The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 73 Fort Vindomora 7

As the Cloaked Man and his bandits desperately worked to clear the rubble, Adam waited patiently by the reactivated teleportation array.

About half an hour later, the array flared to life, glowing brightly as several Legionnaires materialized in the square.

Startled by the presence of a stranger, the Legionnaires instinctively raised their shields and leveled their spears at Adam.

Without saying a word, Adam calmly raised his arms to show that he wasn’t a threat.

After a few moments, the group leader, a man with a stern expression and an authoritative stance, barked an order.

“Lower your spears!”

The leader recognized Adam from the nobles' descriptions and strode forward with a calculated air of respect.

"I am Squad Leader Decimus Claudius of the Lorikan Legion," the leader introduced himself. "We’ve received testimony from Dominus Lucius and the other nobles about your role in their rescue."

Adam acknowledged the introduction with a nod, allowing Decimus to continue.

“We are here on orders from Imperatrix Demetra herself," Decimus stated firmly. "First, I am to convey the Imperatrix’s personal gratitude for your impressive service to the Lorikan Republic.”

He paused briefly, then procured a bag from thin air as the Spatial Crest in his hand glowed faintly. "Secondly, I am to provide several items of interest per the Imperatrix’s instructions. These should aid you in the tasks ahead."

Decimus opened the bag, its weight indicating that it contained more than just provisions.

The Squad Leader handed the first item to Adam, explaining its purpose.

"This is a teleportation scroll. It will take you to Fort Vindolanda, a Legion-controlled fort near the latest tracks of the trolls. Your arrival is expected. Right now, adventurers joining the troll hunt are being registered there for an organized effort, but you’ve been granted an exception. Present the second item I will give you, and you’ll have no issues."

He then procured the second item: a Golden Tessera with intricate chains, allowing it to be worn as a necklace. It was a token adorned with the Lorikan Republic emblem and the Sanctus Lux Fortress logo on the front. Decimus held it up momentarily before placing it in Adam's hand.

"This Tessera signifies your exemplary contribution to the Lorikan Republic," Decimus continued in his tone of respect. "The golden token marks you as a 1st Class Auxiliary, the highest rank an adventurer can get. The benefits of this Tessera will be fully explained at the fortress."

As Adam examined the Golden Tessera, he couldn’t help but note its significance.

Even the top players only held Silver Tesserae, which marked them as 2nd Class Auxiliaries. In contrast, the majority held the Bronze Tesserae- or none at all. These players had completed dozens of quests for the fortress to earn that status.

Yet here he was, acquiring a Golden Tessera after completing just one mission- one he hadn’t even officially registered for at the fortress; saving several important nobles came with substantial rewards.

While the benefits of being a 1st Class Auxiliary were somewhat known to Adam from his previous life, this is the first time he will be one- as such, he can't say he fully remembers all the benefits it entails. Holding the Golden Tessera confirmed his growing influence within the Lorikan Republic, setting him apart from the other players.

Adam's growing influence did not end there. Decimus handed him a third item- another Tessera.

"This," Decimus said, holding out the token, "is another Tessera, this time from the Scipio Family, as shown by the engraved crest. Like the Sanctus Lux Tessera, this one also bears the Lorikan Republic symbol in the background, signifying the Scipio family's allegiance. You’ll need to report to the Scipio Manor for details on the benefits their Tessera entitles you to."

Adam knew the significance of this. Wielding a noble family's tessera came with unique benefits. Essentially, it meant being sponsored by that family, offering a certain level of prestige depending on their influence. In the case of the Scipio family, which was wealthy and powerful, this would elevate his standing considerably.

Decimus explained, "To confirm your ownership of these Tesserae, you’ll need to impart a small amount of Essence into both Tesserae."

Adam followed the instructions, letting a small amount of Essence flow into the tokens. Both Tesserae glowed briefly and emitted warmth at his touch, confirming his ownership.

Other players would have been bragging about even one of these, yet here he is with two of them and is calm about the entire process. He understood their value, but there was no need to use them immediately. After the Troll Hunting Quest, he plans to check its full benefits when he gets to the Sanctus Lux Fortress.

Claudius, noting that Adam had successfully claimed both Tesserae, handed him one final item- a sealed document bearing the official sigils of Imperatrix Demetra and the nobles he had rescued.

"This," Claudius began, "is a signed document from Imperatrix Demetra herself. It grants you special authority to participate in the Troll Hunting Quest."

Adam took the document, his eyes briefly scanning the seals as Claudius continued.

"However," Claudius clarified, "this doesn’t give you absolute rein. It ensures you have a certain level of authority when doing the quest. But you’re like any other adventurer out in the field. You’ll be treated with respect in the fort, but the same rules apply once you're hunting trolls."

Adam nodded, fully understanding the gravity of what Claudius was saying. While he had earned respect and recognition within the fort's walls, he still needed to watch his back out in the wild. The document does not provide assurance that he is untouchable.

Decimus handed Adam the last of the items, nodding in satisfaction. “That’s everything I’ve been tasked to pass along. With the Sanctus Lux and Scipio Tesserae in your possession, you are officially recognized as 1st Class Auxiliary Adam.”

