The Outbreak

C.13 : Tension Rises

"Um, I should go..." Orissa really wanted to just leave, but doing that would make her feel bad since this Alice was extremely nice to her even if she wasn't aware of her motives.

"You're leaving? So soon? Are you sure? I could walk you back after if you're worried about the danger." Alice offered helpfully and that made Orissa smile faintly.

She doubted a human could ever be as dangerous or deadly as she now was. Still, she didn't make a move to leave since that would draw more attention, and she didn't know if the people outside were hostile.

"Then I'll be counting on you Alice." Orissa smiled gently at Alice who stiffened. Her pretty face flushed and Orissa despite not being hungry felt her desires surging, to pounce over the table and to tear and rip, to bite and claw the source of the tempting sounds to death.

"Mm! You can count on me-" Maybe she was a bit too excited because Alice tripped over her words and bit her tongue, but not hard enough to draw blood as she couldn't smell it.

"Here's your menus." The waiter came back and handed them two menus along with eating utensils. To appear normal, she flipped through the menu with little interest.

Orissa titled her head slightly, and her hair fell to the side, revealing her ears, but she wasn't focused on that because she was more preoccupied with figuring out who those people outside were.

"Your ears! They're so cute!" Alice widened her eyes when she looked up and saw Orissa's pointy ears, like something straight out of a novel or something similar.

"Thanks..?" Orissa's faint smile faded because the women approached the restaurant and entered, looking around and then making their way over to Orissa's and Alice's table.

"Good evening, my name is Kira Verne, it's nice to meet you." The woman with bags under her eyes spoke calmly, but Orissa could hear her heart thumping in overdrive.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Kira. Can I help you with something?" Orissa spoke, her emotions calming down. The other woman armed with a gun stared at Orissa warily, hand never going too far from her waist.

"We'd like you to come with us. This particular venue isn't suitable for our discussion." Kira looked at Alice and noted she wasn't the other Saguine Carrier she had seen in the video or pictures.

"Who are you?" Alice frowned and asked the duo. Kira nodded and retrieved her badge and placed it on the table, pushing it over to Orissa with trembling hands.

"VPA? Never heard of it. Are you cold perhaps? You seem to be shaking?" Orissa smiled and both Kira and the other woman's hearts raced. Kira being closer could see the tips of Orissa's fangs even if they weren't in their elongated state.

"Enough! We have you on video murdering people! Come with us or we'll be forced to use lethal means." The other woman grew tired of waiting and drew her weapon, aiming it at Orissa.

"Irene, if we antagonize her here, we stand to lose more than just our lives. There are civilians here as well!" Kira snapped and turned back to Orissa who still wore the same amused smile.

"What do they mean? Killing people?" Alice paled when she saw the smile on Orissa's face staying the same, which either meant she found the situation funny or she did it.

"Since you want me to come with you, what do you want?" Orissa ignored Alice and stood, ignoring the gun pointed at her head, she leaned forward with a smirk.

"We want to help you! If you allow us to study you, we can try to find a cure or a vaccine!" Kira spoke passionately and Orissa rolled her eyes. She, even with her limited medical knowledge, knew that should the virus be rendered useless, she'd die immediately because she had no heartbeat.

"No. Find someone else." Orissa snatched a glass from a passing waiter and sipped it languidly, turning back to Alice who had gone pale, barely being able to piece together what was happening with limited information.

"You'll leave us no choice!" Irene could see that the weapon in her hand was utterly disregarded by Orissa, but the other people in the restaurant had fallen quiet, watching the precedings silently in fear.

Orissa placed the glass down and turned to Irene. Her human looking sclera grew darker while her irises turned red. Her pupils changed as well and a cruel sneer formed on her lips.

"Do you want to die woman?" Her voice was cold, nothing like it was before, as Alice and the waiter nearby could hear the intense bloodless and annoyance within.

"Everyone leave now!" Kira yelled but Orissa tilted her head and spoke again, leaving everyone frozen in place due to the overwhelming amount of bloodlust she released.

"If you so much as move, I will tear your heads from your bodies and pile them up outside like ornaments. Don't you think it'll look nice?" Alice shakily took a breath and steeled herself, reaching out to touch Orissa's shoulder.

Orissa moved faster and caught her hand, and only then did Alice realize that Orissa's hands were really cold, as if not a drop of blood existed within.

"Why?!" Alice asked with her breath catching in her throat, receiving a calm look from Orissa that flickered minutely, but she was close enough to see it.

"I am different from you all." Orissa lifted a hand and reached out and caressed Alice's cheek lightly, making her shudder due to the cold but soft sensation.

"You are a good person Alice. Too good in fact." Orissa wanted to twist her neck to at least give the one person who was nice to her a painless death, but a gun went off and Orissa turned to the woman called Irene, fangs fully extended.

"I will drain you dry to make up for that. Luckily, my dress isn't ruined." Orissa had no intention of changing clothes since she had grown used to this set, so she was relieved she didn't have to just yet.

"Then what? Kill everyone here as well? Do you think the government would let you get away with that?" Kira tried to project confidence, seemingly unaware Orissa could hear the contractions of her heart and the sound of blood being pushed through her veins.

"Then I'll just have to kill and kill until I am free of you all, right?" Irene aimed and fired, but Orissa dodged it, becoming all but invisible as she leapt at her, claws extended to cut the woman's throat.

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