The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 58

~Gabriel Pov ~ 

In all my existence I have cherished a lot of things. But my love for my family is something I always cherish the most. 

I first learned to love from my father. He created me as the Angel of innocence and patience. But even though all my brothers and sisters think that I’m too naïve or innocent, that's not always true. 

Yes I do think I’m a bit naïve about some  things but I’m not stupid. I am able to see the true nature of any being through their soul as soon as they enter my sight. so I don’t need to be guarded against anyone. This is mainly why most of my siblings think I'm naive. 

In my whole life I have seen many different kinds of souls with my unique ability. Some are pure evil on the inside and out, some are evil on the inside but show a façade to hide his true nature  while others actively harbor hatred towards them to protect what’s important towards them. 

But even among the thousands of souls I have seen, the most unique one is my older sister's. Unlike the usual angel her soul is bright as the sun and dark as the night. As contradictory as those sayings are, that is the truth. 

If I have to say in simpler terms, she can be kind as father and as evil as brother lucifer . Her whole existence can be called an anomaly.  But despite being such an enigma she wasn’t different from any of us. Now that I think about it, she herself might have noticed that her existence is abnormal as she is well versed in the art of the soul after all.  she simply didn’t seem to care about it. and I'm very glad she didn’t. 

Unlike my older siblings I was born as a teenager due to my concepts. and unlike the rest my concept wasn’t complete so  i had to learn it while growing up. I can be considered the first person who grew up in heaven as one would call. So unlike my siblings I was free from any duty till I was at age.  It was good and all but I’m too lonely at that time. Everyone is either busy or too stiff to play with me. 

And my elder sister could be said as the busiest of us all but she played with me and took care of me. Even calling her my mother wouldn’t be wrong as she is the second parent after father. 

So I was heartbroken when she too fell from the graze. 

I  was there at that time. When me and my big sister were messing with the heaven’s telescope, a device that we used to observe the lower worlds .  We saw something I wished we didn’t. We saw the wedding of big brother Lucifer and Lilith. 

At first I was confused but then I slowly comprehended what was happening. Lucifer, the one who big sister was in love, is marrying someone else. 

I can still remember the sadness in her eyes, the look of betrayal. Her wings involuntarily spread out. The pure whiteness in them slowly began to turn dark . Miasma began to seep out of them giving them a dark blue glow. while this was happening tears began to flow down her cheek. 

Her soul that was previously white and black turned to gray and black and an abysmal amount of white.  and slowly death energy began to cover her body turning her pure white dress into a black dress with sleeves cut short. 

If that isn’t enough we heard the system voice, 

[ warning detected an individual with impure soul proceeding protocol ‘ Banishment ‘.

Individual Azreal is warned to leave heaven within three minutes or security measures shall be activated] 

And as soon as the announcement was made a blinding light appeared and father arrived here. 

He looked at Azreal’s condition with a complex look. At that time I was ignorant and begged father to  stop whatever that’s happening to my elder sister. 

But it was too late for my father to do anything. He couldn’t stop the system as the command was already issued. He could only helplessly escort her out of heaven. And as a last sign of his love he didn’t strip or remove her authority over death. as that would only do harm for both parties. 

From that day on, I didn't see my big sister for a long time. Even when I used the telescope I couldn’t find her. It was like she didn’t exist in the first place. If not for my father forbidding  me I would have flown off to search for her. 

But fortunately or unfortunately I heard news about her when she took in Azazel and the rest who were just cast out from heaven. And with this action she was officially hated by the masses somehow. That was the first time I felt anger and disappointment. did  they forget who they pointing their fingers at. this our big sister, the one who helped almost every angel when she was here. 

if i didn’t have my divinities to help me calm down i swear that i would make those ungrateful bastards regret it. Finally when i was old enough to leave heaven i managed  to her after begging father for a few months straight.  Then on I regularly had contact with her like the past. 

It was all quiet for the next few centuries. Big sister somehow got together with Lucifer and got pregnant. 

I was quite happy for her. I even went to congratulate her secretly.  I became an aunt. I promised to protect my niece from harm till I breathe. 

But sadly I wasn’t able to do that. As the great War started and I was deployed in the front line as The strongest female angel. 

Due to this I lost contact with my sister and only after the war did I find her body in Third heaven acting as a beacon for heaven. 

I can’t really remember that moment as it was all blurry for me brother Michael said that I was just about to cast out heaven from grief alone. 

In those times it was very hard but I regularly came to this place to pay my respects for my sister.  But those times slowly began to diminish as I was forced to help in governing heaven after Michael was selected as chief. 

In those years I tried to locate my niece but strangely I couldn’t locate her. That was frustrating to no end. And the worst thing is I can’t ask for anyone’s help as that would do more harm than good. I even tried to locate her bloodline  but it seems like sister somehow managed to lock it. I thought I would be able to see a descendant at least but no the results were all negative. 

This frustrated me to no end. But then just this one day when I was doing some paperwork for the upcoming peace treaty I heard the system making an announcement about my father's successor being here. 

I was stupefied. I mean wasn't the father's successor killed by the true Longinus. Did he reincarnate? No, that's impossible from what we gathered his soul should be the foundation for the spear. So that means this is someone else. I have to warn my brother or else if he or she orders us to go to war again we would have to do so as it is the rule.  If we don’t we would be cast out from heaven. 

So I teleported near my brother who I felt was back. But imagine my surprise when I saw my big sister. 

No it wasn't a big sister but her soul that is behind a girl that has an aura that is quite similar to her. At first I was perplexed as I had already given up hope that my big sister’s lineage is still surviving. But when I heard her introduction I was so happy that I wrapped her in a tight hug.

I finally found my niece. This day couldn’t get any better. Or so I thought but now I’m reconsidering it. 

My niece fixed the system that had been haunting us for more than centuries like it was nothing. 

And what’s more she is now attempting to resurrect elder sister. Oh father, this is the best day of my life.  Maybe this is why I had to suffer for those centuries. As my father always says, everything comes with a price. 

Once this is over I'm going to have a vacation with them. I heard that there is a good place in Kyoto. Gotta get ready as soon as this is over. 







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