The Ides of March

Juno's Protection Part 3


I'm sitting on my bed binge watching Love is Blind when I get a text from Lacey asking me to hang out and a bunch of barely eligible texts. I wait for some one else to agree. I mean I like hanging out with my friends it's just that my social battery is running low, so low that I don't think my friends can recharge it.

Cece: I can come over if jo can pick me up

Jo: I have the car 2day so I can pic ppl up

Lacey: thats great

Lacey: maggie can u make it

I think for a second. I would miss out so many inside jokes if I don't come but I might bring down the mood if I do. Oh well.

Maggie: Yes I can come.

Lacey: thats great see u in afew

I put my phone down and start to put on people cloths. I change out of my sweatshirt and sweatpants for leggings and an oversized tee. I put my phone in my pocket and go downstairs to put my boots on. Before I go I chug a glass of water to stay hydrated.

A car honks from outside. Jo's here. I walk out the door and see a blue minivan parked in my driveway. Cece sticks her head out the window and waves. I feel my stomach start to act up. I've been feeling this weird tingly feeling in my gut for days but I'm not sick so I don't know what it means. Maybe I'm insecure about Cece being better then me at everything which I already am thank you very much.

I hop into the backseat and pull out my phone. Lacey's still typing about something. I don't think she realized yet that we aren't on our phones 24/7 unlike her. I've gotten texts from Lacey at 4 in the morning asking if I prefer waffles or pancakes and why. The next day at school she never gave me a follow up.

"So anyone no why we're going over to Lacey's house?" Cece claps her hands and looks around at the two of us, waiting for the answer. Jo looks over to her and smiles.

Maybe she wanted to give us friendship bracelets. She's been spamming in the group chat about the bracelets she made for us." Oh that's what she was talking about. Honestly Lacey talks so much I've learned to just tune her out but with what Jo just said I kinda feel bad. No one actually listens to Lacey besides Jo and Jeanie. I had dinner at her house once. Her parents did not listen to a thing she said. I mean she was talking 300 words a minute but like nobody except Jeanie actually responded to her.

Oh well, I can't change the past just gotta do my best to listen to her from now on. Shouldn't be too hard.

We pull into Lacey's house and get out off the car. The door's already open so Jeanie's either already here or Lacey's being held for ransom. I hope it's Jeanie. I make sure to lock the door behind me. Why was everyone always so irresponsible. I felt like I was babysitting everyone.

In Lacey's bedroom I see Jeanie sitting her bed with Lacey on the floor. I sit down next to her. Cece sits at the desk and Jo stands, leaning against the bed frame.

"so why'd we come over?" I ask. Lacey looks up at me excitedly. In her palm are 5 bracelets each with different colors and shades.

"I made us all friendship bracelets and I was thinking we could all watcha movie because we completed all our homework and there's no school tomorrow! Do you guys want to watch a horror movie or something else because I saw this new movie that came out called Night in The Swamp about some friends getting lost in a swamp and getting picked off one by one by a giant swamp monster?! Or we could watch a series on Netflix we can all go to the basement or the living room!?" This was already way too hard. I just can't keep up with what's she saying. I mull over her words for a few secs.

"I was thinking we could watch a horror movie because Night in The Swamp sounds really interesting. What do you guys think? Lets have a vote. All in favor of Night in The Swamp raise your hand." Jo says.

Everyone puts their hand up except for Cece because she hates horror movies. She gets scared way too easily. Kinda like me except I'm the one scaring myself.

Jo claps her hands together, "Okay so I guess we're going to watch a horror movie in the living room because it's the only T.V. with streaming services. Let's get moving! Grab some blankets and pillows people!" Jo walk off down the hallway to the blanket closet with Jeanie and Lacey following behind so that leaves me and Cece to grab the pillows.

I head over to Lacey's bed. She has a queen sized bed and half of it is filled with pillows and blankets she doesn't even use. It looks a little messy but that bed is the next coziest thing to being a fetus in your mother's womb. Ew, that was a gross metaphor.

I pile as many pillows as I can in my arms and start to make my way down the hallway. Cece follows behind me with another stack of pillows. I head over to the living room and dump all the pillows in a pile on the ground. Cece does that same and then we awkwardly stand next to each other waiting for the other's with the blankets.

Thankfully they come soon after. Each holding a mound of blankets. Jeanie immediately pulls her favorite pink fluffy blanket out and marks her spot on the right end of the couch. I take the pillows and start laying them all over the couch to evenly distribute them. Then I grab 2 blankets and place them down next to Cece on the left end of the couch. Lacey takes some blankets and cuddles up next to Jeanie. Jo grabs the remote and lays pillow down on the couch, leaning against my thigh with a blanket over her. She turns the T.V on and starts the movie.

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