The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 102: The Mighty Slap.

"This is Bo," Har said and then pointed toward the man holding the shotgun.

"He is one of your employees and you don't know his name?" Haru asked. Zen who seemed to be searching for words to make himself look a little better. He had too many employees. There was no way he could remember them all.

"Oh, I see you are on board with us Mr Bo, I will make sure I remember your name," Zen said when he noticed the gun in his hands. 

"It's fine sir. You can just call me Bo." Bo said with a smile. Although it looked kind of strange on his face since when he spoke earlier he had a flat expression and spoke with a monotone voice. 

Haru looked at him for a moment and then shook it off. 

"We should be fine. I will have the entrance's blocked off so no one can enter. Hopefully, we can solve this without a fight but we have to show that we are ready to fight back or else they will try to step all over us." Zen said and then walked back over to the man with the rifle. 

A few minutes went by as all of the people got into position. A few of them moved up to the side of the building so they could get onto the roof and aim down with their rifles and the other guys moved to block the entrance with their cars.

Zen walked back over the Haru.

"No matter what happens. You can't let your mother find out that I had you here for this. I don't want to die just yet." Zen laughed as the blacked-out cars began to drive toward the business.

They then stopped before the roadblock and began to get out. A few of them had guns and were holding them openly as an act of intimidation. But little did they know that Zen had already ordered the snipers aim at them.

"What's the problem?" Zen shouted to the people who were all facing a golden sedan. It looked like the king of a middle eastern country had just come into town with the gold paint on the old

looking sedan reflecting light.

Haru almost began to laugh as a man got out from the golden sedan. He was wearing a fluffy purple overcoat and had no shirt on underneath it. He looked to be in his late twenties and was built like a stick. He was wearing a fedora with a red feather sticking out of the top and many gold chains.

"Did they bring a gigolo?" Haru asked confused as he judged the man wearing the purple coat.

They were a few chuckled form the people blocking the entrance after Haru asked out loud. But then stopped as the man shouted toward them.

"Who is in charge here? I want an explanation for why you sent my man away!" The man in the purple coat shouted and then began to walk toward the roadblock with a limp. 

He looked like the villain from a bad eighties movie and he didn't even seem to realise it as he walked toward them like nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Zen stepped forward and walked over to meet him. The man waved his hand to make the people following him stop and then walked further toward Zen on his own. 

"My people tell me that you kicked them out of your property. What do you have to say for yourself?" The man asked Zen.

"Well, Your people assaulted one of my employees what do you have to say for yourself? Do I need to have to police come and intervene?" Zen asked the man in return.

"Hehe, Feel free to. I know for a fact that people are holding drugs inside your property. Do you think it will end well if the police get involved in this matter? All I want is the person who kicked my man out to come and face me." The man spoke.

Zen sighed and then looked back toward Bo and waved his hand.

Bo looked ready to go at a moments notice but he was still holding the shotgun. Haru wasn't sure what he was going to do so he put his hand on Bo's shoulder.

"I will go. After all, I was the one who got him to leave. I need you to back me up with that gun. I can't have you going out first can I?" Haru said to try and make him stop.

And it seemed to work as Bo didn't take another step.

"You make a good point I will be sure to keep an eye out for any sign of trouble." He said and then Haru began to walk toward Zen.

Zen sighed as he watched what Haru had just done form a distance. 'I guess it is probably for the best but his mother will seriously kill me if she finds out this ever happened.' Zen began to worry.

"I'm the one that kicked him out. What do you want now?" Haru asked as he reached Zen and the mad with the weird fedora. 

"Is that true?" The man turned and asked the man who was causing trouble earlier.

"Yeah, it was him. He was the one that did it. He also had no respect for you and said that he didn't care if I called you to come here." The man then began accusing Haru of doing many different things.

"Did you do that? Do you have any idea who I am? and the trouble you are about to be in?" The man in the strange fedora and purple coat asked as Haru stood there without an expression.

"No, I don't know who you are. And nor do I care. What do you want now? Are we just going to stand here all day and accuse each other or do you want to settle things?" Haru asked. He was fed up of the playground bully type attitude this man had. 

"You little shit. You think just because you are taller than me that you have the right to speak to me like that?" The man said as he looked up at Haru. 

He then brought his hand back behind his head and tried to slap Haru. 

The man was just a regular person. He wasn't a cultivator or a mage so his slap was slow and hardly looked like it was moving as Haru channelled Qi into his eyes. It was a trick that most cultivators would learn to help boost their reaction speed in a fight. 

But Haru hadn't used it yet so he decides to try it now. This man wasn't even a threat so there was no harm in trying something new. As the man's hand slowly went towards Harus face he grabbed his hand and then began to squeeze.

His new cultivation stage wasn't yet stable so he squeezed with a bit too much force without realising it and the bones in his finger began to crack one by one until it felt like he was holding a water balloon.

The man began to open his mouth in what seemed like slow motion to Haru and the start of a scream began to form before Haru slapped the man in return.

Suddenly time sped up once again as the man's body flew back across the street and crashed into the golden sedan. Leaving behind a human sized dent in the body work.

"The next person who tries to slap anyone will be dealt with by me," Haru said as he stepped forward and began to release Qi, suppressing the people who had all scattered and drawn their guns.

"Now then. You." Haru said and then pointed at the man who had slapped the woman inside the shipping yard.

The man looked like a deer in headlights as Haru began to walk over to him. 

"He couldn't speak with the pressure of Haru's Qi. So he had no choice but to look up in fear as Haru brought his hand up to his face and gently pressed it against his face.

"This is for Jen." He said and then took his hand away quickly before striking him. 

The man stumbled from his feet and fell over onto the concrete after Haru realised his Qi from the area and began to clutch his cheek in pain as he rolled across the floor.

"I will slap every single one of you if you don't get lost by the time I count down to one." Haru took a few steps back and crossed his arms. And watched as all of the men that were present hurried the two injured people into cars and drove off into the distance before he could even begin to count.

Zen just sighed.

"I guess I didn't need to bring so many people. I should have just called you. I forget how one-sided of a fight it is when there is a cultivator there." Zen complained and then turned to face the people he had called out to help him.

"You guys had best stay here just in case they come back. But I think this should be over with pretty soon." Zen said and then pulled out his phone and put it to his ear.

"I need the grim reaper to fix something for me." He said and then hung up.

"Haru was tired. Not physically but mentally. The whole group of idiots that showed up to start a gang war with Zen seemed to have lowered his IQ for the day so he returned to where the driver was waiting for him.

"What was that just now!? You just slapped a man at least ten metres through the air!" The driver began to shout as Haru got back into the car.

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