The Outbreak

C.12 : Splitting Up, Night Out

"Since we got you some clothes and you already fed, you should be fine. I have to go meet someone, so head back to the apartment before sunrise." Odelle fished her phone out and gave Orissa the number.

"Call if there's anything." Odelle then recalled Orissa had smashed destroyed her phone trying to run from her and smiled mockingly.

"Oh, then just borrow someone's phone if you have to. And try not to travel too far, your scent will attract more dogs to us." Odelle walked away, leaving Orissa standing in the shadow of a building.

"Aside from that security person, they should all thank me." Orissa shook her head as if to clear it and picked a random direction. Because she didn't have to worry about detours, she could make it back to the apartment without much issues.

The night's wind blew gently against her skin, like the faintest touches of a lover, or so she guessed because she had never had that kind of relationship before.

"Who is she meeting? Someone like us maybe?" Orissa couldn't imagine Odelle having the patience to deal with humans just on what she has seen while with her.

"I don't feel hungry, nor do I feel queasy thinking about eating something. Oh yeah, I'm dirt poor." Orissa felt a bit helpless because she didn't even have a dime to her name.

"Do I rob someone?" Orissa debated with herself, her morality battling her newfound sense of indifference, winning out, even if just barely. Choosing a direction was easy since Orissa simply had to sniff the air to find food.

"Goodnight." A woman who was a few inches taller than Orissa walked over, greeting Orissa who nodded back. Perhaps it was because the woman took an interest in Orissa or something, but she slowed her pace and started to converse with her.

"Are you from around here?" Orissa tilted her head and gave the woman a sidelong glance before answering carefully, picking her words.

"I haven't really had the chance to get out much. What about you?" The woman nodded and explained that although she did have a car, she liked to enjoy the natural cooler air of the night.

"Are you headed home?" Orissa asked, stealing glances at the surroundings unconsciously keeping track of all motion she could sense in her immediate surroundings.

"I was going to head to a small restaurant nearby before I did. Did you already eat?" Orissa felt a bit embarrassed to say she had no money, but she passed it off as her forgetting her wallet at home.

"Then come along. I don't mind, feeding a cutie like you is acceptable." Hearing the woman, Orissa felt some mixed emotions because she and cute had nothing remotely common a few days ago.

"Thanks? What's your name? I'm Orissa." Orissa introduced herself to the woman who whispered something about it being a nice name before responding.

"I'm Alice. I live a few blocks away." Orissa noted that the buildings in the couple blocks would be more expensive due to them being more convenient to live in and such.

The two women slowed next to an indoor restaurant with the smell of food wafting out. Orissa guessed that a human should be able to smell the food just as well because of how fragrant it was.

"This place is called The Delilia. Though it's mainly a deli, they also sell actual meals." Orissa smiled faintly because she could hear Alice's stomach let out a low growl at the smell of food in the air.

"Let's head in?" Alice looked at Orissa and asked, getting a nod in return. Orissa wasn't so shameless as to lead the way inside when she wasn't the one paying a dime.

"Table for two. Window if possible." Alice led Orissa inside, while the latter tried to ignore the looks she got from some men and women. Sure, Orissa could admit she was probably a ten out of ten, but being stared at by so many people made her a bit self conscious.

She could understand the men staring, but the women doing the same confused her a bit. While the idea of liking the same gender wasn't unheard of, surely they weren't all thinking of her like that, right?

"Please have a seat, I'll bring a menu out shortly." The waiter, a woman with straight black hair and a blank expression gestured at the table, waited for them to take a seat and then headed off.

"I've never eaten here before." Orissa looked out the window, a floor to ceiling one, her eyes automatically zooming in on the small nicks and scratches a human probably wouldn't be able to notice even during the day, much less at night.

"Then where do you eat at? I'd remember seeing you if I had before." Alice spoke with certainty and Orissa spoke, wanting to see what the reaction to her words would be.

"I happen to eat which ever unfortunate soul I come across when I'm hungry?" Orissa couldn't actually tell whether she should say hungry or thirsty since she only drank, but the need and urge to feed was far more dominant than any human need had been.

"Pfft! You're joking... Well, what do you do for work? Do you work? No offense, but you look like some pampered kid of a rich person." Alice stared at Orissa's clothes and the latter remembered she was wearing an outfit that was probably worth more than a thousand dollars in all.

"My recent situation has changed, but if everything goes as it should, I'll probably have to leave the city soon." Orissa did like the city she has spent the last few months in, but she knew staying in a place with too many predators would be counterproductive.

Even if she and the others didn't clash, their hunting would draw people to come defeat them or make their prey leave. As she could only travel during the night, they could cover considerable distances while she was indisposed.

"That's a shame. It would be nice to find a new frie- What are they doing?" Alice stared out the window curiously and Orissa looked over as well. A black SUV rolled to a stop and two women got out and looked around.

Unlike the other vehicles, it was parked on the side walk which was probably what drew Alice's attention in the first place. Orissa narrowed her eyes, focusing on the taller one and saw a bulge at her waist.

"Police?" Orissa looked across the table at Alice who was still looking out wondering about things, and decided to leave. Sure it would look rude, but this tense atmosphere had surfaced.

Yesterday was a busy day. I was completely exhausted so I didn't have a chance to write. I'll make up for that missing chapter. Hope you all have a good day/night.


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