The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 55


hey guys I'm back.  Just want to say if any of you want to read some advance chapters you read them on my Patreon account. Also if you would be so kind please support me on Kofi.


Michael POV
“ Well then I shall take my leave. It has been a pleasure meeting you Red Dragon Emperor “Saying my Goodbyes I departed from the shrine Baraqiel’s daughter owned.
It's quite ironic that a Devil still does her job as a miko even if the gods don't listen to her prayers if she does any.
We are not one to talk to since we are in a similar situation too.
After Father’s death, it was hard to control the system each passing day. And it became worse these last few years.
And in father’s name did I try everything I can to fix every error I can fix. But with my limited authority, there is not much I could do.
And it could be worse if it wasn’t for Azrael. With her help, we managed to hold the souls of mortal worshipers from scattering to other pantheons.
Even though I hate necromancy I have to face the fact that it is only because of sister Azrael’s corpse that we managed to hold ourselves. But even with this souls of stronger humans began to reincarnate on their own.
If Azrael was still alive things might be a little better. That’s why I even agreed to Azazel’s plan to create a sacred gear to house the remaining remnants of her soul. If it succeeds we may be able to manage situations better.
But imagine my surprise when I heard from Azazel that she is still alive even though as a soul. And what's more, she has a daughter.
Well, this makes things easier. Since with her alive I can also fix some more errors with her authority.
And it just so happened that we are thinking of having a peace conference. Since heaven is acting as an invited party we have to prepare some gifts for each faction to show our goodwill. For devils, we decided to give Ascalon to the Red Dragon Emperor, and for the fallen well they specifically asked for Azrael’s body so we decided to give it back.
But imagine my surprise when Azazel contacted me and asked me to take azrael’s daughter to heaven. Despite it being absurd for a Fallen Angel to enter heaven I for some reason agreed rather easily.
Whether it is because of my instincts saying that this will bring nothing but good or my way of satisfying my curiosity I don’t know.
So now I am at the front of our meeting place, which is a restaurant where the supernatural gather without any disguise. And I must say this place is quite lively.
Well, I hope our meeting will go well for both parties.
~POV end ~
“ Mistress Archangel Michael has arrived. “ said one of the waitresses who worked in this place.
“ Ok, would you please escort him here and please bring some refreshments for us “ Said Roxanne.
“ Yes mistress “ The maid bowed to do her duties.
Soon the door opened revealing a man that has the appearance of a handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes; he had twelve wings growing from his back that were colored gold, further symbolizing his position as the chief of Angels. He wears a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head.
Looking at Michael Roxanne was surprised a little bit. ‘ Wow, this guy sure knows how to hide his power, if my estimation is right he has the raw power of a super devil. ' With her mystic eyes, she can analyze everything at a glance so she can see that Michael was hiding most of his powers. For why she could take a guess or two but that’s something to think about later.
“ It is a pleasure to see you chief of the Angels Archangel Michael “ greeted Roxanne.
“ No it is my pleasure to meet you, daughter of Azrael, “ said Michael with his usual humble tone.
Roxanne nodded and gestured to Michael to take a seat.
And as soon as he took a seat waitresses began to come with some refreshments. After arranging the food they all bowed and left.
Michael, who was still having his smile, asked Roxanne, “So who is this companion of yours “ gesturing to Artoria who had yet to introduce herself.
“ Greetings, my name is Saber. It is a pleasure making your acquaintance “ Artoria replied bowing a little bit she kept her distance from him.
Just because Merlin convinced her to give up her hate for the swords does not mean she will stop disliking the angels and the church.
Thank goodness Michael couldn’t see her face as she is wearing her shadow garden uniform that hides most of her features or senses her emotions as some Senjutsu users could or he would be surprised how much she dislikes him for whatever reason. Women are always complicated creatures after all.
“ well, archangel Michael what is your reply to the deal we proposed “ Roxanne interjects quickly as to change the subject.
“ Please just Michael is enough, and as for your proposal we all have agreed to it but I can’t help but ask why, why are you a Fallen Angel interested in coming to heaven a place where you will undoubtedly be weakened? “ Michael couldn’t help but ask.
Although the God of the Bible was killed his system still manages to guard heaven with his authority to this day. That’s why when an angel falls he or she will quickly evacuate from heaven as they will weaken each passing day due to the pressure the system is giving. And for devils well they will just perish as soon as they step foot in heaven.
“ Oh, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s a small price to pay for the Greater good. And since Saber will come with me I doubt any third party would be able to sneak attack me”. Roxanne said easing Michael’s worry of a war if some other party was able to harm Roxanne when she is weakened.
Which she doubted would even affect her as she has Ciel who will just analyze pressure and make a barrier protecting her from it. And if worse comes to worst she will just unseal her angel bloodline.
“ Well then shall we leave if you don’t mind “ said Michael as relief washed over him. Others may think bringing a bodyguard will be considered rude to the other party but he begs to differ.
While he doesn't believe it is possible, there can always be someone who wants to start the great war again, and he isn’t talking about Uriel. that brother of his is just too short-tempered. He wouldn’t dare start a war just because of his pride. At most, he would just go and challenge the other party to a duel and finish their hatred there.
but not everyone is like Uriel who can think for the greater good. Some of his brothers and sisters may think it a wise decision to attack the leader of the shadow garden to start the great war again. Strong Michael maybe but even he wouldn’t say he could protect their guests from any attacks. especially when the said guest was weakened considerably. so her bringing someone for additional safety did relieve him of some of the burden.
what Michael at that time didn’t know was Roxanne although being a fallen angel wouldn’t even feel any discomfort in heaven. her presence there alone would begin to move the now stagnant waters of the three biblical factions.

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