The Outbreak

C.11 : Survivors, Sanguine Carriers, VPA Assualt Squads En Route

"Attention all units, we have witnesses of two murders at the station." Dispatch spoke and the radio in Kira's car buzzed.

"Lycanthrope Carriers cannot exert strength surpassing humans by much in their human forms. Sanguine Carriers can without much effort though."

"Z Virus Carriers are mindless husks that seek to infect and comsume humans and those infected with the Lycanthrope Virus. Their brain activity operates on the bare minimum so they're treated as if they're dead."

Kira started the car and drove to the station, parking and getting out with Irene. Entering the police precinct, Irene headed to the interrogation room and walked inside.

"I'm telling you, some woman just appeared above Mitch and then he fell down coughing up blood! Then a freaking wolf showed up..." Terry shuddered recalling the inhuman eyes of the woman staring in their direction coldly.

"So you're saying a woman, who based on your description probably isn't even five foot six killed a man larger than her in an instant?" The officer questioning him scoffed but noticed Irene and stood respectfully.

"I'll be taking over this case as well." Kira walked over and sat across from the boy, putting her laptop on the metal table and going through the evidence while the officer left the room after being dismissed with the college student.

"Because of the nature of the case, those without clearance can't see the camera footage if there is any. Come and see." Kira inserted the jump drive into her laptop and played a video.

"What do we do now?" A faint voice spoke, followed by another playful one. What appeared was a group of college kids  on screen. Irene looked over Kira's shoulder frowning.

"We have to head back now. If the dorm leader finds us out this late, we'll get in trouble." A boy spoke but was cut off by one of his friends who answered him mockingly.

"Yeah yeah. So what? Because that street was cordoned off, we had to take this way. I wonder what happened, cops were all over that place."

"So where's Linda? I thought you had that in the bag?" Someone else spoke playfully and then everything went devolved into chaos. Irene saw a figure above one of the boys.

"W-what?" They watched as the petite woman slashed her hands quickly past his neck. The boy fell down, blood streaming from his throat, twitching on the ground in pain.

"Mitch!" One of the boys ran forward glaring at the woman furiously. The other boys retreated in fear and Irene honestly couldn't really blame them too much.

"W-what is that?" Someone half shouted and another yelled for everyone to run as he took off. Kira and Irene watched as the woman moved several meters, hand aimed at the boy's chest.

Without a doubt, if that connected, the boy would be half dead even if he didn't lose his life. A low but strong growl sounded and the duo watched as the woman leapt backwards, landing silently and slipping into a crouch.

"Lycanthrope Carrier." Kira watched as a wolf walked out of the shadows of an alley, staring at the woman with bright eyes. Looking at the obviously aggressive wolf, they didn't expect for another person to fall from above.

"That's why I smelled something unpleasant." A taller woman with obviously pale skin spoke while the first woman spun, showing her pointed fangs and sharp nails.

"If it bites you, it's strain of the virus will cause your cells to destabilize for a while. If you want to experience pain and weakness, be my guest." The smaller woman slunk back into a crouch eyeing the wolf.

"Like we underwent changes because of the virus, that thing did too. While we have no natural predators, they are very annoying. Be careful not to get bit. If you do, I'll leave you to experience the sun in all it's glory." The larger woman hissed and leapt forward.

The wolf moved extremely quickly as well, trying to slam into her. The woman slashed the wolf's back leg and quickly retreated, shaking the wolf's blood from her nails as the wolf howled.

"Leave now! If they manage to surround you, I don't think they'd let you go." Irene thought it was over until she heard a pained scream. The shorter woman used the brief fight to sneak closer and bit one of them.

For a few seconds, the only sound they could hear was the sound of something being drank. The petite woman opened her mouth to speak when a growl sounded from behind her.

She leapt back, blurring in the camera's lense, but the wolf managed to bite her arm. The woman who had retreated reappeared above the wolf, slamming her fist into it's back.

"Idiot! I said to leave... but you weren't in control so I'll help you this once." The larger woman landed and approached the shorter one.

"Damned dogs. Always expect more if you see one. They're annoying like that." The woman grabbed the obviously weakened woman's arm and leapt, dodging the other wolf and retreating, vanishing from the camera.

The wolf without a broken spine bit the other's scruff and carried it away, vanishing as well, leaving the college boys standing there in horror and disbelief.

"Sanguine and Lycanthropes. They might have already left the city since it's evening time now, but the Saguine Carriers could also be sticking closer to a food source as well." Kira noted but the door burst open and an officer rushed in breathlessly.

"A store has been robbed!" Irene was about to tell him to report it to the chief when he continued after catching his breath.

"One security guard is dead. The chief says that the higher ups commanded Kira to investigate." Kira was also a bit confused until she was handed a stack of pictures and saw a familiar face.

"It's her." Kira showed Irene the picture of a petite woman wearing a black dress and boots, standing in a store a little ways off from the larger woman from the previous video.

"Two Sanguine Carriers. Notify two VPA Assualt Squads. We might see combat." Kira took her phone out and made a call solemnly as she headed to the parking garage.

"Irene, we will have ten people with us, armed and trained. However, do not let your guard down. Even if we had five times as much men present, we might still end up losing."

"Okay. What will you do?" Irene asked, as she could recall that over a hundred people had died trying to subdue one Sanguine Carrier, and there were two here.

"What will 'we' do? We need to make contact first. If we can bring them in without a fight, that would be best. Of course, Sanguine Carriers all resist detention without fail." Kira started the car as Irene got into the passenger seat.

"Let's hope that they aren't hostile." Kira mumbled and confused Irene. Seeing the latter's face, Kira elaborated.

"Sanguine Carriers have been analyzed to act exactly like hunting predators. Sure, they kill and such, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're evil. Just like we kill cows and pigs, they hunt humans." Kira finished leaving Irene speechless.

"Assualt Squads seventeen minutes out." A voice came over the radio and Irene let out a breath, wanting to calm her thumping heart before anything else.

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