The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 99: Flooded Soul Ocean.

The pressure became more and more intense as Haru's body slowly submerged into the ocean. The feeling alone was almost suffocating as he felt liquefied Qi all around his body.

He desperately wanted to swim toward the surface but the effects of interrupting his cultivation would be very bad. Especially since he recklessly injured himself to breakthrough. He first needed to focus on healing.

It wasn't like he had to hold his breath or anything since he was only in his soul ocean. His body on the outside kept drawing breath but the feeling of being surrounded by water was uncomfortable since the soul ocean simulation the laws of physics perfectly.

He kept still as his body carried on deeper and deeper into the abyss. Until finally the natural Qi from the beast core had run dry.

Haru opened his eyes feeling the power brewing deep within him. And as he opened his eyes a flash of blue light shot out from his body in all directions, Knocking down the stacks of boxes and everything else that was in his way.

"Was that?!" Haru shouted as he saw the mild damage the blast had created.

"Yes. You managed to manifest your Qi into a physical form. That was just your bodies way of telling you what you have achieved. Although it is quite weak." Lao spoke out to Haru with his usual booming voice.

"Physical Qi? But didn't you say that would only come when I reached the Nirvana stage? Why can I do it early?" Haru asked. He was confused since he wasn't supposed to be able to do this yet.

"It's probably because you managed to flood your soul ocean just minutes after liquefying you Qi. You honestly surprise me way more than Li Jun ever did.

He had knowledge of cultivation before we met so it was easier to teach him. But you on the other hand. You have no knowledge of the consequences of doing things like absorbing the natural Qi from a beast core like."

"I flooded my soul ocean? Is that bad?" Haru inquired. He became worried since it sounded like something that shouldn't have happened.

"Is flooding your soul ocean bad? Not at all. In fact, it will help you later on. You just have so much liquefied Qi in your body that you could break through to the next stage whenever you wanted to and it wouldn't be a problem." Lao explained.

"I can breakthrough right now?" Haru asked excitedly.

"You could probably breakthrough two stages at once. Although it would be pointless. If you breakthrough without establishing a solid foundation in the previous stage you will run the risk of falling back to your previous stage if you were injured.

That is why I have been making sure that you don't progress too fast. After much trial and error, Li Jun and I learned that The Abandoned God of Desolation cultivation technique is by far the most efficient cultivation technique.

Although, The purpose of using it to cultivate is to gain the unnatural strength it provides. You should be able to fight people two stages higher than you with no problem. But if you don't create a good foundation there is no point in learning it at all." Lao warned Haru.

Haru stopped his thoughts of breaking through immediately. 'That makes sense. I guess I was just being too hopeful.' He thought.

"Thanks for the warning but, What should I do now? Can I train the physical Qi or will it have a negative effect if I use it too often?" Haru asked.

"You can train it whenever you want to. You wouldn't have gained the ability to use it if your mind and body wasn't prepared to deal with the backlash. I had best return Kun to your soul ocean.

It isn't safe to have him leave your body for too long. He is already starting to show signs of weakening." Lao told him and then with a flash of golden light forming in Haru's eyes the gentle warmth that Kun's presence provided returned.

The sound of the front door being slammed from upstairs made Haru aware of his surrounding once again. He still wasn't sure how long had passed so he began to walk upstairs and then unlocked the door.

As he walked out into the hallway he was almost blinded by the brightness of everything. The white paint on the walls directed the sunlight directly into his eyes.

It was almost enough of a shock to make him lose his footing on the staircase but not quite. He closed his eyes and then walked out into the light.

The best way for his eyes to adjust to the light was to force them to. As he stumbled through the hallway clutching his face a loud scream echoed throughout the house.


It sounded like a woman but it didn't make any sense. Why would there be a woman at Zen's house? He then forced his eyes open to make sense of the situation.

"Oh, It's just you Haru." The voice said once again.

The voice speaking actual words was enough for Haru to recognise the owner. It was Aunt Wong. She wasn't his actual aunt it was just what she made Haru call here.

She was the housekeeper that Zen had hired. She had been given the week off whilst Haru's parents came over to visit as to not crowd the house. But that was unlikely. The house was so huge that even fifty people couldn't crowd the place. Let alone four extra.

The truth was Zen liked keeping his family away from his business life. Even a housekeeper was seen as business to him since he was paying her. It felt wrong to have a stranger in the house with his family members.

"Oh, Aunt Wong. I thought you were Zen. Have you seen him today?" Haru asked in between blinks, trying to avoid the sunlight that was glaring in through the windows.

"No, not today. I'm sorry he had already gone out before I arrived. Where have you been though? I haven't you in a few days." Aunt Wong said as she looked at Haru with suspicion.

"Ah, I stayed at Suyins house…" Haru said and then squinted to look at her.

"Oh, Okay. Mr Hao wouldn't say where you had gone so I got a little worried." She then smiled and picked up the mop which was leaning against the wall.

"Wait. Just how many days has it been since you came back to work?" Haru asked. It would be the quickest way to estimate how long he had been cultivating for.

"Well. I came back to work the day after your parents had gone home. So it's been fifteen days. Why is something wrong?" She asked.

'What! It's been half a month? I didn't expect it to take that long. I had best let Suyin and Zen know that I have finished.' Haru thought and then pulled out his phone.

"No, It's nothing. I was just curious. I hope you have a great day." He said before walking outside to make his first phone call.

The phone rang for a few seconds.

"Haru?" Suyin sounded worried, as she hadn't heard from him in half a month.

"Yeah, I'm done now. I'm sorry I was gone for so long. Do you want me to come and see you?��� He asked after apologising for neglecting her for so long.

"Yes! I want to see you right away!" Suyin shouted and then began to run downstairs. The sounds of Suyin demanding her father's driver to pick Haru up were the only thing he could hear as the phone was pressed against his face.

"Fine, fine. I will get on it right away." He finally agreed.

"Thank you!" Suyin shouted as she watched him drive off.

"Sorry about that, I just sent my dad's driver to come and pick you up. He won't be too long. I can't wait to see you again." She shouted down the phone.

"Okay, Just calm down you crazy girl. I will be there soon. I just have to make a phone call to Zen. I will text you when the driver appears." Haru let her know and then hung up.

Ring Ring.

He began to dial Zen's phone. Not even a second went by before he picked up.

"Haru?!" He seemed more excited than Suyin that Haru had come out of closed-door cultivation than Suyin.

"Yes, That is my name." Haru laughed as he heard the tone of Zen's voice.

"I just called to let you know you can have your basement back now." Haru giggled once again and then waited for Zen to reply.

"Thank god you are okay. I was beginning to think you had died from hunger. It's a relief to know you are okay. Oh, and a letter came for you. I left it on your bed." Zen let him know.

"Oh? what kind of letter?" Haru asked. He wasn't expecting a letter so it caught him off guard.

"Well, it was sent from Shanghai so I assume that it is from Fudan University. It came two days ago so you should probably open it soon. You had best not keep them waiting for too long." Zen warned Haru before the sound of a panicked man in the background shouting out

"Sir, They have come back again!" The voice cried out.

"I have to go, Haru. I will talk to you later." Zen said and then hung up.

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