The Gene Gamer

Chapter 70: Half Evolution

With his entire structure from the physical to the soul, everything of him changed as they changed forms.

His physical body would suddenly become tens of meters and the next moment it would shrink to the size of an ant. Right now, his body had no stable shape as it was desperate for the correct form to fit in with the soul.

To create points where the soul and the physical structure overlap and combine the two of them. This process was called Syndyasmos by him which also meant combination in greek.

To create just a single overlapping point, the entire structure would change drastically as it would also drain the essence a lot. So monsters of high strength would spend hundreds of years going through this process while today, he would be trying to combine his soul and physical body at 10% all in one go. 

With his talent, he could barely complete this while not getting any severe injuries. 

The ball within him, his soul constantly changed forms as one time it would be a line and the next moment it would grow four legs and have the shape of an animal. Immense pain was inevitable as it was changing the founding shape itself. 

But he had no regret, such pain was nothing in front of the determination and the goal he pursued. 

Emotions, feelings and such are determined by what you feel from them. For example, how you think of pain affects what you feel from it. You might feel sharpness along with numbness but if you try to perceive the pain in another way, it might feel just numb or might even become pleasurable instead. 

All that mattered was how you perceived such things.


With Cylius's soul changing, the surrounding environment was also implicated within the change as it also changed to become an abnormal state of existence. It seemed to go illusionary and the next moment it also seemed to become solid real as it confused the soul of the creatures around the area. 

Sensing the change of the surrounding environment within one kilometer within Cylius, all living existences fled the scene in a hurry even willing to reveal its form and pay huge prices. 

For example, the grass growing around here connected with each other as they turned into one large existence that took the form of a purple ball that floated in the air. 

However, the environment was obviously not willing to let it go as an invisible barrier formed prisoning the ball in place.

Sensing its miserable fate if it stayed here, the ball had to take desperate measures now. From the next move it made, it was obvious how unwilling the creature was to stay in here. 

The ball immediately separated itself into two independent existences once it had knew that it couldn't escape without any prices. Continuing on, one of them bloated up as the grass covering its surface stretched and stretched until it could no more, right at that moment, the ball of grass blew itself up.

The barrier keeping the ball had a crack made on it but without any moment for the grass to escape, the crack was repaired the same it had been before as if there were no cracks in the first place.

Since it was a creature, emotions were sure to be contained within it. Although it might not b able to express any complicated emotions like jealousy or shame, basic ones like fear and will to survive will be sure to exist within the creature.

As it was a creature and a living being at that, it wouldn't want to die or suffer a fate it didn't want intense fear was emitted by the ball. To escape it even continuously banged its body into the barrier, looking for a desperate escape. But it wasn't as it had imagined.

The change within the environment sped up resulting in the barrier becoming more tougher, the chances of the ball escaping had gone to become abysmally low. The more the space became independent, lesser the chance of the ball escaping. It could basically be considered an original creature from the space becoming independent now.

The changing environment became more independent from the original space as weird fluctuations started coming out of it. It exuded a chaotic and also dream like strange aura that made people unconsciously lost in it. In the end, it became an existence shaped like a ball with abnormal qualities to it. 

The source of it all, Cylius shined brightly as if the change happening within his environment was completely irrelevant to him. However, it couldn't be said the same for the environment.

The ball, once it had become completely independent shook in joy as every thing imprisoned within it, the creatures and lifeforms were forcefully denied from retaliation. They had no choice but to surrender and accept the future that was waiting for them.

The ball on the other hand didn't seem to care about the creatures much as it shrunk and shrunk to become a little ball before entering the chest of Cylius. 


While the weaker monsters were fleeing the place, some powerful end of the monsters were disturbed with a fluctuation in their hearts. 

In the west about 3000 kilometers away from where Cylius was, a gigantic undead dragon could be seen slumbering with its eyes closed. However, when the ball had completely become independent, its eyes opened up revealing the dark purple flames that shone within its eyes.

