The Gene Gamer

Chapter 69: Slime

For this creature, he had to try a new technique. This time he had to use both the soul's and the physical experimentation with the slime so he had to be extra careful in dissecting the slime. 

The slime was a different existence altogether and he knew that when he had obtained its information. Unlike most creatures where their soul and physical body were separate existences, the slime's structure was that they had entered a symbiotic relationship with each other. 

It had almost fused with each other resulting in the abnormal situation of the slime. Without the soul, the body wouldn't survive while without the body, the soul wouldn't survive. 

It was mutually dependant on each other so experimenting on only one of them would result in a failure. 

In a sense, the slime was quite similar to a ghost's state. However, the one crucial thing the slime was lacking is the incomplete combination of the soul and the physical body. If given time, it might be able to reach this state and developed rapidly but now that it had encountered him, its only fate was being cut and experimented by him. 

If this experiment was successful, then he would be able to find a way to not completely evolve into a ghost and stay between a human and a ghost. At that state, he would have some characteristics of a ghost while not completely having all of it so the discrimination of humanity wouldn't be as bad. 

So this experiment was very important for him, he can't mess up no matter what.

So to ensure complete success, he would of course have to wait until everything is prepared and he is in his peak state with a calm mind. 

The current state of his wasn't suitable due to his soul and emotions fluctuating because of the recent failure. If he did the experiment with the slime now, the chance of failure would be as high as 70%. Although the probability could be considered quite decent, for an experiment of this importance, he couldn't risk it. 


Opening his eyes from meditation, he stood up and cleared the dust that had stayed on his clothes during the time he spent in seclusion. He had meditated for 3 days and 3 nights in which he had stabilized his emotions and once again converted 2 soul fragments into the "lust" and "wrath" runes. 

Comprehending these runes at a fast pace was because of 3 reasons. 

1. He had a split soul from birth which resulted in multiple identities being born within himself. These identities each resembled the 7 cardinal sins along with the seven virtues so comprehending the cardinal sins was natural for him. Although there was the constant fury of the identities, due to the contract they had signed 12 years ago when they were 1 year old, it was listed that the identities would have to give up everything in order for the main body/identity to improve. Not to mention the contract, after years of studying, the main identity/rationale grasped each of their weak points and had mastered to fully utilize them to control them.

2. The runes in this secret dimension was abnormal while also being plenty at the same time. With the many runes at his hands, he could use them to simulate or combine the various runes to create a somehow resembling rune. 

3. He had already contacted the various emotions and desires of creatures and since the cardinal runes were just them evolving to the next level, he could simulate and then develop the rune easily.

Now, his current aura seemed to be more blank while giving off a sharp aura to people that made people stay away from him. From the start until the end, he wasn't perfect and there were many flaws within his previous states of mind.

For example, he was hypocritical when he was young and only saw from his own perspective without thinking of others' which had resulted in him making many enemies. 

The cold aura he had built was the hypocritical, inferior version which just spelled out "I'm cold so look and revere me" while the one he had now was truly "Stay away from me". 

But being ashamed of his past was an idiotic thing to do and what he had to do was embracing the imperfections he had to develop himself into a better version. Without learning from the past, you would never grow. 


The tools he had now wasn't suitable for this experiment, due to them being too weak or unsuitable to carry on the experiment. He had to ensure complete success so dealing with tools that are unsuitable for cutting and dissecting the slime was a big no.

Finally getting prepared to start the experiment, he cut his fingers before they grew back out. 

The cut fingers seemed to melt as their color and shape changed before they turned into various tools. Even their density and such had changed as they now had the hardness of metal and sharpness of knives. 

Only these tools would be suitable for the slime considering his situation now.

Starting off, he had to inspect the subject he was going to experiment with.

Within the darkness, the slime shined brightly as it continuously released light from its own body. With a light shade, there were bubbles within its body that seemed to be shining even though the cave was dark. 

Within the slime's body, he could see various lines spreading and covering the entirety of it. Within its center, there was a little ball that was connecting all of the vessels acting as a core for the slime. 

Except these, there was nothing worthy within the circular body of the slime. It was a ball that had a light green color that shined with a core that connected vessels within its body. 

To see its reaction, he cut the slime in its middle part just a little bit without infusing any energy. When he cut it, he could see that the corrosive body fluid of the slime corroded the knife but due to it being created from his body, it didn't manage to leave a scratch. 

Due to the runes draining its energy and also due to its exhaustion, the body fluids and various functions of it had weakened until it couldn't even compare to 1% of its original power. 

However, it was still a creature at the second-tier? He didn't even know if it could be considered a second-tier since it hadn't comprehended any runes but it had the power of a second-tier creature around the middle level, so it could be somehow considered second-tier. 

Since it had an abnormal body and state comparable to a second-tier and the cut before didn't contain any energy, it could heal back its wound quickly although the time spent could be considered very long amidst a battle.

Secondly, he created a little hole within the...


5 days later.

Cylius could be seen holding a piece of shell within his hand as his eyes shined cyan within the dark cave seemingly contemplating something. 

He had a piece of black ball in his hand that was rapidly disintegrating, but now he couldn't care less. His research had reached a line as what he comprehended or learned of would be his final benefits. 

He had exhausted all his materials and also the main material which was the slime. 

He had done deep research on every part and function of the slime and the last piece of this slime was in his hand, deteriorating rapidly. To stop the deterioration, he had tried sealing it within the black shell but it only made it slower and didn't stop it. 

But he paid a certain price for the acquisition of this black shell which was sacrificing his essence and a part of his core which contained dimensional attributes. 

If talking about how powerful the black shell was, it contained power that could twist and change reality and even seal a part of a planet. Completely destroying or even changing a second-tier to become a mutant existence that was loyal to him was possible with the black shell's power. 

Although he sacrificed much, the benefits he would obtain was also much and could serve a crucial role in him evolving to become a ghost!

Right then, cracks spread in the black shell that was containing the slime. When the cracks had spread fully, it shattered just like a glass and proceeded to disintegrate into dust to nothing. The black dried slime was also shown as cracks had already covered it wholely just like a spiderweb. 

Right after it was exposed, the cracks spread to cover every part of the slime, making it also disintegrate into nothing.

At this point in time, clearness and comprehension surfaced within his eyes as the cyan light shining within his eyes intensified and brightened to cover the whole cave, even making the cave walls to shatter and disappear in place.

All forms and shapes of runes flashed within his eyes that were shining cyan so fast that it had become impossible to trace what ruins were showing within the eye. Just hundreds flashed within the span of a second!

The cave had fully been shattered by now with these rocks almost being becoming nothing and disintegrating into the air. 

A powerful sound wave spread within the area as the water was forcefully repelled into the air to splash onto the ground. The plants and such was also repelled with the ground even making way for him. 

Now, Cylius could be seen floating in the air with his arms and legs free just facing downwards with him looking toward the sky with bright light coming out from his eyes. The light brightened the whole sky as the clouds dispersed to show a clear blue sky with only a single black sun hung. 

All things within a kilometer was forcefully repelled to create space for him. 

Also at this time, runes came out from his body destroying his clothes to make him naked. His hair fluttered in the air as muscles convulsed and twisted depicting an ancient creature ascending to the heavens. 

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