As Decimus proclaimed this, a series of notifications appeared before Adam's eyes.


[Congratulations, Adam!]

[You are the first player to receive Auxiliary 1st Class status. The title First 1st Class Auxillary has been added.]

[As this achievement is connected to a major faction in the continent, the achievement will be announced to all players within this server.]


[Congratulations, Adam!]

[You have successfully rescued the Lorikan nobility from abduction. The title achievement Lorikan Nobility's Rescuer has been added.]

[As this achievement is connected to a major faction in the continent, the achievement will be announced to all players within this server.]

Adam blinked as the notifications filled his vision. He knew this would make waves across the server- something he typically avoided. But now, there was no hiding it. Many players on the server would soon focus on him again.

While Adam read the notification, Decimus said, “There’s no need for you to assist in this mission. Please head to Fort Vindolanda now and perform the task Dominus Lucius has assigned you.”

It was clear to the Squad Leader that Adam had plans to join the upcoming fight.

Adam nodded in understanding. However, as a courtesy, he offered Decimus a quick rundown of the bandits’ numbers, positions, and, most importantly, everything he had learned about the Cloaked Man.

Then, he decided it was the best time to deliver the bandit leader's body, which he had slain earlier, as ordered by Lord Lucius.

Summoning the bodies of the bandits he had secured earlier, Adam arranged them before the Squad Leader.

With a deliberate motion, Adam summoned the bodies of the bandits he had secured. The figures materialized with a faint shimmer, lying in a straight line on the ground before Decimus.

Decimus’s eyes widened slightly at the sight. He straightened, taking in the evidence before him. “You’ve brought the bodies,” he said, his tone reflecting surprise and a hint of admiration.

Adam nodded, his gaze steady. “Lord Lucius specifically tasked me with retrieving the body of the bandit leader for memory retrieval purposes. I thought bringing the entire group to ensure nothing was missed would be best.”

As he handed over the bandit leader's body to Decimus, Adam reached into his Spatial Ring again. He pulled out a bundle of items he had secured after assassinating the bandit leader- a set of keys and some documents.

"I've also recovered these from him," Adam said, his voice calm but direct. "You may find something useful for your investigation."

Decimus’s expression shifted to one of impressed acknowledgment. “Your efficiency is noteworthy.”

He stepped closer to the bodies, his gaze falling on the intact forms. “And I must commend you for bringing the entire body rather than just the head. The spell used for memory retrieval is indeed more effective on complete bodies. This will greatly enhance the quality of the information we can extract.”

Adam’s face betrayed a hint of relief at Decimus’s compliment. “I’m glad to hear that. I wanted to make sure everything was handled properly.”

Decimus nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. “Your thoroughness and efficiency are greatly appreciated. It will aid us in closing this incident decisively. Thank you for your excellent work.”

Adam acknowledged the compliment with a nod, his expression one of satisfaction. “Thank you, Squad Leader. I’ll proceed to Fort Vindolanda now, as instructed.”

Decimus bowed his head in thanks. “Your intel- and the Bandit Leader’s memory invaluable. It will help us ensure that these bandits are brought to justice. Good luck on your mission, 1st Class Auxillary Adam.”

Adam thanked him in return, appreciating the respectful tone of a man of Decimus’ rank. He turned his thoughts inward as he considered what lay ahead.

Originally, Adam had expected to join a simple troll hunt for Essence, but Lord Lucius had given him a much different mission- one of far greater importance. He was now tasked with securing the Antikythera Device. Lucius had handed him a small compass before leaving for Sanctus Lux, a magical tool that would point the way to the troll possessing the device.

Lord Lucius said that there is also another function of the compass, but one that he did not specify during their conversation. Adam was told that the hidden function would automatically take effect once he had secured the device.

As he prepared to activate his teleportation scroll, Adam donned his white mask to protect his identity. With the Tessera and documents in his possession, he should have no issue participating in the eradication quest at Fort Vindolanda.

Steeling himself for the mission ahead, Adam activated the scroll and vanished, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.


As Adam made his way to Fort Vindolanda, Decimus and his squad were already busy preparing for their assault on the bandits holed up in the main building. With the arrival of more legionnaires, the fort was now surrounded, and they were ready to launch their attack. Decimus’s mind raced with Adam's information, strategizing the most effective approach to ensure a successful operation.

A ranger from Decimus’s squad approached, his face etched with urgency. “Squad Leader, the bandits are likely aware of our presence. They’re preparing for a fight.”

Decimus nodded, his expression steely. “Understood. We’ll need to move quickly. Prepare for the assault. Remember, we have them surrounded. Once we engage, there will be no escape.”

He turned to his squad, issuing a series of precise orders. “Form up! We strike now. Secure the perimeter and force them into the open. Let’s end this.”

With a commanding shout, Decimus led his men toward the main building. As they closed in, he raised his voice, projecting it with authority. “Cloaked Man! Bandits! You are surrounded. Surrender peacefully, or face summary execution!”