After five seconds, its body rose up revealing the half bone and half meat body that had a rotten stench in it. After looking towards the direction where Cylius was, its wings flapped, making it disappear in place. 

In another place where ice and snow covered the entire land, a mountain shook hard making the long accumulated snow fall off from it. At this moment, a single arm rose up from the ground grabbing the ground followed by another coming up. In the end, a huge skeletal giant towering 700 meters could be seen silently looking towards the direction of Cylius with a deep gaze. 

The next moment it took a step forward followed by another until it also disappeared on the horizon. 

Like this, various monsters with immense auras awoke from its slumber, all looking towards one direction feeling disturbance within their hearts.


Cylius, oblivious to all of this finally finished his evolution, revealing the new body that had tattoos and runes etched on his body. They had completely become one existence with him.

If his changes were to be described, his hair had grown long as his eyes had also become much more void-like empty with black stripes and minuscule runes filling his whole body. A unique aura was exuding from him that attracted people's attention, invoking the curiosity deep within a person to explore the unknown. 

However, it all disappeared the next moment only leaving his long and black hair with his pale complexion. He had also become taller reaching 2 meters in height.

Cylius now could fully feel how much he had improved. He hadn't grown stronger but his control of dimension had grown more delicate and also more intricate. For example, with a flinch he could kill off a second-tier and also create a spatial hole that could randomly teleport within 1000 kilometers from where he was. 

Of course, within this secret dimension it would work less effective only being able to teleport within 10 kilometer. 

With his current power now, he could also create a secret dimension although it wouldn't have much difference from reality.


"Hmm?" he frowned sensing the presence of a random space that was within him. He hadn't felt anything like this entering his body which was ridiculous. Although his perception was limited here, he still could fully oversee and control anything that was happening within his bod. Not knowing the arrival of a foreign object spelled how close his life was on the line.

But once again considering he was undergoing evolution, a thing like this could've happened but he should've at least been notified by the arrival. This matter was important as this meant his life would've been endangered if this space was unstable or had been controlled by someone that contained ill will, so he had to take this matter seriously.

However, he could do nothing about what happened when he was going through evolution, he have to concentrate on the matter now and take note not to loosen his caution anytime. 

The current work for him now was identifying whether the object is a good thing for him.

But he was puzzled on one thing and that was the space seemed to show goodwill and complete subservience to him.

It seemed to treat him as its creator and it was even going through a process of combining with him but how could he allow an unknown foreign object to exist within him not much combine with him? 

So the space still had to go through a search by him.

Penetrating the ball with his consciousness, the ball easily opened up a door for him without any need for him to forcefully enter, even shaking in joy as if a child was entering the embrace of its parents. But the more it acted this way, the more cautious he became. He can't just believe anything right off the bat.

Upon entering, he saw a fresh scene consisting of bright green grass and wild animals roaming the place. Just over there, he could see a bird that had just caught a fish jumping into the air. In the woods, he could see a deer eating. 

Overall, it was a peaceful scenery. However, he felt something really off about this place as if all of this was just illusion and what he was currently witnessing was just the dream of a certain creature. 

Going in deeper, the world became fainter and fainter as the color faded away from all only leaving completely darkness in the end. But he wasn't stopping there, he hadn't reached the end which meant there was more to this. 

Venturing in deeper and deeper into the darkness, he had long lost direction of where he was as now he couldn't even see the colorful world he was in. If it was a normal person they would've lost direction of where they are and even how much time they had spent. 

Right now, he was trying to look through the view of a normal person but now it seemed like it would only encounter a dead end with no results. 

Deciding the decision, he instantly grabbed at the darkness before him. As if a cloth had been grabbed, the darkness twisted and changed forms to reveal countless colorful places just separated by a line between them. The line seemed to contain a wide space that made beings without sufficient power not able to get out.

Although the world now looked colorful, he could still feel that there was more to this world.

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