The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 101: Sounds Like Trouble.

The man stood beside her began to laugh a little bit as she rose to her feet. 

"Well of course we don't have a head office. We are owned by Mr Hao. This here is Haru. Mr Hao's nephew. I don't know if you remember me but we had a brief moment at Mr Hao's thirty-fifth birthday party." The man said and then smiled before looking back to the woman who was still clutching her face.

"Yes, You were the person he directed me to the bar weren't you? What was your name again? Sorry I am terrible with names." Haru spoke with hesitation. He wasn't even sure if the man had given him his name Since they had only exchanged words for a few seconds.

"Oh, My name is Bo. Just call me Bo. That is what everyone around here calls me anyway." The man said with a smile.

"Ok Bo, Can you tell me what happened? My uncle is on his way here but I am not sure how long he is going to be. I want the chance to make things a little easier for him before he gets here." Haru said and then looked at the woman. 

Her face was red and looked like it was beginning to bruise.

"Wait. Do you have a freezer in here? I want her to get a cold compress for her face. I'm sorry this happened to you but we can discuss it when you get that bruise treated." Haru was worried for a minute. Maybe he would have to call the police. 

But that was the last thing that he wanted to do. The business was legal but a lot of the things that happened here were within a grey area in the law. He knew for a fact that local gangs would store drugs and weapons here and if the police got involved Zen would be in quite a lot of trouble.

They then all walked over into the office of the building. It was the only insulated part of the building but was also just a little cabin inside the giant warehouse. 

Haru led them both up the steps and into the room where the freezer was located and then walked over and opened it up. There was a couple of trays of ice cubes in the so he pulled one of them out and the emptied the ice into a hand towel that was laying on the counter.

"Here, Put this on your cheek." He said and then handed the ice wrapped in a towel to the woman with a now noticeable bruise on her face.

"Okay. You can now go over what happened." Haru said and then sat down on one of the many chairs in the room.

"Okay, Well it started a few weeks ago actually. We started to notice signs of forced entry every morning when the first people get here for their shift.

At first, we thought it might have been wild animals clawing at door and things like that but then we caught a video of someone dressed in all black walking around the corridors looking like he was up to no good. 

So then we decided to hire night time security. I know we should have done that in the first place but it is one of the things we decided against to cut down on costs. But fast forward a few days and we started to get complaints from customers that things were going missing.

So we made phone calls to all of the customers to let them know that we had a thief who was stealing all of their belongings. Some of them decided to come and take their valuables back out of storage. But then we had people like that man from earlier. 

I think that he purposely left his stuff with us so he could cause trouble and try to make us give him some money. And looking at the list of stuff that he brought to us there is no way that anyone could have taken all of the things that had gone from his list.

He probably just made up some of the things that had gone. But then when our intern here Jen. Told him that if he was going to continue to cause trouble he slapped her in the face.

I wish I would have been there to see it so I could kick his ass without any regrets but It would also cost me my job if I didn't witness it personally." The man said with a guilty expression.

"It looks like you don't really know who you are working for. If anyone decides to assault anyone who is working under my uncle he would personally send the order to beat the guy to death. 

Don't worry so much. If you ever have a customer like this I will vouch for you if you beat his ass into an early grave." Haru smiled at them both and then stood up.

"Let me see." He said and then walked over to the woman who was still clutching her face.

"O-ok." She said and then removed the towel showing the black bruise forming on her cheek.

"You're a tough one aren't you. That's a nasty bruise but you will be alright. Just try to use that towel to make the swelling go down a little bit." Haru smiled at her and then walked over to Bo who had yet to take a seat.

"Make sure she isn't doing too much heavy lifting for today. That's the least we can do right?" He asked Bo.

"I agree. I was going to say that she could take the rest of the day off but knowing Jen she wouldn't go home anyway.�� Bo said and then looked down at the floor for a second.

"Can we have a private chat outside for a minute? It's about the man from earlier." Bo asked Haru.

"Sure thing." Haru smiled and then opened the door to the cabin. They both walked down the stair and then stopped.

"What is it?" Haru asked. 

"I just need to make you aware of a few things. The man from earlier is from one of the crime families in Shenzhen. They aren't one of the very well known ones but that makes them a bit bolder than the top ones. 

I thought you should know that. In case you have to get the police involved. And also another thing. I am not sure if you noticed it but as he was walking away I saw the imprint of a gun beneath his shirt." Bo explained and then stood for a minute awaiting a response. 

"You noticed that? You have a good eye to be able to notice something so subtle. Let me guess you used to be in the military?" Haru asked the man. He looked quite fit for someone his age. He seemed to be in his late fifties but still had ripped muscles that showed through his black and white suit.

'Haha. No, not at all. I used to be a police officer. It's funny, right? An ex-police officer working for a shady business like this." The man laughed.

"Well stranger things have happened. But we all have to work. I won't judge someone for what they do for a living. I think you have a good character and thank you for letting me know.

I wasn't too interested to notice if he was carrying a weapon, to be honest." Haru said and then the sound of tires screeching against concrete came from the front of the building.

"This sounds like trouble," Bo said as he rushed back to the office for a moment and then came back holding a shotgun under his shoulder like a crazy farmer.

"Woah, Calm down a little. It is only my uncle." Haru said after searching the area with Qi. He picked up the abundant Qi that was on Zen. He seemed to have absorbed some of it whilst Haru was cultivating in the basement.

"Are you sure? I thought it might be that guy from earlier." Bo said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

'Wow, This guy really wants revenge. I don't even want to guess what he did during his time as a police officer. I thought they were supposed to be peacekeepers. This guy seems like he wants to cause more issues.' He thought before going outside to meet Zen. 

He opened the door to see five SUVs full of people in black suits. Zen was talking to a man holding a rifle out in broad daylight before he noticed Haru standing behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Zen asked and then walked over to his nephew. 

"Your secretary told me you were heading here. I wanted to know what happened to make you hang up like that so I came to see for my self." Haru explained to him.

"It's probably a good thing you are here though. I wonder if you can use that same move that you did to save me. You know the one were you burned those guys into cinders. I didn't really want to ask you for help but I just got word that the head of one of the crime families is coming here." Zen sighed.

"It's fine. I feel personally invested in this situation. The person who was here earlier slapped a woman and then demanded them to give him money. If he comes back I want to let Bo kick his ass." Haru laughed.

"Bo? Who is Bo?" Zen asked.

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