The Ides of March

Juno's Protection Part 5


When I wake up my room is pitch black. I can barely see my hand when I hold it up in front of me. I wish I had some sort of superpower to see in the dark. I roll out of bed and hit my knee on the floor. I hold it with my hands and hiss.

After the pain passes I stand up and check my phone. 4:23 am. Weird. Why is it so dark out still. I open the curtain and look outside. Nothing seems amiss. I look around for the moon. I can't it anywhere. Wait never mind it was hidden behind a tree. I peer closely at the moon. It looked like a solar eclipse except I was staring directly at it and I hadn't gone blind. I open up my phone again and search up the news.

I don't see anything new. How has nobody noticed this. I instead open google and search up "is anything supposed to happen today" Nothing. Maybe my eyes were seeing things. I rub my eyes and when I open them I look at the moon again. Nothing changed. This called for an emergency wake everyone up and 4 in the morning. I open YouTube and find the most loudest, annoying song I can. I turn my phone volume up all the way and blast it.

Cece screams, scaring Maggie who falls off the mattress. Jo reaches over and smack Jeanie in the face. Jeanie sits up and looks around.

"Yay! You guys are all awake, that's great. Something happen to the moon and I want to find my parents too. And I need you guys to come with me? Come on everybody! Up!" I cheerfully yell while pulling clothes out of my dresser. I pull out some clothes for the rest of them too. Jeanie immediately gets changed and starts to pack a bag. I get why she does that. We're literally only a few blocks away from downtown.

After everyone is dressed I go downstairs and start making some toast. Jeanie throws some bars in her bag too incase we get hungry on the way. I finish making 5 slices of toast and put jam on mine. Mhm, I love jam but I got to hurry. I hand Jeanie her slice and go to come my hair. I finish eating my toast and braid my hair into pigtails. Maggie come after me to get a hair tie to put her hair up.

After I'm done I got to the closet and pull out some hoodies and pullovers. I throw one on and get the house keys. Jeanie's still in the kitchen this time filling up a water bottle. Everyone else besides Maggie is still half asleep.

I clap my hands together. "Come on guys! This is going to be fun, it's like a midnight adventure. You guys want some jam too? Helps me wake up." Jo gives me the stink eye and goes back to slowly eating her toast. I sigh and collapse down in a chair. I pull out my phone and start scrolling.

Jeanie taps me on the shoulder and motions towards the door. Everyone else has started putting their shoes on. I stand up and bounce on my feet while I wait for them to finish.

I open the door and get blasted in the face by the stench of smoke. I grimace and look around. Nothing seems to be on fire. I continue walking out the door until I'm on the lawn. I look around.

"Hey, have you guy's seen the moon it looks like a solar eclipse." Cece asks. Ugh, does no one ever listen to me. I told them this when I woke them up.

"Come on! I want to gooooo!" Maybe I had too much jam. I'm feeling really hyper this morning. What if I'm a werewolf and this is my awakening! I wish I was a vampire instead. Vampire's are way cooler. Nevermind, I'm getting distracted I need to focus. I start walk down the sidewalk and Jeanie follows after me.

"What do you think happen to the moon?" I ask her

Jeanie stays silent for a while before replying. "Maybe a satellite is blocking the moon and it's not on the news because NASA doesn't want anyone to know?"

"That's stupid. People would be awake by now and see it. I don't think that's it." I think really hard but my mind just blanks. We keep walking in silence.

When we reach downtown it's entirely deserted. Things are thrown everywhere and cars lay abandoned on the road. What was going on? This was starting to freak me out. I walk down main street and look into the shop windows. Even though all the businesses start at 5 no one is there. Maybe we missed the alert for a new virus. All of a sudden the ground starts to shake.

"Guy's we need to get to the open. I think this is an earthquake." Jo says pointing to the middle of the street. We run over and huddle together. I desperately cling on to Jeanie's hand. After a few minutes the shaking doesn't stop but gets stronger. I stumble and fall into everyone else and we fall in a heap to the ground. I look up at the buildings and see...the moon? It's small barely peeking over the building but it starts to get bigger and bigger.

"Oh my Gosh, guys look somethings coming! What do we do?" I point at the blob. I hear a gasp from Cece. We watch as the blob become a head. It's eyes peek over the building and look in our direction. I look around desperately. What do we do?

"There!" I point at an open car. I drag Jeanie up and push her towards the car. She doesn't hesitate and crawls through the open door into the backseat. Jo stumble/crawls up and sprints towards the car. I look back. Cece is frozen on the ground, staring up at the monster.

"Cece, Maggie, come one! Hurry!" I yell at them. Maggie starts to tug on Cece's arm but she wont move. I look back and forth between the car and them. Where do I go? I make up my mind and grab Maggie and Cece and sprint towards the car. This seems to wake Cece up and she starts sprinting faster that me. We pile into the car and I slam the door shut. We sit is silence, not daring to make sound.

A giant foot come into few narrowly missing the car we're hiding in. The monsters skin is grey blue-ish and looks like it's melting off. It easily crushes cars and buildings as it walks. We all hold or breathe until it passes.

After it's gone I let out a breathe. Thank God we survived that. I look around the rest of the car.

"Anyone hurt?" I look around and Jo speaks up.

"I think I twisted my ankle running. It's started swelling." She answers.

"Do we have anything to help?" The car remains silent

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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