The Cloaked Man and his bandits readied themselves inside the building for the confrontation. Desperation and defiance flickered in the Cloaked Man’s eyes.

The clash was immediate and fierce. The bandits surged forward, weapons drawn, but Decimus and his squad were ready. The Legionnaires formed a tight shield wall, their shields locked together to create an impenetrable barrier. With disciplined precision, they thrust their spears through the gaps in their shields, striking down bandit after bandit.

Decimus’s squad fought with practiced coordination. They moved as one unit, their movements synchronized, effectively repelling and countering the bandit assault. The bandits’ attempts to break through were met with a wall of resistance, their attacks absorbed and deflected by the Legionnaires' superior formation.

The Cloaked Man, observing from the periphery, saw the truth in the rumors he had heard. A Murim martial artist might be able to overpower most Legionnaires in one-on-one combat, but against a unit that fought as one, even the most skilled martial artist struggled. The Legionnaires' shield wall was an intimidating and effective defense, absorbing attacks while launching their own with deadly efficiency.

Desperate to shift the tide, the Cloaked Man unleashed a series of Sword Aura strikes from a distance. The arcs of energy cut through the air, aimed at disrupting the Legionnaires’ formation. However, the disciplined unit held its ground. The shield wall absorbed the aura strikes with minimal disruption, showcasing their defensive prowess.

Realizing that the battle was turning against him, the Cloaked Man knew he had to act quickly. He imbued his Inner Energy into his legs and feet, propelling himself up a nearby destroyed window. Using the Inner Energy imbued in his feet to run vertically along the wall, he made his way to the topmost floor of the main building. From there, he surveyed the area and saw multiple Legion squads forming to secure the fort. The sight confirmed what he had feared- the fight was a lost cause.

Determined to escape and report back to his master, the Cloaked Man activated his teleportation scroll. In a flash of light, he vanished, leaving the chaos behind.

Meanwhile, Decimus and his squad had successfully subdued or slain the remaining bandits on the main floor. Exhausted but satisfied, Decimus gathered his men.

“Excellent work, everyone,” Decimus praised, his tone full of pride. “We’ve subdued the bandits and secured the area. Prepare the prisoners for transport. We must take them to Sanctus Lux Fortress for further interrogation and processing.”

With the bandits in custody, the Legionnaires began their task, and their efficient and disciplined actions were a testament to their training and resolve. The operation was a success, and the fort was once again under control.


The Dark Sun was live-streaming their rescue mission, and the Magick Maidens joined forces with them. Over a million viewers were glued to their screens, watching as the combined guild followed the trail of the kidnapped nobles.

Tyler Bevin, leader of Dark Sun and a top-ranking Shadow Assassin, spoke, “We’ve discovered fresh signs of activity at our latest location. It looks like a group camped here recently before moving on. Our expert rangers are tracking the trail with precision.”

Tim Benar, a warrior from Dark Sun, intently examined the ground. “The tracks are leading us toward what we believe to be the kidnappers’ hideout. We’re making excellent progress, thanks to the skills of our tracking team.”

The Magick Maidens were actively contributing their magical expertise. The Sorceress and guild leader, Olivia Moon, said, “Our magical abilities enhance our search. With the Cryomancer and Electromancer’s help, we detect residual energies from the campfires left behind.”

Bella Tellfin, the Cryomancer, added, “The cold magic is revealing traces of heat from the recent campfires. It’s helping us pinpoint the time frame and direction of the kidnappers’ movement.”

In reality, much of what was said was mostly hype to sell the livestream and doesn't mean anything of significance. But even those who understood the situation stayed mainly for the spectacle.

The excitement was palpable among the adventurers and their viewers. Comments flooded the live chat, praising the teamwork and skill on display:

“Wow, these rangers are incredible!”

“Magick Maidens, you’re amazing! Keep it up!”

“I love you, Bella Tellfin! I’ll buy all the water bottles you sell!!”

“Dark Sun, you’re doing great! Can’t wait to see what happens next!”

But the mood abruptly shifted when a system announcement flashed across the adventurer’s status windows.

[Congratulations to Adam for rescuing the Lorikan nobles!]

[Congratulations to Adam for being the first to become 1st Class Auxillary!]

The chat exploded with confusion and surprise, and the adventurers’ reactions mirrored the viewers’ shock.

The Dark Sun members’ expressions worsened, but they all held their tongues. Meanwhile, Tyler Bevin wordlessly glanced at Olivia to handle the livestream.

Understanding what Tyler’s gaze meant, Olivia Moon of the Magick Maidens maintained a calm demeanor, though her eyes still betrayed her surprise. “Someone else has completed the rescue. We’ll need to look into this situation further.”

Lily P., the Druid, nodded and added, “Yes, we’ll check on what’s happening and see if there’s any way we can contribute or assist in another way. We appreciate your support and patience.”

Valerie Rae, the Magic Archer, smiled reassuringly at the camera. “Thank you all for your support. We’ll stay positive and provide updates as we discover more.”

The frustration and confusion were evident as the Dark Sun and Magick Maidens regrouped. The unexpected events had left them scrambling to understand the situation and determine their next steps.

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