them sported bronze and a few silver Tesserae around their necks, reflecting their respective statuses. As expected, nobody possesses a gold tessera.

Tribune Marcus, a tall and imposing figure with a commanding presence, looked up as Adam entered. He quickly dismissed the gathered Legionnaires and Adventurers with a nod.

“Excuse us,” the Tribune said, his voice authoritative yet courteous. “I need to speak with this individual privately.”

When the room was empty, Adam removed his mask as a courtesy, revealing his face to the Tribune. Marcus nodded approvingly at the gesture, acknowledging the respect it conveyed.

“Greetings, 1st Class Auxiliary Adam. I am Tribune Marcus Titus Varro. Your arrival was anticipated, though I didn’t expect to see you amidst this meeting.”

Adam returned the salute with a bow. “Tribune Marcus, thank you for meeting with me. I have been given special authorization by the Imperatrix and the Scipio Family. I’m here to assist with the Troll Hunting Quest and gather further information.”

Marcus nodded as he reviewed the scroll that Adam gave him. “This scroll grants you full authority to form your squad, whether consisting of Legionnaires or Adventurers. You are free to choose your team as you see fit. Additionally, you are entitled to supplies from the fort to aid in your mission.”

Adam could sense that the Tribune’s politeness was more a matter of duty than genuine warmth. However, Adam responded kindly, understanding the necessity of maintaining a respectful tone.

“Tribune, I do not require much. I have no intention of interfering with the mission you are formulating, nor will I ask for much from the fort's resources. I only ask that I be allowed to attend this meeting before I set off to complete my mission solo. Would that be acceptable?”

Adam’s words were delivered with a tone of appreciation, acknowledging the Tribune’s hospitality and making it clear he had no intention of overstepping his bounds.

As Adam spoke, the Tribune’s demeanor shifted slightly. The formality in his expression softened, revealing a more genuine sense of welcome. It was clear that Adam’s request, made with respect and consideration, had been well-received.

“Of course,” the Tribune said, his voice now tinged with a touch more warmth. “You are most certainly welcome to join us for the meeting.”

With that, Adam donned his mask once more. The Tribune signaled for the others to return to the room. As the meeting resumed, Adam took a seat, ready to observe and gather any useful information for his mission.

Adam’s reasons for his request were simple: he had no intention of sharing the reward with anyone. The quest was a solo endeavor for him, and he saw no need to include Legionnaires or other Adventurers. His goal was to complete the mission alone, ensuring that every benefit and reward would be his.

The prospect of having to divide the spoils was not one he entertained; instead, he preferred to rely solely on his skills and resources.

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