The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 102: A Demon’s Tale

Karen just stood there, confused and speechless. She wasn't sure if she should be happy or insulted that this creature found her flesh revolting. Any other demon would have just bite her head off, and then did what it liked with her body, but this creature was different. It even refused to offer to use her body, which almost every demon that shares a form with her would jump at, even in this state. Some might even try burning her while performing the act like her previous husband.

"This way," Karen said, and started walking again. Bane was glad she was facing away from him because his face was scrunched up in disgust. He couldn't get the taste of rotting meat out of his mouth, but on the plus side, the overpowering smell of flowers was helping take his mind off it.

"So, what's your story?" Bane asked after a long time of just walking in silence. Karen glanced back at him, and he could tell she was hesitant to tell him. He had no idea why, but he had a feeling it had something to do with her being trapped here.

"You are going to die here, and so will I, so it doesn't matter."

Bane shrugged. "But I am bored, and you aren't much for conversation. Come on. We also are not going to die. I'm extremely hard to kill. Annoyingly so for most. Come on. Tell me your sad story, since I am sure that this world only breeds triumph and despair, with no middle ground between."

Karen looked at the sky and sighed. "I was the daughter of a powerful demon general, but the war was going badly, and my father had been captured. In order to spare his life, and the lives of his family, he was forced to swear loyalty to the new Demon King. He took me as his toy, and burned me like this for his entertainment. After one of the Demon King's rougher sessions, I tried to kill him, so he beat me till I was nearly dead, and then I pretended I was. I was thrown into a pile of corpses, and escaped to this place. Happy now?"

"Not particularly, no. Did he fuck your eye out too?"

Karen flinched, but her shoulders slumped. "No, it fell out on its own."

Bane nodded. This world was just as fucked up as he had imagined, but this meant he could find a place that held a large number of demons. Since he felt nothing from the last two demon hearts he had eaten, Bane decided that he would try to eat as many as he could. The problem with that was that the demons had been very spread out, so Bane just assumed that they were all like this.

"Well, that is a shitty story, but it is good news to me!" Bane laughed, making Karen narrow her eyes at him.

"How is that good news?" She demanded, and an evil smile grew across Bane's face.

"Because I was looking for a lot of demons to kill, and now you are going to lead me to them!" Bane laughed like an evil maniac, making Karen feel uneasy.

"Are you going to kill them all?"

"Do you want me to?"

Karen paused at this, but shook her head. "No, just the Demon King and his army."

Bane lifted an eyebrow. "Oh? Now I have to be picky? Hmm, probably going to cost extra for that."

"Cost?" Karen asked, and Bane nodded.

"Everything has a price. I save your city, and family, which I am curious about, and kill all the "bad" demons," Bane said, using his fingers as air quotes. "You will have to reward me with something right?"

Karen nodded. "That does make sense, but what could someone like you want?"

"Storage rings, and lots of them. Like rings full of rings! Frickin ring on ring action! I need them all!" Bane cheered, and Karen looked at him like he was crazy, but if this was all it took to get her once somewhat peaceful life back, this was a small price to pay.

"Fine. I can have the blacksmith make some, but is that really all you want? If you want another wife, or 10, I can arrange that. I would also be willing to give myself to you as a reward, and I am sure my father would make you the king," Karen explained, but Bane rolled his eyes.

"Do you have any idea how annoying that would be? All those bitches trying to one up each other? Hell no. Storage rings, and lots of them. My one wife is more than I can handle already, and she isn't into sharing. I mean, I don't think she is... Nah, I wouldn't even want to chance asking her."

Karen looked at the creature before her. It was absurd, but maybe this creature had a woman that stood above the rest if he could so casually reject the idea of having more.

"How did you end up with one wife?"

"She stabbed me, cut me to ribbons, set me on fire, and a multitude of other unpleasant things, and then told me I was marrying her," Bane explained in extremely short form, but that was the gist of it.

Karen nodded. "I see. Your kind is not that much different from demons. You force the ones weaker than you to submit to you so you can have your way with them."

Bane frowned. "Do you guys do anything else other than eating and fucking each other? Your horizons don't seem to be very broad, if I am being honest."

"And you do not eat or fuck?" Karen asked with an eyebrow lifted.

"Eat? Yes. Sex? I have only done it a few times. The first time, I was stabbed by my partner. Another tried to strangle me in my sleep after. We also eat, just not each other... I mean some do, but they are not what we call normal. Anyways, the point is that we do more that just fight and fuck. We build and discover new things. We go on adventures and shit... Actually, I am not really sure what other humans do, If I am being honest. I was a criminal, so most of my life was taking other people's stuff so I could survive."

"You sound like a demon."

"Most people I know wouldn't argue with you," Bane laughed as they continued on.

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