The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 57

“  You know you guys are very lucky to have me, if not you will undoubtedly make this system self destruct “ Roxanne said to Michael.

After familiarizing myself with the system which isn’t that hard since I have an equal amount of authority as the creator I found out that it is very much on a brink of self destruction. 

The system is actually quite complicated as it has no user-friendly options. All of its actions are done by coding.

Well it didn’t take that long to find the right programming language with Ciel’s help. 

But what surprises me is how the system actually worked.  As I guessed, the system manages all the souls of the Three factions. It runs on faith and karma of souls. 

To further explain it the human soul is divided into parts. One is the faith that all pantheons use for various purposes. While the other is karma. 

Karma can be also divided into two groups as negative karma and positive karma. 

Negative karma is generated when a being has negative emotions. The seven sins are mainly responsible for this. This type of karma can be said to be the negative side of the soul. 

Positive karma is the polar opposite of negative karma. This type is generated by the seven virtues and can be said to be the positive side of the soul. 

So what the system does is use the faith that is a neutral energy to power it up and divide the negative and positive karma from the soul and recycle the soul and let it reincarnate. 

For negative karma it is used as an additional battery or sent to hell for creations of devils and curses. This is the reason why devils are more inclined to the 7 deadly sins as their souls are basically made from them. 

For positive karma it is used for the creation of angels and all. 

But you see every soul can generate negative or positive karma and faith regardless of their origin. That’s why when angels fall their souls are turned from pure white to Grey as they generate a small amount of negative karma that manages to grow more as they lose all their morals they had as an angel. 

And lastly the faith or the neutral energy is also used for creating miracles. If you could look at it from the perspective of a businessman you could say it is an investment. The system invests some of its energy to create miracles and further strengthen the faith of the believers making it able to collect more neutral energy. 

Sacred gears are repaired by combining each energy together. This process also uses the authority of creation that Biblical god held. So it was very efficient when he personally did it. 

This process was well balanced since the biblical god was always there to monitor its errors and fix it if necessary. 

But all that balance went to shit when the great war started. The system was forced to work in maximum energy consumption as each faction was sending a huge amount of souls. And  it began to worsen when the biblical god had to borrow some energy from the system to complete the seals that are placed on    Trihexa. 

Forbidden seals need a power source after all. 

And to make matters worse the biblical god died without leaving any instructions for the system. Even Though the system now has a relatively simple Ai it still lacks the necessary means to make decisions by itself. In fact the system normally can’t attract the souls of the dead. This is where my body comes in.  As the person who is responsible for governing death in this pantheon she has a passive skill of attracting souls. 

So what grandpa did was very simple. He created an artifact that will enhance her passive skill and connected it to the system so the flow of souls wouldn't be stopped. This would normally be enough for the system to work properly but with the diminishing faith and lack of authority to continue performing  any large miracles the system began to have more errors as days went by.

But fortunately it had an additional option of collecting faith from a living being rather than taking it from the soul so it was able to run even to this day even though that option has a 40% loss .

And with Michael and others supplying it with their positive energy which can also be called the purest form of holy energy it was able to do its other duties which is repairing sacred gears. And with the coming days of more damaged sacred gears coming the normal amount of negative energy that was supposed to be released for the creation of devils was dropped to about 30%. 

This is one of the many reasons why pure blooded devils are almost extinct as their souls require more negative energy than a normal devil.

‘ hey ciel can you access the system and fix some errors that I may have missed. ‘ Roxanne asked. Although she fixed most of the errors, it wouldn’t hurt to ask professional for help. 

[ I have already been given access Master. Would you like me to further optimize the system] 

‘ hmm ok but don’t go too far ok. I don’t want to have another great war just because each faction got some benefits ‘ said Roxanne as she left ciel to her devices. 

“ So now that I’m done with my work here can we go and do the job we originally came to do “  Roxanne asked Michael.

Michael smiled. This isn’t his usual smile no this is a smile from the bottom of his heart. How many years was he tormented by this system? Now that burden is lifted from his shoulders he felt great. 

“ Yes certainly let me escort you all there “ and without any hesitation he directly created a teleportation circle which he normally wouldn’t do as this place is too sacred but today is an exception. 

Soon everyone was teleported directly to the  Third heaven where the souls of believers are kept temporarily till the system takes them to the reincarnation cycle. 

This heaven was ruled by Azreal before she fell. But even after she fell she still did her duties. Which is to act like a beacon to gather the souls. Think of it as a magnet that attracts some iron dust that is in the atmosphere. 

In front of them was a throne that is quite similar to the one Roxanne had seen in the trial diablo organized. Which means it's quite like a carbon copy of the throne  that is in the underworld. 

In that throne there was a fair lady who  had her eyes closed. Her usual pale skin was much paler than usual. She had her 7 pairs of fallen angel wings spread proudly for all to see. 

Even though one’s corpse would start to decay after a few years her’s shows no sign of that. This is also one of the passive skills that are associated with death and life divinities. Their bodies retain some of their devinities so no bacteria is able to harm them. This is also the reason why Lilith's body is still not rotten. as the mother of all devils she needed understanding over life to create devils after all.  

Roxanne looked at her mother’s physical body and said, 

“ it’s time to wake up mother “ 






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