The Ides of March

Juno's Protection Part 4


I curl up into ball on the couch. I hate horror movies, all the characters are dumb and there's too much gore. So of course I end up sitting here watching the goriest movie ever.

It started off pretty good until the main characters started making dumb decisions like splitting up. I swear to God these people have never once had a single thought in their entire lives. Now their in a dark house because 'it's too late to drive through the forest' Like really you have headlights. It's a giant freaking car for God's sake, no one is going to attack a giant car!

Their going through the rooms when one of the characters get snatched and no, I did not scream when that happen, what gave you that idea.

The 4 left then go back to the room to find her. Like come on guys are you really this dumb. Then a monster jumps out.

"AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" I jump. I bury my face in my hands. I wait a few seconds trying to hear if the scene is over. I look up. One of the main characters is getting eaten alive. This time I bury my face into Maggie's shoulder. She stiffens then puts a hand protectively over my eyes.

"It's still not over. I don't think you want to look."

"I don't plan on looking any time soon." I reply. Maggie really was the sweetest. I've the biggest crush on her since the beginning of high school. I don't think she likes me back though. She just broke up with her bf of 2 years. If that doesn't scream straight I don't know what does.

For now I will just enjoy the feeling of spending time with my straight crush who will never like me back. I feel like crying.


AAHHHH. Cece's leaning on me!!!!! This is the best day of my life!!!!


For the rest of the movie I keep my face down. I'm not taking any chances. I want to actually sleep tonight.

After a while I start to feel sleepy. I can barely keep my eyes open. Maggie won't mind if I take a quick nap. I close my eyes and let sleep take me.


This movie was awful. It looked so bad and wasn't even that scary. Only Lacey seemed to be enjoying it, but she enjoys everything. Jeanie is scrolling one her phone nest to her. Lacey occasionally leans over to watch the screen.

I move my eyes up. Maggie is sitting straight upright with Cece napping on her shoulder. My pillow rests on her leg with my feet stretched out, resting next to Lacey's leg. I was pretty comfortable. I melt back into the couch and stare at the movie.

"We should have a sleepover! We should text our parents first. I can text Cece's parents, I have them in a group chat!" I get out my phone. Why does Lacey have Cece's parents in a group chat. but then again she has all our parents in a group chat. It's a little freaky. But I'm not complaining, that's saved my life many times.

Jo: can i have a sleepover with lacey

Mom: Sure! Just remember to come home in the morning for your Grandma's birthday!

Jo: i will

I shut down my phone and sit up from my beautiful, cozy, soft spot and look around. Everyone else is still texting their parents. I stand up and stretch. Then I grab my pillow and make my way up the stairs. I dump them all in a corner of Lacey's room. Then I go to the closet and grab a large comforter.

I fold it up and lay it down like a mattress. I place the blankets and pillow down and go back down stairs.

"Who's sleeping with who? We only have 2 comforters." Lacey looks up from her conversation with Jeanie.

"I can sleep in my bed with Jeanie and you, so that Cece and Maggie get double comforters?" Hm, sounds good. I go back upstairs and move my stuff onto the bed. Then I get the second comforter and put it over the first.

Jeanie enters the bedroom and puts her blanket down nest to mine.

"You sure you want to sleep with us? Because Lacey likes to spread out and take all the blanket." You looks at me questioningly.

"No, it's fine we all have our own blankets. I'm sure it will be fine." I assure her. Who doesn't like Lacey's bed. It's super soft. Losing the blanket is a small price to pay.

"Okay, just wanted to make sure." She goes back down the stairs and I follow her.

In the living room Lacey is trying lift as many blankets as humanly possible, while Maggie is trying to wake Cece. They look so cute together. They've had crushes on each other since our fist year of high school. It's so cute how neither of them have any clue. But I'm not going to tell because I don't tell secrets. I'm a girls girl. But I really wish they could just confess already. It's like watching 2 new born fawns stumble around each other.

I go over to Cece and pick her up. She's like really small, she practically weighs nothing. Or that might have been me getting stronger. I just started working out at the gym with my older brother, Aiden. I'm determined to lift more than him.

I place her down gently on the comforters on the ground and place a blanket over her. Maggie comes up the stairs behind her and sets her blankets down. Lacey and Jeanie both come up the stairs with their arms full of blankets. They set the down on the floor and Maggie starts to distribute them. She loves when things are even and fair. She always has the best ideas about how to solve problems.

I open the third drawer of Lacey's nightstand. Inside our all out night clothes. We been over so many times that we just keep them here because Lacey's room is the only bedroom between us that's big enough for all five of us.

I take out a random pair of clothes and change. Jeanie and Lacey grab a pair too and change. Maggie stays by the bed waking up Cece to change. When Cece wakes up they some over to change. Maggie takes her clothes to the bathroom to change while Cece changes here.

After everyone changes they lay down and wait for me to turn off the lights. I flip the switch off and blindly wake over to blankets. I think I crawled over someone's leg.

"Sorry whoever's leg that was." I whisper before lay down. I close my eyes and control my breathing.

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