The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 100: Strange.

'Strange… What happened? I had better go and check in on him before I go to visit Suyin.' Haru thought as he waited for Suyins driver to pick him up. 

After a few minutes of watching the cows in the field on the other side of the road, the car finally pulled up in front of him. It was the same driver as usual. He didn't really like Haru but he guessed it was only under the instructions of Suyin's dad. 

"Get in." The driver said bluntly before rolling his window back up.

'He's still at it with this? I really haven't done anything for him to hate me this much. I wonder what Mr Jiang told him about me for him to have this kind of attitude for no reason.' Haru thought whilst opening up the door and sliding into the back seat.

"Hey, Do you mind if we take a detour? I have to drop by and see my uncle for a couple of minutes. It won't take too long I promise." Haru asked the driver. 

He looked back at Haru and seemed to debate it for a second in his head.

"Mr Hao?" He asked and then looked at Haru with questioning eyes.

"Yeah, He called me a few minutes ago. I need to stop by his office." Haru let the driver know and without a second thought the car took off toward the gate and out into the main road. 

"Are you sure you should be driving this fast? What if you get pulled over?" Haru asked as the driver began to speed around the city streets like a mad man.

"It's fine. If I get pulled over Mr Jiang will just pay the ticket. And if he doesn't I will just make you since you are the passenger." The driver said with a smirk as he ran a red light.

'What the fuck is wrong with this guy? He actually thinks I would pay for him.' Haru thought. This particular driver was always reckless but somehow he would always get you to your destination as fast as possible. It was probably the reason Suyin chose to send him to pick up Haru. 

Within a few seconds of leaving Zen's house, they had already arrived at the office. Haru got out of the car and walked in through the front entrance.

It was just a typical office building. There were many different businesses operating from this one building. From call centres to accounting. Zen wanted to make as much money as possible so he crammed the skyscraper full of different businesses.

The front entrance had an oak planked floor that happened to be in a criss-cross pattern that seemed to lead to the secretaries desk perfectly. The wood accentuated the dark maple desk that stretched out almost across the whole floor where there were three different secretaries working.

Haru walked up to the desk and leaned over it slightly gaining the attention of one of the women working there.

"Oh, Haru. Are you looking for your uncle?" The woman asked with a concerned expression on her face. 

"Yeah, What is it? Is everything okay?" Haru asked seeing the look in her eyes as she quickly glanced back at her computer screen.

"Yeah, I'm afraid you just missed him. He said he was heading out to the shipping yard. Something came up at the storage holding units. Do you want me to phone him and tell him that you are here?" The woman asked as she saw the impatience on Haru's face.

"No, it's fine I will just meet him there. Thank you though." Haru said before waving goodbye and leaving the building.

"Change of plans. My uncle is at the shipping yard. Can we go there next please?" Haru asked the driver as the door clicked shut behind him.

"If I must." The driver said before looking back at Haru through the rear-facing mirror. A smirk formed on his face and then he took off without warning. 

'Oh, he's looking for a reaction? Or is he trying to scare me?' Haru thought when he noticed the smile on the drivers face.

In return, Haru decided not to say anything and just crossed his right leg over his left and sat their silently as the mad man of a driver raced through the heavy traffic in downtown Shenzhen. 

He weaved in and out of cars like he was in a police chase in some kind of Hollywood movie but it wasn't enough to make Haru bat an eyelid. He survived a bullet before and was pretty confident that he wouldn't be killed in a car accident any time soon.

Especially since breaking through to the spirit soul stage. There was pretty much nothing that could hurt him in his day to day life. 

They arrived at the shipping yard a little too fast since there was no sign of Zen's car anywhere at all. So Haru decided to take a quick look around until Zen arrived. 

He walked in through the main office of the Storage containment building. The walls on the inside were exactly the same as the ones on the outside. Corrugated steel as far as the eye could see. The building looked like it had been built in a hurry to get in operation as fast as they could. But it wasn't like they needed the insulated walls that are usually a necessity. 

The purpose of this business that Zen owned was to store things. It was a legal business in theory but they also didn't ask the customers what they wanted to store. They just gave the key to a storage unit to whoever wanted to pay for one.

Which wasn't entirely legal since they would have to keep an inventory of everything that came through their doors to make sure the customers property didn't go missing. But the trade-off was that only the owner would know what was being kept in their unit as made clear on the contract. The employees weren't responsible if anything went missing. 

As Haru stepped into the office he heard shouting. It seemed to be coming from the many rows of storage units. 

"What do you mean!? This is everything I had locked up. Why is almost half of my stuff missing? Just wait until My boss finds out about this." The sound of a middle-aged man having a mental breakdown bounced around the metal walls like the inside of an echo chamber.

"Sir, You already signed the contract. The responsibility is on your hands, not ours. If you would like to call your boss I suggest you do it after leaving our property. 

You are now banned from the premises for assaulting one of our employees. If you step foot here again I will have you arrested for trespassing." Another voice called out in return.

'Hm… This sounds like trouble. No wonder Zen was in a hurry to be here.' Haru thought before finding the source of the argument. 

"What seems to be the issue?" Haru asked as he walked out into the corridor they were stood in. The man who was shouting was stood staring with dangerous intent. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and had a long gold chain around his neck. He looked like the stereotype for a trouble maker.

"Who are you?!" The man snapped as Haru walked toward him.

"I am from the head office. I heard there was a problem here. Would you like to go over it with me?" Haru lied to the man as best as he could.

The other man who tried to calm the situation previously looked at Haru with confusion and then seemingly recognised him.

"You are…" The man began to say as he looked at Haru.

"Aren't you a bit too young to be working? Who are you really?" The man began to inquire this time calming down as he stared with suspicion.

"Not at all, sir. This is the head manager for our Shenzhen branch. As he said if you have any issues with the treatment of your property you can speak directly to him." The employee of the business said with a smile as Haru stood looking down at them.

"You mean it? Then I would like a refund. All of my stuff has gone missing. If you don't give me cash for all of the things that were lost I will have no choice but to call my boss here!" The man began to shout once again now thinking that Haru was indeed an employee of the company.

"Not possible I am afraid. You have signed the contract stating that the property you have stored with us is still your responsibility. We just offer a place for you to store it. It has nothing to do with us if it goes missing. 

Like my colleague said. You had best leave the property before the police are called." Haru said in his best authoritative voice.

The man with the big gold chain around his neck sighed and then spat on the floor in front of them.

"You're going to regret this. Just you wait. I will make sure that your whole business is shut down today. The police won't be able to save you once my boss arrives." The man ended it with one last threat before walking away in defeat.

Haru then noticed a woman sat on the ground clutching her cheek. As he looked at her she began to stand up and looked at Haru with confusion.

"Who are you? We don't have a head office." The woman stated as she got to her feet.

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